College of the Canyons Communications Guide

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INTRODUCTION Since opening its doors to the community more than 45 years ago, College of the Canyons has established a reputation for high quality academics, cutting-edge training, championship athletics, modern facilities, and artistic achievement. Ours is truly a community college, an institution of higher education that people know for certain can help them achieve their goals. It offers something for everyone, from pre-schoolers to mid-career professionals seeking advanced degrees. We are known to be accessible, innovative, and a willing partner who can be counted on to achieve extraordinary results. In return, our community has shown its gratitude by gladly helping when asked, and willingly investing in our continued growth. From giving to our Foundation, to serving on advisory committees, to approving bond measures that finance expanded programs and facilities, the residents of our service area generously give of their time and resources to support College of the Canyons. Our reputation is no accident. It is the result of an over-arching vision for excellence cultivated by the chancellor and Board of Trustees. It is cultivated by the dedication and care demonstrated by every employee, whether classified staff, faculty, or administrator. And, with each new accomplishment and achievement, our community’s confidence and trust in College of the Canyons continue to grow. Everything our college represents is captured in the College of the Canyons brand, the image we convey to students and the community about the distinctive value of what we offer. While building our reputation is a collective effort among everyone connected with the college, the District Communications team is charged with shaping and protecting our brand. We work to ensuring the college’s brand sends a clear and consistent message about College of the Canyons and the opportunities we represent across all channels of communication. Our messaging is grounded in proven communications strategies that integrate advertising, marketing, and public relations. Messaging takes many forms, from logos and visual designs, to print publications, digital media, and video. Whatever the method, we seek to communicate an underlying message – that our college is synonymous with excellence. To maximize the effectiveness of our college’s message, the District Communications team works to ensure every piece of communication from the college is itself excellent. We follow industry standards, foster creativity in messaging and design, and insist on the highest standards of accuracy. This guide is designed to share the best practices used by the District Communications team in promoting College of the Canyons, to equip faculty, staff, students, administrators, and volunteers, with effective tools to promote individual departments and programs, and ultimately help all of us in our collective efforts to enhance the college’s credibility, reputation and brand. This is a working document that will undergo continuous revision and improvement. We appreciate your support, value your input, and look forward to working with you in your individual efforts to enhance the collective excellence of College of the Canyons. Eric Harnish Vice President, Public Information Advocacy & External Relations

Everything our college represents is captured in the College of the Canyons brand, the image we convey to students and the community about the distinctive value of what we offer.

TABLE OF CONTENTS OUR DEPARTMENTS............................................................................. 1


REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................... 3

MEDIA RELATIONS................................................................................ 4

PHOTOGRAPHY....................................................................................... 5

GRAPHIC DESIGN................................................................................... 6

ELECTRONIC MEDIA............................................................................. 7

SOCIAL MEDIA......................................................................................... 9

EVENT CALENDAR PROCEDURE.................................................. 11

LOGO SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................... 12

STYLE GUIDELINE.................................................................................. 15


OUR DEPARTMENTS INTRODUCTION Five individual departments comprise District Communications, and each plays a specific role in connecting College of the Canyons with the many audiences it serves.

Public Information Office

Ext. 3414 The Public Information Office (PIO) staff members develop integrated communications plans that coordinate the district’s marketing, advertising, pubic relations, and social media efforts. Specific duties include developing advertising campaigns and concepts for print, radio, television, and online; negotiating and booking ads; writing and distributing news releases; developing content for district publications; coordinating requests for print and digital marketing materials that will be used off-campus, such as flyers, posters, banners, brochures, invitations, e-flyers; programming the Valencia Campus marquees and campus monitors; media relations; coordinating the online campus calendar; and providing photo coverage for campus events.


Ext. 3325 Reprographics serves every department, providing copying and printing solutions for a wide range of projects. In addition to reproducing tests, syllabi and other instructional materials, Reprographics prints everything from business cards to vinyl banners. They ensure that all requests are consistent with copyright law, and work to protect the district and its employees from incurring any violations, which can be costly and time-consuming to resolve. Open on evenings and Saturdays, they are happy to answer any questions and help you complete your projects as quickly as possible.


