The Rancho Santa Fe News, May 17, 2013

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.com VOL. 9, NO. 9


Local leader embodies yoga lifestyle By Jeremy Ogul

DEL MAR — It’s 9:30 a.m. and Stacy McCarthy is standing on the asphalt behind Albertsons on Via de la Valle, clasping her hands together in the iconic namaste gesture. Dogs are barking, delivery trucks are bustling behind the grocery store and Interstate 5 roars just a few hundred yards away, but McCarthy is perfectly calm. A group of 16 women and two men have formed a semicircle around McCarthy, one of North County’s most prolific yoga instructors, as she leads a warm-up routine. Moments later, the group sets out in silent meditation on the Lagoon Trail of the San Dieguito River Park, heading toward the beach, where they will practice yoga poses on the beach. McCarthy organized this donation-based class as one of several fundraisers in advance of the Yoga for Hope event at Petco Park May 18. Yoga for Hope has raised more than $125,000 for cancer research, treatment and education at City of Hope in the past two years, said Ellie Levine, assistant director of development. Organizers this year hope to raise another $100,000 for the City of Hope as up to 700 people gather on the outfield grass in Petco Park for a morning of yoga led by some of the biggest names in yoga in San Diego, including McCarthy. Levine attributes much of Yoga for Hope’s success to McCarthy’s involvement. “She’s been such a great advocate for the cause,” Levine said. “She thinks outside the box and does an amazing job fundraising for the event.” McCarthy’s enormous web of social connections in the yoga world of San Diego has certainly helped. It is a network she has been developing since 1991, when she helped launch the original Frog’s Athletic Club in Solana Beach. In 1992 McCarthy joined the vanguard of the yoga movement when she decided to bring yoga classes to the health club, an

A SPIN ON THE ECONOMY With the changing economy, technology and the popularity of cycling, the demand for bike mechanics is on the rise.


MAY 17, 2013

More Ranch students set to receive iPads By Jeremy Ogul

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe School Board agreed May 1 to expand the use of iPads in fifth- and sixth-grade classrooms for the coming academic year. The board unanimous-

using iPads last fall. In the first year of the program, school-owned iPads were individually assigned only to seventh- and eighthgraders, while all other classrooms were supplied with six iPads each. The 246 new iPads will

Kids are in fact communicating more and more with their teachers.” In 2000, Stacy McCarthy left her job in management at Frog’s Gym to found Yoga NamaStacy, which she continues to run today. Courtesy photo

McCarthy has helped to raise more than $125,000 for cancer research. She will be at the Yoga for Hope event May 18 at Petco Park. Courtesy photo

unconventional choice at the time. She recruited Dominic Corigliano to teach the first classes. “In 1992 yoga was not anything like what yoga is now,” McCarthy said. “I could barely get anyone in the class. I was practically begging people to attend.”

By 1994 enrollment in the yoga sessions began to grow, and McCarthy began working her way up through management at Frog’s. She was promoted to chief operating officer in 1997. After a corporate merger and acquisition, McCarthy decided she had had

Two Sections, 28 pages Arts & Entertainment . A18 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . B17 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B16 Food & Wine . . . . . . . . A12 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B6

enough of management. “It was kind of a desk job, and that was not my personality at all,” McCarthy said. “It did not fit my nature.” Practicing yoga with Corigliano helped McCarthy realize that yoga was her true passion. In 2000, she quit the management job at Frog’s and founded Yoga NamaStacy, the business she still runs today. Her business is all about sharing yoga with others, whether through her “Yoga Body” instructional DVDs, leading wellness retreats, training other yoga teachers or just leading everyday practice. Some of McCarthy’s students have been practicing with her weekly for almost 10 years. That loyalty is a testament to McCarthy’s ability to be consistent without boring her students with the same routine every week, said Mandy Burstein, who recently completed a 300hour yoga teacher training program with McCarthy as her mentor. Her success also reflects the personal connections and relationships

Cindy Shaub Assistant Superintendent

ly voted to spend $117,000 on 246 new iPad 2 devices, including associated cables and cases. Each device has 16 GB of storage and Wi-Fi capability. The purchase will allow the R. Roger Rowe School to assign a schoolowned iPad to every student in fifth through eighth grade beginning this fall. The school will supply all other classrooms with one iPad for every two students. The school began

be added to the stock of 410 iPads the school has purchased in the last year. While seventh- and eighth-grade students are expected to take their iPads home for study and homework uses, Superintendent Lindy Delaney said administrators have not yet decided whether fifth- and sixthgrade students will be allowed to take the devices home next year. TURN TO IPADS ON A17


HOW TO REACH US (760) 436-9737 Calendar: Community News: Letters to the Editor:

LIVING HISTORY Horizon Prep School fourth-grade students, in Rancho Santa Fe, bring history to life as they play their roles of Revolutionary War-era characters at the Living History Museum. Kylie Dypvik, left, and Chase Herring strike a pose as Paul Revere and John Hancock, respectively. Courtesy photo


MAY 17, 2013




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MAY 17, 2013

With construction end in sight, some seeing hope David Ogul he sidewalks are wider, diagonal parking spots more plentiful and landscaped medians more attractive. But not every merchant on Highway 101 in Solana Beach is jumping for joy over the imminent end of a $7 million street improvement project that caused months of traffic delays and chased away an untold number of customers. In fact, some businesses aren’t even around anymore. They lost so many customers, shutting their doors was the only way to stop bleeding money. With completion of the project expected in June, several remaining merchants


Pooh Bear character greets Emmanuel Ortiz, 5, of Oceanside, right. Oceanside police and firefighters, Save our Streets community group, Vista Community Clinic, and North County Lifeline also attended the fair. Photos by Promise Yee

Fair brings neighbors together for a fun day in Libby Lake Park By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The Libby Lake Community Resource Fair was a bright spot for a community that had two neighborhood teens fatally shot and two injured at Libby Lake Park in March. The Neighborhood Services Department, police, firefighters, Save our Streets community group, Vista Community Clinic, and North County Lifeline joined other groups to give the neighborhood a day of fun and share information on community services May 11. “Since the shooting, the community has been quite hesitant about spending time at the park, which is pretty sad considering the fact that Libby Lake Park probably has the most beautiful scenery over any other park in Oceanside,” Jimmy Figueroa, REACH proj-

ect coordinator for Vista Community Clinic, said. The Resource Fair has been held for numerous years. This year the goal of the fair was to give the community a positive day in the park. “The resource fair usually takes place on the street, but the city wanted to use this opportunity to welcome the community back to the park and demonstrate to them that this park belongs to the community,” Figueroa said. “It’s a day for everyone to enjoy,” Louie Chavez, resource manager of the Libby Lake Community Center, said. “We’re willing do whatever we can do to work together, work out problems, and make it a better place.” Ballet folklorico dancers, mariachi music, a Ronald McDonald magic show, a giant inflatable slide, free balloons

Chris Curio, 10, of Oceanside, gets a hand with his rod and reel from firefighter engineer Mike Bowman. Firefighters and community police officers enjoyed one on one time with residents at the Community Resource Fair.

and a kids dance contest were part of the fun. Firefighters and community police officers had an opportunity for some one-onone time with residents and kids to share crime prevention tips,pass out stickers and coloring books, and show children how to fish. “When it’s one on one they feel more comfortable coming up to us,” Dolce Fish, police crime prevention specialist, said. “It’s a great event. We just want to be there and have fun with the kids.” In addition to the community fair, park trees have been trimmed and vegetation has been removed from hillsides to provide clear visibility. Regular monthly community meetings between residents, community groups and police continue to be held at Libby Lake Community Center.

are still fuming, even though city officials say they’ve gone out of their way to address concerns. Solana Beach is hardly alone in struggling to maintain harmony while trying to improve a major corridor. In the San Diego community of Bird Rock, merchants bristled during construction when La Jolla Boulevard was narrowed and roundabouts installed. A similar plan for Del Mar’s main drag went down in flames at the ballot box in November. And the proposed Leucadia Streetscape project on Highway 101 has sparked angry debate just north of here. As the old saying goes, “I don’t have a dog in this fight.” I don’t live in or work for Solana Beach, and I don’t own a business on Coast Highway. To the city, fixing up the thoroughfare was a

no-brainer. The project to slow traffic on the street and pretty it up and while making the 101 more bicycle and pedestrian friendly was funded through TransNet funds derived from a voterapproved half-cent sales tax for transportation projects across the county. By the time all the plantings are done, the number of trees will have doubled to more than 70. Perhaps best of all will be a huge reduction in speeds and commuters looking for an alternative to bottlenecked Interstate 5, now that motorists will only have one lane for themselves in each direction (the other will be shared with bicyclists). As City Councilwoman Lesa Heebner told me, “This is a project that’s going to enhance the businesses TURN TO CONSTRUCTION ON A17



Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of the Rancho Santa Fe News


LNG exports could hurt California recovery By Thomas D. Elias

COMMUNITY COMMENTARIES The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions, no longer than 700 words, to with “Commentary” in the subject line. Submission does not guarantee publication. If published, please wait one month for next submission.

Why I’m voting no on Prop A By Lisa Shaffer

I want to limit development in Encinitas, so I’m going to vote no on Prop A. I appreciate that the proponents believe the initiative will be good for our community. I understand that they are responding to past decisions and trying to close what they see as loopholes. But they also want to impose citywide development rules that would undo some locally-defined choices made by residents about their own individual communities, and I don’t agree with that. I also have concerns about possible unintended consequences of the initiative. I plan to vote no because: Prop A is not needed to fix the major loophole in the General Plan. The council is in the process of eliminating the General Plan provision that allows four-fifths of the council to approve any change in density by declaring a “public benefit” without a public vote. We plan to submit this change and the whole updated General Plan to a public vote in 2014 so a future council can’t undo the changes. Prop A is not needed to fix this problem. Prop A would override the “specific plans” that were worked

out by community groups to enable unique zoning arrangements that serve the specific area (Leucadia, Downtown, Cardiff). Prop A would impact historic preservation plans and undermine unique community character decisions made by residents in each neighborhood. The requirement that more projects would have to be decided by a public vote is likely to result in more high density development rather than less, regardless of a public vote (see below). I want the council to have time to develop a thoughtful, coherent updated General Plan that will be submitted to a public vote once. This will enable us to incorporate community input and fix problems from the past without burdening either property owners or voters with special elections on specific projects. Why do I think the initiative could lead to more development? The reason: state density bonus law. Regardless of what the General Plan and the initiative may say, if a developer includes one or more affordable units in a development, the city must allow higher density and grant waivers

of development standards in most cases, if requested. The harder we make it for property owners to build within our existing land use policies, the more likely they are to use the density bonus law to circumvent our constraints. Density bonus waivers do not need a public vote regardless of Prop. A. There is uncertainty about the impact of the Initiative on height limits, but there is no question that state density bonus law trumps local codes. There are already several density bonus projects in our community that do not fit well in their neighborhoods. Prop A will not prevent such projects – in fact it could encourage more of them. That would not be good for Encinitas. Encinitas has a new planning director and a new council. Give us a chance to fix the problems of the past and set us on a strong, clear path that encourages only development that enhances quality of life. Your voices are being heard. Things are changing. Let’s not make it any more difficult to do the right thing. I am voting no on Proposition A. Lisa Shaffer is Deputy Mayor of the City of Encinitas.

Contributers P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850




The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please email them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to




California’s recovery has led the nation for months in producing new jobs, even though it hasn’t yet come close to replacing all those lost in the Great Recession of 2009-11. Low natural gas prices have been one key element helping California along. They affect everything from factory production to oil refineries, power plants, dairy farms and citrus groves where fans blew heat onto trees to keep fruit from freezing during January’s unusual cold snap. This makes it mandatory for Californians in Congress and the Legislature to track the strong campaign by natural gas producers to export much of the gas bonanza now being extracted everywhere from Northern and Central California to Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and Colorado. This effort has strong implications here because natural gas prices have been very low compared with just a few years ago. For example, the late-January price of natural gas at Henry Hub in Louisiana, considered the benchmark for the industry, was about one-third of its 2008 level and well below the going prices in every year since 2003. Prices began dropping in 2009; just about the time hydraulic fracturing (best known as “fracking”) became widespread. No, gas prices paid by customers of big California gas-providing utilities have not plunged two-thirds, but that’s because the wholesale cost of gas accounts for slightly less than half what we pay. The rest of the price to customers comes from transportation and the cost of building and maintaining pumps, storage facilities and pipelines, plus a profit percentage. Californians have paid little attention because no liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving plants were built here during the early and mid-2000s, when potential gas importers made a big push for them, claiming a major shortage of domestic natural gas was about to hit. Of course, fracking ended any such threat, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is currently entertaining nine proposals for either building new facilities to do the opposite — superfreeze natural gas into a liquid state and ship it around the world to countries with gas shortages as LNG — or convert onetime receiving plants into export facilities. The commission appeared gung-ho to approve at least some of these quickly before the lateApril explosion of two LNGbearing barges in Alabama. No one knows how that will impact decisions. Meanwhile, three export applications are pending in the Pacific Northwest, all on sites once earmarked as importing plants. These would unquestionably make gas exploration companies wealthy, while also causing the wholesale price of natural gas to rise again, perhaps even to levels of the late ‘90s —

about three times today’s level. The federal Department of Energy concluded in a report issued last December that, “for every one of the market scenarios examined, net economic benefits increased as the level of LNG exports increased.” The report skimmed over danger of explosions, even though liquefying plants are widely considered more dangerous than import facilities, where LNG is warmed back into its gaseous state. Democratic U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, site of two current exporting proposals, protested quickly that flaws in the Energy Department study “are numerous and render (it) insufficient for the Department of Energy to use in any export determination.” The study was conducted by a private consulting firm. The Sierra Club also objected, as did the American Public Gas Assn., which represents many municipal utilities, which buy natural gas. Sierra Club objections are that the Energy Department report does not consider potential environmental harm from increased fracking that would follow the start of export operations, while also ignoring the effects of the domestic natural gas price increases that could result from approving more LNG exports than are already permitted. But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce maintains gas prices must rise or the boom will soon peter out. Said Chamber President Thomas J. Donahue, “If they don’t do something to stimulate the price of gas a little, nothing will be taken out of the ground. You can’t go around the world demanding free, open and transparent markets and then not allow LNG exports. Our significant energy resources give us a chance to move on federal spending and taxes because they can generate much more government revenue.” This, then, is no simple matter. Today’s historically low natural gas prices are good for almost everyone in California. But the chamber believes they may soon eliminate incentives for new production. Meanwhile, residents near proposed export facilities in Oregon, as one example, are fighting furiously to nix them because of what they see as dangers of explosions and environmental damage when pipelines bringing gas to the new plants are built. This quarrel has major potential effects on California’s economy, which means the state’s Congressional delegation — so far largely uninvolved — has to get seriously engaged, and soon.

Email Thomas Elias at His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit

Eric Munoz, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation’s 2012 Volunteer of the Year, will be among those at Discovery Gala 2013 May 18 at the Discovery Center in Carlsbad. This year's theme is Raiders of the Lost Lagoon, Discover our Treasures.Munoz has played a major role in raising awareness about the destructive seaweed, Caulerpa taxifolia, which almost forced the lagoon to close a few years ago. Photo by Lillian Cox

Lagoon volunteer to be honored at gala By Lillian Cox

CARLSBAD — Eric Munoz, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation’s 2012 Volunteer of the Year, will be among those at Discovery Gala 2013 beginning at 5:30 p.m., May 18 at the Discovery Center in Carlsbad. This year’s theme is Raiders of the Lost Lagoon, Discover our Treasures. Munoz is a board member and past president of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. He says his passion for protecting the lagoon began after the destructive seaweed, Caulerpa taxifolia, was found in June 2000 and he realized how close the lagoon came to being closed. He explained that the alga entered the lagoon when someone emptied a home aquarium at Hoover Street. “We were lucky to find it early, and after five or six years to get rid of it,” he added. “If we had been unsuccessful, it would have resulted in displacing our fisheries, ending fishing in the lagoon and probably stopping boating. If it had traveled into the open ocean it would have become too large to successfully eradicate.” The lagoon was declared to be completely free of Caulerpa taxifolia on July 12, 2006. The following year Munoz worked with Carlsbad Mayor Buddy Lewis in establishing an annual Lagoon Day to mark the event and raise awareness about the importance of keeping the lagoon pristine. “Stand Up Paddling (SUP) is a whole new sport to emerge since the time we declared the eradication of Caulerpa taxifolia,” he said. “We have a beautiful resource and there are so many people doing SUP. I always tell them, ‘If you like our lagoon why don’t



MAY 17, 2013

you join our organization?’” Actor Christopher Rich, star of the television show, “Reba,” will serve as emcee for the gala which will begin with cocktails from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. and a jazz performance by Vince Cooper. Appetizers will be provided by The Canyons Restaurant, Carlsbad Aquafarm, Carlsbad Chocolate Bar, Carlsbad Edible Arrangements, Flippin Pizza, Kings Fish House, Tommy V’s and Gregorio’s. Vigilucci’s restaurant will begin serving plate dinners in a large tent at 7 p.m. Beverages will be provided by Vesper Winery, finely crafted beer by Lost Abbey, Ballast Point Brew and Venom Vodka (Snake Bite cocktail). Guests can expect Indiana Jones to make an appearance during the event, and later climb into a biplane and for a flyby at the Discovery Center. Other events include an opportunity to play Raiders of the Lost Lagoon games, visit a snake pit led by biologist Jordan Ahle and bid on a selection of silent auction treasurers. “A cigarette girl will be selling raffle tickets to win a grand prize of a sterling silver necklace with a diamond pendant,” said Cindy Goodger, administrative assistant with the Lagoon Foundation. “Other raffle prizes will include a guitar, a garden statue and a gift from Jazzercise.” A live auction will take place along with game prizes that include scuba diving, hot air ballooning, rock climbing and biplane adventures as well as dinner for eight at the Carlsbad Fire Department that includes a tour. Guests will dance to music from the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s performed by Fusion.

The evening’s honored guests include the Carlsbad Educational Foundation, San Diego County Board of Supervisors and North Coast Church for their efforts in raising funds toward the Environmental Stewardship Program, the development of the interior exhibits and the refurbishing of both the outside of the Discovery Center building, as well as Hubbs Trail. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, a nonprofit 501c3, operates the Discovery Center and relies on support of the community through membership and events. Membership is $25. Tickets to Discovery Gala 2013 are $100 for members, and $150 for prospective members and can be purchased by calling (760) 804-1969. The Discovery Center is located at 1580 Cannon Road in Carlsbad on the eastern end of the lagoon. For more information, visit This year Lagoon Day will take place July 20 with a Tip Top Walk/Run, which will include 2-mile, 5K and 10K segments. To register, visit

A cogeneration facility will be built at Oceanside’s La Salina Wastewater Treatment Plant this summer. Energy purchased from the cogeneration facility operator will save the city about $41,000 annually. Photos by Promise Yee

Facility will save on energy bill By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Alternative energy sources are adding up to big savings for the city. Oceanside now has three public private partnerships to purchase power from facilities that provide energy at lower rates than SDG&E. The newest alternative energy source is the cogeneration facility that will be built at Oceanside’s small La Salina Wastewater Treatment Plant beginning this summer. The cogeneration facility captures expelled methane gas from wastewater treatment operations and converts it into usable energy. The city then buys the energy from the facility operator at a lower cost than SDG&E charges. This power purchase agreement is estimated to save the city about $41,000 annually. CHPCE La Salina LLC, a subsidiary of CHP Clean Energy, is working in public private partnership with the city to build and operate the cogenerator. This allows the city to access lower priced energy without investing a dollar in the facility. “We’re pretty excited to bring this type of project to the city,” Jason Dafforn, water utilities division manager, said. “The public private partnership is almost zero cost to the city. It gives

The cogeneration facility captures expelled methane gas from wastewater treatment operations and converts it into usable energy. The city then buys the energy at a lower cost than SDG&E charges.

the city the opportunity to simply buy power at a discounted rate from SDG&E power.” Cogenerators are specific to wastewater treatment plant operations. Another cogenerator facility was built by CHP Clean Energy at the San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant in December 2007. The larger facility has saved the city a whopping $335,000 a year in energy bills. Due to the proven benefits it provides the second cogenerator at La Salina Wastewater Treatment Plant was OK’d by City Council May 1. The San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant property also houses a Solar

Photo-Voltaic System that produces electricity, which is bought by the city. Solar Star Oceanside LLC, a subsidiary of SunPower, installed and operates the solar field and works in a public private partnership with the city that began in June 2012. The solar system saves the city $82,569 a year. Dafforn said the city is considering adding additional solar systems to city properties when technology improves and the footprint of solar systems becomes smaller. “We continue to work with local companies to provide that type of technology to the level we see a benefit to it,” Dafforn said.


