NeuroTracker One Pager

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NeuroTracker is a scientific innovation in perceptual-cognitive conditioning developed by CogniSens Athetics and Dr.Faubert, a world-leading neurophysicist. NeuroTracker training improves athletic performance by increasing player situational awareness and decreasing response time during play.

NeuroTracker uses an authentic neurophysics methodology yielding scientifically based cognitive data, facilitating advanced assessments and training integration. Data is presented in detailed training reports and team analysis, links to samples here:-

NeuroTracker training involves following 4 moving targets out of 8 in a 3D space that covers the entire field of view. Intensive multiple object tracking conditions high level brain resources critical to performance in team sports. By applying the basic training principles of isolation, overload and repetition, NeuroTracker training improves an athlete’s perceptual-cognitive ability to: track multiple objects, deal with rapid optic flow, and process biological motion – all skills required of an elite athlete.

Individual Report (PDF)

Team Report (PDF)

Report Access (Web)

The principal benefit is performance enhancement. NeuroTracker perceptual–cognitive training conditions an athlete to absorb and process complex movement and distribute attentional resources throughout the visual field. Athletes will improve response time during play action and increase situational awareness, enhancing gameplay anticipation and decision-making time available to choose play options.

Training sessions last 6-8 minutes and consist of 20 trials of 8 seconds. Each time the four targets are correctly identified the motion velocity increases, significantly heightening multiple object tracking difficulty. Speed quickly adapts to each athlete’s threshold. 10 sessions are recommended per month and have been proven as a solid basis for major improvement.

Additional benefits

Effects Improved distribution of attentional resources throughout the visual field for anticipating avoidable collisions – proactive injury reduction.

There are 8 different session types covering: baseline measurement, in-field tactical perception and teamwork modes for conditioning athletes cooperatively or competitively. Session augmentations include a ‘Self-pace’ mode for training in the threshold zone for any duration, as well as integration of additional motor-load training such as neurophysical stamina, sports specific skills, and tactical training.

Measuring post-concussion return to play gameshape from NeuroTracker baselines of peak performance condition, reducing re-injury risk. Player profiling for recruitment and game day game-shape assessment. Rehab as non-physical intensive training, also psychological support. NeuroTracking while exercising on a stationary bicycle develops perceptual-cognitive stamina to the effects of physical fatigue or physical stress. Using NeuroTracker measures to gauge post-game cognitive state and recovery rate. Also a measure of the efficacy other training methods.

“I’m convinced NeuroTracker is fast becoming a must-have tool for pro teams” Pierre Beauchamp, Canadian Olympic Trainer

“NeuroTracker is a genuine breakthrough ...a wealth of new performance data” Len Zaichowsky, Director of Sports Science, Vancouver Canucks Professional league validations

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