The coast news 2012 4 27

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VOL. 26, NO. 16

APRIL 27, 2012

Workshop discusses school budget


By Wehtahnah Tucker


Be sure to keep an eye out for Roswell the alien somewhere in this issue. If you find him you could win a family 4-pack of tickets to the San Diego County Fair. Full details on Page A3



Arts & Entertainment . . A9 Camp Pendleton News . . B11 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . B15 Comics & Puzzles . . . . . B18 Legal Notices . . . . . . . . A17 Lick the Plate . . . . . . . . A15 Life, Liberty, Leadership A4 Local Roots . . . . . . . . . . B9 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . B3 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . B3 Sea Notes . . . . . . . . . . . B10 Small Talk . . . . . . . . . . . B1 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . A16 Taste of Wine . . . . . . . . A8 Who’s News? . . . . . . . . B12


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GOOD WALK Photo by Daniel Knighton

CARLSBAD — 4,215 people, including Rancho Santa Fe resident Sydney Helfand, above, walked throughout Legoland for the San Diego County Credit Union Walk MS fun walk. National MS Society officials said $425,519 in donations was raised to benefit research and services and programs for people with Multiple Sclerosis, a chronic, unpredictable and disabling neurological disease of the central nervous system with no known cause, cure or prevention. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society in San Diego will host a second 2012 San Diego County Credit Union Walk MS April 28, at the NTC Park at Liberty Station, 2750 Womble Road in Point Loma. Admission to attend Walk MS is free. There is no cost to be a walker. Onsite registration is available. Event information is available at

SB wants improved safety at San Onofre By Bianca Kaplanek

COAST CITIES — Stressing they have no interest in joining the debate over nuclear energy policy, City Council members agreed unanimously at the April 25 meeting to send letters supporting efforts to improve safety standards at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, also known as SONGS, to members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and elected federal officials. “It is a public safety issue about one specific plant,” said Councilwoman Lesa Heebner, who, along with Councilman Mike

lic have expressed concerns during council meetings about the operational safety of SONGS, especially following the destruction of the Fukushima-Dalichi Nuclear Generating Station that resulted from the earthquake and tsunami that struck the Japanese coastline in March 2011. “It’s really about the concerns and the safety issues that could result in … any type of disaster,” Nichols said. Before asking that the #97=?=(S6=<L(/A>8(/9:?<A7(=J;66F(>9(F6?K(76>>6;F(F:@@9;>A?J(6GG9;>F(>9 subject be added to a council AB@;9T6( F=G6>8( F>=?K=;KF( =>( >L6( #=?( )?9G;6( .:<76=;( +6?6;=>A?J meeting agenda, Heebner #>=>A9?' Courtesy photo said at the April 11 meeting Nichols, requested city offiDuring the past several TURN TO SAFETY ON A23 cials address the topic. months, members of the pub-

ENCINITAS — The Encinitas Union School District held a special public budget workshop Tuesday that focused on ways to stem the tide of money flowing out of the district and also emphasized the importance of engaging state lawmakers to change the way education is funded. As the district staff investigated ways to cut money from its shrinking budget, the board and Encinitas Union School District Superintendent Tim Baird urged attendees to lobby state legislators and educate other voters about state initiatives impacting school funding. District officials are prepared to increase class size, scale back on employee training programs and eliminate jobs in order to cut the costs of operating nine elementary schools in the city and southern Carlsbad. So far, 12 teachers have received layoff notices. Without a certain direction from the state government on education funding and instability at the federal level, local school districts are making tough decisions on how to spend their money. While most of the measures discussed limit the effect of budget cuts on student services, student services were not treated as a holy grail. In fact, class size was a major focus of the meeting. The ratio for kindergarten classes has climbed from 20 students to 23 for every teacher and for first grade from 22 students to 23 for every teacher over the past two fiscal years. Next year, the board could vote to increase the ratio to 24 students for every teacher, which would realize a savings of more than $416,000. Another option is to increase the number of stuTURN TO WORKSHOP ON A22



APRIL 27, 2012

Camp Pendleton Marines briefed on upcoming drawdown By Jared Whitlock

CAMP PENDLETON — On Tuesday, officials from the Marine Corps headquarters prepared hundreds of Camp Pendleton Marines for a drawdown. Nationally, the Corps will shrink from 202,100 to 182,100 Marines over the next four years as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wind down. Although Marine bases on the East Coast would be hit the hardest, Camp Pendleton stands to lose 2,300 Marines by the end of 2016. “Everyone needs to understand that competition is going to get a bit tougher as we have the drawdown,” said Col. Bill Tosick with the Manpower Plans, Programs and Budget Branch, which has briefed Marines throughout the U.S. about the drawdown. Tosick advised Marines to “be the best Marine you can be every day” to avoid being cut. Among other tips, he said Marines should go online and verify their records are correct, have an up-to-date picture with their records and consider applying for another position if their field is saturated. Tosick said the national drawdown — cuts of about 5,000 Marines each year for the next four years — would mostly be accomplished through attrition. The Marines will also slightly reduce recruiting and promo-

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tions, according to Tosick. He contrasted upcoming plans to the 1990s drawdown, which primarily relied on slashing recruiting efforts. According to Tosick, the drawdown in the 1990s was unpopular with many in retrospect because there were fewer new Marines, causing a glut of high-ranking officers. “We’re not going to do that this time,” Tosick said. “We’re going to make sure we maintain healthy ascension throughout the drawdown.” When possible, he said the drawdown will use voluntary separation. Some Marines will be given the option of retiring or leaving their contracts early with benefits. “We would like to do

nothing but voluntary separation,” Tosick said. Because voluntary separation and attrition likely won’t yield enough cuts, Tosick noted some Marines would be forced to depart or retire before they would prefer. And re-enlisting may be difficult for many.

However, he sought to reassure Marines in the audience, especially long-term officers. “We will not break contracts and we will not change the policy for those we’ve traditionally allowed to make it to retirement eligibility,” Tosick said. “For those staff sergeants and majors, we still plan on allowing you to make it to retirement eligibility.” Sgt. Maj. Derrick Christovale, who has served for more than 30 years, said the presentation was informative. “I won’t be affected by the drawdown,” Christovale said. “But I know this helped a lot of people who are nervous about it.” “It’s a good reminder to do the best you can,” he added. One Marine brought up the threat of further cuts to the military, called sequestration, during the Q&A session of the presentation. Deep cuts would be triggered across the government,

including the pentagon, if Congress can’t agree on a federal budget by year’s end. Tosik noted it was unlikely, but if further budget cuts come to pass, he said

the military would need to put together a new a plan for a drawdown, which is set to begin this fall.

Iím † Roswell. Follow†m e†o n†






Send† an† email† to†† with† your† name,† address† and† the† page† number† where† you† found† Roswell† by† ISSUE† DATE.† Four† winners† will† be† chosen† each† week† and† will† be† notified† by† email.† No† purchase† is† necessary.† Employees† of† the† 22nd† DAA,† and† their† affiliates,† or† the† Coast† News† Group† are† not† eligible.† One† entry† per† person,† per† week,† please.




Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Unsigned letters and letters without city of residence will not be published. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and include a contact telephone number. Submission does not guarantee publication. Email letters to Views expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News Group.

15 minute rule

Special Presentations, such as the Mayor’s State of the City Address, should allow for public comments, afterwards. They’re “on the agenda,” although not formally listed as agenda items. That only five members of the public could speak about the mayor’s address at the beginning of the meeting, during oral communications, is UNFAIR. When the President of the San Dieguito Water D i s t r i c t , Councilmember/Director Kristin Gaspar chaired the SDWD meeting on 3/28/12, she allowed a public speaker to address San Dieguito Water District’s 90th Anniversary Special Presentation. The speaker asked about credit for the music in the video shown. This was appropriate, and sets a precedent that should be followed by our Mayor. Unlimited time is allowed for special presentations and proclamations, during Encinitas Council Meetings, yet public speakers are currently allowed only 15 minutes,

total, 3 minutes each, for oral communications, before agenda items are heard. Council should respect its duty to honor the public trust by encouraging citizen participation, by allowing us time to question or comment on special presentations. In fact, why can’t special presentations be listed as agenda items? Listening to the public needs to part of Council’s decision making process. If no action is taken, then Council could simply “receive the report.” Council also could allow up to 30 minutes for oral communications at the beginning of the meeting. Usually less than 5 speakers submit speaker slips, but up to 10, at three minutes each, easily could be heard, which is not excessive, in terms of Council’s priority of listening to citizen input. The “15 minute rule” as Council policy is demeaning to the public and isn’t “set in stone.” It’s unnecessarily restrictive, and puts those who can’t stay to the end of the meeting, due to childcare issues, for

example, at an unfair and disheartening disadvantage. Lynn and Russell Marr, Leucadia

Oceanside’s Vacancy Decontrol

“Prop E will unfairly wipe out the property rights of over 4,000 Oceanside manufactured homeowners” This quote, from the argument in opposition to Prop. E, reveals flawed understanding. No, I’m not addressing the fact that manufactured homes are NOT identical to mobile homes! There’s no God-given never-ending right to below market rent. It’s not in the Bible or the Constitution. But the free gift of below market rent was bestowed by the City Council decades ago. Over time, below market rents shrank to a small fraction of market rates. This is most evident in the space rents for trailer parks closest to the coast. For decades now, coastal landlords have been coerced by our city to TURN TO LETTERS ON A22

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News.


APRIL 27, 2012

There’s no lemon law for cities ANDREW AUDET Life, Liberty and Leadership

When I went to buy my first car, my dad Hank told me to look under the hood. That nugget of wisdom meant I shouldn’t believe what was I told and that I should check the facts. After listening to Mayor Jerome Stocks deliver the State of the City Address, I think it’s time Encinitas residents took a look under the hood of this city. In his speech April 11 Stocks took a stroll down memory lane, opting to point out past accomplishments rather than offer solutions for the problems facing the city today. On the subject of maintaining our roads, he highlighted that last year public works filled 124 potholes. While this is good news he failed to mention that, according to the Nichols report submitted in March 2010, city streets are still in need of approximately $43.1 million worth of repairs through 2014. The report stated: “If these issues are not addressed, the quality of the road network will inevitably decline. In order to correct these deficiencies, a cost-effective funding and maintenance and rehabilitation strategy must be implemented.” Stating that some potholes were fixed while city streets are still in need of further repairs is like a child saying they’ve cleaned their room, only by sweeping their mess under the bed. The room may look

nice but the work still needs to be done. I want to know where the money to fix our roads is. I think credibility is important when elected leaders speak on city issues. In June 2011, Stocks wrote a guest column in The Coast News and said about the Hall Park: “The city is going out for bids to construct phase one of the park.” That never happened. When discussing the park in his speech, Stocks said, “We have incredibly favorable bids that are coming in well under the engineer estimates.” The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is $10.9 million. But, according to the city’s own website it states that sealed bids will be: “Received until May 17, 2012 at 2:00 pm at which time the bid packages will be publicly opened and read.” If the bids are supposedly sealed until May 17, how can Stocks know what bids are coming in, in April? It’s an important question. He has made a statement of fact. The public might ask how Stocks knows, and when did he know it? Contractors might ask if Stocks discussed bid results with anyone, and if so with whom and when? Millions of dollars are at stake. Should there be an investigation? Is the sealed bid process valid if it has been violated? Stocks said the city has a structurally balanced budget, and claimed the city could not have “achieved the things we have without solid financials.” How balanced can our budget be if we are behind in road repairs, and, if after 11 years, we still don’t have the money to build Hall Park without more public debt? I have looked under the hood, and I think the city needs a tune up.

Homeless youth going unseen By Wm Rob Heinlein

In all of North County, there are only 10 beds for homeless youth, provided by the OZ program through the YMCA.This is not good enough and all of us need to look at the facts. This unseen population is getting very little attention, not just in North County San Diego but also throughout the state of California. It is time for us as citizens to contact our local City Council members, and State Representatives and ask them to make this a priority. It is not only for the safety of the community but

most of all for the youth, to provide an option other than the streets. The State of California (California Youth Project) estimates 200,000 youth homeless in California in 2011 and 2,500 called the streets of San Diego their home on any given night. They, CYP have identified that there is only 53 programs providing 1000 beds throughout the state. This is not good enough and all of us need to look at the facts. This unseen population is getting very little attention, not just in TURN TO COMMENTARY ON A22

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850




The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Subscriptions: 1 year/$35; 6 mos./$26; 3 mos./$21 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. In addition to mail subscriptions, more than 30,000 copies are distributed to approximately 700 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to Carmel Valley. The advertising deadline is the Monday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication.






APRIL 27, 2012

City gives day to war veterans By Christina Macone-Greene

CARLSBAD — The City of Carlsbad presented a Proclamation during its recent city council meeting. The date of April 24, 2012 was designated in where the city of Carlsbad would remember and appreciate veterans, which received Purple Heart medals. Mayor Matt Hall presented the Proclamation while a few members of Chapter 493 of the Military Order of the Purple Heart were there to accept the gesture of making Carlsbad a Purple Heart City. “The people of the city of Carlsbad have great admiration and the utmost gratitude for all the men and women who have selflessly served their country in this community in the armed forces,” Hall said. “Veterans have paid the high price of freedom by leaving their families and communities and placing their lives in harm’s way for the good of all.” Hall went on to say many of its community residents have earned the Purple Heart medal as a result of being wounded in combat. “The contributions and sacrifices of the men and women from the city of Carlsbad who have served in the armed forces have been vital in maintaining the free-

Members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Chapter 493 of San Diego North County retired Gy. Sgt. U.S.M.C Franklin Moravec and Commander of Chapter 493, Milton Taylor Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

doms and the way of life we have enjoyed by our citizens,” Hall said. Chapter 493, which encompasses North San Diego County, has about 200 members. Milton Taylor,

O’Rourke given life sentence By Shelli DeRobertis

The family of Tamara Henderson attend the 23rd annual Candlelight Tribute for Crime Survivors Monday. Henderson was murdered by her husband Dontaye Henderson, who later received a sentence of 80years-to-life for the killing. Photo by Shelli DeRobertis

Vigil honors crime survivors By Shelli DeRobertis

SAN DIEGO — Elsie Lott, the mother of Tamara Henderson, the woman who was killed by her spouse on New Year’s Day 2011, at the couple’s Oceanside apartment in front of their two children, was a guest speaker at the 23rd annual Candlelight Tribute for Crime Survivors on April 23 at the San Diego Police Officers’ Association Hall. More than 100 people filled the room, and half of the crowd stood up to show that they were there as family members of a victim of crime. Counselors and representatives from various agencies also participated in the vigil, which is held each year to honor crime survivors. “Some might wonder how someone who lost a daughter in such a tragic way can go on with their life. Well, let me tell you, I knew I had to let go and let God,” said Lott. Dontaye Henderson, 29, of Oceanside, received a sentence in February of 80-yearsto life in prison for the murder of his wife. Henderson called 9-1-1 nearly an hour later, fled the scene and cut off his paroleissued GPS tracking bracelet. The two young children were sitting by the Christmas

tree in their apartment when authorities arrived. Three days later, Henderson was captured in St. Louis,MO and brought back to the county to face charges. Lott told the audience that the Monday after Tamara’s death that phone calls began flooding in. “The one I remember most is the call from a social worker, to say she was sorry for my loss and that she would do everything she could to expedite getting my grandchildren back to me. That was music to my ears because I needed them, too,” she said. The children had been taken into protective custody by authorities because Dontaye Henderson had been on the run and was eluding police at the time. “The social worker did exactly what she said and I was able to bring the children home with me the next day,” Lott said. She said that God continued to work miracles in their lives by the special people that have helped them after Tamara’s death. The San Diego County District Attorney’s Victim Assistance Program was another agency to offer the family help and support. “You all went over and

above and truly made this difficult time a little easier for us to get through. I will always be grateful.You are angels in disguise,” she said. Lott’s process of adopting her grandchildren ended on April 12, when the adoption was finalized. She and her grandchildren are moving back home to Louisiana this summer, to be surrounded by family,she said. Lott’s daughter and Tamara’s sister, Tara Billups and her two young children, are also moving out of state with Lott. “I feel blessed to be able to say everything has worked out better than we ever imagined,” she said. U.S. Attorney Laura E. Duffy was a keynote speaker at the event, along with speakers Dick and Rita Moore, parents of college student Andy Tan Tai Moore who was discovered dead in his San Diego apartment in September 2000; and Taya Chase, crime survivor whose car was plowed into by a drunk hit-and-run teenage driver in 2009. The tribute was held in conjunction with National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. The evening ended with a candle lighting tribute and a slide show honoring the victims.

