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It was only a matter of time before the ever-popular game mode, battle royal would make its way to CoD. And that’s exactly what Warzone is, CoD’s version of a battle royal, but with the silky smooth gameplay of one of the best first-person shooters on the market. It’s a match made in heaven. So, if you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a battle royal, you’re dropped on a giant map, loot the many buildings and crates for gear, and as the match progresses the safe zone shrinks forcing the survivors to interact with plenty of bullets. There are three modes — solo, duo or in a team of 4. So, enjoy the most thrilling game mode that graced the online PvP scene in recent years any way you wish. And there isn’t that much new that Warzone does when compared to previous CoD games. But being a battle royal it takes place on bigger maps, thus vehicle combat is now a part of the game. So, loot for weapons and gear, play tactically and hope your team is competent and understands the importance of having the high ground.
