The inland edition november 21, 2014

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The Coast News



VOL. 28, N0. 38

By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — Less than a month after proposing a complex financing plan to pay for the construction of a DMV with its development partner, San Marcos officials reversed course and approved a plan in which each side will pay for its share of the construction costs in cash. The San Marcos City Council on Tuesday approved the plan, which requires the city to use $6.5

Kimberly Israel Project Director

Kimberly Israel, project director for the Safe Schools and Healthy Students Initiative, shares the results of the five-year program with the Escondido Union School District Board. Photo by Ellen Wright

Violence and drug use down in Escondido schools ESCONDIDO — Over the past five years, middle school student suspensions have decreased 75 percent throughout Escondido Union School District, as a result of the Safe Schools and Healthy Students Initiative, according to Project Director Kimberly Israel. Israel shared the results of the initiative at a school board meeting on Nov. 13. EUSD was chosen for the Federal grant and it was implemented in the

2008-09 school year. All the middle schools in the district and eight elementary schools were targeted during the first year. Most services were rolled out to the rest of the district in the following year, Israel said. The district was among the last cycle of grantees. The initiative no longer receives funding, although a stipulation of the grant stated that the programs be sustainable without funding. “Much of the work that was start-

NOV. 21, 2014

City, developer will use cash for DMV site

I feel like this is a meaningful moment in the history of our district.”

By Ellen Wright


ed, thanks to the grant, is continuing,” Israel said. During the first year, overall school based support was expanded and school social workers were brought in to provide a more comprehensive link to students and their influencers, including parents, school, nonprofit and public agency staff. “We had 2,900 students receiving over 11,000 minutes of service by one of the school social workers at those TURN TO SAFE SCHOOLS ON 6

I think this is a tremendous long-term opportunity.” Rebecca Jones Vice Mayor, San Marcos

million of its reserves to pay for the construction, paying it back over five years with lease revenue from the project and $700,000 in lease revenue from the former Lowe’s building, which is slated to house two tenants, WinCo and Hobby Lobby. “I think this is a tremendous long-tem opportunity,” Vice Mayor Rebecca Jones said. “I am

pretty comfortable with the five-year payback on this opportunity. It is good that we have a plan to be slow and steady.” City officials expect the DMV building, which is being built on land on Rancheros Drive and owned by a longstanding joint partnership between the city and Lusardi Construction, to be completed by May. The city’s proposal would dip the reserve levels below the council’s longstanding policy of having reserves in place that amount to at least 50 percent of the general fund’s value. But that policy also allows for a temporary dip in reserves if there is a plan in place to replenish them above the threshold in five years. City Manager Jack Griffin said the proposal would pay back the general fund in at least five years, and it could be even faster if the city receives money back from the state as reimbursement for its share of the cost of fighting May’s wildfires, as is expected. “We believe the plan is more simple than the one previously proposed and within the spirit of the partnership,” Griffin said. “It is also the least TURN TO DMV SITE ON 16

North County water use per person ranked among highest in state By Ellen Wright

REGION — Two North County cities are among the highest water consumers in California, according to a report published by the State Water Resources Control Board. The Santa Fe Irrigation District, which serves about 19,000 residents in Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach and Fairbanks Ranch, used on average 584 gallons per capita per day, according to the report. The cities with the low- The per capita water usage in The Santa Fe Irrigation District, which services Rancho Santa Fe, Solana est water use in California Beach and Fairbanks, is more than 12 times higher than the water district with the lowest usage per capita in used less than 50 gallons the state, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Photo by Ellen Wright

Happy Holidays from all of us at

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per capita per day. General Manager of the district Michael J. Bardin said it’s inappropriate to compare water suppliers throughout the state without considering factors like “rainfall/temperature, population density, local zoning regulations, community character and socio-economic measures.” Officials at the State Water Board agreed and said the report is not meant to compare districts but instead to evaluate conservation measures. “(The gallons per cap-

ita rate) really does help us to gain a better sense of comparison than simply looking at percentage reductions, since different areas of the state have been conserving for far longer than other areas,” Felicia Marcus, chair of the board said. “It also shows us what is possible.” Five percent of the agency’s water use is for commercial use. The agency services six golf courses. Residential use makes up the bulk of the agency’s TURN TO WATER ON 16


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014

SEASONAL WINNERS Vista’s Alta Vista Botanical Gardens first-place scarecrow contest winners were, from left Christy, Haylee and Grandma Sharon Corwin. Prize-winning scarecrows are on display after the Fall Festival for Families. Summer, Aubrey, Olivia and Grandma Rose Rossel took second. Kids in the Garden classes are offered the second Saturday of every month led by Farmer Jones from 10 a.m. to noon. Class fee is $5 per session. For more information, visit altavistagardens or call (760) 822-6824 for reservations. Courtesy photo

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NOV. 21, 2014

‘Obsolete’ James Stone Pool to receive funding By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO—At over 30 years old, the James Stone Pool on Woodward Avenue is “obsolete,” according to Director of Library and Community Services Loretta McKinney. “It has not aged gracefully after all these years,” Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz agreed. In an attempt to reallocate funds to use for maintenance of the pool, McKinney told city council Wednesday night the many problems that plague the pool. A pool consultant firm, Counsilman-Hunsaker, assessed the pool in 2013 and McKinney based her findings on their report. The pool does not meet the Americans with Disabilities Act standards. Also the pool equipment and the buildings at the pool have exceeded their effective life, McKinney said. The exterior of the main building needs maintenance and plastering. The plaster, which lines the pool, is delaminating and needs to be replaced. The lack of storage facility for pool equipment forces city staff to keep everything outside. The equipment ages faster because it’s exposed to the elements, McKinney said. The plaster on the bathroom walls is deteriorating to reveal piping. “The facility is beyond its physical and viable use,” McKinney said. McKinney gave council a few options in dealing with the pool. One option was reallocating about $36,000 from the Capital Improvement Program and Housing-Related Park Program Funds to combine it with about $894,000 in HRP grant


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money to use towards maintenance. The council voted unanimously to approve the reallocation of the funds and also discussed the possibility of building a whole new facility. They all agreed that there was a need for a competition-sized pool

We’re a city of about 150,000 people, we have seven comprehensive high schools, and not one of the schools has a pool. We don’t have a competition pool in this town. To me that’s pretty sad.” Ed Gallo Councilman, Escondido

in Escondido for use by the seven high schools and residents. “We’re a city of about 150,000 people, we have seven comprehensive high schools, and not one of the schools has a pool,” Councilman Ed Gallo said. “We don’t have a competition pool in this town. To me that’s pretty sad.” McKinney told the council that city staff estimated the cost of a new pool facility to be $3 or $4 million but she cautioned that was a

rough estimate. She also brought up the inclusion of a new pool in the Grape Day Master Plan update. Workshops have been held to get community input on the park’s Master Plan. The plan will go in front of council in early February, according to McKinney. Currently, the park lacks a Master Plan but having one will make it easier for the city to apply for grant funding. McKinney said the pool is included in the proposed plans. She didn’t want to give too much away about the Master Plan update but she said the proposed pool will be a more integral part of the park, instead of an “afterthought.” “The current facility sits like an island in the Woodward Street parking lot as an afterthought to the park’s use,” McKinney said. Mayor Sam Abed cautioned that the city doesn’t currently have $4 million to go towards a new pool. Councilmembers Mike Morasco and Gallo both said it’d be worth reaching out to community members and the school districts to gauge interest in a pool and try to secure funding. Councilmembers told McKinney and her staff to do more research and come up with a more concrete number towards the cost of a new pool. McKinney said she would come back to council with more information in January. The council also approved reallocating $50,000 from the 11th Avenue Park Project Capital Improvements Budget to go towards resurfacing and rehabilitating the tennis courts at Washington Park.

Library hosts Food for Fines program ESCONDIDO — Escondido Public Library’s annual Holiday Food for Fines program will begin Dec. 1, and run through Dec. 31at 239 S. Kalmia St. The program provides library patrons with the opportunity to clear up to $20 in fines from their records with food donations. Proceeds will benefit Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, which distributes the food to needy families throughout the North County area. Expensive items, such as canned hams and powdered infant formula, count for up to $5 worth of fines per item. Nonper ishable items such as canned vegetables, pasta, canned tuna fish, and dried pasta count for up to $1 worth of fines per item. Customer Services Supervisor, Linda Weber, said, “This event is a wonderful

way for our patrons to not only clear some of their fines, but to also give back to their community by helping those in need. Last year we collected more than 95 crates of food weighing an estimated 3,000 pounds. We hope to top that this year.” Non-nut r it ious and perishable items such as candy and chips; damaged cans/ containers and food past its expiration date cannot be accepted. Food may only be used to clear fines — not for fees associated with lost or damaged books and materials or City Attorney fees. The library is happy to accept all donations, whether fine-related or not. For further information, contact Linda Weber, Customer Services Supervisor, at (760) 839-4613. Contact the Library at (760) 8394684 or visit library.

10,000 people are waiting in line for a cup of coffee --Found something good at Costco

You’ve heard about the electrolyte-rich benefits of coconut water, and the dense nutrients and multiple health benefits of coconut oil. But what about coconut coffee, tea, and cocoa? Southern California’s CACafe makes these delicious antioxidant-rich beverages with premium coconut oil, coconut milk, Arabica coffee, green tea, and cocoa. Both health affirming and tasty, CACafe Coconut Coffee & Tea can help with weight control, digestive and heart health, and can improve the body’s immune system. Coconut also scavenges free radicals that prematurely age skin, regenerating and stimulating collagen production. Combined with the antioxidants in coffee, tea, and cocoa themselves, with no artificial flavors or preservatives, CACafe beverages are designed to do more than just taste great. According to Colorado’s non-profit Coconut Research Center, coconut is low alkaline, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as potassium and manganese. Cancer survivor Lisa Richmond attests “I began drinking coconut tea in a beauty aid. In 2006, I was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer...(but) to everyone’s surprise, my cancerous cells had not metastasized.” Richmond credits CACafe coconut tea with “keeping me strong,

before, during, and after my cancer experience. I remain cancer-free and CACafe coconut tea plays a major role in my life.” In fact, A.P. John Cancer Institute for Cancer Research has recommended the addition of coconut oils to the diet to reduce free radicals and cancer risk. For weight loss, too, CACafe can’t be beat. User Malia Owen lost 12.5 pounds in just three and a half weeks. “I felt an incredible energy boost after the coconut coffee, and also less hungry.” Owen says she’s experienced less eating and snacking overall since enjoying the beverage daily. Coconut boosts metabolism and improves thyroid function. Unlike many foods which contain primarily long-chain fatty acids, coconut contains medium-chain fatty acids quickly burned up by the body, leading to weight loss and significantly lower incidence of heart disease and obesity. Residents of the Philippines, India, and the Pacific Islands who consume high amounts of coconut coffee and tea in their diets have far fewer cases of heart disease and obesity than those in countries that don't. So you know they’re healthy, but how do CACafe products taste? The short answer is amazing. Sweet and rich, it’s unnecessary to add creamer or milk.

Delightful, good for you, and tasty - something everyone in the family can enjoy. And CACafe not only does right by you - the company donates resources from every product sold to fight world hunger and support sustainable coconut crop development worldwide. Actor Dustin Hoffman once said “The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.” Maybe he was onto something. Made with real coconut, premium coffee, cocoa, and green tea, CACafe's patented products were created to deliciously improve your body’s defenses, heart and digestive health, as well as assisting with weight control. The coconut coffee is available at Costco San Marcos (725 center drive, san marcos, CA 92069), Costco Carlsbad (951 palomar airport rd, carlsbad, CA 92009), and Costco Lake Elsinore (29315 central ave, lake elsinore, CA 92532). To find out more, visit


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary

Not a typical day at the office By Dave Roberts

Will UC at last face up to outof-state student dilemma? California Focus By Thomas D. Elias It’s a dilemma that University of California officials have long refused to confront, but one they may soon have to face: How many foreign and out-of-state students can UC absorb and still fulfill its mission of providing an elite education for the very best California high school graduates? The issue has become central at many UC campuses, where an unprecedented 20 percent of this year’s freshman class now hails from outside California. The tens of thousands of out-of-staters are a revenue bonanza for the system, whose support from the state budget is hundreds of millions of dollars lower today than it was 10 years ago, even if it has rebounded a bit from the lows of the Great Recession. UC now depends greatly on the $23,000 surcharge out-of-state residents pay above the standard in-state tuition of $12,192. That provided the system with almost half a billion dollars last year and will yield even more in 2015. But even the 20 percent overall figure is misleading. For at the most in-demand UC campuses, Berkeley, UCLA and San Diego, about 30 percent of new students this fall were foreign or from other states. Meanwhile, at the least in-demand campuses, Merced and Riverside, outof-staters among freshman were just 1.2 percent and 6.9 percent, respectively. This brings the average for the system way down. But just like California high school grads, few out-ofstate students are clamoring for admission to Merced and Riverside.