VISTA — The lone gunman who fired six bullets into a crowded elementary school playground when about 230 children were at recess, injuring two girls, was sentenced April 20 to life in prison. Oceanside resident Brendan Liam O’Rourke, 42, was convicted in March of seven counts each of premeditated attempted murder and assault with a firearm for the Oct. 8, 2010, shooting at Kelly Elementary School in Carlsbad. Vista Superior Court Judge Aaron Katz sentenced him to 189 years to life in prison. Deputy District Attorney Summer Stephan was successful in requesting the maximum sentence. She later said that the sentencing reflects justice and that the community, especially those affiliated with Kelly Elementary, can now feel a sense of peace with “The finality that it’s really over and Mr. O’Rourke will be kept away from society.” Jurors found O’Rourke to be sane at the time of the shooting, during which he hopped the fence at lunchtime with a loaded .357 Magnum, a gas can and extra ammunition and terrorized children and staff members. At the sentencing the judge said that the two secondgraders who were wounded and who testified at the trial were an inspiration to everyone involved. Three construction workers who were on the school’s site rebuilding the cafeteria kitchen when the shooting occurred were able to halt the attack by tackling O'Rourke to

the ground. Police arrived and arrested O’Rourke. The defense attorney, Deputy Public Defender Dan Segura, told the jury that his client suffered from delusions and a mental disease, and that he believed his former employer,AIG,was tracking him with a satellite and involved in a con-

Commander of Chapter 493, said he was honored that the city of Carlsbad would offer such a kind act of recognition to the men and women who have been wounded or lost their lives while serving their country.



APRIL 27, 2012

Council won’t widen road By Wehtahnah Tucker

ENCINITAS — The City Council agreed with public speakers at the April 25 meeting that the staff proposals to alter Manchester Avenue were not worthy of approval in their totality. However, the council voted 3-1, with Councilman Jim Bond opposed, to receive the report with the understanding that parts of the plan might prove valuable in the future. Councilman Mark Muir said he supported creating a bike path, addressing the drainage issues along the road and slowing traffic, but not in the ways outlined in the three proposals created by Dokken Engineering. The firm was hired at the council’s direction in June to produce a study that would decrease speeding through the area from Colony Terrace to 1,000 feet west of Trabert Ranch Road for a cost of approximately $130,000. Several Olivenhain residents spoke passionately about the need to preserve the rural nature of the community while addressing the pervasive speeding problem through the area. Deemed a “special stretch of road” by some of the speakers, realignment of Manchester Avenue would not decrease speeds, but rather have the opposite effect. “Don’t speed up Manchester,” Dr. Bob Wilder told the council. The longtime Olivenhain resident

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said he bikes the winding section of road and travels it by car frequently. “Common sense tells you that flattening it and widening it is going to encourage people to go even faster than the posted speed limit,” he said. He said all three of the firm’s proposals were flawed. “This is kind of ridiculous,” he said. “For $6 million you’re going to ruin the community character.” He suggested taking a far less expensive approach and installing a separate bike path and stop signs. Wilder also said that the residents in the area would not allow their property to be taken in the widening of the road. “I know community character may not fly with some of you up there,” he said to the council. “But if

you believe in things like property rights — I know many people would not allow their property to be taken. I’m one of them. We’ll sue.” “Spend less money and make the community of Olivenhain proud,” Wilder told the council. Dr. Stuart Grauer, founder and head of the Grauer School situated along Manchester Avenue said he wondered if there wasn’t a larger vision to create a “commuter corridor” through the area. “It looks like what they’ve done is created three really bad alternatives to something that’s already really good.” He said the expensive plan was unnecessary. “I think the road is probably better right now than with anything added.”

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Yoga center no longer holds lease By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — In what appears to be further transitioning for the maligned Anusara, Inc. after being rocked by the abrupt resignation of its founder and CEO John Friend following allegations of ethical misconduct, the location of what was to be known as the “Center” in Encinitas is no longer being leased by the company. As CEO, Friend had intended to open the “Center” as a state-of-the-art yoga studio, offering classes and Anusara-based instruction in the fall of 2011. In October 2010, Anusara, Inc. signed a 73-year lease of the 8,269-square-foot property on 1010 S. Coast Highway 101 for $1.86 million with Cassidy/Turley Commercial Real Estate Services. The property is now being re-listed for lease on

the real estate company’s website. Anusara, Inc., which is based in the Woodlands, Texas, released a statement in March saying that the company plans to transform into a nonprofit organization, and will move forward without the involvement of Friend. Wendy Willtrout, who has taken over as manager of Anusara, Inc., was unavailable for comment. Friend founded Anusara yoga, a hatha-style form of yoga in 1997. Its website lists having hundreds of thousands of students practicing the yoga worldwide and includes more than 1,000 certified teachers. Anusara yoga is taught throughout North County. Desiree Rumbaugh, a certified Anusara yoga instructor, who practices and teaches the yoga internation-

ally and at the Yoga Del Mar studio said that the reasons for the yoga’s popularity is that it is a highly effective method for learning to practice and teach yoga in a way that heals, as well as relieves, pain in the body while building strength and flexibility. “The Tantric philosophy of Anusara teaches us that we are all free to choose how we think about, respond to or behave in any situation,” she said. “Therefore we do not have to feel victimized by any event that life may present.” A third reason the yoga is popular, Rumbaugh added, is because of its encouragement to connect with each other as teachers and students. “Many other styles of yoga also emphasize these components,” she said.“What makes us different might just be the way we put it all together.”

With budget passed, city eyes next year’s $2 million deficit By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — City Council passed the 20122013 budget with a bet on securing an additional $450,000 a year by increasing ambulance fees. The OK came in a 4-1 vote April 17, in which Councilman Gary Felien voted no. A significant $1.6 million was trimmed from the budget by a 2 percent cut in nonsafety departments, a 1.5 percent cut in police and fire departments, additional targeted cuts and outsourcing some city services. City street sweeping, parking enforcement, fleet services, harbor administration, rightof-way cleanup and recreational custodial services

will be outsourced. In addition to budget cuts, ways to generate city revenue are being explored. Mayor Jim Wood, Councilwoman Esther Sanchez and Councilman Jack Feller said they would support the proposed ambulance fees increase that would add $450,000 a year to the city budget. “Without ambulance fee rate increases, they (council members) were going to have decide where to make cuts,” Wood said. Councilman Jerry Kern said he is undecided on whether he would support the ambulance fees increase that has yet to be voted on, but did vote to approve the

budget including the fee increase. Felien did not OK the proposed budget and said he would not support the ambulance fees increase. City staff explained that city ambulance services are a public service that are not priced to recover full costs, but Felien stuck to his position that Medi-Cal recipients, Medicare recipients and “freeloaders” are raising costs for others. “Those who are paying their bill pay their fair share,” Felien said. “Increasing fees sticks it to people already paying.” “It’s a $120 million budget and we’re arguing, discussing less than a million of it,” Felien added. “We’re refining it around the margins, but the long-term budget problem doesn’t go away.” With the 2012-2013 budget approved, council members are looking ahead at ways to deal with an anticipated $2 million shortfall in 2013-2014. Growing city PERS costs, due to PERS investment loss, are being slowed down. To date, all city TURN TO BUDGET ON A22



APRIL 27, 2012

City hosts art event at Vets Association offering multiple local galleries career guidance CARLSBAD — The Oceanside Art Gallery, 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 103, in the Village Faire Center, is throwing open its doors to everyone for its open house in conjunction with the “Thursdays on the Coast” art

walk from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 26. A variety of painted, ceramic, and metal art by resident artists Joe and Mary Villela, B.A. Stuber, Sam Franczyk and Paul Weber will be shown.

Encinitas duo play hosts to Semper Fi benefit concert ENCINITAS — In support of returning Marine veterans in North County, local singersongwriters Rebeca and David Randle will host a concert at 6 p.m., May 5 at 1839 Freda Lane, Cardiff-By-The-Sea, the home of musician John St. Claire, who will perform the opening act and host the benefit. Additionally, the concert will be a birthday celebration for Rebeca Randle’s 50th birthday, to be celebrated after the concert. The singersongwriter duo will play rhythm and blues originals while introducing some new compositions, along with cover favorites and classics. Tickets are $20 in advance at or for $25 at the door the night of the concert. For additional informa-

tion, call (760) 274-6642. The Randles merge Rebeca’s voice with David’s guitar talents to create their unique sound as a duo. Rebeca’s release, “Open,” has received international airplay from GlobalMusic Records and David has shared the stage with such groups as The Who, Cream, Steppenwolf and The Byrds. This benefit performance in honor of the men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan was initially prompted by a Christmas dinner attended by a several active duty Marines. The couple was very moved by the many challenges veterans faced and decided to help in a greater way. Consequently, they have teamed up with the Semper Fi Fund organization to help others in need. The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund was established to provide financial support for injured and seriously ill U.S. Armed forces members and their families. It serves Marines, Sailors, as well as Army, Air Force and Coast Guard veterans. Besides financial support, the Semper Fi Fund helps veterans and their families with adaptive housing, transportation, specialized and adaptive equipment, education and career transition assistance.

OCEANSIDE — Transitioning military and veterans are being offered free help by the Veterans Association of North County Funds and Program Development to find the right career. Learn how to effectively network, write a powerful resume and interview with confidence. Human Resource and business professionals will share their expertise and experience through classes in the VANC CTAP program. Pre-registration is required. These interactive and informative classes are scheduled for two evenings per week for four weeks, with class from 6 to 9 p.m. plus an optional lab with internet connected computers for your use and one-on-one coaching and assistance time, from 5 to 6 p.m. at 1617 Mission Ave. Dress is casual; it will be announced when business dress is required. To register, go to or call (760) 9677254. For questions, e-mail Janis at A binder filled with materials and resources will be provided.


In the April 20 story “Candidates running for state Assembly take part in debate,” it was reported that Sherry Hodges supports Proposition 29. Hodges later clarified that she does not support the proposition. In the story “San Dieguito Water District Nears Completion of Projects” in the Apr. 13 issue, it was incorrectly reported that five water mains pump wastewater. San Dieguito’s water lines only pump potable water. Also, the article incorrectly reported that a project involving five water main upgrades and a Manchester Avenue sewer force main project are part of the same project. They are two distinct projects that will be completed at different dates. Additionally, the article incorrectly reported that one of San Dieguito’s projects would prevent sewer spills. Finally, the article incorrectly reported that water mains were upsized for added water pressure. Upsizing the water mains

did not affect the water pressure, but rather added additional water volume for fire flow. In the story “K-9 lifeguards watch over coastline thanks to woman’s passion” in the March 2 issue, it was incorrectly reported that Niki Burgan’s dog Rummy is the only National Association for Search and Rescue certified dog in California. Rummy is not NASAR certified. Further, there are more than 145 NASAR certified canine teams trained in various disciplines in California. The Coast News regrets the errors.


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APRIL 27, 2012

5,000 volunteers expected for annual creek to bay cleanup event By Jared Whitlock

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COAST CITIES — On April 28, more than 5,000 volunteers will remove an estimated 80 tons of trash at coastal and inland spots as part of the annual Creek to Bay Cleanup. The massive cleanup effort will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at 88 cleanup sites countywide. North County sites include Torrey Pines State Beach, the Oceanside Pier, Cardiff State Beach and Ponto State Beach in Carlsbad as well as inland sites like Ramona Community Park, Lake Hodges in Escondido and Buena Vista Park in Vista. The Creek to Bay Cleanup, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary, was started to prevent trash from flowing into the ocean. “The event occurs at the end of April because we’re at the end of the rainy season — when a lot of trash and debris washes from our inland creeks down different streams and rivers and ends up on beaches,” said Natalie Roberts, director of community events for I Love a Clean San

careless,” she said. “There’s a problem with illegal dumping at certain inland areas.” Roberts said the trash picked up at inland areas is larger and typically includes car batteries, televisions and other appliances (ILACSD has a hotline for questions regarding where to properly dispose of trash.) According to Roberts, inland sites are usually in need of because !"#"$%&'()*&+#, volunteers -'.)/&'"'0$&"1'2"1'3%&4)'3%+&5#)+ they generally have more trash and receive cleanups are cigarette butts, bot- less support throughout the year. “It’s where a lot of the trash tle caps and plastic bags. Toxic items often entangle or are swal- that ends up on the beach origilowed by marine life like fish and nates,” Roberts said. “It’s key to sea turtles, which can be fatal. In have volunteers there.” Roberts said the first Creek addition, trash adds to environmental pollution, creates to Bay Cleanup 10 years ago was unsightly beaches and con- primarily about recovering trash; tributes to large offshore trash however, over the years it has transformed into a more comprelandfills. According to Roberts, 80 hensive beautification and percent of ocean pollution comes cleanup effort as the number of volunteers steadily increased. As from near-shore inland areas. “It’s not just people being well as trash pickup, residents Diego, or ILACSD, an environmental nonprofit hosting the cleanup. Roberts said the most common items found at coastal

It’s not just people being careless. There’s a problem with illegal dumping.”

will help with storm drain cleaning, brush maintenance, mural painting, graffiti removal and tree planting. Girl Scouts are expected to make up a significant portion of the volunteers. “Local Girl Scouts have been volunteering for I Love a Clean San Diego for close to 50 years,” said Morgan Justice Black, spokesperson for ILACSD. “They represent what ILACSD is all about — improving our region by focusing on community leadership and environmental stewardship.” Those who wish to help in the cleanup can still do so. Residents can check for a full list of sites in need of volunteers and show up on the day of the cleanup without signing up. Cleanup materials will be provided, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own bucket, garden gloves and reusable water bottles and bags. Additionally, volunteers are asked to bring a signed waiver that can be found at

Films highlight human rights struggles Summer internships OCEANSIDE — The North County Chapter of Amnesty International joins with San Diego Friends of Tibet and GenerateHope to screen three documentaries April 29 at the UltraStar Cinemas at Mission Marketplace, 431 College Blvd. The screenings are open to the public with a suggested donation of $20 for adults and $15 for students to help with costs. Festival passes may be obtained from the host groups, online at UltraStar Cinemas or at the box office on April 29 while supplies last. This North County Human Rights Film Festival, in association with

anti-trafficking groups California Against Slavery and Action Network, will focus on human rights issues at home and abroad with each group introducing its organization and film. At 2 p.m., San Diego Friends of Tibet will screen “Little Tibet,” a 2011 documentary by Nawang N. Anja-Tsang and Joseph Brett. This film follows Sonam, a UK-based Tibetan, who can no longer return to his country, but embarks on a voyage of discovery to the high Himalayas in search of his Tibetan heritage. Tibet has been occupied by China since 1949 with the Tibetan people suffering enormous


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human rights abuses. This will be followed at 4 p.m. with a screening of “Indoctrinated,” a 2011 film which explores the destructive nature and scope of child sex-trafficking in San Diego County. The film will be introduced by the director, Manolo Guillen of Action Network and Susan Munsey of GenerateHope, a nonprofit which provides safe housing and long-term recovery programs for young victims of sex trafficking and exploitation. San Diego has been listed by the FBI as one of the worst counties in the U.S. for human trafficking.

