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E notes We are all accountable

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Vol. 1 No 22

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 chicagonewsweekly@gmail.com chicagonewsweeklyeditorial@gmail.com

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You already know . . . Mayor Lori Lightfoot is out, and the race is on. Running for the race are Paul Vallas veteran public servant and Brandon Johnson has served the public as a teacher and a Chicago commissioner. CNW has kept a close eye on both and will go into detail. However, my concern is what such men and or women think when they run for public office. I mean, do they run with the intention of serving the people or is it about power, security from that good government job, or a stepping stone to your other political aspirations? I’d love to believe that the majority does it to serve the people and to advance the ‘American way’ more towards what its forefathers wrote as America’s democracy. I say this after having endured the Donald Trump years bearing the worse representation of the American ideal. He chose not to, lean in as he had demonstrated during the Obama years in the White House. He was a major player in the attempt to discredit Barack Obama’s legitimacy from his birth to his election. Yes, he may not have been the spark that ignited the lie, but she certainly poured gasoline on the false stories about Obama’s birth and the added tales about his faith. So, here’s the question, why would people expect anything different from him as a president? Needless to say, he also showed himself as a candidate when he spewed the most disrespectful and distasteful commentary about the different people that make -up the American population and said horrible things about his Republican opponents.

Trump threw civility and decorum out the window and encouraged others when talking about race groups, religions, and those differently abled than most. The saddest thing is that the people he distains the most accepted him and latched on to his hypocritical double talk about them. They had no idea that he never meant to include them in the making of Ameri- ca great. America was already great. We were in high pursuit of seeking a higher order when he (and other frightened white males) got wind that America could just well be on its way to achieving the highest order of a democratic system that really awarded people based on the content of their character and effort.

Kai EL’ Zabar Editor-in-Chief

That was not the ‘world order,’ that he and the others who wish to be puppeteers of mankind when they disrupted the ‘peaceful transition of power’ to cause a temporary halt in the democratic order we knew. Let me say this, he did not succeed and as long as we hold our elected accountable, he and the likes of him will never win.

So, when I read that Former Vice President Mike Pence, on Saturday night said, “that history will hold Donald Trump accountable” for the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol,” which he called “a disgrace,” at the annual Gridiron Club Dinner in Washington, I thought ‘well he must be feeling comfortable nowadays.’

He didn’t stop there Pence used the historical moment to go deep in at Trump at a moment when conservative media commentators and the usual Republicans in Congress have continued to try and dismiss the seriousness of the attempted coup which resulted in a riot at the Capitol. He is quoted as having said, “Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing,” Mr. Pence said, according to media reports from the event, and of course an implicit rebuke of the Fox News host Tucker Carlson and other conservatives who have used selective security camera footage to reframe the riot as a large- ly peaceful demonstration. Further, he said, “Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the speaker of the House or voice threats against public officials.”

And finally, Pence said of his past partner, “President Trump was wrong; I had no right to overturn the election. And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day. And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable.”

Ummmmm, well! After two years, he’s finally got the gumption to speak the truth. Listen up people, we’re glad he finally got it right and shared the truth he always knew. But I’m saying this, ‘you always know.’ There’s that inner voice that informs us and too often we ignore it.

So, as you research their past, listen and observe the current candidates for Mayor of Chicago. Finally, pay attention to your inner voice, choose and vote. We are all held accountable for our choices

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