MAY 17, 2013


2013 fair set to offer Coffee drinkers looking locally clean air, bacon beer By Lillian Cox

By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — The 2013 San Diego County Fair will feature many of the old favorites, including deepfried just about anything, and a few new events, such as the Father’s Day Big Bite Bacon Fest, because everything tastes better with bacon. But perhaps the most notable change to this year’s fair is that the area inside the gates has been designated 100 percent smoke-free. With less than 12 percent of the state’s adult population identifying themselves as smokers, the ban has been in the works for several years. Restrictions on where smokers could light up have been phased in since 2009, but this is the first year there will be no designated smoking areas once fair-goers enter the gates. The move earned the 22nd District Agricultural Association, which governs the fairgrounds, the Smoke Free Star Award from the San Diego Tobacco Free Communities Coalition, a partnership of agencies and individuals who advocate for health and mobilize the community to bring about change. “It’s absolutely the right thing to do,” fair board President Adam Day said at the May 7 meeting. “I know it took a little longer than some would have liked.” With “Game on!” as its theme, this year’s fair will spotlight how games have evolved over the years and include every-

thing from card, board and video games to game shows. There have been rumors about ongoing Family Feud contests and a life-sized Operation board. There will be rides, of course, plus beer, wine and gospel festivals, comedy nights and grandstand performances by entertainers such as The Beach Boys on opening day, Switchfoot, Steve Miller Band, Train and “American Idol” runner-up and San Diego native Adam Lambert. The fair runs June 8 to July 4 and is open daily except June 10, 17 and 24. Tickets are $14 for adults, $8 for anyone 62 and older or between the ages of 6 and 12. Children younger than 5 are free. The Best Pass Ever is available for $24 and provides unlimited admission for the duration of the fair. Rides and games are extra. North County Transit District is offering Fair Tripper tickets for $15 that include roundtrip transportation on the Coaster, Sprinter or Breeze and admission to the fair. Free Shopper Shuttles to Del Mar and Solana Beach will run every half hour from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., allowing fair-goers to take a break and visit, shop and dine at the two coastal cities. This year’s must-try (but perhaps only once) culinary classics include deep-fried cookie dough, Krispy Cremé sloppy joes and bacon beer. Visit for more information.

ENCINITAS — With nine Starbucks in Encinitas, you’d think the latte market was saturated. Despite an influx of well-financed global chains and a deep recession, local entrepreneurs like Lisa Gomolka have proven to be as bold as a ristretto shot. Gomolka began working for The Quick Fix, San Diego County’s first espresso drivethru chain, in 1994. In 2005, she bought out the owner and closed the San Marcos and Oceanside shops. Six weeks ago she closed the third store at 136 Encinitas Blvd. Today, one store remains at 552 Santa Fe Drive. “The best thing I did was to close the other shop,” she said. “The Santa Fe store has always been the busiest one and a lot of customers from Encinitas Boulevard come here now.” During the morning commute there’s typically a waiting line of five cars on both sides of her tiny drive-thru.The top seller is a mocha latte using a homemade recipe. When gas prices rose, and business declined, Gomolka laid off her employees and picked up the extra hours herself.Business turned around six months ago which she attributes partially to being there more herself. “My customers will drive up and I can see them looking for my car,” she said. “I have watched them grow from babies, in their car seats, to teenagers. There were times when business was really tough and I thought, ‘How am I going to do it?’ but it’s been worth it. I have no regrets.’” Scott Thompson has lived in Encinitas so long that he remembers when Leucadia Boulevard was called Woodley Road. He worked with his parents, David and Karen Thompson, in the family business, Thompson’s Roses. Then he became a homebuilder. In 2006, he purchased Lil' Jungle Java at 1500 Encinitas Blvd. and ran it with a staff of five until the crash in October 2008. “Four dollar lattes are something people don’t buy when they are out of work,” he said. “The flower business was the same way.” Thompson responded by following advice from his late father: “Keep quality high, customers happy and work hard.”

"I'm so proud of her," said Scott Thompson, owner of Lil Jungle Java Drive Thru, referring to daughter, Tiana. When the economy crashed in 2009, business plummeted and he was forced to lay off his employees. Thompson brought Tiana onboard, who was only 19 at the time, after she was laid off from her own job. Tiana proved to be so indispensable that she's now his partner. Her dog, Lola, is also part of the team. Thompson said business has gone up 30 percent since the beginning of the year. Photos by Lillian Cox

Danielle Stewart and husband/partner Sean Sbrega who own Global Grind coffee stand at the Encinitas Library. “Everybody says, ‘You’re always working.’ It’s because we love what we do,” she said.

He increased quality by offering organic coffee without raising prices, then brought daughter, Tiana, 18, onboard after she was laid off. Thompson credits Tiana, now his partner, with helping to increase business by 30 percent since January.

Tiana, who is transferring from MiraCosta College to Cal State San Marcos this fall, has learned valuable lessons since riding out the economic rollercoaster. “My biggest fear is ruining my credit and falling into debt,” she said. “My goal is to

be able to take care of my family when I have one and to take care of this business and expand once we turn more of a profit.” Their biggest sellers are mocha and vanilla latte. Even though Scott Thompson made more money as a builder, he prefers coffee customers to homeowners. “Ninety-nine percent of them are awesome,” he said. Danielle Stewart wanted to be a businesswoman since growing up in Saratoga, Calif. After earning a business degree, she moved to San Diego and found herself working in the mortgage industry till the housing bubble burst. “I was going to get into real estate land sales and was studying for my Series 7 license at the Encinitas Library in January 2009 and wondering where my life was going,” she recalled. “I told my neighbor, ‘I don’t even like finance. Why couldn’t I sell coffee?” The neighbor told her that the city of Encinitas was soliciting bids for a coffee cart at the new library. Stewart won the bid. A self-proclaimed hippie, she recruited her brother, a general contractor in Bend, Ore., to build a cart from reclaimed materials. Global Grind opened in May 2009. Stewart works with husband/partner, Shawn Sbrega, and friends, using locallysourced vendors including Café Moto which provides organic and free trade coffee and Encinitas pastry chef Nikki Schaeffer. Popular drinks are Moonlight Mocha, the Peterman (chai latte with espresso) and Janis Joplin (two or three shots of espresso and coffee). “It makes you scream,” she said, smiling. Today, Stewart said she is ‘living the dream.’ “It’s about living in Encinitas and not having to get on the freeway,” she said.“Now I’m working to live, not living to work.”


MAY 17, 2013

Spring Fling time in Cardiff CARDIFF-BY-THE-SEA — Cardiff 101 Main Street invites the community to celebrate spring and sustainable gardening practices by attending a volunteer planting day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 18 at Carpentier Parkway along San Elijo Avenue. The mission of Carpentier Parkway is to promote our public, organic, sustainable, water wise, floral park in downtown Cardiff-bythe-Sea. Looking to get involved? Volunteers are asked to visit 6 for more information. We look forward to celebrating spring with you at Carpentier Parkway! Spring Fling is the perfect time to become part of history and sponsor a brick or paver at Carpentier Parkway’s Inspirational Terrace for Cardiff’s Centennial Celebration. Sponsor a brick for just $65 or a flagstone paver from $180. For more details, visit What was once a vacant lot paralleling the railroad train tracks between Birmingham Drive and Chesterfield Drive has been transformed by beautiful sustainable landscaping and a trail for all to enjoy. Carpentier Parkway has been featured in San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles, Sunset Magazine’s Fresh Dirt blog and local newspapers, and serves as an example of what can be done with an unoccupied dirt lot to improve and beautify a downtown area.

Officers trade for guns SAN MARCOS — If you have an unwanted gun, you can turn it in and get a gift card in return, no questions asked. The San Marcos Sheriff's Station is hosting a Guns for Gift Cards event 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 18 at 182 Santar Place, San Marcos. $50 will be given for shotguns, handguns and rifles and $150 for assault weapons. There is a limit of $150 worth of Walmart gift cards per vehicle. The Sheriff’s Department will utilize asset forfeiture funds to purchase the gift cards.Anyone participating should place the unloaded firearms in the trunk of their cars. A uniformed deputy or officer will give instructions at the location. All weapons collected will be destroyed. This event is being held in partnership with the Oceanside Police Department, Carlsbad Police Department and the Palomar College Police Department, Vista Sheriff's Station, District Attorney's Office and the Escondido Police Department


Upgrade project uncovers slice of local history By Bianca Kaplanek

SOLANA BEACH — A little bit of Solana Beach history has been revealed as the yearlong improvement project along Coast Highway 101 nears completion. While remodeling the building at 247 and 249 S. Coast Hwy. 101, the property owner removed some old shingles and discovered a sign for Town & Country Laundromat, offering a 15pound wash for 25 cents. According to historians, the business dates back to the 1940s. Rumor has it sailors used the laundromat restroom as they traveled from Oceanside to San Diego. The first part of the building at 247 S. Coast Hwy. 101 was built in the 1930s. Originally The Teddy Bear Restaurant — the word “sandwich” can be faintly seen on the stucco now — the north end of the property now houses Rancho Solana Pet Spa. The other half of the property at 249 S. Coast Hwy. 101 was constructed about 10 years later. Mailboxes Etc. moved

As part of the ongoing Coast Highway 101 improvement project, the property owner for 247 and 249 S. Coast Hwy. 101 removed the shingles under the existing signs and discovered the nearly 70-year-old signage for a previous business at the site. Photo courtesy of Carl Turnbull

Carl Turnbull, property onto the concrete. He said UPS Store before June 1. into that site in October “I wish we could pre1980. It was converted to The manager, said the laundro- the plan is to stucco over it to mat sign is painted directly create a new sign for The serve it,” Turnbull said. UPS Store in about 2004.



MAY 17, 2013


Horse Show Photos by Bill Reilly

Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer of Rancho Santa Fe and Coral Reef Tyrella Beach compete in Class 273, the $1,500 1.25m Jumper Classic at the Del Mar National Horse Show.

Destry Spielberg (16) of Los Angeles, Calif. and Lolita compete in Class 229, the $1,000 Modified Junior/Amateur Jumper Classic at the Del Mar National Horse Show..

Viviana Vidaurre of Anaheim, Calif. and Laleh compete in Class 229, the $1,000 Modified Junior/Amateur Jumper Classic at the Del Mar National Horse Show.

Kilian McGrath (18) of Somis, Calif. and Cascoretto compete in Class 273, the $1,500 1.25m Jumper Classic at the Del Mar National Horse Show

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MAY 17, 2013

Guild members’ art chosen for fair RANCHO SANTA FE — Art by members of the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild has been selected to display in the Fine Art Exhibition at the 2013 San Diego County Fair, including pieces by Manss Aval, Cindy Klong, Lei Tang, Toni Williams and Kim Wilkins. The San Diego County Fair’s annual Fine Art Exhibition is recognized as one of San Diego County’s significant showcases for both emerging and mid-career Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild member Manss Aval’s “Into a Dream” was among pieces chosen to hang at the San Diego County Fair through June 9.

San Diego

artists in San Diego County. The 2013 San Diego County Fair Fine Art Exhibition will be part of the fair from June 8 to July 9. For additional details, see The Rancho Santa Fe Guild Art Gallery is at 6004 Paseo Delicias. Gallery hours are Tuesday 10:30 to 1 p.m.; Wednesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. For more information, call (858) 759-3545.

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MAY 17, 2013

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MAY 17, 2013



Wine country comes to Leucadia with Solterra Winery DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate If there is one establishment that we look back on years from now, that changed the face of eating and drinking in Leucadia it’s probably safe to say that is Solterra Winery & Kitchen. Solterra is a stunning work of architecture that combines contemporary design yet rustic warmth. There are two

buildings on site, the tasting room that was built in 1957 which is 1,600 square feet and the new 3,400 square foot building, which houses the winery. The concept was to respect the aesthetics of the original building but tie into it with a new and more modern building for winemaking and barrel storage. There is always the potential for pretension around wine but I didn’t feel that, Solterra feels like it belongs in Leucadia. If anyone had the wine pedigree to pull something like this it is the proprietor Chris

Van Alyea. Chris attended the University of Oregon where he received a bachelor’s degree in geography and Spanish. It was there where he grew an appreciation for great beer but it was his first glass of Zinfandel from a Dry Creek Winery a few years later that truly altered his life path. He soon thereafter went to work in wine sales with a large distributor, and more importantly it was around this time he started to produce his own small lots of wine from the family vineyard located in Sonoma County. Since his first vintage in

1999 he has worked at wineries in Sonoma and San Diego counties and in 2002, he released the first vintage of a Christopher Cameron Vineyards wine and in 2006 developed the Costa Azul brand. His wines were produced in Sonoma County from 2002-05 and began all of his winemaking in San Diego with the 2006 vintage. I had a conversation with Chris shortly after Solterra opened about how this whole endeavor came to be. LTP: You grew up around wine in a vineyard in Sonoma.


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Did you know at an early age that this was a path that you wanted to take? Chris: Wish it were the case but truly my appreciation of wine really hit me after tasting a zinfandel from Dry creek when I was 25. My first batch that I made (chardonnay) turned out palatable and tasty and was completely hooked after that. LTP: What kind of food was you exposed to growing up? Chris: Mostly California cuisine. Love the concept of sharing plates - the concept seems absent in the US except in local sushi or Chinese restaurants but the Spanish have been dining like this for centuries. LTP: Solterra Winery opened 11 years after your first commercial vintage. What led you to Leucadia as its location? Chris: I moved to Encinitas 10 years ago and truly think that Leucadia is one of the coolest communities in the country. I really like the laid-back lifestyle and people that live here yet there is also an appreciation for quality without pretension. LTP: It’s a beautiful building, what was the inspiration behind it? Chris: I really wanted to retain the old feel of the original building that was built in 1957.We tied in the new building and it’s more modern elements i.e. the roofline and stainless steel tanks. It was great working with Brian Church the architect as he designed the place with a lot of clean lines. LTP: Food is going to be a big draw at Solterra, and you have brought in a world class chef in Morgan Bunnell. What is his background? Chris: Chef Morgan Bunnell worked in five-star restaurants and opened what would become one of the top restaurants on the big Island of Hawaii. He was also voted top chef on the big Island by the readers in the local newspaper. One of his priorities is purchasing local produce and meats which was important to me LTP: Tell me a bit about

Solterra Winery & Kitchen proprietor Chris Van Alyea grew an appreciation for great beer, but it was his first glass of Zinfandel from a Dry Creek Winery a few years later that truly altered his life path. Photo courtesy of Solterra Winery & Kitchen

the menu, is it a collaboration between you and chef Bunnell? Chris: I lived in Spain and really liked some of dishes which felt would be a good fit on the menu but Morgan also had a lot of input into the menu as well. A lot of my wines have complexity to them which compliment flavorful Spanish cuisine.The climate in Spain is very similar to here and we grow a lot of the same produce so it seemed like a good fit. LTP: Will you be having special wine events and dinners at Solterra? Chris: There will be wine dinners on occasion especially when wines are released and I will work closely with Chef Bunnell to develop menus that work with the wine. Solterra Winery & Kitchen is located at 934 North Coast Hwy 101, Leucadia, CA 92024.Visit for hours and menu. Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or (858) 395-6905.



MAY 17, 2013


Winemaker makes it right with Hiatus FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine The man on the move with Napa Valley wines that are making a solid statement is Mark Davidowski. Mark was the guiding force behind the highly successful (and it still is) Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas, which he started in 2002 after a successful run as a tech specialist and wine distributor. He implemented revolutionary strategy for a wine shop at that time, bringing in wine makers, producing major benefit wine events and establishing relationships with overseas wineries, so much so, they came to Meritage just to hang out and pour wine at its festive wine bar. But Mark did a disappearing act a few years ago to bury himself in winemaking Napa Valley style, and a year or so ago emerged as the proud proprietor of Hiatus Cellars, with five varietals and blends, now offering his second series of releases. He was “back at the shop” a couple of months ago at Meritage, pouring his 2011 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ($48), 2010 Apex Napa Valley Cabernet Red Blend $80), 2010 Napa Valley Chardonnay ($27), 2007 Hiatus Red Syrah Blend $40) and the 2009 Napa Valley Cabernet ($50). The wines I make are about all the relationships I have developed with vineyards in Napa and Sonoma for the past decade and more,”

Davidowski revealed. “I really work hard to find and take ownership of the finest grapes I can find. Once fermented, I take over and start with the blending; I already know what the flavor will be for the block of grapes I get for Hiatus. I work closely with the vineyard’s top winemakers to make wine on site to my specs. I’m on a first name basis with Paul Hobbs and other greats to make my style of wine. I love elegance in an earthy style, like the best Burgundies.” I asked him about his 2007 Hiatus Red which blew me away. “ The grapes are from the Pope Valley with a rich and powerful thrust from the 39 percent Syrah. I put Cab Franc in for flavor. I needed a lift for the blend so I put a small but potent percent of Zinfandel in and made it that much richer and bigger,” he concluded. Get to know Mark Davidowski and Hiatus at

Wine of the Month

Eric Hickey, President and Winemaker at Laetitia Vineyard and Winery swears it’s a pure Pinot Noir when the deep purple hue of wine is poured from the bottle. No Syrah needed for color here. 2011 was a challenging year for growers, but through fruit managing, an elegant wine of exceptional character was made.

The winery

2011 Laetitia Estate Pinot Noir About this wine

Wines from Down Under at Villa Capri 2 My good friend Victor Magalhaes is riding high these days with his successful Villa Capri 2 among several other Italian restaurants along the Carmel Valley 56 corridor in San Diego. If that were not enough he just bought Twisted Vine Wine Bar in the same area. When I caught up with him, he introduced me to Mark Salter, the Southwest Sales Director for Australian wines, with a few in France, Italy, New Zealand and the U.S. west coast. At Villa Capri 2, he was singing the praises of the signature wines of


D’Arenberg wines are showcased recently at Villa Capri 2 in San Diego by sales representative Mark Salter. Photo by Frank Mangio

d’Arenberg is shown on the left, with restaurant owner Victor Magalhaes. McLaren Valley of South Australia. The ones that broke through on taste and body were the 2009 Custodian Grenache ($17.50), the 2010 Footbolt Shiraz ($17.50) and the 2009 Cadenza Blend (Grenache, Shiraz and Mourvedre ( $23). See more events at

Wine Bytes Vintana Restaurant Escondido is celebrating its one-year anniversary May 19 starting at 2:30 p.m. Enjoy wine tasting, hosted Hors d’oeuvres and live music. Meet Executive Chef Deborah Scott. RSVP a must at (760) 745-7777. North County Wine Company in San Marcos offers a tasting event from Hendry Napa Valley, May 17 from 4 to 10 p.m. Cost is $15. Wine rep Jacquee Renna appears. (760) 744-2119. Europa Village Winery in Temecula presents a mystery dinner theatre, “Murder on the Oriental Rug,” May 18 and May 19 starting at 6 p.m. Broadway costumes encouraged. Tickets $59. For RSVP’s contact (951) 216-3380. Vin Opera, a wine and music paired dinner happens at Acqua Al 2 on 5th Ave. Gaslamp San Diego, May 22 at 7 p.m. Four-course dinner with Italian wines and opera. Cost is $70. RSVP at (619) 230-0382. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top Mark Davidowski pours a pop of his 2009 Hiatus Napa Valley 2009 five wine commentators on the Web. Cabernet. Photo courtesy of Haitus Winery Reach him at

Hidden in the Santa Barbara County Mountains, it’s cool and coastal in the vineyards that produce this dark Pinot Noir at elevations ranging from 2,200 to 3,400 feet above sea level. Dramatic swings in temperatures can be as high as 50 degrees in 24 hours.

Located in the Arroyo Grande Valley AVA in Santa Barbara County. Founded in 1982 by a French Champagne house, the winery carries on the traditions of Burgundy and Champagne with its small lot Pinot Noirs and Sparkling wines. Learn more at

Cost Available at North County Wine Company in San Marcos. The current release is 2011 with the Laetitia Arroyo Grande Estate Pinot Noir selling for $19.97. Call (760) 744-2119.



MAY 17, 2013



MAY 17, 2013

S UMMER O PPORTUNITIES Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos

Explorer Summer Day Camp â– Registration

packets are available today Come join the Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos for Explorer Summer Day Camp from June 12-August 9! The Club offers a great variety of fun, weekly-themed, and educational activities including science, technology, engineering, math, arts and crafts, sports, computers, games room and much more. The annual membership fee is

$40. The general Summer Day Camp weekly fee is $70 per Club member with no field trips included. For Club members 7-9 years old who want to sign up for the Field Trip Adventures, the price is $90/week and includes 1 field trip per week primarily on Wednesdays. For Club members 10 years old and up who want to sign up for the Field Trip Adventures, the price is $100/week and includes 2 field trips per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Summer Day Camp program is open Monday - Friday, 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Members

must be at least 6 years old and enrolled in first grade. Our Summer registration packets are available today at the front desk of the Jennifer Loscher Branch (1 Positive Place, San Marcos 92069) and also can be found online at Scholarships are available. Annual memberships are valid July 1 – June 30. For additional assistance please call (760) 471-2490 x 300 or email Outreach & Area Director, Jack Nguyen at Register today as space is limited!