The festival will then close with the worldwide human rights organization, Amnesty International’s 5 p.m. screening of “Darfur Now,” a 2007 film which highlights six different individuals, including actor Don Cheadle, in their struggle to shed light on the human rights crisis in Darfur, Sudan and inspire people to take action. If time permits, a short film on the death penalty, “Interview with an Executioner” may be screened with the festival closing at 7 p.m. For more information visit

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OCEANSIDE — Ivey Ranch Park Association is offering summer internships to young people, to provide them with work experience and a first-hand encounter with contributing to the community. Positions will assist during Horse Camp which will be held July 2 through July 27, offering four one-week sessions, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. There are also positions available to assist with a halfday camp held June 25 through June 29 and July 30 through Aug. 3 that includes two one-week sessions, from 9 a.m. to noon. Positions are limited to 10 interns a week and applicants must be at least 14 years of age by June 25, 2012. Interns can assist for one week and up to four weeks but also must be available for intern training from 9 a.m. to noon June 20. Applications must be turned in by June 8 and can be found

Underwater world goes on view at OMA OCEANSIDE — Faced with constant challenges such as the absorption of light by water, distortion and light-reflecting particles, water pressure and an often monochromatic environment, underwater photography remains one of the most difficult forms of photography. The Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way, celebrates this challenging medium April 28 through June 17,with “Liquid



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Photography; Stuart Westmorland, noted U.S. marine photographer; Yoshi Hirata, Japan’s photographic guru specializing in small critters and Eric Hanauer, president of the San Diego Undersea Film Exhibition. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. admission is free every Tuesday and the first Sunday of every month. General admission is $8, $5 42+/1,"%=* -,##* >'* "%* ?,)1#+6* +& for seniors and free for stu;@,A$,?* 4+1&$('B* C+)&'()* "D dents and military. For more E%?'(-+&'(* F2"&"G(+1267= information call (760) 4353720 or visit Courtesy photo lenges of underwater photography. Jurors include Andrew Sallmon of Sallmon Marine

Capture: Masters of Underwater Photography,” providing visitors a glimpse inside the vibrant ecosystems that lie beneath the ocean surface. This juried exhibition, organized by photographer Lee Peterson, features 49 works by 25 different artists from around the world. Join Peterson and exhibition judges for a panel discussion from 2 to 4 p.m. May 5, as they talk about the chal- 8,.2"#+)* 9+/+(+): 12"&"* ;<2'

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Artist-in-residence known for elegant style By Lillian Cox

ENCINITAS — Kids ages 4-plus and their families are invited to hike the hills behind the Lux Art Institute and down the nature trail through sculptor Gwynn Murrill’s exhibit of panthers, cougars, eagles, parrots — even cats and dogs — on Family Friday. The event is scheduled between 1 and 4 p.m. April 27 with a docent leading kidfriendly tours every 20 minutes. It is followed by a scavenger hunt where children will identify 15 thumbnail photos of plants, sculptures and architectural designs. Afterward they will go indoors for a hands-on project making clay sculptures. Visitors can make an afternoon of Family Friday by packing a lunch or after-school snack that can be enjoyed outside before the tour. Previous Family Friday outings have proven to be popular, with a Artist Gwynn Murrill with her animal sculptures which are on exhibit at the Lux Art Institute until May 19. Courtesy photos turnout of 70 to 100 children and their parents. Artist-in-residence Gwynn Murrill way they move, and their lines,” she said. “We created Family Friday to has become known for the elegant sim- “I live in the Santa Monica Mountains encourage families to take advantage of plicity and accuracy of her animal sculp- and see coyotes and bobcats. I’ve done a the world-class artists and exhibitions tures, particularly details such as eyes, lot of birds and hawks and eagles that that Lux brings right to their communi- individual coloring and texture of fur are around me. I also do a lot of cats and ty,” Kara Leen, education director, said. and feathers. dogs.” “The program represents a great opporA sculpture of Koa, her shepherd “It is a challenge to try and take the tunity for families to explore art, nature form that nature makes so well and to and greyhound mixed-breed dog, is part and the creative process in a fun and derive my own interpretation of it,” she of her exhibit at Lux Art Institute. She enriching environment. And it's super said. says it’s her favorite sculpture. affordable and convenient — a win, win, “She’s brindle and looks like koa After graduating from UCLA with a win!” BFA and MFA in painting, Murrill wood,” Murrill said, adding that she embarked instead on a career in sculp- made the sculpture from 40-year-old koa wood she got from her husband’s uncle ture. “Painting involved too much in Hawaii. “The poignancy of the sculpture instruction, not enough spontaneity,” she said looking back. “I made wood really does remind me of my dog,” she said. “I captured the spirit of something sculpture for the next 10 years. “Then I wanted to do marble. I was that I was looking for. Usually things excited to be awarded the Prix di Rome don’t turn out that way. It’s close.” Murrill’s exhibit will be showcased fellowship. It was the first time I ever again at the next Family Friday event on was really paid to be an artist.” Murrill initially taught herself how May 18. The exhibit ends the following to carve marble, then became more day. Studio admission is free for memimmersed in the entire process and bers and individuals under 21; and $5 for began experimenting. “I had the ability to make three- nonmembers.The hands-on art project is dimensional sculpture when I started,” free for up to two kids with one paid she said. “Overtime I developed some- adult admission. (Bring ticket stub from thing I didn’t expect. I thought I’d be an studio visit.) Additional kids are $5 each. abstract sculptor, but somehow I became Free for members and their children. No registration required. a figurative artist.” Lux Art Institute is located at 1550 In the early 1980s she began creatSculptor Gwynn Murrill’s favorite sculpture is of ing her signature animal sculptures in S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. For more information, email education@luxartinher dog. Koa is both the name of her dog and bronze. the type of wood used to create Koa. “I was interested in their forms, the or call (760) 436-6611.

community CALENDAR Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via email to


LET’S PLAY! Bring the whole family to the Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA Healthy Kids Day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 28 in the west side of the north parking lot near the Skate Park at 200 Saxony Road, Encinitas.The day will include healthy snacks, instructed play, rock climbing wall, inflatable obstacle course, face--painting and more. BOOK BONANZA The Friends of the Carlsbad Library hold the Spring Better Books Sale 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,April 28 and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., April 29 at the Georgina Cole Library Community Room, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. Cash and checks accepted. For more information, call (760) 602-2020



APRIL 27, 2012

Contact us at with story ideas, events or photos

First annual festival is dream come true KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art A long-awaited dream of Jim Gilliam, Arts Administrator for the City of Encinitas, is soon to come true. The First Annual Encinitas Arts Festival will become reality on May 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Encinitas Community and Senior Center. Having coordinated Imagination Celebration of Orange County, a threeweek-long arts festival held in 50 locations, Jim feels Encinitas is ready for a similar, although smaller-scaled, event. The Festival will include a huge outdoor drum circle, student art exhibit, music, theatre, dance workshops, as well as an impressive lineup of dance performances on two stages coordinated by professional dancer Georgia Schmid. Georgia, who has traveled the country performing and competing since childhood, came to Encinitas in 2008 from Boulder, Colo. She commented on the lack of performance opportunities in Encinitas, “We struggle with not having a professional-level dance stage in Encinitas. Local dance studios go elsewhere to perform.” Georgia joined the Encinitas Commission for the Arts last year, desiring to build a stronger dance presence in Encinitas. She commented, “All the dance studios weren’t aware of each other and what they were teaching.” She continued, "Coordinating performances on community stages inspires us as dancers, and pushes us to practice techGarden Tour by Helene Bell is set for 10 a.m. May 3 at the Agua Hedionda Discovery Center, 1580 Cannon Road, Carlsbad. Learn about scientific and common names, growth habits and historical information. Reservations required at (760) 804-1969.

or email BASKET PARADE Weidner’s Gardens Parade of Baskets is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 28 and April 29 at Weidner’s Gardens, 695 Normandy Road, showing custom planted baskets lining the walks.Visitors follow a parade route of hanging baskets and succulent creations. Everything is provided for visitors to create their own baskets and Weidner will be on hand with “Success Tips for Hanging Baskets.” Visit or phone (760)436-2194.



Carlsbad and Oceanside Republican Women Federated will host a nondenominational National Day of Prayer Community Prayer Breakfast AT 7 a.m. May 3 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad HELP! — A Tribute to the Beatles performs "Help!" album in its entirety as Blvd., Carlsbad, The cost is $30. well as other Beatles hits April 29 at the Belly Up Tavern at 8 p.m. The Belly For more information, visit OIL FILTER RECYCLE The Up is at 143 S. Cedros in Solana Beach. Tickets are $12/$14 and may be Solana Center for purchased online at or calling the box office at (858) 481-8140. Environmental Innovation is From left to right, Chris Overall ("Paul"), Jesse Wilder ("George"), Axel YOUNG ARTISTS Visit the sponsoring an Oceanside-only Clarke ("Ringo") and Greg Wilmot ("John"). Courtesy photo ArTURN Arts & Craft Fair from used oil filter collection event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.April 29 at May 2 in the Cardiff Library Eastham 10 a.m. May 2, at 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 5 at La room, 2081 Heritage Hall, Magee Park, 2650 Costa Canyon High School, in O’Reilly Auto Parts, 502 community Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside. Newcastle Ave., Cardiff. For Garfield St., Carlsbad. Call (760) the traffic turn-around off Calle more information, call (760) 635- 683-4460 or visit carlsbadnew- Acervo, beside the school’s gymPlease see ad in Coast News. 1000. nasium. Student art and crafts makers will offer work for sale, HOSTESS HINTS Carlsbad plus musicians and dancers. GUITAR ARTIST The First Newcomers will host cookbook Wednesday programs features author and hostess Karin KNOW THE NATIVES A free ArTURN benefits the La Costa 30-minute California Native Canyon’s Visual and Performing guitarist Jimmy Patton at 7 p.m.





nique and style to bring our talents to new heights." Georgia has succeeded in bringing dance to the Arts Festival in hopes community members will take advantage of the free dance workshops, possibly inspiring them to adopt dance as an enriching addition to their lives. The Dance Stage will feature a full schedule of 30minute performances from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. West Coast Martial Arts will begin the festival’s performances with the Chinese Dragon Dance, followed by Zumba, performed by Cindy Chavez of Total Woman Gym. The six-hour schedule of performances includes Hawaiian and Tahitian dances by both the Kehulili O Kailani studio and Kailani’s Wahines; various styles of belly dancing by both Denell Dilley’s Dance Studio and Sahar Dance Company; ballet by Encinitas Ballet Academy; Latin dance by Ooh La La Dance Company, and various colorful performances by the YMCA Dancers, North County School of Arts, and Performing Arts Workshop. Diop Percu, originally from Senegal, will be performing African dance and drumming. Aubree Bouché, American Idol contestant of Hollywood week 2012, will sing with back-up dancers from the Junior Ballet Ensemble of Performing Arts Workshop. Dance performances will be followed by free hourlong dance workshops led by professional instructors in the Activity Room. The public is encouraged to register in advance for the free workshops. To sign up, visit and enter Encinitas Arts Festival. Up to 25 people can pre-register TURN TO BRUSH WITH ART ON A10

Arts Department. For more information visit


SHRED IT St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, will hold a post-tax season document-shredding event from 9 a.m. to noon May 5 in the lower parking lot at 6628 Santa Isabel in Carlsbad. Documents will be destroyed onsite for $5 per copy box full of personal papers and $10 to destroy a hard drive removed from the computer. Proceeds will benefit St. Elizabeth Seton’s new parish center. No limit. Call (760) 419-9243 with questions. WE ALL SCREAM Join the Ice Cream Social fundraiser, “Fiesta in the Fast Lane,” for the Cardiff School District from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 5 at Cardiff Elementary School, 1888 Montgomery Ave. with games, prizes, an activity zone, entertainment, a petting zoo, a silent auction, food, a cake-walk and ice cream. Proceeds benefit the Cardiff Schools Education Association. More information is available at




APRIL 27, 2012 Contact us at with story ideas, events or photos

Joy of ‘The Raven’ is Cusack By Gabriel Fregoso

“The Raven” is the latest in a Hollywood tradition that re-imagines historical icons in fantastic, alternative storylines. Nicholas Meyer’s “Time After Time” (1979) saw H.G. Wells traveling through time to stop Jack the Ripper. Other movies of this kind include “Shadow of the Vampire” (1992), which asked what if Max Schreck, the star of F.W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu” were a real vampire; as well as Timur Bekmambetov’s upcoming “Abraham Lincoln:

Vampire Hunter” — the title says it all. In “The Raven,” Edgar Allen Poe, a man whose writings have created wealth for Hammer studios and Roger Corman, is himself given the cinematic treatment. The premise: 19th century Baltimore is hounded by a serial killer who re-enacts fatal scenarios within the author’s writings. Recognizing the similarity between a recent murder and one of Poe’s stories, Detective Emmett Fields (Luke Evans)

requests the aid of the struggling writer (John Cusack) to help track down the killer. With Poe in the mix, the plot thickens when his love interest, Emily (Alice Eve), becomes the next target. Without spoiling the twists — what unfolds is a clever cat-and-mouse thriller that could have been wrought in the forbidden fires of the author’s imagination. The concept of a killer predicating his (or her) murder spree on a literary or fic- !"#$%&'()*+%(,)-(%)(%./0)-%1223$%4"3%5$%632),575,8%93/5):(%(,825(#%0",#5*%,#-5223-%;<#3%6)73$= Photo by Larry tional source has been the Horricks © 2011 Amontillado Productions, LLC. conceit of many tales of hor- ly argued that the short story ror and suspense. In “Basic should work towards a singuInstinct,” the killer re-enact- lar, and predetermined effect. After his slump with ed scenes from an erotic potboiler. In “Seven,” John Doe “Ninja Assassin,” James was obsessed with deadly McTeigue’s direction on “The sins. The challenge of making Raven” is a welcome return to a movie like “The Raven” lies the potential he demonstratin discovering new source ed in “V for Vendetta.” He material for the murderer to imbues his latest picture with the “singularity” Poe often exploit. The producers have demonstrated in his own earned their gold mining the works, keeping the plot brisk, treasures of Edgar Allen Poe, and avoiding the conventionwhose writings have captivat- al pitfalls common to the ed popular imagination. thriller genre. Noticeable hiccups aside, Some of his most famous works, like “The Pit and the his invention turns cinematic Pendulum” and “The Cask of cliché on its head, luring you Amontillado,” are given fresh to think you know who the life, re-conceived as spectacu- killer is even when you don’t. lar death traps, designed to Despite such artifice, the revtickle the lobes of rear-win- elation is more or less anticidow voyeurs and scopophili- pated if not foreseeable. Predictability keeps this acs alike. A crucial source of pleas- movie from surpassing its ure in this movie resides in pulpy aspirations the way spotting casual references to “The Silence of the Lambs” familiar stories and poems. and “Psycho” were able to This is some of the magic that excel with theirs. Without keeps the story’s excesses Poe, without his writings, and from becoming too apparent. without Cusack, this movie The other stuff of magic would be just another installis Cusack’s sedate but ment in the “Saw” franchise, respectful performance as the something akin to Burton’s Hollow,” or master of the macabre; his “Sleepy tongue is able to work itself Schumacher’s “8MM.” Still, around chunks of Victorian there is something satisfying alliteration without sounding and ironic in recognizing that an author whose preoccupafoolish. With interest in the tions included re-animation deceased writer so evident, and conscious entombment enjoyment alone exists just in has been resurrected and watching him alive on screen. embalmed by the canopic A perceptive dramatist, power of cinema. Who says literature is Cusack goes for straight, never upsetting the balance dead? with idiosyncrasies (à la Nic Cage), and relying on his “The Raven” uncanny likeness to keep the viewer’s interest from stray- Where: Wide release ing. Opens: April 27 Credited for inventing detective fiction, Poe famous- ★ ★ ★ out of four brochure including the full schedule of events, go to and click on at for each News. Don’t miss the First workshop. Walk-ins are also Annual Encinitas Festival of welcome on a limited basis. For a downloadable the Arts May 5, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Encinitas Wed† 7pm Community and Senior Center located at 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. The event is free to all.


