Inland edition, february 27, 2015

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The Coast News




VOL. 2, N0. 5

FEB. 27, 2015

The San Marcos Unified School District says that it will delay the opening of the Kindergarten through 8th grade Double Peak School. Photo by Aaron Burgin

District delays opening of school By Aaron Burgin

Magical re-opening Children check out one of the many totems at the center of the Queen Califia’s Magical Circle garden. The sculpture garden in Kit Carson Park re-opens to the public the second Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. after undergoing maintenance. See full story on page 2 Photo by Ellen Wright

Health clinics stand to lose federal funding for underserved populations By Promise Yee

VISTA — Vista Community Clinic has served North County migrant farm workers for close to 30 years. Clinic CEO Fernando Sañudo said the community clinic has an outstanding reputation for its migrant worker health program, but now stands to lose 70 percent of its federal funding along with other clinics. Congress is considering severely reducing funds because more patients now have medical coverage through Covered California and Medical. This leaves out migrant farm workers and others who do not qualify for health insurance. “There’s currently what we’re calling the fiscal cliff,” Sañudo said. “That congress if they don’t reappropriate the funds into these health centers, we have the risk of losing 70 percent of our fed-


Migrant farm workers harvest sunflowers in Carlsbad. Employment opportunities for many migrant workers is limited to fieldwork and day labor. Photo by Promise Yee

eral dollars.” Consequences of loss of funds are outreach services and health education programs for migrant workers and other underserved patients would be reduced or stopped. Sañudo said without a county health department to provide these services they could become nonexis-


tent. Sañudo said the majority of North County migrant farm workers are men who are working to make money to send home to their families. Most are from rural villages of Oaxaca, Mexico, have a limited education, and speak a native dialect. In the U.S. they earn


minimum wage as field workers and day laborers, which often limits their housing options to make shift encampment structures pieced together from scrap wood and sheets of plastic. The health risks are high for this vulnerable population. In addition to the toil of manual labor and lack of quality housing, they have limited access to fresh water, and most of their food comes from lunch trucks that stop at the job site. Getting medical attention is something migrant farm workers are reluctant to do unless it is a severe emergency. Home remedies are often tried, and in some cases penicillin and syringes are requested and brought to them by food truck drivers. Vista Community Clinic began outreach services to agriculture fields and enTURN TO CLINICS ON 15

SAN MARCOS — The San Marcos Unified School District announced that it would delay the opening of a highly anticipated and somewhat controversial K-8 school at the top of San Elijo Hills, but one group in town is hoping the school will not be built at all. Double Peak K-8, which is currently under construction at the intersection of San Elijo Road and Ledge Street, was supposed to open at the start of the 2015-2016 school year in August to alleviate overcrowding at San Elijo’s other two schools, San Elijo Elementary and San Elijo Middle School. Planning for the $75 million project started four years ago, and originally was scheduled to be built closer to Cal State San Marcos, but school officials were forced to select the current site after they discovered that the former site contained high levels of arsenic. To date, the district has spent $21 million on site grading and pre construction. The district recently said that it couldn’t maintain the original timeline due to prolonged negotiations with nearby property owners as well as changes to the plans mandated by the Division of the State Architect, that must be submitted and approved by the division before the school district moves for-

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ward with the project. Rather than spending an additional $8 million to $10 million in overtime to rush the opening, school officials said delaying would be the more prudent option. “It was the decision of the school district that the $8 (million) to $10 million could be best used on other school projects,” district spokeswoman Anna Lucia Roybal said. Nearly 1,000 residents attended a school district informational meeting on Feb. 11 where the district outlined three options for opening the school: 1) Cluster students at their home schools and transfer them into the school in January 2016 at the start of the spring semester 2) Move students from various grade groups to three schools- San Elijo, Discovery and Twin Oaks elementary schools. 3) Delay the opening until August 2016 School officials said that the majority of the people in attendance signaled support for delaying the opening by a year, though it wasn’t entirely unanimous. Melanie Flaim, who said she attended the meeting, said she preferred Option 1, opening the school in January 2016. While some expressed concerns about pulling students from a school TURN TO SCHOOL ON 15


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 27, 2015

After a year of maintenance, sculpture garden re-opens By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — “Queen Califia’s Magical Circle” sculpture garden in Kit Carson Park re-opened to the public the second Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. after undergoing maintenance. The park is only open when volunteer docents are available to prevent vandalism and excessive wear and tear on the mosaic tile sculptures. On Feb. 14, visitors came to enjoy the whimsical garden by artist Niki de Saint Phalle. The entrance begins with a black and white tiled maze. Mirrors dot the maze and caution tape is a reminder of the broken mirrored tiles that were just replaced. In the center are large totems with snakes, birds and whimsical creatures surrounding the major work “The Eagle.” The mythical Amazonian goddess Queen Califia stands atop the eagle with long tendril locks flowing behind her. Visitors can walk underneath “The Eagle” and will find a ceiling of rich blue celestial images. De Saint Phalle was influenced by the Native American culture, which is evident in the totems she created, and the imagery embedded in the tile walls. California is named after Queen Califia whose origins begin in Spain. Spanish writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo introduced the Amazon goddess in the 1500s. He wrote that Queen Califia ruled over an island of beautiful women. When Spanish explorers saw Baja, they believed it to be an island and dubbed it California, af-

Mary-Ann Erskine-Pourier and Dean Kelley enjoy a barbershop quartet, which Erskine-Pourier surprised Eames Shaw finds himself at a dead end in the maze wall. Many of the mirrored tiles were replaced after more than a decade of wear and tear Kelley with for Valentine’s Day. Photos by Ellen Wright from weather and occasional vandals.

The foot of one of the totem poles offers children the opportunity to interact with the art.

ter the island ruled by the mythical goddess. Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, the Spanish explorer who first landed in San Diego, was documented using the title “California.” The garden has been

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Underneath “The Eagle” is a rich blue celestial mosaic. Visitors explored the under belly of “The Eagle” and were given a quick reprieve from the heat.

open since 2003 and has been closed for the past year because extensive maintenance was needed and broken tiles posed a safety hazard. Associate Planner for the city, Kristina Owens, said the park would be open more once there is a larger pool of reliable volunteer docents. She also said the gardens are still undergoing maintenance, which is evident on some of the tile walls which are missing pieces. There is also some visible water damage throughout the sculpture garden, which is a result of some of the materials not being weather proof. The garden will open March 14, April 11 and May Queen Califia, who California is named after, rides atop “The Eagle.” The eagle was chosen because Native 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. American’s considered the eagle to be one of the most sacred animals.

FEB. 27, 2015


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

San Marcos shows character amid fiery trial, Desmond says By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — San Marcos continues to remain a thriving community, even when faced with the devastating wildfires of 2014, Mayor Jim Desmond said in his state of the city address. Desmond was the keynote speaker at the event, which served as both the state of the city and the Chamber of Commerce’s board installation and business awards luncheon. During his half-hour remarks in front of the 250 people in attendance, Desmond listed the achievements the city had accomplished last year, none more so than the collective community effort during the Cocos fire, which burned more than 800 acres and forced nearly half of the city’s residents out of their homes due to evacuation orders. Desmond lauded the fire department, city, local

schools and colleges and residents for their roles in the city’s response to the wildfires. “A thriving community, or country for that matter, doesn’t stay passive against challenges,” Desmond said. “It plans, it trains and it faces challenges, and it is willing to learn and improve from the challenges it faces. We did that.” Desmond said the next challenge on the horizon for the city is transitioning from the 30-year period of rapid expansion to a “maintenance city” nearing build out, which means more attention paid toward the city’s aging infrastructure. The council, Desmond said, began the transitional efforts in 2013 and set aside money for “long-range infrastructure challenges,” including maintaining roads and city facilities. “While we’re still not

100 percent funded, this year’s budget effort is the first step towards making sure future councils, residents, sheriffs, and firefighters, and future generations, have the resources in hand, to keep current levels

departments in other cities along the state Route 78 Corridor for an overall drop in crime rates, and praised the city department for its efforts, which have led to lower response times and the agency being rated

A thriving community, or country for that matter, doesn’t stay passive against challenges.” Jim Desmond Mayor, San Marcos

of service and maintenance available,” Desmond said. Desmond’s remarks highlighted the city’s activities that improved the quality of life of residents, protected its coffers, responded to residents’ needs and grew the local economy. He credited the Sheriff’s department and police

among the top 2 percent of fire departments nationwide. The city’s parks, Desmond said, also grew in 2014, with the opening of Connors Park, which has become a busy attraction along San Marcos Boulevard, and the city also hired two part-time park rangers

to assist with the growing green space citywide. In addition to Connors Park, Desmond highlighted the continued revitalization efforts in Richmar, which include two new affordable housing complexes and a future park that continue the renaissance the community has experienced. On the business and services front, Desmond talked about the ongoing construction of the new Department of Motor Vehicles building on Rancheros Drive, and the Hobby Lobby and Winco stores that are slated to occupy the former Lowe’s Home Improvement space on San Marcos Boulevard. Other major projects completed or on the horizon include the $47 million infrastructure improvements set to occur over the next five years in the San Marcos Creek District, which

will pave the way for the long-anticipated revitalization efforts in that area; the opening of Palomar Station, the massive mixed-use development adjacent to Palomar College, and completed projects near Cal State San Marcos. He also credited the city for maintaining a balanced budget and giving property owners a tax break last year when they refinanced the community facilities district bonds in several areas of the community. Finally, Desmond shined a light on the partnerships between the city and various agencies, including the Chamber of Commerce, North County Health Services, San Marcos Unified School District, Cal State San Marcos and Palomar College, acknowledging the community college’s outgoing president, Robert Deegan.

San Diego council OKs One Paseo development Escondido, San Marcos

women less likely to get screened for breast cancer

By Bianca Kaplanek

SAN DIEGO — One Paseo, a controversial mixed-use project in Carmel Valley, was approved Feb. 23 by the San Diego City Council with a 7-2 vote at the end of a seven-hour meeting that included hundreds of speakers, more opposed than not to the development on the corner of El Camino Real and Del Mar Heights Road. Solana Beach Mayor Lesa Heebner said she was “deeply disappointed and even shocked at the decision.” “Not only will this oversized development cause unmitigated, permanent impacts to surrounding communities, its approval has damaged people’s faith in government in its complete disregard of current zoning laws,” said Heebner, whose neighboring city has sent letters opposing the size of the project. With its vote the San Diego council changed the zoning, which is currently for about 510,000 square feet of office space, and nearly tripled the amount allowable development. “If there is a referendum on this decision, I will support it,” Heebner added. Her reaction was echoed Del Mar City Councilman Terry Sinnott, whose city also submitted several written comments opposing the bulk and scale of the project. “They approved growth, but not smart growth, which requires a good transportation system in place before you create a ‘village,’” he said. “It was a big mistake and I am afraid it shows poor planning for economic gain. “What disturbs me the most is that the decision destroys the public’s faith in the community planning process,” Sinnott added. “Why have community planning groups, community plans or any of the trappings of communi-

By Ellen Wright

After four years of planning and a seven-hour meeting that included more than five hours of public comments, San Diego City Council approved One Paseo, a controversial mixed-used project in Carmel Valley, with a 7-2 vote on Feb. 23. Courtesy rendering

ty involvement if you are going to ignore the plans the community creates? It represents very bad governance.” Sinnott said he commends Lightner’s efforts and “all the people that made the effort to voice their concerns.” “They did an outstanding job,” he said. County Supervisor Dave Roberts, a former Solana Beach City Council member and one-time mayor whose district includes the project site, shared the reactions of Heebner and Sinnott. “I am disappointed by the recent vote on One Paseo,” said Roberts, who has criticized the proposal since it was introduced more than four years ago. “I will continue to stand with a majority of my constituents who oppose oversized development that destroys our quality of life and hinders public safety in our neighborhoods.” When first proposed,

One Paseo called for about 1.8 million square feet of development with retail and office buildings, a 150room hotel and more than 600 multifamily residential units. Some buildings were proposed to be 10 stories high. After meeting with residents and planning groups, developer Kilroy Realty Corporation reduced the overall square footage by about 30 percent — to approximately 1.4 million square feet— lowered building heights by 10 percent and eliminated the hotel. As approved the $750 million “neighborhood village” complex will include 608 multifamily units, 200,000 square feet of retail space, 484,000 square feet of office space, a movie theater and more than 10 acres of open space. Most critics said they support development on the 23.6-acre vacant lot. In fact, some presented acceptable alternatives.

