Rancho Santa Fe News, June 21, 2019

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VOL. 15, N0. 13

Residents elect three to board

Prosecutors set to retry Winslow II City News Service

REGION — Ex-NFL tight end Kellen Winslow II, who was convicted of forcible rape and misdemeanor indecent exposure and lewd conduct counts last week, will be retried on charges involving two other alleged victims on which jurors deadlocked, prosecutors announced June 30.

Ex-NFL player found guilty of rape last week, but jury hung on 8 counts Jury selection is tentatively set for Sept. 30 at the Vista courthouse, with opening statements and testimony expected Oct. 7 in Winslow’s retrial on eight felony and misdemeanor counts, including forcible rape and kidnapping. Following about a week of deliberations, jurors found Winslow guilty of raping a woman in Encinitas and exposing himself to two others. The panelists indicated that they were leaning toward guilty verdicts on each count on which they were ultimately unable to reach a consensus, leading San Diego Superior Court Judge Blaine Bowman to declare a mistrial on those counts June 11. Winslow was convicted of raping a 58-year-old homeless woman — Jane Doe 2 — last May, exposTURN TO WINSLOW ON 5

JUNE 21, 2019

By Christina Macone-Greene

QUEEN OF THE HILL North County native and La Costa Canyon High School grad Roxanne Vogel, left, and guide Lydia Bradey of New Zealand, celebrate atop Mount Everest on May 22 after Vogel became the fastest to summit the mountain, reaching the top in 10 days. STORY ON PAGE 19. Photo courtesy of Roxanne Vogel

31st annual Spring Fling Gala raises about $500K for Helen Woodward Animal Center By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The 31st annual Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Spring Fling Gala was a night to remember raising approximately $500,000. Four hundred guests gathered at the Fairbanks Ranch Country Club on June 8 to experience the gala’s theme “Our Extravagant World Tour.” The annual Spring Fling is the center’s biggest fundraiser of the year. As guests flowed in, Pet Encounter Therapy animal “greeters” and adoptable puppy aviators were on hand to welcome them. Emcees for the evening were KUSI Channel 9 News

meteorologist Mark Mathis and ABC Channel 10 News meteorologist Megan Parry. According to Jessica Gercke, Helen Woodward Animal Center PR director, the gala was a way to celebrate with supporters, friends, and donors while giving guests an inside look into the work the center does every day. “Our theme was really special this year because the ‘World Tour’ paid tribute to all the countries where HWAC’s programs are making an impact — over 256 countries participate in our programs,” she said. SPRING FLING GALA co-chairs Erin Combs Pearl and Jamie TURN TO GALA ON 14

Carr welcome guests to the June 8 event at the Fairbanks Ranch Country Club. Courtesy photo

RANCHO SANTA FE — Rancho Santa Fe Covenant residents have elected three new directors to serve on the Rancho Santa Fe Association Board. Filling the outgoing board seats of President Kenneth Markstein, Vice President Allen Finkelson and Treasurer Janet Danola are Bill Strong, Bill Weber and Laurel Lemarié. Ballots were counted during the June 11 monthly meeting revealing that out of the four candidates vying for a spot on the board, Weber received 750 votes, Strong came in at 690 and Lemarié at 668. Weber has volunteered in a variety of ways in the Covenant such as serving on the Rancho Santa Fe Finance Committee, as well as having posts on the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club’s Renovation Committee, Long-Range Planning Committee and Board of Governors. Strong served on the Association’s board of directors from 2001 to 2004. Additionally, he held a seat on the Association’s Finance Committee. A Covenant resident since 1976, Lemarié, was publicly elected to the San Dieguito Planning Group and RSF Community Services District. She’s also been involved in the RSF Garden Club, RSF Trail Committee, RSF Senior Center, RSF CommuTURN TO BOARD ON 7


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Garden Club gifts $100K to local nonprofits By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — A total of 13 organizations took part in the Rancho Santa Fe Grant Awards Celebration on May 29 at the Garden Club. A total of $100,000 was granted to entities, including local nonprofits, compared to the $50,881 funded in 2018. According to the Thora Guthrie, executive director of The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club, the 13 recipient organizations varied from elementary schools such as R. Roger Rowe School, Darnall Charter School and Mission Estancia to community gardens like Coastal Roots Farms. “Coastal Roots Farms gives away hundreds of pounds of fresh farm produce to those in need every year,” she said. “We also awarded a grant to Balboa Park Conservancy to renovate the century-old Alcazar Gardens, and we are supporting the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy, now known as Nature Collective for the third year in a row. Their work in North County restores open spaces and habitats and replaces invasive species with native species.” Guthrie said grant recipients also included organizations that house and provide life skills to adults with special needs such as TERI and San Pasqual Academy. San Pasqual Academy offer teens housing, edu-

JUNE 21, 2019

Rep. Hunter’s wife pleads guilty to misuse of campaign funds City News Service

RSF GARDEN CLUB annual meeting committee members and sponsors Cele Huntzinger, Annterese Toth, Adrienne Falzon, Jytte Leventhal and Jennifer Perkinson. Courtesy photo

cation and life-changing skills. This year, grant recipients came to the grant celebration with a visual presentation so Garden Club members and their guests could peruse the displays and learn more about the projects. For many members, it was an eye-opening experience seeing how

their membership matters to those in need. “Everyone came away impressed by the work being accomplished by the partnership and support,” Guthrie said. Before the grant distribution, there was a member wine and cheese reception followed by an annual meeting. During the meet-



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ing, new board members were announced including Kelly Gomez, Jytte Leventhal, and Jennifer Perkinson. Food and wine for the grant awards celebration was sponsored by Annterese Toth and Jennifer Perkinson of Merrill Lynch. Guthrie said the grant vetting process starts with a designated committee formed by the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club which first reviews the applications and then schedules site visits to learn more about the proposed projects. “The applications are scored based on the clarity of presentation and appropriateness to our grant criteria of horticulture, sustainability, conservation, education, and level of need,” Guthrie said. Guthrie said this was her first year as executive director experiencing the grant program and that it was one of the most rewarding aspects of her job. “It feels so amazing to be able to support programs that literally change lives, programs that teach conservation, sustainability and nutrition to children, enrich the lives of people with disabilities and their families, and programs that enhance communities in general,” Guthrie said. “Seeing the work accomplished by organizations that have been given grants for multiple years for projects that we helped kick start is incredibly moving.” Guthrie said grant giving is made possible thanks to membership fees, event income and proceeds from the resale shop contributing to the annual budget and enabling the Garden Club to give back in a big way. “Without our members and their help on our committees, we would simply not exist,” she said. “That's what our club is all about — working together, having fun, and making a positive impact.”

REGION — San Diego-area Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter's wife pleaded guilty June 13 to a federal conspiracy charge for using thousands of dollars in campaign funds for personal expenses, but it was unclear if she will testify against her husband, who faces the same charges. Margaret Hunter, 44, is facing up to five years in federal custody and a fine of up to $250,000 when she is sentenced Sept. 16. Her attorney, Thomas McNamara, declined to say if his client plans to testify against her husband. The plea agreement with federal prosecutors, however, states that she must “cooperate with the investigation and prosecution of others.” McNamara read a brief statement from Margaret Hunter, in which she apologized for her actions. “Earlier this morning, I entered a guilty plea before the United States District Court,” Margaret Hunter said in the statement. “In doing so, I have fully accepted responsibility for my conduct. I am deeply remorseful and I apologize. I am saddened for the hurt that I've caused my family and others. I understand that there will be more consequences stemming from my actions but as demonstrated this morning with the entry of the plea, I've taken the first step to face those consequences.” Duncan Hunter, 42, and his wife were charged last year in a 60-count indictment of taking money from campaign coffers as if they were personal bank accounts and falsifying Federal Election Commission campaign finance reports to cover their tracks. Both Hunters were slated to go to trial this fall on charges that include conspiracy, wire fraud and falsification of records. Margaret Hunter signed a plea deal with federal prosecutors Wednesday, June 12, and formally entered her plea before U.S. District Judge Thomas Whelan Thursday morning. Duncan Hunter issued a statement after his wife entered her plea, again blasting the case as being politically motivated and orchestrated by federal prosecutors “who attended Hillary Clinton fundraisers.” “I do not have the full details of Margaret's case, but it’s obvious that the Department of Justice went after her to get to me for political reasons,” he said. “As Margaret’s case concludes, she should be left alone. I am the congressman, this is my campaign and any further attention on this issue should be directed solely to me.” Hunter was re-elected in November despite the much-publicized indictment. He was first elected to Congress in 2008, when he won the seat his father held for 14 terms. In a national television interview last year,

shortly after the indictment was announced, Hunter appeared to lay blame for the charges on his wife. He told Fox News that his wife “handled my finances throughout my entire military career and that continued on when I got into Congress. She was also the campaign manager, so whatever she did, that’ll be looked at, too, I’m sure, but I didn’t do it.” The indictment alleges scores of instances beginning in 2009 and continuing through 2016, in which the Hunters — who have been married since 1998 and have three children — are accused of illegally using campaign money to pay for such things as family vacations to Italy, Hawaii and Boise, Idaho, school tuition, dental work, theater tickets and smaller purchases, including fast food, tequila shots, golf outings and video games. The indictment alleges that at one point, Hunter used $600 in campaign cash to fly his pet rabbit to a family vacation. Margaret Hunter’s plea agreement describes the couple living “paycheck to paycheck” after overdrawing their bank account “more than 1,100 times in a seven-year period resulting in approximately $37,761 in ‘overdraft’ and ‘insufficient funds’ bank fees.” Though Margaret Hunter held no official role with the campaign and received no salary, Duncan Hunter requested that she be given a campaign credit card, according to the plea agreement. The Hunters allegedly misreported the expenses on FEC filings, using false descriptions such as “campaign travel,” “toy drives,” “dinner with volunteers/ contributors” and “gift cards,” according to federal prosecutors. The agreement states that the Hunters would schedule events “that were supposedly campaign-related” near the time of their vacations in order to conceal that their family trips were facilitated with campaign funds. Among these was a trip the Hunters took to Italy in November 2015, in which a one-day U.S. naval facility tour was scheduled “in an effort to justify the impermissible use of campaign funds to pay for this personal family travel,” the agreement states. More than $10,000 in campaign funds were used to pay for the trip, according to prosecutors. Naval officials informed the Hunters that the tour could only be provided on one specific date during their trip, leading Hunter to tell his Chief of Staff, “tell the Navy to go (expletive) themselves,” according to the agreement If the congressman is convicted, there is no constitutional provision or House rule that explicitly requires him to lose his seat, even if he is sent to prison or unable to vote on behalf of his district.

JUNE 21, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

SANDAG releases employment numbers as part of transit push By Steve Horn

REGION — At its June 7 meeting, the San Diego Association of Governments Regional Planning Committee released new employment centers data as part of the roll-out of the framework of its “5 Big Moves” mass transit proposal. The new data maps out the locations of county jobs centers, as well as the mean number of miles people drive to and from work in those areas, their mode of transportation, number of employees in those respective districts, among many other things. The mapping out of the data will serve as one of the bases for SANDAG’s mass policy proposal set for release later in 2019, SANDAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata said at the meeting. In North County, the SANDAG proposal has come under opposition by conservative elected officials due to its emphasis on public transit over highway expansion. Road and freeway improvements were initially promised to area voters by SANDAG after Proposition A passed in 2004. The plan extended the half-cent sales tax through the year 2048, depositing funds into the TransNet account. Ikhrata, in discussing

the research conducted by SANDAG at the meeting, said that the data “constitutes the basis” for the broader mass transit plan. And he addressed his critics, as well. “One thing, when you look at this, you often hear people say ‘San Diego is so spread out, we can’t do anything right,’” said Ikhrata. “This data doesn’t support that.” Ikhrata According to the SANDAG data, the top three employment centers within the county are downtown San Diego, Kearny Mesa and Sorrento Valley. In North County, they are the Carlsbad Palomar Airport area, the San Marcos Civic Center area and the Escondido-Palomar area. SANDAG has broken employment centers into four tiers based on the number of jobs. “(Tier 1 is) home to 8,700 businesses,” said Ray Major, chief economist for SANDAG. “These are really some of the largest employers in San Diego and a lot of the corporate headquarters are located in these areas.” According to Major, Tier

1 consists predominantly of biotechnology, local government and administrative services, as well as health care, with an average wage of $82,000. Tier 2, by contrast, has a workforce earning an average of $55,000. “A lot of these clusters are dominated by either health care or retail,” said Major. “With a lot of these you have low-paying wage jobs.” SANDAG also examined the Highway 78 corridor, a state highway at the center of controversy over the agency’s latest proposal. Data shows that less than 10% of 222,860 workers in the area actually live there. Despite the SPRINTER train, only 3% of the workforce takes public transit to work, according to SANDAG. Ikhrata said this data will help determine what type of plan the agency presents as a proposal for its updated transit plan. “This data that we are bringing in is going to be even more important as we move into the 5 Big Moves and what each one of them means based on this data,” said Ikhrata. “This is all going to lead into what kind of future transportation system we’re going to move forward with.” But Debra Rosen, president and CEO of the North

San Diego Business Chamber, said she thinks the new data raises just as many questions as it does answers. “One of the challenges with developing mass transit in North County is how widely spread out the population is,” said Rosen. “While there may be some large employment hubs, people commute from all over San Diego. Creating a mass transit plan that can serve everyone will be difficult considering how much infrastructure would be required.” Bret Schanzenbach, president and CEO of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, sounded slightly more optimistic tune about the new data and 5 Big Moves proposal. “One of the proposed new public transportation loops that our local City Council member has shared with us could be very beneficial to our area,” said Schanzenbach. “However, the Carlsbad Chamber’s board does not support diverting any TransNet funds that were generated from the 2004 measure passed by the voters to projects outside what was promised to the voters at that time. We recognize that transportation issues are complex, and look forward to more meaningful discussions about future directions.”