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Kay Colvin is an art consultant and director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter. She specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists and bringing enrichment programs to elementary schools through The Kid’s College. Contact her at


APRIL 27, 2012

Big top comes up at fairgrounds By Tony Cagala

DEL MAR — It takes a village to make a village, or so it seemed when the massive blue and yellow “Big Chapiteau,” or big top, was raised at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. “It’s a small village that travels from city to city,” said Jeff Lund, company manager on “Totem,” the latest production from Cirque du Soleil. Following the arrival of the caravan of 65 trucks, carrying around 1,200 tons worth of equipment, a crew of more than 150 people has been making preparations for the show. The raising of big top is one of the big benchmarks, said Mike Millman, operation production manager. “The second that it’s up…that’s when

all of the show equipment comes inside and we can start setting up the rest of the site. This day is a pretty hectic day; it’s fantastic,” he added. This is the fifth tour stop for the company that takes eight days to set up and two to tear down. Following the San Diego performance, the crew will pack up and drive across the country for their next performance in Boston, Mass. When they do arrive in a city, they do bring a financial impact with them, Lund explained. “We hire roughly between 250 and 300 locals,” Lund said. Many of those work the front-of-house operations, and also the hiring of local staff through unions to set up the tents. “It’s really a collaboration

of everybody’s dedication in order to put on such a great show,” he said. “Totem” explores the evolution of mankind, explained Publicist Francis Jalbert. He said the theme of the show emerged after Cirque du Soleil gave writer and director Robert Lepage carte blanche to create a new show. This is the second show Lepage has worked on for Cirque du Soleil. “Totem” is about showcasing human beings, Jalbert explained. “The fact that we always want to push forward and further our limits…It’s a way to pay tribute to where we come from as a species and where we are going,” he added. But the show isn’t heavyhanded in any messages. “When you watch the show, we

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don’t present evolution in a chronological order. We go back-and-forth into time,” he said. “You don’t necessarily have to know what the theme of the show is…because what we do at Cirque is that we want people to have their own interpretation of what they’re seeing. So there are 2,600 people in the audience and each will get something different from the show because there’s no spoken language.” “Totem” opens April 25 and runs through May 27 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Tickets are available at




APRIL 27, 2012

Stewards of lagoon continue conservation efforts 25 years later By Tony Cagala

SOLANA BEACH — It was 25 years ago that the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy formed. The organization was smaller then, but their goals remain just as big today — to protect the lagoon from development and to help preserve the area for future generations. Doug Gibson is the executive director and principal scientist with the Conservancy. He joined the organization in 1996 and since then has seen the group mature into a goodsized staff, hosting structured events that yield measurable conservation results. Gibson said that he’s also witnessed a change in attitudes when it comes to conservation, mostly due to educational programs that have grown over the years and the Conservancy’s ability to show results to the community. “The work that we do is not just to pat ourselves on the back; it’s to create a lasting environment for future generations.” One of the organization’s biggest conservation efforts came in December 2011 when the Conservancy received a loan from a group

of individuals, allowing them to purchase the Gateway property, 3.4 acres of land next to the San Elijo lagoon for $3.75 million. The Gateway property has been one of the most highly contentious land acquisitions, explained Lydia Cobb, outreach coordinator. “For 20 years and longer, development project after another was being proposed,” she said. Since the purchase, the Conservancy has formed a campaign to repay the lenders by the end of 2012. “There are six years to repay the loan, but it’s critical that we get the support as soon as possible so we don’t pay interest,” Cobb said. “If everything is completed on time and we get everything paid by end of the year, then in 2013…that’s when the planning phase II starts.” For now, a lot of the work happening at Gateway Park sees volunteers ridding the site of non-native invasive plants such as Pride of Madeira and mustard wildflowers. And with its proximity to Highway 101 trash pickup is an ongoing event. “We are just managing habitat as it is here,” said David Varner, restoration ecologist with the Conservancy. “We’re not…creating necessarily new habitat because we still

have to purchase this property; we still need financial support to acquire this property to do real restoration. At this point we’re just protecting the reserve.” On Saturday, about 65 volunteers came to participate in the “spring cleaning at Gateway Park.” Eric Carstensen, a professor at MiraCosta College and faculty advisor for the college’s outdoors club was hoisting a tarp full of pulled weeds and invasive plants onto his back, saying that the experience has been awesome. When he moved to the area in the ‘70s, Carstensen said the environment was much more natural. “So anything we can do to preserve the remaining open space we have, I’m totally on board,” he said. Having walked through the park’s trails before, Justin Meeker saw volunteering with the Conservancy as a good opportunity to help out the community. “It’s an opportunity for the community to get together,” Meeker said. “It’s something that everyone sees driving along the 101 or on the train and it’s a valuable resource to preserve for future generations as well.” While trash and invasive plants still pose natural hur-

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dles to the lagoon, the Conservancy is facing some of its own challenges. “It always comes down to fundraising and having funds to keep people employed,” Gibson said. “Those hurdles are always going to be there.” The Conservancy still relies on state and federal support but Gibson said that it’s difficult to gain grants despite the passing of environmental bonds beginning in the late 1980s to the latest passing of Proposition 84. “That put billions of dollars into the natural environment of California, and thousands of acres of property was purchased and restored. But then we had some problems with the economy…we still have some of those bond funds around, they’re starting to dry up and we’re starting to be creative in how we accomplish some of these goals,” he said. There’s a lot left to do, but Gibson said the lagoon has done a complete 180 from where it was 15 to 16 %/'1$,"/-;.#-.#$E&.>;FG$*24'"$,)77$E1.#;./F$"#4$H"0'4$I"/#./$=/.="/.$" years ago to what it is today. &)"4$;)$7.$<"9&.4$"A"2C



APRIL 27, 2012

Man’s love of surf leads to wave machine technology By Lillian Cox

SOLANA BEACH — Surfer Bruce McFarland has achieved much success as the founder of American Wave Machines where he has developed wave technology for applications in both research and recreation. Moreover, he’s followed in the family business. Great uncle Charlie Wright promoted surfing in San Diego in the beginning of the last century after learning the sport from friend Duke Kahanamoku, the “Father of Modern Surfing.”Wright, a San Diego lifeguard, was able to replicate the design of Kahanamoku’s surfboard for popular use. Today, McFarland recalls recognizing the genius of Uncle Sonny as a 10-year-old. “Uncle Sonny made an early form of a diving hookah (air supply device used in free diving) when he lived in the Philippines,” he said. “He had a pool that was green, and said my brother and I could swim in it if we used his hooka to dive and scrub the pool with a brush. We had never seen a diving apparatus. We were stoked.” Growing up in Manhattan Beach, McFarland began devising his own gear including skim boards, skate decks, surfboards and bikes using parts. After high school, he earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering

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from UC Santa Barbara as well as a master’s specializing in fluid dynamics and experimental methods. He did post-graduate work in structural dynamics at UCLA. His first job after graduation was as a staff engineer with TRW Space and Technology in Redondo Beach. A job offer with Structural Dynamics Research Corp. in Del Mar brought McFarland and his family to Solana Beach in

1989. For a while the family lived in a VW van while he kept his options open, hoping to find a career fit that would lead to developing surf machines. That happened in 1991 when he met an inventor of sheet flow technology who needed help developing a ride. Recognizing a ground floor opportunity, McFarland co-founded Wave Loch Tool & Die in La Jolla.

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S u b s e q u e n t ly, McFarland was inspired to start his own company after watching a video of beachgoers at the Waimea Rivermouth riding surfboards on a standing wave. “I knew that it could be recreated in a pumped water system,” he said. “A guy living in Hawaii already had a related patent. I licensed it.” In 1999, McFarland founded American Wave Machines, or AMW, in Solana Beach. “The rest has been a nonstop pursuit of making waves,” he said. “My wife, Marie, the kids and the extended family have supported it all the way.” AWM began doing research and development of standing wave apparatuses and was issued five patents. In the fall of 2004, on ABC’s

“Don Polec’s World,” McFarland introduced SurfStream, the first hydrofoil standing wave machine. Manufacturing and sales began in 2006. Products started shipping in 2008. Today, McFarland touts that SurfStream delivers the ultimate surfing experience — “the long ride.” In January, pro surfers Cheyne Magnusson and Anthony Walsh, representing Body Glove, provided a demonstration at the Ola Movistar Surf Arena in Peru. Body Glove CEO Robbie Meistrell is on the AWM board of directors. “Body Glove looked far and wide for the most authentic wave technology,” Meistrell said. “Bruce and his company share the same vision as Body Glove, to bring the passion we share

for surfing to the world.” AWM offers a second product line: PerfectSwell and WindSwell wave generators, which are used at facilities such as the University of Texas for ocean energy research related to harnessing wave energy. The technology is more popularly known for recreation applications at waterparks, surfparks, hotel resorts and sponsored waveriding exhibitions. AWM is also riding the wave of the fast-growing market niche for surfing dogs. At this year’s Tournament of Roses Parade, stoked canines, hanging 20, demonstrated SurfStream on a float sponsored by Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance Pet Foods. For more information,visit



APRIL 27, 2012

Temecula Wineries open their hearts to troops Temecula to be his home after suffering a triple amputation of both legs and an arm in combat in Afghanistan. The goal is to build a “smart

The wineries and the community of Temecula are opening up their hearts and wallets to Marine Corporal Juan Dominguez who chose


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home” with state-of-the-art features to allow him to live independently. The current event drive for funds is a Salute To Corporal Dominguez at Monte De Oro Winery May 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. with Temecula wineries, restaurants, silent and live auctions and four bands for entertainment. Tickets are $65 or $120 for couples. Tickets are available at All proceeds will benefit Corporal Dominguez. In March, noted actor and musician Gary Sinise organized, with the city of Temecula, the “Lt. Dan Benefit Concert” at the new outdoor city hall center. Some 2,200 packed the area, paying up to $150 to aid Temecula’s new citizen. The “Lt. Dan” name came from the famous role Senise played in the film, “Forrest Gump.” Anyone wishing to find out more about helping the building of the Dominguez home, should call Tunnel to Towers Foundation at (718) 987-1931. Also in Temecula, Briar Rose, the limited production premium estate winery, announced its “We

29th annual

APRIL STREET FAIR 9am-5pm April 28-29, 2012 450 Vendors Offering Arts-Crafts-Food-Fun Entertainment at 4 Stages









ESoM Flute Choir - 11:00 - JazzBow Decibella - 12:00 - ESoM Jazz Big Band ESoM - 1:00 - ESoM Jazz Big Band ESoM - 1:30 - Beach Tree ESoM - 2:30 - ESoM Sax Quartet ESoM - 3:30 - Asymptotes

Remember” wine project as a tribute to America’s veterans. Owner Les Linkogle, himself a Vietnam veteran, is working with the Veterans Research Foundation to directly help veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan with this non-vintage, proprietary red with a distinctive “American Medal Of Hope” label. A percentage of the proceeds will fund world-class medical research for veterans of all generations, vital in addressing the wounds of war, seen and unseen. Linkogle praised the wine as having “a Bordeaux-like structure with fruits of blackberry, raspberry and mocha/vanilla notes.” ($24.) Les’s American Medal Of Hope consists of a Coat Of Arms, American Eagle and American Flag and took over seven months for government approval. He has also written a song called “We Remember” that has gained a lot of interest by major recording stars. The “We Remember” proprietary red wine is available at Briar Rose Winery. Call (951) 308-1098 and pick up a few cases. The label alone is a keepsake. Find out more at

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The Temecula Wine & Music Festival is at Vail Lake Resort on Highway 79 April 28 from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. An all-star jazz cast headed by Deniece Williams performs. Purchase tickets at, or call (951) 696-0184. Fleming’s La Jolla presents First Fridays Wine Tastings, May 4 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. You will get an extensive selection of wines produced in Napa Valley. $25. RSVP at (858) 535-0078. Cinco De Mayo comes to the Temecula Wine Country at Oak Mountain May 5 from 6 to 9 p.m. Enjoy a street vendor taco bar, rice and beans chips and salsa plus two glasses of wine or their famous wine margaritas. Live music from Buzz Campbell of Stray Cats. Cost is $40/$35 for members. Details at (951) !"#$%&'()%*+,-).'/01%(%2(3-)/%43-"#/%(,"'4//1%5(,6%7-48%(94+3:,'6-9-() 699-9102. ;(3<%=/)-6/%()>%8-6%?4$%*()%@()>1%(4%(%A/,/9'#(%B/)/C-4%9+)9/34%4+%8/#" Third Corner in Ocean -)%48/%B'-#>-).%+C%(%6/#CD6'64(-)-).%E6,(34%8+,/F%C+3%8-,$ Courtesy photo Beach is having a Laird Family wine dinner May 7 starting at 6 p.m. This is one of Napa Valley’s finest. Four-course pairing menu. Cost is $65. RSVP at (619) 223-2700. A Pahlmeyer Wine Dinner is planned for May 10 at 21 Oceanfront in Newport Beach from 6:30 to 10 p.m. A Pahlmeyer executive will speak at the four-course dinner. $99. Call (949) 673-2100 for more.

Wine Bytes

Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas is planning a “Cab” Ride Around the World April 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. Cabernets are in the spotlight. $20. Call (760) 479-2500 for details.