But they said One Paseo is too big and will negatively impact traffic on already-congested nearby roadways, result in increased emergency response times and destroy the community character. Supporters say the project will provide much-needed housing and employment. Kilroy estimates One Paseo will result in 3,800 construction jobs, 1,590 permanent jobs, increased property values and approximately $1 million annually in new revenue to the city. Kilroy officials said reducing the size of the project would make it difficult to attract businesses and residents. The complex lies within City Council President Sherri Lightner’s district. She and Councilwoman Marti Emerald cast the two votes opposing the project. Lightner said she was disappointed the two sides TURN TO ONE PASEO ON 15

REGION — The San Diego Susan G. Komen Foundation has identified Escondido and San Marcos as high-priority areas for breast cancer screening because of the amount of barriers to healthcare. According to Laura Farmer Sherman, executive director of Komen San Diego, every year the foundation does community profiles to identify areas with barriers to health care and pockets of the county with high diagnoses of late-stage breast cancer. About 20 percent of people in Escondido and San Marcos live in poverty. Sherman said those living in poverty are less likely to get screened for breast cancer because of the cost. “If you have the choice between (getting) a mammogram, or (putting) food on the table, you’re going to choose putting food on the table,” Sherman said. Other barriers that caused the foundation to identify the area as high-priority include lack of health care, unemployment, and language and culture barriers. Nearly a third of people in Escondido and San Marcos ages 40 to 64 lack health insurance and almost 20 percent don’t speak English, according to a report released by the foundation. Komen San Diego partners with local organizations to offer free or reduced breast cancer services, including mammograms and ultrasound screenings. As a means to overcome language barriers, Sherman said women can call 211 at any time to find healthcare providers who offer services in their language. Farmer also said some women are afraid to get care because of a lack of

legal citizenship. She said they never ask women for citizenship documents. “Breast cancer doesn’t know the boundaries of citizenship and neither do we,” Farmer said. In an effort to increase access to care, Farmer said they’re working to increase health care providers’ hours during the weekend so women working multiple jobs can find a time to get screened. Komen San Diego hosts mammogram events where women can get screened. Farmer said it’s important to get screened annually because it’s easier to treat when detected early. They also aim to educate women in order to spread information by word of mouth. Another issue she said women in the area face is transportation. The majority of women Komen targets are mothers above the age of 35, and Farmer said sometimes taking public transit isn’t feasible. “It’s nearly impossible to get from some neighborhoods, in San Marcos especially. Sometimes you have to walk a few miles and then transfer a couple of times and it may take up to five hours,” said Farmer. She said it’s one of the major obstacles to increasing breast cancer screening but they’re working on transportation options where women get picked up and taken to their appointments. The foundation also faces the issue of funding. Farmer said the majority of funding comes from people making small donations, not major benefactors. “The average gift to Susan G. Komen is $35 and there are thousands and thousands and thousands of TURN TO SCREENINGS ON 15


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 27, 2015


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary Referendum against statewide plastic bag ban should incentivize mayor, council to move on local law Clean water advocates say it’s less costly for taxpayers to address the plastic bag pollution at its source By Matt O’Malley

Star power still a political factor California Focus By Thomas D. Elias Condoleeza Rice, the former secretary of state in the George W. Bush administration and now a Stanford University professor, has stated very clearly she would rather attend college basketball games and help choose the college football playoff teams than be a U.S. senator. At 61, she says she prefers a secure job in academe, playing the piano in her spare time, mentoring students and then considering an executive-level job if the Republicans take back the White House. She probably would also rather not face the inevitable questions a campaign would bring about her role in government deceptions that led to this country’s long and costly war in Iraq. “A campaign for the Senate is out of the question,” Rice has said. She’s done nothing counter to that statement, not raising money, not speechifying or anything else, keeping a low profile in general even as others visibly line up to run for the seat Democrat Barbara Boxer will vacate next year. And yet, the latest Field Poll shows Rice leading the senatorial field, including Democrats and Republicans, Latinos and Anglos and African-Americans. This is remarkable in California, a state that hasn’t voted Republican in a presidential or Senate election since 1988 and one where Democratic voter registration runs 15 percent ahead of the GOP’s. What does it mean? Maybe that voters are not yet paying much attention, despite the highly publicized machinations of figures like state Attorney General Kamala Harris, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and numerous members of Congress from Orange County’s Loretta Sanchez to John Garamendi of Mokelumne Hill in Calaveras County. Some survey respondents told Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo they’re not

yet ready for political action. “It’s just too far away,” said one. “I am waiting for more information to come out.” But Rice’s standing three points ahead of current Democratic front-runner Harris probably also indicates the same thing that Arnold Schwarzenegger demonstrated 12 years ago when he dominated the recall election that ousted then-Gov. Gray Davis: Politics in California has never been only about party. It’s always also been governed by personalities, and stars from other fields can translate that into political success. R e p u b l i c a n Schwarzenegger won the recall and later was easily

given to aphorisms about how his family has lived the American Dream, draws just a 20 percent level of voters “inclined to support” him. Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin, who ran unsuccessfully for state controller last year, and former state GOP chairmen Tom del Beccarro and Duf Sundheim have similar levels of support. Almost every Democrat in the potential field does much better, with Sanchez and fellow Congress members Garamendi, Jackie Speier, Xavier Becerra and Adam Schiff all drawing support in the 29 to 39 percent range, well above the mine-run Republicans but far behind

Republican Schwarzenegger won the recall and later was easily reelected not because he’s a distinguished politician or statewman, but because of his repute as a muscleman actor reelected not because he’s a distinguished politician or statesman, but because of his repute as a muscleman actor. Similarly, when the great semanticist S.I. Hayakawa won election to the Senate, it was because of the television exposure he got while countering massive student protests as president of San Francisco State University. Onetime soft-shoe dancer and actor George Murphy, also won a Senate seat as a Republican because of his prior reputation. And John Tunney later won that same seat mostly because his father was a heavyweight boxing champion. A quick look at how the only Republicans avowedly considering a run for Boxer’s seat fare in the Field survey also demonstrates that a lack of star power can be fatal when your party is in the minority. San Diego County Assemblyman Rocky Chavez,

Rice. It all goes to show that while the Republican label has been thoroughly tarnished in California and the GOP has done little to shake off the anti-Latino reputation it got from Gov. Pete Wilson’s all-out support for the ill-fated anti-illegal immigrant 1994 Proposition 187, individual Republicans can still do well. Which means there’s still potential for a healthy two-party system in this state. To make that real, though, the GOP must recruit charismatic candidates with star power – like Condoleeza Rice. Email Thomas Elias at His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough, The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit

sure vote on California’s law banning plastic shopping bags. Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill in September 2014, making California the first U.S. state to officially prohibit stores from handing them out for free. “It’s not surprising that after spending more than $3.2 million, 98 percent of which is from out of state, the plastic bag industry has bought its way onto the California ballot to protect its profits,” said Mark Murray of Californians vs. Big Plastic, the coalition of local officials and environmental, labor, and business groups supporting the state’s plastic bag ban. “Every poll shows that Californians strongly support the law…. We are confident that Californians will protect a law that is already in place in 138 communities and that will save marine wildlife, reduce litter and save taxpayers millions of dollars,” he added. According to data from San Diego County beach cleanups in 2014, plastics account for 46 percent of debris collected. A d d i t i o n a l l y, a new study this month from the journal Science, quantifies, for the first time, the amount of plastic going into the ocean from land — estimated between 5 million and 14 million tons globally per year. Sadly, says O’Malley, this statewide effort funded by out-of-state special interest groups echoes disparaging local trends in which industry lobbyists have pumped millions of dollars into campaigns to railroad the political process. For more information, visit

San Diego Coastkeeper, which protects fishable, swimmable and drinkable waters, says San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and the City Council should respond with immediate local action in light of today’s news of the certification of a referendum against a statewide plastic bag ban. If passed, the city of San Diego’s local bag ban would cut down on plastic waste that finds its way into the region’s waters, and the city would become the county’s third to ban plastic bags following action by Solana Beach in 2012 and Encinitas in 2014. In addition to the human health and environmental benefits associated with preventing plastic pollution in San Diego’s waters, says Coastkeeper, it will save taxpayers money. The watchdog organization expects a statewide trash policy to take effect in San Diego within the year. Once passed by the California State Water Resources Control Board (expected in April), this policy will mandate municipalities to prevent trash from entering our waters. “We know it will cost San Diegans even more money to clean up the plastic bags once they’re in the environment. Mayor Faulconer and city council should use this opportunity to demonstrate leadership on the local plastic ban bag now so that we can address the source of the plastic pollution, saving money when Founded in 1995, San Diego Coastkeeper the state requires us to remove it from protects the region’s bays, beaches, waterthe environment,” said Matt O’Malley, sheds and ocean for the people and wildlife Waterkeeper for San Diego Coastkeeper. that depend on them. We balance commuCoastkeeper urges Mayor Faulcon- nity outreach, education, and advocacy to er and council to move on the local law promote stewardship of clean water and a after out-of-state chemical industry lobhealthy coastal ecosystem. byists announced that they collected For more information, visit San Diego enough signatures to force a ballot meaCoastkeeper online at

According to data from San Diego County beach cleanups in 2014, plastics account for 45 percent of debris collected.

The Coast News P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850








Ellen Wright DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGER Savannah Lang

GRAPHIC ARTIST Phyllis Mitchell


The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Subscriptions: 1 year/$45; 6 mos. /$34; 3 mos. /$27 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. In addition to mail subscriptions, more than 30,000 copies are distributed to approximately 700 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to Carmel Valley. The classified advertising deadlines are the Mondays before each Friday’s publication.

Contributing writers Bianca K aplanek Promise Yee Christina M acone-Greene David Boylan E’Louise Ondash F rank M angio Jay Paris

Photographer Bill R eilly

Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

FEB. 27, 2015


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Mayor discuses economic, safety improvements By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO—Mayor Sam Abed gave a rallying cry to work together to make Escondido one of the best cities in the nation at his annual State of the City address Feb 25. “Lets build a city driven by values, optimism and faith where working families are the center of our lives,” Abed told the crowd of hundreds at the California Center for the Arts. He highlighted economic, safety-related and public works achievements made over the past year. During 2014, the city’s Standard and Poor’s bond rating increased to AA-, which allows the city to borrow at smaller interest rates. The bond rating shows Escondido’s ability to meet financial responsibilities and is attractive to investors, according to Abed. “Fiscal responsibility and efficient government are the core values behind our success in turning this city around,” he said. He also brought up the city’s budget surplus. “We turned a $16 million deficit for four consecutive years into $8.2 million surplus without using reserves or increasing taxes,” Abed said. He highlighted the increase in safety thanks to the city’s partnership with local law enforcement. Crime is down 22 percent, which is the lowest it’s been since 1980, said Abed. Council increased funding for code enforcement, which allowed the Escondido Police Department to hire two new officers, bringing the number of officers “close to optimum level,” said Abed. The department also introduced the Neighborhood Transformation Project to

Mayor Sam Abed awarded Escondido Chamber of Commerce President Rorie Johnston with the Mayor’s Leadership Award. Photo by Ellen Wright

address crime, safety and appearance issues by partnering with community and faith-based organizations to improve one neighborhood at a time. Abed spoke of Escondido as a tourist destination. Stone Brewing is the tenth largest craft brewery in America and gives brewery tours to more than 50,000 people annually. The San Diego Zoo Safari Park is another huge draw for tourists. More than 1.5 million people visit the park annually. Abed’s aspirations to bring a full-ser-

vice hotel were met with applause from the hundreds in attendance. Another big project the council hopes to bring to Escondido is a “library of the future.” In 2011, the East Valley branch library was closed, to the dismay of many residents. This past May, the council approved the funding for the completion of the first half of the conceptual plans for the city library expansion. Abed briefly touched on the future of a business park. “This year we will move forward with

our plan to relocate a public’s work yard and prepare the site for our future business park,” Abed told the crowd. Another partnership Abed cited as beneficial is the city’s inclusion in the “Innovate 78” branding campaign, which is run by the San Diego Economic Development Council. “The branding campaign will highlight the region’s strength and promote new growth creating great opportunities for the businesses and residents of North County,” Abed said. The campaign aims to attract more investors and businesses to the five cities located along state Route 78. While he mostly focused on past accomplishments and future goals, he also touched on obstacles the city faces, which he blamed on the state and federal government. “The state and federal debts continue to threaten the future prosperity of our nation and is the biggest moral issue our country has ever faced,” Abed said. He also talked about his concern of the recent passing of Proposition 47, which reduced the classification of non-violent crimes, like shoplifting and personal drug use, from a felony to a misdemeanor. He said he feared “thousands more criminals” being released from prison and mocked the California state government. “’We are your state government and we’re here to help,’” he said. This coming year he outlined four areas the council will focus on, economic development, financial stability, neighborhood improvement and public safety. He closed by talking about the importance of building a better city. “Working together we can achieve our aspirations,” said Abed.