We offer a variety of athletic camps that cater to all levels of ability â– We focus on

fundamentals Whether you are just a beginner or a highly experienced athlete, focused on one sport or a participant in many, Pacific Ridge School has the program for you. This year, Pacific Ridge Summer Programs will offer a variety of athletic camps that cater to all levels of ability. Most programs will be open to rising 5th through 12th grade student-ath-

letes. All will be coached by Pacific Ridge’s talented, energetic and experienced head coaches. Camps will focus on fundamentals and individual skill development along with game strategy. They will be fast-paced and fun, and will emphasize teamwork, positive attitude and character development. Along with these exciting offerings, Pacific Ridge is proud to be hosting co-ed basketball camps by both Nike and Chase Budinger, NBA star of the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Goals of Pacific Ridge School Athletics

• Develop an "Honor the Game" culture • Emphasize character education and teach lifelong lessons through sports • Prepare young athletes for success in life on and off the fields and courts • Increase school spirit and pride through interscholastic competition For more information, please visit and click on Summer Programs.

Winner of this year’s Red Tricycle Award...

Most Awesome Camp for Kids What does it take to create an award-winning summer camp that features a week spent with top-notch art instructors and farm animals in an outdoor woodland setting? “A lot of advance planning,� said Carlsbad Art Farm Founder and Director Perrin Weston. “Our goal is to immerse students in a highly enjoyable world apart, where they leave behind the cell phones and video games for a week to concentrate on the natural world while learning new art techniques. That doesn’t just happen.� Weston’s goal each year is to create a weeklong camp experience designed for mature elementary and middle school students. While early education art programs focus primarily on “process� versus “product�, Weston believes that students in Grades 2 and up are ready for more. “It becomes frustrating to these students who want to draw representationally or paint with some authority, but there’s no one there to tell them how to go about doing that,� she said. “It’s one of the reasons older kids stop making art. They think making art is magic and they are just no good at it, so they give up. It’s not magic. Like anything else done well, it takes study and practice and time. And good teachers.�

Weston’s team of instructors are highly trained working artists with areas of specialty such as figurative and animal drawing and painting, animation and illustration, and photography. Weston starts working with her instructors in February to develop a rich summer camp curriculum that is a balance of skill building, animal encounters, and structured horsing around. Mornings are about studying drawing and painting, while afternoons are devoted to craft-oriented projects and free time on Art Farm’s 10-acres of riparian habitat. Students are divided into three groups by grade level and are taught in separate outdoor classrooms. Each age group has a special activity. This summer, the oldest group – the “Alpacas� – will learn to draw a human model, dressed like Johnny Depp in “Pirates of the Caribbean�, as well as animals. “Kids this age who are starting to get into graphic novels and other art forms involving the human form want to know how to draw faces and clothing realistically,� Weston said. “This will give them a nice introduction to how artists do that, whether they are doing it with charcoal or on a high-tech drawing tablet.� The “Goat� group will be engaged in turning their

classroom tent into a diorama during their week at Art Farm, depicting an animal habitat. The youngest group of “Spotted Donkeys�, which is for students entering Grade 2 next fall, will be working on the ever-popular fairy and gnome village installation. “This involves painting fairy houses, creating 3-D imaginary pets for the fairies, and growing a lollipop garden using magic “Art Farm seeds,� Weston said. “The lollipop garden is pure fun. At the end of the week they get to harvest their crop.� Both the Goat and Alpaca groups will work on animal murals and participate in Art Farm’s Friday Origami Boat Pageant and Races. “Students last summer produced some origami boats that were museum pieces,� Weston said. “They were painted in acrylic, a plastic-based paint that makes the paper boats buoyant, and decorated with found objects, decorative paper, feathers, you name it. There was one that was a fire-breathing Chinese dragon with wings. It was gorgeous.� For more information about Carlsbad Art Farm camps and for online enrollment, visit While there, click the Facebook page to see day-to-day happenings at Art Farm. Camps begin June 17 and continue to midAugust.

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MAY 17, 2013



Learn. Laugh. Grow. ■ At

Each student leaves as an independent, resourceful thinker with a lifelong love of learning.

Del Mar Pines, we believe the elementary school years are the most formative of a child's life. For over thrirty years we've challenged the minds and engaged the hearts of our students by Give your child the start he/she deserves: encouraging a thirst for knowledge and an inquisi- - Small instructional groups tive spirit. Our goal for - Instruction in music, art, physical education, each student is to leave computer science, library, Spanish, and hands-on Del Mar Pines school as an science. independent, resourceful thinker with a lifelong - Integration of technology throug the use of oneto-one iPads and Macbooks love of learning.

Student wins internship Spanjian Family Scholarship created summer to work at the International Potato Center (CIP) in Lima. There he will delve into issues relating to hunger and poverty throughout the world during the eight-week, allexpenses-paid session. “It is our hope that by engaging these young people in actual hunger-fight-

ing research, they will be inspired to pursue academic and career paths in science, food, agricultural and natural resource disciplines, and thus prepared to become tomorrow’s innovative scientific and humanitarian leaders,” said Amb. Kenneth M. Quinn, president of the World Food Prize.

ing from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 25 at 919 Lomas Santa Fe, Solana Beach. A portion of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. Business news and special Enjoy a Mariachi band, food samples and enter the raffle. achievements for $10 or more between North San Diego County. Spend May 20 and May 25 and Send information via email to receive a raffle ticket.

Phi Kappa Phi initiated North County students: — Magdalena Rohling of Encinitas, at Kansas State University — Chadley Huebner of Carlsbad at San Diego State University — Melissa Wolkon of Solana Beach at San Diego State University — Elle Warehall of Solana Beach at San Diego State University — Ryan Friedman of Solana Beach at San Diego State University — Olivia Goldenhersh of Rancho Santa Fe at University of Wisconsin–Madison — Matthew Lowe of Carlsbad at California State University, Sacramento.

CARMEL VALLEY — DoWon Kim, a junior at Torrey Pines High School, will go abroad this summer to gain firsthand experience at an international research center, working to alleviate global hunger. Kim earned a World Food Prize Borlaug-Ruan International internship and will travel to Peru this

Who’s NEWS?


TPHS drama winners Torrey Pines High School students brought home prizes from the March 15 Fullerton College Theatre Festival. Edoardo Benzoni won second place - Classical Monologue (“Two Noble Kinsmen”), Maya Pilevsky placed third for e Lighting Design “Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance” and Charlie Yang took first place for Scenic Design - “Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance,” Jien Sun and Merle Jeromin placed first in Costume Design “Company” and Meghan Pickwell and Bridget Bergman earned a first-place for Make-up Design “Serjeant Musgraves’s Dance.”

New Yoga Six From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., May 19 celebrate the grand opening of Yoga Six at 16625 Dove Canyon Road, in 4S Ranch with free yoga classes at noon and 2 p.m. In addition to hot, classical and vinyasa yoga, Yoga Six offers Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga and Barre, Sculpt and Shred classes.

Sweet music Torrey Pines High School Advanced Orchestra earned a unanimous superior rating in class AA (collegiate level) at competition March 7. Wind Ensemble and Intermediate Orchestra received two excellent ratings and two superiors.

Keep kids fit

Jazzercise, Inc. is hosting Kids Get Fit, a free community outreach program designed to help school districts promote kids’ fitness as a way of life.More than 500 Kids Get Fit events are already Fair Trade cuts ribbon scheduled in 10 countries. Fair Trade Décor, 1412 Primo’s opening Camino Del Mar, opened Novelist earns gold Celebrate Primo’s May 11 in Del Mar with a ribEncinitas novelist Mexican Food’s grand open- bon-cutting with the Del Mar Edward Cozza for his book, Mayor. The store hours will “Nowhere Yet” won Gold in be daily 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.Visit the 2013 Independent or call Publishers Book Awards in the Best Regional Fiction (858) 461-1263. West Pacific category.

SKINS expands

SKINS Compression Clothing, 364 Second St., Suite 6, Encinitas, has named Ben Harper as Channel Manager for the Endurance and Winter Sports business. For more information, visit the brand online at

Meal for military

On May 22, Chick-fil-A restaurants across Southern California (52 total) will honor their community’s military personnel – and their families – by offering a free meal from 4 to 7 p.m., along with Super scholars a host of events at each The Honor Society of location.

DEL MAR — The Don Diego Scholarship Foundation has created an endowment Spanjian Family Scholarship to create a legacy honoring Robert Spanjian, a Don Diego founder who has served as Secretary-Treasurer since the Foundation’s establishment in 1986. A nonprofit arm of the San Diego County Fair, the Don Diego Scholarship Foundation is sponsored by the 22nd District Agricultural Association, on whose governor-appointed board of directors Spanjian served as president and member from 1988 to 1992. Propelled by Spanjian’s vision, passion for education, leadership skills, business acumen and continued financial support, the Foundation has awarded more than $575,000 in college scholarships and grants for agricultural education since 1986. Typically, the Foundation annually awards four $5,000 scholarship to students in the categories of 4-H member, FFA member, fair exhibitor and fairgrounds employee. Foundation Chairman Paul Ecke III, also a founding Don Diego member, said, “We intend to use the Spanjian Family Scholarship to augment one scholarship each year, providing the ‘crème de la crème’ student with an added $5,000 Spanjian Family Scholarship for a total of $10,000.We hope to raise a substantial amount of money in Bob’s name so we can fund this additional $5,000 per year contribution to an exceptional student’s education in perpetuity.” Spanjian Family Scholarship donors can make a one-time gift or multi-year pledge by contacting Ecke at or Executive Director Chana Mannen at or 858792-4210. Donors will be recognized at the June 15, 2013 Don Diego Dinner and Steve Miller Band Concert Gala at the San Diego County Fair and in publicity. Spanjian’s penchant for visionary innovation began as a young adult when he and his brother, Richard, entered their parents’ fabric design

Bob Spanjian and granddaughter Megan Tevrizian, celebrate the newest Don Diego scholarship named for Spanjian. Courtesy photo

business after their father suffered a heart attack in 1946. Knowing the Spanjians excelled in knitting, DuPont approached the familyowned Chicago business in 1955 with a stretchy piece of fabric dubbed Fiber K, seeking help in development. The Spanjians developed what became an iconic material now worn ubiquitously throughout the sports world, inventing machinery to process the revolutionary apparel. In appreciation, DuPont named the fabric in their honor. Thus, Spandex – which also is an anagram of the word “expands” – was born. Based on Spandex, Spanjian Sportswear became a leader in its field, producing uniforms for hundreds of college and professional teams.The brothers eventually moved Spanjian Sportswear to San Marcos, and Spanjian and his wife, Betty, raised a family in Rancho Santa Fe. They sold the company in 1985. Spanjian quietly but energetically applied his leadership skills to improving his community by donating time, talents and money to charitable causes in San Diego County. After the 1984 death of Tom Hernandez, Spanjian spearheaded an effort to hire an artist to sculpt the Don Diego statue that continues to welcome visitors to the fairgrounds. In addition to his service with

Don Diego and the 22nd District Agricultural Association, he served on the board of the President’s Executive Council for Cal State San Marcos, on the Board of Overseers for UCSD and also was founder and president of San Marcos National Bank, 1985-1994. Chana Mannen, who has served as Executive Director of the Don Diego Scholarship Foundation since its inception, said, “Throughout his years of service to Don Diego, Bob has always relished his role in interviewing finalists for the annual scholarships. He has frequently dipped into his pocket to fund the education of an additional student who impressed him. He has been a true friend of the Foundation and the Fairgrounds, and has contributed greatly to the quality of life in our region. We are very happy to create this tribute to Bob in a format that has always gratified him immensely: providing scholarships that help transform the lives of outstanding students who one day may transform their community, and perhaps the world.” The Foundation was named after Tom Hernandez, who served as the fair’s goodwill ambassador from 19471984. For more information, visit and follow Don Diego at!/pages/DonDiego-ScholarshipFoundation/140722662654337.



MAY 17, 2013

TPHS students place well at fair

SCHOLARSHIP WINNER Santa Fe Christian Schools Eagle Scholarship winner Caleb Phillips gets congratulations from Chairman of SFCS Board of Directors Bill Littlejohn. Encinitas resident Phillips, an incoming freshman, was selected for his character, academic promise and leadership ability. He is looking most forward to playing football for Santa Fe. The Eagle Scholarship is valued at $70,000, covering full tuition and most expenses for four years of high school. Courtesy photo

CARMEL VALLEY — Torrey Pines High School Science Teacher Julia Newman announced the 11 TPHS winners in the San Diego County Science and Engineering Fair. The winners included: — Junior Noa Glaser, AFCA Sweepstakes Award winner and first place in Computer Science — Juniors Justin Wang and Alex Deng, Sweepstakes Runners–up and first place pairs project in Medicine and Health — Senior Alka Munshi, first place Animal Science — Junior Joshua Send, first place Computer Science — Sophomore Eric Chen, first place Mathematics — Junior Pin – Cheng


A quickie to Puerto Vallarta JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace My friends from La Mesa just got back from a quick trip to Puerto Vallarta. They have the condo two doors down from mine. They said the weather was perfect and the 18-story bay front condo building was filled with college students. They were there on some kind of multi-college science conference or something like that. These were all bright students with typical college student desires when away from home; conferences in the early day and party the rest of the time. I’m glad I wasn’t there. Cheerleading Championships are coming in next at the end of May. I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing all those pretty young ladies but I imagine the noise and partying won’t be any different than the college students. So, maybe it’s best I can’t make it down there yet. Besides, anyone in the real estate related businesses right now understand why. It’s like the gold rush is on again seeing multiple offers within hours of a property hitting the market. But, I really need to go to have my knees checked up. I had double knee Chronoplasty surgery in December and it always takes me seven months to heal from surgeries. Prior to this surgery I had had one previous knee scoping when I was in my forties. My other surgeries, all when I was in my forties was “surfer’s ear” surgery, wrist from a car accident and back surgery when I thought I could play superman and lift a credenza drawer filled with files. Unfortunately, I thought I was superman again this time too. Six weeks after my double knee surgery I began walking eighteen holes of golf again. Not just once a week but two and three days in a row, one day off and another two or three on. My knees began blowing up like

balloons and they hurt. So, I took time off to let them calm down again with the help of returning to my physical therapy routine as well. They’re feeling much better but because there is some lingering puffiness I need to go see my surgeon, Dr. MarronMcNaught, at the Amerimed Hospital in Puerto Vallarta. In my last two columns I wrote about all the new Amerimed Centers being built to USA Health Standards by the world’s richest man, Carlos Slim. Here is another testimonial from someone who went to a different medical center in Puerto Vallarta but with the same great results. This is Canadian, Shirley Patterson’s testimonial: Six weeks after my left hip replacement surgery in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, I was on the driving range hitting golf balls and quite well I must say. I just felt so great. I had not hit a ball in two years because of my contracting osteoarthritis in both hips. Thanks to Dr. Greig I will soon be back in my world of golf. I hope to be competing back in lady golf tournaments and playing to the capacity I worked so hard to reach. My right hip had the replacement surgery in January of 2011 and the left hip in July of the same year. In both cases I would have had to wait for two years for surgery, because of the long wait lists in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. This situation in Canada, having to wait forever to have surgery, still has not improved. I was very lucky to have my surgeries scheduled very quickly with Dr. Greig who schedules the surgeries for Puerto Vallarta through Med to Go in Phoenix. They provide all the professional detailed arrangements. My Wait time was approximately one month for each of my surgeries. I received the same great care both in January and July by Dr. Greig and the staff at the Premiere private hospital in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Premiere is a beautiful and clean hospital with private rooms complete with wide

screen TV’s. The Physio Therapy and the follow up with nursing care after surgery was incredible. I was pain free in less than three months following each surgery. I cannot believe how my flexibility has returned. Dr. Greig received orthopedic training in USA, Germany and Mexico. The cost of the hip replacement surgery was considerably less in Mexico than in the USA by nearly 66 percent and my accommodations on the 18th floor of the bayside Holiday Inn/Sea River Tower turned the whole ordeal into a one-month vacation as well. Had I relied upon the Canadian Health Care System, I wouldn’t be writing this letter. Golfing, swimming and even tennis have returned to my life. I can’t say enough about the care, savings and change in the quality of my life since taking advantage of the opportunities afforded me by coming to Mexico. Any person in the condition I was in, which was basically an invalid, should heed my testimony. Socialized medicine sounds good in campaign ads and commercials but reality is so, so different. I am a new woman again by seeking out high quality/low cost medical care in Puerto Vallarta. Shirley Patterson’s testimonial is not out of the ordinary. Oh, did say my double knee surgery cost me for $4,000? By the way, Chronoplasty meant injecting my own stem cells into bone in order to grow back cartilage on the Tibias where I was basically bone on bone. It is an alternative to complete knee replacement surgery. My surgeon said I’m good to go for another 15 years (if I learn that I’m not superman). Shirley says to go to for more information on the Physician Group in Phoenix that she used. She says it’s worth the call or Internet visit. Stay healthy Boomers!! We’re not 19 anymore. Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by email at


along that corridor tremendously. It’s going to become a very desirable place to be.” Try telling that to some of the merchants along the route. Many are downright angry. Others more understanding. But just about everyone agrees that tearing up the street and rebuilding it has cost them beaucoup Benjamins. One called it “an absolute nightmare,” adding that his earnings fell to zero after construction began late last June. Down the street at Yummy Yogurt, manager Charles Pinady said that at the height of construction, the entrance to the eatery was blocked, the sidewalk torn up and street parking eliminated.The company had to lay off two part-time work-



McCarthy fosters with her students, Burstein said. “You can tell that it’s more than just a class,” Burstein said. “It’s a community.” And through the stories and experiences she relates from her own life, McCarthy brings a charismatic authenticity to the



ter than expected results this year, said Assistant Superintendent Cindy Schaub. “Kids are in fact communicating more and more with their teachers,” Schaub said. “We've definitely seen an increased volume in reading and writing.” Giving every student an iPad allows teachers to expand their use of Canvas, a software tool teachers use to coordinate online learning. Without an individually assigned iPad, some students have limited access to Canvas features at home, Schaub said. “We see them as an organization tool,” Schaub said. "(Students) know exactly what they're working on. The learning is definitely being extended

Placing first in a pairs project for Medicine and Health at the San Diego County Science and Engineering Fair, from left, Torrey Pines High School student Alex Deng gets congratulations from proud teacher Julia Newman, along with fellow TPHS winner Justin Wang. Courtesy photo

(Leonard) Chen, first place Chemistry — Sophommores Gha Young Lee and Hope Chen, first place pairs project Chemistry — Freshman Chris Lu,

first place Computer Science — Freshman Hersh Gupta, first place Materials and Bioengineering In addition, among them the students have received 14 professional awards.

ers and one full-time employee because business had fallen off so much. Sue Kelly owns Fairbanks Interiors and Something MADD Boutique. While Kelly’s interior design business hardly suffered because she mainly meets clients at their homes, construction nearly killed her boutique store on Coast Highway. I talked to her about two months after the street project was launched when I worked for a daily newspaper in the area. She said at the time she didn’t know if she could survive past Christmas. She did. But she also estimated her losses exceeded $30,000. “We all knew it was going to be painful, but we also knew it was going to look wonderful when they were done,” Kelly said.

Over at Pearlwear Beads, owner Xini Martin said she had to draw heavily from her savings account to stay afloat. “I don’t think I’ll ever make up for the money that I lost,” she said. “But what is lost is lost. We have to look forward. And we see a lot of hope.” Heebner notes the project will be completed some four months ahead of schedule.The city also met regularly with businesses and sent out timely email updates after construction got underway. “We are very sensitive to our businesses in town,” she said. “It’s not our aim to hurt anyone or negatively affect their pocketbook, but when you have a major construction project like that, unfortunately it’s going to have an impact. We’ve done everything we could to minimize that impact.”

room that keeps people coming back, said Jessica Lamphere, another yoga teacher whom McCarthy mentored. “She leads the lifestyle that she’s teaching and really embodies yoga,” Lamphere said. “She’s just a really warm, kind person who likes to give back to her community.” Back on the trail in the San Dieguito River Park,

McCarthy and her group for the day — a blur of pink, purple, turquoise, black and white — are on their way back from the beach. They head to the bBar, a Del Mar juice bar McCarthy has invested in, where they will take a break to sample “superfood” salads and smoothies. The motto of the store is “Be Beaming,” and McCarthy certainly is.

beyond the classroom.” Schaub said she hopes to see lighter backpacks as classrooms transition to iPads, but some elementary and middle school educational content is not yet available in an iPad format. Administrators said most teachers and parents have reacted positively to the program, but not everyone is satisfied. Parent Beth Nelson said software updates and technological glitches caused unnecessary distress and confusion for her seventh-grade daughter, who twice suffered a total loss of data on her iPad despite backup attempts. “I feel like this year would have been more productive and less stressful with the old-fashioned paper and pencil,” Nelson said. She also questioned whether younger students

have the maturity necessary to stay focused on their learning when the iPad provides so many opportunities for distraction. Superintendent Delaney said she felt “horrible” about the data losses, but those kinds of technical issues were isolated. She also said she asks teachers not to penalize students when they cannot complete their work due to unavoidable technical glitches. To prevent students from accessing inappropriate content, the iPads are configured so that only administrators at the school can install new apps. Internet access is automatically filtered to age-appropriate content, and students and parents are required to agree to an “acceptable use” policy before they can take home an iPad.