Ext. 3630 The award-winning designers in the Graphics Department develop print and digital marketing materials used to communicate with off-campus audiences.

Communication Center/Mailroom

Ext. 0 Often the first point of contact for new students and campus visitors, the Communication Center/Mailroom staff set the tone for what the community has come to expect from College of the Canyons – friendly, helpful, and professional service. Staff handle calls to the college’s general phone number, routing callers to desired extensions, and providing answers to questions about college programs, services and events. They also answer calls to the Emergency Line (dial 7 from any campus phone), and coordinate with Campus Safety for proper response. The Communication Center/Mailroom gathers outgoing campus mail, and distributes incoming mail.

Sports Information

Ext. 3155 The Director of Public Relations and Sports Information works with the Athletics Department to promote the college’s 16 inter-collegiate athletic teams, highlighting the achievements of student-athletes and coaches in the media, online at, and through social media.


PUBLIC RELATIONS & MARKETING INTRODUCTION GUIDELINES The Communications Guide is designed to ensure that all college communications materials adhere to the highest standards of design and accuracy, and convey the spirit or excellence fostered by College of the Canyons for more than 45 years. To protect the college’s brand identity, ensure application of communications best practices, and maintain consistency throughout all external communications, this guide sets standards to help individuals in producing printed materials, digital content, and other forms of messaging for College of the Canyons. The standards contained in the District Communications Guide apply to all college communications to the public, so College of the Canyons employees creating college-related communications for external audiences are expected, and are intended for off-campus distribution the standards established here. Please note the standards apply only to collegerelated communications. Instructional materials are not included. All communications that represent College of the Canyons must be reviewed by the Public Information Office prior to production, whether on campus, or through an outside vendor. This review ensures that all communications adhere to the highest standards of accuracy, design, and overall excellence. The review process may take up to two weeks to complete, depending on the complexity of the project, so please allow sufficient time when planning your messaging. Due to the volume of work that moves through the department, last-minute requests are difficult to accommodate. Examples include, but are not limited to: • Advertisements

• Fliers

• Folders

• Brochures

• Letters

• Newsletters

• Banners

• Catalogs

• Event Programs

• Handbooks • Postcards

• Web Pages

• Invitations • Posters • Videos

The District Communications Guide will be regularly updated, and the latest version will be available at the Public Information Office website, Ready to get started with a project? Have a question about something in here? Call us! We’re at extension 3414.

All communications that represent College of the Canyons must be reviewed by the Public Information Office prior to production, whether on campus, or through an outside vendor.


INTRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS Please ensure that all communications adhere to the standards contained in the most current version of the District Communications Guide. All College of the Canyons communications materials must contain the following:

College Logo

The college logo is required on all promotional materials, intended for off-campus distribution.. It must be displayed according to the specific standards outlined in this guide (page 15). Other logos can be included, but they must be displayed less prominently (smaller, in a lower placement) than the COC logo.

Web Address

The college’s official website is For simplicity and ease of identification, it should listed as This address must be used on all publications and promotional materials for College of the Canyons. For the Canyon Country Campus, the web address is


Any materials using photographs (other than stock art) must contain official College of the Canyons photography. This ensures that all images have been approved for publication and any person visible in the photo has signed a release form authorizing the use of their image in publicly available materials. Do not use any copyright-protected images regardless of whether they were downloaded from the internet or acquired by other means.

Review & Approval

All materials must be reviewed first by the Public Information Office before production or distribution off campus. Please submit a Word document or PDF file by using our online project management system: Staff will review:

• Content • Syntax • Compliance with bulk mail regulations • Spelling • Compliance with copyright law

• Correct logo usage

• Grammar • Adherence to College and District policies (including this guide) This process can take up to two weeks (we aim to turn things around much faster!), but please account for this time when planning your project.

Do not use any copyright-protected images regardless of whether they were downloaded from the internet or acquired by other means.