Learning Genie app connects preschool teachers with parents Teachers can also post reminders on the app, instead of sending the child home with a note. Shi said that some preschool owners are hesitant to adopt new technology because they see it as an added expense and hassle. In order to ease the transition of adopting the app, Shi offers free training to preschool teachers and said there are lots of online resources and tutorials to help teachers adopt the app. The application is free for preschools with less than 15 children and ranges between about $10 a month to $50 a month, depending on the preschool size. Some of the content

By Ellen Wright

CARLSBAD — Carlsbad residents Gene Shi and his wife Lala Zhang were new parents with a natural curiosity about what their daughter, Audrey, was up to at preschool. Some of the parents of children in Audrey’s class asked their preschool teacher to send photos during the school day but many preschools have restrictions about teacher’s personal cell phone use. Out of this need came Learning Genie, a smartphone application that connects preschool teachers with their students’ parents. Shi said thousands of parents, teachers and preschool owners have downloaded the app, which debuted in 2013. The app allows teachers to upload links to content they’re using during class time, like books and songs. Parents can then be on the same page as the teacher and continue the lesson plans at home by downloading the books and songs used in class. This helps children with their comprehension and understanding of the books and songs during a crucial phase of brain development. The feature will be available towards the end of the month. The app also lets teachers send pictures and write short updates on each child Shi said that while the app was born out of a way to include parents, it has

available for download, like ebooks and YouTube music videos, is free. Shi said that most ebooks that aren’t free cost about $2 or $3. Shi and his wife have lived in Carlsbad since 2010 and are from China, which is where the app’s engineering team is.

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The Learning Genie app allows parents to check-in with their preschoolers in real time thanks to updates provided by their teachers. Courtesy image

evolved into an organization tool for teachers. He said the app helps teachers cut the workload and the amount of daily paperwork. “If they need to write a paper report, most of the time they need to do that for 12 or 24 kids every day, and that’s a lot of work,” said Shi. With the Learning Genie, teachers are able to take a photo and write a short paragraph describing the child’s behavior, activities and even types of snacks. Since it’s all in one place, the reports are also

easier to keep track of, Shi said. Most preschool centers use a dedicated tablet or iPad for the application. Shi said the application gives parents a tool to interact with their child more, which in turn, helps with the child’s development. It also enhances the relationship between the parent and the teacher because, Shi said, parents thank the teacher more often for sending photos of their child. “Our end goal is that it’s going to be a teacher’s friend,” Shi said.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition


FEB. 27, 2015 Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Shields doing more than pitching in Peoria sports talk jay paris Matt Kemp cleared his throat and everyone beat a path to his locker. The Padres’ new slugger was arranging his camp gear at Peoria. But first came banter with the media, and one guy going rogue. “Hey Matt, what kind of year do you think you’ll have?’’ he said, thrusting his recorder over the scrum. His mug with the beard and voice were familiar. But what outlet is he with again? Kemp smiled and laughed and so did teammate James Shields.

Shields exited but not before revealing what makes him special. The Padres’ fresh ace isn’t wasting time working the room, building connections and forming a bond that he hopes last, well, until October. It was a Padres team built on the fly by general manager A.J. Presser and now we’ll see if it sticks. “We got a long way to go here in spring training,’’ said Shields, a Rancho Santa Fe resident. “But I like our team and the moves A.J. did this offseason. It’s going to be a good squad, I think.’’ Not much to ponder, is there? The outfield was reworked with Justin Upton, Wil Myers and Kemp. Plus there’s catcher Derek Norris, an all-star last year.

Shields leads a staff which already showed two pitchers, Andrew Cashner and Tyson Ross, that could lead a rotation. “The one thing we do have is pitching depth,’’ said Shields, who was 14-8 with a 3.21 ERA last year. “You can never have too much. I don’t remember one season I played in where all five of the starters pitched the whole entire season, so you got to have pitching depth. I’m excited to see what we have.’’ So let’s get these pesky spring drills done and it’s straight to the Fall Classic, right? The Padres are spouting all the right things after management did all the right things. But that, and $3, will get you a pricey cup of Joe.

“It doesn’t matter if a team says they’re all in or not,’’ Shields said. “I’m all in every year and guys are saying that here.’’ Talk is one thing, but Shields, in his short exposure to his teammates, is encouraged. “We got guys that are hungry, that want to win and are working real hard to get there,’’ he said. “But we’ll see how it goes, how spring training goes and building some chemistry here.’’ This chemistry doesn’t require beakers and white lab coats. Few athletes spend more time together than baseball players — 162 games in 181 days and that doesn’t include six weeks of spring tune-ups. Shields believes how well a team performs on the field is related to how it gets

along off it. “Everybody has their own opinion,’’ said Shields, an eight-year pro whose been in two World Series. “I think any baseball player of any kind, or someone who has been a baseball player, knows that chemistry is a big intangible.’’ It seems money can’t buy you love, friendship or pennants. “You can have the biggest payroll in the world and it doesn’t matter,’’ Shields stressed. “I remember when the Yankees had a $200-million payroll and we had a $40-million payroll in Tampa and we went to playoffs and they didn’t.’’ The Padres long for the postseason. But just because Preller went all swap-meet crazy during the winter guarantees absolutely noth-

ing. Shields said there’s more to it than assembling players with impressive resumes. “I think chemistry has a lot to do with it,’’ he said. “Obviously you have to have talent, no doubt about that. But you have to click together and play as a team.’’ While the season is a grind, don’t forget to grin. “Since we grew up playing baseball in Little League it was all about having fun,’’ Shields said. “And that is what we’re going to have to do this year.’’ It’s a season that can’t start soon enough. But this spring Shields is bent on building camaraderie as much as arm strength. Contact Jay Paris at Follow him on Twitter at jparis_sports and at

San Marcos soccer team wins state title By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — The San Marcos Revolution Boys Under-12 soccer team recently won a state title at a tournament billed as the “world’s largest youth soccer tournament,” the first San Marcos team to bring home the prestigious title. The team on Feb. 8 won the U12 title in the Governor’s Division of the Cal South State Cup sponsored by Sports Authority, which is the second of the three divisions — Mayor’s and President’s are the others. The Revolution defeated Hemet Juventus FC 2-2 (3-1 penalty kicks) The San Marcos Revolution Boys Under 12 soccer team wins the state title on Feb. 8 Courtesy photo


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VOL. 28, N0. 25

JUNE 20, 2014

Two commercial structures at Carlsbad’s La Costa Towne Center will be demolished to make way for a revamp that includes the addition of retail and apartment buildings. The larger new building, shown above, would include 48 apartments, a courtyard for residents, and retail. Courtesy renderings

Carlsbad retail center to be revamped with apartments By Rachel Stine

Sophia Ceja, 3, of Oceanside, shows off a handful of eggs she found. Four city egg hunts are planned for April 19. See the full story on page A9. Photo by Promise Yee

Council closer to finalizing Pacific View deal By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — The council took another step toward acquiring the Pacific View site on Wednesday night. Council members voted 3-2 in favor of a $50,000 deposit and other conditions spelled out in a memorandum of understanding for the property. That document paves the way for a final purchase agreement, which the council majority hopes to approve by the end of May. But the agenda item sparked a long debate over whether the council should have even agreed to pay $10 million to acquire the site from the Encinitas Union School District. Resident Jeff Eddington said he’s excited at the prospect of the city owning the site, but worried the coun- Pacific View Elementary, which closed a decil is getting “bamboozled.” cade ago. The council approved a memoran“The city offered $4.3 million for dum of understanding at Wednesday night’s the property in the not-too-distant meeting, bringing the city closer to acquiring past, and is now offering more than the site. Photo by Jared Whitlock

2.3 times that price.” Eddington said. Councilman Tony Kranz, an advocate of the purchase, said the $4.3 million figure was based on the property’s current public zoning. And it was only intended as a first offer. Additionally, Kranz said he voted in favor of upping the price knowing that EUSD had a strong rezoning case, which would have made the land much more valuable. The city could have tried to fight the district’s rezone request, but that would likely have resulted in an expensive court battle, Kranz added. Last month, EUSD was due to auction Pacific View with a minimum bid set at $9.5 million. With the clock ticking, the city submitted an offer just before the deadline. EUSD has delayed the auction by two months as a safeguard, in case the deal with the

CARLSBAD — With it’s primary storefront empty for five years, the 33-year-old La Costa Towne Center at the corner of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue is at last getting a revamp. The owner of the property gained approval to demolish two commercial structures in the shopping center and replace them with buildings that are half retail and half apartments from Carlsbad’s Planning Commission on April 16. Planning Commissioners praised the owners for coming forward with plans to redevelop the dated shopping center that they said currently lacks signage, design, and a main tenant. “(La Costa Towne Center is) just this big long white wall. You have no idea what’s inside, it’s not inviting,” said Planning Commissioner Hap L’Heureux. “This center has been long overdue.” Commissioner Aurthur Neil Black called the little mall an eyesore.


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Two Sections 48 pages

Artist Mark Patterson has plans for a follow up to his Surfing Madonna mosaic. A5

Message remains

The final installment on Eden Gardens tells of the community’s commitment to youth. A6

OUSD takes the pledge to reduce waste and form “green teams” aimed at recycling. B1

A&E..................... A10 Classifieds.......... B21 Food & Wine....... B12 Legals.................. A18 Opinion................A4 Sports.................. A20


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Community News Letters

By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The announcement that an UrbanLIFT grant will fund building the Kay Parker Family Resource Center at the planned Mission Cove affordable housing project bought applause for two reasons. Community members were glad to have a family resource center as part of the city’s low-income housing project, and equally pleased the name of the center will honor the late Kay Parker, a beloved, fair housing advocate.

Kay’s husband Dick Parker helped accept the grant at the City Council meeting April 16. He said the honor of naming the resource center after his late wife was well deserved. The Mission Cove affordable housing and mixed-use project on Mission Avenue is being developed through a partnership between the city and National Community Renaissance nonprofit developer. The project will break ground this summer. GradTURN TO CENTER ON A17

in the final game to bring home the trophy. In winning the crown, the Revolution went 3-0 in pool play and then advanced to the round of 64 where the team won 6 straight matches to win the title. Four of those games went into over-

time, of which three were decided by penalty kicks. “I think my proudest moment for these guys is just their resilience and never-quit attitude, which I think made all the difference for the team,” head coach Lara Kahler said. “Even when our last four games went into overtime, all the while they chose to believe in themsleves and keep fighting.” Kahler’s team has had a lot of success over the past three years. In addition to the state title, the team is three-time Presidio League Champions, earned seven tournament titles and were finalists in three other tournaments during that time.

CHRIS KYDD Your Encinitas Territory Manager

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Runner Brian Sullivan, in front, takes an early lead out of the starting gate during the men’s elite race in last year’s Encinitas Mile. The race returns again March 15. File photo by Tony Cagala

Speed at the forefront of 2nd annual Encinitas Mile By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — The Encinitas Mile is back — all 5,280 feet of it — for the second year in a row. And the sight of running feet covering that mile might look even faster this year when they hit Vulcan Avenue March 15. With an upped prize purse of $2,000, race co-founders Dan Seidel and Mark Sarno are looking draw a faster field of elite racers. This year’s race will feature the first sub-four minute runner in John Simons of North Carolina, who’s personal best time is three minutes 59 seconds. “The elite fields, on both the men’s and the women’s side, will be faster,” Seidel said. Encinitas resident Gina Merchant will be running in the women’s elite bracket again this year. Admitting she’s not a professional runner, Merchant said the whole point of running against them is to compete. “You’re in this race with these people who are really fast and so I’m hoping to drop a good 10 seconds off my time last year just based on the field being really competitive,” she said. Merchant finished last year’s mile with a time five minutes and 13 seconds. What race organizers

are hoping to see at the race this year is a mile done in 4 minutes and 10 seconds or quicker. “It’s always important for elite runners to know that there’s going to be a fast time and a chance to compete against fast runners. Last year, the race was won in 4:20, and that was fantastic, but we think, because of the course, we can make it quicker,” said Seidel. Elite racers are exciting to watch because they can inspire everybody to see what’s possible with commitment and training, he said. About 500 runners are expected in the seven heats of the race, and as last year, spectators will be able to watch most of the race unfold start to finish, seeing some excellent runners and a chance to cheer on friends and family, Seidel added. “As a community of runners, we don’t have opportunities to race a mile distance on the road, which is what makes it so exciting,” Merchant said. The nonprofit Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, which helps to provide reconstructive surgery to children with deformities, will receive a portion of the proceeds from the race. The race will also serve TURN TO MILE ON 15

FEB. 27, 2015


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Never trust anyone under 45 small talk jean gillette



From left, Alexandra Gonzalez (Rancho Buena Vista High School), Dylan Stover (Vista High School), Alyssa Morales (Vista Visions Academy), Israel Guitierez (Mission Vista High School), Philip Hernandez (Trade Tech High School), Nikki Callies (Guajome Park Academy) were honored by the Vista Chamber of Commerce as February’s Rising Stars of the Month. Courtesy