SeaWorld animal rescues surpass 35,000 since 1964 REGION — SeaWorld Entertainment announced June 7 that the animal rescue teams at its parks in San Diego, Orlando and San Antonio have surpassed 35,000 marine and terrestrial animal rescues since the company’s 1964 founding. In San Diego, SeaWorld’s rescue team has rescued more than 20,000 animals since 1964, including roughly 500 marine animals this year alone. According to the company's rescue data, human activity like plastic pollution and urban development may be causing a recent spike in ill and injured animals found by the rescue teams. The company announced its launch of an Instagram account, SeaWorld Rescue, to display its animal rescue and rehabilitation efforts and raise awareness for the threats facing marine and terrestrial wildlife due to human activity. The launch was timed in conjunction with World Oceans Day, which is Saturday. “SeaWorld has been a long-standing valuable partner in promoting marine conservation, and rescuing and rehabilitating stranded, entangled or imperiled marine wildlife,” said Donna Wieting,

director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries’ Office of Protected Resources. “On World Oceans Day, NOAA and SeaWorld remind the public that they, too, have an important role in reporting stranded or injured marine animals.” SeaWorld’s rescue teams work with federal agencies like the NOAA to rescue animals throughout the year. SeaWorld parks are also one of several destinations for animals the NOAA deems not able to be released back into the wild. So far this year, SeaWorld San Diego’s animal rescue team has rescued dozens of California sea lions and various seal species. The team has also rehabilitated a sea turtle and more than 300 marine birds. “For SeaWorld, our commitment to conservation runs deeper than saving a single animal on a beach,” said Jon Peterson, the senior leader of zoological operations with SeaWorld Orlando. “We want to save and support their entire species, the ecosystem that they live in and the food sources that they feed on.” — City News Service



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T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 21, 2019

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Trump moves on NRC could be his most threatening yet


Proposed county budget boosts services for the most vulnerable


his is an important few weeks for the County of San Diego. Although it’s my first year as a Supervisor, I know the importance of organizing our $6.2 billion budget. The proposed budget for fiscal year 2019-20 is one that is fiscally prudent, maintains a strong reserve, but also increases services in San Diego, especially to help the most vulnerable populations. One of my biggest priorities when I was elected Supervisor was behavioral health. Our new proposed budget will spend $708 million on mental health services including the addition of 123 workers to provide boots on the ground, 177 psychiatric beds and

around the county Jim Desmond

lion for community services and diversion programs. Something I’ve very excited about is funding for a new fire station, which will be built for Palomar Mountain. We are dedicating more money for open space parks, planting 3,500 trees on public land and maintain 2,000 miles of roads for the unincorporated areas. Over the next few weeks the County will deliberate the budget and could make some changes. In the meantime, I’m excited about this budget, what it brings to the District 5 community and North County’s bright future.

exploring the creation of a mental health urgent care centers across the region and a mental health hub in Hillcrest. Also, under the proposed budget we will be adding at least 120 staff members for child welfare services. Public safety is a top priority and we will be addressing this in the budget. We are creating two achievement centers for Jim Desmond represents young people at risk of reDistrict 5 on the San Diego cidivism to juvenile hall. We are also adding $15 mil- County Board of Supervisors. ***

Bill offers help for youth addiction By Marie Waldron

Every two days a young person in California dies from an opioid overdose. More and more opioid dependent children are treated in emergency departments than ever before — increasing by 54% over the past 10 years. While there is no single treatment or remedy for substance abuse, it is clear that early intervention programs aimed at youthful abusers are comprehensive and effective. That’s why I have joined with Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian (D – Van Nuys) to co-author Assembly Bill 1031. The bill establishes the Youth Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment and Recovery Program, which requires the Department of Health to establish commu-

nity-based initiatives aimed at intervention and treatment for underage alcohol and drug abusers. In collaboration with counties and providers of SUD services, regulations will be established for treatment and recovery, along with program requirements and standards. Medi-Cal billing codes will be updated to include screening, counseling and other services. AB 1031 will also enable community-based providers of youth SUD treatments to be reimbursed appropriately, so that the current gap in services in many parts of California can be reduced or eliminated. As we all know, the individual and societal costs of drug abuse are huge. Crime, deaths, homelessness, broken families, dropout rates,

the related costs of law enforcement and incarceration, suffering — all can be prevented through early intervention and treatment. Most important of all, lives can be saved. AB 1031 enjoys wide bi-partisan support, and passed the Assembly without opposition on May 28. The bill has been forwarded to the Senate, where hearings are pending. As your Assembly representative, I will continue working to break the cycle of substance use disorder that costs taxpayers millions, devastates families and cuts short far too many lives. Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature.

s president, Donald Trump has spurred many actions that could eventually threaten the health of this planet and his own American people. He has cut down the size of national monuments and opened new lands to oil drilling, he’s trying to eliminate California’s longstanding authority to regulate its own air quality, he’s encouraged more coal-fired power, while pulling this nation out of the Paris climate change accords, to name only a few moves. But the harm from all those things will likely be long term, measured in rising sea levels, thicker smog pollution and more radical shifts in weather patterns. Now comes a move that could directly threaten the health — even the survival — of millions of Americans at completely unpredictable times, including a goodly share of California’s populace. This takes the form of a proposed plan by Trump’s federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission to cut back on inspections at atomic power plants, including the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in North County near San Clemente and the Diablo Canyon Power Plant on a bluff near San Luis Obispo, which now produces about 9 percent of California electricity. Trump has filled four seats on the NRC with choices including former lobbyists for the nuclear industry and other backers of atomic deregulation. So it came as no surprise when the commission proposed a plan to let nuclear power plant operators like Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and the Southern California Edison Co. essentially police themselves.

california focus thomas d. elias The recent history of natural gas explosions and wildfires in California demonstrates just how well these utilities have done in taking care of business safely while virtually unsupervised. Not very. Just now, NRC inspections seem most vital at San Onofre, where 45-ton canisters of spent fuel with atomic half-lives in the eon-length category are being stored on shelves in a facility 108 feet from a state beach popular with surfers. Edison, the plant operator, tried to keep a lid on news of one canister almost falling off a shelf and plummeting 18 feet to the floor of the utility’s “temporary” waste storage facility. The 2018 incident only came to light when a plant worker mentioned it in a public meeting. Essentially, the nuclear industry backs that secretive approach by Edison. Scaling back disclosure of problems at nuclear plants, top executives say, is “more responsible than to put out a headline on the web to the world.” Maybe some residents near nuclear plants agree, even if they live in the 50-mile-range that radioactive fallout could conceivably cover in a power plant accident on the scale of Russia’s failed Chernobyl plant. Consumer groups demur. “The deregulatory agenda at (the Trump administration) is a significant concern,” said Geoffrey Fettus of the Natural Resources Defense

Council. “For an industry that is increasingly under financial decline to take regulatory authority away from the NRC puts us on a collision course with a nuclear accident,” adds the anti-nuclear group Beyond Nuclear. In short, the industry and its advocates in today’s government recommend a see-no-evil, speak-no-evil attitude toward possible radiation dangers. But the history of California’s atomic plant operators — from the “mirror-image” problem that saw Diablo Canyon initially built backward to the Edison blunder that led to San Onofre’s 2012 shutdown — indicates they need all the supervision they can get. Yet, the industry worries that when the NRC makes problems public, they “get pretty rapid calls from the press …” and rate increase requests can also be adversely affected, said Greg Halnon, an executive of Ohio-based FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. Certainly the reputations of Edison and PG&E have been affected by their responsibility for wildfires, a multi-fatal explosion, gas leaks and other accidents. So far, their rates have not suffered for any of this. But there is no way Congress or Americans in general should tolerate deregulating nuclear power plants and their potential dangers just so the companies can make more money and enjoy better public images. That would without doubt make public policy, as a rookie congresswoman infamously put it recently while discussing another subject, “all about the Benjamins.” Email Thomas Elias at tdelias@aol.com.

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-274-2353


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JUNE 21, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

PR firm wins industry award for its Newland Sierra work By Steve Horn

REGION — A firm with a specialty in navigating contested public policy battles has won a major public relations industry award for its work on the Newland Sierra housing proposal. Owned by Newland Communities, Newland Sierra is a 1,985-acre, over 2,100-home proposal planned just north of San Marcos and west of the Escondido border, just west of Interstate 15. Despite criticism from residents opposed to building sprawlstyle housing which would increase area traffic and potentially put a new legion of residents in the crosshairs of wildfires, the proposal received a 4-0 unanimous vote by the County Board of Supervisors on Sept. 26. And it is for that vote that the judges for the 2019 Bulldog PR Awards gave the gold medal for Best Public Affairs Campaign to Davies Public Affairs, a Santa Barbara-based industry giant best known for its work on crisis communications and grassroots mobilization on real estate and energy industry policy fights. Tom Hallman Jr., a senior reporter for The Oregonian and one of the judges, compared the work that Davies did to win over skeptical stakeholders to that of a good journalistic storyteller. “What I found interesting on this as a journalist was how, in covering a controversial story, that they had to figure out what it was all about,” said Hallman Jr. “And I found what they did from a reporting standpoint, which I’m going to call it, applies to how people in the industry tell a story and how companies try to connect with their constituents or their customers.” Davies Public Affairs was also involved in public relations work for the contentious fight over One Paseo, a mixed-use development owned by Kilroy Realty located just east of I-5 along Carmel Valley-Del Mar border off of Del Mar Heights Road. One Paseo recently opened for business after a years-long debate. “We got this elaborate brochure in the mail, and we wondered why they were sending it to us. Something just felt weird about it,” a Carmel Valley resident explained in 2012 in an article published by the San Diego Reader of a Davies Public Affairs mailer that she received. “And then we started seeing these letters printed in the Carmel Valley News in support of the project. I knew this wasn’t grassroots, it just pretended to be.” According to its awards application shared with The Coast News by Bulldog PR, Davies Public Affairs conducted 45 different hourlong interviews to understand stakeholders’ positions on Newland Sierra.

The firm then crafted a sixmonth campaign, based on what it learned from those interviews, saying that it believed that made the difference in getting the sought county permit. That Davies Public Affairs campaign included helping to create a website, disseminating direct mail materials, helping plan community events, doing a phone call campaign and more. Davies Public Affairs has posted one of its informational brochures online, which emphasizes family life and tranquil cohabitation with nature. In total, Davies Public Affairs said in its application that it reached out to 5,000 households located close to the project proposal, and then an additional 4,000 households countywide, as part of its Newland Sierra outreach. Bearing the fruits of its labor, it says it gained 1,000 new individuals voicing their support for the proposed housing development. Of those 1,000 supporters, 155 came to a key Sept. 26 San Diego County Board of Supervisors hearing on Newland Sierra, with over 50 of them testifying on the record in front of the board, according to the awards application. Back in 2006, two Davies Public Affairs staff were traced as writing comments on a message board disguised as grassroots proponents of a housing development set go into a former mining quarry in Pacifica. And beyond area real estate standoffs, Davies Public Affairs has also helped high profile clients such as ExxonMobil, Saudi Aramco, BP, and Sprint, Home Depot and others navigate through turbulent policy and regulatory terrain. Edward Walker, a professor of sociology at University of California-Los Angeles and author of the 2014 book “Grassroots for Hire: Public Affairs Consultants in American Democracy,” said that the work firms like Davies Public Affairs does has become increasingly sought after in rough-and-tumble policy fights. “Of course, the job of a firm like this is to work behind the scenes to help amplify the preferred message of their client, typically working through third parties and coalitions in order to get their message across,” Walker said. “The work of such firms varies depending on the case, ranging from conventional PR and advertising strategies to facilitating public events to even directly organizing local residents in support of the development project.” Since securing a Board of Supervisors approval vote, opponents of Newland Sierra gathered the 100,000 signatures necessary to put the housing proposal on the ballot for the March or November 2020 election as a referendum vote.

