Mothers & daughters

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Introduction Dear teacher! MOTHERS MOTH MO T ER TH ERS S & DA DAUGHTERS AUG UGHT H ER HT E S is is a th thea theatre eatr ea tree project tr proj pr o ec oj ectt in Jordan, JJor orda or daan, which d whi w hich hi ch aaim ai im is to to arti aarticulate ar r ti ticu cuula late te the the hopes hop hop opes es and es and n dreams dre d ream re a s of am o women wom w o en in om in Jo Jord Jordan. rd dan an.. Thro Th ro oug ughh th thea eaatr tre, e, personal per p erso erso er sona nal storytelling, na stor st oryt or y el yt e liling ng, music ng musi mu sicc and si and dance, d nc da nce, e, 12 e, 12 wo wome menn me Through theatre, women tellll tthe te heir he eir o own w sto wn tori to ries ri es about aabo bout tthe bout bo heir he ir m mar arri ar r iag riag ri age, e their e, tthe heir he i parents ir par p aren ar ennts and and d tthe hheeir their stories their marriage, their chil ch ili dr d en e – about aabo bout bo ut their tthe heir he ir past pas p a t and a d their an thei th eir future, eir ei futu futu fu ture re,, and re a d how an h w they ho they would wou o ld ld children shap sh apee it – iiff it w ap was as uup p to tthe h m.. he shape them.

The project and its partners Thee pr T Th proj project ojec oj ectt is a collaboration ec ccol olla ol labo la b ra bo rati tion ti on between bet b etwe et ween we e Jordanian en JJor orda or dani da nian ni a Women’s an Wom omen en’s en ’s Union, Uni U nion ni on,, on KV VIN INFO F aand FO nd C:NTACT. C:N C :NTA :N TA ACT. CT T C: C:NT NTAC NT AC C T is a D Dan anis an ishh so is soci cial ci a foundation, al ffou ound ou nd dat atio ion, io n, KVINFO C:NTACT Danish social who nationally and internationally. C:NTACT w wh o works wo ork rkss both both th nnat atio at iona io nallllllyy an na nd in inte tern te rnat rn atio at iona io n lllly. na y. C C:N :NTA :N TACT TA CT hhas as made mad m ade ad several theatre themes seve se vera ve vera rall th thea eatr ea tree projects tr proj pr ojec oj e ts in ec in Jordan Jord Jo r an since rd ssin ince in ccee 2009 2200 009 with 00 009 with different dif d iffe if feere rent nt tthe heemes mes me Common C:NTACT’s projects and an d aims. a ms ai ms.. Co C mm mon o ffor or aallll of of C: C:NT NT TAC C T’ T s pr p o ec oj ects ts is is that t at they th tthe heyy use he u e us different social groups. thee ae th aaesthetics sthe st h ti he tics ccss of of theatre t ea th eatr tree to give tr ggiv ivee voice iv v ic vo icee to d dif iffe if fere fe rent re nt ssoc ocia oc i l gr ia grou o ps ou ps. Jordanian Jord Jo rdan rd a ia an iann Wo W Women’s ome men’ n’ss Union n’ Unio Un ionn (J io ((JWU) JWU WU)) is WU i aann or o organization rga gani niza niza ni zati t on ti o whose who hose se aim aim is is to uuni unify n fy JJor ni Jordanian o da or d ni n aann women’s wom w omen om e ’s en ’s effort eeff f or ff o t to protect pro p rote ro tect te ct their tthe heir rights. heir he rrig ight ight ig hts. s. JWU JW WU has ha s been be een the thee p pro project’s roje ro ject je ct’s ct ’s local lloc ocal oc al partner al par p artn ar t er in tn in Jordan, J rd Jo rdan an,, and an and has hass contributed ha cont co ntri r bu ri b ted teed with with wi th knowledge, know kn owle ow ledg le dgge, production pro p rodu ro duct du ctio ct i n team, io team te am,, crew am crew e and and participants par p arti ar tici ti c pa ci p nt ntss for for the the project. proj pr ojec oj e t. ec Read R Re ad more ad mor m o e at or h tp ht tp:/ ://w :/ /w /www w ww ww.j . wu .j w .i .itg tgo. tg o co com/ m /b m/ bg g.h .htm t tm KV VIN I FO O iiss th thee Danish Danniish C Da Cen entr en t e for tr for Gender, Gend Ge nder nd e , Equality er Equa Eq ualilility ua ty and and d Ethnicity. EEth thni th nici ni c ty ci t . KVINFO Centre T Th kkeyy ro role le o le off KV KVIN INFO IN FO iiss to t iini niti ni tiat ti ate re at ate rese s ar se a ch aand n d nd dis isse is s mi se m na nate te Thee ke KVINFO initiate research disseminate iinformation in form fo rmat rm atio at ionn an io and d fin fifindings, d ng di ngs, s and s, and to to contribute co ont n ri ribu b te to bu to the the development devve de velo lopm pmen pm e t en o aann eq of eequal uaal so ssociety. ciet ci e y. Through et Thr T h ou hr o ghh iits ts wor ork, or k K k, KVI V NF VI NFO ensures ennsu sure ress th re tthee work, KVINFO do docu ocu cume ment me n at nt atio ionn an io and d communication comm co mm mun unic icat ic atio at i n of io o knowledge kkno nowl no w ed wl edge g about ge aabo bout gender, bout bo ggen ennde derr, documentation equa eq ualility ua lility aand nd ethnicity eeth t ni th nici city ci ty – both bot b otth in Denmark Den D e maark and en and around aaro roun ro u d the un the world. w rl wo r d. d. equality K KV INFO IN FO hha as w as wor orke or ked ke d in i tthe he M iddl id dlee Ea dl East st ssin ince in ce 2200 00 06, w whe hheere tthe heyy he KVINFO has worked Middle since 2006, where they es s ta t bl b is ishe hed he d th thei eirr Middle ei Midd Mi ddle EEas a t De as epa part rtme rt ment me nt.. KV nt K INFO IN FO hhas as ccon ontr on trib tr i ut ib uted e ed established their East Department. KVINFO contributed to M MOT O H OT HEERS & D DAU AUGH AU GH HTE TERS RS w wit ithh pr it roj ojec ec t fu ec ffunding. und ndin nd ing. in g g. MOTHERS DAUGHTERS with project Read Re ad more ad mor m ore or e at a http ht tp:/ tp ://w :/ /www /w ww.k ww .kvi .k vinf vi n o. nf o dk dk/s / id /s ide/ e 71 e/ 715/ 5 5/

About this material The Th he pu p purpose rpos rpos rp o e of o tthi this hiss ed hi educ educational u at uc atio iona io nall ma na m material teri te rial ri al iiss to m al mai maintain a nt ai n ai ain th ain tthe hee th them themes e es em e o tthe of hhee p per performance e fo er form r an rm ance c tthr ce through h ouugh d hr dis discussions. i cu is cuss ssio ss ions io ns. Th ns Thee ma mate material teri te rial ri a consists al ccon onsi on s st si s s of a selection sele se lect le ctio ct ionn off tthe io he ssce scenes ceene n s fr from o tthe om he ssho show, how, ho w, aand n aask nd asks skss th sk thee students stud st uden ud ents en t tto ts o re rela relate late la te te thee issues th issu is ssuues tto o th ttheir e r own ei o n lillives ow vess an ve aand d th ttheir eirr ow ei ownn fu futu future. t re tu re. Th The he ma material ate t rial rial ri a als also lso ls o open op enss a de en deba baate te of of wh what a tthe at h at he atre re aand nd p per erso er sona so nall st stor o yt or y el e liling ng is i ca capa pabl pa be bl opens debate theatre personal storytelling capable of. Lastly, of Last La s ly st l , it introduces iint n ro nt rodu duce du cess th ce tthee wo work rk of of Jo Jord rdan rd ania an i n Wo ia Wome men’ me n’ss Union. U io Un ionn. n. Jordanian Women’s

Production team: Jordanian team STAGE DIRECTOR AND DRAMATURGE: Sawsan Nizar Dissi MUSIC AND SONG COACH: Hifaa Kamal COREOGRAPHY COACH: Nour Nizar Dissi PROJECT COORDINATOR: Hana Jabire PROJECT ASSISTANT: Wadaah Mahadeen TRANSLATOR: Wajd Al-Shamavleh

Danish team STAGE DIRECTOR: Solveig Weinkouff PROJECT MANAGER: Firas Mahmoud


The T he d date ate ffor or tthe he w wedding edding was decided without w as d ecided w ithout aanyone nyone aasking sking m my y opinion. opinion. E Enas nas

Index s. 4 s. 6 s. 8 s. 11 s. 13

Abeer's monologue Layal's monologue Reem's monologue Saja's monologue Scene: Th The hee P Pink Piinkk D Pin Dr Dre Dream rea eam am monologue s. 15 Jordanian Women's Union s. 16 The aims of the JWU s. 17 Interview with Solveig Weinkouff