All this leaves UC officials and advocates able to claim accurately that “UC has not reduced the number of California students it admits,” as retired UCLA Chancellor Charles Young put it in response to a previous column, “either in the total number or the percentage of…high school graduates.” But with about five times as many out-ofstaters today as 10 years ago, Berkeley and UCLA and San Diego unquestionably admit fewer Californians even though their enrollments are up a bit. Yes, all Californians in the top 9 percent of their high school classes are offered UC slots, but decreasingly at the campuses they — and the outof-staters — most want to attend. There are some signs the complaints of students shunted off to campuses they don’t really want in order to make way for the high-paying out-of-staters are finally being heard. UC President Janet Napolitano and other officials this fall have indicated they may consider putting some kind of lid on admissions of non-Californians, even though they simultaneously insisted they’ve kept the university’s longtime commitment to California kids and their taxpaying parents by increasing class sizes to allow for the influx of non-Californians. They also propose to raise tuition in each of the next five years, a plan vehemently opposed by Gov. Jerry Brown. No one says publicly this is intended to make up for taking fewer out-of-staters in coming years, but it looks like one intent. All this reinforces the fact that the most elite of UC’s campuses increasingly cater to the wealthy, whether from other American states or from foreign counties like China and

Saudi Arabia which — rolling in cash — fund full tuition for many of their young citizens at UC. It’s not that in-state students are not already paying plenty, too. UC tuition has just about tripled over the last decade, increases topping 20 percent in some years. In terms of non-inflated money, in 1980 the value of a median-level California home would buy more than 200 years of UC education. By 2011, it bought only about 30 years. Which means tuition has climbed even fast than housing costs, stunning in a state where home prices have risen faster and higher than anywhere else in America. While it’s true that the influx of well-funded, high-paying non-California students increases diversity on campuses, much of that diversity could also be achieved by recruiting more heavily from underserved parts of California like the Central Valley, home to myriad ethnic groups. The bottom line is that more highly qualified California kids than ever are being turned away from their first-choice campuses, displaced by students from elsewhere. It’s an open question whether and when their parents’ displeasure over this will lead legislators to reduce budget support for UC even more than they already have. That’s why Napolitano & Co. must confront this entire issue, and soon. Email Thomas Elias at His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough, The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit

Blue jeans, a T-shirt, heavy shoes and a sack lunch. Not exactly how a county supervisor prepares for a work day. But that was how I greeted other volunteers recently in Escondido, where I joined a work crew on a San Diego Habitat for Humanity construction site. Instead of holding a pen or a gavel, I held a paint brush and a screw gun. Instead of making policy, I helped make houses that working families and military veterans can call their own. Some of my staff members took vacation days to join me on the North Elm Street project. More help came from the Escondido Chamber of Commerce volunteers and CEO Rorie Johnston. Also present was Escondido’s former mayor, Lori Pfeiler, who now serves as executive director of Habitat’s local chapter. Months earlier, Lori and I met on the site during groundbreaking ceremonies. I have always been impressed with Habitat

for Humanity and its goal for every man, woman and child to live in dignity and safety. A safety briefing is how the volunteer corps started its day. Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable doing, a professional contractor and team leader told us. We don’t want any injuries. That was good to hear! Soon I found myself on a ladder. I tacked rolls of insulation between studs and ceiling joists. I screwed air vents onto the exterior of the structure. I brushed white paint onto the columns and trim of a front porch. During portions of my shift, I was paired with a professional contractor. We chattered and enjoyed the camaraderie. He told me how important it was to measure twice and cut once. He then cut a strip of insulation two inches too short.That became one of many running jokes that carried us through our shift. Safe, secure housing, by contrast, is no joke. Neither is affordability. Habitat takes those issues very seriously. The organization’s national Home Builder’s Blitz

has built 1,000 affordable homes in 150 communities throughout the nation since 2006. The homes go up quickly because Habitat is so good at enlisting professionals and volunteers. On some projects, crews work through the night and build houses from start to finish in a matter of days. The Elm Street project includes nine duplexes and a single-family home. Busily buzzing around these places were members of my staff. There’s Tighe, working a circular saw. (Did he measure twice?) And there’s Anne-Marie with a caulking gun. I can always count on her to do a good job. Diane is handy with that paint brush, but that’s true of most Navy veterans. Instead of simply pushing papers, all of us worked with our hands and have something to show for it. We shared a great feeling of accomplishment and I look forward to sharing that feeling again soon. Dave Roberts represents the Third District on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.

Server training, enforcement reduces drunk driving By Ray Pearson

Are bars to blame for drunk driving? In short: no. Drinkers are responsible for their own actions. But research collected by the County of San Diego shows roughly one-third to one-half of all drunk drivers are coming from bars and restaurants. These licensed establishments have the potential to play a key role in preventing irresponsible drinking. Drunk driving is a huge threat to local residents. In 2012, 86 people were killed and more than 2,300 injured in alcohol-involved collisions in San Diego County, according to the California Highway Patrol. State laws prohibit the sale or service of alcohol to minors or obviously intoxicated customers, and the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

(ABC) offers a free training program for licensees and their employees to help ensure they understand and comply with State laws. More and more, cities are instituting responsible beverage server training ordinances to drive that message home. On Nov. 14, the quarterly Alcohol Policy Panel meeting was held in the Vista Civic Center’s Community Room. Nearly 100 people gathered to hear progressive research on server training, law enforcement support and the necessary steps to reduce public intoxication and drunk driving. At the municipal level, many cities have passed Responsible Beverage Sales and Service (RBSS) ordinances requiring employees of alcohol-licensed businesses to complete RBSS training, such as the ABC-certi-

fied Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) training. The training covers checking various forms of identification, liability laws and strategies to prevent over-service of alcohol, among other topics. All this benefits alcohol retailers by limiting liability risks and higher insurance costs associated with illegal alcohol sales -- to minors or intoxicated patrons who often cause DUIs, injuries, fights, property damage and noise complaints. Currently, nine of San Diego County’s 18 municipalities require RBSS training. As of January 2014, the five cities in North San Diego County with RBSS ordinances included Encinitas, Poway, San Marcos, Solana Beach and Vista. The trainTURN TO DRUNK DRIVING ON 16

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Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

NOV. 21, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Pickleball gains popularity in Carlsbad ing traction locally too. “You’d be surprised at how many people have pickleball courts in their backyards,” Hamner said. “It’s almost like a little secret sport.” Since the court is smaller than a tennis court, she said, it’s easy to tack on to another backyard project, like the addition of a basketball court. Hamner and Lucore play at the pickleball courts in Oceanside but they, along with other pickleballers in the area, are hoping to get courts in Carlsbad. They’ve attended city council and Parks and Recreation Department meetings to raise awareness of the sport and to ask that pickleball courts be incorporated into the Master Plans of Pine Avenue, Poinsettia or Aviara community parks.

By Ellen Wright

CARLSBAD — What started as a niche sport largely played in RV parks, is spreading throughout America and one resident is hoping Carlsbad will jump on the bandwagon. Alex Hamner has been playing pickleball for five years and has won four gold medals in women’s doubles at the Pickleball National Tournament. She was introduced to the sport by her tennis partner, Jennifer Lucore. Lucore’s parents picked it up in an RV park and competed in the first national pickleball championship. According to Hamner, the sport was invented on Bainbridge Island, Wash., which is just a short ferry ride away from Seattle, nearly 50 years ago. People from Washington took the sport with them during their summer RV trips and it caught on among retirees. She said the sport is popular among retirees because the pace is a bit slower than tennis and there is less ground to cover. “It’s an easier ball to hit,” Hamner said. “It’s easier to be successful at sooner and because the court is so small, you’re much closer to your partner and your competitor.” Hamner was once an avid tennis player but picked up pickleball and hasn’t looked back since.

Nationally ranked pickleballer Alex Hamner hopes the two tennis courts at Laguna Riviera City Park will be converted into eight pickleball courts. Photo by Ellen Wright

Just seven weeks after starting the sport, she and Lucore went to nationals. They didn’t win medals in doubles but have taken the gold in women’s doubles four times since. Aside from the medals,

Hamner said she has a great time playing and meeting new people. “Pickleball people are some of the greatest people out there,” Hamner said. “It must have to do with the name. If you’re willing to

try it, you have a sense of humor.” Her two sons, Chad and Troy, also took up the sport. Chad won gold in the Junior Men’s singles and Troy won bronze in 2014. She said the sport is

gaining popularity throughout the country. Next year will mark the sport’s 50th anniversary. Hamner said it seems that new courts are popping up throughout the nation on a daily basis and it’s gain-

Commissioners on the Parks and Recreation board said there wasn’t a feasible option for courts at those parks but there is a possibility of converting the two tennis courts at Laguna Riviera City Park into pickleball courts. The City Council will decide at a meeting Dec. 9. If approved, the tennis courts will be converted in April according to Parks and Recreation Director Chris Hazeltine. He said the funds are already available.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Vista Library Events Recommended Read for children and teens, Sylvia Wolfe, Youth Services Librarian One Came Home by Amy Timberlake (Knopf, 2013, 257 pages) A strong-willed young woman, Georgie, is skeptical when news is received that her older sister Agatha is dead. Even a bit of the dress found on the badly decomposed body is recognized by their mother as being her own handiwork. Georgie sets out on a mule, along with a former boyfriend of Agatha’s, to find the truth. Set against one of the infamous migrations of passenger pigeons through 1871 Wisconsin, both the setting and the adventure inspire wonder at nature’s excess and cruel-

ty. Along the way Georgie and Billy discover things that point to Agatha’s continued existence; and Georgie saves the day during a red-hot pursuit by counterfeiters operating from an unused mine. Good, old-fashioned adventure for older children and younger teens, this was a Newbery Honor Book in 2013. Upcoming events First Sunday concert Series ­D ec. 7, 1:30 pm The Friends of the Vista Library organize and sponsor this concert series on the 1st Sunday of every month. December’s concert will feature Courtly Noyse, an absolutely unique take on Renaissance music, playing authentic instruments of the period, combined with soaring

13 school sites,” Israel said. Drug, alcohol and tobacco use was also reduced. Middle school expulsions due to drugs, alcohol and tobacco decreased 71 percent. Fewer students were self-reporting the use of alcohol within the past 30 days. During the 2008-09 school year, 15 percent of the student body reported they drank alcohol in the past 30 days and nine percent reported they did during the 2013-14 school year. Fewer students are be-

ing referred to community day school, which Israel said, was a direct result of interventions at school sites. She said 78 percent less students are getting referrals. District wide, 19,000 additional instructional days were added due to a decrease in absenteeism, Israel said. Another positive impact at the schools is that students are feeling safer, with a 31 percent decrease in students reporting that they fear getting beaten up. Students also feel more connected to their schools, with 28 percent

Lytle A. Martin, 89 Oceanside Nov. 2, 1925 - Nov. 13, 2014 Betty C. Plag, 86 Carlsbad Feb. 26, 1928 - Nov. 11, 2014 Paul Fidler, 52 Carlsbad ept. 13, 1962 - Nov. 9, 2014 William Henry Petit, 69 Carlsbad Oct. 23, 1945 - Nov. 5, 2014

Ruben Victor Guillen Oceanside July 28, 1934 - Nov. 3, 2014 Jerome Prudencio, 48 Oceanside Feb. 21, 1966 -Nov. 2, 2014 Guiying Chen, 79 Carlsbad March 17, 1935 - Nov. 2, 2014 Brandon Mitchel Asay, 31 Vista March 6, 1983 - Nov. 6, 2014


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vocals. Holiday events For families: Sunset Strummers holiday sing-along, Dec. 6, 2 p.m. Art exhibit by students of Vista Academy of Visual and Performing Arts in the community room, Dec. 7 through Jan. 4. Reception is Dec. 14 from 3 to 5 p.m. Holiday film fest Thursdays, Dec. 4, Dec. 11, and Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. Gingerbread House Display and Craft, Dec. 17. Houses will be displayed Dec. 17 through Dec. 29; craft on Dec. 17 at 3 p.m. For adults: Card Making, Dec. 4, 10 a.m. For teens: Holiday themed glass etching, Dec. 2, 3 p.m. and Card Making, Dec. 16 at 3 p.m.

they’re seeing fewer kids come through their systems because their needs have successfully been met in ours,” Woods said. Israel said she is excited by the sustainability of the program. “One of the main goals, for any project director is to be able to see the life of a Safe Schools Healthy Students grant be sustained and it’s exciting to be able to report that so much of the work that we have started through this grant is continuing,” Israel said. “I feel like this is a meaningful moment in the history of our district.”

more middle schoolers reporting they feel a meaningful connection. Board President Marty Hranek praised the initiative for the positive results. “There’s no way (students) are going to learn in the classroom unless we take care of their social/ emotional needs first,” Hranek said. Vice President of the board Linda Woods said the positive impacts are also apparent in the justice system. “When you have the chief of police on a video saying ‘simple fact is, it’s working,’ I think that speaks volumes when


Thanksgiving Day brings to mind the daily blessings in our lives that we sometimes take for granted: a home that provides us with comfort, clothes to keep us warm, food to eat and share, the freedoms secured by our military men and women here and abroad, and our ability to help our neighbors and community. Most of all we are thankful for our family and friends, those treasured people who make our lives extra special in so many ways.

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On Thanksgiving, (and every day) we appreciate you!