A WORKSHOP hosted by the city on May 29 allowed residents to weigh in on the Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Improvement project, a city priority that would aim to improve the corridor’s bike- and walk-ability. Courtesy photo

Input gathered for Lomas Santa Fe project By Lexy Brodt

SOLANA BEACH — With the mere thought of roundabouts now a thing of the past, Solana Beach continues to gather community input for a revamp of the city’s main thoroughfare, Lomas Santa Fe Drive. The project has been on the city’s radar for over two years, with the city’s 2015 comprehensive active transportation strategy zooming in on the 2-mile-long corridor and its various pedestrian and bicyclist safety needs. The project aims to satisfy those needs by extending curbs, raising medians, and segregating bike lanes —to name a few. Project consultants with Michael Baker International are also looking at bringing in aesthetic features, such as landscaping and a pocket park off of Stevens Avenue. The project is currently in its third phase. The city received an Active Transportation Grant of $616,000 from the San Diego Association of Governments in 2018 to complete the project’s design. However, construction of the project is currently unfunded. About a hundred residents came to a May 29 workshop to provide input on proposed corridor improvements, sharing their landscape and bike lane preferences, and giving feedback on a number of potential features presented


ing himself the same month to Jane Doe 3, who was gardening in her front yard in Cardiff, and touching himself in front of a 77-year-old woman — Jane Doe 5 — at a Carlsbad gym in February. He faces nine years in prison on those three counts. The 35-year-old son of legendary San Diego Chargers tight end Kellen Winslow was acquitted of masturbating in front of Jane Doe 5 on a separate occasion. The jury was unable to reach consensus on rape and kidnapping charges involving a 54-year-old hitchhiker allegedly targeted last March in Encinitas, and a 17-year-old girl who was allegedly raped in 2003 at a Scripps Ranch house party.

by Michael Baker. Residents provided mixed input on the proposed bike lane facilities for different parts of the corridor, which, depending on the type, might narrow

roundabouts, passing a resolution to eliminate the idea from consideration and maintain two lanes in each direction along the entirety of the stretch. “As you can see, there

As you can see, there are no roundabouts in our plans ...” Dawn Wilson Michael Baker Transportation Planning Manager

the lanes for cars. The consultants are considering a “Class I” multi-use trail, a “Class II” buffered or striped bike lane, and a “Class IV” cycle track exclusively for bikes — which would allow bidirectional traffic. “Anything to separate the bikes and the cars is a good idea to me,” said resident Steve Saunders. It was the first of four workshops the city will host in order to gain input on the project — the council instructed staff to increase outreach on the project. The project gained a near unprecedented level of attention in August 2018, after dozens of residents protested a proposed concept for four, single-lane roundabouts on the eastern portion of Lomas Santa Fe Drive. Residents showed up at council meetings in droves in order to protest the idea. In response, council wiped out the option of

are no roundabouts in our plans, there are no roundabouts on the tables, there are no roundabouts on the walls,” said Michael Baker Transportation Planning Manager Dawn Wilson. But not all residents are happy about it. Don Macleod, an avid bicyclist and Solana Beach resident since 1976, said he would’ve liked to see roundabouts in the city, and lamented that the issue became politicized. The roundabout debacle was a major campaign topic in the early days of the city’ election cycle. Macleod said he is still looking forward to the “incremental improvements” the city is aiming to bring to Lomas Santa Fe Drive. “I don’t think we have a crisis on our hands,” he said. Some residents question the need for any alterations, and worry that changes such as narrowing the road at intersections

Winslow was initially charged last summer with raping Jane Doe 1 and 2 in Encinitas in early 2018, as well as exposing himself to Jane Doe 3 in her yard. Following his highly publicized arrest, Jane Doe 4 subsequently came forward to allege that he raped her in 2003 at a home in Scripps Ranch, when she was 17 and he was 19. Earlier this year, while Winslow was out on bail, he was arrested for exposing himself to Jane Doe 5 at a Carlsbad gym. Bail was revoked following his arrest in that case. At a hearing this morning, defense attorney Brian Watkins unsuccessfully argued Friday that Winslow should be released on $1 million bail, as the charge on which he was acquitted was the basis for revoking his

bail earlier this year. But the judge ruled that Winslow will remain held without bail because he's facing time in prison, making him a flight risk and “a substantial danger to the community.” Winslow is due back in court on Aug. 14 for a hearing on pretrial motions. In his closing argument last week, Deputy District Attorney Dan Owens told the jury that Winslow “took from these women what he wanted. Kellen Winslow took from these women again and again and again. This man took what he wanted from them and threw them away like trash because that's what he thought of them.” Owens said none of the five women knew each other, yet their accounts yielded common details and similar physical descriptions of the

to reduce the distance pedestrians have to cross will simply exacerbate the traffic situation. Resident Sandy Punch said Lomas Santa Fe Drive is a commercial street, and changes made for bicyclists might impose constraints on the majority of residents who use cars to get around town. “They think they’re calming things down,” she said. “The traffic is still there; it’s not going away ... people are going to take alternate routes to avoid that traffic. That’s what we’re really concerned about.” With many details still up in the air, the city and consultants will continue to seek feedback from residents. The city will be holding another workshop over the summer. City Engineer Mo Sammak said staff have so far gotten a “very positive response” from residents. “We hope we can address the majority of their concerns,” he said. All current council members were present, with several past city officials attending to check out the progress. City Councilwoman Kelly Harless said she was impressed with the high turnout. “I think this is a good example of how the process works,” she said. The city and consultants anticipate the project will be ready to go out to bid by spring 2020. suspect. Winslow’s attorneys, Marc Carlos and Brian Watkins, told the jury that the charged incidents were either consensual sex or never occurred at all.


CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ coastnewsgroup.com


T he R ancho S anta F e News annual Fairy Festival at San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 22 at 230 Quail Gardens Drive. Garden entry is $14 for adults, $8 for children ages 3 to 12. For more information, visit SDBGarden.org/fairyfest.


Every Saturday and Sunday, noon to 4 p.m., join Miss Mary on the patio for free, fun make-and-take projects for the entire family, at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum, 450 Quail Gardens Drive. Check the website for information. More information at http:// bit.ly/28ZV8GX or (760) 632-9711.


Pat Spencer, author of “Story of a Stolen Girl,” will sign her international thriller from 2 to 3 p.m. June 22 at the Oceanside Public Library Civic Center Plaza, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. A portion of the profits from the sale of Story of a Stolen Girl will be donated to organizations that either fight human trafficking or provide CONCERT IN THE PARK Grab a blanket or chair services to victims. Learn and head to the park for more at http://patspencer. live music by “The Greg net. Douglass Band” from 5 to 8 p.m. June 21. This kicks off CULINARY SUSTAINABILITY the Summer Concert Series Food for Thought presat Rancho Del Oro Park in ents the O’side Kitchen Oceanside. Collaborative at the grand opening of the Green Oceanside Kitchen from 4 LIFE LECTURES The LIFE learning to 7 p.m. June 22 at the El group will host Shawa- Corazone Senior Center, na Schenk, Yoga teacher 3302 Senior Center Drive, and Reiki Master at 1 P.M. Oceanside. Learn how Christina Phillips, Direc- Oceanside is combining tor, Corp. Communications culinary trends, food re2:30 P.M. June 21 in the covery, sustainability and administration bldg. at the learning to the community Oceanside College Campus, table. RSVP to tinyurl.com/ 1 Barnard Drive. Pick up a GOKitchen2019. $1 parking permit in Lot 1A and park in Lot 1A. Check WRITE ON! OCEANSIDE us out at miracosta.edu/life The Write On, Oceansor call (769) 757-2121 ext. ide! Literary Festival will 6972.
 take place from 1 to 5 p.m. June 22, in the Civic Center Library Community BUSINESS WORKSHOPS An “Expand Your Tool Rooms and Plaza. The event Chest” workshop series will will feature a panel about be on “Motivational Inter- publishing, a local writviewing: Empowerment ers’ showcase, and an open for Staff and Clients,” with mic. For information about Kelley Grimes, MSW from library programs and ser9 to 11 a.m. June 21 at the vices, visit oceansidepubVista Community Clinic liclibrary.org or call (760) Women’s Center, Classroom 435-5600. 2 and 3, 1000 Vale Terrace, Vista. Cost: $10. Register GENEALOGY REFRESHER at https://events.r20.conNorth San Diego Genestantcontact.com/register/ alogical Society and Geore v e n t R e g ? o e id k = a 0 7e - gina Cole Library will offer g c 1p uj z a 9 4 8 3 8 9 e & o s e - a Beginner and Refresher q=&c=&ch=. Genealogy Class, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 22 at Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad ALZHEIMER’S FUNDRAISER Olivenhain Guest Village Drive. Free but resHome Memory Care facility ervation is requested. Call is hosting a Summer Car- Cole Library Genealogy nival from noon to 5 p.m. Desk at (760) 434-2931 or June 21, at 350 Cole Ranch e-mail education1@nsdcgs. Road, Encinitas, to raise funds and awareness for the TRACTOR SHOW Alzheimer’s Association. The Vista Historical The carnival will feature Society Tractor Show will live music, sound therapy, run a second weekend, from games, booths with go fish 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 22 and pool, ping- pong ball toss, June 23 at the Antique Gas can toss, water balloon toss, and Steam Engine Museum, squirt gun game, bubbles/ 2040 N Santa Fe Ave, Vista. chalk art station, and a hot dog building contest. There will also be light appetizers and non-alcoholic beverag- FRIENDS AND FAITH es. Admission is $5. The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster OHS PIRATES OF ‘61 GATHER friendships through various Calling all Pirates of social activities will attend the Class of 1961, Oceanside Mass at St. Timothy CathoHigh School, for a reunion. lic Church and lunch to folThe fun begins at noon low at Vintana Restaurant June 22 at Hennessey’s , Escondido on June 23 and Tavern, 2777 Roosevelt St., play Bocce Ball and dine at Carlsbad. More information the Elks Club, Vista June at (760) 207-0350. 25. Reservations are necessary: (858) 674-4324.




Calling all fairy prince NEURO WORKSHOP and princesses. Children A mini-workshop on (and parents) are invited “The Power of Neuro Linto celebrate summer at the guistic Programming &

TimeLine” will be offered from 3 to 4:30 p.m. June 23 at the home office of Jane Ilene Cohen, Ph.D, in Encinitas. RSVP: (760) 7530733. $10-$20 suggested donation. WIDOWS & WIDOWERS MEET


Are you a senior looking for reliable transportation? Check out Oceanside’s “Seniors on the Go” Transportation Program. “Seniors on the Go” services Oceanside residents aged 65 and older. The focus of the program is to help seniors get free rides to medical-related appointments. The transportation team is looking for new volunteer drivers to join them. Volunteer drivers can set their own schedule and availability and will be reimbursed for mileage. Call transportation staff at (760) 435-5155.

North County Widows and Widowers will be hosting social events for lively conversation and meeting new people will attend the Coast Communities Concert Band in Carlsbad June 23, a Happy Hour at Old California Mining Co. San Marcos June 25 and a Twilight Dinner/Dance at the Oceanside Elks June 28. For information on locations and times, TRAVEL CLUB The Carlsbad/North call (760) 741-8004, (760) 304-0244 or (760) 438-5491. County Travel Club will meet at 4 p.m. June 25 at Swami’s Restaurant, 1506 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. COOKING, ART AND ECOLOGY The program will include a Willow Tree Center presentation on the various will host a week-long, full- train trips in several counday summer camp for ages tries. There is no fee to join. 6 to 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 For reservations or informap.m. June 24 through June tion, call (760) 603-8030. 28 at the Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View WORDS ON WINE Rancho Santa Fe LiWay, Oceanside. Campers do art, crafts and learn to brary presents an Oasis Lecprepare fresh sushi, learn ture on Major Wine Regions about zero waste and the of California, at 10:45 a.m. art and craft of pizza mak- June 25 by wine aficionado ing. For more information Eric Awes at 17040 Avenida contact: Nancy Marks at De Acacias, Rancho Santa info@willowtreecenter.org Fe. or call (760) 458-0150.