Your father should approve your marriage, is that OK? Dana


Abeeogr’sue monol

“Happiness “Hap “H appi ap pine pi ness ne ss and and joy joy are are feelings ffee eelilil ng ee ngss I rarely rare ra rely re ly felt ffel eltt elt el when wh en I w en was as little, lit lit ittl itt tle, ttl le, ass I was was living lilivi ving vi ng in in a closed clos cl osed osed os environment, burdened envi en viro vi ronm ro nmen nm ent, en t, b bur urde ur dene de ned ne d by tthe he people peopl eo opl pe surrounding many things surr su rrou rr ound ou ndin nd ingg us. in us. There Ther Th eree we er were re m man anyy th an thin ings in gs I fe felt lt like llik ikee experiencing ik expe ex peri pe rien ri rien e ci cing ng and and doing, doi o ng ng,, but but wasn’t eeverything ev eryt er ythi yt hing w hing hi asn’ as n t allowed. n’ allo al l we lo w d. I wasn’t was w asn’ as n’tt allowed n’ a lo al lowe wed we d to ggo o see see myy girl ggir irll friends. ir frie fr iend ie nds. nd s. They s. The T heyy weren’t he were we ren’ re n’tt n’ allowed allo al lowe lo wed we d to come ccom o e see om see me. m . From me From o my my home h me ho school school home. to ssch choo ch ooll – and oo and from from m ssch choo ch o l to m oo myy ho home me.. me My m mom o is om is afraid afra af r id of ra of what what people peo p eopl eo plee might pl migh mi ghtt sa gh say. y. this dayy I ca can’t forget when And An d to o tthi his da his hi d can’ n’tt fo n’ org rget et w whe henn I wa he wass 13 years old, myy mo year ye arss ol ar o d aand d, nd m mom m ca came me tto me o pi pick ck m mee up from ffro r m the ro the street stre st reet re et as as I was was playing play pl ayin ay ingg wi in with th our our u kids. inside gave nneighbours’ ne ighb ig hbou hb ours ou rs’’ ki rs kids ds.. Sh ds SShe hee to took ok m mee in insi side si de aand nd ggav avee av blow-dried hair gave me a shower, ssho howe ho wer,r, b we blo lowlo w-dr wdrie dr ied ie d my m hhai a r an ai and d ga gav ve m mee ear-rings time wore earea arr-ririring ngss (a ng (and nd iitt wa wass the the fir th first st ttim imee I ev im ever er w wor oe ear-rings!). very happy, didn’t earea r-ririring rngs! ng s!). s! ). I w was as vver eryy ha er happ ppy, pp y, b y, but ut I d did idn’ id nn’’t kn know ow what wh at w was as w wai aiti ai ting ti ng ffor or m mee af afte terr th te tthat. hat at.. at waiting after

Why W hy do do you you need need a degree? A w oman has has degree? woman o nly h er h ome aand nd only her home h usband. A beer husband. Abeer that occasion, On ttha hatt oc ha o caasi s on on,, she she to told ld me me that that her her e sister’s sist si ster st er’s er ’s family, ffam amilili y, am y whom who w hom ho m I don’t don’ do n t like, n’ lilike ke,, were ke w re we ccoming co ming to mi ming to visit visi vi sitt us. si us. And us And I was was very wa very surprised ssur urpr ur pris pr ised is ed when wh en eeveryone very ve ryon ry onee started on s ar st a te ted d ululating ulul ul ulat atin at ingg and in a d an congratulating cong co ngra ng ratu ra t la tu lati ting ti ng me. me What Wha W hatt for? ha for? I didn’t did d idn’ id n’tt know. n’ know kn ow.. ow when said: Only On ly w whe henn my m he mom om sai aid: ai d “Congratulations, d: “Co C ng Co ngra ratu ra tula tu lati la tion ti ons, on s s, bride shocked! What brid br idee of id o honour!” hhon onou on our! ou our! r!”” I was w s sh wa shoc ocke oc ked! ke d! W Wha hatt ha bride? With whom? b br ide? id e? How? How H ow?? Wh ow Who? o? W o? Wit ithh wh it whom o ? om that married mee to When Wh en I found ffou ound ou nd out out ttha hatt they ha they m mar arri ar ried ri ed m aunt’s son, can’t stand, my maternal mat m ater at erna er nall au na aunt nt’s nt ’s sson on,, wh on who o I ca can’ n’tt st n’ stan and, an d, I wished that would right there that wish wi shed sh ed ttha hatt I wo ha woul uld ul d die die ri righ ghtt th gh ther eree at ttha er hatt ha moment. were engaged mome mo ment me nt. We w nt wer eree en er enga gage ga ged ge d for fo 4 months, mont mo nths nt hs,, hs


and an d neither neit ne ithe it herr he nor he nor I could ccou ouuld continue, ccon onti on tinu ti nue, nu e, as as the the feeling feel fe e in el ingg was was mutual. muutu tual al. We broke al al. bro b roke ro k up. ke up. Of cou ours ou rse, rs e, this tthi hiss st hi stor oryy af or affe fect fe cted ct ed my my mom mom a gr grea eatt deal. ea deal de al. She al She started star st arte ar ted te d to feel ffee eell ee course, story affected great that th at she she had had to to marry marr ma rryy me rr me in in any a y way an way possible poss po ssib ss ible ib le to to get get rid r d of people’s ri peo p eop eo ple’ ple’ pl e’s talk. talk ta lk.. lk Beca Be c us ca usee I got got engaged enga en gage ga ged ge d and and broke brok br okee up, ok u , it’s up it’s as as if if this tthi hiss is a stamp hi ssta tamp ta mp of of shame sham sh am mee on Because me.. My m me mot othe ot herr di he didn dn’t dn ’t kkno now no w th that at sshe he w wit ithh he it hherr fe fear ar o off what what wh a people at peo p e pl eo plee mi m migh ghtt gh mother didn’t know with might ssay sa ay and and th thee im iimportance port po rtan rt ance an c she ce she puts put p utss in that, ut ttha hat, ha at, she he was he was killing kkilili liling ng tthe ng he cchi hild hi ld’s ld ’s sspi piri pi rit ri rit child’s spirit insi in side si de m me. e e. inside My eeng ngag ng agem ag emen em entt in a young en yyou oung ou ng aage ge iimp mpos mp osed os ed o onn me a vvie iew ie w fr from om ssoc ocie oc iety ie ty ttha hatt ha engagement imposed view society that I mu must st gget et married mar m arri ar ried ri ed and and ttha hatt I’I’m ha m a ma matu ture tu re w wom oman om an ccap apab ap able ab le o off taking taki ta king ki ng care ccar aree ar that mature woman capable of a hhom omee an om and d re resp spon sp onsi on sibi si bililility bi ty;; fo ty forg rget rg etti et ting ti ng ttha hatt I’m ha I’m a child chililild ch d of 13. 13. home responsibility; forgetting that My m mom om kept kkep eptt at me ep me un unti till sh ti shee ha had d me engaged eeng ngag ng aged ag ed o one ne m mor oree ti or time me w whe henn I wa he wass until more when 16.. This 16 This way way I w was as denied den d enie en ied ie d my d dre ream re am iinn life life ttha hatt I ca ha can fin can finis ishh my eedu is duca du cati ca tion ti on dream that finish education and an d en ente terr un te univ iver iv ersi er sity si ty. Du ty Duri ring ri ng m myy freshman fres fr eshm es hman hm an yyea ear,r, I couldn’t ea ccou ould ou ldn’ ld n’tt study n’ stud st udyy because ud beca be caus ca usee us enter university. During year, fiancée leave mee any late my fifian ancé an céee didn’t cé didn di dn’t dn ’t llea eave ea ve m any room. room ro om.. During om Duri Du ring ri ng exams exa xams xa ms hhee would woul wo uld ul d stay stay llat atee at night place, at every eeve very ve ry nnig ight ig ht aatt my p pla lace la c , and ce and I would woul wo uld ul d go to to the the exams exam ex amss in the am the morning mor m orni or ning ni ng without used sleep during exams. with wi thou th outt an ou anyy sleep slee sl eep ee p or having hhav avin av ingg studied. in stud st udie ud ied. ie d. I uuse sed se d to ssle leep le ep d dur urin ur ingg th in thee ex exam ams. am s. course, failed. re-take exams. Saying: Of ccou ours ou rse, rs e, I ffai aile ai led. le d. And And hhee wouldn’t woul wo uldn ul dn’t dn ’t llet et m mee re re-t -tak -t akee th ak thee ex exam ams. am s. SSay ayin ay ing: in g: “Why “W hy d do o yo youu need need a degree? deg d egre eg ree? re e? A woman wom w oman om an has has only onl o nlyy her nl her home home and and husband.” hhus usba us band ba nd.” nd .” marriage. This Th is sentence ssen ente en tenc te ncee that nc that hurt hhur urtt me all-through ur aallllll-t -thr -t hrou hr ough ou gh our our time ttim imee of m im mar arri ar riag ri age. ag e. In In th thee end, end, when wh en all all m myy chances chan ch ance an cess of retaking ce rret etak et akin ak ingg the in the exam exam disappeared, dis d isap is appe ap pear pe ared ar ed,, I realised ed real re alis al ised is ed that ttha hatt he ha didn’t want continue myy education didn di dn’t dn ’t w wan antt me tto an o co cont ntin nt inue in ue m educ ed ucat uc atio at ionn so that io ttha hatt my level ha llev evel ev el of of education educ ed ucat uc atio at ionn io would surpass would become him, woul wo uld ul d su surp rpas rp asss his. as his. And And as as a result, resu re sult su lt,, I wo lt woul uld ul d be beco come co me better bet b ette et terr th te than an hhim im, im sinc si ncee he had nc had only onl o nlyy go nl gone ne to to sc scho hool ho ol uunt ntilil 9th grade. nt ggra rade ra de. This de This ttau augh au ghtt me that gh ttha hatt he ha since school until taught ssel elfis el fishh and fis and only only loves llov oves ov es himself. hhim imse im self se lf. lf is selfish I’m now now 27 yyea ears ea rs old. old o ld. I got ld got di divo vorc vo rced rc ed from ffro rom ro m my husband hhus usba us band ba nd aaft fter ft er living lliv ivin iv ingg with in with I’m years divorced after him for for 8 years year ye arss and ar and after afte af terr all te all this this time, ttim ime, im e, I knew kkne new ne w how how to live lliv ivee with iv with nno o fear fear him from people’s peo p eopl eo ple’ pl e’ss talk. e’ talk ta lk.. I went lk went back bac b ackk to sch ac choo ch ooll after oo afte af terr being te bein be ingg gone in gone for for 9 years, yyea ears ea rs, rs from school and this this was was a vver eryy difficult er diffi di fficu ffi cult cu lt feeling ffee eelililing ee ng in in the the beginning. begi be ginn gi nnin nn ing. in g. That Tha T hatt I had ha had to ggo o and very back to to reading read re adin ad ingg and in and writing writ wr itin it ingg and in and staying stay st ayin ay ingg up llat in ate. at e. And And taking ttak akin ak ingg ca in care re o off wo work rk back late. and school. scho sc hool ho ol.. But ol But even even though ttho houg ho ughh there’s ug ther th ere’ er e’ss all e’ all this this hardship hhar ards ar dshi ds hip hi p involved, invo in volv vo lved lv ed, I’m ed I’m so and happ ha ppy. pp y. As As much much as as I work work hard, hhar ard, ar d, the the look lloo ookk of joy oo joy and and happiness hhap appi ap pine pi ness ne ss is is visible visi vi sibl si blee in bl happy. eeye yes. ye s. Because Bec B ecau ec ause au se I feel ffee eell that ee that I exist. eexi xist xi st.. That st That I’m I’m capable ccap apab ap able ab le of of doing doin do ingg something in some so meth me thin th ingg in my eyes. wort wo rthw rt hwhi hw hile hi le for for myself. mys m ysel ys elf. el f. T Tha hatt I’m ha I’m able able to to reach reac re achh my d ac dre ream re am that ttha hatt I’ve ha I’ve w wan ante an ted te d worthwhile That dream wanted sinc si ncee a long nc long time ttim imee ago. im ago. since par p aren ar ents en ts were wer w eree able er able tto o change chan ch ange an ge tthe hems he msel ms elve el vess and ve and accept acce ac cept ce pt m mee as I aam m and and My parents themselves not pressure pres pr essu es sure su re me me with with the the subject ssub ubje ub ject je ct of of marriage. marr ma rria rr iage ia ge.. This ge This is is what what happiness hhap appi ap pine pi ness ne ss is is not all about. abou ab out. ou t. That Tha T hatt a human ha huma hu mann being ma bein be ingg lives in lilive vess to realise ve rrea ealililise ea se her her dream d am is is much much better bet b ette et terr te all than living lliv ivin iv ingg to realise in rrea ealililise ea se someone ssom omeo om eone eo ne else’s eels lse’ ls e’ss dream. e’ drea dr eam. ea m. As As if anyone aany nyon ny onee deserves on dese de serv se rves rv es this?! tthi his? hi s?!! s? than