Next to Lotus Café Center Courtyard of the Lumberyard

2:30- 4:30


SHORELINE ROOTZ Stage Next to Lumberyard Tavern & Grill

Community Stage

Enjoy JOSIAH & THE the Firemen’s UPLIFT BAND Pancake Breakfast SAT 7-11am at 7-Eleven

Sunday Saturday The Fine Tune Academy - 11:00 - Dance No. County Zumba Stage Door Dance Kids - 11:30 - Frank Lazzaro & Cairo Beats Sahar Dance Company - 12:00 - Lucia Georgia Michelle & Company- 12:30 - YMCA Performing Troup The Fine Tune Academy - 1:00 - The Fine Tune Academy California Music Studios - 1:30 - Dance Connection California Music Studios - 2:00 - Kehuili O Kailani ZipZap - 2:30 - All Star Dance Company ZipZap - 3:00 - School of Rock VTeam Janice Lee School of Ballet - 3:30 - School of Rock VTeam No. County Martial Arts - 4:00 - School of Rock VTeam Thanks to






RIDE THE COASTER Saturday & Sunday



Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at



APRIL 27, 2012

Do you know the way to St. Tropez? PET OFTHE WEEK DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate In case you did not get the song association, it’s a play on “Do You Know the Way to San Jose?” the song written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David for Dionne Warwick. Ben Folds does a killer live version of it also. Anyway, I can’t seem to drive by St. Tropez without that song popping in my head with St. Tropez taking the place of San Jose. Now that we have that out of the way, if you are a fan of simple French bakery and bistro classics, you really should find your way to St. Tropez. My obsession with simple French baguette sandwiches, quiche and the like started when I worked for a French software company based in Montpellier in the South of France. I made every excuse I could to travel there in the interest of “immersing myself in the company culture.” After the first trip I was hooked on the food, and the beaches of course. My first experience with a simple baguette with thin sliced ham or jambon de Paris as they call it, gruyere cheese, sliced cornichons and butter, was life changing. Yes, it was a simple sandwich, and maybe it had something to do with being in France, but it was also a result of the fresh, quality ingredients coming together in a way that I’d not experienced to that point. Since then, I’ve made it a point to find a restaurant wherever I’ve lived that has been able to come close to providing that experience. St. Tropez in Encinitas is that local spot, and as an added bonus, they offer many other French classics, a pastry counter that is off the charts, and a location that is conducive to a French-style leisurely meal. So let’s start with the breakfast. I am a huge fan of crepes and quiche, and St. Tropez does them both very nicely. They offer a spinach crepe filled with fresh spinach in a light cream sauce topped with melted Swiss cheese, and a chicken

The classic Croque Madame at St. Tropez in Encinitas. Photo by David Boylan

and mushroom crepe with sautéed chicken in a mushroom wine sauce and topped with Swiss cheese for $8.75. The freshly baked quiche comes with a choice of homemade spinach, ham and cheese, veggie or goat cheese with herbs and sun dried tomatoes for $8.25. They offer a few different sides including a fruit cup that I get to give me a healthy piece of mind. By the way, the plural of quiche is quiche, not quiches. I heard that on “A Way with Words,” the popular NPR show. I see it used incorrectly all the time so I thought I would just throw that out there. Their quiche is very solid but has some strong local completion these days, especially at Darshan in Encinitas. But that’s another column in itself. They have a line of signature omelets that besides the classics offer some nice French twists including

goat cheese and fresh herbs, spinach cream, and a vegetarian ratatouille and Swiss. All the omelets are under $10 and come with a choice of sautéed potatoes, fruit salad and choice of wheat or regular baguette. Breakfast specialties include a Croquet Monsieur, a grilled ham and cheese sandwich topped with a light cream sauce. The name is based on the verb croquer, “to crunch,” and the word monsieur “mister.” Translated, it’s a crunchy mister. The Croque Madame is the same thing with an egg on top, and the egg represents an old fashioned woman’s hat, hence the “Madame.” The price is $8.25 for the Monsieur and $8.75 for the Madame. A breakfast sandwich on a fresh croissant, eggs Benedict, eggs Florentine, sweet crepes with Nutella, bananas, and fruit and an Acai are also available. Is there a breakfast menu in

Encinitas without an acai bowl these days? It’s like the short ribs of breakfast, it’s everywhere. Lunch at St. Tropez is my favorite. Besides the ham and cheese they have a great chicken curry croissant, and a Pan bagnat that has yellow fin tuna mixed with mayonnaise, celery, onion and topped with lettuce, tomato, boiled egg, olives, pickles & homemade dressing. All of the sandwiches are under $9. There is a full dinner menu with several classics including the classic Boeuf Bourguignon, a beef stew in red wine, carrots, celery, mushrooms, spices and served over linguine for $13.95. The Coq Au Vin is a delight also with chicken breast and leg sautéed in red wine, carrots, celery, onions and bacon. It’s served with rosemary roasted potatoes and veggies for $11.95. I’d highly suggest finding your way to St. Tropez. Find the hours and location at

This week’s special pet is Magnolia, a “Bassador” or basset hound/Labrador retriever mix, waiting to be “recycled” in the spirit of Earth Day. Pet owners and adopters can lessen their carbon “pawprint” by adopting pets instead of supporting puppy mills and backyard breeders. And the RCHS Thrift Shop at 120 Aberdeen Drive in Cardiff is a shopping center built on the concept of recycling. For more informa-

tion, call (760) 753-6413, log on to, or visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas. Kennels are open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Monday.

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or (858) 395-6905.



THE COAST NEWS Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

APRIL 27, 2012


Michael Marckx, race creator and eventual Hardman winner, holds up the Purple Card and explains the Freddy Freeloader Distinction to the 160 racers prior to the 8:30am start. Hardman award was the opposite of the Purple Freddy Distinction. It meant you did the most amount of work. Photos courtesy of Todd Glaser

Cyclists with poor sportsmanship earn the ‘Purple Card’ By Promise Yee

CARLSBAD — Cycling races demand that competitors have a team spirit. The windbreak that lead riders give the group and opportunities to sprint ahead of the pack follow a code of fairness. To underline the importance of good sportsmanship in cycling, the Spy Optics Belgian Waffle Ride held in April gave a “Wawful Freddy” distinction to the three cyclists who demonstrated the worst in sportsmanship. This is the first race in which this type of distinction has been given. To rank those who were not following the rules, close to a dozen secret judges rode with the 150 racers. It was the job of the undercover judges to hand out purple cards when they came across a rider committing a race infraction. The rider with the most purple cards took home the “Wawful Freddy.” “The idea is the most selfish, uncooperative, inconsiderate and weakest rider ends up earning the ‘Wawful Freddy,’” Michael Marckx, Spy Optics CEO, said. “It’s the opposite of the spirit of the event.” Marckx explained that

Andrew Lee, owner of Adams Avenue Bicycles, accepts the dubious Freddy Freeloader award with style and the support of his team riders. Andrew was caught several times holding onto the back of various support vehicles being pulled up myriad hills.

cyclists need to work as a team while they’re competing. “When you’re riding in the front of the group you’re breaking wind for those behind you,” he said. “Those sitting behind have it 30 percent easier than (those) sitting in front. If you take turns everyone gets the benefit of the group working together. A

few people didn’t live by that.” The “Wawful Freddy” distinction calls out any riders who take advantage of the group effort or cheat and encourages fair competition. “We wanted everyone to work for everyone,” Marckx said.“That way the strong separate themselves, so there’s no

team tactics involved. It’s man on man.” The final findings were cyclists who jumped the pack at rest stops, hung on to the back of race support vehicles for a tow, and took shortcuts to shave off miles. While names of specific offenders were not given, details of offenses were

Bocce Club hosts anniversary exhibition ENCINITAS — The Encinitas Bocce Club is celebrating its sixth year of competitive play on officially sanctioned courts in Encinitas May 6 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Club President Joe Zazzaro said, “We’re inviting the public to attend and to view a two-man team elimination exhibition and learn about this ancient Italian sport which is a competitive game of skill, similar to outdoor bowling.” “Bocce (pronounced bah-chee) sharpens the

reflexes and judgment and stimulates good fellowship among players both young and old alike,” added founder Joseph Granata. There is no charge to attend the event at Oak Crest Park. Visitors are invited to bring a picnic and enjoy lunch with the membership. The club will supply soda and waters. Weekly play is Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. To join, The Encinitas Bocce Club is celebrating with a picnic and exhibition May contact Zazzaro at (760) 6 at the Oak Crest Park Courts. The public is invited at no charge. Courtesy photo 438-0554.

described. “One person hung on to one of the support vechicles numerous times,” Marckx said. “Another guy at the first feed zone jump attacked everyone instead of waiting. Later on he didn’t do any work within the group.” Some recipients accepted the award with a good sense of humor. Others argued the judges’ findings. “Andrew Lee, owner of Adams Avenue Bicycles in San Diego, admitted he cheated,” Marckx said.“Todd Parks, of Oceanside, didn’t do any work in the group he was in. A third guy cut off portions of the course and finished far ahead of everyone else. He doesn’t want to be named.” Lee took his purple jersey with pride. The motto of his bike shop is (tongue in cheek) “We are for cheating and fighting. Which one are you?” “I cheated,” Lee said. “I hung on to three different cars going up three different climbs.” Lee said that while other recipients were ashamed of the distinction, he was elated. He added that he sees the distinction as an award for the most infamous or most

notorious. “Any time there is an opportunity to be anti heroic I’m ready for the challenge,” Lee said. Marckx originally planned that those who won the distinction would be barred from ever participating in the Belgian Waffle Ride again, but softened his stand after a strong reaction from the unnamed recipient. “It’s an integral part of the spirit of the event,” Marckx said. “I’ve given them the opportunity to come back next year and prove they don’t have that distinction.” As far as any of the “Wawful Freddy” recipients coming back next year, Lee for one said he would return to reclaim the purple jersey. “They’re going to have to wrestle it off my back,” Lee said. “Once you get me in purple, you can’t get me out.” Despite his humor, Lee said he is all for good sportsmanship. “Good sportsmanship is everything,” Lee said. “It’s a group effort. We all look out for each other. At times we’re fierce competitors, but at the end of day we’re all very respectful and hold each other in highest regard.”

Surf School hosts foreign student exchange in June ENCINITAS — The North County Surf School Surfin’ Fire is going international. It is looking for host families to welcome youngsters from Spain during a summer student exchange program from June 27 to July 25. Daily transportation will be provided to Surfin’ Fire surf camp and all week-day activities. The interactive program includes hosting a teen on

four full-day excursions to Universal Studios, Magic Mountain and two full days of sightseeing. A grocery stipend will be given and outbound travel points are earned each week you host for San Diego Coastal Homestays. You might even earn a free flight to Spain. Visit the Surfin’ Fire booth No. 503 at the Encinitas Street Fair April 28 and April 29 or visit



dents to 27 for every teacher, with savings of approximately $1 million. The increase in class size is particularly worrisome to many parents. Elsa Ruiz, who has two children in the district said the bulging classrooms are already a problem. “My sons get lost in the crowd,” she said. “It’s a good school but the teachers just don’t have enough time to really teach.” Encinitas is a basic-aid district with approximately $38 million in annual revenues in the general fund.The state’s “fair share” cut takes


North County San Diego but also throughout the state of California. These youth can be part of GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender) Community, foster children, abandoned children, whose caregivers are no longer willing to take care of them or support them and those that run away from abusive situations. These young people often escaped the abuse within families only to find abuse on the street and become the unwilling prey of sexual predators, the commercial sex trade (As shown in the April 18, 2011, NCT, Raid on the Travelodge where 30 female minors were being Trafficked), drug dealers, and gangs.This leaves the youth to survive with various implications that can turn to a life of crime and end up in incarcerated in a juvenile detention centers. This cost to taxpayers can be anywhere between $50,000 and as high as $75,000 per year per person. In comparison, providing a shelter program with a number of services the estimated cost to the community would be around $30,000 per year

THE COAST NEWS money from basic-aid districts in order to achieve parity with revenue-limited districts. District officials projected a $3 million funding loss through the fair share cut in the 2011-2012 school year, with an additional $5 million projected for the following year. Options impacting teachers and staff, such as furlough days and early retirement incentives must first be negotiated with the union. The board was hesitant to cut any instructional days from the school year calendar. The board said it is waiting on the state’s revised budget to be released in May for each youth. Not include the visits to the emergency room and mental health wards. Recently while doing outreach at a local shelter in Oceanside, I was witness to a conversation between an intake worker and a 16-yearold homeless male who was asking about how to check in to the shelter. The worker informed him that he was not eligible to stay at the shelter. The difficulty is that this youth is underage and to be able to use the shelters through Interfaith Shelter Network an individual needs to be over 18 or in the company of their parent. This seems to be a real issue, it is of great concern to me, and it should be to the community. The idea is to create a safe place that can offer these youth the opportunity to become successful and contributing members of society in these difficult economic times. The responsibility is ours as a society to take a proactive approach and work on developing a full-time shelter to address the issue of homeless in all areas of generations (seniors, youth, adults and families). Wm Rob Heinlein, Carlsbad

before adopting a district budget in June. Potential revenue sources such as the sale of the Pacific View Elementary property and the lease of district owned property on Quail Gardens Drive are still in negotiation and could not be counted on for the June budget. Baird rallied the attendees to push for reform at all levels of the political spectrum. “We’ve got a voice here,” Baird said. “We could make a difference.” Baird explained two possible ballot initiatives that could impact state education funding. Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal would help the state pay school districts on time through a sales tax increase and a “millionaire’s tax.” The PTA sponsored Munger initiative, would bring in new money to the district via graduated income tax increases.

APRIL 27, 2012

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goods that reach our communities through a global market economy. This dependency has weakened our communities, not strengthened them. In the wake of an environment that has put the members of our communities in a position to be reliant on foods and produce from outside the local economy, the City Council of Carlsbad has yet again postponed talks that were set for April 24 regarding the development of additional community gardens in Carlsbad. It is time for Carlsbad’s City Council to take a stand for the security and welfare of its community members. Community gardens are a tangible way for communities to provide for the food security, health, and welfare of its citizens. Community gardens also promote community sustainability through the cultivation of valued relationships that extend beyond the boundaries of the garden. It is time to get your

hands dirty Council members and sow the seeds of community building and sustainability. Stop stalling. Support talks for the development of additional community gardens in Carlsbad. Teresa Eilertson, Carlsbad

Isn’t Del Mar moving too fast with their Village Specific Plan? What they are asking us to comment on and vote on in November doesn’t include required details of everything that it is supposed to per State Law and the Community Plan. It doesn’t include the specifics about the parking structure, which is required by State Law requiring “other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan.” The parking structure is surely required to support the new intensive land uses!

The Plan doesn’t include the required “Design Standards by which development will proceed.” They are planned to be adopted AFTER we have voted on the Plan. The Plan doesn’t include the required specific “program of financing measures to carry out all the required elements.” Which financing measures will be adopted AFTER we have voted on the Specific Plan? These are just 3 major required items NOT INCLUDED in the Specific Plan! What else isn’t? In fact, it looks to me like the Plan we are still discussing, after a lot of “public input” by the same people, is the same unchanged Plan we started out with! “HASTE MAKES WASTE.” Why don’t we take the time to fully incorporate ALL OF THE REQUIRED DETAILS IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN BEFORE WE VOTE ON IT? Ralph Peck, Del Mar

process of contract negotiations, are paying their entire employee’s share of PERS to employees except for fire ease the situation. employees, who are in the To help cut additional

costs, Kern asked city staff to look at a list of ideas that include initiating pay freezes where contractually possible, and eliminating city takehome vehicles. Kern said the list is ongoing. There is no specific timeline for city staff to return to council with recommendations. His long-term solution is to adopt a priority-based budget that makes targeted department cuts. City Council has not supported this idea. Wood said that with continued cuts threatening city services, the city is looking outside the box at ways to generate money. Some likely

solutions are ambulance fee increases that are pending City Council approval, and a sign ordinance update that will regulate revenue-generating digital signs. The sign ordinance update was OK’d April 18. “Digital signs can bring money to the city,” Wood said. “The millions in advertisement can pay for libraries, pools — things we’re cutting.” Wood said the goal is to bring in additional revenue and make fewer cuts. He has suggested raising the city sales tax by half a cent to generate revenue, but City Council has not supported the idea.



subsidize the space rents of trailer park tenants. Prop. E will correct this longstanding injustice. If this measure passes, so long as current tenants continue to stay where they currently live, below market rents will continue as before. However, if tenants freely choose to move, below market rates will no longer be mandated. Over time, stolen property rights will be restored to their rightful owners. Please join thousands of fellow residents in voting YES on Prop. E. Randy Horton, Oceanside

Grow more gardens

A community is only as strong as its capacity to provide for its members. Today’s consumer culture and culture of consumption has resulted in our communities becoming increasingly more dependent on



Moving too fast

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Symposium aids grandparenting skills VISTA — An April 21 symposium for grandparents raising their grandchildren is being offered by The County of San Diego’s Health & Human Services Agency, for those who have primary responsibility for meeting their grandchildren’s daily needs. As surrogate parents, they must relearn and navigate a complex network of health, educational and social services, often without much help. The event will be offered from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with reg-

istration from 8 to 9 a.m.,in two North County locations: North County Lifeline Vista Townsite, 642 Vista Village Dr.,Vista. San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, 320 N. Broadway, Escondido. Reservations are required. The event will provide a free lunch and childcare is available upon request when registering. For registration, call (855) 238-5978. For additional information, visit Along with the SDHHSA, government and community partners including the First 5 Commission and the Commission on Children, Youth, and Families, are partnering to offer this symposium. Non-grandparent relatives who are raising a relative’s children are also invited. Attendees will hear from experts, visit resource tables, attend workshops and share their needs.