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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

NOV. 21, 2014



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NOV. 21 DECK THE HALLS Sign up now for the Encinitas Library tradition of Gingerbread House Decorating at 3:30 p.m. Dec.3 at 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Gingerbread houses and frosting will be provided, one per family. Bring one unopened bag of candy for all to share. For more information, call (760) 753-7376 NOV. 22 A LITTLE MAGIC InnerDancer Performing Arts presents an intergenerational and inclusive ” Magical Nutcracker Performance” at 2 p.m. Nov. 22 at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar Ave., San Marcos. Tickets are $10. For more information, call (760) 7445535. TASTE AND TALK Wine lovers can join the Vintana Wine +Dine Winemaker Symposium and Harvest Festival Tasting Tour from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 22, at 1205 Auto Park Way, Escondido. Tickets $40/person at events /detail / 558532 . Winemakers will discuss the unusually warm 2014 harvest, and its effects on the wine. COAST RUN Be part of the traditional Pacific Marine Credit Union Oceanside Turkey Trot 5 Mile or 5K run/walk Nov. 27 starting at the Oceanside Civic Center, 300 N Coast Highway, with a 7 a.m. 5-Mile Run, an 8:20 a.m. 5K Run, 8:45 a.m. 5K Walk, plus children’s races from 10:30 to 11:20 a.m. Register at Be a part of a holiday tradition that has helped raise more than $180,000 for area schools and nonprofits. LOOKING BACK The Escondido CROP Genealogical Society .93 will meet at 10 a.m. Nov. 22 in the Turrentine .93 Room of the Escondido 4.17 Public Library, 239 4.28 St., Escondido. Kalmia There will be a craft, book and bake sale, elections and a round-table discussion. PROPER PRUNING Learn the right way to prune trees at 1 p.m. Nov. 22 with Master Gardener Paul Knowles at Alta Vista Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace, Vista. Cost is $5 plus a $3 garden entry fee. RSVP to FUNDRAISER GALA The Palomar College

Foundation will hold its 23rd annual dinner and fundraising gala at 6 p.m. Nov. 22 at the Rancho Bernardo Inn, with a pre-dinner silent auction, a dinner featuring local wines, the Comet Award ceremony honoring local military, a live auction and live entertainment. For further information or tickets, visit foundation or call (760) 744-1150, ext. 2732. DOGFEST San Diego DogFest Walk ‘n’ Roll 9 a.m. Nov. 22 at NTC Park at Liberty Station, 2455 Cushing Rd San Diego, will benefit Canine Companions for Independence in Oceanside. The event will be in NTC Park at Liberty Station. To register, contact Mary Milton at (858) 437-1298 or NOV. 23 SPECIAL GUEST The Village Community Presbyterian Church of Rancho Santa Fe will host the president of Princeton Theological Seminary, the Rev. Dr. M. Craig Barnes, at both the 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services Nov. 23 6225 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe. Barnes will preach, then give a lunchtime lecture at the fellowship center. RSVP for the lunchtime lecture, at maryc@villagechurch. org or call (858) 756-2441 NOV. 24 BE A VOLUNTEER The Elizabeth Hospice will host a three-day volunteer training to train hospice volunteers Dec. 1, 2 and 3 from 8:30 am to 3 pm at The Elizabeth Hospice administrative building, 500 La Terraza Blvd, Suite 130, Escondido. To sign up, call (800) 7972050 by Nov. 24. Volunteer training is free and open to all. Licensed massage therapists and Spanish speaking are greatly needed. NOV. 25 TRASH HOLIDAY In observance of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday Nov. 27, EDCO will not be performing any collection services and all public disposal sites, buyback centers and customer service offices will be closed. There will be a one-day delay in service for Nov. 27 and Nov. 28. NOV. 26 TURKEY DINNER The San Marcos Senior Center will serve a traditional Thanksgiving luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 26 at 111 Richmar Ave., San Marcos. Reservations TURN TO CALENDAR ON 7

KRISTA CONFER Your Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach & Del Mar Territory Manager Call Krista for all your advertising needs.



NOV. 21, 2014

small talk jean gillette

For the love of dishtowels Towels get no respect “And on what grounds have you filed for divorce, Mrs. Gillette?” the judge asks. “Dish towels, your honor,” I grimly state. “Divorce granted and a fine of a gift certificate to Home Goods,” the female judge shouts. I do not ask for a spotlessly clean or professionally decorated house. I do not ask for white rugs or even that my car fit into the garage. All I ask is that my dishtowels be used as dishtowels — not oil rags, guinea pig dryers, juice mopper-uppers, sweat swipers or grease catchers. Need I point out they are called dishtowels for a reason. But I will stretch their job description to include drying clean hands. Oblivious to all this, my spouse simply refuses to treat my color-coordinated kitchen towels with respect. No matter how many fits I have pitched, I cannot convince anyone to limit use of the carefully selected, terra cotta-colored towels that perfectly match my kitchen tile and took me months to find. Nice man that he is, husband remains unable to distinguish these lovely creations from the bag of torn and stained towel scraps I keep in a separate drawer, just for all those sticky, staining, greasy, grimy, corrosive cleanups our fill our life. In one stroke, a fetching dishtowel goes from a decorative accent piece to an addition to the ragbag. He even uses my beauties in place of the paper napkins I keep tidily available in the attractive, woven napkin holder on the kitchen table. It comes down to “whatever absorbent thing is closest when I need it,” theory and, well, I just can’t take it anymore. Oh sure. Scoff! The problem does not stop there. My family has the same inability to distinguish between that pile of cleanup rags under the sink and the, again, perfectly matched bath towels I fought for at an annual white sale. If it is within reach and will suck up spilled sunscreen, wipe polish from shoes or clean the paint off his daughter’s paintbrush, it’s toast. Now, I don’t really want to divorce my family over my towels. Instead, I have a possible solution, other than putting my linens in a combination safe. How about secondary “bridal” showers every five years or so? The gifts can also include replacements for missing dishes and flatware that have migrated to the sandbox, the workbench and friend’s cars. And we could all use a set of glasses that actually match, no? I promise no party games. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who just wants to live like a cover of Bon Apetit. Contact her at


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MiraCosta College opens new Veterans Center Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — A ribbon cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of the new MiraCosta College Veterans Center that serves 1,500 military students on Nov. 10. The roughly 1,200 square foot center houses Department of Veterans Affairs services, college counseling, a computer lab, student lounge, and offices. Veterans said the new center makes a big difference. The former veterans center was a corner of an office. There were fewer computers, and dated furniture in tight quarters. Veteran Hector Rodriquez said he would go to the library because of the closed in space and lack of available computers. Veteran Gerald Borja said lack of separation between the lounge and study areas made it difficult to concentrate. “It was crammed,” Borja said. “You were climbing over people and couldn’t get that much done.” The new Veterans Center has a separate computer lab room, and large lounge equipped with coaches, a television, microwave and fridge. It boasts new furniture donated by Bill Kuhnert, owner of bkm OfficeWorks. The center allows veterans to access resources, study, and hang out with fellow military. “It means a lot,” Rodriquez said. Department of Veterans Affairs rehabilitation counselors are housed in


must be made in advance by calling (760) 744-5535 ext. 3606. There is a $4 suggested donation for seniors 60 and above, $5 cost for 59 and below. NOV. 27 THANK-YOU RUN The community of 4S Ranch and Del Sur will host a Thank You Run with a 5K at 7:30 a.m., a 10K at 7:45 a.m. and a Kids Fun Run (8 and under) at 9 a.m., Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27 at 4SRanch Community Park, 
16118 4S Ranch Parkway, San Diego. Funds raised will benefit the 4SRanch-Del Sur Community Foundation, and Helen’s Closet, serving ALS patients. Register at thankyourun. org.

Military veterans and college students Gerald Borja, center, and Hector Rodriquez, left, cut the ribbon to open the Veterans Information Center Nov. 10. The center provides resources, counseling, a computer lab, and lounge. Photo by Promise Yee

the resource center to help veterans keep on track, and ensure they complete required testing, paperwork, and enrollment to receive earned veterans benefits and monthly stipends. College counselors also have office space in the center to assist veterans with mapping out education plans, and meeting day to day needs. Liz LaRosa, MiraCosta student services coordinator for veterans, said providing assistance is a matter of meeting veterans MARK THE CALENDAR ART WHILE YOU WATCH Palomar College will have art sale with live demonstrations from glass and ceramic artists, noon to 7 p.m., Dec. 3, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (live art demos 1 to 4 p.m.) Dec. 4 and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (live art demos 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) Dec. 5 at Palomar College Art Department Complex/Courtyard, 1140 W. Mission Road San Marcos. HOLIDAY LUNCH “Season of the Heart” is the theme of the San Marcos Christian Women’s Club luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Dec. 8 with marriage and family counselor, Adrienne DiCamillo, at the St. Mark Golf Club, 1750 San Pablo Drive, San Marcos. Cost is $18. RSVP by Dec. 4 to Donna (760)

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where they are at. Some veterans are have set goals and completed paperwork to start enrollment, others need to be shown the ropes. A major challenge for veterans is the cost of education. “We handle emergence loans, and book vouchers,” LaRosa said. There is also the challenge of transitioning to civilian life. LaRosa said returning to civilian life carries culture shock for most military men and women. 432-0772 or Martha (760) 471-7059. For more information, go to Stonecroft. org. LIVING NATIVITY See the Living Nativity, 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 5 and Dec. 6 and 3 to 5 p.m. Dec. 7 at Lifeway Church, 1120 Highland Drive, Vista. Drive through or park and walk through. Admission is free. For more information, call (760) 724-2280 or visit

“Traditional students age 17 and 18 don’t have the focus veterans have, or show the same respect,” LaRosa said. “Veterans have to adjust to the lack

of structure.” Brenda Olsen, Department of Veterans Affairs rehabilitation counselor, said the camaraderie and support that military men and women give each other helps them with transitioning. “When they get together with like individuals they feel less ostracized and alone,” Olsen said. LaRosa said veterans are great to have around, entertaining, and add a lot to class discussions. “They’ve had different experiences, a lot of students might not have had,” LaRosa said. The new center houses most veterans’ services. The Veterans Education Office that processes veterans paperwork is still located in another building. The long-term goal is to bring that office under the same roof. “More pressing was the lounge and study area,” La Rosa said. “It’s double what it had been before.” “It’s really wonderful it has come to fruition. It’s needed, and deserved.” The Nov. 10 celebration also honored Veterans Day, and the birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps. Traditional songs, speeches and cake cutting were part of the ceremony.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014

PET FOOD DRIVE PCA-2159-Coast-News-3/4Page-Ad 10.25”w x 10.75”h 4-color

San Diego Veterinary Specialty Hospital is holding its annual Holiday Pet Food Drive from Dec. 1 through Jan. 2. Donations can be dropped off in the lobby of the San Diego Veterinary Specialty Hospital, 2055 Montiel Road, San Marcos. These donations keep pets fed and in the care of their owners this holiday season. All donations go to the San Diego Food Bank to PRINT DATES: 10/10, be 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 11/28, 12/12; &Courtesy INLAND Edition: 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19 distributed within the community. photo

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NOV. 21, 2014



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ ATKINS HONORED California Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins will receive the 2014 Diversity Pioneer Award from the Asian Heritage Society Nov. 22, at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido. Atkins was honored as “someone who has best lived up to the principles of advancing diversity among all cultures.” OGGI’S OPENS Oggi’s Sports | Brewhouse | Pizza opened its 18th location at 425 S. Melrose Drive in Vista Nov. 2. The restaurant is

T he C oast News - I nland E dition San Diego Surf Cup, a be ordered from bookartofficially open for business and football fans, not-for-profit organization and amazon. student-ath- com or in digital format craft beer aficionados and connecting letes with colleges and via Kindle. pizza lovers alike. universities through highRUN BACKS BOYS & ly visible tournaments, PLOT IN LA COSTA Carlsbad’s Farenheit announced its 2013 ecoGIRLS CLUB Jake’s Del Mar hosted nomic impact exceeded 451 is carrying F. James Greco’s most recent hisits 32nd Jake’s Del Mar $30 million. The organizations two toric novel, “Jerkwater Beach Fun Run, raising $8,000 for the Legacy of youth events, soccerloco Town,” a mystery that Aloha program for the La Surf Cup and soccerloco delves into La Costa ReColonia Branch of the Boys Surf College Cup, exceed- sort & Spa, Prohibition, and Girls Clubs of San Di- ed previous years’ totals and the gunning down of eguito and the Friends with a record-breaking Frank Bompensiero. The of the Powerhouse. First 852 teams participating store, at 325 Carlsbad VilMan Finisher: Trevor El- and utilizing area hotel, lage Drive, Carlsbad, “has kins, First Woman Finish- restaurant and other San not been carrying new er: Zephyr Flowers, First Diego County services. It books for a while, but deStroller Finishers: Daniel had record-breaking at- cided they liked this one & Ferris Flowers, Young- tendance of 127,972, with enough to give it a go,” est Finisher: Holden Live- 582 traveling in for a more Greco said. say (5 years), First Youth than $7.9 million overall NEW CEO Finisher: Ryan Oakes (12 hotel revenue. The Boys & Girls Club years), Oldest Finisher: of San Marcos announced Betty Lang (85 years), NEW NOVEL The latest novel by its new Chief Executive First Finisher with a Dog: Carlsbad author C.A. Officer, Tish Murry. MurNanami Jingu & Gabby. Lindsay, “Taste of Old ry has worked for Boys & SURF CUP HELPS Wine” is a sequel to “Lily Girls Clubs for 26 years. Among Thorns,” and can ECONOMY In 2011, Tish was hon-

In-Depth. Independent. THE COAST NEWS

TRAIN LIKE A WARRIOR MROC Training, SoCal’s first mud run and obstacle course training center where American Ninja Warrior meets the CrossFit Games with a dash of Marine Boot Camp opens on Nov. 16 in Oceanside. The public was invited to open gym to play on obstacles like the warped wall, double salmon ladder, and spider climb. Mike Confer, coach/owner, is a Marine Corps veteran previously stationed on Camp Pendleton. For more information on the facility, visit Courtesy photo

Leucadia celebrates Small Business Saturday ENCINITAS — More than 25 businesses along Leucadia’s North Coast Highway 101 corridor 101 will be hosting a Small Business Saturday Nov. 29. The Leucadia 101 Main Street is partnering with participating businesses to promote shopping locally and emphasize the roll small businesses play in a healthy local economy. On Nov. 29, shoppers can expect special day-of in-store promotions and gifts in exchange for purchases. Participants will also have the option to participate in our #shopleucadia

passport program to enter to win a $1,000 gift bag full of gift certificates and products from local Leucadia retailers. Many retailers will have live music to make the day even more festive. The goal of Small Business Saturday in Leucadia is to encourage residents to shop where they live. For full details on participating business offers and how to enter the gift bag drawing, visit This event is sponsored in part by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors through a community enhancement grant.

