2 minute read

Do you Have a Prayer Life?

By Liz Lampkin CNW Columnist

Prayer is communication with God. It is the process of pouring out your heart to God with thanksgiving or with supplications. Many believers use prayer in many different ways, but for the most part it’s used to tell God about their struggles and ask for guidance. So the question believers should ask themselves is: How often do (I) pray? Do I only go to God when I need something, or am I using prayer to build a relationship with God? Having a prayer life means that you are actively communicating with God beyond your prayer requests. It means to openly or privately communicate with God every day. It means to be conscious of why you are praying. It means to have faith in whom you are praying to, and to take action as if your prayers are already answered. Establishing an effective prayer life can change your life for the better, if there is a distinguished focus on what you want your prayer life to consist of. If you need to establish or revamp your prayer life, take a look at the tips below for some new and refreshing ways to do so.


How to establish a life of prayer in your daily walk.

Establish a set time for prayer, and keep it. It’s often said that the best time to pray is first thing in the morning before the business of the day starts. Doing this will allow you to focus on communicating with God without distractions. It will also allow you to listen to God speak as you are speaking to Him.

Have a prayer journal. A prayer journal will help you identify your immediate and long-term prayer needs/ requests. It’s also a good way to look back and reflect on what prayers have been answered, what to thank God for, and it’s a good way for you to remember how powerful prayer is. Set a time to write in your journal, daily or weekly, to jot down prayers that are in your heart. Be specific with your requests and wait patiently for God to answer.

Create a space in your home where you can go to God in prayer during your prayer time. It can be a corner in your bedroom, or any private space in your home. In this space you should have your favorite scriptures about prayer visible, you should have your bible or a daily devotional handy, and you must have a chair or comfortable item/place where you can sit or bow on your knees. As a bonus, you can have a set of headphones to close out any noise and so you can hear your own thoughts.

Pray more than once a day. Make prayer a habit. In fact, it’s best to pray throughout your entire day. There’s always something to communicate with God about, so you want to be sure you are in constant communication with Him, even if it’s to say thank you for what He’s already done.

Pray with and for others. Going to God in prayer with those close to you will bring you closer together. Identify a specific prayer partner. Having a prayer partner who already has a strong prayer life can help you strengthen yours. They can also hold you accountable and make sure you are actively praying every day. If you have to, set reminders on your phone to ensure you remain focused on building your prayer life.

How often you pray will make a tremendous difference in your life. Being intentional about it can increase your faith and your relationship with God. The act of praying is essential to any believer’s life. Without it, your communication with God will suffer and so will your relationship with Him. Make it your business to create a life of prayer for as long as you live.

Liz Lampkin is the “Wright Now Writer.” She creates Faith and Lifestyle stories to give a voice to the unheard. She is an advocate for single women who encourages them to live happily ever present through her writing, speaking and teaching. Follow her on social media @Liz_Lampkin

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