MEDIA INTRODUCTION RELATIONS The Public Information Office is tasked with coordinating media relations on behalf of the District. This includes issuing news releases, media advisories, and other official communications to on-campus, local, regional and national media outlets, and individual media members, as well as the logistical coordination of all media coverage related to campus events and activities, and breaking news topics and issues. PIO staff members also respond to a variety of media requests for information and multimedia content related to a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: • Breaking news related to local/regional/national topics and issues • College courses, programs of study and other credit/non-credit educational programs • Community events and activities held at the Valencia and Canyon Country campuses • Student demographic and enrollment statistics • District facilities and construction projects • Awards and accolades garnered by the college, college organizations and/or individual college staff members • The academic and professional success of COC students and alumni • The college’s 16 intercollegiate athletic programs • The Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center (PAC) To ensure that accurate, consistent information is shared with the media in support of the district’s strategic goals, all personal, verbal, written and electronic communication with media outlets and/or individual media members must be coordinated through the Public Information Office. If you are contacted by a reporter or someone identifying themselves as a member of a media organization, please refer them to the Public Information Office at ext. 3414 or The Public Information Office staff has developed positive working relationships with representatives of local, regional, and national media outlets. As a result, they are often responsive to requests from our office. Working in partnership with the Public Information Office will allow for the development of a more strategic approach to achieve your desired results. To request development of a news release, media advisory, or other official district communication related to a news item and/or upcoming event, please contact the Public Information Office at ext. 3414 or PIOdept@ We’ll ask you for basic information related to the what, who, when, where, and why of your news item or event. This initial information will allow the PIO staff to assess how to best meet your request. Additional details and information are always appreciated. News releases will be developed in order to share info about newsworthy items (Ex: college classes and programs, student success, college awards and accolades, campus events and activities) that are of interest and importance to the general public, and in alignment with the college’s strategic priorities. A media advisory will be developed to alert and invite local media to campus events and activities that are considered newsworthy and of interest to local reporters, editors, photographers and videographers (Ex: student graduation and awards ceremonies, government officials visiting campus, special guest speakers, the unveiling of new technology, classrooms and other district facilities. If you need help promoting an upcoming campus event or activity, contact the Public Information Office as early as possible in the planning process. Advance notice of 10 business days enables us staff to most effectively handle your request.


PHOTOGRAPHY The Public Information Office provides photographic services for promotional and marketing purposes. In addition, PIO and Graphics also produce official employee portraits and team, department, or group photos, which are scheduled by appointment only. Our primary focus for photo opportunities include: major college events, such as Commencement, Opening Day, etc.; campus visits by notable guests; sporting events; and opportunities for acquiring photos to be used in marketing and promotional efforts, such as student award presentations. Photos may be used in campus publications, including The Monday Report, Breaking News, Bottom Line, and Annual Report, news releases, admissions materials, and advertisements. They may also be used by the media with the permission of the Public Information Office and must credit the photographer.

How to Request a Photographer

To submit your request, please use the online form found on the PIO website: Please submit your request with at least two weeks’ notice. All requests will be reviewed by PIO. Please note that submitting a form does not guarantee a photographer will be available.

Model Release Forms

A model release form must be completed by students photographed as individuals or those who are easily identified in a small group shot. The photographer will bring forms to the event and ask students to complete them. Generic group or campus photos do not require a model release.


GRAPHIC DESIGN Graphic Design projects begin with submitting a design request form on the Public Information Office website at Completing this form assists the Public Information Office and Graphics in facilitating the completion of your publication/project. The form includes the information Reprographics will need to print the project, or to request quotes on printing if an outside vendor will be used; any special instructions to the editor and/or designer; and useful information regarding the distribution of the final project. The form will also enable us to provide an estimate on the time needed to complete the project.

Design Process Overview

Project requests are coordinated through the Public Information Office. Once a concept has been approved, and the written content you have provided has been edited by PIO, it is forwarded to Graphics for layout and design. Proofs are sent to the requester and PIO for review and any edits. A follow-up proof will be sent to review. Once the design has been finalized and approved, Graphics works with Reprographics to coordinate on-campus printing, or delivers the files to an outside vendor for production.

