Syllogism Test Game Online

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Syllogism Test Game Online

About Us

CogQuiz is a company committed to the development of powerful computer-based tools for cognitive and neuropsychological research and evaluation. Our goal is to design computerized neuropsychological and cognitive tests that are affordable for assessment of medical and/or mental health status in consultation with licensed professionals. We have strived to make easy to use, affordably priced tests usable by the public. As a consumer, you have the opportunity to take a test that provides age-based norms with feedback. You may print out a report that you can take to a licensed professional for an evaluation beyond the report we provide. We believe that an informed individual is their own best advocate.

Syllogisms Practice syllogisms for psychometric aptitude tests. In general, these tests are also known as deductive reasoning tests and are used in psychometric assessments to determine your logical reasoning ability.

Research Whatever the cause of the performance differences between the n-back and other assessments of working memory, some researchers stress the need for further exploration of the construct validity of the n-back task.


The test consists of two boards with pegs and several beads with different colors. The examiner (usually a clinical psychologist or a neuropsychologist) uses the beads and the boards to present the examinee with problemsolving tasks.

Syllogism Test Game Online

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