WINDY OSBORN Your Oceanside/Carlsbad Territory Manager


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VOL. 28, N0. 25

JUNE 20, 2014

Two commercial structures at Carlsbad’s La Costa Towne Center will be demolished to make way for a revamp that includes the addition of retail and apartment buildings. The larger new building, shown above, would include 48 apartments, a courtyard for residents, and retail. Courtesy renderings

Carlsbad retail center to be revamped with apartments By Rachel Stine

Sophia Ceja, 3, of Oceanside, shows off a handful of eggs she found. Four city egg hunts are planned for April 19. See the full story on page A9. Photo by Promise Yee

Council closer to finalizing Pacific View deal By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — The council took another step toward acquiring the Pacific View site on Wednesday night. Council members voted 3-2 in favor of a $50,000 deposit and other conditions spelled out in a memorandum of understanding for the property. That document paves the way for a final purchase agreement, which the council majority hopes to approve by the end of May. But the agenda item sparked a long debate over whether the council should have even agreed to pay $10 million to acquire the site from the Encinitas Union School District. Resident Jeff Eddington said he’s excited at the prospect of the city owning the site, but worried the coun- Pacific View Elementary, which closed a decil is getting “bamboozled.” cade ago. The council approved a memoran“The city offered $4.3 million for dum of understanding at Wednesday night’s the property in the not-too-distant meeting, bringing the city closer to acquiring past, and is now offering more than the site. Photo by Jared Whitlock

2.3 times that price.” Eddington said. Councilman Tony Kranz, an advocate of the purchase, said the $4.3 million figure was based on the property’s current public zoning. And it was only intended as a first offer. Additionally, Kranz said he voted in favor of upping the price knowing that EUSD had a strong rezoning case, which would have made the land much more valuable. The city could have tried to fight the district’s rezone request, but that would likely have resulted in an expensive court battle, Kranz added. Last month, EUSD was due to auction Pacific View with a minimum bid set at $9.5 million. With the clock ticking, the city submitted an offer just before the deadline. EUSD has delayed the auction by two months as a safeguard, in case the deal with the

CARLSBAD — With it’s primary storefront empty for five years, the 33-year-old La Costa Towne Center at the corner of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue is at last getting a revamp. The owner of the property gained approval to demolish two commercial structures in the shopping center and replace them with buildings that are half retail and half apartments from Carlsbad’s Planning Commission on April 16. Planning Commissioners praised the owners for coming forward with plans to redevelop the dated shopping center that they said currently lacks signage, design, and a main tenant. “(La Costa Towne Center is) just this big long white wall. You have no idea what’s inside, it’s not inviting,” said Planning Commissioner Hap L’Heureux. “This center has been long overdue.” Commissioner Aurthur Neil Black called the little mall an eyesore.


to be part When you shop or use theCenter services that of housing project are advertised in the Inland News, you are supporting the newspaper and our efforts to bring you quality news. We are funded only by advertising revenue, so please, when you use a product or service that you saw in the paper, say you saw it in the Inland News!” Thank you for supporting our advertisers! Sincerely, The Coast News-Inland News Staff Mosaic, part 2

Two Sections 48 pages

Artist Mark Patterson has plans for a follow up to his Surfing Madonna mosaic. A5

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The final installment on Eden Gardens tells of the community’s commitment to youth. A6

OUSD takes the pledge to reduce waste and form “green teams” aimed at recycling. B1

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Community News Letters

By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The announcement that an UrbanLIFT grant will fund building the Kay Parker Family Resource Center at the planned Mission Cove affordable housing project bought applause for two reasons. Community members were glad to have a family resource center as part of the city’s low-income housing project, and equally pleased the name of the center will honor the late Kay Parker, a beloved, fair housing advocate.

Kay’s husband Dick Parker helped accept the grant at the City Council meeting April 16. He said the honor of naming the resource center after his late wife was well deserved. The Mission Cove affordable housing and mixed-use project on Mission Avenue is being developed through a partnership between the city and National Community Renaissance nonprofit developer. The project will break ground this summer. GradTURN TO CENTER ON A17

9 “The Achievored with a National Pro- Carlsbad fessional Service Award. ers” inducted new member, Charles “Skip” Griffin Nov. 8. Griffin was SHINY NEW DIAMOND Palomar College interested in a club that broke ground on its new makes a positive contribaseball field Nov. 14. The bution to youth. The club new baseball field will be meets Saturdays, 9 to 10 a natural turf field with a.m. at El Camino Counsubsurface drainage sys- try Club, 3202 Vista Way, tem, artificial turf foul Oceanside. More informaterritory, bleacher seat- tion at optimistjoe@aol. ing for approximately com or (760) 458-5222. 300 with additional upper seating on a grass slope, LEARNING CENTER IN seven full batting cages, OCEANSIDE Springs Charter bullpens for both teams, elevated press box with Schools is opening a new PA system, designated Learning Center for Home warm up area for visiting school students in its teams, full restroom facil- La Fuente Student Center, 1985 Peacock Blvd., ities. The field is expected Oceanside. The center will offer to be completed in late enrichment workshops. spring 2015. Classes will begin with the second semester of the CLUB GROWS Optimist Club of 2014-15 school year.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014

The 2014 holiday gift guide for the traveler on your list


road trips, but if you fly, remember to fill it after you pass muster at the TSA checkpoint. Available at Bed Bath & Beyond. $14.99.

t ’ s with recycled melted plastic. The collection is designed in Portland, Oregon, and manufactured in Cambodia by people who baaaaack — have been displaced by land mines or who another hol- have polio. Suitable for both world traveliday shop- ers and those who go only to the store and ping season. back. From $12. Read the company’s stoe’louise ondash Now you ry and see the entire collection at torrain. need some org/. solid ideas for those travelers on your gift list. Check out the following suggestions:

hit the road

& Charge is slim enough that you can use it while y o u ’ r e talking on your cell phone. The battery provides up to 18 hours of talk time. About $60. Visit mycharge. com


nother Portland, Oregon,-based enterprise, 3 Green Sisters, fashions designer bags of all shapes and sizes from “up-cycled,” re-purposed fabrics. Sources of the fabric include scraps and samples from upholstery and drapery shops, vintage clothing and even material from church pews. Each purse or bag is handcrafted and sturdy. Check out didn’t know it, but I’ve been wait- the bags and other Sisters fabric products ing for this gadget for a long time. at I cringe when I think of all the dollars I’ve spent on mini-tubes of toothpaste that fit into my travel bag and also pass inspection by the TSA. Now there is Toothpaste 2 Go, a reusable, refillable, BPA-free tube. Refill from any size toothpaste so you’ll always have your favorite brand with you. Available at the Container Store for $6-$8, or visit



hen it comes to reusing and recycling, the Torrain bag collection wins a prize for style and for being earth-friendly. The wallets, clutches, shoulder bags, handbags and totes are made of pages from used Cambodian newspapers and magazines, so patterns are endless. The bags are laminated


ut the plastic-wat e r- b ot t le habit and still get great tasting water with ZeroWater Tumbler, a 26-ounce, BPA-free portable container with a five-level filtration system. The filter removes all of the disor the person-on-the-go, the Wojo solved solids that are Wallet is a handy compact place in most tap waters. to carry credit cards, driver’s liPerfect for those long cense, cash and a key. The neoprene-lined sleeve is grunge- and water-resistant and it floats. The minimalist design lets you tuck this wallet into narrow or hidden pockets for safekeeping. Comes in four colors and soon will be available featuring college logos and colors. $12.99. Visit wojowallet. com.



ow to be a Space Explorer” is ostensibly for kids, but adults also will find the facts within fascinating. Did you know that Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus has huge ice fountains that spout out of volcanoes? And that in the early 1500s, an official of the Ming Dynasty became the first astronaut? He strapped himself into a chair and was propelled into the air by the attached 47 rockets. (You’ll have to buy the book to find out what happened.) Illustrated with colorful and fun graphics and real photos of the cosmos, this Lonely Planet publication is fun just to peruse, but don’t skip over the text. You’ll learn a lot of great stuff that you never did in school. Hey — we just landed on a comet! Hardcover; $17.99. See this and other mind-expanding books for kids at

’ll get straight to the point: I love the Talk & Charge battery by myCharge. It’s small, lightweight, convenient and efficient, and it charges not only cell phones but laptops, tablets and anything with a USB port. I’ve been in a slight panic more than once in an airport when E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer livmy cell phone battery indicator was show- ing in North County. Tell her about your traving red. Now I’ll panic no more. The Talk els at

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NOV. 21, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

A rts &Entertainment

Send your arts & entertainment news to

arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

NOV. 21 LATINO FILM The MiraCosta College Latino Film Series will screen “Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians” 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 21 in the Little Theater, OC3601 at 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. For more information, go to HuicholesTheLastPeyoteGuardians or peyoteguardians.

NOV. 22 HOLIDAY ARTS Kick off the holidays with a free Holiday Arts Celebration with Encinitas Ballet at 3 p.m. Nov. 22 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. For more information, visit OMA EXHIBIT The Oceanside Museum of Art presents “20th Century Nudes” from the Dijkstra Collection‚ Nov. 22 through March 8, with a Mega Exhibition reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 6, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. For more information, visit SOUNDS OF THE IRISH San Diego Folk

Heritage presents Irish singer­s ongwriter Ken O’Malley, with The Ne’er Duwels at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 22, at San Dieguito United Methodist Church, 170 Calle Magdalena, Encinitas. Admission is $18 at the door or online at /events / ken­o malley ­w ith­t he­n eer­ duwels/. NOV. 24 INTREPID SHAKESPEARE Come for an appetizer reception at 6:30 p.m. and the play “Seminar” at 7 p.m. Nov. 24 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. Tickets are $15. RSVP required, by e-mail to or

Raziah Roushan with her chalk creation at the 2014 Palo Alto Chalk festival. “Selfie” courtesy of Raziah Roushan

Roushan: Looking on bright side of life brush with art kay colvin


f I haven’t mentioned it lately, I LOVE BEING ALIVE! Life is exhilarating, inspiring and challenging. My mind is tingling with worlds of expressive possibilities.” So begins a recent Facebook timeline update by artist Raziah Roushan, written from her sunlight drenched Quonset hut studio in Vista. Her consistently positive attitude, love of art, and giving spirit create

opportunities to impact North San Diego County and beyond. Roushan became hooked on art as a sophomore at Rancho Buena Vista High School and has never looked back. Several art classes at Palomar Community College, Laguna College of Art & Design, and Saddleback Community College resulted in a portfolio that secured instant admission into the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Ore. After receiving her bachelor’s of Fine Art degree, she traversed North and South America and Western Europe creating and exhibiting artwork and building an extensive netTURN TO BRUSH WITH ART ON 16



call (760) 295-7541. NOV. 26 NOON TUNES Enjoy the free Wednesdays@ Noon with “Once Upon a Song” from noon to 12:45 p.m. Nov. 26, at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas, with Elizabeth Podsiadlo and Peggy Watson with songs, poetry and readings. For more information, visit or call (760) 633-2746. MOVIE AND MORE Take time for Dinner and a Movie at 6 p.m. Nov. 25 at the Cardiff Library, 2081 Newcastle Ave. Bring your dinner and see Robin WilTURN TO ARTS ON 12


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014

A rts &Entertainment

Send your arts & entertainment news to

‘Mockingjay’ marks satisfying beginning of the end ready seems encouraging. With the first part of “Mockingjay” now taking effect, I can see the possibility of total victory becoming a reality, because, from what I know, it indicates that the rest of this dystopian saga is in good hands. Shortly after destroying the Games, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) ends up in District 13, where President Coin (Julianne Moore) persuades her to become the rebellion’s symbol of hope as they begin waging war against the tyrannical Capitol. At the same time, however, Katniss is con-

Jennifer Lawrence stars as Katniss Everdeen in “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1.” Photo by Murray Close

cerned about her friend, Peeta (Josh Hutcherson), who has been captured by President Snow (Donald Sutherland). Having increased its forward momentum since the previous two films, “Mockingjay — Part 1” quickly brings the audience up to speed on current affairs, namely, what’s been going on in the nation of Panem since “Catching Fire.” And as the onscreen Districts-Capitol relations continue to get worse, it’s important to keep up with such a gripping, fastpaced conflict. Knowing this, director Francis Lawrence holds nothing back in highlighting this two-part finale’s darker mood, as seen in the widespread death and destruction committed by an unrepentant tyrant and in the effect that the power of

the media has on everybody. Much like how he did in the previous second chapter, he has a good grip on the political themes present. This leads us into the action-packed element, now bigger and more explosive than ever. Audiences will find much to appreciate in the moments where Katniss employs her Mockingjay responsibilities, not to mention during the sequences when the various Districts start giving the Capitol a taste of its own medicine. And to think, this is a mere glimpse of what is to come! Most essential to the success of “Mockingjay — Part 1” is the fact that the characters’ emotions are still compelling and real, and therefore do not lose either their impact or their purpose as the spectacular clash