Brother Benno’s Auxiliary will be hosting an "Ohana Luau" fundraiser from 5 to 8 p.m. July 26 at the Rancho Calevero Mobilehome Park Clubhouse at 3570 Calevero Lane, Oceanside. Music and dancing by the Sunset Strummers ‘Ohana. Tickets $30 for adults, $15 for children 7-12, 6 and under free at Linda Donahue congatime9@yahoo.com or auxiliary@brotherbenno. REPUBLICAN WOMEN An RSVP is needed by org. 2 p.m. June 21 for the Carlsbad Republican Women meeting at 11 a.m. June 25 at the Green Dragon Tavern TIME FOR ICE CREAM The Vista Historiand Museum, 6115 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad, with cal Society will host an Brian Maryott, 2020 Re- Old-Fashioned Ice Cream publican candidate for the Social from 2 to 4 p.m. July 49th Congressional district, 27 at the Vista Historical as key note speaker. Cost is Museum, 2317 Old Foot$35, check or cash only. For hill Drive, Vista. Cost is $3 more information, contact each for child 10 and under Ann at (760) 415-7006 or an- and $5 for each adult, for unlimited ice cream, root nie13035@yahoo.com. ARTY LOON SHOW

Come join the fun at the Oceanside Public Library for the Arty Loon Magic Show at 4 p.m. June 25 at the Civic Center Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. Comedy magic, illusions, juggling, balloon sculptures, hilarious puppetry, and audience participation.


Pet of the Week Spunky Dahlia is a bright girl with a colorful personality. At 3 years old, she makes new friends with ease and ask for more rubs. She’s waiting to meet you at Helen Woodward Animal Center. Her adoption fee is $141. All pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center are vaccinated and micro-chipped for identification. Helen Woodward Animal Center is at 6523 Helen Woodward Way, Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Wednesday, from 1 to 6 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, from 1 to 7 p.m.; Saturday, from 10 a.m. to

JUNE 21, 2019 beer floats, and soft drinks. Crafters and others will be on-site with items for sale from 1 to 5 p.m.



Celebrate patriotism at the 21st annual Oceanside Independence Day Parade, with the first unit stepping off at 10 a.m. June 29, marching down Coast Highway from Wisconsin Street to Civic Center Drive, Oceanside. This annual favorite is hosted by Tri-City Medical Center and Oceanside MainStreet. Call at (760) 754-4512 for questions or visit the MainStreet office, 710 Mission Ave., Oceanside, open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. and 4 p. m., or visit mainstreetoceanside.com.



Come join the 2019 Oceanside Samoan Cultural Celebration and Christian Faith-based Outreach event June 30 through July 6 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Oceanside Civic Center at the corner of Coast Highway and Civic Center Drive, Oceanside. For each day’s events and schedule, visit https:// visitoceanside.org/events/ oceanside-samoan-cultural-celebration/.



A celebration begins at 5:30 p.m., July 3, for Oceanside’s 131st anniversary at Rancho Del Oro Drive, which will be closed from Oceanside Boulevard north to Mesa Drive. Enjoy music, food trucks and the fireworks display at 9 p.m. Take public transportation or carpool and park in the business parks behind the Marriott Hotels. Bring a beach chair/blanket to sit on. No alcohol or dogs are permitted at this free, family-friendly event. CARLSBAD NEWCOMERS

Will host coffee and meeting at 9:45 a.m. followed at 10:15 a.m. July 3, at the Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave., with a presentation by the president of the Carlsbad Historical Society. No-host lunch will follow. For more information go to carlsbadnewcomers.org.



6 p.m.; and Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last application accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 756-4117, option #1 or visit animalcenter. org.

There will be fireworks all over North County on July 4. Locations include: — San Diego County Fair, Del Mar Fairgrounds, at 9 p.m. at 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar —Legoland California at 8:30 p.m., One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad. —California Center for the Arts, Escondido, at 9 p.m., 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. —San Marcos, Bradley Park at 9 p.m., 465 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, San Marcos —Vista Independence Day Celebration at 9 p.m. at Moonlight Amphitheatre, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista.

small talk jean gillette

Siblings make the sweetest roommates Enjoy one from the archives.


n our first home, a tiny, two-bedroom affair, my children were born and eventually shared the nursery. I feared that one’s noise would disturb the other, but to my surprise, my infant son’s yowling rarely seemed to bother his older sister’s sleep, and her desire to sit up with the light on didn’t concern her baby bother. Before long, they began what I christened the “baby opera.” At bedtime, my daughter and son would spend a raucous half-hour of hysterical giggling, shouting and yakking between crib and bed. They were having a wonderful time. Sharing a room seemed the most natural thing in the world to them, and I soon learned, it was just the way they wanted it. When we found our spacious, four-bedroom home here, I began a serious, hard-sell to my 3- and 4-year-old about the thrill and honor of having their very own room. I found an adorable, frilly bed for my daughter. We hung pictures, we arranged stuffed animals, we divided up toys. They rejected it. He wanted to sleep near his sister, and she wanted company of any kind. Consistently for my daughter, bedtime was a verbal wrestling match. If I was more than 10 feet away, she considered herself “alone” and completely vulnerable to all of childhood’s nighttime demons. I yearned for visit from the Wizard of Oz to grant her some courage. Fast-forward to my son’s fifth birthday when we got bunk beds. The minute it was stacked up, my daughter began negotiations with her brother for occupation of the top bunk. I insisted that because they were his beds, he could at any time demand his right to the top bunk and she could either sleep below or go back to her own room. Lucky for her, my son was a classic, adoring, younger sibling void of any slumlord instincts, which might have cost her several years’ allowance. In the top bunk, she claimed, no monsters can get her, or at least she can see them coming in time to holler for help. There was no mention of the fact that she is content to leave her brother down below for diversionary bait. She occupies the penthouse every night. To TURN TO SMALL TALK ON 9

JUNE 21, 2019

Spend your summer with the animals

Businessman, Solana Beach resident touched many lives

RANCHO SANTA FE — The sun is shining and youngsters, ready to end the school year, are ready for summertime adventures. Helen Woodward Animal Center offers an assortment of animal-focused activities for critter-lovers of all ages. From taking in a film with a filly, to eating birthday cake with an alpaca, to giving a sheep a baaaa-th, the dog days of summer are about to begin. Watch child-friendly films on summer nights at the Critter Cinema June 22, July 13, and Aug. 10. Critter Cinema gives your family the chance to enjoy an outdoor movie in HWAC’s covered pavilion area and experience animal encounters, too. The early evening kicks off with hands-on animal meet-and-greets, games and opportunity drawings. Then grab chairs, blankets and snacks and settle in to watch an animal-themed movie. For more information, contact (858)-756-4117 ext. 318 or education@animalcenter.org. Summer Critter Camp runs through Aug. 30 for preschool through eighth grade. It offers a week of hands-on animal interactions (with critters such as goats, alpacas, blue-tongue skinks, cats and dogs, sulcata tortoises, exotic birds, mini horses and more). Along with the animal meet-and-greets, campers enjoy activities like animal-themed games, songs and crafts. Camps can be taken for a week or for a day and are offered in a variety of age levels. Sign up for a week and you’ll receive a discounted weekly rate and a free Critter Camp T-shirt. You can also join the Animal Lovers Club, dedicating time, creativity and even their allowances to orphan animals. The Animal Lovers Club provides suggestions for summertime activities to help orphan pets (like lemonade stands, cat toy craft making and pet food and newspaper recycling drives). For more information, contact (858) 756-4117 ext. 339 or AlexandriaP@animalcenter.org. All listed activities support the pets and program of Helen Woodward Animal Center. For more information, visit animalcenter.org.

REGION — Mother Teresa once wrote, “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Michael Evans lived such a life. Mike, as he was affectionally known, showered those around him with love and kindness. Leaving a legacy on every community he embedded his imprint upon, he made the world a better place. On May 27, the 77-year old Solana Beach resident succumbed to a long battle with COPD. He is survived by his wife Nancy, daughter Jenny, stepdaughter Chamaine Reitman and her husband Bill, his three grandchildren Haley, Makaela, and Julia, and his brother Greg. Touting a 40-year history as the owner of Sea Coast Exclusive Properties, Mike logged in hours of community giveback as he successfully ran four offices — two in Encinitas and two in Carlsbad. Winning multiple real estate awards including the Centurion, Double Centurion, and several Gold Medallions, the hallmark enterprise encouraged its customers to “Relax … We’ll handle the details.” “Mike had an admirable work ethic,” said wife Nancy. “He was a leader and mentor who took pride in doing a good job. He believed in success and inspired others to be their best, no matter what they chose to do.” The Burbank native fell in love with San Diego’s coastal communities and they fell in love with him. “Everyone loved Mike,” continued Nancy. “He was intelligent, witty and friendly. Mike was the first to extend his hand and say, ‘Hi, I’m Mike. How can I help?’” “Mike knew how to pay it forward,” added stepdaughter Chamaine Reitman. “He was wise, funny and great with one-liners.” Greg Evans described his older brother as the ideal role model who taught him the finer things in life. “Mike was big man on campus,” he said. “Athletic and popular, he was the high school quarterback while I was the cartoonist.



nity Concert and Beach & Country Guild. At the start of the meeting, Markstein thanked his wife, the community, and Association staff for their support over the last three years. “I wanted to take the chance to thank our board members for doing a wonderful job and for all the work that they put in,” he said, adding how he often receives community thanks for the work that the entire board does. Board director Sha-


T he R ancho S anta F e News

I looked up to him. He was one-of a kind. I’ll miss him dearly.” Generous to the core, Mike donated to many local charities and youth sport teams. “My father sponsored youth athletic teams, donated used office furniture to the school district, paid summer camp membership for those who couldn’t, and bought meals for diners eating at the next table,” explained daughter Jenny. “He’d help then add more to make it even better.” The avid reader and history buff began his career in the United States Navy working on a nuclear submarine. He then attended the University of Colorado and graduated from Cal State Northridge with a degree in Mathematics. Computer science preceded his real estate career. Evans would complete the Dale Carnegie Leadership and Management Professional Course at the International Management Academy shortly thereafter. Loren Sanders worked alongside Mike as his vice president and general manager for almost 30 years. Friends first, business partners second, Sanders noted how Mike cared for his employees, his clients and his community. “Mike cared about everyone,” he said. “He believed in giving more than you get, working hard and having fun. Kindness is the word I would use to encapsulate Mike.” And yet, despite a

thriving real-estate business, Mike was most proud of his 49 years of sobriety. “He learned so much in AA,” said Nancy. “He actively practiced the 12 steps and brought many others along with him.” Jenny admitted to often teasing her father about the two As of AA, saying that he only owned one because he wasn’t anonymous about his sobriety. “My dad’s sobriety as a young man made him more aware as an adult,” she said. “Armistice Day, 2019 would’ve marked his 50th AA Birthday. Humbled by his AA success, he encouraged others. He admitted to being ‘confused by how I got here, but if I can show up, so can you. You don’t have to knock it out of the park, just show up and be consistent. Even when it’s hard or messy. Be present.’” “Struggles made my dad wise,” she continued. “He learned from every mishap and bump in the road. He believed in never wasting a good mistake. ‘Don’t sweat it,’ he’d say. ‘Learn from it, grow from it and get right back up.’” Jenny noted that father’s work ethic stemmed from growing up with a dad who worked through the Depression. “Little things meant a lot to my father,” she said. “He knew that if not for the kindness of others, his life could’ve been very different. So, he was always looking for a way to give someone else a leg up” Jenny described Mike’s early years as adventurous. “He lived a million lives,” she said. “He played the trumpet in the Burbank Boys Police Band, worked in Algeria and lived in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.” As the community mourns “a good member of society who wanted to make the world a better place,” the family remains proud of Mike’s “generosity.” The Celebration of Life for Mike Evans will take place on June 29 at the Loma Santa Fe Country Club from 2 to 4 p.m. The celebration is open to everyone. In leu of flowers, the family is requesting donations to be made to the YMCA, Kids Camp Program.

job in the election process. “Rancho Santa Fe does it right — the protocol that we use is not developed by the board (Rancho Santa Fe Association Board) or me — the process is described by the state legislature of Davis-Stirling,” Bishop said. “The law tells us what we need to do — the process is prescribed, and there is no flexibility, and Rancho Santa Fe does it correctly.” The tabulation process took about two hours. In addition to electing new board members, Covenant residents passed a new bylaw revision on density developments with 215 op-

posed and 734 in favor of the change. The bylaw targets high-density projects by implementing a three-tier process which includes after a Covenant Design Review Committee and RSF Association board approval, the project plan then goes out to a community-wide vote within the historic Covenant which consists of nearly 10 square miles. A minimum two-thirds vote by the community would be required for the high-density project approval. Weber, Strong, and Lemarié will start their new board positions at the next monthly meeting on July 2.