MAY 17, 2013



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‘Gatsby’ as vibrant as the 1920s Surf artist stoked by positive reactions

By Noah S. Lee

The newest retelling of “The Great Gatsby” is a spectacular experience that honors the novel’s name in the richest way possible. As someone who has fond memories of reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” in high school, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are others like me who fear this great American novel won’t get the respect it deserves in its latest big screen appearance. To say I was skeptical of Baz Luhrmann’s film would be an understatement; I was certain his take on “Gatsby” would shame the book’s reputation. And yet, as they say, judging a book (or in this case, film) by its cover tends to result in an unexpected outcome that doesn’t match our prejudgments. Such a scenario describes my current stance toward Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby” — a colorful and surprisingly moving adaptation of the renowned literary classic. It is the 1920s in New York City, and aspiring stockbroker Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) is catching up with his cousin, Daisy (Carey Mulligan), and her husband, Tom Buchanan (Joel Edgerton), as well as befriending golfer Jordan

KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art

Left to right: Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway, Leonardo DiCaprio Jay Gatsby, Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan and Joel Edgerton as Tom Buchanan in “The Great Gatsby.” Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Baker (Elizabeth Debicki). As Nick begins to settle in, Jordan informs him of his mysterious millionaire neighbor Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio), who is famous for throwing extravagant parties. Through his relationship with Gatsby, Nick discovers that Gatsby and Daisy were involved in a romance that was broken by World War I,

and the former has been flaunting his wealth to win her back. And as Nick gets lured into the lavish trappings of the Roaring Twenties, he comes to experience the dark side of the American idea of greatness, as seen in both Gatsby and the people he encounters. It would be a crime for me to not give props to Luhrmann for the way he

depicts the 1920s. The camera has a sweeping, wide personality, giving us a solid idea of the film’s grand scale, whether it is Gatsby’s mansion or Nick’s cottage or the Buchanan estate or even the Valley of the Ashes. Fast-paced editing helps the audience to feel as they are immersed in the spontaneous lifestyles of the Long Island elite. Oh, and don’t get me started on the grandiose visuals; if anyone can reconstruct the vivid opulence of the 1920s, Luhrmann can. There’s no doubt in my mind that there will be some moviegoers who have doubts about the hip hop/rap/rock-oriented soundtrack. I am happy to report, however, that the modern music emerges in small bursts to enhance the corrupt nature of what Americans considered to be “great” as depicted in the 1920s. While this aesthetic preference does at times make some sequences, such as Gatsby’s parties, come off as scenes from a music video, I wouldn’t go so far as to call it entirely inappropriate. Much like Gatsby himTURN TO GATSBY ON A19

Reach over

San Diego surf artist Bryan Helfand has every reason to be stoked. Although he has been seriously painting for only seven years, his is the only surf art mural in the corporate headquarters of Facebook, the social media giant located in Menlo Park, Calif. The 153-square-foot brilliantly colored mural depicting the ocean with a perfect wave and flowing kelp beneath a blazing sunset covers what used to be an enormous blank wall. According to Facebook employee Sara S., the image evokes a peaceful feeling of sitting on the beach in Cardiff, and even suggests the distinctive smell that goes along with it. She says of Helfand’s artwork, “It’s on the verge of exploding, and most people won’t be able to afford it soon.” Since he was 8 years old, surfing had been Helfand’s “creative fix” until a fateful day in 2006 when he attended an event showcasing surfboard shapers and other surfrelated items. After watching an established surf artist transform a white board into “this rad piece of art that you could ride,” Helfand went home and painted one of his own boards that same night. “When it was done I couldn't stop looking at it ... I was blown away by what I had just created.” He continues, “The creative door swung wide open at that moment and I walked through it. I started painting some boards for friends and the feedback was really positive, which gave me the confidence to keep going.” In a recent interview with Corduroy TV, Helfand

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Bryan Helfand’s Art Alive banner is currently on display at the Cardiff Town Center. Photo courtesy of Stephen Whalen Photography

describes how his artistic development has been fueled by positive reaction to his artwork: “It's like riding a wave and having people hoot at you along the way. You're so stoked after riding that wave because you expressed yourself in a way that people genuinely enjoyed what you were doing at that moment in time. It fuels your stoke to do it again and again.” That’s exactly what he’s been doing for the past seven years. Helfand states, “With the use of acrylics, pencil, pen, and found objects, I create art that, like the ocean, is magnetic. Each piece is an evolution of the last. It’s always evolving ... a lot like my surfing.” He remarks, “I paint what interests me in a way that hopefully evokes happiness, positivity and a calm, elegant state of mind.” Regularly donating artwork to help raise funds for ocean-related organizations such as the Surfrider Foundation, SurfAid, and the annual Luau & Longboard Invitational for UCSD Moores Cancer Center, Helfand says, “My paintings portray a clean and beautiful ocean. We as individuals have the power on a daily basis to help keep it that way. Collectively and consistently we can help to keep our waterways, beaches TURN TO BRUSH WITH ART ON A19


MAY 17, 2013



self, Leonardo DiCaprio makes the enigmatic millionaire his own, capturing his obsession and charisma with poetic brilliance. Tobey Maguire is an excellent choice for the tolerant observer that Nick Carraway is, providing the audience a lens for which to look through as the story unfolds. Carey Mulligan infuses Daisy Buchanan’s attractive yet shallow disposition with flawless confidence. Joel Edgerton has complete control over the role of Tom Buchanan, oftentimes displaying his iron-fisted authority via the charac-


and oceans free of foreign objects and pollution.” While showing a selection of his work at Bliss 101 in Encinitas, an exhibit of Helfand’s ocean surf art will be on display through mid-June at The Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum. His work will also be shown at the US Open of Surfing on July 28 in Huntington Beach, in addition to an upcoming group show at The ARTery @ The Lab in Costa Mesa. There will be an exceptional opportunity to own a piece of Helfand’s original art when his Art Alive banner, along with 100 other

. st Hwy N. Coa 101

X La Costa


ter’s arrogance. As for the supporting cast members, they, too, deserve to be commended for their efforts. Elizabeth Debicki radiates the perfect level of emotional evasiveness that anyone would expect to see in the Jordan Baker character. Isla Fisher possesses a feisty fire that fuels Myrtle Wilson’s energetic personality with irresistible appeal. Jason Clarke conveys a credible amount of pathetic ignorance in his portrayal of George Wilson. Amitabh Bachchan’s few minutes of screen time are all that he requires to imbue gangster/gambler Meyer Wolfsheim with an

air of notoriety. Never did I expect to like the newest interpretation of “The Great Gatsby,” much less enjoy it. Should you have any reservations about whether or not this film treats its source material with respect, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how well it does.

banners painted by local artists, is auctioned on May 26 in the courtyard of Cardiff Town Center. Details of the auction can be found at Learn more about the artist, his surf art, and his upcoming exhibitions at

MPAA rating: PG-13 for some violent images, sexual content, smoking, partying and brief language. Running time: 2 hours 23 minutes Playing: General release

Kay Colvin is director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter, serves as an arts commissioner for the City of Encinitas, and specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists. Contact her at


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MAY 17, 2013


MAY 17, 2013



Please, just don’t move things I truly do know it is a luxury to have someone come and clean your home, but I need to have a few words with cleaning personnel everywhere. Stop moving things! Nobody, and I mean, nobody can find them. I am certain that the code taught by the professionals who train and teach, says, “Move everything around as you clean. That way, they know you have cleaned there.” It sounds good on paper but we really have got to find another way. Please? I first noticed this syndrome when I became a librarian. I cannot tell you how many times I hear, “Well, the cleaning lady moved my book and we can’t find it!” It’s been enough to finally prompt this plea. At first I thought this just an excuse for parents who lack the focus to keep track of their children’s library books. I have mellowed. I now have a wonderful, well-meaning cleaning woman. And she moves things. And I can’t find them. Sadly, there seem to be many, many of us who keep our desks in ordered chaos. I can visualize exactly where I put something, even weeks later, and that is where I expect it to be. If it gets moved, all is lost. I usually preempt this problem by doing the classic “cleaning for the cleaning lady” move. I stack everything tidily so she can dust without too much rearrangement, and since I stack it, I remember where things are. But this week, I slipped up. My house is in absolute and complete disorder as my kitchen and bathrooms gets a facelift. I am coping well, but my bedroom is particularly TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B15

Bike repair business booming in Encinitas By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Eric Contreras’ home overflowed with Schwinn bikes four years ago. An avid collector, his wife asked him to either get rid of the excess bicycles or open a shop. He felt confident choosing the latter, in part, due to transportation trends. “Data showed more people are biking, with a lot of the increase focused in coastal areas,” Contreras said. “I knew more people would need bike tune-ups and improvements.” The reasoning proved to be sound.The number of customers at Contreras’ Cardiff Bike Shop has steadily grown since the doors opened three years ago thanks largely to a steady market of bicyclists seeking his mechanic services, allowing Contreras to parlay his hobby into a successful part-time career. Across Encinitas, cycling shops reported a jump in demand for repairs. And economic figures support the observed activity levels. Although bike mechanics don’t represent a lot of jobs, it’s the fifth fastest growing career in the county in terms of percent increase, according to the California Employment Development Department. In 2010, there were 160 full-time bike mechanics in the county, and by 2020, it’s estimated there will be more than 250. From changes in technology to cycling infrastructure, bike shop owners offered a variety of reasons for why bike repairs are on the rise. Contreras said that gas prices made biking more attractive for many, feeding the repair industry a crop of new customers. But perhaps less obvious, he said cyclists are more likely to fix up their rides than buy new with the economy still limping TURN TO REPAIR ON B15

Fred Breidenthal, owner of Leucadia Cyclery, tinkers with a bike in his shop. Demand for bike mechanics is rising due to the economy, changes in technology and the popularity of cycling. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Principal cuts journalism, Group alleges students speak out misconduct in By Jeremy Ogul

CARLSBAD — Journalism students from La Costa Canyon High School implored the San Dieguito Union High School District board of trustees on May 2 to save their journalism class, which will be eliminated from course offerings in the upcoming school year. More than a dozen students showed up in protest at the board meeting after they learned early last week that La Costa Canyon Principal Kyle Ruggles had decided not to offer journalism as a course option next year. The journalism program, which produces the monthly MavLife student newspaper, will instead be available only as an extracurricular afterschool activity. Editor-in-Chief Megan Mineiro said some students suspect Ruggles cut the journalism class in response to articles and opinions the newspaper published that

were unfavorable to the administration at La Costa Canyon. Students at the recent board meeting handed out copies of the March edition of MavLife, which featured an article and an editorial criticizing the school's decision to cut the position of athletic director. In an interview after the meeting, Ruggles said the content of the newspaper had nothing to do with his decision. He said he thought the athletic director article was "fabulously written." "I've been very impressed and pleased with the work they've done," Ruggles said. The real reason for cutting the journalism class is declining enrollment, he said. "We've had a drop of student interest in the journalism program and the journalism class," Ruggles said. "We had a low number of students register for the class next year."

MavLife editors have doubts about that explanation. Twenty-six students registered for the class initially, and last week the journalism students managed to recruit another 11 students into the class, raising next year's enrollment to 37, Mineiro said. Data compiled by MavLife editors shows that La Costa Canyon High School had 65 classes with an enrollment of fewer than 35 students last year. When the editors presented this new information to Ruggles last week, they were told it was too late to make changes to the school's master schedule, Mineiro said. Ruggles also declined their proposal to combine the journalism class with another class, such as creative writing. Whatever the reason for cutting the journalism class, it seems clear now that stuTURN TO JOURNALISM ON B15

housing decision By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — Local environmentalist group Preserve Calavera has demanded the withdrawal of Carlsbad City Council's decision approving the Quarry Creek housing development. The group is alleging that council members held an illegal closed session meeting about the project, therefore making their decision invalid. City Attorney Celia Brewer has denied that any closed session meetings on Quarry Creek took place. She said that the statement by Mayor Matt Hall that Preserve Calavera based its claims on was a fumbling of words during a late night meeting that lasted more than five hours. On Monday, May 6, Preserve Calavera's attorney

Everett DeLano submitted a letter to the city claiming that City Council violated the Brown Act, which requires city governments to provide public notice in advance of closed session meetings and later publicly report any action taken during such meetings. The group pointed to a statement that Hall made during discussions of Quarry Creek at a March 26 City Council meeting. During the statement in question, Hall was raising the issue of whether or not City Council should continue the meeting, which at the time had extended past 11 p.m., or continue discussions to a subsequent meeting. He explained to other council members that before they TURN TO HOUSING ON B15


MAY 17, 2013


Scarf project to promote world peace with Golden Rule By Lillian Cox

LA COSTA — Angela Coppola has a simple plan to bring about world peace. In July 2012 she launched the Golden Rule Project with the goal of promoting a world consciousness through a collection of silk Peace Scarves bearing the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The same sentiment, or “Golden Rule,” is shared by 11 world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Shinto, Buddhism, Baha’I Faith, Religious Science, Jainism, Cherokee and Yoruba (Nigeria).Their versions would also be printed on scarves. The first phase of the project was a design competition last year judged by fashion directors from some of the nation’s top design schools including the Pratt Institute in New York and the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. A first place prize of $5,000 cash was awarded to Katherine Barron, a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, who chose for her design a Golden Rule from the Yoruba Nigerian religion: “One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts.” “In his mouth the baby bird holds the pointed stick used to pinch him,” she explained. “His left wing is an abstract pink ribbon (the pink ribbon of peace). Surrounding him are the words of the

Nigerian Golden Rule. In the middle of the design is a gold/yellow square to symbolize the Golden Rule.” A second place prize of $2,500 was awarded to William Psinka, a San Diego advertising professional; and a third place prize of $1,000 to Sarah Crystal from Plano,Texas.Also included in the collection is the design of another contest entry and two designs used earlier in a test market. To get the project off the ground, $9,000 was donated by Amy McQuillan for prize money. Coppola is reaching out to the community to raise $50,000 to manufacture and bring the Peace Scarf Collection to market. For this, she has targeted JC Penney as the official retailer. Interestingly, JC Penney was originally called The Golden Rule Store when James Cash Penney opened it in Kemmerer, Wyo., in 1902. When sold at wholesale, the scarves would generate $100,000 for The Golden Rule Project. Beneficiaries of product sales would include the Alliance for a New Humanity (founding member, Dr. Deepak Chopra), Born This Way (founder, Lady Gaga),The Peace Alliance (founding member, Marianne Williamson), and United Religions Initiative (founder, Bishop William Swing). “We trust that this will bring awareness and create conversations about this sim-

The Golden Rule Project's first place prize of $5,000 cash for their Peace Scarf design competition last year was awarded to Katherine Barron, a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, who chose for her design a Golden Rule from the Yoruba Nigerian religion: One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to ple principle which, if prac- inspirational art from the feel how it hurts. Courtesy photo

Angela Coppola has launched the Golden Rule Project with the goal of promoting world peace through a collection of silk Peace Scarves bearing the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” in the words of 11 world religions. Photo by Lillian Cox

ticed by all people who claim to believe in a particular religion, would bring about world peace,” Coppola explained. “That will start giving us revenue; then we will have funds to start the second design competition.” That would be for a line of dinnerware, including plates and mugs, also bearing the Golden Rule in the words of 11 world religions. Coppola is owner of Sacred Silks, a manufacturer and retailer of silk prints of

world’s most sacred houses of worship and museums. “My goal in creating the business was to one day represent every religion, and through that medium, accent the similarities not the differences in them,” she said. Prior to moving to North County, Coppola had a full-service ad agency in San Francisco with clients who included Levi Strauss. She was also international corporate creative director for Faberge when it was the largest perfume company in

the world. Today, Coppola says she’s just an ordinary person who wants to use her experience to help the world. “I do believe that the shift has to take place with the younger generation because the older generation has prejudices deeply embedded in their psyche and it’s more daunting to change their thinking,” she said. “Young people are more concerned about the future and have a

clear idea about how war and mistreatment of each other is not a solution and they are more willing to work to make this concept of ‘we are one’ a reality.” For more information visit or To make a donation or serve on the board or advisory committee call Coppola at (760) 431-2781. Celebrities willing to serve as spokespersons are also welcomed.



MAY 17, 2013

ODD More controversy over elephant rides at SD fair FILES


By Bianca Kaplanek

Charming The beauty pageant each April at the Rattlesnake Roundup in Sweetwater, Texas, requires traditional skills like interview poise, evening-gown fashion and talent, but also some ability and inclination to milk and skin rattlers. High school senior Kyndra Vaught won this year’s Miss Snake Charmer, wearing jeweled boots one night for her country-western ballad, then Kevlar boots and camouflage chaps the next as she took on dozens of rattlers in the wooden snake pit. Vaught expertly held up one serpent, offered its tail-end rattles for a baby to touch, then helped hold, measure, milk and skin a buzzing, slithery serpent. A Los Angeles Times dispatch noted that Vaught hoped to be on her way soon to the Berklee College of Music in Boston. [Los Angeles Times, 4-12-2013]

The Continuing Crisis That there are flea “circuses” is bizarre enough, but in March a cold spell in Germany wiped out an entire troupe of “performing” fleas, requiring the flea whisperer to secure replacements (because, of course, the show must go on).Trainer Robert Birk reached out to a university near MechernichKommern for 50 substitutes, which he apparently worked into the act over one weekend. (Fleas, with or without training, can pull up to 160,000 times their own weight and leap to 100 times their own height.) [The Independent (London), 3-312013] The owner of a restaurant in southern Sweden told authorities in March that the former owner had assured him that “everything had been approved,” apparently including the appliance the restaurant used for mixing salad dressings and sauces — which was a table-model cement mixer. When health officials told the owner that it certainly was not “approved,” he immediately bought another, “rust-free,” mixer. (Health authorities had come to the restaurant on a complaint that a screw had turned up in a customer’s kabob.) [The Local (Stockholm), 3-30-2013]

Modern Anglers Eliel Santos fishes the grates of New York City seven days a week, reeling in enough bounty to sustain him for the last eight years, he told the New York Post in April. The “fishing line” Santos, 38, uses is dental floss, with electrician’s tape and Blue-Touch mouse glue — equipment that “he controls with the precision of an archer,” the Post reported. His biggest catch ever was a $1,800 (pawned value) gold and diamond bracelet, but the most popular current items are iPhones, which texting-on-the-move pedestrians apparently have trouble hanging onto. [New York Post, 4-28-2013]

DEL MAR — The controversy over elephant rides at the San Diego County Fair continues after a member of the Del Mar Fairgrounds governing board of directors received what he deemed a credible threat during an April 19 lunch with fellow attorneys. Board Vice President Fred Schenk said during what he thought was going to be a casual discussion with Howard Finkelstein and Jeffrey Krinsk, both of whom he’s known for decades, Finkelstein made “some dark and disturbing comments.” After the May 7 meeting of the 22nd DAA, which oversees the fairgrounds, Schenk said he told Finkelstein the rides have been at the fair for 30 years without incident. “Howard said, ‘God forbid something should happen. Maybe this is the year,’” Schenk said. “He said you and the board and the governor will be held accountable.” Schenk said he asked Finkelstein more than once if that was a threat. “He wouldn’t deny it,” Schenk said. “That was very disturbing to me and it still is.” The fact that the comments were made four days after the Boston Marathon bombings “was very troubling,” Schenk said. “That juxtaposition didn’t sit well

with me.” Schenk said he told other fairgrounds officials about the conversation, but never mentioned Finkelstein by name. He said he and Director Lisa Barkett then called Sacramento to inform Gov. Jerry Brown’s office about the comments, again opting to let Finkelstein remain anonymous. Schenk identified Finkelstein at the May 7 meeting, after an email Finkelstein originated was sent “far and wide.” “I had a deep concern,” Schenk said. “I couldn’t take a chance.That’s why I went to the governor. I certainly wasn’t going to keep him in the dark.” Controversy about the elephant rides began in June 2011 when representatives from animal rights groups asked the 22nd DAA board of directors to cancel the fair attraction, claiming the company that provides the rides abuses its pachyderms. Matt Rossell from Animal Defenders International presented a DVD released by his organization that he alleges was videotaped at Have Trunk Will Travel in Riverside. He said it allegedly shows Have Trunk Will Travel owners and trainers using bull hooks — tools with a bronze or steel hook attached to a handle —