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The exciting first of two sections in what is actually one big third film, “Mockingjay — Part 1” marks a satisfying beginning of the end for “The Hunger Games” series. At this point I think it’s unlikely that this youngadult franchise can do any wrong. When you have a firm foundation and a splendid sequel, it’s fair to say the final chapter stands little chance of losing ground. Sure, there’s the daunting fact that third installments usually don’t impress, but, in this case, the outcome al-

• Specializing in Drought Tolerant Plants • Cactus & Succulents • Shrubs & Foundation

By Noah S. Lee

between the two factions escalates. Each cast member is an active participant, which helps to immerse audiences in the heart of the revolution. As the series’ leading lady, the able Jennifer Lawrence has proven herself time and time again, and her significance here is just as pivotal. She handles her character’s fragile emotions and newfound strength with clarity and sensitivity, thereby taking the next steps needed for Katniss to adapt to the ever-changing situation that threatens to break her resolve. Liam Hemsworth shines in his chance to exude Gale’s passion for the rebellion’s cause, and Josh Hutcherson is solid in conveying Peeta’s psychological changes. And, at this point, nothing can stop Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Stanley Tucci, and Jeffrey Wright from successfully lighting up the screen with their supporting roles. The late Philip Seymour Hoffman continues to impress with his ability to inhabit Plutarch’s wit and extensive political know-how, adding more depth to what he established in “Catching Fire.” And if you think Donald Sutherland couldn’t get more cruel and ruthless

as President Snow, you’ll be intimidated at just how devious the man can be when he wants to send a message. On a final note, Julianne Moore brings a charismatic combination of intelligence and warmth to President Coin, and demonstrates she has what it takes to manage the rebellion’s leadership. As for Natalie Dormer, she is suitably stylish and media-savvy as Cressida, the half-shaved/tattooed camera director. It may only be the first part, but it appears “Mockingjay” is already off to a good start in concluding “The Hunger Games” series. One half has succeeded, and now it’s up to the other half (which comes out next year) to determine how well the story of Katniss Everdeen turns out.


will be presented by Lora at the Piano at 11:30 a.m. Dec. 4, at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar Ave. Hear an hour long tribute to Walt Disney or sing along during lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Reservations must be made in advance by calling (76) 744-5535 ext. 3606. $4 suggested donation for seniors 60 and above, $5 cost for 59 and below.


liams’ portrayal of a prep school English teacher who inspires his students with poetry. For more information, call (760) 753-4027 or visit NOV. 27 COUNTRY TIME Cowboy Jack performs solo with guitar and harmonica 7 a.m. to noon at the 5 mile, 5K, Combo Run and Kids Run Nov. 27 at the Oceanside Pier Junior Seau Amphitheater, 200 North The Strand, Oceanside.

MPAA rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some disturbing images and thematic materials. Run time: 2 hours 3 minutes Playing: In general release

EAGLES TRIBUTE The Boys Of Summer bring their free Eagles tribute show to Pala Casino Spa & Resort, 8 p.m. Nov. 29 in the Infinity Ballroom, 11154 Highway 76. For more information, MARK THE CALENDAR call (877) 946-7252 or visit “All Things Disney”

NOV. 21, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Odd Files By Chuck Shepherd Weird Patriotism November is tax-publicizing season in Finland, where, starkly unlike America, the government releases all individuals’ tax records to help build public support for the country’s vast welfare state. Thus, reported Foreign Policy magazine, Finnish society gets a “yearly dose of schadenfreude” ... “opening the door for a media frenzy of gossip, boasting and fingerpointing” about “fair share” and who’s more worthy. A few, however, proudly pay high Finnish taxes as a “badge of patriotism,” rejecting common tax shelters. “We’ve received a lot of help from society,” said one homegrown (and wealthy) entrepreneur, “and now it is our turn to pay back.” “Offended!” (Tiptoeing in America) The Power of One Sensitive Soul: (1) Lt. Col. Sherwood Baker was turned away from Adams High School in Rochester, Mich., in September by a guard who said a school official sent word that Baker was not allowed in to discuss his daughter’s class schedule until he changed to civilian clothes — because “a student” might be offended by his military uniform. (The Rochester school superintendent later apologized.) (2) The British Embassy in Washington, D.C., apologized twice in August, first a tongue-in-cheek “apology” for England’s War of 1812 attack on the White House and then for making that “apology” in the first place — because of a backlash on Twitter from Americans complaining the jokey “apology” was “offensive.” Bright Ideas David Van Vleet asked for certain supposedly public records in Tacoma, Wash., and was forced into federal court when the city turned him down. Van Vleet wanted data from the city licenses of strip club employees (dancers’ stage and real names, date of birth, etc.) so that he could pray for them individually, by name, to make his appeals more effective. (In October, Judge Ronald Leighton denied Van Vleet a temporary restraining order against the city.) The Washington, D.C., restaurant Second State recently added an accessory to its bar menu — “handcut rock,” i.e., “artisanal” ice, for $1 extra (but free in premium drinks). The local supplier Favourite Ice assures that its frozen water contains no calcium to cloud it and, with a heavy-duty band-saw blade, “hand-cuts” 200-to300-pound blocks into the cubes that ultimately wind up in the glass. A Favourite Ice founder said his frozen water resists drink-weakening longer than ordinary cubes do.

HOLIDAY CHEER GFWC Contemporary Women of North County, including, from left Kim Ashby, Sharon Siegried and Jackie Hoover, recently donated 200 holiday-quilted place mats to Meals-onWheels North County. The placemats will be included in a holiday basket made up specially for Meal-On-Wheels clients. They were made with a donation of holiday fabric strips from Quilter’s Paradise in San Marcos. For more information, visit Courtesy photo



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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Sports 3 LCC players embark on college basketball dreams By Aaron Burgin

CARLSBAD — Travis Fuller, Tommy McCarthy and Brady Twombly each dreamed of one day becoming Division 1 basketball players. On Nov. 12, they made that dream a reality when the trio signed their national letters of intent to play college basketball beginning in 2015. Fuller, a 6-foot-9 forward, signed with Brown University; Twombly, a 6-foot-6 wing, signed with Northern Arizona and McCarthy, a 6-foot-1 point guard, signed with Harvard University. It marks the first time in recent memory in North County where three players in the same graduating class have signed to Division 1 universities. “Having three Division 1 players at our school I think is an outcome of all the hard work we put in and the winning culture that we have at LCC,” said McCarthy, who started his career at Torrey Pines before transferring to La

Costa Canyon his sophomore year. La Costa Canyon Head Coach David Cassaw, who has coached several basketball players who have gone on to play at the Division 1 level — including NBA standout Chase Budinger — acknowledged that this was a unique occurrence. “It is obviously a point of pride to have that happen,” Cassaw said of his trio. “While I want to be proud of what they collectively accomplished, at the same time I want them to get their own individual recognition. Each one of them has done a great job to get where they are at, and with Tommy and Travis committing to Ivy League schools, it obviously shows the work they put in the classroom.” The 2015 LCC class was identified early on has having at least four players who could potentially play Division 1 basketball - Patrick Fisher was the fourth, but he has since transferred to

Vermont Academy on the East Coast. But realizing that goal was anything but guaranteed. Each player put in lots of hours during the season and

They all had to push each other, and in some sense they did that together....” David Cassaw Head Coach, La Costa Canyon High School

during spring and summer club-basketball seasons to accomplish their goals, Cassaw said. “They all had to push each other, and in some sense they did that together, by pushing each other during practice, and then of course with their travel teams,” Cassaw said. “Each one of those guys had to go out and make sure they did everything they needed to do.” For Fuller, this required him to get physically stronger. McCarthy worked on shedding the label of undersized shooting guard, and Twombly improved his overall conditioning. As they each made those improvements, college interest soon followed. All three players had their choice of colleges by the time they began to narrow down their lists during the fall.

McCarthy said making the decision was both exciting and a relief entering into a season where the Mavs again have high expectations. “Committing before the season definitely took a lot of pressure off of me, knowing that I just get to go out there and play to win, not having to deal with the stress of the recruiting process,” he said. The distinction of having three players as talented as La Costa Canyon’s trio brings with it high expectations as well as the maximum effort from opponents who would want nothing more than to topple a team that experts say is the consensus No. 1 team entering into the season. This is nothing new at the South Carlsbad school, which has a storied winning tradition, players and coaches said. “I am not sure how much bigger the target can get,” Cassaw said. “The whole target thing is good for motivation for us, but I think it has almost been a theme for us. I guess ewe are used to it, and welcome it and use it as motivation.” McCarthy echoed his coach’s sentiments. “I think that definitely raises the expectations for our team, but it’s nothing we aren’t used to,” he said. “Playing at LCC, we are always going to have a target on our backs and we are always going to get everybody’s best shot because of the success we have had. “We just have to treat every game the same and respect all of our opponents.”

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NOV. 21, 2014 Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Lake Dixon Trout Derby rescheduled By Ellen Wright

E S C ON DI D O —T he 36th annual Trout Derby at Lake Dixon, which was originally scheduled for Nov. 8, has been rescheduled to run from Dec. 5 to Dec. 7. The derby had to be rescheduled because warm water temperatures postponed the restocking of fish, according to Lakes and Open Space Superintendent Dan Hippert. He said the extended heat wave over summer caused lake temperatures to be warmer than usual. Water temperatures need to be below 70 degrees to guarantee a healthy stock of fish. The latest measurement taken was 68.1 degrees on Nov. 13. The trout season officially began Nov. 12 with Nebraska Tailwalkers from Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch. About 4,500 pounds of fish were deposited into the lake. Fish licenses are not required because Lake Dixon was granted an Aquaculture Permit by the State of California Department of Fish and Wildlife in 2010, according to Hippert. Annual revenue to the lake increased 40 percent between 2010 and 2011 because of the Aquaculture permit, Hippert said.

Anglers still need to buy daily lake fishing permits at the concession stand. Youth and senior permits are $5 and adult permits are $7. There is also a $5 vehicle entry fee into the park, which will be charged each day of the derby. The derby takes place between 6 a.m. and 4:45 p.m., which is when the fish must be weighed in order to be eligible. There are a variety of ways to win during the three-day event. The angler with the largest trout of the derby will receive a $150 gift card to a local sporting goods store. Each winner in the sub categories, including youth, adult and senior, will receive a $100 gift card. The angler with the smallest trout of the derby will receive a $40 gift card. Anglers can also win prizes daily. The angler with the largest trout caught in each age category including youth, adult and senior anglers will receive a $50 gift card, daily. Second place winner in each age category will receive a $40 gift card. Anyone who catches a fish with a plastic clip on the dorsal fin of a trout will receive a $25 gift certificate.

California Chrome expected to run at Del Mar By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — With a theme focused on the early days of Hollywood and the actor who cofounded the famed seaside facility, officials were hoping the fall Bing Crosby Season would attract celebrities to the Del Mar Racetrack. While there was no shortage of stars — mostly lookalikes — on opening day, it appears closing weekend will include one of racing’s most famous current figures. Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner California Chrome was nominated for the Hollywood Derby and Native Diver Handicap, 1 1/8-mile races that will take place “where the turf meets the surf” Nov. 29 The $300,000 Hollywood Derby would be the first time the 3-year-old thoroughbred would race on turf. The $200,000 Native Diver will run on the main Polytrack course, which will be replaced by dirt when the Bing Crosby Season ends. California Chrome’s trainer, Art Sherman, plans to bring the horse to Del Mar for a workout Nov. 23 to decide which

race he will enter. His preferred choice is the Hollywood Derby. “Just the way he moves … makes me think he could be a good grass horse,” Sherman said in an interview with The Handicapper’s Edge, an industry newsletter. Sherman said he’s wanted to try the horse on turf and Del Mar is “an opportune time.” “If he can run on grass it will give me a lot of options with him next year as a 4-year-old,” Sherman said in the interview. A win could bolster California Chrome’s chances at being named Horse of the Year. He has eight wins in 15 starts and more than $4 million in earnings. It won’t be California Chrome’s first appearance at Del Mar. He ran in two races there during the 2013 summer season. If all goes as planned, Del Mar could well be his last race of the year. Track officials say California Chrome’s presence should help increase attendance and betting numbers to make the inaugural fall season, which ends Nov. 30, more successful than expected.