By Lucia Viti

ron Ruhnau expressed her thanks to the board for both their guidance and sound reasoning. Director Stephen Dunn also thanked outgoing board members. “Allen, Ken, and Janet have made huge changes to the Covenant,” Dunn said. These changes included items such as RSF Connect, addressing the high water rates, as well as the Covenant Design Review Committee. Before the ballot count, Parliamentarian Bruce Bishop said a few words thanking the Association and its staff members for doing a great

MIKE EVANS, 77, with his wife, Nancy, was the longtime owner of Sea Coast Exclusive Properties. He died on May 27. Courtesy photo

A CHARGING station for electric vehicles sits in the parking lot of Pine Avenue Community Park in Carlsbad. File photo

Electric vehicle ‘gas station’ in progress at Encinitas City Hall By Aaron Burgin

ENCINITAS — After months of delay, construction of a long-anticipated electric vehicle charging station is now underway in downtown Encinitas. The lower parking lot of City Hall in the past few weeks has become a hotbed of activity, with charging bays being delivered and being prepared for installation. A "gas station" for electric vehicles, the charging station was first proposed in 2013, and in 2014, the Department of Energy awarded the contractor, Corridor Power, a $500,000 grant for the project. City officials anticipated the station would be opened by last summer, but a series of delays — stemming from the need to apply for an extension for the grant — pushed back the start of construction, officials said. During that time, Corridor updated the project to reflect changes in battery technology. "Battery technology also has changed since our applicant filed his application with the City about four years ago," former city spokeswoman Lois Yum wrote at the time of the initial delay in 2018. "Instead of a single battery storage structure, the new technology is like a series of bollards that have more flexible loca-

tional requirements, and a larger storage capacity. The prior plan was to house the battery bank in a structure, but the new technology is outdoor and has a smaller profile." The city doesn't have an estimated completion date. When completed, the charging station will have shade canopies, 10 EV charging towers and a 480-square-foot driver’s lounge and retail store. City officials see the charging station as a key piece of its recently adopted climate action plan by promoting alternative fuel and environmentally friendly modes of transportation. "This project supports the City’s efforts to transition from using fossil fuels citywide," said Crystal Najera, the city's climate action plan administrator. "One of the City’s Climate Action Plan strategies focuses on clean and efficient transportation modes. The more convenient we make electric vehicle charging stations, the more people will choose to switch to electric-powered vehicles.” “As part of this grant, city residents and staff will be able to charge EVs at no cost," Najera said. "The station is also ideally located to allow for rapid charging of commuter EVs traveling through Encinitas for a nominal fee."

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 21, 2019

Encinitas Chamber of Commerce husband-wife duo to retire By Aaron Burgin

ENCINITAS — In 2011, Bob Gattinella took on one of the more unenviable rebuilding jobs, taking the helm of the embattled Encinitas Chamber of Commerce as its executive director. The Chamber had been mired in controversy and books were deep in the red. A 2009 column in the San Diego Union-Tribune had the headline “Get a load of chamber follies in Encinitas,” an indication of the dysfunction surrounding the business-advocacy organization. Nine years later, Gattinella, 67, and his wife Mimi, the chamber’s director of operations, are retiring from their respective positions after spearheading a remarkable turnaround that sees the Chamber of Commerce both restored in reputation

Bob and Mimi Gattinella

and financial footing. “Under Bob’s direction, the chamber has become a leader in advocating for and providing vital resources to the business community,” said Alex Meade, the chairman of the chamber’s board. “The chamber and business community cannot thank Bob and Mimi enough for their endless passion and willingness to give back in an effort to strengthen our city’s economic landscape. We will truly miss them.” The couple’s last day will be July 31, and the chamber has begun a search for Bob Gattinella’s replace-

Encinitas earns Tree City honor for 8th straight year ENCINITAS — The Arbor Day Foundation designated Encinitas as a Tree City USA for the eight-consecutive year, city officials announced June 3. The designation is awarded to cities that have a department dedicated to trees or urban forestry, an ordinance to protect and care for trees and an annual forestry budget of at least $2 per capita. Cities are also required to formally celebrate Arbor Day by observing the holiday and issuing a proclamation. Encinitas currently spends $10 per capita on forestry, according to city officials. The city also has an Urban Forestry Advisory Committee to oversee tree preservation

and health and to protect properties that may be negatively affected by tree growth. “We are truly proud to be a Tree City,” said Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear. “We understand the importance of optimizing our tree canopy cover and the future benefits from street trees as global warming continues to impact our environment.” North County cities Carlsbad and Oceanside also received the Tree City USA designation, among the 149 California cities in the program. Sacramento and Burbank are tied for the most Tree City USA awards with 41. — City News Service

dled with financial woes due to the recession and an ill-timed move into a new location right at the start of the nation’s financial crisis, among other things. Gattinella first joined the chamber as a member of the board of directors in 2010 before taking the executive director position in spring 2011. Since then, he and his wife, Mimi, worked to boost membership from its recession-level lows and restore community events, such as its popular Oktoberfest. The Gattinellas became synonymous with the chamber, with Mimi Gattinella working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring her husband’s vision to life. “Bringing to life Bob’s vision, Mimi was the backbone and driving force behind the chamber’s

success,” Meade said. “Many new businesses are thriving and giving back to the community thanks to Bob and Mimi’s commitment and dedication to supporting all businesses in Encinitas.” The chamber also sponsors the annual Mayor’s State of the City Address, which is regularly sold out, business ribbon cuttings and monthly “sundowner” mixers at various businesses. While membership hasn’t returned to the levels in 2006 — largely due to the emergence of the community’s three MainStreet Associations — Gattinella said that he’s been pleased with the chamber’s growth since the recession. “There’s a lot of competition out there for members that are business owners,” Gattinella said, alluding to the MainStreet groups. “But

I’m proud with what we have been able to accomplish.” The Gattinellas will likely head back to Palm Springs for the time being to attend to their construction business, but hope to return to Encinitas in the near future. Gattinella said that he will most miss how being the face of the chamber allowed him to really become entrenched in Encinitas. “I’ll miss going to some of the meetings, the information meetings put on by some of the utilities, and meeting regularly with city personnel,” he said. “It gives you a much more in depth perspective of what is going on in the community. For the first 10 years I lived in Encinitas, I hardly knew anybody. Now, when I walk down the street, I definitely feel like I am a local.”

or Designers for a one-year term. Hester is a three-time winner of San Diego Home/ Garden Lifestyles Magazine’s Kitchen of the Year Business news and special and Bath of the Year comachievements for North San Diego County. Send information petitions. She was also honored in the ASID/AARP Devia email to community@ signed for Life competition. coastnewsgroup.com.

with physical deformities through the gift of free reconstructive surgery and other healthcare services, celebrates its 10th year at Rady Children’s Hospital with 600 free-of-cost surgeries provided for kids with physical deformities. Since opening its free-standing state-of-the-art clinic at the campus of Rady Children’s Hospital in 2009, Fresh Start has provided medical care valued at over $20 million for 600 patients through the Fresh Start Surgical Gifts Medical Program.

lege in Waterville, Maine, May 26, receiving a bachelor’s degree with a major in psychology. Samantha Caras of Encinitas graduated with a Master of Education degree with a major in International Counseling from Lehigh University in Spring 2019. The Tufts University dean’s list for Spring 2019 includes William Glockner and Margot Richter of Encinitas, Lauren North of Solana Beach and Megan Thode of Carlsbad. On the spring Bucknell University dean’s list are Alex Burch from Rancho Santa Fe; Rachel Dumiak, Jordan Edmonds and Tatym Racz from Carlsbad; Chris Phelan from Oceanside; and Jack Posner from Solana Beach. Hallie McConlogue, a University of Iowa student from Encinitas, studying in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, was named to the UI’s President’s List for the spring 2019 semester. Mary Jo Addy of Encinitas and Mia Velarde of San Marcos were named to the dean’s list at the University of Findlay for the Spring 2019 semester. Spring graduates from Azusa Pacific University included San Marcos residents Mekenna Brown with a Bachelor of Science, and Rachel Davis with a Bachelor of Arts. Azusa Pacific University graduates from Oceanside include Bijan Ghassemi with a Bachelor of Science, and Carinna Prince, of Carlsbad with a Bachelor of Science. Oceanside grads Sabrina Northcutt, Amanda Dixon, Alyssa Burlingame, Curtis Reid, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

ment. Gattinella said that his biggest accomplishment as executive director was the turnaround in the chamber’s reputation. “I’d say it was bringing the chamber from the edge of oblivion and bankruptcy to being a stable community organization,” Gattinella said when asked what he felt was his greatest accomplishment. “It was really bad when we got here.” In the years before Gattinella, the chamber, which has been around more than 50 years, saw two of its previous executive directors resign, including one of whom left under a cloud of scrutiny following an ominous financial audit and later unsuccessfully sued the chamber for defamation of character. The chamber struggled financially after being sad-





“Tales from Squnch Valley” had its origin when Barbara Morse was working as a dance and movement teacher in the 1960s. To perk the children’s interest, she would make up stories about sensitive little creatures, called Squnches, who emerged from their shells in a magical place called Squnch Valley. As her life unfolded, the path led from inspiration to publication. Book signing events will be at Write On Oceanside, 1 to 5 p.m. June 22 at the Oceanside Public Library, Civic Center, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside, and at Escondido Arts Partnership Open Mic Poetry event from 12:30 to 3 p.m. July 7 at 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido.


Vista resident and interior designer Lindsay Hester, ASID, has been elected president of the 700-member San Diego chapter of the American Society of Interi-

Voices for Children’s eighth annual Wine, Women & Shoes was held on May 18, on the Rooftop Deck of the Del Mar Plaza. The event, co-chaired by Patricia Brutten and Marina Marrelli. In total, the fundraiser brought in more than $500,000 to support VFC’s CASA program, providing one-on-one advocacy to children in San Diego County foster care.


Beta Wealth Group founder and CEO Jodi Vleck has been named among the national finalists for WealthManagement.Com’s CEO of the Year award distinguishes those CEO’s who have out-performed peers, leading their firm through new challenges and opportunities this past year.



The city of Oceanside will open the doors June 22 to its Green Oceanside Kitchen to unveil its innovative, sustainable food offerings, at the El Corazon Senior Center/Green Oceanside Kitchen, 3302 Senior Center Drive, Oceanside. Offering a state-of-the-art food recovery and preservation facility, the mission of the Green Oceanside Kitchen is to provide opportunity, programming and infrastructure to foster a sustainable food system in the region dedicated to eliminating waste and feeding the community.

Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, a Carlsbad nonprofit STAR STUDENTS Erin Lu, who attended dedicated to transforming the lives of disadvantaged Torrey Pines High School, infants, children and teens graduated from Colby Col-

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If every person takes one small step toward being more conscientious of the environment, the collective effort will change the planet.

JUNE 21, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Discovering a desert oasis in downtown Pittsburgh hit the road e’louise ondash


e are surrounded by a rich desert landscape where chollas, ocotillos, agaves, barrels and beavertails compete for recognition from passing visitors. Some of these cactuses and succulents display their spring finery of orange and yellow blooms, despite the fact that the usual time for flowering has pretty much passed. This is not the only thing a bit out of sync. These desert plants call downtown Pittsburgh home. They flourish in one of the splendid Victorian glass houses at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. In all, this treasured resource offers visitors 14 climate- and moisture-controlled greenhouses and 23 gardens on 15 acres. Each house is a self-contained botanical wonder of leafy mazes, artistic flowery swirls, textured mounds and well defined borders. Its dazzling exhibit spaces are likely to conjure up intense feelings of jealousy in both top master gardeners and the rest of us. I count myself among the latter. Fortunately, my husband, brother- and sister-law and I are lucky to be escorted about this botanical wonderland by Jenna Bodnar, communications manager at the conservatory. She guides us through the various glass enclosures

HANGING BASKETS, pots and sculptured garden beds come together in one of the 14 climate-controlled glass houses at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh’s Schenley Park. IN BUTTERFLY FOREST, open from April to early September, hundreds of butterflies swarm in one of 14 Victorian glass structures on 15 acres. Photos by Jerry Ondash

exhibiting plants, flowers, shrubs, trees, fish ponds and water falls. As a Southwesterner, I’m most awed by the rockcliff waterfalls and proliferous orchids growing effortlessly in their warm, moist environment. We also are fortunate enough to catch “Van Gogh in Bloom,” this summer’s unique exhibit in which horticulturists have interpreted well known Van Gogh

itors will see new exhibits each season, even when the temperatures dip below zero, because most of the gardens are under glass. Cultivated outdoor spaces include a fully developed Japanese garden (including decades-old bonsais) and the Discovery Garden and Nature Play Garden, designed for children. Eventually Bodnar escorts us into the Butterfly Forest (annually from April through early September). As we enter this sanctuary, butterflies of all sizes and colors dive-bomb both leafy plants, flowers and visitors. I try without success to get one to land on my arm, but the butterflies seem otherwise occupied. Still, it’s a thrill to stand there and watch the swarms inhabiting every open space. The conservatory, a gift to the city of Pittsburgh from philanthropist Henry W. Phipps, opened in late 1893. Its buildings, grounds and plant collections have changed and grown through the years, and today, perhaps the most important parts of its mission and operations are less visible than its grand gardens. Ongoing education and community outreach programs offer classes in paintings through flowers, the approximately 100 peo- sustainable living, gardenple who help care for the ing and cooking, producing plants, trees and fabrics. green power and climate We wander past big- gardens. Amazingly, repeat vis- change for all ages and busiger-than-life “Sunflowers,” “The Starry Night,” “Wheat Field with Cypresses,” the iconic “Self Portrait with Straw Hat” and more. (Visit www.facebook.com/elouiseondash to see photos.) This exhibit runs through Oct. 6, which means there is a lot of maintenance to be done during the summer and early autumn by


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Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who eventually learned motherhood is nothing if not full of surprises. Contact her a jean@coastnewsgroup.com.