located, and many called for the plant to be decommissioned permanently. The facility generates 2,200 megawatts of power, serving about 1.4 million homes in Southern California and providing approximately 19 percent of the electricity for the area. The plant’s two reactors have been shut down since January after leaks were discovered in the steam generators. A few miles south of Solana Beach and within a 50-mile radius of SONGS, Del Mar City Council members are planning a presen-

tation on the issue at a future meeting. “If the NRC were to recommend a 50-mile evacuation radius that would lead to a very serious issue of whether that’s even practical,� Del Mar Councilman Don Mosier said. “We need to understand what the risk is, what the options are and what is the legitimate set of recommendations to make.� Del Mar Councilman Mark Filanc, a contractor, said his company worked on a nuclear reservation. “It is an extreme set of safety regulations and rules just for contractors entering and


she gave the matter a lot of thought because SONGS is outside the city’s jurisdiction. “I do think this is something that is within our purview to discuss,� she said. “Our first mandate as electeds is to uphold and maintain public safety.� In April 2011, the NRC formed a six-person task force to conduct a near-term evaluation of the need for agency actions at U.S. plants following the events in Japan. After reviewing NRC regulatory requirements, programs and processes and their implementation, the group, with more than 135 years of combined regulatory experience, made 12 recommendations. In letters that will be sent to NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko and his colleagues, U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and U.S. Reps. Brian Bilbray and Darrell Issa, council members say they support implementation of the shortterm recommendations as soon as possible. They say the NRC should develop a more immediate plan to execute the long-term recommendations. Council members also support expanding the evacuation zone in the event of a disaster from the current 10mile radius to 50 miles. About 7.4 million people live within a 50-mile radius of SONGS. Solana Beach is 30 miles to its south. “I don’t need a plan or a study to tell me that if something bad were to happen there that we would all be in trouble,� Nichols said. “There’s only a couple of roads in and out of here.� Heebner said during a meeting she and Nichols attended in Orange County earlier this month, Jaczko described the license renewal rule as “not a satisfactory system because it only looks at the aging of the system.� The letters also state council members support efforts to modify nuclear plant “relicensing policies to ensure a re-examination of the basics of the design elements, including seismic and tsunami hazards, operational issues, plant security and emergency preparedness.� At the April 11 Solana Beach meeting, nearly two dozen people addressed council. Most were from San Clemente, where SONGS is



APRIL 27, 2012

Chamber recognizes educators CARLSBAD — The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce will celebrate Carlsbad’s brightest educational programs and top teachers at its Outstanding Educational Program Awards dinner at 6 p.m. May 4 at the La Costa Resort and Spa, 2100 Costa del Mar Road. Registration is due by April 23. Business attire is suggested. During the evening, awards will be given in four categories: best arts program, best entrepreneurial program, best innovative program and best science program. The event also will honor the teachers of the year from the Carlsbad Unified and Encinitas

working on the site,â€? he said. “The safety is not taken lightly at a ‌ nuclear power plant. It’s taken very seriously. “I don’t think I would categorically state that San Onofre is just an unsafe place,â€? he said. “I’m sure there’s some flaws in their safety protocol and safety procedures and how they operate, and I think that that definitely needs closer scrutiny. “I’m most interested in hearing what the issues are and what the remedies are,â€? Filanc said. “We, as a council, have to hear the facts,

Union school districts. The winning programs and finalists are also assisted financially, receiving awards of up to $500. Entertainment will be provided by local students, with a multimedia presentation of finalist programs, a reception featuring displays of Carlsbad school programs and a dinner. The cost of corporate tickets $100 per person and is $50 for school district employees. For more information about the awards dinner, call (760) 931-8400 or visit

not the emotion.� “Our number one priority is protecting the health and safety of the public and our employees,� Chris Abel

the community outreach manager at SONGS, said during the April 11 Solana Beach City Council meeting.


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I know the cholla cactus only too well “The desert is full of wonderful plants, including sand verbena, chuparosa and the cholla,” the article read. All I had to hear was the word cholla and suddenly my ankles began to sting. The writer almost had me going with her word pictures of the blooming natural flora out east of us this time of year. But there isn’t a flower fabulous enough to get me to hike out there, now that I am reminded what is waiting for me. In or out of bloom, I have always known the charming cholla cactus by its nickname, “Jumping cactus.” Left up to me, its nickname would have been the “Merciless Stabbing Cactus.” And I don’t doubt it has several closely related cousins growing nearby, just waiting for me to stroll by or, heaven forbid, stumble. I spent many a childhood vacation in Tucson, Arizona where I believe all cholla begin their lives. Apparently they, like many Arizona natives, have drifted west and settled in California. But in my childhood, while my brother was out shooting at rabbits, those of us of a more peaceful nature were desperately trying to entertain ourselves in the middle of a sea of cactus, sage and sand. When my parents insisted I quit reading and go outside, the only option was to walk around. No matter how close to the middle of the path you stayed, no matter how thick the socks or how high the boots, somehow you never made it back without catching the spines of a cholla in your foot. One dedicated desert naturalist fondly described its long needles as “the sharpest of all the cactus needles.” No kidding. Not only does it hurt like the devil, but when one hits your leg, you may fleetingly think you have been bitten by a rattlesnake. The overall effect is utterly unnerving. And in case you are tempted to accuse me of being a Coastal wimp, let me TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B19












APRIL 27, 2012

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Carlsbad Village Faire readies for spring fests By Christina Macone-Greene

CARLSBAD — It’s that time of year again to gather up those sturdy bags for some shopping galore. On May 6, a wave of guests will take part in the biannual Carlsbad street fair, also now referred to as The Carlsbad Village Faire, brought to you by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. The Carlsbad Village Faire is one the largest of its kind in the nation while offering distinct vendors, entertainment and foods to attract every personal taste imaginable. Rolling into its 39th year, this event takes place on the first Sunday of the month in both May and November. “The Carlsbad Village Faire brings in around 100,000 people each time it’s held,” said José A. López, director of communications at the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. “As a rule, our spring fairs always tend to draw more people.” This free daylong event, Lopez said, occupies Grand Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Jefferson Street. And the cross streets within

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this locale also brim with activity. The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce expects to have more than 900 vendors. Avid shoppers will be presented with an array of selections such as clothing, accessories, artwork, antiques, home

décor, various products and more. And aromas from the food vendors are sure to entice visitors. “The Carlsbad Village Faire is the largest single-day fair of its kind in the United States,” Lopez said. “If you’re a shopper looking for unique

gifts, if you want to decorate your home or even if you just want something to do on a Sunday, the Carlsbad Village Fair makes for a perfect day out.” Lopez pointed out that the magnitude of the event holds a different meaning for

everyone. For some, it’s all about the shopping. And for others, it may be about the entertainment or food. But all in all, the faire has become a tradition to a host of people both in Carlsbad and out of TURN TO FAIRE ON B19

Vinyl lovers turn out for annual Record Store Day By Bryan Snyder

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Special to The Coast News CARLSBAD — The parking lot of Spin Records in the Carlsbad Village filled early with crowds gathering to celebrate the 5th annual nationwide celebration of Record Store Day, April 21. Early visitors waited in line before store hours for one of the scheduled, limit-

ed edition releases such bands as The Flaming Lips, Arcade Fire and others. There is an amazing selection here at Spin,” Susanna Kurner of Carlsbad said. “I’m taking home two records to add to my collection.” The store remained TURN TO RECORDS ON B19

Vintage wheels ready to roll ENCINITAS — Springtime means the 19th Annual Bob Baker Volkswagen Vintage Volkswagen Spring Festival is back, beginning at 9 a.m. April 29 at the dealership, 5500 Paseo Del Norte. The gathering of the most classic of Volkswagen models is open to the public, and will feature air-cooled VWs up to 1979. The day will also include free food and live music. Entry to show a car is $10 per car.

The day will feature a raffle, live music and a “Baker’s Dozen” of awards including the “People’s Choice” and the “Promoter’s Choice.” For this annual event, Bob Baker VW removes the new cars from the lot and showroom, and puts vintage VWs in their place. Visitors are invited to walk around and check out the cars, and mingle with the owners. Show entries will be able to select a display spot starting at 8 a.m.

Bob Baker Volkswagen first opened its doors in 1981 in Car Country Carlsbad. For more than 25 years, Bob Baker Volkswagen has serviced the automotive needs of the motorist of San Diego County. Bob Baker Volkswagen is a full service facility offering new Volkswagens, pre-owned used vehicles, maintenance and mechanical repair, parts and accessories, as well as collision and paint repair all at one convenient location in Car Country Carlsbad.

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APRIL 27, 2012

Scripps Health CEO named Sheriff’s Dept. Volunteer of Year By Jared Whitlock

CARMEL VALLEY — Chris Van Gorder is perhaps best known as the president and chief executive officer of Scripps Health. Taking over more than a decade ago, he was instrumental in turning around the once-flailing medical organization. Van Gorder is also well-regarded for another reason: his volunteer work. Van Gorder, a Carmel Valley resident, was recently named the San Diego County Sheriff Department’s Volunteer of the Year for serving as the reserve commander for the Search and Rescue Unit.

“I was very surprised to get the award,” he said. “There are so many dedicated volunteers with the Sheriff’s Department, and not just in search and rescue, who put in their time and energy for no pay at all.” Van Gorder’s passion for law enforcement goes back well before his volunteer experience for the Sheriff’s Department. About 35 years ago, Van Gorder was a police officer in Los Angeles when misfortune came knocking. In 1978, he was struck by a car in the line of duty, which caused severe musculoskeletal injuries and forced him to retire. It just so hap-

pened that the hospital that took care of Van Gorder for about a year hired him as director of security once he healed. Working in hospital operations inspired him, so he enrolled at the University of Southern California and earned a master’s in hospital services administration. From there, he was happily employed by several hospitals. But his experience as a police officer was never far from his mind. “I never lost my love and interest in law enforcement,” Van Gorder said. A Scripps physician !"#$%&'()&*+#,-#&.#$/"01&%0(),$)/&2$0"&3()&4$-/+&!+5)06&3"-#$77&8$99&*+#-&(0&(&:+95)0--#&(2(#,%&;-#-<+= introduced him to the Search )6>& '()& *+#,-#& %-#:-%& (%& 0"-& :+95)0--#& #-%-#:-& ;+<<(),-#& 7+#& 0"-& 3"-#$77& 4-?(#0<-)0@%& 3-(#;"& (), and Rescue Unit in 2003. He A-%;5-&B)$0> Courtesy photo joined as a civilian volunteer forgotten any of those searchsoon after. Van Gorder later es and I never will.” San Diego Sheriff Sgt. completed 240 hours of training at the San Diego County Don Parker, coordinator for Sheriff’s Search and Rescue the Sheriff’s Search and Academy, gained certifica- Rescue Unit, recommended tions and climbed the ranks Van Gorder for the award. “Some people get the over the years. As part of his duties as reserve command- big picture and others are er, Van Gorder oversees good at smaller, individual about 150 volunteers, who on tasks,” Parker said. “He’s one top of graduating from the of those rare people that can Search and Rescue Academy do both well. And on top of it, (if they don’t already have he’s very good with all kinds equivalent experience), are of people in all kinds of situtrained in specialized units ations.” Van Gorder participates like tactical, K-9 and medin missions that range from ical. “Even though we’re vol- longer searches across severunteers, we have extensive al counties to shorter rescues, one of which Van training,” Van Gorder said. Van Gorder said it’s Gorder said involved a helioften an emotionally taxing copter swooping in and pickjob, particularly for missions ing up a woman who was like the searches for Chelsea injured at the base of a waterfall. The missions vary King and Amber Dubois. “We obviously always greatly, but he said timing is respond hoping the person always of the essence. “We start our training will be alive,” Van Gorder said. “But it doesn’t always with one fundamental princiwork out that way. I’ve never ple — that is searches are an emergency,”Van Gorder said. “We react as quickly as possible in environments that require quick decision making.” Van Gorder has certainly demonstrated grace under pressure — and not just as reserve commander. He’s also won the Maltese Cross Award from the San Diego County Fire Chiefs Association. And as reserve commander, Van Gorder is a licensed emergency medical technician and instructor for the American Red Cross. In addition, he’s racked up various healthcare awards for his role at Scripps. Van Gorder has put in as many as 1,000 hours for the Search and Rescue Unit in a year, but typically averages around 700. He said his commitment can be traced to a lesson he learned from his dad. “My dad taught us it was our obligation to give back to a country that’s been good to us,” Van Gorder said.

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APRIL 27, 2012

ODD A slacker’s guide to a low maintenance lawn FILES


Snooze (Even for a SplitSecond), You Lose In April, a research ship will begin surveying the Atlantic Ocean floor off of Nova Scotia as the first step to building, by 2013, a $300 million private fiber-optic line connecting New York and London financial markets so as to speed up current transmission times — by about five milliseconds. Those five milliseconds, though (according to an April report in Bloomberg Business Week), will enable the small group of firms that are underwriting the project (and who will have exclusive use of it) to earn millions of dollars per transaction by having their trade sales arrive five milliseconds before their competitors’ sales would have arrived. Cultural Diversity Brazil’s Safety Net for the Poor: Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, the most celebrated plastic surgeon in the country, apparently earned enough money from well-off clients that he can now “give back,” by funding and inspiring more than 200 clinics to provide low-income women with enhancement procedures (face lifts, tummy tucks, butt lifts) at a reduced, and sometimes no, charge. A local anthropology professor told ABC News, for a March dispatch, that “(i)n Brazil, plastic surgery is now seen as something of the norm” (or, as the reporter put it, “(B)eauty is (considered) a right, and the poor deserve to be ravishing, too”). In a March interview on Bolivian television, Judge Gualberto Cusi, who was recently elected to Bolivia’s Constitutional Tribunal from the indigenous Aymara community, acknowledged that occasionally, when deciding tough cases, he relied on the Aymaran tradition of “reading” coca leaves. “In moments when decisions must be taken, we turn to coca to guide us and show us the way.” In February, the LifeEnd Clinic in the Netherlands announced that six mobile euthanasia teams were placed in service countrywide to make assisted-suicide house calls — provided the client qualified under the nation’s strict laws. (Euthanasia, legal in the Netherlands since 2002, is available to people who suffer “unbearable, interminable” pain and for which at least two doctors certify there is “no cure.” Panels of doctors, lawyers and ethicists rule on the applications.)


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Americans love their lawns, but not the work needed to keep them lush. In fact, just 7 percent of adults prefer working on their lawn to other chores and activities, according to a Consumer Reports survey. Sixty-two percent said they’d rather cook, one third said they’d rather visit their in-laws, and nearly one in five (17 percent) said they’d rather go to the dentist. CR recently outlined several ways in which homeowners can reduce up to 60 hours of yard care per year and still have an attractive lawn. — Let the lawn go brown during dry spells. It’s human nature to want to water a browning plant. But in the case of grass, the color change is merely an indication that the plant is entering a natural state of dormancy designed to conserve nutrients. Don’t make the mistake of giving it a light daily watering during dry spells; that will encourage a shallow root system that does more harm than good. Instead, give the lawn just one long soak, say, 30 minutes’ worth, at which point it should be good for another month. Hours saved annually: up to 12. — Fertilize less frequently. Fertilizer companies recommend as many as five applications a year — they’re in the business of selling the stuff.