NOV. 21, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News

Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

Dermacare adding CoolSculpt technology to its services Dermacare is pleased to announce the addition of the CoolSculpt procedure to their repertoire of body shaping services. CoolSculpt will add a non-surgical, no downtime treatment option to Dermacare’s weight loss counseling (TSFL), and laser assisted liposuction (LifeSculpt). This complement of options will allow Dermacare to customize a plan to meet most everyone’s goals from complete lifestyle change to minimizing that last area of stubborn fat. CoolSculpt is an amazing technology that freezes fat. An applicator is applied to the treated area and the underlying skin and fat is pulled up between two cold plates. The temperature is held at a point that the fat cells are damaged but the skin is preserved. Over the next eight to 12 weeks those fat cells are slowly absorbed and metabolized reducing the fat by 20 percent. In addition to being affective, this is a straight forward procedure. There is no anesthesia needed, as there is virtually no discomfort, and a person can go right back to life or work from the procedure. Dr. Jeff Birchall, Dermacare’s Medical Director and Founder, said there were three things that influenced his decision to bring the CoolSculpt into his practice. First the science, some of the field’s greatest minds out of Harvard University developed the technology. Their research shows that CoolSculpting works and they know how it works. Second, other practices, in the real world are having great success with CoolSculpt. Their clients are happy. Thirdly, this not only for women, 30 percent of CoolSculpt clients are men, up from the usually 10 percent for other cosmetic services. Men hate their “inner tube” waist too. The fact that this is

non-invasive and that they can get right back to work with no downtime and nobody else knowing about it appeals to the male psyche. Almost anybody is a candidate for CoolSculpt provided they are in reasonable health. There are a couple of things to be aware of if you are considering this procedure. It is not a weight loss procedure. The ideal person is at a healthy weight and just needs to reduce a stubborn fat deposits. If significant weight loss is needed, other treatments should be considered first. On the other end of the spectrum, if a client is really thin and only has loose skin then this is not a good procedure. Everyone else between those extremes can benefit from CoolSculpting. Though almost everyone is a candidate, each person is unique! That is why, Susie Jensen, Dermacare Carlsbad’s Patient Care Coordinator, strongly recom- Dr. Jeff Birchall is the founder and medical director mends a consultation and development of Dermacare.

of customized treatment plan. The price of the procedure varies depending on each person’s goals and needs and this can only be determined with a consultation. As a guide, the range will be between $700 and $1,800 per area. In choosing a procedure you not only need to pick the right technology you need to pick the right provider. Dermacare is confident in their technologies, Medifast, CoolSculpt and LifeSculpt (laser-assisted liposuction). Dr. Birchall has been a physician in the community for 24 years and Dermacare has been providing cosmetic services for eight years. Their goal is provide expert care in a comfortable and safe environment. In addition to body shaping service Dermacare provides a wide array of cosmetic services including: Facials, Botox, Fillers and lasers. For more information or to book a consultation their website is or call (760) 448-8100.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition Olivenhain Municipal Water District residents use 250 gallons per capita per day. Oceanside and Vista both average about 100 gallons of water per capita per day and combined have a population of about 295,000 residents. Residents in the Rincon del Diablo Water District in Escondido use 176 gallons per day. Every district has issued Stage II of mandatory water

restrictions. According to the mandate, people can only use outdoor irrigation for limited times on certain days of the week, can’t water down hard surfaces and must use hoses with shut off nozzles when cleaning cars. The other city, which tops the list of California water use, is Rainbow. The Rainbow Municipal Water District also services portions of Bonsall, Oceanside and Fallbrook. Residents average 428.6

gallons of water per day. The lowest per capita water users were in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s district with 45.7 gallons per day. This was the first report the State Water Board has put out and the aim is conservation. “Every gallon saved today postpones the need for more drastic, difficult and expensive action should the drought continue into next year or beyond,” Marcus said.

Many of the participants commented that the training gave them the tools to be confident in cutting off patrons. But one study shows it’s not just retailer education, but also the threat of a law enforcement citation that helps reduce over-service and prevent impaired driving. Clearly, self-policing is not enough. More enforcement is needed to bring businesses into compliance. At the Nov. 14 breakfast of the San Diego County Alcohol Policy Panel, James Fell of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation shared the latest research that shows our efforts must go beyond the responsible beverage service training.

When comparing 10 RBSS-trained bars with 10 control bars, the refusal of service rates jumped from 3.6 percent to 27.5 percent in the first post-training period, but fell to 21.3 percent in the second post-training check, the institute’s research shows. Why the initial post-training spike? The researchers concluded it might have less to do with the recent RBSS training and more to do with to with law enforcement citing a bartender for over-service. “In order for (training) programs to be effective and sustainable, quarterly or bi-annual undercover inspections by law enforcement with timely feedback

to the bar owners is necessary to ensure compliance and create a deterrent effect,” according to Fell. Ultimately, no one tactic solves the problem of drunk driving; it takes a collaborative approach between retailers, the ABC law enforcement and cities. Hopefully, the holdout North County cities will consider taking proactive measures in the future to send a clear, unified message that our region is dedicated to making alcohol retailers key partners in reducing public intoxication and making our roadways safer.

nah College of Art & Design advanced her business CONTINUED FROM 11 skills as a professional artist and allowed her to offer work of relationships. Completion of a mas- greater service to the many organizations ter’s degree in Art Admin- non-profit istration from the Savan- with which she volunteers and partners.

Roushan reflects on volunteerism, “Communities are built by the hands of volunteers, large or small. A 10-person nonprofit organization’s staff may facilitate cultural offerings, but a program is brought

to life by dedicated volunteers. That kind of passion impacts thousands of that community’s residents.” She feels fortunate to have worked with many organizations such as the New Village Arts’ Foundry Art Studios and Flight 64 of Portland, Ore. A board member and program director for the San Marcos Arts Council, Roushan has served as artist coordinator of the San Marcos ArtWalk, the Chalk Artist Committee chair for the Carlsbad ArtSplash, and as a mentor for the San Diego Foundation’s Great Neighborhood Challenge Grant. Roushan remarks, “Although I cannot give all of



water use, with 83 percent. Bardin said the potable water demand has gone down 20 percent over the last seven years. Rancho Santa Fe’s neighbors use about a fourth of the water. San Dieguito Water District, which serves about 37,000 residents in Encinitas, averages 110 gallons per capita per day.


ing is not required in Carlsbad, Del Mar, Escondido and Oceanside. In those five North San Diego County cities with RBSS ordinances, a smaller percentage of on-sale businesses were named as the ‘Place of Last Drink’ by DUI offenders, according to a 2010 analysis done by the Center for Community Research. Between January 2012 and December 2013, more than 2,600 participants attended ABC LEAD trainings in North San Diego County — with nearly 73 percent from alcohol retail businesses.



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Ray Pearson is president of the North Coastal Prevention Coalition.

NOV. 21, 2014

Country music icon Merle Haggard at Center for the Arts ESCONDIDO — As part of the 20th Anniversary 2014-15 season at The California Center for the Arts, Escondido, country music icon Merle Haggard will perform Dec. 10, with Southern Rock duo Jamestown Revival opening the show. At the age of 73 the veteran singer/songwriter, guitarist, producer, and bandleader is still making some of the most compelling music of his long and storied career. Ticket costs range from $35 to $75 and are available online at TheCenter is located at 340 N. Escondido Blvd.



expensive option in terms of financing.” The original proposal called for the city to loan the partnership $10 million for construction costs, but several council members expressed concern that Lusardi, which is the minority partner in a 60-40 split with the city, was benefitting from the city’s low interest rate. Lusardi representatives, Griffin told the council Tuesday, originally proposed a cash deal, but Griffin said he was my time, I’ve finally mastered the art of delegating appropriate volunteerism that satisfies my soul and challenges my talents and skills. I know where my own heart lies, so I tend to seek out organizations that work with the arts.” While volunteering much of her time for the benefit of others, Roushan reserves enough for her career as a professional artist. Having recently completed an exhibition at the Twin Oaks Gallery in San Marcos, she is scheduled for another solo show there in 2015. She describes her artwork, “I’ve always used my art as a form of storytelling. I juxtapose symbolism of varying genres on the picture plane to create a narrative.” Through her painting “Does Your Freedom Come Gold Plated”, which won the People’s Choice Award at the 2014 San Diego County Fair, Roushan questions the viewer’s notions of vanity and how our collective society has acquired assumed freedoms. She explains, “It’s not my place to tell people how to live, I just want to ask them if they’ve thought about certain things in a conscious way.” Exemplified by her recent “Gypsy Bride” exhibition at Carlsbad’s Georgina Cole Library, Roushan juxtaposed iconic symbols of domesticity with vibrantly

hesitant because the reserve picture was not as robust as it currently is. When the council balked on the original plan, Griffin said he returned to Lusardi to see if they were still interested in the cash plan, which they were. The city anticipates reaping $17 million in revenue over the life of the DMV’s 20-year lease. “I think this is a much cleaner deal than what was originally proposed,” said Councilman Chris Orlando, who was one of the council members critical of the first deal. colored bride-inspired figures, prompting viewers to re-examine the concept of matrimony and to contemplate the life cost of being in a committed relationship. She adds, “We as artists are here to document our times and to say the things others may not know how to express. I want my art to capture our economic, political and social struggles.” Roushan also works in non-traditional visual mediums. As a muralist who has painted with Studio 2 of Carlsbad and the Philadelphia Mural Arts, she enjoys working with clients to bring their vision to life on a grand scale. She was one of 4 artists recently selected to paint the “Route 395” mural in Historic Downtown Vista. As a chalk artist she has won multiple awards including the “Judge’s Choice” for the first annual Chalk Alive at the Vista Strawberry Festival, “Best Reproduction” from the Mission Viejo Art Alive, and “Most Creative” at the Festa/Gesso Italiano in Little Italy, San Diego. Roushan’s ever-positive and generous approach to life is a gift to all. As her recent Facebook post concludes: “Everyday isn’t always so exciting but today is especially sunny in my little Raziah-world.” To learn more about the artist and to see her artwork visit

CHRIS KYDD Your Encinitas Territory Manager

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NOV. 21, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

The steaming hot Tandoori Shrimp at Royal India. Photo courtesy Royal India

Carlsbad’s Twenty/20 Executive Chef Robert Carr created an all-pork dinner event to match up with Steve Heimoff’s Jackson Family Pinot Noirs. Photo by Frank Mangio

Pork & Pinot: A perfect night at Twenty/20 taste of wine frank mangio


wenty/20 in the Carlsbad Sheraton Hotel has an executive chef who may be the best at sensing a culinary trend and moving in front with its presentation. Proof of that was the recent Pork and Pinot soiree when every entrĂŠe was porkbased, paired with a Pinot Noir from the vast Jackson Family Wines Collection from the Central and North Coast of California. Robert Carr is a big man in the kitchen, and at Twenty/20, he proves it daily. He loves what he does. I have seen him adapt and evolve, creating distinguished menus since this restaurant opened. His entrees are like his children as he lovingly described his pork dishes, from Prosciutto to Braised Port Cheek. All were worthy dishes to pair with Pinot Noirs brought in by Director of Wine Communication & Education Steve Heimoff from Jackson Family Wines of Sonoma. Everyone knows Kendall Jackson and their varietals, but this night Heimoff brought in lesser known but higher quality Pinots that blew away all the guest diners. If there is just one wine varietal you need for your

Thanksgiving dinner, it’s Pinot Noir. The Pinot lineup at Twenty/20 included: Carmel Road 2012 Monterey ($16), La Crema Willamette Valley 2012 ($40), Cambria Estate 2012 ($19), Champ de Reves Anderson Valley 2012 ($36) and Hartford Court Russian River Valley 2012 ($42). Jackson Family owns 47 wineries worldwide. Jess Jackson the owner, before he died recently, declared, “I want to make the best wines I can, at every price point and be dedicated to sustainability.� Five thousand acres of Jackson wine has been officially declared sustainable, grown with natural products, using solar power. What began as a top chef challenge some five years ago, pork is now seen as the hottest dining trend in the restaurant world and Chef Robert at Twenty/20 explores and discovers new, delicious ways to make this dish happen. Other reasons to lock into this feel-good restaurant this month are the Saturday night live music and dinner feature, with panoramic views of the sunset and coast from a pavilion, with contemporary fire features to excite the senses. A Friday lunch changes weekly, with Spanish Tapa flair to it. Twenty/20 has a Thanksgiving Buffet extravaganza including stuffed pork loin, for $50; TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 18

Exquisite Indian cuisine at Royal India in Del Mar

Chandigarh is such a food mecca for some really tasty and authentic north Indian food.


ny time you can find a restaurant where a good portion of the dishes evolve from the recipes of the owner’s mother, chances are you will not be disappointed. Add to that the fact that the mom in this case cooked three meals a day for her family in the Punjab region of India and well, I’m all over that. Such is the case at Royal India in Del Mar where owner Jag Kambo serves up some of the best Indian food I’ve had. I had a conversation with Jag recently to learn more.

What part of India did you grow up in and how does the cuisine of that region differ from other parts of the country? India has predominantly popular food from North and South. North Indian food has savory appetizers like Samosas, Curries, Tandoori meats, Nans and yummy deserts like Gajar Halwa; and south Indian food is totally different then north Indian food. Southern Indian food is mostly vegetarian and seafood with rice and rice flour is used in almost all the dishes. I grew up in Chandigarh, capital city of Punjab Province where North Indian food originated.

You mentioned that your mom cooked three meals a day at home, that is a lot of cooking! What were some of her specialties? Growing up in India our mom would cook three meals everyday for us. Dishes like fish kebabs, goat curry, chicken Masala, Dal and paneer (homemade cheese) these are my favorite amongst the many dishes she prepared. Most of the reci

pes have been carried on for generations.

Do you incorporate any of your mom’s dishes into the menu at Royal India? Yes, many of them derive from her recipes. We follow the same prin-

cipals at Royal India as well, simple food, pure ingredients, recipes from mom and lots of love and passion.

I’d say first off is our strict adherence to quality and fresh ingredients. We grind all our spices, bake our naan in-house and of course utilize mom’s recipes and pay full attention to the details. Combine that with our passion for what we do and the way we treat our patrons as our personal guests while ensuring that those unfamiliar with our cuisine are educated on their options.

How did Royal India come to be, do you have a background in restaurants? I am an engineer by education and came to the US to further my education. My brother and I saw an opportunity in 1996 to open a different type of Indian restaurant that combined great ambiance with authentic cuisine from the Punjab What would you consider region of India. to be your top 5 dishes? That’s a tough one You have been open since as we have so much that 1996, a nice chunk of time is good! If I had to pick in the restaurant world. it would be chicken coYou must be doing some- conut pineapple, herb thing right. What sets baked Salmon, vegetable Royal India apart from chili ginger masala, lamb other Indian restaurants TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON 18 in the area?


