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Like you, I’ve always loved picnics. In fact, some of my fondest memories growing-up involve the summer and a picnic. Whether it’s with family, , friends or colleagues’ picnics are a great way to spend quality time and bond with your loved ones. So, to make your picnics extra special, start with one of my favorite recipes: Hummus, a wonderful healthy ‘go to dip’ or spread.

1. No Food Allergens. Hummus is free of common food allergens and irritants, such as gluten, nuts, and dairy.


2. Chickpeas or Garbanzo beans are a great source of fiber and protein and can help reduce weight, risk factors for heart disease, and even the risk of cancer, especially when they replace red meat in the diet.

3. Olive oil is linked to many health benefits, including less inflammation, better brain health, protection against heart disease and stroke, and the ability to help fight cancer.

4. Help improve bowel function and reduce the number of bad bacteria in the intestines.

5. High in fiber & folate, and low in calories; can help reduce blood sugar, decrease blood cholesterol and improve gut health.


1. Roasted Garlic– gives caramelized sweetness and richer flavor to the hummus.

2. Chickpeas– adds a nutty flavor and an earthy touch to it.

3. Tahini Sauce– tastes like sesame seeds with a savory, bitter, and nutty flavor profile.

4. Olive Oil – has a green or golden hue and a buttery taste, it also adds to the creamy profile of hummus.

5. Lemon Juice– I used freshly squeezed lemon juice in this recipe.

6. Cumin – gives a warm, earthy, slightly peppery flavor and aroma.

7. Salt and Pepper– to taste and act as a flavor booster.

8. Pepper Flakes – it has a slightly sharp and a little earthy taste with a dose of spiciness.

9. Paprika – has a bright red color which makes it a perfect garnish for my hummus. Learn more about the kinds of paprika here.

Note you can add or substitute


• Add more olive oil—You can eliminate tahini and add more olive oil in place of tahini.

• Sesame oil–Tahini has a subtle bitter undertone. To change it you can substitute sesame oil for tahini which will give hummus a creamy texture.

• Nutty hummus– Using the recipe below substitute tahini with nuts(be careful as nuts are considered a food allergen) such as macadamias, cashews, pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts. Using these nuts will bring a slightly different flavor.

• Vegetable – Just substitute roasted or steamed veggies for the chickpeas. Cauliflower for example is incredibly delicious or sweet potato which is also an excellent option.

Making Homemade Hummus

• Season it well. You may want to adjust the taste of the hummus, give it a flavor boost using salt, lemon, and spice adding a little at a time and taste as you go.

• More tahini– will make your hummus creamier and nuttier with sesame. Just don’t forget to season with salt and lemon juice to balance its richness.

• Greek yogurt– Mixing in a couple of tablespoons will make your hummus tangier plus the texture will be lighter and creamier.

• Roasted garlic– Add them in for an incredible fragrance and slight sweetness.

• Toasted nuts and infused oil – Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a small saucepan, spices, or spice mix that you prefer and wait until it’s fragrant just a few minutes then add slivered almonds, roughly chopped walnuts, pistachios, or pine nuts and cook you can smell the aroma and turns golden brown. Let it cool then spoon over your hummus.

• Spread and dip in. It pairs perfectly with snacks like wheat thins, apples, pretzels, carrots, celery, bell peppers, Pita bread, and pita chips.

Roasting the Garlic

• Prepare the garlic. Cut the top ¼” to ½” off of a whole head of garlic, so that each individual clove should be visible. Make sure every garlic clove is exposed.

• Roast until golden brown. Place the head of garlic on foil paper together with the thyme. Drizzle the top of the garlic with a bit of oil, about 1 teaspoon. Wrap it up and place it in the oven to roast for about 30 minutes or more.

• Roasted garlic. It should be soft, fragrant, and golden. Let the garlic cool, then squeeze individual cloves out of the skin

Making The Hummus

• Make a puree. In a food processor add in roasted garlic, chickpeas, tahini.

• Season to taste, you can add more of the tahini, olive oil, lemon, and cumin. It really depends on which you prefer to add more and the taste you want to achieve.

• Garnish. Once it’s pureed transfer it to a bowl and top with pepper flakes, paprika, and drizzle with olive oil.

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