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But many lawns can thrive with no more than two annual applications. Memorial Day and Labor Day are the ideal times (a bit earlier in the Deep South). If you fertilize only once, do it in September, using fall fertilizer. Most highquality products contain slowrelease nitrogen, which promotes growth in the spring. Hours saved annually: up to eight. — Let the grass grow a bit longer. You probably know that cutting grass too short can compromise root development. But the long-held rule

that you should never remove more than one third of the blade’s total height has come under scrutiny. Most domestic grasses can thrive with 50 percent or more of the blade removed. So you can let the lawn grow to about 5 1/2 inches before mowing. Hours saved annually: up to 10. — Live with certain weeds and pests. You might not love the look of dandelions, but they don’t actually harm the lawn, and their penetrating tap roots might even improve the soil structure. But CR does recommend cutting off the heads before they go to seed. Clover, which takes nitrogen from the air and distributes it in the soil, also has benefits. Other lawn problems, however, are worth trying to eliminate. Crabgrass, for example, usually dies off at the first frost and promotes soil erosion. Try corn-gluten meal as an organic alternative to chemical herbicides. And remember that thick grass is always the best defense against lawn problems, so seed bare spots to help build up turf. Hours saved annually: up to five. — Mulch, don’t bag. As interest in eco-friendly lawn care continues to grow, the lawn mower bag is becoming less necessary. The process of discharging finely cut clippings back onto the turf instead of bagging them saves time, plus it returns nutrients to the soil — reducing your lawn’s fertilizer needs by roughly 33 percent. That will

Jump into spring at Cardiff’s earth-friendly festival CARDIFF-BY-THE-SEA — Cardiff 101 Main Street invites you to celebrate spring and sustainable gardening practices by attending its Spring Fling from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 5. The mission of Carpentier Parkway is to promote its public, organic, sustainable, water-wise, floral park in downtown Cardiff-bythe-Sea. What was once a vacant lot paralleling the railroad train tracks between Birmingham Drive and Chesterfield Drive has been transformed by beautiful sustainable landscaping and a trail for all to enjoy. Carpentier Parkway serves as an example of what can be

done with a unoccupied dirt lot to improve and beautify a downtown area. Emmy-award-winning garden writer and professional artist, Pat Welsh, will be speaking from 11 a,.m. to 12:30 p.m. In addition, Bucket Ruckus, Steve Brown and Cardiff students from the Devine School of Guitar will be performing throughout the day. This year look for an allnew Kid’s Zone with a seed toss and interactive games. Easels will be set up throughout the park with original pieces of local art available

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for purchase. Buy a raffle ticket to be entered to win additional prizes. While there, visitors can become part of history and sponsor a brick or paver at Carpentier Parkway’s Inspirational Terrace for Cardiff’s Centennial Celebration. Sponsor a brick for $65 or a flagstone paver from $180. If you’d like to lend a hand, volunteers are still needed. For more details, visit

help limit your fertilizer applications to once or twice a year. Hours saved annually: up to 15. — Give low-maintenance grasses a look. Instead of grabbing whatever seed mix is on sale at the local garden center, CR suggests considering one of the new slow-growth, drought-resistant species. Fine fescues, including creeping red, chewings, and hard, all qualify as low-mainte-

Vivian Lee Powers Oceanside July 12, 1922 to April 8, 2012 Ainslie Hand Smith Quick Olivenhain/Carlsbad February 9, 1931 to April 4, 2012 Josephine Valverde, 91 Oceanside April 15, 2012 Dorothy F. Daughhetee West Encinitas/Carlsbad April 11, 1918 to April 16, 2012 Ann Alderman Carlsbad October 5, 1913 to March 31, 2012 Jane “Jean” Ballard Oceanside December 10, 1916 to April 12, 2012 Donald F. Bassett Escondido/Carlsbad May 17, 1923 to April 16, 2012 Robert Peyton Bobbett Vista June 16, 1920 to March 27, 2012 Allen Elson Chan Oceanside April 17, 2012

nance. But fine fescues don’t tolerate traffic well, so if your lawn doubles as a Wiffle Ball field, consider tall fescue. It does better underfoot but is susceptible to damage from ice cover. You’ll also find plenty of shade-resistant options, though trying to establish turf under the thick foliage of a maple or other shade tree can be a waste of time. Hours saved annually: 15 or more.

Helen Willis Walden Cornell Vista December 1, 1928 to April 15, 2012 Joyce Eileen (Cottingham) Foster Oceanside September 20, 1926 to March 29, 2012 Betty Carol Hardy Vista April 23, 1934 to March 3, 2012 Lora Hedstrom Oceanside December 16, 1963 to April 13, 2012 John Lester Howard Oceanside April 14, 1925 to April 16, 2012 John anthony (Tony) Kass Vista March 5, 1940 to March 16, 2012 Kelli Elaine Kovacs Oceanside August 12, 1983 to April 13, 2012 Marie-Jeanne Rhead “Marie” MacPherson Carlsbad July 4, 1924 to April 17, 2012 Thomas McCormick Oceanside September 2, 1940 to April 15, 2012

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APRIL 27, 2012

Oceanside changes rules for billboards By Promise Yee

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Martin Luther King Choir highlights church opening CARLSBAD — A special concert of spirited Gospel music will highlight the weekend dedication and open house event May 6 for Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 2510 Gateway Road. The community is invited from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. May 6 to tour the church’s new, expanded facility, and then to join them at 4 p.m. for the joyful noise of the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Choir. The Gospel choir, directed by Pastor Ken Anderson, is a non-profit organization, together since 1990, which provides educational grants for aspiring college-bound

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students in the fine arts field. For more information, visit The concert is free and no reservations are required. During the open house, church members will offer a closer look at the parish’s various outreach ministries, which include the Camp

Pendleton Wounded Warriors Battalion, a prison ministry, Meals on Wheels, the North County Solutions for Change organization which works to eliminate family homelessness and the Episcopal Refugee Network, helping survivors from war-torn Darfur, Southern Sudan and Myanmar. For details and directions, call (760) 930-1270 or visit

OCEANSIDE — City Council updated its sign ordinance to prepare for trending digital billboard advertising. Regulations for sign twirlers and feather signs, which are regulated under the same ordinance, were also discussed at the April 18 meeting. Initial recommendations required each new digital sign to replace two current signs in order to reduce blight and driver distraction. It was noted that digital signs on city property have a potential to bring in significant revenues because of their capacity to display multiple advertisements. The idea to reduce signs was nixed and council went in the opposite direction and OK’d adding four new billboards. The change from reducing signs to increasing them came after discussions concluded that the city could be sued for lifting its ban on billboards, but restricting sign companies from participating by not allowing new billboards to be added. “If I was ever to think this was a revenue producing activity that’s out the door,” Councilwoman Esther Sanchez said. “It’s a very real scenario of getting sued by these sign people.” The OK to update the sign ordinance and add four billboards came in a 4-1 vote, in which Sanchez voted no. The expectation is that new billboards will be digital and current billboards will soon become digital signs. The OK gives the city control over the specifics of billboard placement, digital message dwell time, sign brightness and hours of lighted digital display. This includes spacing billboards 1,000-feet apart and requiring messages to have a minimum of a 4-second dwell time. “Digital signs are coming — we’d like to have some control,” said Mayor Jim Wood. Council also looked at the safety issues and esthetics of sign twirler mascots and feather signs. Both forms of signage were previously banned, but it was not enforced. “Out of 650 members of the chamber, 95 percent said ‘keep the mascots,’ and 93 percent said ‘keep the feather signs,’” said David Nydegger, Chamber of Commerce CEO. “If you really want to find ugly, see a business with boarded outside windows and doors.” Numerous business owners spoke of the benefit of

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using sign twirlers to drum up business. “Ninety percent of customers said they came because they saw the sign,” Carl Hengar, owner of Liberty Tax Service, said.“It’s a big part of our business.” Hengar also said that safety has not been an on-thejob issue for sign twirlers. “In 14 years, with 4,000 offices across the U.S., there hasn’t been one accident,” he said. More than a dozen sign twirlers attended the city council meeting. Several spoke on how they valued their job. Sign twirler Tanner Webb said he has been looking for full time work for two years. He added that the sign twirler job helps him get by monthto-month. “It gives me a chance to make something of myself,” Webb said. The council included legalizing sign twirling as part of the ordinance, with specific regulations to be brought back to city council in 90 days. Regulations will iron out the details of whether or not sign twirling can be done on public right of way. Feather signs, which are 20-foot cloth advertising banners, will remain illegal until specific rules to regulate their use are brought back to city council in 90 days. City staff members said the city would not be enforcing the ban during the 90-day period in which the regulations are being developed. Councilman Jerry Kern said feather signs present an eyesore when they are worn, tattered or cluttered together, but added that the city would look at how to regulate them to make them work for business advertising. “We’re all out here trying to help businesses,” Kern said.


The Encinitas Sheriff's Volunteer Patrol performs home vacation security checks, assists with traffic control, enforces disabled parking regulations, patrols neighborhoods, schools, parks and shopping centers and visits homebound seniors who live alone for the communities of Encinitas and Solana Beach. Volunteers must be 50 or older, in good health, pass a background check, have medical and auto insurance and a valid California driver's license. Training includes a two week academy plus 4 field training patrols. The minimum commitment is 24 hours per month on patrol or in the office, and attendance at a monthly meeting. Contact Laurence Reisner, Administrator 760-966-3579.



APRIL 27, 2012

Prehistoric plant looks great all year-round KENT HORNER Local Roots Designing landscaping and working with plants for many years has given me many insights into their special individual requirements and microclimate needs. Many plants look great for a short period of time and then go dormant during the fall and winter months. Others flower nicely for a short period and then make a huge mess, dropping leaves or becoming drab and disappointing for the remaining part of the year, sometimes growing so quickly that they soon overpower the space that they have been planted in. This often ruins the design and requires additional cost to remedy. So, being the low-maintenance kind of guy that I am, I have over the years found many plants that solve these issues and are tried and true in the respect that they can be counted on to be attractive for years. Many of these plants can provide color on a regular basis and most importantly, they can survive the onslaught of a homeowner desperately trying to love them to death with over or underwatering. One of my favorite plants that fits this description is the sago palm. It really isn’t a palm

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at all. The sago is actually a Cycad from the family Cycadaceae. One of the most common and well-known sagos we see today in homes and commercial landscaping is called the Cycas revoluta. Cycas refers to the genus or group of similar plants in the Cycad family and revoluta describes the exact species within this particular grouping focusing on the fact that the leaflets on each individual frond or branch (revolute) or curve back and under. I love these beautiful plants because they grow at an extremely slow pace and have a finite reach with their individual branches.The foliage of this sago is usually a brilliant dark green and punctuates an

otherwise boring landscape with dark shining foliage pleasing to the eye of the onlooker. Most Cycads are similar in shape and color. There are two other Cycad families, the stangeriaceae and zamiaceae. Typically, these plants are characterized by stout and woody (ligneous) trunks that support a crown of large stiff evergreen leaves. Cycads are gymnosperms, which means naked seeded.All Cycads are dioecious as well, meaning that they are either male or female. Gymnosperms develop their unfertilized seeds or ovules open to the air. This allows direct fertilization by pollination in contrast to angiosperms, which usually

Be Earth smart with proper pet care ENCINITAS — By adopting a “recycled” dog or cat this Earth Day, you’ll lessen your family’s carbon “pawprint” according to Rancho Coastal Humane Society spokesman John Van Zante. RCHS in Encinitas is joining paws with one billion people worldwide to support environmental programs. What better place to begin than by saving the life of a shelter pet? “Many people think Earth Day is only about clean air, recycling plastic, and chemicals in our water,” Van Zante said. “But we can begin by adopting a ‘recycled’ pet from a shelter or rescue rather than supporting the mass production puppy mills or backyard breeding operations that harm the environment by flooding the market with unwanted animals.” On the subject of pet food, Van Zante says that there are lots of things that pet owners can do to help

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lessen their pets’ carbon pawprints. “Start with what you feed your pet. Most vets are happy to help you design a diet that provides the vitamins and minerals your pet needs. Studies also show that chicken basedkibbles have less impact on the environment than beef.”?? On the subject of pet waste,Van Zante urges owners to pick up after your pets. “When you don’t, it can end up in the ocean or our drinking water. So pick it up. For extra impact, use biodegradable poop bags.” Regarding pet care and products, their are environmentally friendly pet shampoos as well as dog toys and beds made from natural products like cotton or recycled materials. ? When it comes to spaying and neutering, one researcher notes that, during its lifetime, a pet can have as much impact on the environment as an SUV. Allowing your pet to create

unwanted litters of puppies or kittens multiplies the issue. Altering your pets would stop this problem 100 percent. And don’t forget flea and tick treatments. Studies indicate that some flea control products pose a cancer risk to children. Ask your vet about safer options to control fleas and ticks. There are a number of environmentally friendly treatments that you can make at home. “San Diego is one of the most pet-friendly cities in America,” Van Zante said. “This Earth Day we have an opportunity to not only make a difference locally, but set an example globally. Adopt a “recycled” pet this Earth Day.” Rancho Coastal Humane Society is at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas. Kennels are open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Monday. For more information call (760) 2134932 or visit

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enclose their seeds using a more complex reproductive process. Cycads have very specialized pollinators, usually a specific type of beetle. Botanical studies have found that these plants also work in a symbiotic relationship fixing nitrogen with a type of cyanobacterium living near and between the roots. These bluegreen algae produce a neurotoxin called BMAA that is eventually found in the tissues of the plant and primarily the seeds. Because of this, tribal people who still utilize the starch obtained from certain varieties of these plants must grind and soak the seeds to remove the nerve toxins that may be present. In addition, bush meat

from game living in the area may provide a health threat. Meat coming from animals foraging on cycad seeds or leaves will have traces of this toxin in their body fat. There is some indication that regular consumption of starch derived from cycads is a factor in the development of Lytico-Bodig disease, a neurological disease that exhibits the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and ALS. Lytico-Bodig disease and its relation to cycasin ingestion is explored in Oliver Sacks’ 1997 book “Island of the Colourblind.” Cattle grazing in pastures containing cycads ingest the leaves and seeds and eventually develop the neurologic syndrome of cycad toxicosis known as the “Zamia Staggers.” Wow! These plants can be can be found all over the world and are usually in greater numbers near the equator.They are very diverse in their microclimate needs as well.Some are salt tolerant (halophytes), while others survive in harsh semidesert climates and are known as

xerophytic. Many love bog-like conditions rich in organic material or they can live on solid rock, some in both. Today, these plants still exhibit their same prehistoric looks, dating to several hundred million years ago.

Kent Horner is a local landscape contractor and designer with 30 years of experience in all aspects of your garden. For information concerning your project or questions involving your surroundings, email him at


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Council hands over sister city relations to nonprofit By Christina Macone-Greene as the Bohemian city of encourage cultural and com-

CARLSBAD — The Carlsbad City Council unanimously agreed on April 24 to hand over its Sister City Program reins to the nonprofit CSCA (Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Incorporated). The council decided it was both essential and in the public’s best interest to have the not-for-profit run the community-based program and continue its relationship with its sister cities located in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic and Futtsu, Japan. “The agenda is to set a policy for the city that essentially defines the relationship between the city government and the organization that conducts the Sister City Program,” said Colleen Finnegan, community arts coordinator at city of Carlsbad. “The second aspect of the resolution is to authorize the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc., as the entity.” In 1988, Finnegan said, the city of Carlsbad established its first sister city relationship with Futtsu, Japan. For the first 18 months, the program was run by a Steering Committee of citizen volunteers who represented different organizations in the community. A couple years later, in 1990, the city created the Carlsbad Sister City Program and with it, a Sister City Committee of nonappointed members. A year later, the Czech Republic city of Karlovy Vary was added. In earlier times, this town was known

Karlsbad. “The city managed the program for 20 years and then it was determined that most Sister City Programs are actually run by nonprofit organizations,” said Finnegan, adding how staff thought it would be a good idea to follow that protocol. “The people on that committee actually formed the not-for-profit organization.” Since June 2010, CSCA has been the interim managers of the program. “We are thrilled that the city is taking the next step in authorizing and designating CSCA to manage its sister city relationships,” said Joanne Brouk, member of the board of directors and events chair at CSCA. “The proposal demonstrates the confidence the city has in CSCA to responsibly manage its organization and sister city relationships.” CSCA currently has 195 members. Finnegan said that a membership organization such as this means more can be done in the community. “Our mission is to create active and meaningful connections between Carlsbad and its citizens and comparable yet internationally dispersed communities,” Brouk said. “These connections are intended to promote peace, cultural awareness and economic opportunities through mutual respect, understanding and cooperation.” Rooted deep in history, it was President Dwight Eisenhower who thought of the Sister Cities notion. It was established in 1956 to

mercial ties. Brouk pointed out that in 1967 it evolved into the Sister Cities International (SCI) organization, a nonprofit citizen diplomacy network for partnerships with international communities. “SCI leads the movement for local community and volunteer action by motivating and empowering private citizens, municipal officials and business leaders to promote peace one individual and community at a time,” Brouk said. The CSCA board of directors keeps the city council informed of any pertinent information such as events, fundraisers, cultural exchanges, and international visits. Although they really aren’t required to do so, Brouk said, the board feels it’s imperative to brief the city council on such happenings. Although the city no longer champions the sister program, they are still very much involved. Finnegan shared that activities of any sister city program generally requires some participation when there are visitors such as government or student delegations by their city council members and city staff. “The city of Carlsbad has the interest to protect its community and the desire to have international relationships with the benefit of its own community members,” Finnegan said. “I am very pleased that these Carlsbad residents (CSCA) want to further the sister city program and I really foresee great things.”