the following questions 1



Why is Abeer’s mother so afraid of what people might say? What does people’s opinion mean to you? What does it mean to your parents? Do you think that it is a general idea among men that women’s’ education can’t surpass a man’ss?


How do you feel about that?


Abeer was engaged when she was 13 years old. When do you think it’s appropriate to get married?

feel like like ssaying aying iitt o ut lload oad – tto o everyone: everyone: I feel out

»I’m haaappyyyyy!« 5

Layaogl’sue monol

arriage arri ar r ag ri a e was was something wa some so m th me thin ingg unfamiliar in unfa un nfa fami mililiar mili mi a and ar and non-existent nonno n-ex nexis ex iste is tent te nt in in myy life. llif ife. if e Especially, e. EEsp spec sp ecia ec ialllllly, ia y, since ssin incce in ce I wass ra wa rais ised is ed in in ann environment eenv nvir nv iron ir o me ment that ttha hatt insisted ha i si in sist s ed on st on raised educational edu ed ucat uc atio iona io nall excellence na exce ex cellllllen ce ence en c and ce and training tra r in ra i in ingg my skills. sski killlllls. ki lls. My My family fami fa mily mi ly was was the the reason rrea easo ea aso sonn that that made mad m adee me discover ad dis d isco is cove co verr my ve m tale ta lent le nt for fo orr acting. aact ctin ct ing. in g After g. Aft A fter ft er that ttha hatt I entered ha ente en tere te red re d the the world worlrlrld wo rld talent theatre of tthe heat he atre at re aatt the the age age of five, fifive ve, in addition ve ve, aadd ddit dd itio it ionn to my io my


hobbies, hobb ho bbie bb ies, ie s, m myy main main focus ffoc o us was was onn my education. eedu duca du cati ca tion ti on. on n. grateful family. Forr th Fo that at II’m ’m ggra rate ra t fu te full for for my m ffam amililily. am y y. remember first introduced I re reme memb me mber mb er tthe he fifirs rstt ti rs time me I w was as iint ntro nt rodu ro duce du ced ce d idea marriage, responsibility to the the iide deaa of m de mar arri ar riag ri age, ag e, rres espo es pons po nsib ns ibilililit ib ityy an it and d impo im port po rtan rt ance an ce w was as w whe henn I wa he wass ten ten years year ye arss old. ar old. importance when that time, decided marry At ttha hatt ti ha time me, amy me amy uncle uncl un clee de cl deci cide ci ded de d to m arry ar ry


my ccou cousin, ousi ou sin, si n, w who ho was was 116. 6. H Her er m mar marriage arri ar riag ri agee wa ag wass a hu huge ge ssho shock hock ho ck to to the the fa fami family mily mi ly created Especially since family and an d cr crea eate ea ted te d a lo lott of trouble. ttro roub ro uble ub le.. Es le Espe peci pe cial ci ally al ly ssin ince in ce m myy fa fami mily mi ly w was as all all for for women getting shock wome wo menn ge me gett ttin tt ingg an education in eedu duca du c ti ca tion on and and jobs. jjob obs. ob s. And And tthe he bigger big b igge ig gerr sh ge shoc ockk was oc was th that at reason material foundation, marrying the re th reas ason as on w was as based bas b ased as ed on on a ma mate teri te rial ri al ffou ound ou ndat nd atio at ion, io n, aass sh shee wa wass ma marr rryi rr ying yi ng wealthy person. After marriage, would about a we weal alth al thyy pe th pers rson rs on. Af on Afte terr he te herr ma marr rria rr iage ia ge,, my cousin ge ccou ousi ou sinn wo si woul uld ul d tell tell m mee ab abou outt ou bodi bo dily di ly vvio iole io lenc le ncee an nc and d me ment ntal nt al p pre ress re ssur ss ure, ur e, w whi hich hi ch sshe he eexp xper xp erie er ienc ie nced nc ed from ffro rom ro m her her bodily violence mental pressure, which experienced husb hu sban sb and an d an and d hi hiss fa fami mily mi ly. On ly Onee da day, y, m myy co ccousin usin us in d dec ecid ec ided id ed ttha hatt sh ha shee ha had d to gget et husband family. decided that a di divo vorc vo rcee after rc afte af terr she te sh had had two two ch chil ilildr dren dr en.. He en Herr de deci cisi ci sion si on w was asn’ as n’tt accepted n’ acce ac cept ce pted pt ed b byy divorce children. decision wasn’t herr fa he fami mily mi ly,, no ly norr by ssoc ocie oc iety ie ty. Bu ty Butt ne neve vert ve rthe rt hele he less le ss,, my ccou ss ousi ou sinn is nnow si ow a w orki or king ki ng family, society. nevertheless, cousin working woma wo mann re ma resp spon sp onsi on sibl si blee fo bl forr ra rais isin is ingg a complete in comp co omp mple lete le te family ffam amilililyy on her am her own. own o wn.. wn woman responsible raising What Wh at’s at ’s p puz uzzl uz zlin zl ingg me until in uunt ntilil this nt tthi hiss da hi dayy is what wha w hatt mo ha move ved ve d my aaun unt’ un t’ss hu t’ husb sban sb and an d to What’s puzzling moved aunt’s husband gett ri ge rid d of hhis is daughter dau d augh au ghte gh terr in a young te yyou oung ou ng age. aage ge.. And ge And the th more more important iimp mpor mp orta or tant ta nt question que q uest ue stio st ionn io is, ho is how w di did d th thee law law allow allo al low lo w fo forr such such a tthi hing hi ng,, kn ng know owin ow ingg th in that at tthe he llaw aw d doe oesn oe sn’t sn ’t thing, knowing doesn’t allow allo al low lo w a wo wome women menn to b me bee ma marr married rrie rr ied ie d when when she’s sshe he’s he ’s yyou younger oung ou nger ng er than ttha hann 18 ha 18?? Following Fol Fo llow llllow owin i g this in this incident, iinc ncid nc iden id ennt, my ent, my mother mo oth ther e insisted er iins nsis ns iste is ted te d on putting put p utti ut ting me ti ting me in a healthy hhea ealt ea lthy lt hy social time so oci c al environment eenv n ir nv iron onme on meent n to to teach teac te achh me ac m how how to to deal deal de al with wit w ithh others. it othe ot hers he rs. An rs And d as ttim imee im passed p pa ssed ss ed by by and a d after an afte af terr I became te beca be came ca me 16, 16, 6 my my family fami fa mily mi ly started sta tart ta rted rt ed discussing dis d iscu is cuss cu ssin ss ingg the in the topics t pi to pics cs cs love of llov o e and ov and marriage m rria ma iage ia ge with wit w ithh me. it me. My parents par p aren ar ents en ts were wer w eree aware er awar aw aree th ar that at each eeac achh age ac age I went wentt through thro th r ug ro ughh ha had d certain cert ce rtai rt a n demands ai dema de m nds ma nds an nd and d needs. need ne eds. ed s SSo s. o she she explained e pl ex p ai aine n d to me ne me that t at th a love lo v and ve and marriage mar m arri ar r ag ri a e shouldn’t shou sh ouuld o ldn’ n t be built n’ bui b uilt ui lt on o materialism, mate ma teri te r al ri alis ism, is m, o orr lineage, liline neag ne neag age, e, or or social soci so cial ci al sstatus. stat st tat atus us.. Not us Not even e en on ev on amazement amaz am azem az emen em entt or infatuation. en iinf nfat nf nfat atua uati ua tion ti on.. My mother on mot m othe ot herr us he used ed to to say: say: “The “T he ssay ayyin ayin ingg that that ‘they ‘‘th t ey were th wer eree married marrie ma ied ie d and and lived lilive ved ve d the the rest th rest of re of their thei th e r lives ei lilive vess in ease’ ve eeas ase’ as e’ e’ saying ccann on ca only ly ttak akee place ak p ac pl acee in fairy ffai airy ai ry tales.” ttal ales al es.” es . In .” In her her opinion, opin op inio in ion, io n a better n, bet b ette et terr saying te sayi sa ying yi ng would wou w ould ou ld be: be: take “They make work.” “The “T h y were he were married we mar m arri ar ried ri ed and and worked wor w orke or ked d harder hard ha rrd der e to to m ma ake the the relationship rel elat el atio at ions io nshi ns hip hi p wo work rk.” rk .” convinced comes Shee wa Sh wass co conv nvin nv ince in c d th ce that at first fifirs rstt co rs come mess love me love then tthe henn marriage. he m rr ma rria iagge ia ge. ge.