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show her noblesse oblige, she occasionally grants him the privilege of sleeping up there with her. When I can set aside my annoyance, I realize how cute they are, all curled up side by side. They are happy. I am mostly content. I use my daughter’s frilly bed to fold and sort laundry. Getting them to sleep at night has lost most of its struggle. Still, I do find the whole situation puzzling. I grew up believing that all children long for their own room, and it was the ultimate luxury. My two children are some kind of throwback to the Waltons, for crying out loud. Their comfort in sharing one small room, and sometimes one small bed, almost makes me feel like the most wasteful, self-indulgent, spoiled creature on Earth. Pass me that box of bonbons, will you? My nails are wet.

nesses. The Phipps practices what it preaches, too. Its Production Greenhouse, where it propagates the flora for the exhibits, is the first and only greenhouse in the world to achieve Platinum-level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. The newer glass houses on the property, including the futuristic administration and maintenance buildings, have been designed with the health of employees as a paramount concern. Solar energy, passive heating and cooling, water recycling and conservation, and buildings free of toxins are commonplace here, and PhD students from local universities and abroad conduct research in sustainability. Café Phipps serves no junk food or water in plastic bottles, but does serve food grown locally, organically and from the on-site gardens. The café composts about a half-million pounds per year of pre- and post-consumer waste. Perhaps most notable to a Southern Californian is the conservatory’s use of “waste heat” to melt snow on pathways — something I’ll have to experience on a future winter visit. Visit www.phipps.conservatory.org or call (412) 622-6914. Share your travels; email eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 21, 2019

JUNE 21, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

Food &Wine

New menus, Banfi wines at downtown’s Parc Brasserie

taste of wine frank mangio


like to call it “Paris in the Spring” with its garden look and feel, murals of the French Quarter and customers swirling and sipping European wines. Such was the scene recently at Parc Brasserie as a traditional wine favorite returned to this San Diego downtown 5th Avenue gathering place for new seasonally exciting menu selections. Owner Garo Minassian and Executive Chef Benjamin Navarro warmed up the menu with their finest creations, now offering a variety of seafood headlined by Alaskan Halibut, a fresh Scallop and Shrimp Duo, Branzino and Shrimp Scampi. And for fun, they introduced Happy Hour Lobster Tacos garnished with fresh avocados. Oh, so delicious! And the Banfi Wine brought out the Italian wine lovers recently and encored their enshrined lineup. Banfi is Italy’s premier vineyard estate, and the creator of modern day Brunello di Montalcino. In 1977, the Mariani family, major U.S. importers of food and wine products from Italy, noticed the decay in quality of Italian wines at the time. The decision was made to purchase 7,100 acres of rolling hills in Montalcino, in the south of Tuscany and name

JUNE 21, 2019

it Castello Banfi. To this day, they continue to pursue excellence in the quality of wines that are made from the native Sangiovese grape, found in their noble Brunello and other “Super Tuscan” wines, which were featured in the five-course Parc Brasserie menu. Earlier in the month, Parc went local with an Olsen & Perri wine dinner with authentic French tastes on the menu. This winery, headquartered in San Diego, draws the best grapes, mostly Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, from California’s Central Coast. It was a “French Foodie’s” dream list, starting with fresh Dungeness Crab Cake with the Chardonnay and finally the Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb. Enjoy much more at parcbb.com, olsenperriwines.com. and banfi.com. At West End, four nights of Caymus Wine dinners Congratulations go out to the impresario of Seasalt and West End Bar & Kitchen, Sal Ercolano, who recently presided over four consecutive nights of Caymus wine dinners at his West End location in Del Mar. You have to be nothing short of a magician and a juggler to pull something like this off. Each night was a sellout! Mind you, the Wagner family of Caymus in Napa Valley has many brands. All have a special quality and charm about them and are always in demand, but let’s give it up for Ercolano and his brand of charm that keeps customers coming back TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 13

Modern Baja at Death by Tequila


here has been a lot of buzz around Death by Tequila since they opened in downtown Encinitas. If you’ve not read about them, maybe you heard the sounds of a packed house walking by on just about any night of the week. Yes, it tends to be a bit loud, but that’s just part of the experience and with the quality of food coming out of the kitchen just enjoy the food, nod, and smile at your dining companion. Actually I went on a Tuesday evening and the volume was manageable and the pace a bit more relaxed. The stellar Baja-inspired menu was created by Executive Chef Angelo Sosa, whose culinary resume is quite impressive. I also had a chance to record an interview with him for Lick the Plate on 100.7 San Diego and found him to be approachable, funny and full of surprises. That interview can be found on www.1007sandiego.com or search Lick the Plate San Diego on SoundCloud. Angelo’s story is worth telling, as it’s a good one. He was born in Durham, Connecticut, to a Dominican father and an Italian mother who believed meals were serious affairs leading him to pursue a career in the culinary industry. He told me about growing up in the kitchen helping his dad and

THE STELLAR Hawaiian Ahi Crudo in coconut kaffir lime broth. Photo by Cole Ferguson

feeling the inspiration early to make it a career. After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America with high honors his career led him to some of the most respected restaurants in the country including the Stonehenge Restaurant & Inn and Acqua under the renowned Christian Bertrand. Bertrand introduced Sosa to his future mentor, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, where he spent four years with Jean-George Restaurants and was promoted to executive sous chef. In 2005, Sosa became the executive chef at Yumcha in the West Village, where his interpretation of modern Chinese cuisine put gained him more accolades. High-profile consulting gigs followed including Stephen Starr’s Buddakan and Morimoto in New York then working with another mentor, Alain Ducasse, spending 18 months at Ducasse restaurants in Paris and Monaco. In 2010 his celebrity

chef status was launched on as a Season 7 “Chef-testant” on Bravo’s hit reality show, “Top Chef.” Finishing as runner-up, he was immediately asked to compete again on “Top Chef All-Stars.” Since then, Sosa has appeared frequently on television in such shows as “Knife Fight,” finishing as season runner-up, “Beat Bobby Flay,” “Iron Chef America,” “Chopped,” as a judge, and NBC’s “Today” show. In 2012, Sosa opened Añejo in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen. The success of Añejo, including a “Michelin Recommended” accolade, led to Sosa opening a second downtown location, Añejo Tribeca; and Abajo. Encinitas drew Angelo west where he connected with husband and wife restaurateurs Chad and Jessica Mestler and Death By Tequila was launched. After spending some time with Angelo during our interview and learning of his interest in meditation, I could see why Encinitas appealed to him. Given that culinary history and with his very solid Chef de Cuisine Scott Gestring I had high expectations going in to my first meal at Death by Tequila and was not disappointed. We started with the Tres Amigos Guac flight with traditional guac, poblano pepita and pineapple chipotle versions. They were all guacamole elevated to a higher level and the pineapple version was an unexpected delight. Ceviche and Crudu

came next and the Shrimp & White Fish with Meyer lemon, tomato, Serrano, cucumber and pineapple was delicious but packed an unexpected heat that distracted a bit from the other flavors. The Hawaiian Ahi Crudo is the dish that has been getting a lot of love from area writers and for good reason. The beautiful ahi sits in a pool of coconut kaffir lime broth with jicama, chile oil, cilantro and dill and it all works together beautifully. It’s one of the best things I’ve eaten in a long time. My entrée was another fabulous dish — the Bomba Chicken. The chicken was perfectly cooked, very moist and sat on a bed of sugar snap pea and celery salad with a blood orange vinaigrette and fresh chile. The Tequila Flan is another dish that has been getting widespread acclaim and that did not disappoint either. Manchego cheese is grated over it at the table and oh boy is it good. Of course with a name like Death by Tequila they are going to have a quality selection of cocktails that include it. Like their menu, their crafty cocktails are inspired by Baja, local ingredients and the seasons and are designed to add a new element to every dish. This place is worth experiencing for sure, brunch was added recently and includes a DJ and even more Baja inspired goodness. Get their whole story, location and more at www.deathbytequila.com.

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JUNE 21, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Food &Wine

Beer at the Fair: Locals shine at International Beer Competition craft beer in North County Bill Vanderburgh


he San Diego County Fair is in full swing, open until July 4 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. While getting in and out can be a pain — and the 5 is even busier than usual because of it — cheap prizes, carnival rides, livestock and deep-fried-everything aren’t the only attractions to make it worthwhile to brave the traffic. There’s also beer. Excellent, local, craft beer. Mike Hess Brewing, based in North Park, produced this year’s official beer of the fair. Wizard of Haze is a tropical/citrus flavored New England-style hazy IPA that clocks in at a perfect-for-a-hot day-in-thesun 5% alcohol by volume. That may tempt you to have more than one, which you can do in the large Wizard of Haze outdoor bar in the middle of the fairgrounds. The other major beer attraction at the fair is the San Diego International Beer Festival (SDIBF). This year, the beer fest was held June 14 to June 16. More than 100 breweries were featured. The SDIBF is held each year under the delightful shade of the arena. This year Vista’s Iron Fist Brewery was the sponsor of the beer gardens area. One thing that’s different about the SDIBF than, say, the San Diego Brewers Guild Festival in November, is that at the fair all the beer is poured by volunteers, many of whom come from a nearby seniors’ home. The pour quality can therefore vary, and the people pouring most often know nothing at all about the beer or the breweries. For me, and I think for many beer festival goers, half the fun is chatting about the beer. Fortunately, some of the breweries represented at the festival sent representatives

WIZARD OF HAZE, a tropical/citrus flavored New England-style IPA, is the official beer of this year’s San Diego County Fair.

to stand near the beer pourers, approximating a typical beer fest experience. I attended the first of the five sessions that took place over the weekend, on Friday afternoon. This is typically the session with the least attendance, which means the excitement of the crowd is a little less, but there are fewer lines and it is easier to move around. Speaking of lines, the only place that had a consistent line during the first session was wildly popular Wild Barrel Brewing of San Marcos. I also happened to be there during the strong man competition held adjacent to the beer fest. It was fun to watch men try to throw 35to 45-pound kegs backward over a 15-foot bar while I was drinking beer. I was careful not to snicker too loudly when they missed, since they could have easily squashed me like a bug. San Diego County, as befits our moniker of “The Capital of Craft,” did exceptionally well in this year’s competition. Breweries from 26 states and five countries entered over 1,500 beers into THE STRONG MAN competition adjacent to the beer fest in- competition in 2019. Prizes volved throwing 35- to 45-pound kegs backward over a 15- were awarded in 54 categofoot bar. Photo by Bill Vanderburgh ries, and San Diego brewer-

lights the five-course dinner, offered for just $75 per CONTINUED FROM 12 person. Call now at (858) with each winery that en- 755-7100 to reserve your gages Chef Noe and his spe- seat for this memorable meal with some of the finest cial cuisine. Ercolano’s other restau- wines in the world. rant in Del Mar, Seasalt Seafood Bistro, is just a Wine Bytes • Del Frisco’s Double block from West End. It will host the next blockbuster Eagle Steakhouse in San dinner, Antinori Family Diego is planning a Rose’ Wines at 6 p.m. June 20- Soiree Tasting from 4 to 6 21, featuring Antica wines p.m. June 21, featuring 30 from Napa Valley! Antica’s Rose’ wines from around old world-new world blend- the world. Cost is $50 and is ed approach, combines 630 conducted by Wine Director years of Italian wines with Faith Fulginiti. Enjoy hors modern Napa Valley tech- d’oeuvres and live music on niques, to craft a five-star the bay view patio. RSVP at treasure in Antica’s Cab- (619) 272-5060. • Stag’s Leap Wines ernet Sauvignon. Seasalt’s pan-seared Sea Bass high- will be the main attraction


at the Firenze Trattoria wine dinner in Encinitas at 6:30 p.m. June 27. This is a five-course menu with five wines on the patio. $100 per guest with reservations at (760) 944-9000. • Seasalt Seafood Bistro in Del Mar presents a “Spoonful of Magic” with sleight-of-hand expert Sky King. It includes a threecourse meal and an option to pair it with wine at 6 p.m. June 26. Wine names include: Banfi, A to Z and Robert Mondavi. You will be amazed at what you see! Check out skykingmagic. com. The cost is $54.95 or $64.95 with paired wines. Call (858) 755-7100 to reserve your seat.