Timeline for Completion Design Projects

Depending on existing workload in the department, the complexity of the project and whether it is a revision or a new publication that requires editing, photography, and design, the time needed for completion may vary. We typically turn things around within the following timelines: • Editing of copy takes one to two weeks.

• Photography requests should be set up at least two weeks in advance.

• The design process, including layout, revisions and the construction of the final project may take two to four weeks.

• The printing of the final publication, whether done on campus or with an off-site vendor may take five to 10 business days, again depending on the size of the project and the quantity requested. To aid in project planning, here is an outline of our workflow process, and the expected time each step will take. This is an average, of course. Projects often move through the pipeline much faster. Actual times will depend on the complexity of your project, and workload in the given department. Our busiest times are the beginning and end of semesters, so please keep that in mind when planning and submitting projects. Step

Who Will Handle

Have content reviewed


Corrections and Edits


Initial Design

Review Second Proof

Corrections and Edits Production

Graphics PIO



Expected Completion Time Two Weeks Two Weeks

2-3 business days 2-3 business days 2-3 business days One week or less



College of the Canyons operates four outdoor digital marquee boards. There are two signs on the Valencia campus (one of which is double-sided) and there is one on the Canyon Country Campus. The signs run from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., 365 days per year. They are used to promote college events that appeal to a broad audience, display important information and bring attention to college services and partnerships.

Criteria for Posting

The Public Information Office develops the content and programs the marquees. The following criteria is used in determining what messaging is appropriate for the boards: • Is it an event or program hosted by, or in partnership with, the college? • Is the message promoting something happening on campus? • Does the message have widespread community appeal?

In general, time on the marquees is reserved for events and initiatives that are of broad interest to the community, such as job fairs, Women’s Conference, high profile guest speakers, enrollment messaging, Performing Arts Center shows, and other similar events. No political or commercial advertising will be posted. Whenever possible, marquee requests should be made four weeks ahead of the event date. This allows for sufficient time to design the message, program the marquee, and allow for two or more weeks of display on the marquees.

Submitting a Request

The process for requesting an electronic marquee message is as follows:

• Email with your request. Include all important information (who, what, when, where, why). • If the event or message is appropriate for display, we will edit the text to the essential elements and add graphics. - Marquee messages are much like billboard content. - Messages must be concise, are typically limited to event name, sponsor organization (if applicable), website for more information, dates and location. • When the content is complete, it will be programmed into the marquee and you will be notified when it is in the message rotation.

Important Considerations

• Contact information on messages is limited to website URLs. - Since most viewers are in cars, we don’t want to encourage cell phone use while driving. If you don’t have a webpage for your event, use Make sure your event has been posted on the Event Calendar first. • Messages are approximately 15 seconds in length. • Messages will be left up for one month or until your event, whichever happens first. • We cannot accept message requests less than two weeks before an event. Anything less than two weeks does not allow for design and programming, and enough run-time for the promotion to be effective.



Monitors in various buildings on both the Valencia and Canyon Country campuses can be utilized for marketing and informational purposes. To request an event or important information be included in the campus monitor slide show, please email

Submitting a Request

There are two ways to have your slide created:

1. Create your own slide in PowerPoint, or use Photoshop and save the file as a jpg. When it’s complete, email it to Before you get started, view current content at one of the monitors and watch the full slide show to get an idea of what works before you sit down to create your own slide. Keep these design tips in mind to create the most effective slide:

• Use high contrast backgrounds and text. A black background with red text is very hard to read. • Use minimal text. Most monitors are mounted up high in a hallway and you only have a moment to catch someone’s attention. If you keep your text to the basics (title, day/time, contact info) with some sort of photo or visual, you will be more likely to attract attention. Students will not stand at a monitor and read paragraphs of text. • Use bold, easy-to-read fonts. Script-type fonts look nice up close, but are hard to read at a distance on monitors. • Always view your slide once it is on the monitor. Sometimes what looks good on a computer screen up close may not be readable on a TV monitor mounted on a wall. 2. Ask PIO create a slide for you. This is a popular option, so please give us as much lead time as possible!