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014


The CoasT




AUG. 1, 2014




Region feeling effects of drought Burg in By Aaron

The — REG ION conti nued of effec ts cond ition s drou ght t the state are throu ghou resid ents in set to hit ty in comi ng Coun h Nort home own— week s — from l child ren icts ers to smal wate r distr as many make volun are set to r-con serva tion . tary wate mand atory meas ures Wate r n Olive nhai amon g the Distr ict waswate r auth orto first local the coun ty its ities in el 2” of activ ate “Lev nse plan , drou ght respo of the State in the wakeurce s Cont rol Wate r Resothe San Dieg o Boar d and r Auth ority Wate ty Coun ar decla ramaki ng simil tions . and Vista Valle citos are Distr icts Irrig ation to vote on acsche duled

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The Inland Edition

project draw

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to appr oach Newl and’s is disti nctly priplann ing than the COS — Rita SAN MARs behi nd diffe rent loper,” said seof or deve and’s The deve loper d iteration h Brandin, Newl dent and the secon ial Nort vice presi tor. a contr overslopm ent un- nior direc ent deve lopm nt proCounty deve HT ON 16 plans to local The curre 64 perTURN TO DROUG — veile d its for this mont h posa l calls s to resid ents ws. in the of the homeunits , er plays Di- cent to mixe d revie ily Dilynn WhitakSunset Park in San San be single-fam at The t conrest being splash pads Newl and tory drough an with the and ego-b ased Marcos. Manda the water off this the mas- town home s, force Corp oration, ditions will are-foot unity u q Cagala s comm Tony 0 0 by d 0 ping week. Photo ter-planne behi nd 4-S 8 1 , hbor hood -shop deve loper prop osing a neig that will inclu de a Ranc h, is proje ct on plaza ry store that would 2,135 -unit in the Merr i- groce both the new com1,983 acres area north servety and neighbormuni as Hidam Mountainos. areas suchand Twin of San Marc ty Board ing ows den Mead The Coun rs, by a Oaks . 200 , of Supe rviso Marc h 2010 A comb ined the 3-2 vote inthe prev ious attended ach Or- people outre rejec ted by osed loper ’s plan, propCounty-ba sed deve ings on July 22 and h time it ent meet ange Deve lopm 23, at whic of Stone gate a 2,600 -unit July the publ ic the ided for prov t Group, mation abou n, citin g traflopm ent subd ivisio dens ity con- infor deve osed prop mina ry fic, fire and gave a preli cerns . New- and line of its next Offic ials with to time they hope . s steps said ipate Key land misin Bar of the Newl and antic Sloppy Joe’s Look-Alike avoid some to the prehopefuls at led ON 16 t Hemingway t Hemingway g steps that osal’s demi se. TURN TO PLANS annual Ernes the contest in a huntin g other Ernes from left, amon participated in the 34th vious prop that ed out r, Wally belie ve first row third . The winne stants humid and sweat “I very hot and Tom Robertson, 100 other conte to trying it again Burgi n By Aaron


North Park Produce, Vista Way Café, Los Reys Tortilleria, Vista Chamber Of Commerce, Postal Annex, Rancho Vista Market, Holiday Liquor & Wine, Country Feed Store, Tommy’s Market, Barnicles Enterprises, North County Intl’ Market, Pat’s Bait & Tackle, Mossy BMW, Nutrition Zone, Allen’s Alley, Iron Fist Brewing Co, Coffee Cart Biz, Curbside Cafe, Lush Coffee & Tea, Hennessey’s Tavern, Fifty Barrels Urban Winery, Mother Earth Brew Co, Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen, Couple Berry Farms, Coyote Cafe, Royal Liquor Of Vista, Corner Café, Vista’s Icebox Deli, Bit O’Britian Grocery Store, Book Place, Nucci’s Italian Café & Pizza, Egg Market Liquor, Feliccia’s Italian Deli, Vista Motorcycle, Dairy Queen, La Vista Liquor & Deli, Country Market, Vista Wine & Spirits, Superior Court Of Cal, Discount Tire, The Original Pancake House, Niko’s Steak Burgers, Vista Courthouse, Mobil Gas, La Quinta Motel, IHOP, Frazier Farms Market, Coco’s, Primo Foods, North County Ford, Entertainment Center, (Bus Stop B) 99 Cent Store, Street Rack Harbor Freight Tools INGWAY FINDING HEM

nt West was g forward more than Vista reside rtson, with weather in Keysaid he’s definitely lookin Robertson West, Fla. Robe Robertson said the courtesy Tom d cat. He week. d toy six-toe ff and Phoenix, Az. Photo contest last Cardi carrying a stuffe sweater and his residences between Collins, splits

SAN MARCOS Palomar Station Apts, CVS, AAA, Grocery Outlet, Home Sweet Home Cafe, Corner Liquor, Postal Annex, Chateau Lake San Marcos, San Marcos Library, Us Colleges Of San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Discount Tire Co, Jersey Mikes, My Kitchen, Chevron G&M, Lake San Marcos Club Room, Stumblefoot Brewing Co, Cal State San Marcos, San Marcos Car Wash, Rancho Vallecitos, Dos Desperados Brewery, Capella Coffee Co, Mariah’s West Wind Restaurant, Turner Outdoorsman, North County Yamaha, NCY, George Burger, Pizza Nova, Ryan Brothers Coffee, Tinas Deli, Market & Liquor, Nordahl’s Liquor, Compadre Grill Chicken, Joslyn Senior Center, Boys And Girls Club, Twin Oaks Valley Park, Fosters Donuts, Bubble Tea, The Ups Store, San Marcos: Senior Center, Boudin Sf Bakery Deli, Menchies Frozen Yogurt, Oscar’s Mexican Food, Chevron G&M, Rancho Santa Fe Gas, Highlander Center, Philly Frank’s Cheestakes, Crispy’s Donuts, Gourmet Liquors, The Tropical Connection, Ralphs Privately Owned, Cal State San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Froyo Love, Yogurt Utopia, Liquor Deli Stop, Lake San Marcos Country Club, Broodale Place Of San Marcos, Broken Yolk, L&L Hawaiian Barbecue, Twin Oaks Valley Market, San Marcos Deli, S.M. Community Health Cntr., Lee’s Aquarium & Pet Products, Fish House Vera Cruz

ESCONDIDO Panda Express / Bus Stop, Los Charros, IHOP, Escondido Transit Ctr, Arco, J&M’s Family Restaurant, IHOP, Albertsons,Vons, Auto Park Car Wash, Panera Bread, Stone Brewing World Bistro & Garden, Gray Bill Medical Group, Kettle Coffee & Tea, O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub, Salon Sultry, Cuscatlan Comida Salvadoreña, Latinos Market, Plan 9 Alehouse, Swami’s Cafe, Swirlz Candy, Grand Dentistry, Visit Escondido, Vinz Wine Bar, Donut World, Laundry Service, Big O Tires, Synfast Oil Change, Vons 2156, Circle K, East Valley Community Center, Mikki’s Café, Town & Country Club Park, Wrangler Family Barbecue, J & M’s Midway Liquor, Yum Yum Donuts, Agrusas Super Sandwiches, Subzero Ice Cream & Yogurt, Elixir Espresso & Wine Bar, North County Tavern+Bowl, Panera Bread, Springs Of Escondido, Marte’s Donuts, Lenas Liquor, Smokey’s Lake Wohlford Cafe, Meadow Lake Golf Course, Escon. Chamber Of Commerce, Kaiser Permanente, Palomar Family YMCA, Casa Escondido/ Rec Center, Mr Blue’s Donut Shop, City Hall, America’s Best Value Inn (Escon) Circle K, Sun Valley Fuel, Charlie’s Family Restaurant, 7 Eleven, Corner Liquor & Market, Park Avenue Community Center, Prudential, Pet Haus, Motel Mediteranian, Jimbo’s Naturally, Trader Joes, Major Market, Discount Tire, Georgias Liquor, Varso Gas, Center City Café, Peterson’s Donut Corner, Hacienda De Vega, Green Tree, Escondido Public Library, Escogelato Continental Delicatessen, Westside Cafe, Twin Oaks Animal Hospital, Hodges Golf Learning Center, Escondido Humane Society, Sprouts Farmers Market, Tom’s Famous Family Restaurant, Acacia Animal Health Center, Chase Bank, Cal Postal, El Norte Medical Group, Go Mart Liquor, Shell Union 76 Station, Blue Mug Coffee & Tea, Hungry Bear Sub Shop, Donut Star, Marcus Liquor, The Yogurt Place, Filippi’s Pizza, A Delight Of France, California Avocado Grill, Pedro’s Downtown Deli, Grand Avenue Barber Shop, Bellamy’s Restaurant, Joe’s Italian Dinners, Pounders Sports Pub, Escondido World Mkt, Stater Bros, Golden State Market, Golden Egg Omelet House, Farmer Boys, Natural Best Foods Deli, Oriental Food Market, CVS, 7 Eleven, Family Care Dental, Mike’s BBQ, Fatburger, Signature Bagels & Deli, Savoy Donuts, Juice It Up, Coco’s Family Restaurant, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Kotija Taco Shop, Heriberto Taco, Tortilleria La Esperanza, Antonios Mexican Food, Vallarta Super Market, Mini Market Midway, Coast News Office Copies

10,000 copies delivered to 350 locations every other week

Pinot Noir is the choice for a Thanksgivng dinner wine that pairs well with almost any entrée, shown with a Chardonnay, both from Edna Valley. Photo courtesy Edna Valley Winery


kids $25. Service will be from 3 to 8 p.m., with a limited dinner menu until 10 p.m. Call for reservations at (760) 8272500. Pinot Noir is the most embracing wine I know, in the sense that it pairs with nearly all entrees, and that’s what makes it right for Thanksgiving dinners. It’s like putting a dozen beautiful roses on the table. Other pinots to consider include: Edna Valley Reserve 2012 ($45), Golden Eye Anderson Valley 2010 ($45), Frei Bros. Reserve, Russian River ($16). Oregon Pinot Noirs like Domaine Serene 2010 ($80) are more Burgundian French style with a stronger taste, while the Santa Lucia Highlands of Monterey


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would be a more floral style wine pairings. Reservalike the Talbott Sleepy Hol- tions at (858) 314-1996. low Vineyard 2012 ($22). • A Fall Harvest wine tasting showcases San Thanksgiving Wine Bytes Diego County’s premier wines at Vintana Wine & • Chandler’s Restau- Dine in Escondido, Nov. 22 rant & Lounge in Carlsbad from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Taste has a Thanksgiving feast barrel samples and new reNov. 27 from 11 a.m. to 7:30 leases, with hors d’oeuvres p.m. Traditional turkey for $25. A wine symposium with all the trimmings. $55; from 2 to 3 p.m. plus tasting add $20 with wine pairings. is $40. Call (619) 236-1299. RSVP at (760) 683-5500. • Taste Thanksgiv• Marina Kitchen ing wines at San Diego in San Diego Celebrates Wine Company on Miramar Thanksgiving with a home- Road Sat. Nov. 22 from 11 to style menu Nov. 27 with a 4pm for just $10. Call 858buffet style feast from 1:30 586-WINE for varietals. to 7 p.m. $48; $12.99 for children under 12. Wine Frank Mangio is a renowned pairing $20 additional. wine connoisseur certified Call for RSVP at (619) 699- by Wine Spectator. He is one 8222. of the leading wine commentators on the web. View and • Amaya at the link up with his columns at Grand Del Mar presents a Reach three-course Thanksgiving dinner Nov. 27 from 12:30 him at to 8 p.m. $85; $125 with and follow him on Facebook. If I were to bring someone that is new to Indian food to Royal India, what would you suggest they try to ease into the cuisine? A lot of people think all Indian food is very spicy and oily. Not at all, they probably didn’t try it at the right restaurant. At Royal India, all dishes are made fresh to your order and can be made mild, medium, hot or Indian hot. Traditional curries are too strong for a few people, so we created

some fruity curries like coconut pineapple, mango pineapple and ginger tamarind for them. You also offer a lot of vegetarian and vegan dishes; can you give me some examples of those? Royal India is a true vegetarian and vegan friendly restaurant. We have more then 20 vegan and at least 30 vegetarian entrees on the menu. Popular dishes are aloo gobi, eggplant bhartha, channa masala, and veggie mango pineapple. Your desserts are quite nice also, what are some of your favorites? Home made Kulfi (Indian Ice cream) comes in plain, mango and pistachio flavors and all of them are delicious. Royal Indian is located at 3860 Valley Centre Dr., San Diego, 92130. Call (858) 792.1111 or check them out online at

Look in today’s Classified Section for everything from Autos to Real Estate

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@ or (858) 395-6905.

NOV. 21, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition everyone with your creative ideas.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You will need to do a little digging to learn what is really going on around you. It’s possible that someone is trying to undermine you or sully your reputation. Don’t believe everything you hear.

It’s time to take care of your own needs. You’ve done so much for others that you have neglected your own well-being. Stay focused and take firm action when it comes to health, financial and legal mat- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Don’t leave ters. Leave the past behind and face the projects unfinished. Go down your to-do future with self-confidence. list until you have completed everything SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Create that’s expected of you. Once everything’s an area at home where you can let your crossed off, you’ll feel free to do as you imagination wander. Free of distractions please. or interruptions, you will be able to formu- CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Your chalate the steps necessary to get ahead. risma will not go unnoticed. Spread the SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You have a strong mindset, but stubbornness will not get you what you want. Let others have their say. The more agreeable you are, the better you will do.

cheer with family and friends. Consider throwing a party, or go somewhere inviting. A romantic connection is heating up.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Be considerate of other people’s feelings. A hurtful remark could cause a wide rift between you and someone special. Make helpful suggestions instead of criticisms.

