2 minute read

“Toni Stone” A Review

she played on all men’s professional teams and held her own just fine, even as racism and gender inequity were at government endorsed. Ms. Stone played in the professional men’s league as a member of their team and remains the only woman to ever do so.



The story reveals her love for the game and her fight to be accepted as a valued player as an equally skilled player like her male teammates —she did not want to be viewed or thought of ‘as good for a woman player.” We see the challenges she faces though never stated directly as she is pegged as a woman who took on the persona or role of the masculine partner in a lesbian liaison. This belief by her male counterparts protected her from their otherwise lust that could have been directed towards her. The story provides insight into the relationship between Toni and her teammates, often antagonistic. We see her join in their conversations presenting herself as fiercely opinionated and clearly spoke her mind often creating awkward moments leading to misunderstandings and misdirected anger towards her

Think about it, there she was on the road, traveling with all men, physically strong horny men for weeks at a time, sharing the same locker room and showers. She was the lone female running with the wolves. She was often forced to bear their belligerent and often rude maleness. Some dreamed of her after capturing a glimpse of her female nakedness, others resented and rebuked her as they thought of her as a woman’s lover. And some just couldn’t stand the fact that she was a good ball player, yet attractive to them. . . .

Then she married a man that embraced her and accepted her causing the protective barriers to come down around her and she suddenly appears more feminine to the men she played with and becomes prey to their predatorial male nature.

The story continues as we experience how Toni Stone navigates her winding journey of the ebb and flow of the life she chose. We the victory she seeks.

Kudos to the brilliance and genius direction of Ron OJ. Parsons who manages to heighten those layers of complexities previously mentioned by bringing his own deep knowledge and understanding of what it means to be human and pours that intelligence into his direction and staging, pushing his actors to great heights of human expression. Tracey H. Bonner who portrays Toni Stone seamlessly finds the balance of femininity and athleticism that made the story believable. Actor Chike Johnson brings the wholesome male energy of self-confidence love, and protection to the stage balancing Tracey H. Bonner’s woman-ness that shines through as part of her transformation. Direction, direction, direction, and the actor’s ability to open themselves to the director’s direction makes this play worthy of your seeing it.


I loved the story and felt that it was told well. Overall, the play is well-written. However, I believe that each generation of artists should inspire and push the next generation to creatively explore different ways of expressing what may appear the same and yet is different in another time and space. Noting the unique differences in the same issues and identifying that sameness for us to push boundaries is demanding of the artist to birth the elevation of communication. So, I find it difficult to accept that we continue to resort to what a good friend and theater director refers to as ‘coon characterization’ in plays and films. It distracts from the greatness of the play. So, move the art form forward!