Important Considerations

• We do not accept requests less than a week before an event due to time constraints. Anything received less than a week before does not allow adequate time for design and programming, and enough run-time for the promotion to be effective. • Slides can run a maximum of one month before being taken down in order to keep the content fresh. • Slides are programmed to display for 10 seconds. • Only one slide is allowed per event. • If you have multiple events to promote, and need more than one slide, we maintain a 30-second limit per department. For example, if you need 3 slides, you can run them for 10 seconds each. • Only certain monitors are available for campus-wide use, as some were purchased for and will be utilized by individual departments for their own messaging.



College of the Canyons maintains an active and robust presence on social media. The Public Information Office manages official college profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and LinkedIn. We encourage departments and clubs maintain their own, more specific, profiles.

The intention of this guide is to ensure that all social media accounts that represent the college and the district are effective by maintaining consistency in look, messaging and tone across multiple accounts and social media platforms.

When starting a social media profile

• Consider whether having a social media profile will benefit your department. Social media profiles require an investment of time and ongoing effort to build an audience. You will need to enlist members of your department/club/event who are willing to create your profile, and then help build your audience and maintain the profile over the long term, checking it frequently to answer questions and monitor posts. If you find that you don’t have the time and/or resources to manage your own profile, consider utilizing the college’s social media profiles to distribute your message. They are all well established and already have a large following. Just send an email to with your request.

• Most social media allows you to use a non-individual name for your profile. In other words, you can use the name of your department or club rather than having to use the name of an individual. The exception to this is Facebook. Facebook requires that private individuals use PROFILES and organizations, businesses, and brands use PAGES. However, you must use a PROFILE to manage a PAGE(s). College of the Canyons does not recommend that you use your personal Facebook PROFILE to manage a COC PAGE. Instead, create a new PROFILE that can be used to manage the department PAGE.

The PROFILE will require personal information (name, email, phone number, etc). Use your professional contact information for this PROFILE (COC phone extension, email address, etc.). For the name you can use your own personal name, if you are comfortable with it, or you can do what others have done and use your first name and the word “Canyons” after it. For example, Jane Smith could go by Jane Canyons for her administrator profile. •Choose a name for your social media profile that will make it easy for students to find. Try to incorporate “College of the Canyons” into the name because that is what students typically search for on social media. For example, they won’t search for “Counseling.” Instead, they will search for “College of the Canyons Counseling.” Additional options for this example would be “College of the Canyons – Counseling”, “College of the Canyons, Counseling” or “College of the Canyons_Counseling”. Due to Twitter’s limit on the amount of characters that can be used, you will need to shorten “College of the Canyons” to “COC” on that platform.

Maintaining a social media profile

• Managing social media profiles is an ongoing responsibility. • Regularly monitor your accounts to make sure posts are appropriate and that you are answering questions and interacting with your followers in a timely manner. Social media profiles are only valuable if people are visiting and reading them. • Whoever posts on your social media profile is a representative, not only of your department, but also of the district. Be sure posts are professional, courteous and helpful. There will be times when your followers utilize the public forum to “bash” something your department or the college 9 | COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 2019

SOCIAL MEDIA has done that they don’t like. In these instances it’s always best to answer any questions, but not engage in an ongoing, public debate. • Allow followers to express themselves on your social media profile, even if they want to lodge a complaint. If your followers feel they are being censored, they will stop interacting with you, and it defeats the purpose of the “social” in social media. Consider complaints as an opportunity to listen to followers’ thoughts and to see if you can assist them. Doing so on an open forum shows all of your followers that you, and the district, are willing to go the extra mile for students and community members. HOWEVER, a post that includes anything that calls a COC employee out personally, could be considered offensive to an individual or group, or is harassing in any way, should be removed from the page. Depending on the severity, a private message can be sent to the offending person letting them know that their post was inappropriate. In extreme circumstances, the posting individual should be blocked from the profile. The Public Information Office is always happy to offer assistance in handling these situations when they occur.

Additional Notes

• According to Facebook’s rules and regulations, businesses/organizations must create PAGES, not PROFILES.