Fair gala includes salute and concert DEL MAR — The Don Diego Scholarship Foundation invites the community to get tickets now for its annual dinner and concert gala June 15 at the San Diego County Fairgrounds benefiting the foundation’s educational programs. In addition to hosted cocktails, dinner at the Fair’s Turf Club and other activities receive VIP seating at the Steve Miller Band concert. Individual tickets purchased by June 1, are $200 each; after June 1, $250. Ticket packages offering sponsorship recognition are also available at several levels. Obtain information and tickets at or dondiegoscholarship@sdfair. com. Pre-concert festivities begin at 4:30 p.m. June 15 with cocktails and a silent auction that includes guitars autographed by past and current Fair Grandstand performers, memorabilia signed by celebrities and local sports heroes, fun getaway packages and more. There will be a tribute to Bob Spanjian and the Spanjian Family Scholarship, followed by introduction of the four 2013 Don Diego scholarship recipients. Spanjian continues to serve as secretary/treasurer and is also a past president and member of the 22nd District Agricultural Association Board, which

oversees the fair and Del Mar Fairgrounds. Don Diego Chairman Paul Ecke II, also a founding board member, said “We are establishing the Spanjian Family Scholarship in Bob’s honor. Typically, we award scholarships of $5,000 each to an outstanding, collegebound San Diego County high school senior in each of the four following categories: 1) 4-H member; 2) Future Farmers of America member; 3) employee at the fair, racetrack or fairgrounds; and 4) exhibitor at the fair. This new endowment scholarship will enable us to augment one scholarship each year, providing the most outstanding student with an added $5,000 Spanjian Family Scholarship, for a total of $10,000.” For decades, and his brother Richard developed Spandex, which DuPont named in the Spanjian family’s honor. Based on Spandex, Spanjian Sportswear became a leader in its field, producing uniforms for hundreds of sports teams. The brothers eventually moved Spanjian Sportswear to San Marcos. Bob Spanjian and his wife, Betty, raised a family in Rancho Santa Fe. The brothers sold the company in 1985. For more information, v i s i t

and electric prods to train the animals. Kari Johnson, who owns Have Trunk Will Travel with her husband, Gary, said people who are not with “legitimate animal welfare organizations” are not qualified to comment on the footage because they “would not know what they are looking at.” She said the recording was not in context. Five months later, at the November meeting with several new governor-appointed directors, including Schenk, the board voted 4-3, after more than two hours of testimony by people on both sides of the issue, to allow the rides to continue until 2014. That’s when the Association of Zoos and Aquariums will require facilities to limit training to protected contact rather than free contact if they want to retain the association’s accreditation. In free contact, elephants and handlers interact directly, while in protected contact there is a barrier between the two. The issue was resurrected during the March 2013 meeting when the board was approving contracts for this year’s fair. Directors decided unanimously to stand by their 2011 decision. When Finkelstein noted to Schenk that Los Angeles and Orange counties both

canceled the rides during their fairs, Schenk said Del Mar is different because it also hosts thoroughbred races. “People have complained about that,” he said. “There are people who are advocating against horse racing. I didn’t want to create the first step along the way when in two years we’re probably not going to have the rides. They’ll just go away. There won’t be a vote because we’ll be complying with the AZA.” Finkelstein said Schenk’s description of his comments isn’t entirely accurate. “Placing a child on the back of a 2-ton animal is obviously a dangerous situation,” he said. “It shouldn’t be allowed, including this year, because God forbid if something should happen. “It would be horrible this year or any year and the community would be held accountable for allowing such an arcane and dangerous activity,” Finkelstein said. “I said, ‘I’m not threatening you. That’s ridiculous.’ If he mistook my concern for putting kids on the back of a potentially dangerous animal, I apologize.” Schenk said he doesn’t believe Finkelstein would do anything criminal but he wasn’t sure about others. Finkelstein said Schenk is trying to “cover up the big-

ger picture of what he described as abuse with the jockeys and horses during the races.” As a result of the comments between the two men, two 22nd DAA security guards were posted at the May 7 meeting and the fairgrounds plans to add extra security and surveillance around the elephant rides during this year’s fair, June 8-July 4. Finkelstein said it wouldn’t be necessary. “I’m not that stupid,” he said. “I have no knowledge of anyone planning to cause damage to anyone or anything at the county fair, nor do I have any intention of doing something that stupid or that horrible.” At press time, Finkelstein’s law partner, Krinsk, did not return a phone call seeking his comments on what transpired at the lunch. Finkelstein is chairman of The Foundation for Animal Care and Education, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enhance and preserve the quality of life of animals by providing access to necessary medical care and education. “This not as nefarious as it’s been made out to be,” he said of the lunch between the three men. “But I’m still shocked Fred is supporting this.”


MAY 17, 2013


Decision ends revenue source By Bianca Kaplanek

COAST CITIES — A deal that could have earned the Del Mar Fairgrounds up to $150,000 annually came to an end April 30 when Carlsbad council members indicated they will not allow mini-satellite gambling in that city. The owners of Silky Sullivan’s Race and Sports Bar were denied a business license and City Council approved an urgency ordinance prohibiting mini-satellite wagering, noting any form of gambling is generally not allowed in Carlsbad. In an effort to widen the distribution of the horse racing signal at brick-and-mor-

Regulations and fees are now in place so food trucks can return to Del Mar. The mobile vendors set up shop in the Seagrove parking lot in October, but haven’t returned since November, when a temporary moratorium was adopted to allow the city to set rules for the trucks. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

Food trucks fees set By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Having already established the when, where and how food trucks can operate in Del Mar, council members set the how much at the April 6 meeting, approving a $350 charge for first-time applicants and a $175 annual renewal fee. The amounts represent full-cost recovery for staff time to process required operations permits. When food trucks first rolled into town in October 2012, residents were all fired up about the Wednesday night gatherings in the private Seagrove parking lot on Coast Boulevard. There were concerns about noise, traffic, smells, lighting, restroom availability and impacts to established restaurants, although state law precludes cities from banning the trucks because they may add competition to brick-and-mortar establishments. Soon thereafter, City Council temporarily adopted interim urgency ordinances prohibiting the issuance of any new business licenses for the mobile vendors to allow staff to create regulations in Del Mar. The new standards that regulate the time, place and manner of mobile vending

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operations were adopted April 15 and become effective May 15. All mobile food vending operators must obtain a mobile operations permit and city business license, but the fees weren’t set when the new laws were adopted. To determine the appropriate fees, the Planning and Community Development Department estimated the amount of time staff will spend, on average, processing the four types of mobile

tion of required information and operational standards, drafting approval documents and conditions, and administrative follow-up and document management, Garcia said. “The calculations are based on the average staff time needed for each permit at full-cost recovery,” she said. The fees don’t specifically apply to other mobile vending services, such as barbers, knife sharpening or

The calculations are based on the average staff time needed for each permit at full-cost recovery” Kathy Garcia Planning Director

food vending permits identified in the ordinance. They are for operations on private property, such as the previous Wednesday night gatherings, in the public right of way, for nonprofit events or for private catering events with more than one truck. Planning Director Kathy Garcia said she estimated it will take a little more than five hours to process each initial permit at varying staff rates. Processing will include, at a minimum, the application completeness review, location site visits, verifica-

retail sales, but they could if those categories are added in the future. Nine food trucks were issued business licenses before the moratorium was adopted in November. The trucks haven’t returned to town since then. Christian Murcia, who organized the gatherings, said he was approached by officials from Seagrove parking to create business in the underutilized lot during the offseason. He said the Wednesday night gatherings weren’t very profitable for the operators.

tar sites, in 2007 the state approved the development of 45 mini-satellites, which are regulated and licensed by the California Horse Racing Board. If a potential restaurant or sports bar is within a 20mile radius of an existing race track — which in this case is the Del Mar Fairgrounds — the applicant must be granted a waiver from the facility. Last month the 22nd District Agricultural Association, which governs the fairgrounds, authorized an agreement — pending approval from Carlsbad and licensing from the California

Horse Racing Board — to allow Silky Sullivan’s to operate a mini-satellite wagering site. Under the proposed five-year agreement that included an option to renew for an additional three years, the 22nd DAA would have received between 1 percent and 1.2 percent annually. Estimated revenue for the district was between $100,000 and $150,000 a year. The owners of Silky Sullivan’s said they will look elsewhere to open the sports bar. If it is within a 20-mile radius, the fairgrounds could still benefit.

Excavation to improve health of the San Elijo Lagoon By Jared Whitlock

CARDIFF-BY-THE-SEA — On Monday, earthmovers began carting more than 25,000 cubic yards of sand out of the San Elijo Lagoon and onto the beach. The process will reconnect the inlet of the lagoon with the ocean. In doing so, there will be better tidal circulation. “If you let the inlet close, there’s no constant,” said Doug Gibson, a wetlands ecologist who is the executive director of the nonprofit San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy. “If you have a constant — the ocean — there’s better diversity and it keeps the lagoon in balance.” Gibson explained that saltwater circulating into the lagoon prevents oxygen depletion, bolstering marine life. The small inlet, intersecting Cardiff State Beach and the San Elijo campgrounds, is the lagoon’s only access point to the ocean. Following winter storms, piles of sand block the inlet. Throughout the weeklong excavation, earthmovers break through the sand berm. The earthmovers also remove sand underneath the bridge that overlooks the inlet, as well as sand just east of the bridge. The sand that’s dredged is unloaded onto the nearby beach. Without the excavation, the inlet would likely be closed most of the year. In the mid-90s, the San Elijo Lagoon began experimenting with dredging. After monitoring the effects, the conservancy determined spring is the best time to conduct excavations. If done in winter, powerful winter storms would likely reverse any dredgings in as

Earthmovers dig out an inlet at Cardiff State Beach to improve the health of the San Elijo Lagoon. The process, expected to wrap up in a week, won’t affect grunions. It’s recommended beachgoers check water quality over the next week. Photo by Jared Whitlock

little as a day. And as the temperature rises in the spring in summer, the excavation provides much-needed oxygen. Gibson noted the excavation won’t affect grunions. It’s expected the grunions will be laying eggs next week, but the

If you have a constant — the ocean — there’s better diversity and it keeps the lagoon in balance.” Doug Gibson Wetlands Ecologist

operation will be finished by then. As of Tuesday morning, a

precautionary advisory from the San Diego Department of Environmental health was in effect for swimmers and surfers at Cardiff State beach. Because sand is being dug up, the project has the potential to stir up pollutants. While there might be periodic closures over the next week, the excavation will improve water quality for the rest of the year and beyond, according to Gibson. The status of beaches’ water quality can be found at For the past 12 years, excavations have been an annual event. Gibson noted the dredgings have benefited the fish that depend on the lagoon as a nursery as well as other marine life and plants. Additionally, letting the lagoon breath cuts down on the mosquito population. Gibson said the cost of the dredging operation is about $80,000. Plus, monitoring the project throughout the year, which involves taking water samples and performing tests to gauge the health of the bird and fish populations, carries a cost of about $30,000. The project is paid for with grants from the county and the conservancy’s endowment, which is funded by a variety of agencies and private donors. “We’ll continue to see the lagoon get better,” Gibson said.

Solana Beach OKs sand project By Bianca Kaplanek

SOLANA BEACH — City Council unanimously agreed at the May 8 meeting to send a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supporting a proposed 50-year sand replenishment project that has been in the works for more than a decade. The goal of the Solana Beach-Encinitas Coastal Storm Damage Project, a joint effort between the two cities and the Army Corps of Engineers, is to reduce damage to more than eight miles of beach beginning at the mouth of Batiquitos Lagoon in Encinitas and stretching south to include the entire 1.7-mile Solana Beach coastline except an area north of Tide Park. Encinitas also approved the support letter at its council meeting the same night. A no vote by either city would have terminated the project. The plan is to use sand from offshore borrow sites to renourish the beaches on a regular cycle for 50 years starting in 2015. The Army Corps studied several alternatives that included submerged breakwaters, artificial reefs, sea walls, sand replacement, filling the notches at the base of the bluffs and a hybrid of the latter two. Ultimately, its preferred option is sand replenishment. Solana Beach is slated to initially receive 960,000 cubic yards of sand to create a 200-foot beach. Approximately every 13 years the city will receive an additional 420,000 cubic yards of sand. The recommended plan for Encinitas is to replace 100 feet of beach starting with 680,000 cubic yards of sand and then add 280,000 cubic yards every five years. It is estimated the project could annually result in $1.14 million for Solana Beach and $1.44 million for Encinitas through sales and transient occupancy taxes from people visiting the coastal cities for their beaches. In addition to the proposed financial benefits, the project is expected to protect private and public property along the beach, provide an enhanced habitat for shorebirds and grunion and eliminate the need for sea walls, on ongoing controversy in Solana Beach. The Corps conducted a surfing analysis using backwash changes, intensity for beach breaks, sedimentation changes to reef breaks, the current at surf sites and changes to surf break locations and surfing frequency. “We did find that four out of 21 surf spots that we analyzed would likely have a change,” Heather Schlosser, from the Corps’ Engineering and Research Department, said. They are



MAY 17, 2013

Table Tops and Pill Box in Solana Beach and Stone Steps and Southside in Encinitas. “The study does not attempt to put a value on how the surfing experience would be impacted, just that those four would have a change,” she said. Project costs to this point are approximately $8.2 million, with the state Department of Boating and Waterways assisting the cities in meeting their 50 percent cost share requirement. Surf monitoring will be included as part of the project. Representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers said the cities will have flexibility to make adjustments as the project advances. “You are always in control up until the sand is being placed,” City Manager David Ott added. “At any time you do not have to accept the project.” The dozen speakers who addressed council were evenly split on their positions. Coastal property owners support the plan. “It seems to allow for a lot of flexibility and that’s a good thing,” Jon Corn, representing coastal property owners, said. “It’s key to public safety and it’s also key to recreation and enjoyment of the beach for many people “It protects city property,” Corn said. “It protects private property and also it can lead to the reduction, or even for a long time, the need for any sea walls. … That’s fantastic for everybody.” Surfers are not as optimistic, expressing concerns the project will negatively impact reef breaks. Mark Rauscher, coastal preservation manager for the Surfrider Foundation, said the Army Corps of Engineers justified the destruction of high-quality waves by saying the resulting low-quality waves will be as much of a draw to surfers. “Only it’ll be beginning surfers rather than those that are more experienced,” Rauscher said. “Unfortunately there is only a limited number of high-quality surf spots that people go out of their way to get to and you’re about to bury a few of them with this project.” Roger Kube, chairman of San Diego Surfrider, said his group wants the impacts to surf spots analyzed and the initial amount of sand to be reduced. The group is also asking that monitoring be an integral part of the project. “The proposed monitoring will have no impact on reef breaks that are already buried,” Kube said. “It will be too late.” Adam Enright said monitoring is “pretty much TURN TO PROJECT ON B19


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Anna Waite will chair this year’s Country Friends/South Coast Plaza 58th annual Art of Fashion Runway Show. Courtesy photo

Runway show names chairman and committee RANCHO SANTA FE — Anna Waite has been announced as chairwoman for this year’s Country Friends/South Coast Plaza 58th Annual Art of Fashion Runway Show. Patricia Mogul was also announced as the cochairwoman of the Art of Fashion. The event has been set for Sept. 19 at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe. Proceeds from the fashion show, luncheon, live entertainment, boutique shopping and wine tasting will benefit more than 20 San Diego charities, including Friends of San Pasqual Academy, Helen Woodward Animal Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego, Kids Korps USA and Center For Community Solutions. Waite has served on the board of directors for The Country Friends for seven years. She prides herself with helping others by actively volunteering in the community with many organizations. “I feel honored to be selected as the chairwoman for this year’s Art of Fashion. I’m thankful to have such a talented and dedicated group of women on my committee to assist with making this year’s Art of Fashion a spectacular event. Dave Baker, Tamara Banks, Ana Maria McBrayer, Betty Jo Billick, Linda Black, Maggie Bobileff, Sabrina Cadini, Marci Cavenaugh, Terri Chivetta, Ariel Cowan, Deb Cross, Pam Devaney, Chris Epstein, Sharon Ferges, Rebecca Franks, Kathy Gash,

Arline Genis, Michele Grust, Amber Hodges, Karen Hoehn, Alex Johnson, Betsy Jones, Erika Kao, Jo Ann Kitty,Steve Knight, Elaine Leach, Kay Liebowitz, Yvette Letourneau, Jeanne Lucia, Lauren Mandler, Gordon Mac Mitchell, Patricia Mogul, Ellen Nakamura, Andrea Naversen, Jean Newman, Suzanne Newman, Pearl Padovano, Martha Parkou, Erin Regan, Tina Rappaport, Esther Rodriquez, Stacey Rosenblatt, Cheri Salyers, Donna Schempp, Jolynn Shapiro, Machel Shull, Mia Stefanko, Heidi Timlake, Rhonda Tryon, Anna Waite, and Shana Witkin. In a new twist this year, the event will begin with the Art of Fashion Runway Show first this year at The Rancho Santa Fe Inn. After the fashion show, the luncheon will be next, with the opportunity to shop at boutiques of South Coast Plaza, including the latest trends in clothing, handbags, jewelry, eyewear and other accessories. The event concludes with the “Apres Affaire” wine tasting, a time to savor and toast the 2013 beneficiaries. If you would like to be a sponsor for this year’s 58th Country Friend’s Art of Fashion Show, please contact The Country Friends at events@thecountryfriends.or g or (858) 756-1192, ext. 4.The Country Friends, a 501c(3) non-profit organization, was formed in 1954 to fulfill a need to “help people help themselves.”


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MAY 17, 2013



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Local athlete aims for the Paralympics By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — Having competed internationally in paratriathlons for the past few years, Jamie Brown said that between swimming, biking and running his favorite part of every race is the finish line. The 33-year-old Carlsbad athlete is one of the founding members of the newly formed Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) Elite Paratriathlon Team. As a team member, he has dedicated himself to competing around the world in the hopes of racing in the debut of paratriathlons at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “It’s a very unique sport just because you have to compete in all three events,” said Brown, who has competed in sports all of his life, about paratriathlons. The sprint distance paratriathlons, in which he competes, require athletes to swim 750 meters, bike 12 miles, and run 3.1 miles. He said that because of all of the different elements of paratriathlons, “I don’t think it’s even possible to run a perfect race.” But for Brown, that has been part of the sport’s appeal. He said he is driven by the “never-ending challenge to improve.” He initially discovered paratriathlons at a camp hosted by CAF in 2010. CAF is a San Diego-based organization that supports people with physical disabilities so they can be involved in sports. Brown, who was born without a fibia in his right leg and a deformed right foot, had his foot amputated when he was 11 months old. He has competed in sports using special prosthetics, and played baseball

Linebackers Donald Butler, left, and Manti Te’o take a break during the Chargers first OTA Monday. Photo by Tony Cagala

Te’o, Fluker run with the ones in OTAs By Tony Cagala Paratriathlete Jamie Brown crosses the finish line at the International Triathlon Union San Diego race on April 20, placing fourth in his classification in the 750-meter swim, 12-mile bike, and 3.1-mile run event. Courtesy photo

through high school and college. “I’ve always played sports growing up, playing against the able-bodied kids … I have such a passion for sports,” Brown said. “Paratriathlon is so different to begin with. It really requires a lot of skill and even a little bit of risk taking,” said Mark Sortino, the director CAF paratriathlon team. “When you see a chal-


lenged athlete competing in it, people are just amazed.” “(Brown is) actually fairly new in the sport, which is surprising considering how well he’s done in such a short amount of time,” he added. Most recently, Brown placed fourth in the division for below the knee amputees in the International Triathlon Union San Diego race on April 20. He also was the USA National Champion for paratriathlons for 2011 and 2012. Grant funding for travel and equipment from CAF has enabled Brown and his six other team members to pursue competing in more paratriathlon events. “Without Challenged Athletes Foundation, I couldn’t even come close to doing all of these events,” Brown said. While health insurance will cover walking prosthet-



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ics for amputees, it does not cover the special prosthetics needed for running and biking, which cost thousands of dollars. Sortino said that competing in triathlons costs $15,000 more at minimum for challenged athletes compared to the basic expenses paid by able-bodied athletes. Brown and the rest of the CAF paratriathlon team will continue to aim for the Paralympics by racing in the 2013 USA Paratriathlon National Championship in Austin, Texas May 27. Brown anticipates competing against about 75 of the nation’s best athletes in his division at the event. Sortino said that Brown’s classification is the second most competitive in paratriathlons. “He really is truly racing against the best in the world,” he said. Brown said he will continue his regimen of training 12 to 18 hours each week to prepare, but knows that there are some aspects of the race he will not be able to predict. “You never really know what you’re going to get into once you get out there,” Brown said, explaining that a race can easily be influenced by the weather or terrain. But for him, “Having that not knowing sensation is kind of the fun part.”