Discuss the following questions 1


Layal wants to finish her education before getting married. Why does she think that is necessary? 3

Find all the attitudes towards marriage in Layal’s monologue. What does her mother think about marriage? Her aunt’s husband? The law? Layal herself?


Layal’s mother says that the perfect marriage and true love only exist in fairy tales. Do you agree?

The law doesn’t allow a women to be married when she’s younger than 18. Layal As ffor or m e, m mar arri ar riag ri agee is ssti ag tillll a mystery ti mys m yste ys tery te ry until uunt ntilil this nt tthi hiss day. hi day. Although Alt ltho houg ho ughh mo ug mom m told told me, marriage still me of of he herr st stor oryy and or and th thee stories stor st orie or iess of others ie oth o ther th erss so ttha er hatt I can ha can learn ca lear le arnn fr ar from om tthe hem, he m, story that them, I fe feel el ttha hatt th ha this is m mat atte at terr re te real ally al ly nnee eeds ee ds true ttru ruee love. ru love lo ve.. Mo ve More re importantly: iimp mpor mp orta or tant ta ntly nt ly:: sa ly sacr crifi cr ifice ifi ce. ce. ce that matter really needs sacrifice. Forr me Fo me, ma marr rria rr iage ia ge is is not not an option opt o ptio pt ionn at the io the m mom omen om ent, en t, aass I’m I’m still stilililll finishing st finis fin ishi is hing hi ng marriage moment, my eedu duca du cati ca tion ti on at at th thee un univ iver iv ersi er sity si ty tto o get get my m mas aste as ters te rs degree deg d egre eg reee and re and a job job and and education university masters real re aliz al izee my dreams. iz dre d ream re ams. am s. A Ass fo forr love, love lo ve, it’s ve it’s a rrea ealilility ea ty II’d ’d live lliv ivee to eexp iv xper xp erie er ienc ie ncee at tthe nc he realize reality experience righ ri ghtt ti gh time me, in tthe me he rrig ight ig ht p pla lace la c .” ce right time, right place.”

Do you think that marriage and education are opposites – or are both things possible at the same time? Why or why not?


REEMog’sue monol

he words wor w ords or ds that ttha hatt ke ha keep ep rrin ringing ingi in ging gi ng iinn my eear ears: ars: ar s: ”Girls! ”Gir ”G irls ir ls!! You ls You know know w wha what hatt my dream ha dre d ream re am is? is? My My dream that girls boys become drea dr eam ea m is ttha hatt all ha all my ggir irls ir ls aand nd b boy oyss be oy beco come co me academics acad ac adem ad emic em icss with ic with the the best bes b estt education.” es educ ed ucat uc atio at ion. io n.”” n.


Unti Un till this ti this d day ay,, there’s ay ther th ere’ er e’ss no other e’ oth o ther th er dream dre d ream re am for for Until day, my father ffat athe at herr th he than an the the we we le lear arnn an ar and d le lear arnn an ar and d learn learn be o off th thos osee wh os who o are are su succ cces cc essf es sful sf ul.. ul those successful. I go gott ma marr rrie rr ied ie d when when I w as 118, 8, aand nd marriage mar m arri ar riag ri agee ag married was wasn wa sn’t sn ’t something ssom omet om ethi et hing hi ng ttha hatt wa ha wass on m mind nd. nd wasn’t that myy mi mind. My father’s ffat athe at her’r’r’ss words he word wo rdss wouldn’t rd woul wo uldn ul dn’t dn ’t leave llea eave ea ve me. e. My My husb hu sban sb and an d is aann ed educ ucat uc ated at ed m man an.. He ssup an uppo up port po r ed rt husband educated man. supported thee id th idea ea o off me getting gget etti et ting ti ng an an ed educ ucat uc atio at ion. io n. A And nd education. beca be caus ca usee his us his work work d dem eman em ands an ds of of him him to stay ssta tayy ta because demands outt fo ou forr lo long ng p per erio er iods io ds o off ti time me,, I started me star st arte ar ted te d periods time, lilivi ving vi ng ttwo wo lliv ives iv es.. Th es Thee lilife fe o off th thee ho hous usew us ewif ew ifee if living lives. housewife taki ta king ki ng ccar aree of aallll the ar the rres espo es pons po nsib ns ibilililit ib itie it iess of o ie our ur taking care responsibilities home ho me.. An me And d another anot an othe ot herr lilife he fe of of th thee un univ iver iv ersi er sity si ty home. university stud st uden ud entt who en who wants want wa ntss to llea nt earn ea rn aand nd res esea es earc ea rchh rc student learn research and an d think thin th inkk and in and push push forward. ffor orwa or ward wa rd.. I pu rd putt a lo lott of effo ef fort fo rt to to deliver delililive de verr everything ve ever ev eryt er ythi yt hing hi ng nneeded eede ee ded de d an and d effort desp de spit sp itee al it alll th thee ha hard rdsh rd ship sh ip, I wa ip wass pr prou oud ou d of m myy despite hardship, proud achi ac hiev hi evem ev emen em ent. en t. I could ccou ould ou ld see see appreciation aapp ppre pp reci re ciat ci atio at ionn and io and achievement. high hi gh rreg egar eg ards ar ds iinn the the ey eyes es of of my p par aren ar ents en ts aand nd regards parents frie fr iend ie nds, nd s, which whi w hich hi ch aadded dded dd ed tto o my sself-esteem elfel f-es feste es teem te em friends, and an d my insisting iins nsis ns isti is ting ti ng o onn re real aliz al izin iz ingg my ffat in athe at her’r’r’ss he realizing father’s dream, drea dr eam, ea m, w whi which hich hi ch I adopted ado dopt do pted pt ed so so it became bec b ecam ec amee my am ownn ambition. ow ambi am biti bi tion ti on. on


During Duri Du ring ri ng the the third tthi hird hi rd year yyea earr of university, ea uuni nive ni vers ve rsit rs ity, it y, God y, God gave ggav avee me my av my first first child. weeks maternity leave returned chil ch ilild. d. Three Thr T hree hr ee w wee eeks ee ks o off ma mate tern te rnit rn ityy le it leav avee an av and d I re retu turn tu rned rn ed tto o continue added third list. co ont ntin inue in ue my my journey jour jo urne ur neyy with ne with an an ad adde ded de d th thir ird ir d jo job b on m myy lilist st. st being mother. The job Th job of b bei eing ei ng a m mot othe ot her.r.r. he

me the the most mos m ostt wa os wass how how to discuss dis d iscu is cuss cu ss this tthi hiss with hi with m myy hu husb sban sb and an d husband who’ wh o’ss worried o’ worr wo rrie rr ied ie d ab abou outt my ambition ou aamb mbit mb itio it ionn an io and d as asks ks me: me: “Where “Wh Wher Wh eree er who’s about do you you want w wan antt to go? an go? What Wha W hatt do you ha you want wan w antt to reach? an rrea each ea ch?? Isn’t ch Isn’ Is n’tt it n’ enou en ough ou gh ffor or you you what wha w hatt you ha you already alre al read re adyy achieved?” ad achi ac hiev hi eved ev ed?” ed ?” enough

Year Ye arss passed ar pass pa ssed ss ed aass quick quic qu ickk as lightning, ic llig ight ig htni ht ning ni ng,, and ng and as a long llon ongg night on nigh ni ghtt for gh for Years thos th osee wh os who’ o’re o’ re waiting, wai w aiti ai ting ti ng,, I fin ng finis ishe is hed he d my uuni nive ni vers ve rsit rs ityy de it degr gree gr ee w wit ithh it those who’re finished university degree with alll my p al pee eers ee rs w wit itho it hout ho ut aany ny delay. del d elay el ay.. I go ay gott ve very ry hhig ighh ma ig mark rkss in m rk myy peers without high marks righ ri ghtt hand, gh hand ha nd,, and nd and in m myy le left ft I carried ccar arri ar ried ri ed my my son son who who was was one one year year right and an d three thre th reee months. re mont mo nths nt hs. My happiness hs hhap appi ap pine pi ness ne ss ccou ould ou ld fill fill tthe he entire eent ntir nt iree world ir worl wo rld rl d could and an d all all th thee pe peop ople op le iinn it. it. people

My aamb mbit mb itio it ion ex io exce ceed ce edss the ed the lilimi mits mi ts o off th thee skies. skie sk ies. ie s. ambition exceeds limits

Succ Su cces cc esss always es alwa al ways wa ys pushes pus p ushe us hess us forward he ffor orwa or ward wa rd as as ambitions ambi am biti bi tion ti ons grow on grow bigger. big b igge ig ger.r. ge Success My aamb mbit mb itio it ionn wa io was to w wor orkk within or with wi thin th in m myy sp spec ecia ec ialililize ia zed ze d field, field fie ld, wh ld whic ichh ic ambition work specialized which I fell fell in in love love with. wit w ith. it h. A And nd aano noth no ther th er p per erio er iod io d of p pre ress re ssur ss uree be ur bega gan. ga n. another period pressure began. My hhus usba us band ba nd refused rref efus ef used us ed tthe he idea iide deaa of w de wor orkk ev or ever eryy ti er time me w wit ithh a it husband work every with new ne w explanation. expl ex plan pl anat an atio at ion. io n. EEit ithe it herr he w he ould ou ld tell ttel elll me to el to take take a llit ittl it tlee tl Either would little rest re st,, or he st he would woul wo uld ul d as askk where wher wh eree Amjad er Amja Am jad ja d wo woul uld ul d go go?? ?? B But ut who’d who w ho’d ho ’d rest, would take ta ke care ccar aree of m ar myy things? thin th ings in gs?? gs

Pres Pr essu es sure su re and and rres espo es pons po nsib ns ibilililit ib ityy mu it mult ltip lt iplililied ip ed:: a ho ed home me that ttha hatt needs ha need ne edss ed Pressure responsibility multiplied: clea cl eani ea ning ni ng and and organising, org o rgan rg anis an isin is ing, in g, aand nd a husband hhus usba us band ba nd that ttha hatt wants ha want wa ntss all nt all his his cleaning righ ri ghts gh ts,, an ts and d two two ch chil ilildr dren dr en iinn school, scho sc hool ho ol,, an ol and d wo work rk ttha hatt ne ha need edss ed rights, children that needs mana ma nage na geme ge ment me nt and and llea eade ea ders de rshi rs hip, hi p, aand nd an an ed educ ucat uc atio at ionn th io that at nnee eede ee ded de d management leadership, education needed high hi gh concentration. con once cent cent ce ntra rati ra tion ti on.. Strange on Stra St rang ra ngee feelings ng feel fe elin el ings in gs – hard hhar ard ar d to d des escr es crib cr ibe. ib e. describe. I told told m mys ysel ys elff that el that iit’ t’ss ju t’ just st a p pha hase ha se ttha hatt wi ha willll p pas ass ne as need edin ed ingg in myself it’s phase that pass needing more mo re m man anag an agem ag emen em ent. en t. management.