• The COC logo and district seal should not be used as your social media profile picture. The logos represent the district as a whole and should only be used by the district social media accounts. • If you plan on using photos of your students on your social media account, please make sure they are aware you will be posting the photos online. The Public Information Office has subject release forms that you can request your students to sign if you would like to take it a step further. If you ever receive a request from someone in your photos to take the photo down, please do so immediately.

These guidelines will be updated as social media evolves. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions, please contact Wendy Trujillo, Director of Advertising and Social Media at, or (661) 362-3447.


EVENT CALENDAR PROCEDURE The Events Calendar is meant to bring together all COC-related events taking place on both campuses. It includes fairs, conferences, seminars, important dates, trainings, information sessions, auditions, performances, open houses and other events. It does not include meetings, or anything that is considered an on-going event, such as classes. The purpose of the calendar is to inform the students, faculty, staff and the public about one-day or short-term events happening on campus. A link to the College of the Canyons Event Calendar can be found on the college’s homepage at You can find the full calendar by clicking on the link just below the “Events” heading that says “College of the Canyons Events Calendar.” Please note that we can only post events that are happening on campus and that are COCaffiliated. Contact for further details.

Why should I submit my event?

• Free marketing – Get the word out about your event without having to spend any money. • Many departments on campus use the Event Calendar to plan their own events and meetings. Knowing if a big event is already happening on a date they are considering is a big help in the planning stages. • Students, staff and community members have access to the calendar and use it to get involved in extra-curricular activities. • Often times an event won’t have its own webpage so PIO will use the Event Calendar url ( on marketing materials to direct people to a location where they can learn more about events happening on campus.

How to submit your event:

• Visit and click on the “College of the Canyons Events Calendar” link under the “Events” heading. • Click on “Submit Events” in the upper right hand corner • Fill out the form with all of the event information. - The “requestor’s name” and contact information is for the person filling out the request. - The “event contact name” and contact information is for the person that will be responsible for responding to inquiries about the event. - The event description is more information about your event that you want the public to know. (What type of activities will be happening, who is your guest speaker(s), why would someone want to attend this event?) Be descriptive but try to keep it to no more than a couple of paragraphs. - If you would like to include a photo or flyer to accompany your event, please email the file to and include the title of the event so we can match it up to the submission form. - Click submit • The PIO department will review your submission and get it posted on the Event Calendar, or follow up regarding any questions, within 24 hours during the work week (busier times of the year may take an extra day or two). • Once posted, you will be asked to view your submission on the calendar for any errors. We post exactly what you submit on the form so make sure all of the information is correct. • Please send an email to should any changes occur (date, time, guest speaker names, event cancelation, etc.) so that we can keep the calendar as up to date as possible.


LOGO SPECIFICATIONS The College of the Canyons logo is an important part of the college’s brand. The following guidelines define specific details regarding its representation and use to ensure consistency and maintain brand recognition. All faculty and staff must follow these guidelines when the college logo is used in any communications medium.

This is the official College of the Canyons logo:

Do not attempt to alter or recreate this logo. No other versions of the college logo should be created or used. Logo Usage

The college’s name and official logo must be used on all marketing and communications pieces intended for off-campus distribution. Only the official college logo may be used. This includes all print material associated with the college, and on all on all banners, fliers and signage. The college logo is the primary visual identifier for College of the Canyons. It is a registered trademark, and in order to preserve the integrity of our trademark, it should never be altered in any way. • The elements of the logo are a complete grouping and should not be “pulled” apart or used individually. • The scale of the logo will vary from application to application, but the proportions should never change. The logo’s size shall not be smaller than 1/2 inch proportionally based on size of the publication. Never stretch, skew or distort the logo in any way. • The text elements of the logo were created by using a specific font, and you should not attempt to typeset the logo yourself. Do not use other fonts or typefaces. • When placing the logo, be sure to leave proper clear space around it for proper visibility and contrast. Do not “crowd” the logo with other graphic or textual elements. More space around the logo is always encouraged. • The logo may be reproduced in white against any solid or screened color background. No text or illustrations should merge with the logo. • The minimum white space is equal to one half of the height of the logo. White space is the area designated around the logo into which no words or images may intrude. It is important to provide ample white space around the logo to protect its integrity and maximize its visibility.