SAN DIEGO — The Chargers began their search for the best 53 players Monday with the opening of OTAs. Head Coach Mike McCoy (with note card in one hand, a whistle in the other) watched for the first time as his entire team took part in all three phases of the game. It was great, McCoy said, to get everyone together and to start teaching them the way they want to practice from OTAs to mini-camp to training camp. He kept his eye on the rookies, including firstround draft pick D.J. Fluker and second-round draft pick Manti Te’o, both of whom played with first squad. He said Te’o did a nice job on the field. “We have big expectations for him coming in here and stepping in

All the young guys, they’re thinking so much right now instead of just going out and playing and reacting.” Mike McCoy Chargers Head Coach

and playing for us. He’s going to get thrown in early, he’s in there with the ones right now and we’re going to see how much he can pick up.” Te’o wasn’t made available to the media. “All the young guys, they’re thinking so much right now instead of just going out and playing and reacting,” McCoy said, making reference to a missed play by Fluker who allowed second-year outside linebacker Melvin Ingram to get passed him. Philip Rivers was just glad he didn’t get touched by onrushing defenders out there. Regarding Te’o, Rivers said he didn’t pay much attention to how he did. “It didn’t seem like he was lost or anything. He got matched up on (Antonio) Gates a few times — that was a quick welcome day one. I don’t how well he did, but he certainly didn’t stand out (mistake-wise), which is a good thing,” Rivers said. Donald Butler said he saw Te’o picking up the system. “(Te’o) did a great job out there today in terms of TURN TO CHARGERS ON B15



MAY 17, 2013


Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call Chris Kydd at (760) 436-9737, ext. 110.

Why you want barn owl buddies 5-lb portable oxygen concentrator gives gift of freedom If you, or someone you love, use oxygen therapy then you know how limiting oxygen tank systems can be. A new technology gives users the freedom to move about without the typical restrictions of equipment weight or length of time. Gordon Mori, CEO of

Our goal is to help people limited by their medical conditions.” Gordon Mori CEO, Mori Medical

Mori Medical Equipment Inc in Vista says he started carrying these lighter, more portable oxygen concentrators (POC’s) because they truly do improve the quality of life. What is a portable oxygen concentrator? A portable oxygen concentrator (POC) makes its own oxygen, and unlike a regular oxygen concentrator it is much lighter and more portable. Typical oxygen equipment can weigh 20 pounds or more making it hard to move around. As a result, Mori said, many people feel tied to their equipment at home. The advantage of this new technology is that the equipment is so light (from 3 to 10 pounds depending on the manufacturer, model and features) that people can actually carry it over their shoulder like a book bag. “People who haven’t seen a POC are always surprised at the portability of this new technology”, Mori says. One model, the FreeStyle by AirSep, weighs just 4.4 pounds and comes with an over-theshoulder bag. The shoulder bag carries the POC and extra batteries for all-day events. Another model, by SimplyGo, weighs just 10 pounds and can provide continuous flow. POC’s are becoming immensely popular for people who like to travel. They are now accepted by

the FAA for commercial airlines as well as cruise lines, trains and buses. For those who like to stay closer to home, a POC can make gardening possible, or allow users to attend sporting events or family outings. It plugs into a regular outlet for charging at home, in a car or a hotel and can still be used when it is charging. Another solution that Mori offers is the HomeFill system that can provide an unlimited supply of portable oxygen tanks, M6, M9, and the ultra compact M4. Mori Medical Equipment Inc. is a family owned and operated business founded in 2011 to provide North County San Diego residents a more personal resource for medical equipment purchase and rental including wheelchairs, electric beds, breathing equipment and related items. They are members of The Joint Commission, the prestigious national organization that accredits and certifies health care organizations in the United States. Mori Medical is approved by Medicare, Medi-Cal and LIHP and they stand behind everything they sell. Mori Medical has a 24 hour customer service line. They offer local repair and maintenance and have an equipment warehouse located in Vista. The Mori Medical staff sets up and takes down equipment and provides equipment training in the comfort of your home as needed. They also have a certified respiratory therapist on staff. Mori Medical represents four of the top manufacturers of POC’s in the United States. Mr. Mori says that it is important to match the right equipment with an individual’s lifestyle and needs. “Our goal” he says,” is to help people limited by their medical conditions to have the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest.” For more information, you can contact Mori Medical Equipment Inc. at (760) 659-4200 or email Mr. Mori at

Tired of wolves gnawing on your fruit trees, gophers snatching your vegetation from below, or rats scuttling up your downspouts? Invite a couple of barn owls over and they’ll gobble up the vermin at a rate of 2,000 a year. The universal party invite they all recognize is a nest box. “Barn owls are incredibly widespread in America, so when you put up your nest box, you’ll start seeing barn owls take roost in them in short order, and then they’ll start going to work for you,” said Tom Stephan, master falconer, raptor expert, and owner of Barn Owl Boxes in Ramona. “Using natural predators is more effective than conventional trapping or poisons, it’s economical, eco-friendly, and protects local wildlife,” he added. Tom and his team of craftsmen hand make every owl box out of Mahogany plywood panels made from recycled materials. For as little as $350 installed, you can get the party started with a basic owl box. And buying a box is a one-time investment, as they cost nothing to maintain and the owls are very good at keeping their nest boxes clean. If you have more to spend, the Hoo’s Hoo box with installed cam-

era is one of their best sellers. Just connect the camera to your TV or computer and enjoy the best reality show you’ll ever watch. In fact, Tom installed “Molly’s Box” in a yard in San Marcos and it’s livestreamed footage became an Internet phenomenon. Tom’s lifelong passion

for birds of prey began in 1962 while doing research for a wild animal report in second grade. This led to much climbing of trees to better observe birds, which led to a career as a tree trimmer (and later a certified arborist.) While bidding a job, he noticed an improperly hung owl box in

a potential client’s yard. He offered to install it at the proper height and angle needed to attract owls, and three days later the lady was thrilled to report that a pair of barn owls had begun nesting in it. “This was the first owl nest box I installed.” said Tom. “Now, nearly 25 years later I have over 36,000 under my belt. I’m so grateful that my passionate hobby has led me to such a fulfilling career. I spend my days sharing my enthusiasm and knowledge of nature and its inhabitants with people around the world. This is my definition of success.” Learn more at or call (760) 445-2023.

Why everyone needs an estate plan Save a fortune on estate taxes, ensure your assets go to the heirs of your choice, and avoid costly, time-consuming probate By Angela L. Vehorn,

Author of “Estate Planning and Elder Care”* It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week! In 2008 the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC), in conjunction with Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) and 49 of his colleagues, co-sponsored and helped pass H. Res. 1499, which declared the third week in October National Estate Planning Awareness Week. This means that in 2012, National Estate Planning Awareness Week falls on Oct. 15 through Oct. 21. Did you know: The majority of Americans over 65 are totally dependent on their Social Security checks. With proper knowledge and planning, future generations can have a more secure retirement. It is estimated that over 120 million Americans do not have an up-to-date estate plan to protect themselves and their families, making estate planning one of the most overlooked areas of personal financial management. With advance planning, issues such as guardianship of children, managing bill paying and

assets in the event of sickness or disability, care of a special needs child, longterm care needs, and distribution of retirement assets can all be handled with sensitivity and care, a reasonable cost. The majority of Americans lack the ability to adequately plan for their retirement. This can be changed immediately with knowledge and the right planning tools, such as living trusts, pourover wills, advance health care directives and irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILITs). Many people mistakenly believe that since they aren’t “rich” they do not need to do any financial and estate planning. Estate planning is not just for the wealthy and is important for everyone. This attitude can be financially harmful in the longrun and can be avoided with proactive action. You care deeply about your family and you want to ensure the assets you have worked so hard for will go to them when you die. How much of your estate will go to taxes and attorneys? How much will be left for your heirs? Your estate plan determines the answers to these questions. Therefore,

it is imperative that you take the time to consider which estate-planning options, such as living trusts, are available and which are best for your particular circumstances. The living trust may also be called a revocable living trust, inter vivos (Latin for “while living”) trust, A-B trust, or the double trust system. It is named the “living trust” because it is in effect during your lifetime and enables you to observe and control the trust, giving you the opportunity to alter or amend any provisions. This type of control is not possible with a will or an irrevocable trust. Remember that the living trust is a creature that is entirely dependent upon the words within it. Thus, it needs to be carefully drafted to contain the things you want and which are appropriate to you. Having a living trust means that, since all your assets are inside the trust, you do not hold title to anything. Since you have nothing in title in your own name, there is nothing to probate upon your death. With these factors in mind, we are offering estate planning (for those with

estates under $2 million) and advanced estate planning workshops (for individuals with higher net worth) on the following dates: • Wednesday, May 22, 6 p.m. Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas • Thursday, May 30, at 7 p.m., Carlsbad Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad Please call (760) 8222640 to secure a spot. Space is limited. For more information, visit our website at We look forward to seeing you there! If you are unable to attend the above workshops, please call to schedule a home appointment or one at our convenient Carlsbad office. Angela has worked with estate planning attorneys, including renowned estate planning attorney Donald J. Burris (author of “Protecting Your Assets”) since 1987. In addition to her book “Estate Planning and Elder Care,” she has co-authored several books on the subject. She’s been participating in estate planning seminars since the early 1990s, and has been a certified paralegal since 1989. She is licensed to work as a legal document preparer in Arizona and California. *Book available on


MAY 17, 2013



Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call Chris Kydd at (760) 436-9737, ext. 110.

Could this be your solution to numbness, tingling or burning pains? Do you have any of the following symptoms? Pins and needles feeling? Numbness in the hands or feet? Tingling or burning sensations? Weakness in the arms or legs? Sharp shooting or burning pains? If so, you may have a condition called Peripheral Neuropathy. Numbness, tingling, and pain are an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go...interrupt your sleep...and even make your arms or legs feel weak at times. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all the tests indicate you should feel fine. More Drugs Are Not The Solution. A common treatment for many nerve problems is the ‘take some pills and wait and see’ method. While this may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, using them long term is no way to live.

Some of the more common drugs given include pain pills, anti-seizure mediations, and anti-depressants — all of which can have serious side effects. My name is Dr. Jeff Listiak. I’ve been helping people with neuropathy and nerve problems for more than 6 years. Neuropathy can be caused by Diabetes, Chemotherapy, Toxins, etc. It may also be compounded by poor posture or a degenerating spine stressing the nerves. The good news is that NeuropathyDR™ combination treatments have proven effective in helping patients with these health problems. Here’s what one of my patients had to say: “I had been feeling very sharp pains in my feet… they just felt like they were on fire. I just couldn’t stand it… every night for the last year or two. I’m so excited today to tell Dr Jeff that four days in a row I have felt no pain whatsoever.” — Marilyn

You could soon be enjoying life...without those aggravating and life-disrupting problems. Don’t Miss This Limited Time Offer. It’s time for you to find out if NeuropathyDR™ treatment protocols could be your neuropathy solution. For the next 14 days only, $20 will get you a complete NeuropathyDR™ Analysis that I normally charge $255 for! What does this offer include? Everything. • An in-depth discussion about your health and wellbeing where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. • A posture, spine, range of motion, and nerve function examination. • A thorough analysis of your exam findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain and numbness free. • A thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping

out your plan to being pain and numbness free. • And, if after the thorough analysis we feel we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that right away. Until May 31st, 2013 you can get everything I’ve listed here for only $20. So, you’re saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer. Call (760) 230-2949 now. We can get you scheduled for your NeuropathyDR™ Analysis as long as there is an opening before May 31st. Our office is located just off Interstate 5 and Encinitas Boulevard. When you call, tell us you’d like to come in for the NeuropathyDR™ Analysis so we can get you on the schedule and make sure you receive proper credit for this special Don't let numbness, tingling and pain hold you back from what you love to do. analysis. have until May 31st to reserve when there could be help for an appointment.Why suffer for your problem. Take me up on my offer years in misery? That’s no way to live, not and call today (760) 230-2949. P.S. Remember, you only

Sincerely, Dr. Jeff Listiak, D.C.

Tips for keeping smartphone secure A smartphone can contain a lot of information that its owner would rather keep private. But 39 percent of the more than 100 million American adult smartphone owners fail to take even minimal security measures, such as using a screen lock, backing up data or installing an app to locate a missing phone or remotely wipe its data, according to Consumer Reports’ Annual State of the Net survey. At least 7.1 million smartphones were irreparably damaged, lost or stolen and not recovered last year, Consumer Reports projects. Yet 69 percent of smartphone users hadn’t backed up their data, including photos and contacts. Just 22 percent had installed software that could locate their lost phone. The report revealed that though most smartphone users haven’t suffered serious losses because of their phone, there are wireless threats that merit concern. Among them: malicious software. Last year, 5.6 million smartphone users experienced undesired behavior on their phones, such as the sending of unauthorized text messages or the accessing of accounts without their permission, Consumer Reports projects. Those symptoms are indicative of the presence of malicious software. The location tracking

If you use an insecure Wi-Fi hot spot, Consumer Reports advises that you make sure apps that handle sensitive data use secure transmission — or use a virtual private network. Image courtesy of Consumer Reports

feature that all smartphones have can also leave users vulnerable to wireless threats. One percent of smartphone users told surveyors that they or a person in their household had been harassed or harmed after someone used tracking technology to pinpoint their phone’s location. Consumer Reports also projects that at least 5.1 million preteens use their own smartphones. In doing so, they may unwittingly disclose personal information or risk their

safety. A smartphone can be quite secure if users take a few basic precautions, Consumer Reports found. Those precautions include: — Using a strong passcode. A four-digit one, which 23 percent of users reported using, is better than nothing. But on Android phones and iPhones earlier than the iPhone 5, a thief using the right software can crack such a code in 20 minutes, according to Charlie Miller, security engineer for Twitter. A longer

code that includes letters and symbols is far stronger. — Install apps cautiously. Malicious apps may not lurk around every corner, but they’re out there and can be tricky to spot. For example, Consumer Reports projects that 1.6 million users had been fooled into installing what seemed to be a wellknown brand-name app but was actually a malicious imposter. iPhone users have one source for apps, Apple’s App Store, where there have been few reports of malicious apps. If you use an Androidbased phone, you can get apps from numerous sources, so stick with the two most reputable: Google Play and Amazon’s Appstore. — Be alert to insecure Wi-Fi. A projected 13 million users engaged in financial transactions at hot spots in hotels, retail stores and airports last year. Before using any app to do business at a hot spot, users should check the app’s privacy policy to see whether it secures wireless transmissions of such data. Otherwise, they may disclose sensitive information to a nearby criminal. — Turn off location tracking. Disable it except when it’s needed, such as for driving directions. Only one in three smartphone owners surveyed by Consumer Reports had turned it off at times during the previous year. — Clean out your old phone. Before you sell or recycle your phone, remove any memory card, restore its factory settings and make sure all sensitive info is deleted.

Women & heart health: Special considerations Health Watch By the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas

More than 42 million women in the United States are living with some form of cardiovascular disease, and they are more likely than men to die from the condition, according to the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease. Post-menopausal women are particularly at risk, but all women face specific challenges in dealing with heart attack and heart disease. Common Risk Factors. The most common risk factors for heart attack and heart disease are the same for women as they are for men. They include high blood pressure and cholesterol,diabetes,smoking,and an early family history of the conditions. It is important to note that patients may live with heart disease for many years and never have a heart attack. Female-Specific Symptoms. Women are more likely than men to report chest pain that is intense, sharp, or burning. However, women do not always have the typical symptoms of heart attack: chest pressure radiating through the back and arms, lasting longer than 10 minutes, with sweating and nausea. Instead, women may report isolated symptoms that are not typical in all heart patients. One study found 70 percent of women with heart conditions reported unusual fatigue and shortness of breath, while about half said they had experienced sleep disturbance.

Delayed Doctor’s Appointment. Studies show that women will wait longer than men to go to a doctor after experiencing chest pain or a heart attack. This means women have a greater risk of dying in the hospital following a heart attack and tend to die sooner after they are released from the hospital. Women should seek medical treatment as soon as possible after a heart attack to avoid experiencing a longer and more difficult road to recovery. False Positive Stress Tests. A treadmill exercise stress test performed on a female heart patient is more likely to result in a false positive reading, which can result in an incorrect diagnosis of heart disease. In a treadmill stress test, an electrocardiogram (EKG) is used along with blood-pressure readings to determine the heart’s performance during exercise. In healthy patients, blood pressure should increase but the EKG readings should remain steady, or else blood flow to the heart is a concern. However, women tend to have non-specific EKG changes during exercise, which can lead to a false positive result. If a physician is suspicious of a false positive, a stress echocardiogram or nuclear stress test, which images the heart with ultrasound or gamma camera, respectively,can be used to rule out the possibility of a blocked or narrowed heart artery.

“Health Watch” is brought to you by the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas. For more information or for physician referral, call 1-800-SCRIPPS or visit


MAY 17, 2013

Pierre Sleiman Sr, and his son, Pierre Sleiman Jr., run Go Green Agriculture, a hyper-local hydroponic farm that’s a template for future businesses on Ecke Ranch. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Hydroponic farm offers glimpse into Ecke Ranch’s future By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Pierre Sleiman began experimenting with hydroponic farming in his garage as a college student four years ago. These days, his company, the newest tenant on Ecke Ranch, is on the cutting edge of organic farming. Sleiman, now in his mid20s, studied computer science and business in school — not agriculture. And he doesn’t come from a family of farmers. But through hard work and a lot of trial and error, he’s made Go Green Agriculture a key piece in Ecke Ranch’s future. Last year, the Carlsbadbased nonprofit Leichtag Foundation bought the 67acre Ecke Ranch. Among its goals for the property, the foundation aims to promote innovative community and commercial farming techniques, including organic hydroponics. “The foundation has a vision for what they want to do on the property, as far as this new high-tech type of agriculture, that invites youth and a new way of doing things,” Sleiman said. “We’re very excited to be a part of that.” In Go Green Agriculture’s greenhouse, lettuce, kale and spinach are harvested throughout the year — all without dirt or tractors. Here’s how it works: Instead of soil, the produce is kept in trays several feet off the ground. Nutrient-rich water is pumped to the roots of the plants via channels underneath the trays. Water that isn’t absorbed by the plants is collected by a tank and circulates back into the system. “At other farms, you have seasons,” Sleiman said. “Here it’s just nonstop.” There are plenty of advantages to the soil-free approach — insects, compost and pathogens like E. coli aren’t an issue. Plus, there’s no runoff, so Go Green Agriculture uses 85 percent less water than the average farm.

Hydroponic farming is all about tempering the environment. After moving onto the property this past December, Go Green retrofitted the roof of greenhouse once used for cultivating the poinsettias that made the Eckes famous, to control the amount of sunlight that creeps in. And other variables like temperature and humidity are continuously collected via sensors and analyzed. In theory, it sounds like simple automation, or so Sleiman thought after reading several books about the technique when he was first getting into hydroponic farming. In practice, Sleiman said pinpointing the exact conditions that sprout healthy crops took a lot of research and development. Before leasing six acres on Ecke Ranch, Go Green operated a nearby half-acre plot where Sleiman said he “failed pretty much every way imaginable.” “We lost crop after crop for a year,” Sleiman said. “It was the steepest learning curve imaginable.” Now, with the formula perfected, Go Green delivers agriculture to local restaurants and grocers like Seaside Market nearly every day, and Go Green is eyeing other plots of land in California for expansion. “We approach this strictly from a technical or engineering standpoint,” said Sleiman, who runs Go Green with the help of his mom, sister and dad. “We think that’s unique in the farming world.” Jim Farely, president and CEO of the Leichtag Foundation, said the foundation is in the beginning stages of drawing up plans for a variety of community and educational farming programs at Ecke Ranch. Alongside these, he envisions a host of farming businesses dedicated to sustainability and supplying the local market with produce — and Go Green is the first

piece of the puzzle. “Go Green Agriculture will be like the Nordstrom in our agricultural shopping center,” Farely said. “Around them, there will be all sorts of small, urban farming businesses.” Preference for plots of land will go to “young farmers with big ideas,” Farely said. Currently, there are two other tenants on Ecke Ranch: flower grower Dramm and Echter, as well as the Dutch-based Agribio Group. This past fall, Agribio Group purchased the business assets of the international Paul Ecke Ranch company, including the intellectual property and growing operations in Guatemala. The Leichtag Foundation agreed to lease about six acres of land on Ecke Ranch to Agribio for three years. After the lease is up, Agribio will likely leave, Farely said. For the time being, Go Green is drawing positive attention to Ecke Ranch. Tom Vilsack, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, recently visited Go Green during a trip to California to learn more about the benefits of hydroponic farming, as well as the challenges of the practice. Many young farmers are eligible for grants to help them get started. Yet there are fewer available for young hydroponic growers since it’s such a new technique and not always classified as farming. “The Secretary of Agriculture coming here — that’s really exciting and shows we’re going in the right direction,” Farely said. Paul Ecke III, who made the decision to sell Ecke Ranch to the Leichtag Foundation, said that all the recent changes are exciting. For one, he noted that Go Green is the first food-related agricultural company on the property. “There’s a lot of good coming to fruition,” Ecke said. “I love seeing what they’re doing.”