Schools shine light on engineering possibilities By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — The closing bell at Grace Lutheran School rang Wednesday afternoon and was met with groans from the middle school students. They weren’t ready to leave Elena Czarnowski’s engineering class. The new elective is an introductory course to engineering and many of the nine students said it’s their favorite class. On Feb. 18 they built mini solar powered cars as part of a lesson on solar power. Unfortunately, afternoon haze prevented the necessary amount of sunlight to stream through but that didn’t damper the kids’ enthusiasm. This is the first semester the engineering elective is offered at Grace Lutheran and Czarnowski hopes it will expose more students to engineering. She spent 10 years selling data systems for IBM and although she was a math major, she had never been exposed to careers in STEM or science, technology, engineering and math. “That’s why I’m so passionate about it,” Czarnowski said. “This is really exciting to me because I had no exposure.” She also brings in guest speakers as subject matter experts who work in STEM. They’re usually parents, or friends of parents and Czarnowski said it helps shape the students’ spheres of influences. She was inspired after listening to an NPR segment about the high number of engineers coming out of Northern California. The segment said that the region produces the most engineers because it is the most densely populated area with engineers.

and perhaps provide them with flamethrowers to melt out a parking place when needed. I get myself rather worked up, wondering if one or more of them has frozen in a snowdrift on the way to the drugstore, so I break down and give them a call. And no one answers the phone. So now I am slipping into very creative visions of them being frozen in their beds after the heat went out. I text message them with lots of panic-stricken emoticons, which I should have first. Turns out they are fine and warm and fed and actually enjoying a few unexpected days off. My son, the master of the understatement, did admit it had impacted their general lifestyle a bit and that he would really rather not have to dig out the car to go to work, and parking places when they return. But they are snug enough. “You don’t really go out in the winter in Boston anyway, Mom,” was his philosophical answer. Which flies in the face of the night last year when they walked six blocks, in a so-named “blizzard” to a friend’s apartment to celebrate something. They insist they are all grownup but basically, I fall back on that old adage, “Never trust anyone under 45.”

s temperatures plummet to craz y- b e lo w- z e r o back east, I have realized that the only thing worse than living in that climate is having your child living there. Somehow I didn’t worry much about my son in Boston for the first eight years of winters. It was cold but not this cold, and he lived close to campus. I urged him to get real snow boots and a decent coat, but never, in those eight years, did he ever have classes closed because the weather would freeze your nose off in 1 to 5 minutes. This winter I have several adorables to worry about in the polar vortex of Boston, New York and Chicago, and it is wearing me down. Yes, of course I know (as they will regularly remind me) that they are not children any more, but they will always be my babies, including the friends and fiancée. I am fighting the urge to buy out the cold-weather-gear store and outfit them head to toe like Jean Gillette is a freelance Pierre, the French-Canadiwriter who can handle an fur trapper. Then I would have all 115-degree heat, but gets an their groceries delivered earache even thinking about 20-below. Contact her jgil(OK, I would outfit the grocery delivery person, too)

Grants will address climate change

Teacher Elena Czarnowski, right, helps Riley N. with her solar powered car. The engineering elective meets every Wednesday and many of the students said it’s their favorite course. Photo by Ellen Wright

Czarnowski took it one step further. She said the reason was because children were getting more exposure to engineers. “It wasn’t necessarily more engineers that work there that spawns more kids in engineering, it was that if they went and had a sleepover and so-and-so’s mom was an engineer, their circle of influence was an engineer, not necessarily that there’s more opportunities there,” Czarnowski said. Bringing in guest speakers exposes them to local possibilities. “They realize all these companies are here in San Diego and these people are friends of their friends and it’s actually attainable,” Czarnowski said. Currently, the class is an elective for grades six through eight but she hopes to make it mandatory for all students. “I’m going to push to make it mandatory be-

cause I think every student should just see if this is of interest to them,” Czarnowski said. The class is part of a growing trend to get children more involved in STEM. The Escondido Union School District just announced the opening of a new school, Quantum Academy. The academy will open in 2015 to students in fourth through sixth grades. Classes will aim to ex-

pose kids to STEM curriculum. They’ll cycle through both “explore” and “element” classes that are short and long term courses. Students will do things like create a TED style talk or create a compost garden. Students are chosen from a lottery system, which closes March 6. There are 192 slots open and Deputy Superintendent Leila Sackfield said it’s likely the first lottery will get 2,000 entrants.

REGION — The San Diego Foundation, in partnership with the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative, announced the availability of $200,000 in grants to help local governments prepare for climate change. An informational webinar for grant seekers will be held from noon to 1 p.m. March 2. RSVP to Kim Fields at to receive log-in information. The application deadline is noon April 20. The application process has two components: a letter of interest due March 16 (not required) and a written application due April 20 (required). Preference will be given to projects that stress working with more than one city/public agency to

SAVANNAH LANG Digital Media Manager

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address shared challenges, leverage other sources of funding, engage community residents, have the opportunity to share lessons learned, and can be completed within 18 months. Grant guidelines are available at Grants. Founded in 1975, The San Diego Foundation’s purpose is to promote and increase effective and responsible charitable giving.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

More snake sightings don’t mean more snakes By Tony Cagala

REGION — On Sunday Joanne Goss and her husband had gone for a hike around the trails of San Elijo near the MiraCosta College campus. They started their walk around 10:30 a.m., but on the way back to their car, a little more than an hour later, Joanne was startled by what she spotted — a large rattlesnake on the trail. For being early winter, yet, the sighting might seem unexpected, though perhaps not so unusual for our area. The snakes in our area don’t even hibernate, explained Jeff Lemm, a herpetologist and senior research coordinator at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research. “On warm days they will get up and move around,” he said, adding that during the wintertime it’s one of the easiest times to find them because they tend to stick to the rock piles. Lemm has observed snakes on the move in December and January even. “It just doesn’t get cold enough here that they go into true hibernation,” he said. While the warmer winters don’t really have an impact on the snakes, Lemm said that what was affecting the snakes was the continuing drought conditions. “Their activity patterns are way below normal, num-

Joanne Goss and her husband encounter a large rattlesnake on the trails of San Elijo near the campus of MiraCosta College. Photo courtesy Joanne Goss

bers of snakes that we’re seeing are way down, about 50 percent of normal, and the snakes that we are finding look really rough,” he said. Those observations are coming from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s 900-acre biodiversity preserve. But to the questions Lemm often gets asked: Are there more snakes? Are they breeding more? Are they becoming more venomous? The answers he gives: “No. None of the above are true. There’s actually fewer snakes because of habitat loss.” The coastal sage scrub in the county is one of the most endangered habitats in North America, if not the

world, Lemm explained. So far this year, the county’s Department of Animal Services has received 30 calls for rattlesnake removal (nine calls came in January, and 21 calls this month), according to Dan DeSousa, deputy director of the department. “We see rattlesnakes throughout the year in San Diego County just because of the warmer climate here, but nowhere what we’ll see later on in the year,” DeSousa said. He noted last year that the department received their highest number of calls, 197, in May. If you’re out for a walk, DeSousa said, stay aware of your surroundings. Keep

your dog on a leash. “If your dog’s 20 feet ahead of you without a leash, you can’t control it from interfering with a rattlesnake and possibly getting bit.” “People tend to freak out about snakes for no real reason,” Lemm said. “Snakes aren’t aggressive normally,” he added. “When people think they’re being aggressive, it’s because they’re being defensive. They’re scared for their life.” For the snake that Joanne encountered, she said her husband counted nine segments on its rattle. Lemm explained that every time a snake sheds, it gets a new segment on its rattle. An older snake is going to have a longer rattle, but rattles tend to break off, Lemm said, so you can’t age a snake by the length of its rattle. “You just know the really large snakes often have larger rattles and more segments on their rattle.” Snakes do play an important role in the ecosystem, especially in keeping rodent populations at bay. The more snakes you kill, the more rodents you’re going to have, and the more hantaviruses you’re going to have, Lemm added. People are starting to learn that snakes are good for the environment, he said. “Hopefully they keep learning that.”

Assistance League of North Coast works for children COAST CITIES — The Assistance League of North Coast was the sponsored charity at the annual winter Aviara Master Association Golf Tournament in January. Jan White, Sophia Bou-

vier, Karen Quimby, Betsy Crane and Barbara Bradham from ALNC, enjoyed manning the booth and Steve Lincoln, of Lincoln Realty Group, organized the tournament on behalf of the AMA. The tournament donated $2,000 to ALNC to help the club reach out to children in need. For the ALNC’s annual philanthropy shopping event, Lorie Gammon, Vista USD Coordinator of Student Services works with Olga Perez of North County Lifeline to identify students who are invited to participate based upon need. In Vista there are 1,105 identified students in grades six through 12 who are quali-

fied for assistance through the government program McKinney Vento. Assistance League of North Coast had $10,000 designated for this clothing event, which provided $100 per student for the neediest 100 students. The funds were provided from ALNC’s fundraising event, Autumn Fantasy, and from Thrift Store sales. Kohl’s provided a 30-percent discount and no sales tax because of ALNC’s non-profit status. Students purchased clothing appropriate for school and had parents and volunteers available to help them with their selections. One young lady was overheard saying, “This is so

exciting to have a new pair of jeans and not used ones!” A young man’s mother commented that this event provided him with nice button up shirts for church and special events. Student Support Services identifies the students, notifies the parents of the program, obtains permission and assigns a day to shop. Parents are encouraged to accompany the student on the shopping trip. ALNC volunteers greet the students, suggest reduced items, and help students complete their purchases. Kohl’s volunteers handle the cash registers, advise the students on the best way to get the most out of the money and give each a health kit. ALNC member Marilyn Stoke coordinated the event. Judy Vernoy. ALNC volunteer, noted that the students were extremely polite and appreciative. There were hugs from students and parents to AL volunteers.

FEB. 27, 2015

CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

FEB. 27 ONE BOOK-ONE SAN DIEGO The Escondido Public Library partners with KPBS, San Diego Public Library, San Diego County Library, for “One Book, One San Diego.” Community members may nominate books at kpbs. org/one-book/, or by contacting Senior Librarian Paul Crouthamel at (760) 839-4814 or pcrouthamel@ FEB. 28 SOROPTIMIST AWARDS Vista Soroptimist hosts Soroptimist Women’s Award Gala honoring Andrea Green, the 2014 recipient of the Live Your Dream Award for Women from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28 at Palomar Estates East Clubhouse, 650 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd, San Marcos. Cost is $35. RSVP to or contact Pat Origlieri at (760) 941-4142. The program will also give $1,000 to $1,800 grants to seven community non-profits from Soroptimist of Vista, for their programs helping women and girls. SEEKING ANCESTORS The Escondido Genealogical Society will meet at 11 a.m. Feb. 28 at Vin’s Wine Bar, 201 E Grand Ave., Escondido for a no-host luncheon. Members will present talks on a favorite ancestor. RSVP to MARCH 1

FLOWER FIELDS OPEN The Flower Fields full of ranunculus at 5600 Avenida Encinas in Carlsbad open March 1. Tickets are available online at or at (888) 695-0888. Prices: $12 for adults, $11 for seniors 60+, $6 for children 3 to 10, Children 2 and under are free. MARCH 3 WOMANHEART San Diego North Coastal WomenHeart Support Group meets at 10 a.m. March 3 at Tri-City Wellness Center, 6250 El Camino Rd, Carlsbad in the Executive Board Room. For more information, contact Marilyn at (760) 438-5890.

KRISTA CONFER Your Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach & Del Mar Territory Manager Call Krista for all your advertising needs.