I wi willll ccon onti on tinu ti nuee my education nu eedu duca du cati ca tion ti on and and organise org o rgan rg anis an isee my time is ttim imee and im and will will continue nott as no askk for for help help ffro rom ro m an anyo yone yo ne.. And ne And in inde deed de ed I ssta tart ta rted rt ed tthe he from anyone. indeed started jour jo urne ur neyy towards ne towa to ward wa rdss my m rd mas aste as ter’r’r’ss de te degr gree gr ee ffue uelllllled ue ed by by my w wil ililll an and d journey master’s degree fuelled will with wi th me me is m myy mother’s moth mo ther th er’s er ’s p pra raye ra yers ye rs and and father’s ffat athe at her’r’r’ss dream. he drea dr eam. ea m. prayers

The first first year yyea earr of m ea myy ma mast ster st er’s er ’s d deg egre eg reee pa re pass ssed ss ed,, ed The master’s degree passed, duri du ring ri ng w whi hich hi ch me me and and my hhus usba us band ba nd decided dec d ecid ec ided id ed it it during which husband was ti time me tto have have aano noth no ther th er cchi hild hi ld tto o beautify beau be auti au tify ti fy was another child our ho home me.. And me And so it it was was de deci cide ci ded. de d. A Allll m our home. decided. myy resp re spon sp onsi on sibi si bilililiti bi ties ti es ccon onti on tinu ti nued nu ed but but this tthi hiss time hi time w ithh a body it body ttha hatt ha responsibilities continued with that wass tired wa tire ti red re d wi with th p phy hysi hy sica si caal tr cal tran ansf an sfor sf orma or mati ma tion ti ons, on s, dizzy diz d izzy iz zy spins sspi pins pi ns and and physical transformations, need ne ed ffor or sleep. ssle leep le ep.. Despite ep Desp De spit sp itee all it all th this is,, I only is only slept ssle lept le pt for for two two hours hhou ours ou rs this, ever ev eryy day er day to b bee ab able le tto o complete comp co mple mp lete le te all all m myy chores chor ch ores or es without wit w itho it hout ho ut aany ny every shor sh ortc or tcom tc omin om ings in gs aand nd iinn th thee be best st w way ay p pos ossi os sibl si ble. bl e. shortcomings possible.

Why must a woman in our society choose only one of her rights? Reem I provided prov pr ovid ov ided id ed all all the the ssol olut ol utio ut ions io ns aand nd facilitation ffac acilililit ac itat it atio at ionn an io and d co comp mpro mp romi ro mise mi sess se solutions compromises to gget et m myy hu husb sban sb and’ an d’ss accept d’ acce ac cept ce pt and and I did did iind ndee nd eed ee d ge gett it aaft fter ft er a husband’s indeed after lott of iins lo nsis ns isti is ting ti ng and and stipulations. ssti tipu ti pula pu lati la tion ti ons. on s. B But ut all all this tthi hiss di hi didn dn’t dn ’t d dim imin im inis in ishh is insisting didn’t diminish my high hhig ighh sp ig spir irit ir it and and enthusiasm. eent nthu nt husi hu sias si asm. as m. spirit I started star st arte ar ted te d my work wor wor orkk in just jjus ustt th us thee place plac pl acee I wa ac want nted nt ed to to in tthe he field fifiel eld el d wanted of educating eedu duca du c ti ca ting ng hhandicapped andi an dica di capp ca pped pp ed children. cchi hild hi ldre ld ren. re n. SSo ha happ ppyy wi pp with th m happy myy job jo b – every ever ev eryy day er day I learn lear le arnn something ar some so meth me thin th ingg new in new from from it. it. I worked wor w orke or ked ke d ther th eree for er for four four yyea ears ea rs during dur d urin ur ingg wh in whic ichh Go ic God d bl bles esse es sed se d us with wit w ithh my it there years which blessed daug da ught ug hter ht er Ayah. Aya A yah. ya h. I continued ccon onti on tinu ti nued nu ed m work rk and and Ayah Aya yahh became beca be came ca me daughter myy wo two tw o years year ye arss old, ar old, and and as as ou ourr children chililildr ch dren dr en grew ggre rew re w bigger bigg bi gger gg er so so di did d ou ourr ambi am biti bi tion ti ons. on s. M Myy am ambi biti bi tion ti on was was to to fo foun und un d a sm smal alll or al orga gani ga nisa ni sati sa tion ti on ambitions. ambition found small organisation that th at aims aaim imss at eedu im duca du cati ca ting ti ng and and ttra rain ra inin in ingg handicapped in hand ha ndic nd icap ic appe ap ped pe d children chililildr ch dren dr en educating training and an d de defe fend fe ndin nd ingg th in thei eirr ri ei righ ghts gh ts. Th ts Than ankk Go an God, d, m myy or orga gani ga nisa ni sati sa tion ti on iiss defending their rights. Thank organisation now no w a name name that ttha hatt is recognised ha rrec ecog ec ogni og nise ni sed se d in tthe he field. fifiel eld. el d. Thee gr Th grow owth ow th o aamb mbit mb itio it ionn disturbs io dist di stur st urbs ur bs my my husband husb hu sban sb and an d and and growth off my ambition anno an noys no ys hhim. im. I’m im I’m giving givi gi ving vi ng it it all all I’I’ve ve got got to to keep keep hhim im ssat atis at isfie is fied fie d annoys satisfied and an d to w win in hhis is ssup uppo up port po rt aand nd rrec ecog ec ogni og niti ni tion ti on,, pa on payi ying yi ng with wit w ithh my it support recognition, paying time ti me,, effort, me effo ef fort fo rt,, thought, rt thou th ough ou ght, gh t, body bod b odyy and od and mind. mind mi nd. But nd But the the taste tast ta stee of st time, succ su cces cc ces esss is something ssom omet om ethi et hing hi ng eels lsee on ls only ly kkno nown no wn b byy th thos osee wh os who o tr tryy it it.. success else known those Wort Wo r h all rt all the the wo work rk and and sacrifice. ssac acri ac rific ri fice. fic e. Worth Afte Af terr es te esta tabl ta blis bl ishi is hing hi ng my my pr proj ojec oj ectt (A ec (Ama man) ma n) I ssta tart ta r ed thinking rt tthi hink hi nkin nk ingg in After establishing project (Aman) started abou ab outt continuing ou cont co ntin nt inui in uing ui ng m educ ed ucat uc atio at ion, io n, aand nd the the tthi hing hi ng ttha hat wo ha worr rrie rr ied ie d about myy education, thing that worried

I handed hand ha nded nd ed iinn my eexa xam xa m co comp mple mp lete le tely te ly after aaft fter ft er o one ne year yyea earr and ea and a half half exam completely with wi th better bet b ette et ter grades te grad gr ades ad es than ttha hann most ha most of of my peers. pee p eers ee rs.. Ea rs Each ch ttim imee my im time ambi am biti bi tion ti on p pus ushe us hed he d me more mor m oree an or and d mo more re.. re ambition pushed more. I go gott my master’s mas aste ter’r’r’ss de te degr gree gr ee to to ad add d to my my personal pers pe rson rs onal on al and and human hhum uman um an degree achi ac hiev hi evem ev emen em ent. en t. A new new achievement aach chie ch ieve ie veme ve ment me nt and and high hhig ighh de ig degr gree gr ee o onl nlyy to nl achievement. degree only add ad d in aano noth no ther th er m onth on th another aano noth no ther th er beautiful bea b eaut ea utif ut iful if ul child cchi hild hi ld to t my family. ffam amililily. am y. another month My d dau augh au ghte gh terr Randa, te Rand Ra nda, nd a, who’s who w ho’s ho ’s nnow ow 7 yyea ears ea rs o old ld.. ld daughter years old. A qu ques esti es tion ti on keeps kkee eeps ee ps turning ttur urni ur ning ni ng iinn my hhea ead. ea d. W Why hy m mus ustt a wo us woma mann ma question head. must woman in our our society ssoc ocie oc iety ie ty ccho hoos ho osee on os only ly o one ne o off he herr ri righ ghts gh ts?? Ei ts Eith ther th er sshe he choose rights? Either gets ge ts married mar m arri ar ried ri ed and and become bec b ecom ec ome a housewife om hous ho usew us ewif ew ifee on if only ly,, or she ly she gets gget etss an et only, educ ed ucat uc atio at ionn an io and d a jo job b on only ly.. ly education only. My aamb mbit mb itio it ionn grows io grow gr owss each ow each day. day d ay. I will ay w ll continue wi ccon onnti tinu nuee myy education nu eedu d ca du cati t on ti ambition even ev en more mor m o e an or and d de deve velo ve lop lo p my w wor o k, raise or rrai aise ai se m myy children chililildr ch dren dr e tthe en he w way a s ay develop work, ways I was was raised wa rais ra ised is ed so so they they can can succeed ssuc u ce uc ceed ed with w wit ithh their it thei th eir education ei educ ed uccat atio ionn and io and an d work wo rk and and ccre reat re atee their at thei th eirr ow ei o futu ture tu re aand nd aadd dd vval alue al ue tto ue o lillife.” fe.” fe .” create ownn fu future value


Discuss the following questions 1

Reem’s ambition “exceeds the limits of the skies,” she says. Where do you think that power comes from? What helps her? What makes her ambitions more difficult to reach?


