1 minute read


Warren and LaShaunda found themselves practicing respect after the end of their marriage to show their children they could be a loving family in a different way.

Warren: “I saw how my father loved and treated my mother but I mostly learned about relationships and love on my own. I learned a lot of lessons from my past marriage and incorporate them every day. We may not be in love, but she and I have mutual respect for each other and that is on purpose for the benefit of our children…I do believe Black love starts as self love.”


LaShaunda: “You can’t ask God for forgiveness and then turn around and reject extending forgiveness to your partner when they mess up and it doesn’t work. Hyper focusing on loving our children brought us to a place where we can communicate and our kids see us getting along. Keeping our families together IS Black love and it matters that we do it on purpose.I believe that Black love can transform our communities.” Enjoy the adventure, have faith and commit to healthy communication. Love exists in many forms and we all deserve to feel the love no matter what form our partnership takes.