MARCH 4 ORCHIDS AND MORE The Palomar Orchid Society presents Peter Lin on “Twelve Months of Orchids” at 6:30 p.m. March 4 at the Pavilion, 1105 La Bonita Drive, San Marcos. Visit FINDING FRIENDS The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities will attend “The Lacemakers” concert at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. For reservations, call (858) 674-4324. MARCH 6 MEET THE LEADERS Reservations can be made now for the at the Shadowridge Country Club annual Meet the Leaders Dinner at 6 p.m. March 20, at 1980 Gateway Drive, Vista. We will have 3 guest speakers: Congressman Darrell Issa; Assemblywoman Marie Waldron and possibly State Senator Patricia Bates. Tickets are $125. Reserve your seat by calling (760) 726-1122. MARCH 7 ANCESTRY FAIR Find your story at the annual Family History Fair, at 2255 Felicita Road, Escondido. Doors open at 8 a.m. for class sign-up, with Crista Cowan from as keynote speaker at 9 a.m. Classes are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pre-register at For further information, contact Anne Anderson at (760) 451-8952 MARK THE CALENDAR SCRABBLE TIME Escondido Public Library and the Friends of Literacy Services will host the 11th Annual Scrabble-Thon tournament and fundraiser from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 14 in the Social Hall at the First United Methodist Church of Escondido, 341 S. Kalmia Street, Escondido. Players must pre-register online at scrabblethon, by mail, or in person at the Literacy Services office by March 10, 2015. The registration fee for adults is $30; for high school students $15. CLUB FUNDRAISER The Boys & Girls Club of Vista invites reservations now for its Diamond Ball Casino Night fundraiser from 5 to 10 p.m. May 16 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Carlsbad. The 2014 Have a Heart for Kids Award will be presented. Tickets are $150 or $280 per couple at

FEB. 27, 2015


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

Banfi presents the Best of Italy at Solare taste of wine frank mangio


hen I learned that the legendary Castello Banfi of Montalcino was making a presentation in San Diego and had chosen San Diego’s Solare Ristorante Italiano for a select dinner to pair its lineup of magnificent wines, I circled the date in day-glow red. I have come to be a huge admirer of this leading Italian wine and its family of stylish varietals, led by the world acclaim given to the Mariani family for its guidance in developing Brunello into an elite place in the world of wine. Brunello, a clone of the popular Sangiovese grape from Tuscany, evolves into Brunello only in Montalcino and only after painstaking maturation of some five years before being released for public consumption. More than 220 estates in Montalcino produce Brunello, with about 25 percent going to the U.S. market. The current vintage is 2009, with the 2010 due to be released later this spring. By far the largest producer is Castello Banfi, with research, energy and investment to bring Brunello to this pinnacle. At the Banfi event in San Diego, Solare’s owner and one of the biggest boosters of Italian style wines, Randy Smerik, presented Banfi’s Ambassador of Wine, Luciano Castiello. The full house of guest diners was riveted to a colorful, passionate profile of the six wines brought in for the occasion by Banfi Regional Manager Diane Nares. On the 2009 Brunello, Castiello said “it’s an intense ruby red color, with aromas of violet and vanilla, with hints of licorice. A velvety palate has cherry flavors and traces of spice. The wine is well structured with supple tannins, superb concentration and good acidity. This is a classic Brunello.â€? Solare’s Executive Chef, Accursio Lota from Sicily, positioned the Brunello to pair with his slow roasted duck breast with winter vegetables and plum polenta. Brunello, athough the star of the show, was not the only bottle to talk about. Others to try included: Banfi Piemonte Principessa Gavia, a white wine favorite; Luna Mater Frascati, a bright yellow tinted wine; Sartori di Verona Regolo with 100 percent Corvina grape from

 A Sushi Smackdown event in full swing. Photo courtesy Sushi Smackdown

Join the party at a Sushi Smackdown

Banfi Brunello, one of the world’s leading wines, from the Montalcino area of Tuscany, Italy. Photo


we were talking about the industry in general, I asked the director if he had ever seen a show about sushi. Light bulbs in my head lit up and I left the set the next day. The initial concept was restaurants competing in

their city for the best sushi restaurant title. It started out good but soon we realized the restaurants don’t like to be known as second best. The crowd loved the format of tasting the restaurant’s best, but we overfilled the restaurants and put too much pressure on the restaurants, which resulted in slow service.

I realized we were on to something good but we had

courtesy Banfi

Veneto; Banfi SummuS, a “Super Tuscanâ€? blend of Cabernet, Syrah and Sangiovese; and Banfi FloruS Late Harvest Moscadello, considered the oldest wine style in Montalcino, a dessert wine with a subtly sweet flavor and a nuance of almond and honey. Banfi is dedicated to the finer wine world. See more at  Wine Bytes A Crabfest is planned at Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas, Feb. 28 at 1 p.m. $75 per person, includes all food and four wine tastings. RSVP at A pruning workshop begins Feb.28 at 9 a.m. at the Hatfield Creek Winery and Vineyard in Ramona.


he sushi experience can be quite visual and festive, with sushi chefs working their magic, often with plenty of flair. Gino Mazziani has taken the sushi experience to the next level with his Sushi Smackdown events. These are part culinary event part party and I caught up with Gino recently to learn more.Â

How did this concept originate? I was working for Bridgegate Films as VP of TV development and was on the set of a show being filmed in Las Vegas and the director and I went to a sushi restaurant for lunch. As

to make some changes to keep both the restaurants and our fans happy. We limited our crowd per restaurant to 48 local sushi fans per restaurant at one time. This gave the restaurants

the opportunity to deliver good service and create new customers. Fans love it because they get to try the restaurant’s best 17 dishes TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON 15



T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 27, 2015

A rts &Entertainment

‘Voice’ winner coming to Belly Up By Bianca Kaplanek

SOLANA BEACH — When the season seven winner of TV’s “The Voice” learned how the Belly Up got its name, it confirmed to him that the Solana Beach tavern was the perfect venue for his first California appearance. “It’s very fitting. He wasn’t a quitter either,” Craig Wayne Boyd said, referring to Dave Hodges, who in 1974 used the phrase for his new nightclub after his friends called him a fool and said that was the direction his business was headed. Boyd has displayed similar tenacity throughout his career – or better yet, his life, which reads like the lyrics of a country music song. Born and raised in Mesquite, Texas, Boyd comes from a musical family and started playing the mandolin at age 4. “I played bluegrass at the local barber shop with my dad on Saturdays,” he said. “My mom was a Pentecostal church-going mom who sang gospel music. I was very confused as a kid, but that’s what makes my country music what it is.” Boyd, 34, was kick starting his career when he first visited Nashville in 2004 for the country music festival and realized he needed a presence there to get ahead. “On my way back I looked in the sky and said, ‘If I’m supposed to be there you’ve got to help me do this,’” he said. “When I got home, my wife had left me while I was gone. That was the 2-by-4 that hit me across the head. “It was very life-changing,” he added. “I knew I had to start over. Be careful what

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Craig Wayne Boyd, winner of TV’s “The Voice” will perform at the Belly Up in Solana Beach March 9. Courtesy photo

you ask for.” Boyd moved to Nashville, where his career continued to have ups and downs. At one point he was a staff writer for a record company. He also formed a band but the group fell apart in the midst of recording. “So I went out on the road to hone my skills as a front man,” Boyd said. In 2010 he released the single “I Ain’t No Quitter” and was about to sign with a record label. “But everything was pulled out from under me again,” he said. “While the single was out I came off a radio tour and the funding was pulled from the label. I went in and they were literally moving desks out of the office. “I had adversity to overcome over and over again,” he added. “At that point I had to reinvent myself again.” Boyd was ready to give up on his career when he received an email from the casting director of “The Voice” in October 2013. “I replied, ‘This is a

joke, right?’” he said. “But they were serious.” He auditioned the following February. Boyd describes his time on “The Voice” as an amazing learning experience. “I felt like I was broken,” he said. “My confidence level was low. I was very unsure of myself as an artist.” He said fellow country music artist Blake Shelton taught him to trust his “gut instincts,” while Gwen Stefani helped him realize his music was not a niche market. “She told me I could be a global performer,” he said. “She really inspired me and helped make my style appealing to more people.” Stefani sort of changed the package without altering what’s inside. Boyd also credits some of his success to a return to his roots. “I grew up in a religious home,” he said. “I strayed. There was a point in time when I realized I wasn’t the one in control. And I’m kind of a control freak. There’s a higher power really watching out for me. That’s one reason he chose to sing “The Rugged Old Cross” during the semifinals. “It’s an old hymn I grew up singing,” he said. “I knew it was chancy but I felt I had to pay homage to who I personally felt was helping me.” Boyd’s sound has been described as “topped with a rebellious flair.” “It’s the attitude,” he said. “It goes against the grain of what’s being pushed out there now. It’s not your grandmother’s country music anymore, but I have a little bit of that flavor.” Boyd said his life has changed completely since he was named the winner in December. He’s currently opening for Rascal Flatts in Las Vegas. When that ends in mid-March he’ll be touring until early October. “I can’t go to Taco Bell to eat in peace anymore,” he said. But Boyd isn’t complaining. He said he was very excited when he was asked to perform at the Belly Up March 9. “It’ll be my first time going to San Diego, so I’m really looking forward to it,” he said. Visit bellyup. com for tickets and more information.

FEB. 27, 2015

A rts &Entertainment

Send your arts & entertainment news to

National Geographic exhibit featured By Ellen Wright


Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ FEB. 27 FOREIGN FILM The LIFE @ San Elijo Club presents a free foreign film,”Loose Cannons” from 1 to 3 p.m. Feb. 27 San Elijo Campus of MiraCosta College, room 204, 3333 Manchester Ave., Cardiff. Italian w/English subtitles. Directed by Ferzan Ozpetek. Parking $1. For more information, visit SIMON IS BACK North Coast Repertory Theatre presents “Chapter Two” by Neil Simon with performances through March 22 at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. For tickets and show times, visit or call (858) 481-1055. FEB. 28 SING THE BLUES Guitarist Robin Henkel will play solo blues from 8 to 11 p.m. Feb. 28 at Zel’s Del Mar, 1247 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar. A silverback gorilla ponders a leaf while sitting in a swamp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for hours. Photo by Ian Nichols

exhibit and watch the film “Flight of the Butterflies” in the Schulman Auditorium at the 11:45 a.m. or 1:15 p.m. showing.

540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. For more information, call (760) 753-7376 or visit BALLET SYMPHONIES The “Dancing Notes” concert by the North Coast Symphony Orchestra, at 2:30 p.m. March 1 and 7:30 p.m. March 3, will feature music from famous ballets, at Seacoast Community Church, 1050 Regal Road, Encinitas. Suggested donation of $10. DRUM CIRCLE Fair Trade Décor, at 1412 Camino Del Mar, invites the community March 1 every first and third Sunday of the month, to participate in a drum circle and class from 7 to 9 p.m. Percussionist and composer João Vincent Lewis will lead a jam session. Experienced musicians are encouraged to bring their own instruments. Past sessions have included keyboards, ukulele and didgeridoo. Call (858) 461-1263 for more information. NIGHT OF SONG Cabaret Caccia presents “El Corazon Expuesto” celebrates singers of many styles and genres at 7 p.m. March 1 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Tickets are $20 at or $22 at the door.

MARCH 1 BLUES DUO Friends of the Encinitas Library’s free First Sunday Music Series MARCH 2 welcomes Robin Henkel AUDITIONS San Marand Billy Watson playing cos Theatre West invites the blues from 2 to 3 p.m. youth ages 7 to 17 to auMarch 1 in the Encinitas TURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 15 Library Community Room,



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include whether an exhibit is new, or if they’ve done it before, if it can fit into the space and if it’s within the budget allocated by the city. “Simply Beautiful” runs until May 17 and entry is free. On March 21, a family open studio event is scheduled. The free event will allow families to enjoy a hands-on art project connecting to the beauty found in nature. Visitors can tour the ROUND: R3

erything and everywhere you look,” said McGuire. When curating exhibits, she includes art that can’t be seen for miles. “When we host an exhibition, we try to bring something to Carlsbad that you can’t go elsewhere locally to see. That’s one of our missions, is to bring something fresh and exciting to our community that you can’t drive 20 miles to see somewhere else,” McGuire said. Other considerations

Due Date: 02-17-15

CARLSBAD — Curator Karen McGuire hopes the new exhibit at the Canon Art Gallery in the Dove Library will inspire visitors to find beauty in the mundane. The opening reception for “Simply Beautiful: Photographs From National Geographic” was held Feb. 21 and more than 200 visitors came, McGuire said. The exhibit has 55 photographs all based on National Geographic’s core mission areas, which include exploration, wildlife, cultures, science and nature. More than 40 photographers’ work is displayed, ranging from photos taken in the 1930’s to the present. McGuire said that many of the photographs may look familiar because there is a book featuring them, they’re sometimes used as default screensavers and are circulated online. She said they’re much more stunning in-person, than on a computer screen. The exhibit is part of Carlsbad’s larger goal to increase art offerings throughout the city. In January, the Cultural Arts Department opened a sculpture garden, “A Balanced Fulcrum,” in the courtyard at the Georgina Cole Library. “Simply Beautiful” is on a national tour and has already been to Saudi Arabia, Canada, Florida and Texas. It won’t be offered anywhere else in California. McGuire said she was contacted by National Geographic staff a few years ago and decided to get the exhibit again because a past National Geographic exhibit, “In Focus,” was so popular. She said this exhibit’s highlights are the amount of color and the beauty in each image. “What I’d like people to take away from it is to find that there is always beauty to be found in ev-


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 27, 2015

Camp P endleton News

Help for deployed to renew license By Cpl. Keenan Zelazoski

The Advanced Infantry Training Battalion hosted a ceremony to dedicate the Vietnam Room of Remembrance, Feb.18. The room is located in the battalion’s theater, often used for graduations, and the ceremony included the graduation of the Advanced Assaultman Course Class 1-15. Louis A. Correa, the local Chapter President of the Vietnam Veterans of America, was a guest speaker for the graduation and ceremony. Photo by Lance Cpl. Asia J. Sorenson

School of Infantry West honors Vietnam Veterans By Lance Cpl. Asia J. Sorenson sions.

