Bioenergetic Health Coaching Syllabus

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Bioenergetic Health Coach

Course Syllabus

The information in this course is designed to teach the fundamentals of healthy living for you and your clients to support recovery and maintenance of good health. It is not a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If your clients have medical or mental health conditions needing treatment, please refer them to a qualified professional.

Module Overview

MODULE 1: Overview In this module, you’ll get a high-level look at what this course covers, including its part in your deeper training specifically into bioenergetic technology and health solutions. It also explains how to properly completely the course

MODULE 2: Anatomy & Physiology In this module, you’ll be introduced to the basics of anatomy and physiology, exploring how cells and tissues work as well as the major functional systems of the body. This will help prepare you for understanding the effects of diet and lifestyle on the body as well as the body’s connections to health concerns that your clients may share with you. Topics Explored A&P1: A&P2: A&P3: Cells Heart & Circulation Digestive System Tissues & Systems Respiratory System Endocrine System Musculoskeletal System Brain & Nervous System Metabolism Skin & Mucosa Sensory System

MODULE 3: An Introduction to Bioenergetics Our health coaching program is unique because of its focus on the energy system of body, and here you’ll begin to understand the long history of energy and health dating back thousands of years. Here you’ll find introductions to a variety of bioenergetic researchers, techniques, and technologies, as well as the overall theory of energy and information in the body.

Topics Explored History & Overview of Bioenergetics Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Ayurveda Chakras / Aura Modern Bioenergetics Bioenergetic Healing Methods The Human Body-Field Fields Quantum Field Theory The Human Body-Field / Biofield Theoretical Perspectives Body-Field Theory Bioenergetics & Control Systems Genetics Energy & Information in the Body

MODULE 4: Restore Your Energy with Bioenergetics In this module, you’ll learn in detail about bioenergetics from the perspective of NES Health, whose bioenergetic solutions you have access throughout this course. This is the content from our book of the same name, and it explores the challenges and limitations of conventional health approaches and how bioenergetics fills the gap. It also gives details on how to provide the body with more energy, and how bioenergetics keeps the body using that energy efficiently. Explore the theory of the body-field and how the entire NES Health system works.

Topics Explored Lesson 1: Sinking into Chronic Fatigue Lesson 2: Why Biochemistry is Not Enough Lesson 3: The Other Half of the Story Lesson 4: Charge the Body’s Battery Lesson 5: Understand the Body’s Control System Lesson 6: Assess the Body’s Control System Lesson 7: Restore the Body’s Control System Lesson 8: Building on the Revolution Lesson 9: Bringing it All Together

MODULE 5: Health Coaching Overview This module explains how you can use the next several modules and their downloadable client handouts in actually consulting with your clients.

MODULE 6: Health Coaching: Body Health coaching involves helping others understand the most important steps in living a healthy lifestyle. This module includes lessons covering diet and exercise, from the fundamentals of good nutrition to managing blood sugar, healing the gut, and more. Topics Explored Lesson 1: Dietary Fundamentals Lesson 2: Managing Blood Sugar Lesson 3: Food & Drink Addiction Lesson 4: Exercise Lesson 5: Healing the Gut Lesson 6: Fasting

MODULE 7: Health Coaching: Environment Health coaching involves helping others understand the most important steps in living a healthy lifestyle. This module teaches how to live optimally with one’s environment, from cleaning up the home environment to dealing with the ever-increasing exposure to EMFs to alignment with the Earths’ natural day/night cycle and more. Topics Explored Lesson 1: Circadian Rhythm Management Lesson 2: Water Lesson 3: EMFs / Frequencies Lesson 4: Home Chemical Clean-Up Lesson 5: Light Lesson 6: Hormesis

MODULE 8: Health Coaching: Mind For all the importance we must lay on lifestyle and environment, the mind plays a fundamental role on our health and life experience. Here you’ll learn how consciousness and experience form our beliefs trigger our emotions, and set our course for life … and why we need to work at the level of the subconscious if we wish to steer our own lives and recover our health. A theoretical basis leads into research proving the importance of this work, and we conclude with our exclusive, bioenergetic approach to personal development and changing one’s belief system from the core.

Topics Explored Lesson 1: Thoughts, Beliefs, and Emotions Lesson 2: The Power and Science of Mindset Lesson 3: The Choice Point Philosophy

MODULE 9: The Business of Coaching Your key to impacting many people with your knowledge as a bioenergetics health coach is understanding how to run a successful practice. In this module, you’ll learn the essentials of working with clients and running your business. You’ll also get access to key documents needed when setting up new client accounts. Topics Explored Commitments of a Bioenergetic Health Coach Principles of Success Working with Clients Documents to Run Your Business

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