Get the latest at www.thecoastnews.com

ies won 54 of the ribbons: 19 first place, 17 second place, and 18 third place. You can see a listing of the San Diego winners at this link and the full list of winners here. The 15 winning breweries based in North County won a total of 24 ribbons. Five of the eight breweries that were open in San Marcos in time to enter beers into the SDIBF competition, won ribbons. That’s a pretty amazing concentration of beer greatness. Four of the 10 breweries based in Carlsbad won a remarkable total of 10 ribbons,

Photo by Bill Vanderburgh

including a sweep of all three ribbons in the Imperial Stout category. According to the fair’s website, not only is the San Diego County Fair the largest county fair in the nation, the SDIBF is the largest beer festival on the West Coast. It draws thousands of beer lovers to one of the five sessions over three days each June. Admission to the beer fest includes admission to the fair, so you can enjoy the rest of the festivities while you are there. Just beware that beer doesn’t go well with the Tilt-a-Whirl.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

M arketplace News

JUNE 21, 2019

Marketplace News is paid advertorial content. If you would like to buy space on this page, please contact the Coast News Group.

Cox adds Prime Video app to Contour TV Wondering which TV show or movie to watch when you have some time to unwind? Cox Communications just made it even easier to find a new favorite show with its recent launch of Prime Video on Cox Contour TV. Prime Video joins Netflix, YouTube, NPR One and others in the Contour TV library of apps. Cox Contour video customers can use their voice remote control to easily and quickly access their Prime Video subscription to watch critically-acclaimed shows such as “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” directly on their televisions. Other popular Amazon Originals on Prime Video include “Hanna,” “Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan,” “Guava Island,” “Homecoming,” and “The Man in the High Castle.” “There’s no need for a secondary device or input switch,” said Suzanne Schlundt, Vice President of Field Marketing. “Similar to Contour’s other integrated apps including Netflix, YouTube and iHeart Radio,

Prime Video app to Contour, Cox continues to make it incredibly easy for customers to access all the programming they love in one place.” POPULAR TV SHOWS ON PRIME VIDEO

COX COMMUNICATIONS just made it easier to find a new favorite show with its recent launch of Prime Video on Cox Contour TV. Courtesy photo

all you have to do is speak into your voice remote control and say things like “Prime Video” or “Mrs. Maisel” and Cox Contour

will take you to your Prime Video programming.” Prime Video can also be accessed in the “Apps” section of the Contour

guide. “Contour has become one of the most innovative platforms in cable,” said Schlundt. “By adding the

‘THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL’ (2 SEASONS) This winner of eight Emmy Awards tells the story of Midge Maisel, a perfect 1950s housewife with two kids whose life gets turned upside down when her husband leaves her. InSuzanne Schlundt stead of falling to pieces, VP of Field Marketing Midge surprises everyone by becoming one of New York City’s most colorful off-book CIA agent while stand-up comics. searching for the truth about her identity. ‘HANNA’ (1 SEASON) Based on the 2011 film of the same name, “Hanna” ‘JACK RYAN’ (1 SEASON) This political action is a brooding thriller about a young girl raised in the thriller follows CIA anaisolation of the woods by lyst Jack Ryan, a character her father and trained to from Tom Clancy’s well-esbe a lethal assassin. Thrust tablished “Ryanverse,” who into the real world with no is pulled from the safety of sense of social normalcy, his desk job to work in the Hanna skillfully dodges an field.

GALA In loving memory of

Allen Brothers Family

George Watson Flanders March 20,1931 June 4, 2019

C S P

I am George Watson Flanders. Good morning family and friends. I was born in Glendale on March 20, 1931 and transitioned on June 4th, 2019. I was at my home in Vista with my family surrounding me. Thank you for your loving care and for being present to help me leave the home I love so much. Job well done. For my wife Nancy, I love you and you love me and that’s the way it will always be. My life interests were jazz, dancing, camping, nature, primates, UCLA sports, teaching school in Escondido, lathing, tinkering in the garage, reading, swimming, politics, secular humanism, and traveling. I was known as George, Pat, dad, grandpa, pop and sweetheart. My passions were four loving children, eight smart and creative grandchildren and six fun nieces and nephews. I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places.

Gerald Glenn Stephens, 76 Oceanside June 14, 2019 Lowell Klosky Carlsbad June 13, 2019 Patricia Alice Thornborrow, 83 Oceanside June 12, 2019 Trevor Daniel Kresser, 28 San Marcos June 11, 2019 Lovetta Yvonne Caldwell, 71 Oceanside June 7, 2019 Robert Lawerence Jones, 85 Oceanside June 5, 2019

S 6-8 1 cup shredded cheddar ½ cup butter cheese ½ cup chopped onion 1 small green bell 1 (16 oz) pkg frozen pepper cut into strips hash browns 2 tbsp chopped pimiento 1 (10 ¾ oz) cream of Dash of pepper mushroom soup 1 cup crushed cheese 1 soup can of milk crackers (divided) In a skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Sauté onions until tender. Stir in potatoes, soup, and milk then add cheese, green pepper, pimiento, pepper, and ½ of the cracker crumbs. Pour into a shallow casserole dish and top with remaining crumbs. Bake at 375* for 35-40 minutes.


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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

By adding the Prime Video app to Contour, Cox continues to make it incredibly easy for customers to access all the programming they love in one place.”


Throughout the evening, the center featured CROP “Fund .93 a Program” opportunities, .93 Gercke said, which included 4.17 videos that showed guests 4.28 the organization’s life-saving programs. “This year, we featured our Adoptions Transfer Program where we bring orphan pets from overburdened shelters to forever homes from a number of states and our Pets Without Walls Program which helps the pets of the homeless," she said. "We also featured our Humane Education Program which serves approximately 11,000 kids of all ages, including those in underserved areas to teach them love and compassion for all the creatures we share the world with." Gercke also pointed out how the gala landed on an extraordinary year — the 20th anniversary of Helen Woodward’s president and CEO, Mike Arms. “We had a nice tribute video showing the great work Mike has done around the world, which included lovely messages from friends like Jackson Galaxy, the Woodward Family, and many more," she said. Like every year, the gourmet food was abundant. Gercke said 20 top restaurants in San Diego volunteered their time, talent, and ingredients to prepare tapa-style dishes. A handful of these restaurants included Donovan's Steak & Chop House, Café Secret, Pacifica Del Mar, The Fish Market, Sugar and Scribe and Bluewater Grill. Must-have auction items raised a wave of paddles for experiences such as a Maui vacation, an Indian Wells

Masters Tennis Getaway, Seattle spa and shopping vacation, McLaren Driving Experience in Palm Springs, and more. The title sponsor was EDCO Disposal. Gercke said the center was grateful to its 2019 Spring Fling Gala Committee, headed by a longtime center friend and supporter Jaime Carr, who recruited animal-lover Erin Combs Pear to co-chair the event. Gercke also gave special thanks to Committee Restaurant Chair Ann Dizney. While the evening was enjoyable at every turn, it also raised awareness. “The event is really special because it gives everyone a chance to get glamorous but keeps the focus on the animals and the work we’re doing in animal welfare. You can’t take a step around the gala without running into an adoptable puppy or one of our Pet Encounter Therapy pets,” Gercke said. “The announcements all night reminded gala guests that they are supporting truly life-saving programs, and the event is joyful because it is a truly fun evening, and everyone goes home knowing they are saving lives.”

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the traditional stone associated with July birthdays? 2. MUSIC: In what state was singer-songwriter Tom Petty born and raised? 3. LITERATURE: Who wrote the short story called “The Sentinel,” which provided a starting point for the fi lm “2001: A Space Odyssey”? 4. HISTORY: What was the only state that George McGovern won in the 1972 presidential race? 5. GEOGRAPHY: What is the largest country in South America? 6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of pelicans known as? 7. GOVERNMENT: Who was the longest-serving U.S. House Speaker? 8. MOVIES: Who was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in the movie “Silkwood”? 9. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of food is thrown at the annual food fight festival held in Bunol, Spain? 10. BIBLE: Who were King Solomon’s parents? (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Get your facts together and become familiar with them before you have to face up to that interview. The better prepared you are, the easier it will be to make that important impression. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) New information might warrant changing your mind about a recently made decision. Never mind the temporary confusion it might cause. Acting on the truth is always preferable. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Creating a loving atmosphere for those you care for could pay off in many ways. Expect to hear some unexpected but very welcome news that can make a big difference in your life. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Stepping away from an old and seemingly insoluble problem might be helpful. Use the time to take a new look at the situation and perhaps work out a new method of dealing with it. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You’re still in a favorable goal-setting mode. However, you might need to be a little more realistic about some of your aims. Best to reach for what is currently doable. The rest will follow. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A setback is never easy to deal with. But it could be a boon in disguise. Recheck your proposal and strengthen the weak spots. Seek advice from someone who has “been there and done that.”

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Coming up with a new way of handling a tedious job-regulated chore could lead to more than just a congratulatory memo once the word reaches the “right people.” Good luck. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) What you might call determination, someone else might regard as stubbornness. Look for ways to reach a compromise that won’t require a major shift of views on your part. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) You’re still in a vulnerable mode vis-a-vis “offers” that sound too good to be true. So continue to be skeptical about anything that can’t be backed up with provable facts. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Thrift is still dominant this week. What you don’t spend on what you don’t need will be available for you to draw on should a possible (albeit temporary) money crunch hit. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Staying close to home early in the week allows for some introspection about your social life. Sort out your feelings before rejoining your fun-time fellows on the weekend. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) It can be a bit daunting as well as exciting to find yourself finally taking action on a long-delayed move for a change. It helps to stay with it when others rally to support you. BORN THIS WEEK: Your love of home and family provide you with the emotional support you need to find success in the outside world. © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

Trivia Test Answers 1. Ruby 2. Florida 3. Arthur C. Clarke 4. Massachusetts 5. Brazil 6. A pod 7. Sam Rayburn (17 years) 8. Cher 9. Tomatoes 10. David and Bathsheba

JUNE 21, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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JUNE 21, 2019


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Inside: 2016 Sprin g Home & Gard en Section


Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on MARCH 25,

By Steve Putersk

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Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfl Full story y at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

Jungle exhibit. The

By Hoa Quach


i ESCON enviro amendment DIDO — An port nmental impact to the lution of from April rereso- ternati 2012. AlCitracado necessity for ves the sion projectParkway exten- with residenwere discussed ts in four munity Wednesday was approv ed of publicmeetings and comby the Council. gatherings. a trio City “The project Debra rently Lundy, property real cated designed as curcity, said manager for and plannewas lothe it was due to a needed manner that will d in a compatible omissionsclerical error, be most the est with attached of deeds to public good the greatbe private and least adjustm to the land. The injury, ent said. ” Lundy parcel beingis the only acquired fee the city, which is by city She also reporte ty, she added. a necess and proper d the i- have ty owners had The project, eminent domain meetings inmore than 35 the past in the which has been years to develo four works for years, will However, p the plan. several erty complete the missing the mit owners did not proproadway section of a counte subthe ny Grove, between Harmo city’s statutoroffer to the ry offer and AndreVillage Parkw - April 14, 2015. on ason Drive. ay to Lundy, Accord The the owners ing not feel a review city conduc did the ted offer matche which was of the project what the land , outlined is worth, d in the alTURN TO

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Cute little General Store with liquor license in the Gila Wilderness near Lake Roberts,NM. The area is famous for hiking,fishing, wildlife, Tour of the Gila bike race, gold ,silver,copper and rock hounds. Building is 4000 sf with 2 apartments behind Store and great room with pool table and rock fireplace. Will sell liquor license separately. Rare investment in New Mexico. No phone calls during business hours please. Serious inquiries only please.

Reply to lake_kid@icloud.com.

JUNE 21, 2019


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T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 21, 2019

A rts &Entertainment

arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ coastnewsgroup.com



Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office TGIF Concerts in the Parks series, start June 21 with Safety Orange, a band of beach buddies keeping surf rock alive, at Stagecoach Community Park, 3420 Camino de los Coches, Carlsbad. Parking at La Costa Canyon High School, 1 Maverick Way or Mormon church, 3450 Camino de los Coches.


The California Center for the Arts, Escondido will host 18 musical acts, as part of the Hidden City Sounds music series this summer, every Friday from 6 to 10 p.m. through Oct. 4. Enjoy a different genre of live music each week along with DJ’s, food trucks, games and a cash bar.