Group alleges misconduct over Quarry Creek housing decision By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — Local environmentalist group Preserve Calavera has demanded the withdrawal of Carlsbad City Council’s decision approving the Quarry Creek housing development. The group is alleging that council members held an illegal closed session

MAY 17, 2013


meeting about the project, therefore making their decision invalid. City Attorney Celia Brewer has denied that any closed session meetings on Quarry Creek took place. She said that the statement by Mayor Matt Hall that Preserve Calavera based its claims on was a fumbling of words during a late night

meeting that lasted more than five hours. On May 6, Preserve Calavera’s attorney Everett DeLano submitted a letter to the city claiming that City Council violated the Brown Act, which requires city governments to provide public notice in advance of closed session meetings and later publicly report any action taken during such meetings. The group pointed to a statement that Hall made during discussions of Quarry Creek at a March 26 City Council meeting. During the statement in question, Hall was raising the issue of whether or not City Council should continue the meeting, which at the time had extended past 11 p.m., or continue discussions to a subsequent meeting. He explained to other council members that before they made a final decision on the Quarry Creek proposal, “We’re going to have to give input on those items that we discussed in closed session so we can provide the final documents.” Brewer said that Hall misspoke due to the late hour, and he was instead referring to items publically brought forth by the Planning Commission, which he had referenced seconds before. “It was 11:30 at night,” she said. Preserve Calavera has been the largest, most continuous opposition to the 656-housing unit Quarry Creek development during the city’s months-long

review and deliberation. Dozens of members have spoken and made presentations against the project at public meetings and collectively submitted hundreds of pages of correspondence to the city, citing concerns about the project’s impact on the natural habitat and historical attributes of the development’s site. “It is certainly public knowledge that Preserve Calavera does not support the Quarry Creek project as it was approved,” said DeLano. Should the group be able to establish that a closed session meeting took place and actions were taken, the city would be required to retract the decision by City Council on April 2 that approved the Quarry Creek project, according to DeLano. When asked whether the Brown Act claim was an attempt by Preserve Calavera to find legal means to delay or halt Quarry Creek, DeLano said, “I don’t think it’s (the allegation) a foil. (Brown Act violations are) definitely a part of Preserve Calavera’s concerns.” But he said further, “Does it have Preserve Calavera’s attention because it’s Quarry Creek? Well, I’d have to say yes.” He also stated, “If it were another open government issue that didn’t involve Quarry Creek, would they be involved? I don’t know.” Brewer said that the city will respond to Preserve Calavera’s letter within 30 days to establish that no violation occurred.

GOP women to honor military in the Ranch RANCHO SANTA FE — Fairbanks Republican Women Federated is proud to present their annual salute to the military at 5:30 p.m. May 23, honoring retired Air Force Col. Martha McSally at an evening reception at a private home in Rancho Santa Fe. FRWF will also be presenting Dave Smith of Honor Flight San Diego a donation to benefit Honor Flight’s mission of hosting World War II veterans to visit the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C. McSally was the first female United States fighter pilot to fly in combat, and the first to command a fighter squadron in combat as well. She earned national

recognition for successfully overturning a military policy requiring all U.S. servicewomen to wear a Muslim abaya and headscarf when off base in Saudi Arabia. She ran unsuccessfully for the congressional seat in the 2nd district of Arizona, coming short of victory by the narrowest margin in the 2012 election cycle. Guests will gather at 5:30 p.m. enjoying Margaritas, wine and a taco bar. Admission is $30 for FRWF members and $35 for those yet to join. Gift cards for military families will also be collected. Make reservations at or at (858) 3531929. Address and directions will be given after RSVP.

Children’s charity invites community to luncheon COAST CITIES — The community is invited to join members of the St. Germaine Children’s Charity at its annual Membership and Awards luncheon June 6 with registration beginning at 11:30 a.m. at La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club. Register online at harity/EventRegistration. html. Tickets are $85 each. The event is to award grants and to celebrate with the 2013-14 recipients. St. Germaine Children’s Charity will announce and award 18 2013 grants to local agencies that help combat child abuse in San Diego County, including the Barbara Christiansen Heart of San Diego Founder’s Award. Applicants are reviewed and evaluated by a sixteen-member panel, and agency site visits are part of the evaluation. This year’s guest speaker is Mack Jenkins from the San Diego County Probation Department, who will share his office’s perspective on child abuse prevention. Also, during the event, the outgoing board members are recognized and new board members

are voted on for installation. All donations made to the organization are directed to the grant recipients. This year $148,000 will be awarded. The money is raised through the annual St. Germaine Silver Tea, a San Diego holiday tradition, and by other donations throughout the year. St. Germaine, a secular community organization, sponsors social service agencies responsible for the care, shelter, and treatment of abused and at-risk children from birth to age 18. In addition to annual monetary awards and grants to support program services, the organization provides clothing, equipment, toys, school supplies, household items, and volunteer time through our members and community partners. St. Germaine relies on fundraising events such as the annual Silver Tea in December, cash donations, membership dues, and inkind donations to support the programs. Founded in 1984, it is staffed entirely by volunteers, the organization’s administrative costs are paid through membership dues.


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MAY 17, 2013

Lone Pine Film History Museum pays homage to industry E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road The celebration of the history of moviemaking in and around Lone Pine, Calif., started as a film festival and morphed into a museum. Today, the Lone Pine Film History Museum pays homage to the movie and television industry and the stars of past and present with its exhibits of hundreds of posters, artifacts, memorabilia and one-of-a-kind cars. Think icons like John Wayne; Gene Autry; Roy Rogers; William Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy); Clayton Moore (The Lone Ranger); Jay Silverheels (Tonto); Randolph Scott; and Johnny Mack Brown. Also think Robert Downey Jr.; Demi Moore; Brad Pitt; Kevin Bacon; Mel Gibson; Kirk Douglas; William Shatner; James Garner; and Gregory Peck . The list goes on, but the common denominator is that all of these actors and dozens

more spent days, weeks and months in Lone Pine territory making the movies we know and love. Early on in filmmaking history, the landscape of the Eastern Sierra was seen as the ideal place to shoot westerns, dramas and sci-fi flicks, according to museum director and an Inyo County film commissioner Christopher Langley. He arrived in Lone Pine, population 2,035, some 40 years ago by way of Dartmouth College and the Peace Corp.The mountains and geological formations, the valleys, the exquisite light both early and late in the day — all made for attractive, dramatic and majestic backdrops. “Eventually the importance of a museum was evident,” Langley said. And thanks to large donations of money and artifacts from Beverly and Jim Rogers of Intermountain West Communications Company, the idea became reality. My husband and I discovered the museum driving south on Highway 395 on our way home from Mammoth Lakes. We made a quick U-turn to check it out, and the stop was well worth abandoning our

Valley area. “(In 2011), we brought in $10.5 million,” he told the Inyo Register last year. Langley also writes a regular column for the Register to keep residents informed about area projects, and conducts several tours of filming and historical sites. “I think our museum is different than others because we can actually go out to our ‘back lot’ and see where the films are shot — see where John Wayne or Gregory Peck stood.” The museum can serve as a break room for directors, Filmmakers used the Eastern actors and crew. For instance, Sierra near Lone Pine as a back- in 2011 while filming “Django drop in the first “Iron Man,” starring Unchained,” Quentin Robert Downey, Jr. Photo courtesy Tarantino rented the museum According to the Lone Pine Film of the Lone Pine Film History to show spaghetti westerns to History Museum, singing cowboy Museum Gene Autry is the only entertainer to have five stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He earned them for his work in film, television, radio, recording and live performance. From the late 1930s to the mid1950s, Autry and his horse, Champion, made more than 20 theatrical features and 12 TV episodes in the Lone Pine area. Photo courtesy of the Lone Pine Film History Museum

schedule. The custom, over-the-top, be-horned 1975 Cadillac El

The cast of “Django Unchained” relaxed at the Lone Pine Film History Museum during filming in 2011. From left: director Quentin Tarantino; actors Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz and James Russo; and Inyo Film Commissioner Christopher Langley. Courtesy photo

Dorado that sits just inside the door tells visitors immediately that this place is a gem. The car, once owned by famed Hollywood costume designer Nudie Cohn, is one of several unique autos given to the museum. Surrounding the El Dorado are posters, artifacts, memorabilia and souvenirs from movies, television shows and commercials that compete for attention in the 10,500square-foot building. The extensive list of movies produced in this area includes “Star Trek V” and “Star TrekVII;”“Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen;” “Around the World in 80 Days;” “The Great Race;” “Gladiator;” “G.I. Jane;” “How the West Was Won;” “Maverick;” “Kalifornia;” “Have Gun, Will Travel;” “Wagon Train;” and the “The Rockford Files.” The latest Superman movie,“Man of Steel,” also was filmed near Lone Pine. “We want to tie the museum into the present as well as the past,” said Langley, whose job as a film commissioner is to help filmmakers find what they need in the Lone Pine/Eastern Sierra/Death

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cast and crew.When he saw the exhibit dedicated to the first “Iron Man” film, Langley said, “he said he wanted his exhibit to be better than the ‘Iron Man’ exhibit, so he gave us the dentist’s wagon.” Tarantino also donated his director’s chair and an autographed copy of the working script. The museum is open every day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.Admission is $5. Visit, or call (760) 8769100. E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at


MAY 17, 2013


Water board works on run-off problems community CALENDAR COAST CITIES — The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, approved a regional municipal separate storm water sewer system (MS4) permit May 8 designed to prevent pollutants such as trash, metals, bacteria, chemicals and pesticides from being washed into storm drains and into creeks, rivers and the ocean. Called a Regional MS4 Permit, it is a region-wide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit that will regulate MS4 discharges to inland surface waters, bays and estuaries and coastal waters throughout the three counties within the San Diego Region. The Regional MS4

Permit will jointly cover 39 municipal, county government, and special district entities (referred to jointly as co-permittees) located in San Diego County, Southern Orange County and Southwestern Riverside County, who own and operate large MS4s which discharge storm water (wet weather) runoff and non-storm water (dry weather) runoff to surface waters throughout the San Diego Region. The co-permitees will be covered by the new Regional MS4 Permit in a phased a manner as their current MS4 permits expire or upon request for earlier coverage prior to permit expiration. Storm water runoff is a major state-wide water quali-

ty problem, posing a threat to human health and water ecosystems. In the San Diego Region, pollutants in urban runoff have caused beach closings, impairment of streams, creeks, and bays, fish consumption warnings, reduced habitat for threatened and endangered species and unsightly accumulations of trash and debris in surface waters. “The new storm water permit is designed to give municipalities the flexibility to implement a watershedbased approach to restoring and maintaining the health of our waters in the most affordable, effective, and measureable way,” said San Diego Water Board Executive Officer David Gibson. Gibson explained the watershed approach is necessary to uniformly regulate storm water runoff in all three counties and provide the community-based approach most likely to achieve lasting improvements in water quality. A key feature of the Regional MS4 Permit is that it provides a flexible and adaptive process for the copermittees to select and address the highest priority water quality issues.

The process also allows the co-permittees to build upon their efforts to achieve goals that will yield the greatest water quality improvements. The regional approach also offers the opportunity to better achieve regulatory consistency as well as maximum efficiency and economy of resources for both the San Diego Water Board and the co-permittees. The Regional MS4 Permit requires cities and towns in the regional board jurisdiction to develop a plan to reduce the pollutants in storm water, to prevent nonstorm water discharges, and to monitor the results and take corrective action when goals are not met. Storm water discharge permit holders have a wide range of strategies available under the new permit to reduce pollution including public education of residents for activities like car washing and pesticide use, retrofitting of existing areas with permeable materials to remove pollutants, and requiring engineering practices that allow for storm water capture and re-use. For more information on the Regional MS4 Permit, visit

Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via email to

MARK THE DATE WINE TIME The Encinitas Rotary Wine Festival will be from 5 to 8 p.m. June 1 at the San Diego Botanic Garden to benefit the Community Resource Center. For more information call (760) 2306304.



Southern Caregiver Resource Center hosts its Bastille Day fundraiser 4 to 8 p.m. July 13 at Fairbanks Ranch Clubhouse, 16401 Circa Del Norte, Rancho Santa Fe with French cuisine from French Gourmet, wine tastings and a silent auction. Tickets can be purchased for $150 online at




Come enjoy Advanced Math Open House at Torrey Pines High School, a showcase of advanced math courses from 6:30 to 8 p.m. May 28 at Torrey Pines High School Gym, 3710 Del Mar Heights Road, featuring students from Abby Brown's math classes will present projects to represent their knowledge in various math topics. DEMOCRATS MEET The Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club will host San Diego Mayor Bob Filner at 6:30 p.m. May 23, Lomas Santa Fe CC, 1505 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. Non-members and/or guests: $25, payable by at the door.



El Camino Creek Elementary invites all to its carnival from 3 to 7 p.m. May 17 on campus at 7885 Paseo Aliso, Carlsbad. Enjoy rides, games, food, a cakewalk, face-painting, photo booth, a classic auto show and more. Wristbands are $20 and single tickets $1. Admission is free. The proceeds will support music, science and technology.

MAY 17 DINE AGAINST CANCER A Farm-to-Table organic vegan, five-course, prix-fixe fundraising dinner and Pop Up Shop will be from 6 to 11 p.m. May 18 at 1057-A S. Coast Highway, Oceanside, on behalf of the Keep A Breast (KAB) Foundation. For more details, visit m-to-table/e24693.

Show will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. May 18 at the Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, with fashions from local shops. The event benefits Carol’s House and other Community Resource Center programs. Tickets at DEMA office, 818 S. Coast Highway 101 or PROTECT YOUR SKIN For Melanoma Awareness Month, Art of Skin MD and other retailers in Beachwalk Center, Solana Beach will host SolSearch 2013 on behalf of the Skin Cancer Foundation from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and a fundraiser party from 4 to 7 p.m. May 18. To RSVP for the party, visit SAVING SPECIES From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 18, the Buena Vista Audubon Society celebrates Endangered Species Day at the Nature Center, 2202 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside. Family fun with scavenger hunts, tracking, story times and crafts. For more information, call BVAS at (760) 439-2473.




Enjoy a free weekend tour of Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park, 6200 Flying Leo Carrillo Lane, Carlsbad. The 90minute, docent-led tours are held Saturdays at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and Sundays at noon and 2 p.m. Wear comfortable walking shoes or boots. Reservations are not required. BREAKING FREE Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center Trails will be the site for the Hospice of the North Coast butterfly release 2 to 4 p.m. May 19 at 1580 Cannon Road, Carlsbad. To register, call (760) 431-4100.

MAY 21 BONSAI BUNCH Bonsai and Beyond Club meets in the Ecke Building at the San Diego Botanical Garden every month on the third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. for tray landscapes, Bonsai and more. FASHION FIRST North Coast Women's Connection invites you to “One Thousand Years of Fashion,” by Jean Showalter, with guest speaker, Donna Jacobson on “Chosen Twice for Adoption” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 21 at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club, 505 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. $22 at the door.


what obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) feels like from the inside at “Rewind, Replay, Repeat” by Jeff Bell from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. May 22 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive, La HIGH FASHION The Jolla. Tickets are $55 and $5 Encinitas Lifestyles Fashion for self-parking. For more information, call (858) 6373231.

MAY 18

HEALTH CARE AND YOUR BUSINESS North Coast San Diego Society for Human Resource Management “Health Care Reform – Part I - What Will It Cost Your Company?” with a 7:30 a.m. registration and networking and 8 a.m. breakfast and presentation May 22 at the Sheraton Resort & Spa, 5480 Grand Pacific Drive, Carlsbad. For reservations, visit

MAY 23 RSF LIBRARY FUN The Rancho Santa Fe Library, 17040 Avenida de Acacias, offers story times at 10:30 a.m. for preschoolers Tuesdays and for toddlers on Fridays. At 3:30 p.m. May 23 - Memorial Day Craft and 3:30 p.m. May 30 - “Reading is Soooo Delicious,” introduction to the Summer Reading Program 2013, which begins June 15.



MAY 17, 2013


Winston School hosts dinner The Winston School is celebrating 25 years of educating students with learning differences. The school hosted a dinner celebration for 500 Winston students, alumni, their families, teachers, friends and supporters including members of the Del Mar City Council on April 20. Guests traveled from as far away as Tucson and Baton Rouge to attend and many of the alumni attendees had only spent their middle school years at Winston, but were deeply affected by their experience. Emceed by Mike Peterson, the school’s headmaster for eight years, the evening highlights included the Winston Blues Band and the Winston High School Band performances, the school's first graduate Tallie-Mae Gibson, as well as the previous headmaster and current board president Mark Kimball and one of the school's founders Dr. Sarita Eastman. The presentations, music, dancing, game truck, photo booth and kid's corner added fun and excitement to an already festive event, but the essence of the evening was more profound as captured in Peterson's words, “Who knew such a small school could be so big?” Graduate Brian Lafferty offered a student's perspective on Facebook: "Saturday night was

filled to the brim with fun, good times, and nostalgia. The Winston School of Del Mar celebrated its 25th anniversary at the Mission Tower at the Del Mar Fairgrounds….I owe my life and much of my success to The Winston School. Getting me into this fine program was the best thing my mother - bless her soul - ever did for me." While Brian's story is

Who knew such a small school could be so big?” Mike Peterson Headmaster

the only one featured here, it's one of hundreds that students past and present and their family and friends could tell as this school changes lives for all involved. Often a last stop after a student's odyssey through other schools, Winston becomes an immediate game changer, teaching students in a way that he or she learns and not the other way around. By seeking to find a student’s passions and strengths, both the student and the school are successful. So for students who failed classes, struggled to

make friends, and had little hope of ever graduating, they discover learning differently is simply a difference and being accepted is the norm. At the 25th anniversary party, many found themselves looking back and giving credit to the school for the life they live today. Brian's story says it all. He and they found their place at Winston.

ABOUT THE WINSTON SCHOOL The Winston School is a college preparatory program which offers hope and success for children with learning differences in grades 4 through 12. A group of pediatricians and parents in San Diego founded the school in 1988 for bright children whose needs were not being met in traditional school settings. Students such as those struggling with autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADD, ADHD, specific learning disabilities or learning disorders, nonverbal learning disorders and slow maturation find what they need in the school’s small, safe and caring environment. For more information visit, contact or call 858-2598155.

North County is the home to superb educational opportunities When folks talk about some of the leading centers in the country for great education, places like Cambridge, MA – home of MIT and Harvard University, or Palo Alto, CA – home of Stanford University and Silicon Valley, often come to mind. Now it’s time for North San Diego County to enter into the discussion. “We have a powerful K12 system, two excellent community colleges, one of the highest-in-demand state college campuses in California, and we have a number of private institutions and programs,” said Dr. Jan Jackson, who chairs the board at the San Diego North Economic Development Council and serves as vice president for community engagement at Cal State San Marcos. The North County region also boasts a long tradition of superb cooperation among local K-12 community colleges, Cal State San Marcos, and private universities and colleges. No matter where you turn, the focus in North County education is to ensure that students get the degrees or skills they need to flourish in the workplace. A report produced last year by BW Research Partnership of Carlsbad found that North County businesses employed some 22,000 people in the areas of innovation and specialized manufacturing in

2012, accounting for about 8 percent of the workforce. The report anticipates growth of more than 1,400 jobs over the next four years in these fields, which paid an average annual salary of $93,442 in 2011. Jobs in professional, scientific and technical services, meanwhile, are anticipated to increase by more than 8 percent by 2017, with jobs in the government and health care sectors expected to rise by nearly 10 percent each. In order to prepare our local students for these highpaying local jobs, educational institutions in our area have teamed up with industry. Case in point, MiraCosta College and Cal State San Marcos offer superb biotechnology programs. In fact, MiraCosta College’s biotechnology facility, built with donations from local industry, has been named a Center of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Labor. Our three local colleges also collectively prepare hundreds of students each year for jobs in the health care fields. And earlier this year, MiraCosta College teamed up with the National Tooling and Machining Association, the City of Oceanside, and others to create a program that prepares students for careers as trained machinists. Our local community colleges are also working to ensure teenagers are prepared for higher education. Among

programs in which MiraCosta and Palomar colleges take part is GEAR UP.Through this federally funded project, colleges work with and track middle school students from disadvantaged areas through their first year of college. MiraCosta College also offers Summer Bridge, a six-week program that focuses on getting graduating African-American high school students to strengthen their academic skills, develop a peer support network and familiarize themselves with the demands of college life. Once students attend community colleges like MiraCosta College, they can take advantage of transfer agreements with several UC and CSU campuses, including Cal State San Marcos. Last year alone, more than 3,600 MiraCosta College students transferred to nearly every UC and CSU in California and to colleges and universities throughout the country. In short, the North County region is home to a system where local K-12 districts work hard preparing students to attend schools like MiraCosta College, who in turn prepare those students to attend local universities or train them to join our local workforce. It is this commitment to superb educational opportunities that make North County a bastion of education, one where anything is possible.

