Coastrider 597

Page 11 www.thecoastrider.netCoastRider CoastRider - Edition - Edition 470597 - March - May5th10th 20132016

Was the famous Spanish author of Don Quixote actually ENGLISH? A Historic document has revealed that the famous Spanish author of Don Quixote may actually be of English heritage. The startling findings were found by historian Julio Mayo, who suggests that some of Miguel de Cervantes's relatives appear to have been English. The family tree seemingly contains a range of characters including a British spy and a suspected slave trader who lived in Bristol. The manuscript, which was found in Utrera's town hall, is thought to date back to 1593 and identifies a certain 'Juan Titon de Servantes', thought to be a relative of the famous author. Titon's relatives appear to suggest he comes from an Anglosaxon family, with the listed surnames including 'Tintam' (Titon) and Herbert' (Herver). The Tintam family lived in Bristol before settling in Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cadiz in 1480. The Medina Sidonia mayor Enrique de Guzman reportedly gave permission for the trader to stay in Spain. 'I truly believe I have proved Cervantes had English family and it's only the beginning,' Mayo said. Last month Spain celebrate the fourth centenary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes with hundreds of events. The author of the world-famous novel 'Don Quixote' died on April 22, 1616 in Madrid but the event has always been commemorated on the 23rd - the day when he was buried - coinciding with the passing of British literary co-star Shakespeare. A colourful figure who survived a sea battle,

capture by pirates, five years of captivity in Algiers and stints in prison, Cervantes is known as the father of the modern novel and his 'Don Quixote' has become one of the world's most translated works. The book about a delusional wanna-be knight who sets out to rid the world of its ills was an overnight success when it was published in 1605 Cervantes' portrayal of a hero as imperfect as any other human being considered revolutionary at the time. It inspired authors the world over, from Jane Austen and Fyodor Dostoyevsky to Gustave Flaubert and Mark Twain. 'Cervantes' work is universal because it's not just limited to an era or to a country, but talks about feelings and people... It's very relevant today,' says Javier Rodriguez Palacios, mayor of Alcala de Henares near Madrid where Cervantes was born.

Spanish News


Spain smashes Nigerian 'CEO swindle' scammer network

Police arrested 43 people thought to be involved in the socalled "CEO swindle" in Spain and one in Britain - 17 of whom are thought to be the ringleaders of the scam. The largest single sum lost to the fraud was â‚Ź1.8 million ($2.1 million). The scam is alleged to have used forged emails to dupe senior company executives into parting with personal details which were then used to empty their financial accounts. The man arrested in Britain was detained close to an airport where the gang allegedly hoarded large sums of cash before it was to be transported to Nigeria. Seven people involved in running an Internet cafe in the Madrid region are suspected of

having organised weekly transfers of cash to Nigeria by plane. "135,000 euros in notes was discovered at Madrid airport hidden in rubbish bags and concealed among underwear in a suitcase destined to travel in the hold of the aircraft," police said in a statement. Several Spanish businessmen suspected of helping the syndicate to launder the stolen funds were among those arrested, according to police. The investigation began at the end of 2014 after a Pakistani citizen reported that he had been robbed of â‚Ź34,000 after his bank account was hacked. Police refused to comment on the nationality of the suspects or when exactly the operation to arrest them took place.

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