Visiting someone who brings you joy will help you move past any regrets you are harboring. Move forward, because you cannot change the past.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Love is on the rise. Get out and enjoy some local enterCAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- It’s tainment. Stick to your budget and avoid time to make a move. Get the preliminary adding stress to your life. You can’t buy work out of the way, so nothing is left to love. prevent you from getting ahead. Strive for VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You’ll feel perfection. blue if you dwell on disappointments.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Collaborations and emerging partnerships look favorable. Your innovative ideas will draw attention, bringing you the support and help of influential people. You will dazzle

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Money spent improving your home will bring you pleasure and improve your standard of living. Offering a place where everyone can congregate is a great way to introduce some low-cost entertainment and celebration.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Business deals and job changes feature prominently today. If there is a particular position you desire, pick up the required skills and give it your best shot. A golden opportunity is apparent.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014

Camp P endleton News Force Company Physical Training;

An Average Day By Cpl. Joshua Murray

CAMP PENDLETON — Marines with Force Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, conducted a proficiency exercise at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.. The physical training exercise incorporated many different training events including an eight-mile hike with over 50 pounds in the Marines’ packs, an M67 Fragmentation Grenade range and a pistol and shot-

gun range. The exercise would have pushed most Marines to their limits, but for the Marines with Force Company, it’s just another average day of physical training, according to Master Sgt. Vincent Marzi, the operations chief with Force Co. “Because we are Recon Marines, we are expected to be very proficient in all that we do,” said Marzi. “We conduct PT sessions like this on a regular basis Marines with Force Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division hike with 50-pound packs to keep our Marines pre- and carry a 60-pound container full of sand during a physical training exercise aboard Marine Corps Base pared physically, mentally Camp Pendleton. The physical training exercise also incorporated activities to improve proficiency in marksmanship and memorization. Photo by Cpl. Joshua Murray

and tactically for any situation they could find themselves in over the years to come.” During the exercise, the Marines tested and improved their mental and physical fitness. The first event of the proficiency training allowed the Marines to exercise their mental fortitude in a stressful environment, according to Cpl. Trevor Pace, a team leader during the event with Force Co. “The gas chamber was our first stop during the PT event this morning,” said Pace. “While we were inside and the gas was filling the room, we had to effec-

tively program radios and memorize different target colors and shapes that we would need later on in the event.” The Marines hiked from the gas chamber to the top of the infamous 700-foot hill known as the Reaper, where they conducted the M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher course of fire. Each team member fired five shots at various targets before gathering their packs and hiking to the next event. While Force Company conducts similar training events regularly, the Marines’ safety is always a huge concern during any type of exercise, according to Marzi. “Every time we have any kind of training event, we do the most we can to ensure that everyone involved is being safe,” said Marzi. “We want to be positive that all of the proper procedures are being followed so

no one ends up getting hurt or worse.” When the Marines reached the next event, the memorization portion of the gas chamber came into play. While shooting .45 caliber pistols and shotguns, the Marines had to properly identify different shapes and targets before shooting them. This drill allows the Marines to practice target identification, which is an important part of fighting in a deployed environment. “In country, you have to identify your targets,” said Pace. “If you can’t properly identify your enemy from an innocent person, you could kill an innocent person or put your whole team in danger.” As the first group of Marines crossed the finish line, they weighed their packs ensuring they were still more than 50 pounds and sat down to rest for the first time since the event started.

MiraCosta hosts Veterans Center open house OCEANSIDE — MiraCosta will open a new Veterans Information Center with an open house from 12:30 p.m. To 2 p.m. Dec. 10 in the T100 building Adjacent to Administration Building 1000, on its Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive. After his ninth year in the Marine Corps and following five deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, RJ Boniface decided it was time to start a new chapter in his life. In 2012, the 28-year-old left the military and entered a competitive job market. Finding it difficult to start a career, he realized he needed a college degree and enrolled in classes at MiraCosta College. “The transition from military life to student life was easy because MiraCosta is so vet-friendly,” said Boniface, who has since completed an associate of arts degree in accounting and will transfer to CSU Long Beach in January. ”Plus, I very much appreciated having a space here at the college where veterans can share experiences and build relationships.” In order to better serve more veterans like Boniface, MiraCosta College is opening a larger Veterans Information Center. The original center, was opened in 2009 inside an old office on the other side of campus. “Having a bigger Veterans Information Center is great because you have a lot of veterans who come to school and want a space to study and hang out for camaraderie,” said Hector Rodriguez, a Marine Corps veteran and MiraCosta College Veterans Club president. “This will help veterans to become more successful too, knowing that the college cares.”




NOV. 21, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


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N0. 25






JUNE 20,

Two commer be demolis cial structure hed to make s at Carlsba of retail d’s La way for and a revamp Costa Towne Center above, would apartment building that will retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition rendering nts, a courtyarnew building s , shown d for resident s, and

By Rachel


CARLSBAD for five years, — With the 33-yea it’s primary the corner By Jared storefr Whitlock last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty Real and a ENCIN ITAS Center La Costa The ownerrevamp. another — The counci Avenue at molish two of the step toward is at cific View commercialproperty gained acquiring l took ter and site on Wedne the Pareplace approval Counc and half them structures favor of il members sday night. 2.3 times apartments with buildin in the shoppi to desion on April voted 3-2 ng centhat price.” from Carlsb gs that are conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi in Counc Edding ad’s Planni half retail t spelled Planning 16. dum of unders vocate of ilman Tony Kranz,ton said. out in a and other ng Comm Commissione coming memoranistandin an adty. That million the purchase, forwar figure ping center d with plans rs praised document g for the proper final purcha erty’s curren was based said the $4.3 the owner paves to redeve that they sign, and on the se agreem the way for t public council was only a main tenantsaid curren lop the dated s for zoning. propent, which a majority intend tly lacks shop“(La And ed as a first the end . signage, Additi of May. hopes to approv the wall. You Costa Towne Center offer. it deed in favoronally, Kranz e by But the is) just this said Plannihave no idea said he of upping agenda long debate ing that what’s inside, big long votng Comm item the ter EUSD price white sparke has issione it’s not invitin been long had a strong should have over whethe case, which knowd a overdue.” r Hap L’Heureux. Commissione rezoning even agreedr the counci g,” million much more would have l “This cenmall an to pay valuable. made the land Encinitasto acquire the eyesore. r Aurthur Neil The city Black called Union School site from $10 could the distric the Resident the little t’s rezonehave tried to fight Jeff EddingDistrict. excited would likely request, have but owning at the prospect ton said he’s pensive the court battle,resulted in anthat TURN TO cil is gettingsite, but worrieof the city TOWNE Last Kranz added. exCENTER ON “bamboozled d the counauction month, EUSD A15 “The Pacific View was due Pacific View the propercity offered $4.3 .” bid set at to with a minim Elementary, million past, and ty in the not-too ticking, $9.5 million. With um for cade ago. The which the city is now offerin the clock -distant dum of understacouncil approve closed a de- just before submit d a memora nding at meeting g more the deadli ted an offer , bringing n- delayed Wednes than the ne. day night’s the city site. Photo closer to a safegu the auction by two EUSD has Mosaic, by Jared acquirin ard, in case part 2 Whitlock months g Artist Mark By Promis as the deal e Yee Patterson with the has plans OCEANSIDE up to his for a follow announcemen Kay’s husban — TURN TO Surfing DEAL ON A15 donna mosaic t that an The Parker helped banLIFT d Dick MaUr. A5 accept the building grant will fund grant at the the Kay City Counci meeting ow to reacH Message Family Resour Parker April l 16. the honor The final remains ce Center (760) 436-97 us the planne of namin He said at source A&E.............. 37 on Eden installment affordable d Mission Cove center after g the reCalendar housing Gardens tells of Classifieds............ A10 bought project wife was well deservhis late Calendar@coa OUSD takes the commu ..... B21 nity’s reasons. applause for two ed. The Food stnewsgroup. the affordable Mission Cove to youth. commitment to reduce wastepledge Legals& Wine....... B12 com Comm Community form “green A6 housing and ........... mixedwere glad unity membe Community@News aimed at teams” Opinion......... ....... A18 rs sion use project on and resource to have a family recycling. Avenue coastnewsgro MisB1 Sports........... .......A4 oped throug is being develthe city’s center as part Letters h a partne ....... A20 of betwee low-income ing project rship Letters@coa hous- tional n the city , and pleased and Nastnewsgroup. the name equally sance Community Renais com center will nonprofit of the developer. Kay Parker honor the late The , a belove ground project will break housing this summe d, fair advocate. r. Grad-

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014

NOV. 21, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Choose lighter fare this Thanksgiving Statistics indicate the average Thanksgiving dinner exceeds 3,000 calories. That is more calories than a person should eat in an entire day, much less a single meal. Many people admit to indulging on bigger portions and more fattening foods come the holiday season, but choosing some lighter fare this Thanksgiving can make the meal healthier without sacrificing taste. Although there are staples of Thanksgiving dinner, many low-calorie foods can be included to make the meal healthier. The following are a few healthy substitutions or alterations holiday hosts can make when preparing their Thanksgiving feasts. * Trim down the turkey. Play up the main course with aromatic seasonings or unexpected flavors. Use garlic, olive oil and basil to add a boost of flavor to turkey without having to rely on butter or salt. Marinate the bird with lemon juice and citrus marmalade for a sweet, yet pun-

chances are guests will not miss the extra food. * Choose whole-grain breads. Sliced whole-grain breads or rolls paired with an olive tapenade will be flavorful and such breads are healthier than white bread and butter. * Flavor vegetables with herbs. Vegetables grilled or sauteed with fresh herbs may be so flavorful they will not need added dressings that tend to be rich or cream- or butter-based. Have a wide variety of vegetable side dishes available so guests can fill up on healthier fare rather than more calorie-dense items. * Serve only low- or no-calorie drinks. BeverThanksgiving meals can feature lighter fare to discourage guests from overindulging in unhealthy foods. ages can add a substanCourtesy photo

gent flavor. Consider omitting the bread stuffing and making a stew of roasted root vegetables instead. * Opt for turkey breast. White meat of a turkey tends to have less fat and calories than the darker cuts. Serve turkey breasts only, which will not only cut

down on calories, but also on the amount of time needed to cook the meal. * Make homemade cranberry sauce. Taking the time to make your own cranberry sauce means you can control the ingredients. Cut down on the amount of sugar used in the recipe or

tial amount of calories to Thanksgiving meals. Give guests the option of sparkling water or even diluted cider so they're not filling up on sugary sodas or other high-calorie beverages. * Serve fresh fruit for dessert. Create a fresh fruit salad that can be served in lieu of fatty cakes and pastries. * Include other activities. Do not make the meal the centerpiece of the celebration. Plan activities, such as a game of football in the yard or a walk around the neighborhood. This places a smaller emphasis on eating while giving guests the opportunity to burn off some of their meal.

substitute it with honey or molasses. * Reduce the number of courses. Thanksgiving dinner often features multiple courses. Extra courses can be expensive, but such massive spreads also lead many people to overeat. Stick to two or three courses, and

How to make Thanksgiving dinner healthier Thanksgiving is not often associated with healthy eating. From candied sweet potatoes to sausage-filled stuffing, Thanksgiving dinner is full of flavor, but also full of calories and fat. The Calorie Control Council claims the average American will consume more than 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day. Even if you won't come close to consuming 4,500 calories this Thanksgiving, you may want to take the following steps to make your Thanksgiving feast healthier. • Create a calorie deficit. A key to maintaining a healthy weight or losing a few pounds is to exercise more and eat less, a strategy that can be employed during the holiday season. Such a regimen will improve your metabolism, and your body will be better at handling the extra caloric load of Thanksgiving with-

out packing on the pounds. Once Thanksgiving dinner is over, go for a walk around the neighborhood. This can facilitate digestion and burn even more calories. • Practice portion control. It's not necessarily what you eat on Thanksgiving, but how much you eat that makes the meal so unhealthy. The American Heart Association advises holiday celebrants to practice portion control. In addition, eat fewer high-calorie foods and fill up on lighter fare, such as vegetables and lean turkey. This way you get to enjoy a taste of everything without overdoing it. • Cut down on bread. Bread can be both delicious and filling. But bread is often full of empty calories, particularly if you're eating refined, white breads. Opt for less bread in stuffing recipes and incorporate more celery, raisins, cranberries, and apples to give

bulk to the stuffing. Choose whole-grain rolls and crackers to complement the main course. • Choose healthier ingredients. Substitute low-fat milk or stocks for cream and whole milk in recipes. Include steamed cauliflower in mashed potatoes recipes to make them more filling and healthier. Sweet potatoes tend to be sweet enough without the need for butter, sugar and marshmallows. Skim the fat and oils out of gravies and sauces before serving. Olive oil is a healthy fat that can be used in place of butter or margarine. • Focus on fruit for dessert. Thanksgiving dinner is usually followed with a decadent spread of desserts. These pies and cakes can be delicious but laden with calories. In lieu of traditional fare, serve poached fruits sprinkled with a little brown sugar and oatmeal

for a tasty and healthy dessert. Low-fat sherbet, fresh fruit salad and rice pudding also make for healthier desserts.




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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 21, 2014

Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. Length of contract is limited. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. No down payment required. See participating retailers for details. Must take delivery from retailer stock by November 30, 2014.

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