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MAY 17, 2013


EDUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITIES We meet the needs of gifted students 141 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., Encinitas, CA 92024

At the Rhoades School, we nurture the development of gifted students from kindergarten through eighth grade. We balance a challenging curriculum with an added emphasis on social development, and are guided by four basic principles: • We teach our students how to think, not what to think. • How we teach is as important as what we teach. • We work to instill a sense of healthy competition, collaboration and confidence. • Satisfying our students’ hunger for learning is more important than standardized test scores. Now accepting applications for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Our Mission: The Rhoades School supports the positive development of bright, academically advanced, productive, creative, and socially able students in grades kindergarten through eight. Here, students are provided with an appropriate curriculum, a supportive peer group, and suitable guidance in an encouraging and thoughtful manner. We seek to establish in each student a singular love of learning for its own sake. The Rhoades School was founded on the realization that there was a distinct need for a program which comprehensively met the needs of gifted students. Even among

other esteemed private schools, The Rhoades School stands out as our mission uniquely and distinctively targets students that are gifted and talented. The uncommon abilities of extremely bright students require that the educators with whom they work have an in-depth understanding of, not only multiple academic subject areas and the most effective methods by which to teach those subjects, but also a sensitivity to the unique social needs that are often present in the profiles of gifted and talented students. We are a school of 300 total student body, with typi-

cally two classes of each grade level. Our students enjoy small class sizes and a specialized faculty, with expert instruction outside of the child’s homeroom beginning in kindergarten. These specialized classes include Science, Technology, Spanish, Music, Physical Education and Art. We are located on Rancho Santa Fe Road in south Encinitas on the border of Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe. We are currently enrolling for the 2013-2014 school year. Please contact Call Kem Graham at 760-4361102 or to schedule a private tour.

Ninety percent of Pacific Academy students achieve honor roll status Enrolling in a quality college preparatory school enhances students’ chances of attaining the academic and emotional preparation needed to succeed at the university level and beyond. This preparation ideally starts in Middle School. Pacific Academy, established in 1997, has been a private

individual needs and learning styles. Parents receive frequent progress reports and are encouraged to contact staff. As a result, rather than possibly falling through the cracks in a crowded public school, ninety percent of Pacific Academy students achieve honor roll status. In addition, students receive

school for grades 7-12. In order to best serve students and its community, Pacific Academy is expanding it’s Middle School Program, to serve 6th grade. Middle School Students at Pacific Academy enjoy a 1:10 teacher-student ratio unattainable by today’s public budget strapped schools. Smaller class sizes allow teachers to provide hands-on project-based learning and community based learning that students find relevant and enjoyable. Teachers actively identify student strengths and develop individual education plans that include parents and cater to

individualized college counseling, starting in the 6th grade, to provide all the support needed through the developmental process. This Middle School expansion will allow 6th graders to take advantage of middle school programs and privileges experienced by our students. All of our students, high school and middle school, participate in exploratory education each Friday and may include community service projects, field trips, workshops, guest presentations, or student projects. All teachers have full teaching credentials and bachelor degrees, and many

hold Masters or Doctorates in Education like Dr. Erika Sanchez, Pacific Academy’s principal, who earned a Masters and Doctoral degree in sociology with an emphasis in education. “Our ultimate aim,” stated Erika Sanchez, “is to develop ‘Global Citizens’ of the 21st century, critical thinkers [who] make choices guided by respect for oneself and others.” Character traits like responsibility or cooperation permeate the curriculum each quarter, and students who demonstrate the emphasized character trait, receive recognition. Mr. Vikas Srivastava, this semester’s project-based learning facilitator, and all students collaborated and are planning a three-legged walk that pairs students from diverse backgrounds in an effort to eliminate discrimination and stereotyping. Mr. Vikas explains, “The theory is that everyone is diverse because we all have unique stories, and if we got to know one another’s stories, we would have more understanding and compassion between us.” After participating in numerous projects like this one, it’s no surprise that Pacific Academy students become compassionate, creative, inquisitive, and responsible global citizens.

Importantly, the results aren’t dependent on the years surrounding the housing crash, when millions of Americans became underwater on their mortgages. This is a deeply seeded trend. The study controls for characteristics like age and education, but the authors caution against reading too deeply. The results are what they are, but correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. “We are unable, in this paper, to say exactly why, or to give a complete explanation for the patterns that are found, but our study’s results are consistent with the unusual idea that the housing market can create dampening externalities upon

the labor market and the economy,” they write. One 2011 study looking at household debt accumulation — most of which is mortgage debt — showed that auto sales in regions where debt accumulation was the highest during the boom were down 40 percent since 2005. In regions where debt accumulation was the lowest, auto sales were up 30 percent. Same stuff for ZIP codes that have a high percentage of homes with underwater mortgages. The “American dream” of owning a home can be detrimental to the “American dream” of a strong economy. Now, owning a home makes sense for a lot of people. But to me, the study has two

obvious takeaways. One is that while many of us focus relentlessly on the costs of renting — you’re throwing your money down the toilet! — the costs of owning a home can be far greater. Worse, those costs are largely hidden, since it’s hard to calculate the price of not being able to easily move for a new job. Two, there are hidden costs to subsidizing homeownership. The highly popular mortgage interest deduction is one of the largest tax deductions in existence. The FHA is now a major player in the mortgage market. Both seek to promote homeownership without much thought about the knockon costs,like lower job mobility.

Our ultimate aim, is to develop ‘Global Citizens’ of the 21st century.” Dr.Erika Sanchez Pacific Academy principal,

THE MOTLEY FOOL INVESTOR by Morgan Housel Mostly by accident, I have never owned a home, and I consider it one of the best financial moves I’ve ever made. Not because suffering through one of the worst real estate downturns in history would have slammed my finances, although that’s likely true. But because in the last four years, my wife and I have lived in four different locations in three different states on each side of the country. Each move was driven by work and school opportunities that would have been out of reach had we been tied down to one

home. Our story is hardly unique. In one of the most telling studies looking at the benefits of home ownership, economists Andrew Oswald and David Blanchflower ask, “does high home-ownership impair the labor market?” Their answer is “yes.” Looking at regional data since 1980, the pair found “A doubling of the rate of homeownership in a U.S. state is followed in the long run by more than a doubling of the later unemployment rate.” That’s simply massive.

The study makes clear that homeowners don’t necessarily have higher rates of unemployment. Instead — and this is really important — they conclude that high rates of homeownership affect the entire labor market through lower rates of productivity and entrepreneurship. Regions with higher homeownership created fewer new businesses and had longer commute times and lower rates of labor mobility. All three impose costs on the labor market and eventually lead to overall lower rates of employment.



MAY 17, 2013



SERIOUS SCIENCE Torrey Pines High School Science Teacher Brinn Belyea, top left, and his two student teams, were selected as 2013 Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Honorable Mention winners. The winning projects and their teams included “CENTR: Compact Efficient Nuclear Thorium Reactor,” submitted by, top row, from left, Peter Manohar, Eric Chen, Gha Young Lee, with Colleen Smith and “TRACE: Transplantation via Release of Antigen-Coated Erythrocytes,” submitted by, second row, from left, Apoorva Mylavarapu, Lillian Chen and Selena Chen and, not pictured, Drake Levy. Courtesy photo

communication, knowing where to be and line up; and he’s going to help us,” Butler said. Butler described Te’o a “high-energy guy who likes learning, asking a lot of questions, always trying to get better. And that’s all that we can ask for.” As for the veteran Rivers, McCoy said he was doing a phenomenal job of learning what they’re doing and buying into the change. “This is completely different for him. What he’s doing out there is rare. He’s picked it up so fast,” he said. Rivers said their first day was off to a “good start,” adding that he has a way to go learning the verbiage of the new system. “I can handle what we’ve done,” he said. “I feel fine running it, but I’m glad we’re not playing this week.” A majority of the passes made during the first



dents who want to work on MavLife next year will have to do it after school, potentially interfering with other extracurricular activities. Mineiro said she would have to quit the cross country and track teams in order to find the time to fulfill her duties as editor in chief. Ruggles said the school will still provide a stipend to whomever advises the journalism program next year. Suzi Van Steenbergen, who teaches the journalism class, said regardless of the deci-



along. “It’s easier to justify repairing your bike than continuously putting money toward new ones,” Contreras said. Not only is this good for his business, but making what’s old new again sits well with Contreras, who specializes in repurposing old bikes. “The philosophy of Schwinn used to be that you would give a bike to your oldest kid and it would eventually make its way to your youngest,” Contreras said. “I like that more people are supporting that idea these days,” he added. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Skip McDowell, the owner of the high-end Nytro Multisport, said that he went from one full-time mechanic and one part-timer three years ago to three full-time mechanics. McDowell attributes the spike in demand to bike shops becoming more like car dealerships. To retain customers, those who purchase a bike are encouraged to come in regularly for tuneups and other services. “They want to protect their investment,” McDowell said. McDowell noted that

sion on next year’s journalism class, she will keep her job teaching AP English Language and Composition as well as AVID, a college readiness course. MavLife’s circulation ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 copies, Mineiro said. The journalism students sell advertising and subscriptions to cover the roughly $1000 it costs to print each issue, so the status of the course will not affect funding to cover printing costs. Ruggles said the school is struggling with a drop in enrollment. There will be 800 fewer

students on campus this fall than there were three years ago, he said. As a result, administrators have been forced to cut staff and programs. Those cuts are hurting students and weakening school spirit, said Chase McAllister, a MavLife photographer who spoke at the May 2 board meeting. “Journalism being cut is just one of the many things that is diminishing on our campus,” McAllister said. MavLife Sports Editor Anthony Fregoso said the district should prioritize La Costa Canyon’s journalism

class because it fulfills many of the Common Core standards by which the district must abide. “It seems that cutting this course at this time is the exact opposite of what we should be doing,” Fregoso said. California’s Brown Act barred SDUHSD board members from discussing the issues presented by the students, but board President Barbara Groth asked Deputy Superintendent Rick Schmitt to investigate the matter on behalf of the district.

cycling repair is becoming more science than art at upscale shops with the proliferation of high-tech bikes that feature carbon fiber frames and electronic shifting. “It used to be you learned everything from ‘tribal knowledge’ — those around you in your shop,” McDowell said. “But now, you have complicated diagnostic and computer tools that take special training to operate.” “We’re not just talking about fixing gears with a simple wrench,” McDowell added. “Everything has to be fine tuned just so.” Consequently, more people are obtaining bike repair certifications in order to land jobs in the field. And McDowell said he regularly sends his mechanics to classes so they stay on top of technology developments. Jon Baxter, an administrator at the United Cycle Institute in Oregon, one of the three mechanic schools in the country, concurred that more shops are requiring mechanic certifications. Typically, in May, he said the institute’s job board consistently has around 50 or 60 postings from bike shops throughout the nation. But this year, he said the number is more than 100. Although there’s more

demand for mechanics, what’s interesting is that bike sales are relatively flat throughout the country, Baxter said. “Young people aren’t as crazy about driving, so they’re picking up cycling,” Baxter said. “Rather than buy new bikes, they’re dusting off bikes that are already out there and taking them in for repair.” Baxter noted that obtaining certification involves a month of intensive classes. Currently, there aren’t universal requirements for what’s covered in bike schools’ curriculum. But shops accept certifications from the three major repair schools, which are outside California, as the industry standard. Fred Breidenthal, owner of Leucadia Cyclery, said that Internet sales have provided a shot in the arm to repair work. He noted that some customers buy hightech suspension kits online, only later to realize they need help installing them. Still, most of his repair work comes from bicyclists running over thorns. And while bike repairs are on the upswing, Breidenthal said the wages for the profession — ranging from $10 to $16 an hour — have been stagnant the past few years. Pay could jump if

a bike mechanic shortage develops in the county, he said. Breidenthal said that there’s been a slight uptick in cyclist traffic on Coast Highway 101 due to bikefriendly infrastructure projects. Two months ago, the city painted a new bike lane and “sharrows” — markings that remind cyclists and motorists to share the road — on the highway. For Breidenthal, whose shop is a street east of Coast Highway 101, more bicyclists frequenting the area “has provided a nice little boost of customers.” Andy Hanshaw, executive director of the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition said that more people are recognizing the growing economic impact of cycling — and bike mechanics play an important part in that. In the state’s 50th Congressional District, which includes much of North County, bike retailers brought in an estimated $11.8 million in gross income in 2011, according to the League of American Bicyclists. “It’s green living that’s good for the economy,” Hanshaw said, adding that bike mechanics are “vital” to the health of the biking industry.


jammed. As a result, I didn’t expect her to clean in there at all, so I failed to stack. I love that she couldn’t resist removing the several layers of grit that has piled up, but I spent a good part of the next day searching for one thing, then another. Since nothing is really where it belongs to begin with, it got truly challenging. But it was an epiphany. Now I truly understand what “My cleaning lady moved it and I can’t find it” means. As frustrating as it is from the librarian’s side, I now have a deeper understanding of the syndrome. Which brings me back



made a final decision on the Quarry Creek proposal, “We’re going to have to give input on those items that we discussed in closed session so we can provide the final documents.” Brewer said that Hall misspoke due to the late hour, and he was instead referring to items publically brought forth by the Planning Commission, which he had referenced seconds before. “It was 11:30 at night,” she said. Preserve Calavera has been the largest, most continuous opposition to the 656-housing unit Quarry Creek development during the city’s months-long review and deliberation. Dozens of members have spoken and made presentations against the project at public meetings and collectively submitted hundreds of pages of correspondence to the city, citing concerns about the project’s impact on the natural habitat and historical attributes of the development’s site. “It is certainly public knowledge that Preserve

day of OTAs were intermediate passes rather than long throws down field, something that Rivers noted. Wearing a glove on his left hand, Rivers also said that most of the footballs he’s thrown this year so far have been made while wearing gloves, though he’s not yet fully committed to playing with them or not. On whether Rivers thought it was unfair or not that some are saying this is a make-or-break year for him: “Unfair? I don’t really get caught up into worrying about what people think; I really don’t. I think of it that way every year because you’ve got to win and we haven’t won enough the last few and ultimately that gets pointed at the quarterback and like I said, I deserve my share of it. But it’s a new go at it, a new year…. “Good luck predicting what’s going to happen. We’ve got a chance to go win a game, and we’ve got 16 of them and see where we stand.” to throwing myself on the mercy of cleaning persons everywhere. Just don’t move it. Or I would be especially grateful if you might just pick it up, dust under it and put it back where it was. Remembering where things are is getting tough enough for me these days. And besides, we need those books back. I thank you. Librarians everywhere will thank you.

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer with a photographic memory but someone left the darkroom door open. Contact her at

Calavera does not support the Quarry Creek project as it was approved,” said DeLano. Should the group be able to establish that a closed session meeting took place and actions were taken, the city would be required to retract the decision by City Council on April 2 that approved the Quarry Creek project, according to DeLano. When asked whether the Brown Act claim was an attempt by Preserve Calavera to find legal means to delay or halt Quarry Creek, DeLano said, “I don’t think it’s (the allegation) a foil. (Brown Act violations are) definitely a part of Preserve Calavera’s concerns.” But he said further, “Does it have Preserve Calavera’s attention because it’s Quarry Creek? Well, I’d have to say yes.” He also stated, “If it were another open government issue that didn’t involve Quarry Creek, would they be involved? I don’t know.” Brewer said that the city will respond to Preserve Calavera’s letter within 30 days to establish that no violation occurred.


MAY 17, 2013


now than it will be tomorrow.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Nostalgia will be a tempting refuge, but don’t fall prey to its siren song. There are things in your current life that deserve and demand attention. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Even though an idea that works exceptionally well happens to be yours, you’ll let FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2013 the group as a whole take the bows. Try to start setting aside a little seed This will make you more popular than money in the year ahead. There’s a ever. strong possibility you’ll be offered a chance to join an exciting new busi- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.21) — ness opportunity. Be sure it can deliver The best thing you can do right now is to settle in and do your work as well as before you participate. you can. Your quiet achievement will TAURUS (April 20 —May 20) — Your leadership qualities will be quite evi- not go unnoticed. By Bernice Bede Osol

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

dent to your colleagues. Don’t be sur- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) — prised if they look to you for direction. Good friends could prove to be of GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — This is a enormous emotional support. If you’re good day to nail down a financial feeling down in the dumps, seek out arrangement that you’ve been working the company of the people who know on. It should gratify all of your expecta- and love you. tions. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 — Feb. 19) — CANCER (June 21 — July 22) — You’ll be more motivated to do a good You’ve got the right moves, whether job if you keep in mind that your labors you’re directing a group endeavor or are not just for you, but mostly for independently launching a new proj- those you love. ect. Show your stuff. PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20) — LEO (July 23 — Aug. 22) — Lady Luck Good news that will considerably has her eye on you, and she’s likely to pull some rabbits out of her hat just brighten your spirits is forthcoming. It when you need them the most. Use has to do with a relationship that you this bit of good fortune to accomplish recently initiated. something big. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — An aura VIRGO (Aug, 23- Sept. 22) — If you of opportunity is embracing you, so need to get approval for something, make the most of it. Now is the time to step up and make your pitch. Your go after something you’ve been hopaudience is likely to be more receptive ing to accomplish.


MAY 17, 2013



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Uses for Epsom salt pineapple in orange. — F.R., Alabama Microwave Fruit Crisp: 6 to 8 medium-sized apples, peaches or pears 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons flour Epsom salt can be used to 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon remove splinters. Soak the 1/4 cup water affected area in warm water and Epsom salt. Peel and thinly slice fruit. The salt will help draw out the splinter so it’s easier to Combine brown sugar, flour, remove. This is especially help- cinnamon and water in large ful for kids who get small splin- bowl, then add sliced fruit. ters at the playground from Spoon into 8-inch square glass (microwavable) dish. mulch or equipment. Topping: The first two reader tips 1/4 cup margarine share more ways to use Epsom 1 cup oats salt: 1/4 cup firmly packed Help itchy skin: I’ve kept dry, itchy skin at bay all winter brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon by using Epsom salt in my bath at least twice a week. I buy it at Melt margarine in small Costco, and it has made a huge difference in my skin! Usually I bowl. Combine with oats, am flaking and itching all win- brown sugar and margarine. ter, especially on my legs. It’s Top fruit mixture. Microwave topped mixalso wonderful if you are tired and have sore muscles. — S.B., ture uncovered 6 minutes.Turn and cook 4 minutes more. email Combine 1 cup of Suave Serves 4. NOTES: I usually double shampoo (whichever variety smells best to you), 1/2 cup the topping, since it’s so deliwater and 3 tablespoons cious and seems a bit scant for Epsom salt. Whisk until it’s my liking. — Min, email kind of frothy. Pour into a recycled liquid soap container and Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal you have body wash at a frac- Village (, a tion of the cost! — Tracy, New website that offers practical, moneysaving strategies for everyday living. York Add fruit to gelatin: I put To send tips, comments or questions, fruit in my flavored gelatin — write to Sara Noel, c/o Universal bananas, fruit cocktail or Uclick, 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas peaches in red, canned man- City, MO, 64106, or e-mail darin oranges and crushed

SARA NOEL Frugal Living



MAY 17, 2013



watching the damage be done.” “At that point there’s really no going back,” he said. “In the end we want to support this project as we understand the need to maintain local beaches,” Kube said.“But we cannot support a project that has not addressed our concerns.” “We have a very real shoreline erosion problem to solve,” said former Solana Beach Councilman Joe Kellejian, who worked on the project since its inception. He said development and damming the rivers cut off the natural sand supply. “We need to supplement what nature would have provided,” he said. Kellejian said public safety and the long-term comprehensive shoreline protection are paramount to him on the issue. “No longer do we want to see Volkswagen-size boulders come off of our cliffs,” he said. “The city can’t solve the problem alone. It needs the state and federal government to fund and build this project.” “This has been going on for close to 14 years,” said Councilman Tom Campbell, who also has worked on the project since its inception. “It’s time to make a decision and move forward. … We’re never going to get this opportunity again.We have to take it, and if we don’t, we’re fools.” Councilman Peter Zahn

agreed. “This is an opportunity that is not going to come around again, or certainly not in the foreseeable future,” he said. “It may be a choice that’s distasteful for many. … We’ve got to bite the bullet and go for this thing.” Mayor Mike Nichols, a

surfer, said he has a vested interest in the success of the project. “Believe me, I don’t want to be the guy who’s pointed to out in the lineup (and people say), “You’re the one that ruined this break,’” he said. The project will be presented to the Civil Works

Review Board in Washington, D.C., in June. Additional public hearings will be held in both cities in the coming months. The Army Corps of Engineers is expected to make a decision in November or December, but project funding is still not guaranteed.

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