Moonlight Stage Productions opens its 39th summer season with Mel Brooks’ “The Producers” at 8 p.m. through June 29 at 1250 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Tickets from $17 to $57 online at moonlightstage.com or through VisTix at (760) 724-2110.


The California Center for the Arts, Escondido unveiled a new bridge mural commemorating its 25th anniversary, designed and painted by muralist Geoff Gouveia. The walls illustrate a birthday theme with drawings of performers playing in the upcoming season. Courtesy photo

p.m. June 22 at the Belly Up, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Santana Ways opens the show. Tickets are $18/$20 and may be purchased at the venue’s box office, by phone at (858) 481-8140 or online at bellyup.com. The show is 21+.



Kids! A free San Diego Poetry Workshop will be held for ages 6 to 12 from noon to 1:15 p.m. June 23 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. The workshop for school-age children, offers snacks and supplies and an opportuniJUNE 22 ty for publication in Kids! REMEMBER THE EAGLES San Diego Poetry Annual. The Desperado Show Registration is requested; (Eagles tribute) returns please call or visit the lito the Belly Up stage at 9 brary to sign up. For. A Sum-

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mer Learning Challenge program. Info: http://bit. ly/1EqwxGF, 760-753-7376. June 23, 4-8pm. San Dieguito Heritage Museum, 450 Quail Gardens Drive. $35 CICI’S LAST STAND

Village Church Community Theater Camp that will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 15 to July 19 daily at 6225 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe. Cost is $160. There will be a Youth Camp and a Teen Camp. Register at https:// v i l lagec hu rc hcom mu n itytheater.org/summer-theater-camp. Auditions for registered campers interested in singing a solo, a speaking role or a dancing role, will be held 2 to 5 p.m. June 22.

Cici's Last Stand is a family-friendly event with be music, art, food trucks, no-host bar, games of chance, live art, video-filming, poker, fortune tellers, horse shoes and more Tickets include a CD. For more information, visit http://bit. ly/28ZV8GX or call (760) JUNE 26 MIXED MEDIA 632-9711. Through July 15, Colleen Veneri will display ‘WALK IN THE WOODS’ North Coast Repertory “Ocean View: Over and UnTheatre presents “A Walk der” mixed media paintings in the Woods,” through at the Civic Center Gallery, June 23 at 987 Lomas San- City Hall, 505 S. Vulcan ta Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Ave., Encinitas. Beach. Tickets at https:// tickets.northcoastrep.org or call the Box office at (858) JUNE 27 CONCERTS AT THE COVE 481-1055. The city of Solana Beach and the Belly Up Tavern host JUNE 24 the summer “Concerts at the Cove” series at Fletcher A ROCKIN’ SUMMER A Rock Band Camp is Cove Park every Thursday being offered for young mu- night from 6 to 7:45 p.m. sicians grades 4 to 8 from through Aug. 22. On June 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 24 to 27, Atomic Chill will play but June 28 at Moonlight Mu- no concert July 4. Bring lowsic, 467 S. Coast Highway back beach chairs, ground 101, Encinitas. Campers cover and picnics. No alcocan learn to play music in hol, tobacco, pets or personal a band setting with other barbecues allowed during students of similar age concerts. and playing level. Cost is $329. No experience necessary. For more informa- JUNE 30 tion, visit moonlightmu- WOOD AND GOURD ART sic.com/. Cam Baher and Grace Swanson will be showing ART CAMP FOR KIDS “Turned Wood and Gourd Summer Art Camp is Art” wood sculpture and being offered at Lux Art gourds through July 15 at the Institute for ages 4- to Civic Center Gallery, City 7-years old Monday-Fri- Hall, 505 S. Vulcan Ave., Enday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. June cinitas. 24 through Aug. 9 at 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. Painting, drawing, JULY 1 and sculpture camp, cost THROUGH THE LENS is $275, $350 per week. Barbara Murray is exRegister at luxartinstitute. hibiting her photography org or call (760) 436-6611. through July 17 at Encinitas Community Center Gallery, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive. JUNE 25 The art is of eccentric resVILLAGE THEATER CAMP idences, back alleys, and Register now for the small out-of-the-way streets Performing Arts Camp at in Encinitas.

‘WARM MORNING’ by Wade Koniakowsky is one of several works featured at The Aloha Spirit exhibit at the Front Porch Gallery in Carlsbad. Courtesy photo

Exhibit captures the Aloha Spirit


he Aloha Spirit has been an intergrated part of surfing since its early inception. It is a well known reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire. In the Hawaiian language, aloha stands for much more than just “hello” or “goodbye” or “love. The literal meaning of aloha is “the presence of breath” or “the breath of life.” The word comes from “Alo,” meaning presence, front and face, and “ha,” meaning breath. Aloha is a way of living and treating each other with love and respect. Its deep meaning starts by teaching ourselves to love our own beings first and afterwards to spread the love to others. According to the old

cal art news Bob Coletti kahunas (priests), being able to live the Spirit of Aloha was a way of reaching self-perfection and realization for our own body and soul. The Front Porch Gallery’s new exhibit, “Surf Art/The Aloha Spirit” captures this sentiment in a collection of work by local surf arists who have shaped thier life’s and careers around the Aloha Spirit. Exhibit includes art work by Mike Doyle, Wade Koniakowsky, Tim Bessell, Jim Phillips, Kevin Anderson, James Daigh, Letty Nowak and Angela Jackson. Surf Art/The Aloha Spirit June 23 - Aug. 17 at Front Porch Gallery at 2903 Carlsbad Blvd.

JUNE 21, 2019

T he R ancho S anta F e News


La Costa Canyon grad fastest to climb summit of Mount Everest By Steve Puterski

CARLSBAD — She stood as high as a commercial airliner at cruising altitude, atop the world. On May 22, La Costa Canyon grad Roxanne Vogel, or Roxy to friends and family, summited Mt. Everest, the world’s tallest peak at a towering 29,020 feet. And she did it in just 10 days, becoming a media sensation along the way. Described as a “lightning ascent,” Vogel, 33, reached the summit faster than anyone, ever. She was guided by Lydia Bradey and Sherpas Mingma Tshering and Pasang Tendi. “It hasn’t really (sunk in),” Vogel said. “I’m glad I was the first one to successfully do it because it’s cool to be the first to do anything. Hopefully, I’ll be a good resource for people going forward.” Never a climber or one to spend much time in the outdoors, Vogel’s path to Everest started in college at North Carolina State. She began hiking and hitting the outdoors, but it really wasn’t until she was enrolled in a study abroad program in Peru and visited Machu Picchu, where she became drawn to those challenges. After college, she was visiting Everest base camp in 2012 and found inspiration. She moved to Denver after Everest and started climbing Colorado’s famed 14ers (peaks over 14,000 feet) to get experience. “I love to challenge myself,” Vogel said of getting into mountaineering. “I started at one end and started working my way up.” Four years later, she took a job in Berkeley at GU Energy Labs, which produces performance sports nutrition products, such as gels. She is currently a nutrition and performance research manager with GU. Prior to Everest, Vogel racked up five of the tallest peaks on each continent, with Everest being the sixth. She heads to Antarctica in December (which is summer below the equator) to scale Vinson Massif, which stands at 16,050 feet, to complete the Seven Summits. In addition, she also wants to complete the “Grand Slam,” which includes the Seven Summits and reaching the North and South poles. Vogel figures

and that’s of the most exposed sections of the climb with a 10,000-foot drop off.” Still, Vogel, Brady and the Sherpas pressed on and reached the summit, albeit missing the massive line from the South Side, where a photo showing the logjam went viral. Regardless, Vogel and the team made it back to Camp 2 at about 4:45 p.m. “Roxanne handled the climb like a pro,” Bradey added. “Her first priority was safety, then success. Roxanne was not focused upon making the ascent in 14 days, rather on making the ascent in the fastest time possible within safety. She was extremely fit and had carried heavy packs in her training, very organized, asked good questions, wasn’t blindsided to getting up at all costs — as a climbing partner Roxy was awesome.” ROXANNE VOGEL, shown at left during her lightning ascent of Mount Everest last month, plans to head to Antarctica later In all, Vogel spent 29 this year to climb Vinson Massif to complete the Seven Summits. Photos courtesy of Roxanne Vogel hours from summit day to returning back to base she’ll scale Vinson and then deadly consequences to comes easy. ed to turn, so on May 22 the camp. check off the South Pole those unprepared. Everest is also packed two women and Sherpas leaving the North Pole as When the call came, with dangers from high made the call to summit, Deadly season the final challenge. Perhaps even more imshe hopped a flight from winds, avalanches, falling skipping Camp 3 and deShe’s also in the middle San Francisco to China then ice, crowded lines, inexpe- scending back to Camp 2 in pressive, or fortunate, is Voof attempting to summit the to Tibet. She requested a rienced climbers, a lack of one day. Since they moved gel navigated Mt. Everest seven highest volcanoes, female guide, so Bradey, a oxygen to the brain and be- so fast, the climbers were during one its most deadly along with another poten- legend in her own right as low-zero temperatures, to right on the heels of the seasons on record. tial climb in the Himalaya’s she was the first woman to name a few. So far, 11 people have rope fixers. in the fall. Climbers cannot move died attempting to scale scale Everest without supBut for Vogel, the plemental oxygen in 1988, charge to the summit was until the ropes are fixed the summit — nine on the got the call. It was also her only focus. However, along the route. Vogel said Nepali side of the mountain Going to Everest But her journey to Ev- Bradey’s sixth summit on she said it was safer to work the lines were fixed about — and a record number of fast to get up and down the 30 minutes before reaching climbers have caused traferest began when she was Everest. fic jams along the route. Both, though, used sup- mountain, especially since the summit. approached by Alpenglow The long lines are leadThey started late, at Expeditions about the plemental oxygen for this the North side leaves climbers more exposed to the about 1:45 a.m. The climb ing to more deaths and Volightning ascent, a feat nev- climb. was challenging and then gel said she saw four dead dangers. er accomplished before. So, However, since she became precarious about bodies on her ascent. Vogel spent three months The climb “Death was present. I working and sleeping in HyThere are two paths and Bradey had an expe- 250 feet from the summit. An anchor holding a did see four bodies within poxico altitude chambers to the summit. One is from dited schedule, there was and tents to prepare for the the more popular Nepal no time to waste. The two rope broke free, spooking three feet of where I was walking,” Vogel said. “I lack of oxygen at such high side, and the other from went from base camp to ad- Vogel. “That sort of thing is a was very deliberate and did altitudes. Tibet. The Tibetan side is vanced base camp then to In addition, Vogel cut a more technical and diffi- Camp 2 in a matter of days. trip ender,” she said. “After mental training for elite “We saw a window and that, you really don’t trust climbers. It was how to foout alcohol and underwent cult climb, although once a an intense training pro- climber reaches 8,000 me- had to take a shot,” Vogel the lines. It was a little bit cus, stay in the moment and touch and go there. I was re- all these strategies. I was gram and diet. ters, otherwise known as said. But the weather start- ally nervous about the lines hyper-focused.” At first, though, she the “Death Zone,” nothing thought it wasn’t even possible to make the ascent in such a condensed timeframe. “We weren’t sure it was even possible,” Vogel recalled. “I wasn’t even sure it was possible while I was on the mountain. It was the 78% of The Coast News’ readers are age appropriate hardest thing I ever done.” Bradey said it was also 25 to 64 years which accounts for the “highest levels of consumer spending.”* Vogel’s first climb above Proudly serving North San Diego County for over 32 years! 21,000 feet (7,000 meters). “The key for Roxanne was to be utterly extremely fit, used to carrying heavy loads uphill, a very good natural acclimatizer, and pre-acclimatized to circa, 7,000 meters,” Bradey said in a Facebook post. “In Roxanne’s case, she used Hypoxico low-oxygen tents both to sleep in and to work inside of at times. None of this prep was easy for Roxy, and she forgave any social life, ate super carefully, did training scheduled by some well-known climbers who have developed a program called Uphill Athlete, and squeezed in (very) rapid I’ ascents of South American Comm un Vi sta teacity rallies be volcanoes over Christmas ... hind her plac ed on leave that was her life for a year.” The CoasT News Group The first challenge was The Coast News • The Rancho Santa Fe News • Inland Edition *Source: CVC annual readership study finding the best window, as the mountain’s conditions advertising@coastnewsgroup.com | www.coastnewsgroup.com | 760.436.9757 change rapidly, and with

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VOL. 3,




N0. 7






Inside: 2016 Spri & Garden ng Section

Citracado extension Parkway project draws MARC

By Steve

t s a ju ngle In there

Emi Ganno d, exhibi t is open11, observ es a Bande now throug d Purple h April Wing 10. Full story on butterfly page A2. at the San Diego Photo by Tony

By Hoa



Zoo Safari



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Republi Abed cans endorse over Ga spar

NO. 94



T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 21, 2019

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