CAMP PENDLETON — The School of Infantry West honored Vietnam Veterans during a dedication ceremony and graduation for the Advanced Infantry Training Battalion, Feb. 18. The battalion’s theatre, which is used for ceremonies and graduations, now hosts a room dedicated to Vietnam Veterans. The Vietnam Room of Remembrance was formerly the theater’s control room, but now features a host of Vietnam War memorabilia, including captured weapons and gear, centered on a plaque that lists the names of 59 Marines who received battlefield commis-

Battlefield commissions are awarded to non-commissioned officers and staff non-commissioned officers on the basis of merit and demonstration of leadership, promoting them to the officer ranks. Louis A. Correa, Chapter President of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 785, and three of the 59 Marines who received battlefield commissions in Vietnam were present for the occasion. Correa was the guest speaker for the ceremony. “I notice some differences in today’s military, but in a way it’s no different than it was in my time,” said

Correa. “Faces and places change, but the soul and the heart of it all are still there.” “They’re a class of warrior elite,” said Lt. Col. Brett A. Clark, the Advanced Infantry Training Battalion, Battalion Commander. “This is part of our lasting legacy, something we continue to pass on." In addition to the Advanced Assaultman Course, some of the classes taught in the theater include the Infantry Squad Leaders Course, Infantry Unit Leader Course, Combat Hunter Trainer Course and Advanced Infantryman Course. These classes ensure non-commissioned

officers and staff non-commissioned officers are proficient in advanced infantry skills, similar to those employed by the Marines who received battlefield commissions. The Advanced Infantry Training Battalion conducts military occupational specialty validation and qualification for entry-level and advanced infantry skill progression training, ensuring that Marines are proficient in advanced infantry skills, reconnaissance skills and Light-Armored Vehicle operations in order to provide qualified infantry Marines to service in the operating forces.

CAMP PENDLETON — There are ways the California Department of Motor Vehicles can help service members to renew their licenses if it expires while they are not in the country. If a service member is unable to renew their license due to a deployment and is a California resident with a license that expired during that time, there are waivers available. “If a service member is out of state on active military service in the United States Armed Forces, they and their spouse’s California driver licenses will continue to be valid beyond the normal expiration date,” said Jaime Garza, spokesperson for the California DMV. Non-residential members of the military stationed in California may drive a vehicle as long as it has valid license plates from the home state or the state from which the service member is regularly assigned. The vehicle must be registered to the service member or their spouse, and it must be insured. It is entirely the responsibility of each individual non-resident to plan ahead to ensure they are not driving with an expired license. According to Garza, it is important to ask the

authorities in the state or country of duty if they will honor an extended license. Driving without a valid license is a minor offense; however, it can be viewed as a misdemeanor, which would show up on a criminal record. A defendant’s driving history is the main factor considered by the prosecution when deciding if the individual should be charged as a misdemeanor or an infraction. The safest way to avoid this headache is to keep your driver’s license valid. A license can be renewed online, in person, by mail or by phone. To be eligible for online, by phone and by mail renewals, you must: — Have a driver license that expires within 60 days. — Be less than 70 years old. — Not have a suspended license or driving probation. — Not have failed to appear in court within the past 2 years. — Not made your last 2 renewals by mail. — Not hold an out-ofstate driver’s license If you have a dependent who is unable to renew their California license because they are out of the state or country, they can apply for a renewal of their driver license by calling the California DMV.


U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Bradley A. Kasal salutes during the playing of the National Anthem during the I Marine Expeditionary Force Sergeant Major Relief and Appointment ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton, Feb. 4, 2015. During the ceremony, Sgt. Maj. Ronald L. Green was relieved by Sgt. Maj. Bradley A. Kasal. Photo by Sgt. Melissa Marnell

FEB. 27, 2015

In loving memory of

Patricia (Patty) Capps January 30, 2015

Patricia (Patty) Capps was born in Minot, North Dakota, and attended Patrick Henry High School and the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. She was a resident of Carlsbad and Oceanside since 1971. Patty married James (Jim) Milam (deceased), and later in life Elbert Capps (deceased). She and Jim moved to California to raise their children, and enjoyed volunteering at

In loving memory of

Garth Ryan Sangree December 6, 1992 January 24, 2015

Garth Ryan Sangree, 22, was born in Boca Raton Florida on December 6,1992. He died on January 24, 2015 while on a solo ocean kayak adventure departing from Jacksonville Beach FL. Cause of death was accidental drowning. Garth was the first of four children born to the Sangree family after relocating to Boca Raton, FL from Ventura, CA 22 years ago: Mark (from Whittier, CA) and Lisa (maiden name Faulkner - originally from Sebastopol, CA) and siblings Kara (20) a sophomore at Liberty University, Tess (18) a senior at Boca Raton Christian High School and Haden (14) in 8th grade at Boca Raton Christian School. Garth was predeceased by his maternal grandparents, William & Marilyn Faulkner of Sebastopol, CA. Garth’s paternal grandparents, G. Loren & Sally Sangree reside in Huntington Beach, CA and Al & Carolyn Quijada in Carlsbad, CA. Garth’s first and foremost love was his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

school carnivals, PTA, baseball, football, softball, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Patty was an avid volunteer and patriot; she spent her time in service to the American Legion and VFW, as well as the Elks Lodge in Encinitas. She enjoyed water skiing and camping with family and friends and spending time with her grandchildren. Patricia is preceded in death by her loving parents Harlow and Hazel Harris, and both of her husbands. She is survived by her brother Keith Harris, her children with Jim: Patrick, Timothy (Ruth), Katherine Logee (Mark), and Karen Kerwood. Grandchildren Reannon Kerwood, Justin Logee, Nina Milam, Cody Logee (Jasmine) and Christopher Milam, niece Jennifer Harris, her beloved dog, Petey, and many friends. She passed peacefully at her home on January 30, 2015.

whom he loved and served with his heart, soul and mind. His commitment to God was expressed in his worship; both personal and as part of worship bands on campus and at Chets Creek Church in Jacksonville. Garth’s life was a short life well lived! A celebration service can be viewed at Garth enjoyed many activities during his childhood including drumming, running, soccer, archery, hiking, boating, paintball and hunting. During his college years he continued these passions and additionally ran extreme races, hiked the Appalachian Trail and enjoyed kayaking. Garth was a very special son with an extremely bright countenance that lit up a room and was genuine friend to many. He was kind, fun-loving, tenderhearted, trustworthy and adventurous. Garth attended Boca Raton Christian School from K-10th and 11th through graduation at Boca Raton Community High School. He was currently a forth year student at University of North Florida pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering and was employed by Drone Aviation Corp in Jacksonville, FL. Garth loved people and loved serving others on mission trips. As such, in leu of flowers a memorial fund has been established at Boca Raton Christian School, 470 NW 4th Ave, Boca Raton, FL 33432 to assist other students with the cost associated with future trips.

In loving memory of

Hazel Jeanette Harmon March 2, 1946 January 5, 2015

Hazel J. Harmon was born March 2nd, 1946 to Julia and Alexander Bernhardt in Bismarck, North Dakota. The youngest of eleven children, Hazel grew up in a rural household crowded with both love and company. She learned early the arts of traditional cooking, child caring, and housekeeping, and carried these passions throughout her life. At age 10, the Bernhardt family moved to Sunnyvale, CA. and later to Cupertino CA. Hazel attended Cupertino High School where she excelled equally in both academics and socializing. Highly intelligent, Hazel was frequently the winner of debate, speech,

spelling and academic competitions. Yet, she was a precocious young woman who made friends easily, eagerly sharing her love for fast cars, live music and high fashion. After graduating in 1964, Hazel worked at the Stanford Medical Center as a physician secretary and attended Junior College. In 1968 she married her soul mate Roy Harmon. Together Hazel and Roy created a marriage that was truly unique. Hazel worked by Roy’s side each and every day as they managed business after business together. She faithfully built up her business skills and quickly gained a reputation as a creative and shrewd businesswoman. Hazel managed restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars, vending, and catering services in cities throughout California including Redwood City, San Francisco, Menlo Park, Riverside, Oceanside, and Soledad. Having a visually impaired husband never unsettled Hazel. Instead, she became a zealous lifelong advocate for the Blind and disabled. She worked closely with the Randolph Shepard Venders of America, the Blind/

Business Enterprise Program, the California Council of the Blind, as well as other local and national advocacy organizations. Hazel played a principal role in redeveloping the national Venderscope Magazine and served as its editor. Projecting a distinct attitude of inclusion, Hazel could make anyone feel welcomed and valued. She was dedicated to the cause of equality and opportunity for all, and labored tirelessly in this venture. But it was motherhood that was of greatest importance to Hazel. Nothing made her more proud than being a mother. Hazel often said that the best days of her life were the births of her two children Brien and Alexa. She insisted on providing an idyllic childhood for her children and no sacrifice was too great. Her generous spirit shined brightest upon beloved children. Her relationships with Brien and Alexa were extremely close, serving as their trusted confidant, advisor, and friend. Hazel encouraged her family to live life to its fullest potential. Hazel had many hobbies including sew-

ing, crafting, cooking, doll collecting, and attending sporting events featuring the 49ers, Chargers, and St. Louis Cardinals. She travelled to cities throughout the United States accumulating adventures with her family, friends, and co-workers. She was an incredible person, and was so supportive and loving that it is difficult to put into words how much she will be missed. Hazel was preceded in death by her parents and 6 brothers. She is survived by her husband Roy, son Brien, daughter Alexa, sisters Rosella, Lillian, and Estella, brother Julius, Goddaughter Stacy, and by countless others who carry on her memory by living a life filled with love, hope and compassion. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations are made to the Durward K. McDaniel Legal Fund for the defense of the Blind community. Funeral Mass to be held on Monday March 2nd. At 1pm At St. Mary’s Star of Sea Church in Oceanside Final Resting Place is Eternal Hills Memorial Park. Please visit www.dignitymemorial. com for online Memorial

Although it’s difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.” Author Unknown

Allen Brothers Family


2 lbs. powdered sugar 2 sticks margarine/butter 1 can sweetened condensed milk peppermint candies (crushed) chocolate chips or dipping chocolate

Mix the first 3 items 10-15 minutes until smooth and creamy. Add crushed peppermint candy to taste. Dip by spoonful onto waxed paper lined cookie sheet. Put in the freezer overnight. Next day: Melt in double boiler 2-12oz. pkgs. chocolate chips. Dip frozen candy one by one with a toothpick and put back on waxed paper. Chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.



1315 S. Santa Fe Ave Vista, CA 92083


SAN MARCOS CHAPEL FD-1378 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069


CROPGoodwin, 86 Emma Jarquin .93 Carlsbad .93 - Feb. 18, 2015 Jan. 2, 1929 4.17 Joseph S. Smolen 4.28 Oceanside July 18, 1924 - Feb. 15, 2015 Barbara A. Hanson Oceanside Jan. 2, 1929 - Feb. 18, 2015 Audrey Nelson, 90 Vista Jan. 15, 1925 - Feb. 16, 2015

Anita L. Peacher, 91 Vista July 2, 1923 - Feb. 15, 2015 Walter Reece De Porte, 88 Oceanside Oct. 22, 1926 - Feb. 12, 2015 Laman Harmon Bruner, 66 Escondido July 17, 1948 - Feb. 16, 2015 James Caetta, 72 Escondido Oct. 29, 1942 - Feb. 16, 2015

Submission Process

Please email obits @ or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white.


Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Text” $15 per inch

Approx. 21 words per column inch

Photo: $25 Art: $15 (Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

To place an obituary call 760.436.9737 or email


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 27, 2015

Educational Opportunities

Local charter school is currently enrolling, now with two locations SAN MARCOS — Taylion San Diego Academy is now enrolling with two locations to serve North County. Taylion offers programs in home school, independent study and a virtual program, and has open enrollment throughout the year. With locations in San Marcos and Vista, the charter school has a program to meet the needs of students in need of a more personalized education. The charter school opened in 2013, and has since grown to be a partner in the North County community. During its first year of existence, the school was granted accreditation by the Western Association of Schools (WASC), and has now expanded into Vista. The school even has an Associated Student Body (A.S.B.), which plans field trips and fundraisers throughout the year. Taylion’s programs is an option for students K-12, who find that a traditional school setting just isn’t a fit for them, academically or otherwise (bullies, etc.). A large number of their student population are high school students. “Kids that come to us, are for whatever reason, not thriving in a traditional public school setting,” said Taylion San

I think, first of all, parents consider what their kid’s needs are. ” Shannon Smith Director of Business Development

Diego Academy’s Director of Business Development, Shannon Smith. “It can be for a variety of reasons: academics, socially, and they come to us where they find a place where they can academically and socially thrive.” Taylion offers three separate learning environments for students: online education programs, a homeschool program, and an independent study program. Programs are often blended to meet the needs of students. Some additional learning opportunities include small group instruction and online learning programs. School officials say the program offers individualized learning, a safe environment with less distraction, higher parent involvement, credit recovery, credit acceleration, greater

access to new educational resources, and unparalleled flexibility in utilizing various instructional delivery methods based on the particular student’s learning style. When asked what parents should look for in a choice for education, Smith said, “I think, first of all, parents consider what their kid’s needs are. What is it that they think can help their kid to be successful, and then go look at what the options are, and that’s what is wonderful about charter schools. At Taylion San Diego Academy, we are able to customize their learning program. We offer independent study, online classes, homeschooling and a blended model. We are able to take each student, assess where they are at, determine what would best help them and design a program for them individually.” The San Marcos campus is located at 100 N. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #110, San Marcos, CA 92069, while the Vista site is located at 1661B South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081. For more information regarding enrollment and upcoming parent information sessions, call (855) 77-LEARN or (760) 2955564, or visit

Crime prevention specialists visit RSF Senior Center By Christina Macone-Greene

SEA CADET AWARD From left, JROTC Bronze Medal Award winner, Petty Officer 3rd Class Elise Noel Odom, gets congratulations from Terry Tucker, Rancho Buena Vista Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution ROTC Chairwoman. Odom attends Rancho Buena Vista High School and has been a Sea Cadet for two years. She will be attending the United States Naval Academy in the fall. Awardees must be in the upper 25 percent of both ROTC/JROTC and academic classes and must demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character, adherence to military discipline, and leadership ability. Courtesy photo

RANCHO SANTA FE — While fraud, scams and identity theft continues to rise, the Rancho Santa Fe Senior Center wanted its residents to be empowered by learning more about these threats. A recent visit from Gary Rivers, Crime Prevention Specialist from the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, explained to the attendees how people can protect themselves against all types of fraud. Terrie Litwin, executive director at the RSF Senior Center introduced Rivers. “Scam artists are getting smarter and smarter on how they go about attracting their victims,” she said. “I know Gary’s got the right information and we really appreciate him being here.” Rivers agreed with Litwin. Fraudulent people are becoming more ingenious as far the different ways they are arriving at new scams. Rivers, a former San Diego Police Officer who retired from the force after 29 years, was delighted to educate people on how they can protect themselves. The senior community is particularly at risk with certain scams, he said. Rivers explained there

are indeed senior scams which play into the fears of how some seniors may be forgetful and more trusting. According to Rivers’ statistics, seniors who lost $20,000 or more in financial exploitation went on to lose an average of $2,000 a year to other scams over the next five years. Met Life is calling elder financial abuse as the “Crime of the 21st Century.” Rivers went on to say that was once thought to cost the elderly $2.9 billion, True Link Financial found that it’s costing the elderly 12 times that estimate to a tune of about $36 billion. “So it’s, a growing thing,” he said. “The losses are significant with not only actual dollars, but people have lost their homes, their dignity and their cherished independence.” While the senior population represents 12 percent of the nation, he said, they account for 35% of fraud victims. And if that weren’t enough, Rivers pointed out that telemarketers make up for $40 billion of the $100 billion total annual lost by consumer fraud. One way they are filtering out seniors is by opening the digital or paper white pages and finding names

of people who were born in the 1940s and 1950s. Examples of these names would be Dorothy, Abigail, Stella, Florence and many more. “So they’re getting kind of really sly as far as what they’re looking for when they pick out their victims,” he said. Rivers named the top scam signs which include the following: the offer is too good to be true; scammers request for private information such as social security numbers and credit card numbers and codes; grammatical errors in letters and emails for new opportunities; request for fees if someone has incurred winnings; suspicious email domain; no physical property address on a correspondence; and, pressuring people to commit. “Make sure that the business that you’re dealing with is a legitimate business,” he said. “And no legitimate lottery or sweepstakes is ever going to ask for money upfront.” Another thing to be cautious about is someone wanting access to an individual’s computer. Rivers said people who do this, are able to delve into a person’s system and collect all types of personal information, including banking, passwords and so


Rivers also touched upon the “emergency distress call” scam. He explained this is when grandparents may get a call from a person posing as their grandchild who tells them they are in jail or in a foreign country and need money wired to them immediately. Callers who think a relative is on the other end need bail money totaling around $2,000. “When you get a call like this, and you’re on the phone with them, you need to ask yourself, ‘Does this sound like your grandchild?’” he told the crowd. Although the caller will plead not to have the grandparent call the parents or other family members, ignore that request, hang up, and call others for verification. “The other thing is these scammers will say they’ve been involved in an accident and need money for that,” he said, adding how callers will say they don’t sound like themselves because they have been injured. While scammers are redefining more underhanded tactics to draw people in, Rivers had an important piece of advice to share: “Just say no.”

FEB. 27, 2015



campments in the 1990s. Sañudo was one of the first outreach workers. He said it took awhile to establish trust. Now migrant workers recognize the clinic van that stops in weekly to pick up workers and transport them to the clinic for healthcare and treatment of chronic conditions. At the clinic they are provided



and transplanting them into a new school mid year, Flaim said it would be no different than if they did it at the start of the new school year. “I think it’s fine, you’re moving an entire class and their teacher and just changing the building,” Flaim said. School officials anticipate that the school board will decide on how to proceed with the delay at a future board meeting. Meanwhile, a group known as “Stop San Marcos K-8” has expressed concerns about the location of the project, which it says imperils the children who will attend. Double Peak sits just below the crest of San Elijo Road, where the speed limit is 50 miles per hour and the street begins a steep 10 percent grade both eastbound and westbound. Motorists are often seen driving in excess of the 50 mph speed limit, some using the street as a shortcut to Carlsbad and Encinitas and


in a social and fun environment. Sushi Smackdown is definitely not a quiet dinner for two. It is a sushi party where everyone participates in the rating of the restaurant’s best and has some fun making new friends. How exactly does a Sushi Smackdown work, walk me through an event. First you go to our site ( Pick your city and restaurant. Each restaurant offers multiple dates and times. Choose your date and time and reserve your event. The events normally start at 7 p.m. so we ask our fans to arrive 15 minutes early for seating. We would like to start the show right about 7:10 p.m. because it is a 2hour to 2 1/2 hour event. Since it is a social event, we put all the tables together or at least create table of eight so everyone gets to meet new friends. We welcome the crowd and explain the event. The restaurant serves the crowd 17 of its most popular appetizers, rolls, sushi, desserts and more. Everyone has a rating sheet with what the restaurant will be serving on it. As each dish comes out, the fans taste each one and rate the dish one to five stars. In between the service, we have our famous sake bomb contests. We take four ladies for the first round, then four guys, and finally the winners go face-to-face, guys versus girls. The winner gets tickets to the next sushi smackdown. I have never seen a crowd get into a competition like they do with our sake


T he C oast News - I nland E dition the same medical, specialist and prescription services as other patients. Outreach services to connect them with clinic healthcare are costly and time consuming for staff, but without these services, it is unlikely migrant workers would seek healthcare that ensures their health and helps prevent the spread of communicable diseases. “It’s very different from

downtown San Diego or L.A., we have to drive to the scene,” Sañudo said. “It’s quite a distance to reach the population.” A loss of federal funds would also reduce or eliminate doctor education loan repayment programs, which provide an incentive for doctors to work in underserved, high need clinics. Congress is expected to make a funding decision by Sept. 30.

others using it to get to nearby Cal State San Marcos. The group, spearheaded by local resident Andy Lee, says that these conditions will endanger the lives of children who will have to cross San Elijo Road in order to make it to and from school. Additionally, Double Peak is in an area where wildfires have charred thousands of acres, both in 2007 and most recently in 2014 in the Cocos fire. The group questions how safely would the school be able to evacuate in the event of a wildfire. “The new K-8 school site is irresponsible, immoral, and a public danger for San Marcos students and residents in the area. This school must be stopped,” Lee wrote to The Coast News in September. Roybal said that the school is aware of the speed and traffic issues along San Elijo Road, and have built in safety measures to the project, which include a quarter-mile drop off area inside of the property and a 25 miles per hour speed limit along the street in the immediate vicin-

ity of the school. The Coast News canvassed an area near the school site asking parents and residents about the school and the safety concerns. While many acknowledged the traffic and vehicle speed concerns of the group, they said they didn’t think this should stop the school from being built. “Nobody likes more traffic, and yes, the speed is a concern, but how can anyone be opposed to a beautiful new school?” said Nancy Lee, a local homeowner. “One thing about this area is that it is a great place to raise children. Those children need a school.” Lee’s neighbor Gloria Loop said that she was very concerned about the speeds, but it is something that families deal with already. “I think the school district can find ways to slow down the speed, perhaps by adding a couple of more stop lights,” Loop said. “But I don’t see this as a deal breaker. This community needs the school.”

bomb contests. It is fun and it creates a great vibe with our crowd. As we come to the end of the event, two chefs will compete for the crowds vote by making their best dish not on the menu. Once the crowd votes for the winning chef, the chefs come out to greet the crowd. Finally the fans have dessert and we say goodbye. You have an impressive list of venues participating, can you list some of them and were they immediately receptive to the concept? Currently in San Diego we have Sabuku, Carlsbad we have Nozomi, Escondido we have Sushi Yama, and Del Mar we have Tabu. The restaurants have all been very successful so far. After the third and fourth round with us, they normally sign up for a whole year. We started this program a couple of months ago. Ticket sales have doubled each month allowing us to add more restaurants to the program. Is there a variety of sushi served at these, nigiri, sashimi, rolls or does it tend to be one type of presentation? We like to see a variety of food with each restaurant. Each restaurant will serve three or four appetizers, four or five sashimi and nigiri, five or six rolls, a couple of surprise dishes not on the menu and a couple of deserts. The surprise dishes are normally two chefs competing for the crowd’s vote who is the better chef. They each create a dish and the crowd gets to vote on them.

How much are tickets and what is the best way to purchase them? Tickets are normally $59 per person. We are running specials with daily deal sites at $35 or your fans can use the promo code PLATE to get their tickets for $32. What events and venues do you have coming up in March and April? In March and April we have our normal Sushi Smackdown events, usually every Monday through Thursday night. We have introduced our VIP parties and special events such as Raw Romance on Saturday afternoons from 1 to 3:30 p.m. where we feature beer and sushi tasting events, and our romantic sushi experience with our Raw Romance events. We are about to announce our big event coming up in April with one of the well-known local breweries featuring the ultimate sake bomb challenge. All of our Sake Bomb winners and our fans will be invited to this event at the brewery. It will be catered by one of our top sushi restaurants. We are expecting a crowd of over 200. Learn more about Sushismackdown at Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during at 4:10 and 7:10 p.m. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@ or (858) 395-6905.


farce.” Lightner also said she has concerns about impacts to emergency response times, and the environmental impact report is “fatally flawed” and likely will not withstand litigation. “The potential benefits do not outweigh environmental impacts,” she said. Emerald described it as “a beautiful project” that’s “too big for the area.” “The community has good reason for concerns,” she said. Councilwoman Lorie Zapf said she supports One Paseo because it will fulfill a housing need. She said residents initially opposed

Liberty Station, a mixeduse development in her district, but now they embrace it. “Today’s decision does not come easy to me,” Councilwoman Myrtle Cole said, adding that it is difficult to find a balance between being business-friendly and maintaining community character. Before the vote, Kilroy agreed to designate 60 of the housing units as affordable and fund a threetimes-daily shuttle service. The developer also plans to invest more than $6 million in state-of-theart GPS traffic improvements in the corridor.

$1.2 million for the foundation last November and they do fundraising year round. She said women have a habit of putting others before themselves and in order to reduce mortality rates caused by breast cancer, women need to take a day for themselves.

“This is something we can do something about. We’re completely focused on effecting mortality rates of breast cancer in San Diego County and we have a proven track record of doing that,” Farmer said. “All we’re asking is put yourself first one day a year and get a checkup.”

cos will be back as a guest of the event. Part of the goal of the race is to continue the call of bringing back the mile, a nationwide movement to keep the mile distance in the culture of American running. The movement is gain-

ing steam around the country, Seidel said. “It’s a distance that is at once challenging and doable,” he said. Register online at until March 14. Registration will also be available the day of the race.

sevelt at the California Center for the Arts Main CONTINUED FROM 11 Theatre, 340 N. Escondido dition between 5 and 8 Blvd., Escondido. For tickp.m. March 2 for the mu- ets, call (800) 988-4253. sical “Sleeping Beauty” at the San Marcos Communi- MARCH 4 ty Center, 3 Civic Center GALLERY EVENT Drive, San Marcos. Per- The Rancho Buena Vista formances will be April 30 Adobe Gallery presents and May 1 through May 3. Art Group of North CounFor further information, ty Thursdays through Satcall (760) 744-9000 or visit urdays 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. through April 30 at 640 est. Alta Vista Drive, Vista.