APRIL 27, 2012

Treasures from the sea There’s nothing like a walk by the sea at dawn. Even if I’m not surfing, I love the smells and the sounds and watching everything including pelicans, dolphins and other surfers glide over morning glass while the rest of the world is barely waking up or still dreaming about riding waves. The world becomes new as the birds dive for fish and

CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes remains sadly constant ? the trash littering the beach: everything from bottle caps and plastic bags to helium balloons line the sand or are

ed in this column, is that all balloons be made from something that will dissolve in a few days after contact with water. Should be a law, right? Until such a law is passed, please be certain to pop balloons, no matter how much fun they are to watch flying away.Your kids will get it if you explain that their moment of joy is nothing compared to the death sen-

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the plovers play tag with the little waves, the fish compete for crabs and surfers push their way into the lineup in search of treats of their own. I often think I should be out there, riding waves with them, but these days, morning is mostly walking, thinking, praying and looking amid the seaweed and the garbage. I look at the shapes of beach rocks worn smooth by time and tide as I plan the rest of my day. Sometimes I’ll encounter an old friend along the route and sometimes I’ll make a new one. Just like the sea, the sand beneath my feet forever changes. Only one thing

trapped in stands of seaweed. I must look pretty odd by the time I am finished walking, my pockets stuffed with deflated balloons and my hands holding numerous other discards that somebody forgot to pick up. But did they really forget? If they forgot, you would think there would be a few diamond rings, watches or cell phones in the mix. But no, it’s just wrappers, cans and other items of no value. So the reason must be something other than forgetfulness. With graduations and weddings in that month, June is the heart of balloon season. Now, don’t get me wrong; there are few adults in the world who love balloons more than I do. I give them to my grandson. I blow them up and let them fly around the room. I punch them and I pop them. Of all these activities, popping is the most important. That’s because hydrogen filled balloons are carried far over the ocean and are often mistaken by baleen whales or lesser sea animals for food. The results can lead to death or severe health problems. I don’t really want to chase people down because they let a balloon go, so, my idea, as I have often suggest-

tence they could be passing on to some unsuspecting sea creature. In other surf news: Have you noticed how much surf there’s been this year? Not really big, but consistently decent sized and with good to great conditions. Of course that cold La Nina water has been something else. Still, worth the dip for the stoked. Wetsuit sales have been brisk (pun intended). Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of four books on surfing. Email him at



APRIL 27, 2012


Pendleton hosts Devil Dog Duathlon Earth day 2012

brings awareness to Pendleton

By Lance Cpl Trevon S. Peracca

CAMP PENDLETON — More than 400 athletes cycled and sprinted to the finish line during the 2012 Hard Corps Race Series, Devil Dog Duathlon and 5k run on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, April 14. The competition was open to both military and civilians to help raise money for other Marine Corps Community Services events and programs. The revenue from these types of events goes back into MCCS, which allows them to provide these events for the base, said Jimi G. Shive, assistant race director of the Hard Corps Race Series. The recreation centers, Single Marine Program centers and the hobby shop all exist because of the support they receive. Participants began the race with a 5k run followed by a 30k bike race and then concluded with an additional 5k run. For those interested in just running, athletes had the option to run a single 5k race instead of the entire duathlon. “Our goal is to grow our series, so the more participation we get, the better,” said Shive. “We have been working on our advertising to help

By Lance Cpl Trevon S. Peracca serve energy through a

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maximize participation.We’re also planning on expanding next year and providing different races and other opportunities”. The military male overall fastest recorded time was set by 1st Lt. Kelsey C. Moore, a AH-1W Cobra Pilot with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169, Marine Air Group 39, with a

time of 1 hour, 49 minutes, 24 seconds. The military female overall fastest recorded time was set by Maj. Casey L. McKinney, a ground aviation electronics maintenance officer, with a time of 1:26:10.The civilian male overall fastest recorded time was set by Nick Sigmon with a time of 1:23:50. The civilian female overall

fastest recorded time was set by Rachel Challis with a time of 1:27:34. For more information on races and upcoming events, v i s i t The next Hard Corps Race Series event is the World Famous Mud Run starting June 2012.


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CAMP PENDLETON — Local vendors brought Earth Day awareness to Camp Pendleton, in front of the 11 area Country Store, April 18. Multiple booths were set up, providing valuable information for Marines and residents of Camp Pendleton. “We use this day to have exposure to the Marines and public, and tell them what we are doing on base is lowering the over energy consumption,” said Sidney Mohseni, the resource efficiency manager at Tetratech. Pendleton shows its commitment to lowering energy use by beginning to change all of the incandescent light bulbs to compact florescent light bulbs. Approximately 77 percent of energy used for lighting can be saved by switching out the 100 watt incandescent light bulbs with 23 watt compact florescent light bulbs and still have the same amount of light. “Environmental considerations have a significant impact on our mission as a Marine Corps, both directly and indirectly,” according to Marine Administrative Message 222/12. “Earth Day offers us a chance to reexamine the way we do business in consideration of our environment. Sound practices that consider and minimize our environmental impacts serve to minimize our logistics footprint, reduce our operational costs, ensure the health of our forces and enhance force protection.” Camp Pendleton strives to effectively con-

number of different strategies. One of these strategies is to produce some of its own electricity through photo voltaic systems. An example of this technology is the solar panels on Camp Pendleton’s new bachelor enlisted quarters. Camp Pendleton is also the home of a photo voltaic farm that has been producing electricity for more than a year, said Mohseni. The farm is located at the Box Canyon Landfill on base and produces about 1.45 mega-watts. Approximately 400 residential homes can be powered by 1.45 megawatts produced on the photo voltaic farm on base. The total capability of photo voltaic energy on Camp Pendleton is close to 5 mega-watts. “The solar panels and photo voltaic farm is only phase one to our two phase project,” said Mohseni. “There will be another equal size system that will hopefully go into effect by summer 2012.” The MARADMIN also states, “As a fighting force, we recognize the interdependence of our mission, the environment, and the communities in which we operate, both at home and abroad. Good environmental stewardship protects the condition of and access to the training areas that are integral to making Marines. It also allows future generations of Marines and our surrounding communities the same benefits from our planet that we enjoy today.”

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APRIL 27, 2012

Agua Hedionda Lagoon seeks volunteers CARLSBAD — Things are busy at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation center, 1580 Cannon Road. Its most recent Great Heron Award went to Carlsbad

High School Student Tina Lui, for her continued support of the lagoon foundation through her outreach for Science Fair, serving on the Lagoon Day committee, and representing

the lagoon at CHS in the Green Club. Coming up is the annual Discovery Gala 2012, from 5:30 to 10 p.m. May 19 at the Discovery Center. For information or sponsorship opportunities, contact Lisa at (760) 804-1969. The lagoon is always looking for volunteer greeters for both week-days and weekends. Schedule an upcoming training today. Next up is the gala May 19, where help is needed setting up/breaking down tables and chairs. If your high schooler needs community hours before year-end, this is a great opportunity. School Program Assistance needs help preparing for eager learners by assisting the Education Director in crafts and activities. Summer events include the Birds & Bees Festival and

Lagoon Day, as well. The lagoon also needs summer camp teen volunteers to assist the teacher with preparing the crafts and activities and supervising the campers. Teens must commit from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm. the week of July 9 through July 13 or the week of July 30 through Aug. 3. Call (760) 804-1969. Gardeners are invited to join in monthly native garden maintenance with the Carlsbad Garden Club, or come on your own to complete pruning and weeding projects. To volunteer, contact Terry by calling (760) 804-1969. Sign-ups are available now for summer camp at the lagoon for first through fifthgrade children from 9 a.m. to noon, either July 9 to July 13 or July 30 to Aug. 3. Call (760) 804-1969.

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Bring monitors, CRTs, LCD and plasma screens, laptops, printers, copiers, faxes, scanners, computer towers, stereos, mice/track balls, cell phones, speakers, Business news and special phones,VCRs, DVD players, achievements for cables, power cords/strips, North San Diego County. servers. Send information via email They cannot take hazto community@ ardous material, batteries and appliances. For more information, Hot Dog! email Carlsbad-based Hot or call (760) 935-5111. Dog On A Stick is celebrating the one-year anniver- Trios is back Trios Gallery owners sary of its Encinitas locaFox and Jon tion, 260 N. El Camino Real, Sheri Suite B, its only out-of-the- Rawlinson return to the mall street location, from 3 local art scene with a twoto 4 p.m. May 5 and May 6, week art show May 5 offering customers free hot through May 19, titled dogs on a stick, and free “Trios-a-Go-Go” at First lemonade with the pur- Street Gallery, 820 S. Coast chase of any regular food Highway 101 in Encinitas. An opening reception will item. The location also offers be held from 5 to 8 p.m. all-turkey hot dogs, sugar- May 5. The exhibit will feafree fresh squeezed lemon- ture many Trios artists, ade, and food-drink combos including Fox, Rawlinson, under 300 calories. Over Irina Charny, Johanna the years the menu has Hansen and Rich Hawk. For information call expanded to include cherry, lime and sugar-free lemon- (858) 793-6040 or visit triosade, cheese on a stick, hot dog in a bun, veggie dog on a stick, french fries and fun- Got the job Carly Guiducci, a memnel cake sticks. ber of the class of 2013 at Get green this month Connecticut College and a Following its April 10 resident of Del Mar, has grand opening, Green been selected to be the Stream E-Cycling, Inc., a Housefellow of Connecticut new electronic waste collec- College’s Katharine Blunt tion and recycling company House for the 2012-2013 at 1280 Liberty Way #A, academic year. Guiducci, a Vista, is hosting a free 2009 graduate of The Electronic Waste Drop-Off Bishop’s School, is the from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. April daughter of Dale Guiducci 28 at 1280 Liberty Way, of La Mesa and Cheryl Kellogg-Smith of Del Mar. Suite A, Vista.

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College newspaper earns awards the staff members were asked to report, photograph and write on deadline against the best community college journalists in California. The Telescope’s staff earned three awards in on-thespot competitions. Managing Editor Kaity Bergquist won first place in sports writing. Copy Editor Colleen Peters placed second in the copy-editing category and Assistant Photo Editor Brian Korec won third place in sports photography. The Telescope Photo Editor Deb Hellman received honorable mention in the same category and placed fourth in feature photo. News Editor Ian Hanner received an honorable mention nod in the news-writing category, where he was asked to write a news story on a city press conference. Designer Natalie Soldoff

COAST CITIES — Palomar College’s journalism students earned 18 statewide awards for their campus newspaper, magazine and newspaper website at the annual state convention of the Journalism Association of Community Colleges. For the third year in a row, The Telescope received a state General Excellence Award for its campus newspaper, which is published 20 times per year. Palomar’s new campus magazine IMPACT and The Telescope’s redesigned website, also received General Excellence awards. The student-run publications beat 45 other community college journalism departments across the state. Competing against more than 500 community college journalism students in on-thespot journalism competitions,

won an honorable mention for her Halloween-inspired page design of The Telescope’s inside pages. Soldoff also won honorable mention for her magazine news feature story published last fall. Soldoff’s fellow staffer Justin Masanque earned a second place for his magazine profile article while the staff in general won an honorable mention for its overall magazine layout. Photographer Charles Lugtu was honored with a third place for his photo illustration while Photographer Hellman earned second place for her sports feature photo in the campus newspaper. The Telescope’s Multimedia Editor, Dan Chambers, earned a fourth place for his look at a day in the life of a homeless person. For more information on JACC, visit

Jewish culture takes stage starting in May 11th annual Klezmer Summit at other venues. Get tickets and locations from the Lyceum Box Office at (619) 544-1000, or online at North County performances in the 19th annual Lipinsky Family San Diego Jewish Arts Festival include: — “Natasha and the Coat” a comedy stagedreading at 7 p.m. May 8 at the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium, Dove Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad.

COAST CITIES — San Diego REPertory Theater hosts the 19th annual Lipinsky Family San Diego Jewish Arts Festival with performances from May 7 to June 7 throughout San Diego County, including concerts in North County. Additional performances include “Still Jewish After All These Years,” “That’s Baseball,” the Jewish band Soulfarm, “El Primero” by Teatro Punto y Coma, “Common Music in Colliding Cultures” and the

Tickets are $12. Call (858) 362-1362 for more information. — Klezmer Summit North County concert, 2 p.m. May 13 at the AVO Playhouse, 303 Main St., Vista. Call (760) 724-2110 for more event details. — Voice of Klezmer starring Elizabeth Schwartz at 6:30 p.m. May 21 at the Encinitas Public Library, 540 Cornish Drive in Encinitas. Call (760) 753-7376 for event information.



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remind you of the two winters and a thousand summers I spent living in Palm Springs. I was there long enough to find a handful of things I actually do find charming about the desert. I love the bats that eat the giant beetles. I love the sunrises and I love the balmy



town. “Because it offers so much, this is one event where you’ll find people of all ages and of diverse interests; it’s so big, you’re bound to find something that interests you,” Lopez said. The Rotary Club of Carlsbad will be on hand to host its beer and wine garden. While people stop by for a visit, they will come face-toface with live bands and big screen televisions. One of its event sponsors, Johnsonville, is hauling its “Big Taste Grill” for the day.

nights. I even loved hiking in the mountains, which I did only when the snow was at least three feet deep and I needed snowshoes. That was the perfect solution to cholla attacks. As for now, you may have my parking place and my spot in the sand. I have spent enough time evading the wily, spiteful, prolific, ankle-loving

cholla spines. Henceforth, I expect I will limit my viewing of the desert to the pages of Arizona Sunset or the panorama from a sidewalk café in Palm Springs.

It’s a 90-foot grill and that’s not something people witness often. Like previous years, the children will have a special area to play. They can either embark on a super-slide, bounce house or rock climbing wall. The kiddos can also try their hand at arts and crafts. Because the Carlsbad Village Faire attracts thousands of visitors, finding a parking spot can be a challenge. The chamber is doing its best to temper that challenge by using complimentary shuttles, which make roundtrip runs to the fair every 15 min-

utes. Lopez wants people to know that the shuttle pickup locations are at the northwest corner of Sears at Westfield Plaza Camino Real and at the Poinsettia Coaster Station. Another option is to take the Coaster to the Carlsbad Village Station. Although Carlsbad is a pet-loving community, Lopez said, they strongly discourage people from bringing their pets as this would not be an ideal atmosphere for them. The Carlsbad Village Faire will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 6. For more information visit

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer avoiding sharp plants everywhere. Contact her at



packed for the entire day, overflowing into the back parking lot where live local bands, including The Paragraphs, Sick Balloons, Oldest Boy and Girl, Nena Anderson and DJ Lexicon Devil all performed. Trouble in the Wind, a local favorite, finished off the day’s live music with an all-acoustic set. The coastal fog over the

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Carlsbad Village may have enthusiasts from coming been thicker than desired, out to Spin and supporting but that didn’t keep the record shops near and far. local music and community

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