Try to answer the question that Reem asks in the end of her monologue: “Why must a woman in our society choose only one of her rights?” Reem’s monologue begins and ends with a reference to the encouragements of her parents. What effect does that give her story that it has a theme like that?



What do you think about Reem’s story? Is it a common story that you’ve heard before or is her situation exceptional and rare?


saja’sogue monol

A nd when when he he knew knew that that I was was And carrying carrying a girl, girl, he he began began to to hit hit me me even even harder. harder. Saja Saja


things. did, would angry give thin th ings in gs. And gs And wh when en I d did id,, he w id wou ould ou ld gget et aang ngry ng ry and and ggiv ivee himself iv hims hi msel ms elff el the the right righ ri ghtt to beat gh bea b eatt me aand ea nd ssay ay blasphemous bla b lasp la sphe sp hemo he mous mo us things. tthi hing hi ngs. ng s.

that second, unconscious, when At ttha hatt se ha seco cond co nd,, I wa nd wass ki kind nd o off un unco cons co nsci ns ciou ci ous, ou s, aand nd w henn he I ca calm lmed lm ed down dow d ownn and ow and thought thou th ough ou ghtt ab gh abou outt the ou the reason, reas re ason as on, I re on reca caalllled call ed calmed about recalled my ssto tory to ry and nd discovered dis d isco is c ve co vere red re d th that at m myy hu husb sban sb and’ an d’ss te d’ temp mper mp er w as story husband’s temper was tran tr ansf an sfer sf erre er red re d to me. me. I was was very vver eryy affected er affe af fect fe cted ct ed by by all all that’s that th at’s at ’s happened hhap appe ap pene pe ned ne d transferred to m mee be beca c us ca usee of him. hhim im.. im because

I tried possible, trie tr ied ie d to take ttak akee it and ak and talk ttal alkk to him al him in in any any wa wayy po poss ssib ss ible ib le,, but le but with violence with nno o result. resu re sult su lt.. Hi lt Hiss anger ange an gerr and ge and vi viol olen ol ence en ce towards ttow owar ow ards ar ds me me would woul wo uld ul d incr in crea cr ease ea se.. Even se Even his his p par aren ar ents en ts ttre reat re ated at ed m bad. d. Instead IIns nste ns tead te ad o off increase. parents treated mee ba standing with stan st andi an ding di ng w ithh what’s it what wh at’s at ’s right, rrig ight ig ht, they ht they would wou w ould ou ld lay lay iitt on me me and and encourage more, enco en cour co urag ur agee their ag thei th eirr son ei son to hhit it me me even even m mor ore, or e, as as he had had a weak wea w eakk ea personality pers pe rson rs onal on alit al ityy in front it ffro ront ro nt of of them. them th em. em

After getting treatment Afte Af terr ge te gett ttin tt ingg married, in marr ma rrie rr ied, ie d, my my husband’s husb hu sban sb and’ an d’ss tr d’ trea eatm ea tmen tm entt of m en mee changed chan ch ange an ged ge d co ccompletely. omp omp mple lete le tely te ly.. All ly All the th tenderness tend te nder nd erne er ness ne ss hhee showed show sh owed ow ed me me during engagement turned duri du ring ri ng our our eeng ngag ng agem ag emen em entt tu en turn rned rn ed aand nd hhe became beca be came ca me another aano noth no ther th er person. made choose pers pe rson rs on. In the on he beginning, beg b egin eg inni in ning ni ng,, he m ng mad adee me ccho ad hoos ho osee between os betw be twee tw eenn ee balanced choice, him hi m an and d my family. ffam amililily. am y. I tried ttri ried ri ed tto o be b bal alan al ance an ced ce d in m myy ch choi oice oi ce,, an ce and d refused choose. clarified that chose I re refu fuse fu sed se d to ccho hoos ho ose. os e. I ccla lari la rifie ri fied fie d to hhim im ttha hatt I ch ha chos osee bo os both th o off together. them th em ttog oget og ethe et her.r.r But he But he he didn’t didn di dn’t dn ’t accept aacc ccep cc eptt and ep and started star st arte ar ted te d to ask ask me me forr things fo thin th ings in gs ttha hatt go against ha aaga gain ga inst in st my my pr prin inci in cipa ci pals pa ls.. So I rref ls efus ef used us ed tthe hese he se that principals. refused these

Afterwards, story home Afte Af terw te rwar rw ards ar ds, he ccame ds amee up with am wit w ithh a new it new st stor oryy that or that o our ur hhom omee om is fifill filled demons. lllled ed with wit w ithh de it demo mons mo ns.. He would ns wou w ould ou ld steal sste teal te al m myy jewellery jewe je wellllller we eryy an er and d sa sayy that demons Sometimes return that the the d dem emon em onss took on took iit. t. SSom omet om etim et imes im es hhee would woul wo uld ul d re retu turn tu rn it it – sometimes wouldn’t. tried scare drive some so meti me time ti mess he w me wou ould ou ldn’ ld n’t. n’ t. He He tr trie ied ie d to ssca care ca re me me and and dr driv ivee iv me crazy won’t deny felt fear, ccra razy ra zy along aalo long lo ng with wit w ithh him. it him. I w won on’t on ’t d den enyy th en that at I w was as ffel eltt fe el fear ar, ar especially when place espe es peci pe cial ci ally al ly w whe henn he would he wou ould ld p pla lace la ce a knife kkni nife ni fe under und nder nd er the the bed bed to kill when appeared. kkilililll demons demo de mons mo ns w whe henn they he they aapp ppea pp eare ea red. re d. I felt ffel eltt that el that hhee could cco oul uld d take tthe he knife kkni nife ni fe any any m mom omen om entt an en and d ki killll m mee wi with th iitt wh whil ililee I wa wass take moment while

n a mo mome moment ment me nt o off an ange anger gerr an ge and d bad bad te temp temper mper mp er … I w was as vver very eryy tired er tire ti red re d… I be bega began gann to cry, ga ccry ry, and ry and didn’t didn di dn’t dn ’t know kkno now no w ho how w to control ccon ontr on trol tr ol my my feelings feel fe elin el ings in gs state, sisters around and an d st stat ate, at e, m myy si sist ster st erss ar er arou ound ou nd me me tried trie tr ied ie d to calm ccal alm al m me down. dow d own. ow n.


sleeping. slee sl eepi ee ping pi ng. I wa ng wass very very afraid aafr f ai fr a d of him. hhim im.. I tu im turn turned rned rn ed o onn so ssome me Quran Qur Q uran ur an in in the the ho hous house usee us t ccal to calm alm al m me d dow down. own. ow n. n. One ti On time me iitt wa wass so b bad ad ttha hatt he turned ha ttur urne ur ned ne d on the the ggas as iinn the the kitchen kitc ki tche tc hen and he and that clos cl osed os ed aallll tthe he w indo in dows do ws tto o suffocate suff su ffoc ff ocat oc atee me at me.. And And de desp spit sp itee al it alll of this, tthi his, hi s, I closed windows despite woul wo uldn ul dn’t dn ’t ttel elll my parents el par p aren ar ents en ts everything. eeve very ve ryth ry thin th ing. in g. I tried ttri ried ri ed to to ch chan ange an ge hhim im and nd hhel elp el p hi him. m. wouldn’t tell change help Unti Un till I fo ti foun und un d out out th that at I w was as p pre regn re gnan gn ant. an t. I w was as hhap appy ap py ffor or m myy pr preg egna eg nanc na ncyy nc Until found pregnant. happy pregnancy and an d lilike ke eeve very ve ryon ry onee else; on else el se;; I wa se want nted nt ed tto o ch chec eckk wi ec with th a d octo oc torr to gget to et ssom omee om everyone wanted check doctor some reas re assu as sura su ranc ra nce. nc e. B But ut hhee refused refu re fuse fu sed se d to take ttak akee me ak me, because beca be ccaaus usee he was was vver eryy stingy. er stin st ingy in gy.. gy reassurance. very And An d wh when en hhee kn knew ew ttha hat I was ha hat was ca carr rryi rr ying yi ng a girl, ggir irl,l,l he ir he be bega gann to hhit ga it m mee ev even en hhar arde ar arde der. er. that carrying began harder. He w wou ould ou ld b bla lame la me me me for for being bein be ingg ju in just s llik st ikee my ik m mother mot m o he ot herr – only only p pre r gn re gnan antt wi an with ith ggir i ls ir ls.. would blame like pregnant girls. Afte Af terr a couple te co oup uple le of of mo ont nths of nths of pr preg egna eg nanc na ncy, nc y, and nd aaft fter ft e a llon er ongg pe on p eri riod ri od o off fig fight htss ht After months pregnancy, after long period fights aand an d ba bad d tr trea eatm ea eatm tmen ent, en t I decided t, dec d ecid ec ecid ided ed to to go to to my parents. par p aren ar ents en ts.. He declared ts dec d ecla ec lare la red re d that thatt he he treatment, d di dn’t’t w dn wan a t me and an and he he didn’t didn di dn’t’t want dn wan antt my daughter. dau d a gh au ghte ter. He te ter. He told told m mee that that day day before bef b efor ef oree or didn’t want leav le a in av ingg the t e ho th hous use: us ee:: “If If I ccam amee back am back home hhom omee and om and find find you you he here re,, I’ll re I’I’llll kkil ili l yo you! u!”” u! leaving house: came here, kill you!”

Discuss the following questions 1

Saja begins her story in a special way. In the beginning the viewer doesn’t know exactly what she is talking about. What effect does that give her performance?


Saja asks in the end of her monologue: “how could this happen to me?” Both Saja and Reem have been encouraged by their parents to finish their education. What makes their situation different?


