Colby Magazine vol. 86, no. 1

Page 15

A{y5sa Giacobbe edlf.S a page .

Jen Arwood checks captions.

Coffee keeps che siaff going through che night.

9:2c a.m.

1 1:01 a.m.

12:25 p.m.

4: 15 p.m.

4: 3 3 r.m.

Unable to rerrieve

Deitch arrives and

Duggan leaves to

The staff 1s wearing

De pite the

A final hard prmt

the re\mtten bnef

begins a ene of

<mend her I 2 : 30

down. Duggan is

herculean effort,

and the paper 1�

hakespeare cla

.5 : 11 p.m.

nr any of the page

rroubbhooting steps

lying on her back

the computer

finished. Deitch

m the news ect1on,

\\'ith nL) luck. A call

� he ha not lept m

in the middle of

breakdown has

complete the

Duggan calls Deitch

to a tech n ical repre­

30 hour . Duggan

the floor. MacLeay

made the

at home ro a k for

-entati\'e at a


deadline unreach­

computer files onto

ays keeping up

lumred in hi

5 p.m.

rransfer of the

help. He Joe n'r

-oft\\'are company

with chool work is

chair, arms

able. Deitch calls

a di k and i t is


yields no help.

an ohnou·

dangl ing ar his

the Kennebec

ready. The crew

Deitch hang, up the

challenge, but Echo

· ide-. The sun i>

Journal 111 Augu ta,

c loses the office

setting outside,

where the Echo i

and \\'alk outside.

doing more with

although nobody in

printed, to tell

What began as a

9:49 a.m. G 1 gnoux return .

phone. "_orry," he ay . "We have to re-

taffers manage hy

Duggan explain

JL > the pa e . " There

le-s time. "You j u t

the office know

them the paper \\' i l l

glorious, ·unny day

what ha happened

1 a collect1 ·e groan.

ha,·e to commit

that because there

b e arriv i ng late.

has become a

yourself to getting

are no windows.

"They're ooing to

chilly, rainy n ight.

kill u ," says

Duggan, Deitch


and MacLeay w i l l

and call Dench

e\'en pages mu t be

again. ' n i l no

constructed again

an wer. " Dammit,

from cratch, and all

Deitch, get up,"

of the correction·

U[' >Orne Other

arrival and

that editor ha\·e

thing ," he say>. "]

departure would


can 't honestly say

under core the

Duggan col lapses

making must be

this [work at the

length of t i me the

he ay mto the phone.

pent two day

the work don e\'en

unshine would be \\'elcome, but it

1f 1 t mean g1\'ing

del iver t h e di k to Augu ta. "[ ha\·e to


get back right away

into a chair. "The

because l\·e got

bac k · of my eye

two papers I have

1 0: 1 4 a.m.

made again. The

Echo] doesn't affect

Duggan calls

paper' deadline is

my tudie becau!>e

in the office, a

Deitch again and

le· than <;ix hour·

I'm ure I coulJ



say . Except for a

Duggan. She and

let the phone


1mpro\'e my grade­

real 1 :at1on. There

30-minute snack

her colleagues rep

if I weren't domg it,

once wa a c lock in

break, a hower

out from beneath

groggy voice on

1 2 :03 p . m .

but it' a tradeoff

the office but when

and an hour to

the Roberts U nion

the other end.

"Hacksaw" 1s back.

I ' m w i l l ing to make.

i t broke the staff

attend c lass earlier

portico and into

"Deitch, I need

He and G ignoux

The experience i

decided to do

today, Duggan has

the rain.

you," he say .

begin laying out

worth it."

without o that,

been in the Echo

"There'. been a

news page while

according to

office for 26

di a ter."

MacLeay and

MacLeay, "People

Deitch plit up rhe

wouldn't be

correction that

looking at it all the

mu t be redone.

time and going off

ring. Finally, a

raff actually were

to write," ay

ockets hurt," he

traight hours.

to do other thing-."



1 9 9 7


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