LOGO SPECIFICATIONS Downloading the Logo

The College of the Canyons logo may be accessed by clicking the “Images & Logos” tab on the Public Information Office website at: Three versions are available for your use.

• JPG and PNG files are appropriate for most desktop publishing, email and website use. • The PNG file differs in that it has a transparent background. • The EPS file may be used when there is a need, usually from an outside agency or commercial printer, for a high-resolution vector graphic. If you need a different version of the logo file, or if these files are not suitable for your purposes, please contact the Public Information Office. Please do not use logos copied from anywhere else on the college website. Those are sized for the web page on which they are found and are low-resolution files not designed for print production.

Design Elements

The logo’s overall design incorporates specific design elements, as well as a consistent color palette and font. The font is a modified version of Palatino Regular. The colors are the college’s official blue and yellow as defined below.

Approved Colors

The color formulas listed here are in four different formats. The formula you use depends on how the piece is going to be published. College of the Canyons Yellow Pantone 116 RGB: 255.203.0 CMYK: Hex #ffcb00 College of the Canyons Blue Pantone 541 RGB: 0.62.116 CMYK: Hex #003e74 The Pantone number and CMYK formula are for commercial printing. RGB is used for web and color laser printing. The Hex number is used in web design.

Acceptable Logo Variations

The only approved variations of the College of the Canyons logo are: • Logo with approved colors and black type • Logo with all elements in black • Logo with all elements in white (a.k.a. reversed)

While there are multiple schools, departments, and programs within College of the Canyons, the college is a single institution that is visually represented by its logo. Consistent with effective 13 | COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 2019

LOGO SPECIFICATIONS communications practices, the Public Information Office no longer allows for customized logos for individual schools, departments, or programs at College of the Canyons. Logos have been created for certain functions, such as the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center, the Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center, and Canyons Extension. These programs are destination points for the public, and focus on reaching markets with services that are beyond the college’s normal scope of academic instruction and business partnerships. For that reason, they are branded separately with unique logos. To ensure that individual departments and programs can represent themselves in a manner consistent with the college’s branding guidelines, the Graphics Department has created visual representation that uses the college logo and identifies the individual department.

District Seal

It’s important to note that the Santa Clarita Community College District seal (above) is not the college logo. They are not interchangeable. The District Seal is typically reserved for formal printed materials such as diplomas, medallions, awards, designated honorary certificates and official college documents. It may also be used on a podium and on banners for official collegewide functions. The district seal should be used only under very specific circumstances and only with the approval of the Public Information Office.



Publications produced at College of the Canyons generally adhere to the rules outlined in the Associated Stylebook and Webster’s Dictionary. The following guidelines are for common usages at College of the Canyons. acronyms – Use acronyms only on second reference after the proper name has been stated. Example: The Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (CACT) offers training in advanced technologies for local businesses. CACT staff are available for consultation to evaluate your training needs. academic degrees – Associate of Arts degree, or associate degree (no apostrophe in either usage). Bachelor of Arts degree, or bachelor’s degree. Master of Arts degree, or master’s degree. Doctor of Philosophy, or doctorate degree. campuswide – use as one word college – lowercase when used as a single word. Example: The college is located in Santa Clarita. districtwide – use as one word email – lower case, no hyphen Numbers – Spell out at the beginning of a sentence. Example: Five years ago, College of the Canyons added new programs and services. Spell out whole numbers below 10; use figures for 10 and above. Spell out first through ninth. Office – Capitalize when used as part of a proper name. Example: The Counseling Office will be open for additional hours this week. Use lower case in general references. Several faculty offices are located across the hall. online – one word, lower case, no hyphen Santa Clarita Community College District (SCCCD) – Primarily used in legal or regulatory documents, or when referring to the entire district. Lowercase district when used as a single word. Example: The district service area is more than 350 square miles. toward – not towards; no ‘s’ web – lower case web page – two words, lower case website – one word, lower case


SANTA CLARITA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Dr. Edel Alonso • Mr. Michael D. Berger • Ms. Michele R. Jenkins • Ms. Joan W. MacGregor • Mr. Steven D. Zimmer

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