Which of Saja and Reem’s stories are the most common, and which is the most exceptional?

At m myy pa pare rent re nts’ nt s’ home, hhom ome, om e, tthe he aatm tmos tm osph os pher ph eree wa er wass ve very ry tense. tten ense en se. I was se was al alwa ways wa ys angry. aang ngry ng ry.. ry parents’ atmosphere always Even Ev en w whe henn I wa he wass wi with th tthe hem, he m, hhee wo woul uldn ul dn’t dn ’t llea eave ea ve m alon one. on e. H Hee wo woul uld ul d ru ruin in when them, wouldn’t leave mee al alone. would my rrep eput ep utat ut atio at ionn an io and d so sold ld all all my my clothes. clot cl othe ot hes. he s. reputation It w as d dif iffic if ficul fic ultt for ul for me to to get get rid rid of aallll these tthe hese he se things tthi hing hi ngss that ng that happened hhap appe ap pene pe ned ne d to m me. e. was difficult Butt my p Bu pre regn re gnan gn ancy an cy aand nd d dau augh au ghte gh terr th te that at was was o onn her her way way in aadd ddit dd itio it ionn to my io my pregnancy daughter addition pare pa rent re nts’ nt s’ ssup uppo up port po rt hhel elpe el ped pe d me b bec ecom ec omee stronger. om stro st rong ro nger ng er.. Th er They ey helped hhel elpe el ped pe d me decide dec d ecid ec idee id parents’ support helped become to b bec ecom ec omee a strong om stro st rong ro ng m mot othe ot herr for he for my daughter. dau d augh au ghte gh ter.r.r A human te hhum uman um an being bei b eing ei ng ccap apab ap able ab le of of become mother capable cont co ntro nt rollllllin ro ingg he in herr fe feel elin el ings in gs aand nd aang nger ng er. er controlling feelings anger. My d dau a gh au ghte terr ca te can’ n t be n’ b b bla lame la m d for me for an anyt ythi yt h ng hi ng. I tr trie ied ie d to contact ccon onta on tact ta c hhim ct im after aaft fter ft er giving ggiv ivin iv ingg in daughter can’t blamed anything. tried birt bi r h fo rt forr he herr sa sake ke.. But ke But he rref e us ef used ed.. No ed N w he rrar a el ar elyy as aasks ks about aabo bout bo ut her her e or or se sees es her. hher er.. er birth sake. refused. Now rarely I kn know ow vver eryy we er wellll ttha hatt lilife ha fe iisn sn’t sn ’t aallll aabo bout bo ut hhim im. My nnew im ew llif ifee be if bega gann af ga afte terr I go te gott very that isn’t about him. life began after sepa se para pa rate ra ted te d fr from om hhim im.. I want im want to to continue c nt co ntin inue in ue m myy education, educ ed ucat uc atio at ion, io n, especially eesp spec sp ecia ec iallllllyy since ia sinc si ncee nc separated him. I’I’m m a hi high gh aach chie ch ieve ie ver at school. ve ssch choo ch ool.l. This oo Thi T hiss is my hi my dream drea dr eam ea m from from the the beginning beg b egin eg inni in ning ni ng – tto o achiever lear le arnn and ar and work. work wo rk. It was rk was also aals lso ls o my father’s ffat athe at her’r’r’ss dr he drea eam ea m si sinc ncee we w nc wer eree sm er smal all.l. al learn dream since were small. Toda To day, da y w y, wee al alll ask ask ou ours rsel rs elve el vess how ve how this this ccou ould ou ld happen hhap appe ap penn to m pe me? e? Especially, EEsp spec sp ecia ec ialllllly, ia y, Today, ourselves could sinc si ncee my ffat nc athe at herr is he isn’ n’tt th n’ thee kind kind that ttha hatt de ha deni nies ni es o our ur rrig ight ig ht tto o ed educ ucat uc atio at ion, io n, o onn th thee since father isn’t denies right education, cont co ntra nt rary ra ry, he ssup ry uppo up port po rted rt ed iit. t. contrary, supported What Wh at’s at ’s iimp mpor mp orta or tant ta nt iis th that at I w wil ililll ra rais isee my d is dau augh au ghte gh terr to b te bec ecom ec omee st om stro rong ro nger ng er What’s important will raise daughter become stronger than th an I w was as aand nd I have hhav avee a beautiful av beau be auti au tifu ti full family fu fami fa mily mi ly that ttha hatt ma ha make kess me ssee ke ee ttha hatt tomorrow ha tomo to morr mo rrow rr ow makes that willll b wi bee be bett tter tt er aand nd b bet ette et ter.r.r.” te better better.”


You are not alloved to marry yourself until you are 30. Is that OK? Tulin


»The Pink Dream« dialogue Everyone E veryone on on stage stage is is sitting sitting and and watching watching a m movie. ovie. T They hey aare re w watching atching » »The The Pink Dream«. The message movie happily with Pink D ream«. T he m essage ffrom rom tthe he m ovie iiss tto o llive ive h appily eever ver aafter fter w it h your one! having your beloved beloved o ne! Tulin Tulin and and Dana Dana aare re h aving a cconversation. onversation.


My marriage was built on a lie. Anna


»The Pink Dream« dialogue Tulin: Tuli Tu lilin: n:

This This is is al alll bullshit. bullllllsh bu shit sh it.. Mo it Movi Movie viee bu vi busi business sine si ness ne ss …

Dana: Dana Da na:: na

there’s love real, No!! If tthe No here he re’s re ’s llov ovee fo ov forr re real al,, wh al whyy no not? t?

Tulin: Tulililin: Tu n:

Where you? Wher Wh eree will er will this tthi hiss take hi take yyou ou?? ou

Dana: Dana Da na:: na

Whyy no Wh not? t? IIff I fin find d a gu guyy wh who o is handsome, hhan ands an dsom ds ome, om e, cute, cute cu te,, well-dressed te wellllll-d we -dre -d ress re ssed ss ed aand nd w wee co come me to to love love each nothing each other, oth o ther th er,, there’s er ther th ere’ er e’ss no e’ noth thin th ingg mo in more re beau be auti au tifu ti full th fu than an ffor or uuss to grow ggro row ro w old old together toge to geth ge ther th er beautiful and ge gett ma marr rrie rr ied. ie d. and married.

Tulililin: Tu n: Tulin:

Dana Da na:: na Dana:

Tulililin: Tu n: Tulin:

Dana Da na:: na Dana:

From this tthi hiss I understand hi unde un ders de rsta rs tand ta nd you’ll yyou ou’l’l’lll ke ou keep ep llov ovin ov ingg in From loving the same same gguy uy from ffro rom ro m now now un unti till yo ti youu fin finis ishh is the until finish univ un iver iv ersi er sity si ty?? ty university? Wellllll,, if he’s We hhe’ e’ss handsome e’ hand ha ndso nd some so me aand nd rrom oman om anti an tic, ti c, I’ll II’l’l’lll Well, romantic, stay with wit w ithh him. it him. There’s The T here he re’s re ’s nnot othi ot hing hi ng b bet ette et terr te stay nothing better than going ggoi oing oi ng o out ut w wit ithh hi it him m an and d ta talk lkin lk ingg on in than with talking the phone phon ph onee all on all th thee ti time me … aand nd ggif ifts if ts!! Wo ts Wow! w! the gifts! What a wonderful won w onde on derf de rful rf ul ffee eelililing ee ng.. ng ... .. What feeling... You’ Yo u’re u’ re telling ttel ellililing el ng me me that that the the white whi w hite hi te d dre ress re ss,, ss You’re dress, the wedding wedd we ddin dd ingg party, in part pa rty, rt y, ccha haos ha os and and yyou ourr epic ou epic the chaos your love ssto tory to ry is is wh what at’s at ’s o onn yo your ur m min ind? in d? love story what’s mind? Look Lo okss lilike ok ke you you weren’t wer w eren er en’t en ’t paying pay p ayin ay ingg cl in clos osee os Looks close atte at tent te ntio nt ionn to the io the m mov ovie ov ie to to notice noti no tice ti ce how how attention movie cute they tthe heyy we he were re.. re .... .. cute were...

Tulililin: Tu n: Tulin:

Let your your “cute” ““cu cute cu te” help te help you... yyou ou.. ou .... .. Let

Dana Da na:: na Dana:

Youu want Yo want tto o co conv nvin nv ince in c me ce me th that at yyou ou d don on’t on ’t convince don’t want to to we wear ar tthe he w hite hi te d dre ress re ss and and have hhav avee av want white dress lots o off gu gues ests es ts,, and ts and put put on m mak akeu ak eup eu p an and d lots guests, makeup ente en terr the te the room room to to th thee song, song so ng, and ng and enter

youu tw yo two o da danc ncin nc ingg a sl in sslow ow d dan ance an ce aand nd hhav avee a av dancing dance have wedd we ddin dd ingin g-pl gplan pl anne an ner? ne r? wedding-planner? Tuli Tu lilin: n: Tulin:

Of course ccou ours ou rsee there’s rs ther th ere’ er e’ss love. e’ love lo ve. Bu ve Butt no nott at o our ur aage ge. ge age. Aren Ar en’t en ’t w wee still stilililll 15 st 15?? Aren’t

Dana Da na:: na Dana:

Butt it’s Bu it’s eexa xact xa ctly ct ly b bes estt if w es wee fin find d Mr Mr.. Lu Luck ckyy ck exactly best Lucky now. no w .. now...

Tuli Tu lilin: n: Tulin:

Alll of tthi Al hiss is nnic hi icee an ic and d ev ever eryo er yone yo ne w wan ants an ts iitt this nice everyone wants to happen, hhap appe ap pen, pe n, b but ut tthe here he re aare re p pri rior ri orit or itie it iess an ie and d there priorities ourr priority ou prio pr iori io rity ri ty iiss our our ed educ ucat uc atio at ion. io n. education.

Discuss the following questions 1

What mindsets do Tulin and Dana represent?


What are their arguments? What is the dialogue trying to tell the audience?


