Cvn 020416

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14  Thursday, February 4, 2016

Coastal View News • Carpinteria, California

CVN asks… “What should Carpinteria do if the drought continues?” By RoBin KaRlsson

Emelie Lainer Jaqueline Schmidt (French citizen in town for two months)

“France is very aware and concerned about the drought in California. They believe it will have a tremendous effect on the world. israel has had success by developing a desalinization water treatment facility.”

Lorraine McIntire

“i think the only thing that Carpinteria could do is to look into a desalinization plant. Maybe partnering with another city like Ventura, oxnard or ojai to try to get alternative sources of water.”

Neil Martell

“The city should cut back on watering the flowers to look pretty for the tourists; they will come anyway. and we don’t need to water Linden field or the softball fields. My neighbor is never here but they water their grass even in the rain. i think most of the people in Carpinteria are doing their best to conserve water, but everyone has to do their part.”

“Take shorter showers and use extra water to wash dishes.”

Joe Sevilla “Move!”

Alice Larson Marsha Hudson

“Pray and then look for a source of water.”

“i am in andy Caldwell fan and i believe that our leaders in government have let us down. We have looked at the tiniest little insect but not at the people’s needs. We must store water. We need to find other sources for water and we need to stop all the funding for things that are unnecessary… this is a life-anddeath matter.”

Margaret Landreau

“i think it would be really good if people were more aware of gray water and setting up systems for gray water recycling. People could do it without a great expense, and i think people just don’t know much about it. it would save a tremendous amount of water. Maybe the city could offer a class to show people how to recycle gray water.”

Lee Hatler “Plant cactus.”

Melissa Compton

“i think that being very aware and careful about development in Carpinteria would be something to look at. They are proposing a new community over by the golf driving course, a major development! Where will the water come from?”

Sharon Organista

“We could recycle the water at the water treatment plant and make that accessible to residents.”

Rebecca Plum

“We could all cut back a little more.”

Logan Semple

“invest in a desalinization plant.”

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