Alive, a Celebration of the Arts from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 8, at The San Marcos Civic Center, 3 Civic Center Drive with fine art, a craft fair, a community art mural and hands-on art projects. Admission and parking are free. For more information, call (760) 744-9000 or visit MUCHO MARIACHIA Mariachi Festival will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. March 29 with a Tacos and Tequila pre-reception, at the California Center for the Arts Main Theatre, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, with headliners Mariachi Reyna de Los Angeles, Mariachi Garibaldi and Ballet Folklorico Tierra Caliente. Tickets range from $20 to $45 at /sing le / SYOS.aspx?p=1269. For more information, email info@ or call, (800) 988-4253.


couldn’t reach a compromise. She said she believes One Paseo has parking issues because it uses tandem parking for office uses, the retail market analysis is flawed and the city “is giving the developer a pass on water requirements.” She added that it “will create immitigable traffic impacts.” “Traffic is already a problem and it will get worse,” she said, noting that in her opinion the “proposed transportation management plan is a


those $35,” Farmer said. A single mammogram costs about $125 and the San Diego Komen Foundation performed over 12,000 in 2014. The Race for the Cure in Balboa Park brought in



as the 2015 USATF San Diego Road Mile Championship. Steve Scott, a former record holder of the fastest mile, and current track coach at Cal State San Mar-


MARCH 3 LUNAFEST Soroptimist International Oceanside Carlsbad presents Lunafest, nine short films by, for and about women from 2 to 5 p.m. May 3 at the Dove Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Tickets are $25 by email to TIME WITH TEDDY Broadway actor Laurence Luckinbill presents a one-man show “Teddy Tonight!” of Theodore Roo-

MARCH 7 MUSIC FEST The Spring Forward Music Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. March 7 at Grape Day Park, 321 N. Broadway Ave., Escondido, Along with music will be creative spring activities, arts, games, and activities for all ages. For more information, call (866) 991-3747. MARK THE CALENDAR CELEBRATE THE ARTS Enjoy San Marcos


Cost is $10. Call for details at (760) 787-1102. Perfect Pairings in Carlsbad has a Zaca Mesa Winery Dinner March 3 at 6:30 p.m. Five courses for $75. This is a leading winery in the Santa Ynez Valley. Call for an RSVP at (760) 453-7974. Harry’s Bar and Restaurant, across from UTC in La Jolla will present John Priest of Etude Winery to join in a wine Solare Ristorante owner Randy Smerik, Banfi representatives Luand food prepared dinner ciano Castiello and Diane Nares and wine columnist Frank Mangio, March 4 at 6 p.m. Cost is share a special personal greeting to Mangio from Banfi’s founder $85 for a five-course meal John Mariani and CEO Cristina Mariani. Photo courtesy Frank Mangio and five-wine pairings. columns at tasteofwinetv. certified by Wine Spectator. Call (858) 373-1252. com. Reach him at mangiHe is one of the leading wine and follow commentators on the web. Frank Mangio is a him on Facebook. View and link up with his renowned wine connoisseur


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 27, 2015 perience a low- energy cycle. You can improve your mood by getting involved in activities or hobbies that bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2015

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

Uncertainty or a lack of confidence will stifle your progress. Explore your options and do some research to help you get out of your rut and begin moving forward. The more you learn, the easier it will be to make a decision. A positive outlook, knowledge and experience will ensure success.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- A preoccupation with professional responsibilities will take its toll on an important relationship. Friction is likely unless you make a focused effort to nurture what you’ve got. Re-evaluate what’s most important to you.

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- An expensive vacation will lead to debt. However, you can add a spark to your day with a congenial gathering of friends. You don’t need cash to have a good time.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Beneficial changes can be made if you join forces with like-minded people. Superiors will be receptive to your ideas if you present facts and offer solutions. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are feeling drained or disappointed about a personal issue. Look to a trusted friend for his or her perspective and guidance.

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You need to take better care of yourself. You cannot be at your best if you give in to overindulgence. Use your imagination and envision a healthier and happier you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You will be disappointed by someone who reneges on a promise. In order to meet a deadline, put in extra hours. You will receive full credit for your efforts.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Don’t be too hard on yourself. You have the intelligence, wisdom and intuition to succeed. Trust in your abilities is more important than the opinions of others. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- You’ll face a minor disagreement. Do your best to keep the peace by making concessions and sharing household responsibilities. Being flexible will spare you grief and improve the outcome.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You need to remain open to innovative ideas and educational opportunities. Positive changes are possible if you branch out and refuse to settle for less when you can have more.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Your sense of humor and quick wit will lead to greater popularity. Others will be startled to see how entertaining you can be. A healthy dose of laughter will do you good.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Don’t hold back when it comes to sharing your creativity and insight with others. Lucrative gains are imminent if you attract the attention of intellectual and influential alCANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You’ll ex- lies. Set a new standard or trend.

FEB. 27, 2015


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


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JUNE 20,

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By Rachel


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OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 2:00-5:00PM Beautiful parklike views, 3 br 2 ba, 1722 sq ft. Fireplace in lr, large patio, many fruit trees. 1128 Vista Bonita, Vista, CA 92083 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 12:00-3:00PM Breathtaking mountain & golf course views! 3 br 4 ba, 3700 sq ft.Salt water pool/spa & built in bbq. 2927 Lakemont Dr. Fallbrook, CA 92028 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, 2/28/15 1-4:00PM-SUNDAY 3/1/15 1:004:00PM Elegantly Provincial 4 br home, 4715 sq ft. custom entrance with marble foyer, high cathederal ceilings. 7336 Cadencia St, Carlsbad, CA 92009 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, 2/28/15 10:00AM-1:00PM-SUNDAY 3/1/15 1:00-4:00PM Stunning Carlsbad coastal 3br home with abundance of upgrades. Drought resistant landscaping & fire pit. 3548 N. Fork Ave. Carlsbad, Ca 92010 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 1:00-4:00PM Warm & inviting estate home on 4.91 view acres. 3 br 5209 sq ft, soaring ceilings, pool/spa, avocado groove, entertainer’s dream! 31044 Villa Toscana Bonsall, CA 92003 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 1:00-4:00PM Grand, gorgeous & new with breathtaking views! Magnificent circle drive entrance, 4br 4600 sq ft home with lush landscaping. 31345 Lake Vista Terrace, Bonsall, Ca 92003 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 12:00-3:00PM 4 br 3 ba home terrific floor plan, entertainer’s paradise backyard! 285 Oak Valley Lane Escondido, CA 92027



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T he C oast News - I nland E dition






FEB. 27, 2015



FEB. 27, 2015

Odd Files By Chuck Shepherd Newest Right The Utah Court of Appeals ruled in February that Barbara Bagley has a legal right to sue herself for her own negligent driving that caused the death of her husband. Typically, in U.S. courts, a party cannot profit from its own negligence, but Bagley is the official “representative” administering her husband’s estate and has a duty to claim debts owed to the husband. Those debts would include “wrongful death” damages from a careless driver (actually, the careless driver’s insurance company), even if the careless driver was herself. Of course, if her lawsuit is successful, the monetary award would become part of the husband’s estate, a portion of which will likely go to her. Historical Weird Can’t Possibly Be True: For a brief period in 1951 and 1952, an educational kit, the Gilbert Atomic Energy Lab, was for sale in the United States even though it came with testable samples of four types of uranium ore and three different radiation sources (alpha, beta, gamma). A surviving copy of the kit has been on display recently at the Ulster Museum in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but the radioactive materials had to be removed before the kit could be shipped to Belfast. (The kit had failed to sell well; kids apparently preferred the company’s erector sets.) In February, the Kansas Humanities Council, providing background to a current, traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibit, posted a description of a 1925 baseball game in Wichita in which the professional, all-black Wichita Monrovians took on members of the local Ku Klux Klan. (Historians guessed that the KKK risked the embarrassment of defeat only because it needed the exposure to overcome declining enrollments.) The Monrovians (champions of the Colored Western League the year before) won, 10-8, and the Klan shut down in Kansas two years later. Intelligent Design A 37-year-old Lancashire, England, businessman (identified in later news reports as Duane Walters), fearing surgery for suspected bladder cancer, was discovered to be cancer-free, but on the other hand, he was found to have a uterus, ovaries and cervix — even though he has fully functioning exterior male genitalia. He was referred to Manchester University Hospital for a hysterectomy (to prevent the possibility of pregnancy) — and was counseled that he might eventually become menopausal. His condition, “persistent Mullerian duct syndrome,” is rare enough when diagnosed at birth but, according to experts cited by the Daily Telegraph, virtually unheard-of at age 37. Walters said he will continue living as a man.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ MIABELLA OPENS MiaBella Yogurt & Desserts held a grand opening Feb. 16 for its new North County Square location at 1711 University Drive, Vista location. VISTA DAR AWARDS Rancho Buena Vista Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution honored four local high school students at its 12th annual awards ceremony, recognizing the outstanding student who displays dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. Dylan Stover of Vista High placed first. Other winners included Blakeley Houk of Rancho Buena Vista, Andrew Hill of San Marcos High School and Kathleen Jocelyn from Mission Hills High School. Stover was also chosen as the winner of the DAR District XIV contest from among 11 local participating chapter winners. MOONLIGHT PRODUCER LAUDED Producing Artistic Director of Moonlight Stage Productions, Steven Glaudini, has been named “Producer of the Year” for 2014 by the San Diego Theatre Critics Circle. The award was announced

Schools in spotlight for technology use VISTA — Vista Unified School District is one of four school districts in the country to be highlighted at a national symposium on using digital technology in education. “Vista’s story is one that we really wanted to tell,” said Bob Wise, president of the Alliance for Excellent Education, which is sponsoring the Fourth Annual Digital Learning Day March 13 in Washington, D.C. The four districts that were chosen to be featured at Digital Learning Day represent different sizes and types of district but each shows how the effective use of technology can produce success for traditionally underserved students, according to the Alliance. From small, rural districts like Huntsville to very large urban ones like Houston, these districts offer examples of how digital learning is engaging students and teachers across the nation. Based in Washington, D.C., the Alliance for Excellent Education is a national policy and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring all students graduate from high school, particularly those who are traditionally underserved. Teachers and school leaders from throughout the country will gather in Washington for Digital Learning Day to talk about how they use technology. Educators can learn more at

during the Craig Noel Awards in La Jolla and attended by more than 500 people, which celebrated the year in San Diego theater. The award is presented to a local producer who has made a major impact in San Diego theater. “Since he arrived two years ago, Glaudini has dramatically increased ticket sales and subscriptions as well as the theater’s profile and prestige with Broadway-quality productions,” the Critics Circle said. INGOLD JOINS NEW LAW FIRM E s condido resident Scott Ingold is the newest Litigation Associate with Higgs Fletcher & Mack, a San Diego-based law firm. Ingold has maintained an active litigation practice throughout California and Southern Nevada and will primarily be responsible for assisting Higgs’ Partner Roland Achtel with probate matters. Ingold, recently named a 2015 Rising Star by Super Lawyers, comes to Higgs from Stutz Artiano Shinoff & Holtz where he tried jury trials, bench trials and binding arbitrations in high-exposure cases involving business disputes, employment disputes, wage and hour claims as well as wrongful death.

KRANZ JOINS LOSSAN Encinitas Council Member Tony Kranz will represent North San Diego County as Vice Chairman of the Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor’s board of directors. Kranz will serve alongside other officials representing rail owners, operators and planning agencies along the rail corridor between San Diego, Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo. The board meets monthly to address operational and development issues that concern the 351-mile stretch of rail that travels through six counties in Southern California’s coastal region. MAINLY MOZART GETS SUPPORT San Diego County Supervisor Dave Roberts has designated $35,000 in support for the Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra, Festival and outreach. Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra leaders believe that, like Mozart, every child has a unique genius. The organization is working to raise $15,000 by April 10 to successfully take the Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra through the 2015 season. Whether it’s $10, $25 or $50, donations can make a difference in the life of a child. For more information and to make a donation,

visit ENCINITAS LOTS SOLD Homebuilder Davidson Communities of Del Mar has purchased 19 undeveloped residential lots off Berryman Canyon Road, near the intersection of El Camino Real and Tennis Club Drive in the southern portion of Encinitas, for approximately $7.5 million, according to real estate services provider Land Advisors Organization, which handled the transaction. The seller of the lots, in a development known as The Enclave at Encinitas, was New Urban West Inc. of Santa Monica. The deal was brokered by David Landes, of Land Advisors’ Carlsbad office. DOMINO’S REMODELS Domino’s Pizza opened three newly remodeled pizza theaters at 650 Douglas Drive, Suite 104, 301 Mission Ave., Unit 106 and 2858 Thunder Drive in Oceanside. Highlights include a comfortable lobby, indoor seating, open-area viewing of the food preparation process and the ability to track carryout orders electronically on a lobby screen. The store also features flat screen TVs and chalkboards to allow customers to express their creativity or to leave feedback for the store team members. NEW NOVEL San Marcos author Shelia Kinneer Robb announces the release of her new Christian novel, “The

Gossamer Curtain.” Lucy dies in a car crash. After a few days in heaven, she gets concerned about the things she left unfinished and begs God to let her return for just a short time. The book is published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises. Robb is a retired nurse and mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, who began writing after her retirement. coastnewsgroup


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 27, 2015


Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. Limited Terms Available. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval & vehicle availability. No down payment required. See participating dealers for details. Must take delivery from dealer stock by March 3, 2015.

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All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 2-28-2015.

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