Most of the play is made out of monologues. Does the dialogue give another effect? What effect does it give?



The date for the wedding was decided without anyone asking my opinion. Enas

Jordanian Women’s

Union JJWU WU iiss o one ne the the partners partners o off this this p project. roject. B elow yyou ou ccan an rread ead aabout bout ttheir heir Below background b ackground aand nd ttheir heir aims. aims. Source: Sour So urce ur ce:: ht ce http tp:/ tp ://w :/ /www /w ww w.j .jwu wu.i wu . tg .i tgo. o. c m co

A general background: Thee Jo Th Jord Jordanian rdan rd ania an iann Wo ia W Women’s men’ me n’ss Un n’ Unio Union ionn (J io (JWU (JWU) WU)) wa WU wass established esta es tabl ta blis bl ishe is hed he d in 1945. 1945 19 45.. Af 45 Afte After terr th te thee em emer emergency e ge er g nc ncyy law law in in 1957 1195 9577 dissolved 95 diss di ssol ss olve ol ved ve d all all ci ccivil vill vi society organizations soci so ciet ci ciet etyy o or rga gani niza ni zati za tion ti onns and and political polililiti po tica ti call parties, ca part pa r ie rt ies, s, the the JWU JWU was w ass forced forc fo rced rc ed to to stop stop its its activities aact c iv ct ivit itie it iess for ie for some some years. yyea ears ea rs.. rs Howe Ho weeve w ver, r, d des e pi pite te aallllll pressures pre p ress re s s ur ssur ss ures es eexe x rt xe rted ed on on the the union unio un ionn and io a nd an However, despite exerted itss me it memb mber mb ers, er s, iitt was wa s ab able le tto le o st stan and an d up to to the the challenges chal ch alle al leng le nges ng es members, stand faci fa c ng ci ng iitt and and to p pur ursu ur s e its su it s aims aims ms with wit w ithh determination. it dete de term te rm min inat a io at ion. n. The The facing pursue Unio Un ionn wa io w re-e -est -e s tab st ablililish ab s hed sh ed under uund nder nd e tthe er he name nnam ame of “The am “Th Thee Women’s Th Wome Wo m n’s me n’ s n’ Union wass re re-established Unio Un ionn in io in JJor orrda o dan” n”(W n” n”(W (WUJ U ) in tthe UJ he yyea earr 19 ea 1974 74.. 74 Union Jordan”(WUJ) year 1974. Agai Ag ain, ai n, in in 19 1981 81,, th 81 tthee Mi Mini nist ni ster st eerr o off In IInterior teri te rior ri or ggav avee in av inst s ru st ruct c io ct ions n ns Again, 1981, Minister gave instructions to d dis isso is solv so lvee the lv the Union. Unio Un ion. io n However, n. Howe Ho weve we ver, ve r, d dur urin ur ingg its in it s active acti ac tive ti ve period per p erio er iod io d dissolve during (197 (1 9 497 4-19 1981 19 8 ), the 81 the presence pre p rese re s nc se ncee off the the WUJ WUJ was w as very vver eryy important er impo im port po port rtan antt an (1974-1981), beca be caus ca u e it was us w as a the the only onl o nly bo nl nly body dy that ttha hatt represents ha repr re pres pr esen es eenntss Jordanian JJor orda or dani da nian ni an because w wo ome menn in JJor orda or dan. da n n. women Jordan. Thee ma Th ana n ge geme ment me nt ccommittee ommi om mitt mi t ee o tt off th thee Wo Wome men’ me n s Un n’ Unio ionn in io management Women’s Union Jord Jo rdan rd an aapp ppea pp eale ea led le d against agai ag ains ai nstt the ns the Minister’s Mini Mi nist ni ster st e ’s decision er dec d ecis ec i io is ionn which whic wh ichh the ic the Jordan appealed cour co urtt agreed ur agre ag reed re ed was w as illegal. iilllll eg egal al. The al The WUJ WUJ continued ccon onti on tinu ti nuued its its activities aact ctiv ct ivit iv itie it iess ie court in sspi p te of pi of co cont ntin nt inuo in uous uo us p pre ress re s ur ss u es e from ffro rom ro m the the government, gove go vern ve rnme rn ment me nt,, bu nt butt spite continuous pressures wass fin wa final a ly ffor al o ce or c d to discontinue dis d i co is c nt ntin inue in u for ue for some ssom o e time om tim mee because bec b ecau ec ause au ssee of of finally forced inti in timi ti m da dati to ti onn o off it itss me emb mber e s by tthe er he ssec ecur ec urit ur ityy forces. it forc fo rces rc e . es intimidation members security It w was as nnot ot unt ntilil tthe nt h rres he esto es tora to r ti ra tion on o off the the parliamentarian parl pa rlia rl iame ia ment me ntar nt aria ar iann lilife ia f fe until restoration in JJor o da or dann in M May ay 1199 9900 th 99 that at tthe he U Uni nion ni o w on was a aabl as b e to reactivate bl rrea eact ea ctiv ct ivat iv atee at Jordan 1990 Union able and an d to regain rreg egai eg ain momentum. ai mome mo m nt me ntum um. The um The Union’s Th U io Un ion’s ion’ n’s name n’ namee w was as changed ccha h ng ha n ed to tthe he Jordanian JJor orda or dani da nian ni ann Women’s Wom W omen om en’s Union en Uni U nion ni on iinn Jo Jord rdan rd an ((JW J U) aand JW nd nnew ew Jordan (JWU) de emo ocr crat a ic bylaws at byl b ylaw yl awss we aw w ere re p pas asse as sed se d an and d ap appr prov pr oved ov ed.. ed democratic were passed approved.


The aims of the JWU as stated by the amended by laws: Organizing and unifying the Jordanian women’s efforts to protect their rights and achievements Facing all kinds of discrimination against women Emphasizing the role of the Jordanian women in the society and empowering them in order to practice these rights as citizens on bases of equality, justice, equal opportunities and respect. Raising women›s awareness about their role and stressing their participation in different fields. Enhancing women›s integration in the local society Improving Women’s social status Eliminating all legislative, economic, social and cultural hindrances against women participation according to human rights conventions that the Jordanian government has approved and signed: in particular the convention on eliminating all kinds of discrimination against women, in accordance with the Jordanian national chart Activating the role of women to enhance Jordan›s independence, the democratic process and the national culture Helping women to benefit from the family planning program and providing necessary child and mother care Enhancing women›s participation in public life and strengthening human rights principles in general, and women and children›s rights in particular Training women in different disciplines to improve the economic status of their families and to achieve economic independence and stability for their children

God gives you the patience and compensates you for the bad things. Taqdeer

Discuss the following questions 1

How does the theatre project fit in with the aims of JWU?


Which of the points on the list above does the project support? Are there points that it doesn’t support?

Eliminating legal, cultural and political illiteracy among women Supporting the Palestinian women and their national rights Supporting Arab women and cooperating with them to achieve common aims Assisting women all over the world in their just cases


Interview with

Solveig Weinkouff D

anis an ishh di is dire rect re ctor ct or SSol olve ol veig ve i ig anish director Solveig Wein We inko in kouf ko ufff ha uf hass tr trav avel av elle el led le d al alll th thee Weinkouff travelled wayy from wa from Denmark Den D enma en mark ma rk in in no nort rthe rt hern he rn northern Euro Eu rope ro p tto pe o di d rect re ct thirteen tthi h rt hi r een eeen women wome wo meen Europe direct in JJor orda or dann together da toge to geth ge ther th er w wit ithh Jo it JJordanian rdan rd ania an iann ia Jordan with d dire di ire rect ctor ct or SSaw awsa aw san sa an Nizar Niza Niza Ni zarr Di D Diss iss ssi.i.i In In th this is director Sawsan Dissi. inte in terv te rvie rv iew, ie w sshe w, he ttal alks about al alks aabo bout bo ut how ut how interview, talks thee vi th view ew o onn wo wome menn re me remi mind mi nds he herr women reminds of hher er o own wnn rrel elig el igio ig ious io us uupb pbri pb ring ri ngin ng ingg in religious upbringing in D e ma en mark rk,, ho rk how w the t e pr th proj ojec oj e t ha ec hass Denmark, project prog pr ogre og ress re s ed aand ss nd w wha hatt it ha iit’s ’s llik ikee be ik bein ingg in progressed what like being aske as ked: ke d: ““Wh Whyy are Wh are yo youu he here re?” re ? ?” asked: “Why here?” Whyy is iitt ne Wh nece cess ce ssar ss aryy to work ar wor w ork or k necessary with wi th w wom omen om en’s en ’s p per erso er sona so n l st na stor orie or iess in ie women’s personal stories Jord Jo rdan rd an?? an Jordan? In ccou ount ou ntri nt r es – iinc ri nclu nc ludi lu ding di ng Denmark Den D ennma mark rk – countries including whe wh ere so some me women wom w omen om e d en don on’t on ’t hhav a e th av thee where don’t have ggreatest gr eate ea test te st consciousness ccon onsc on scio sc ious io usne us ness ne ss aabo bout bo ut tthe heir he ir about their righ ri ghts gh t s, it iiss im ts impo port po rtan rt antt to iinn on an o wayy rights, important onee wa or aano noth no ther th er iimp mpro mp r ve it it – especially ess pe peci cial ci ally ally another improve thee co th cconsciousness nsci ns c ousn ci ouusn snes esss ab es abou out th out ou thee ri righ ghts gh t ts about rights that th at aare r nnot re ot wound wou w o nd uup ou p only o ly on on on m mo rall and ra and tr ttradition. adit ad itio it ion. io n I a ccou o nt ou ntry ry moral country such su ch aass Jordan, Jord Jo rdan rd an, everything an ever ev eryt er y hi yt hing ng iiss ba base sed se d based on hhow ow tthe he ffam amilili y wo am ork rks; s tthe s; he family works; fami fa mily mi ly’s ly ’s eeco cono co nomy no my aand nd iits ttss traditions. ttra radi ra diti di tion ti ons. on s s. family’s economy T Th at iiss some sso ome ttig ome ight ig ht ccon onst on stra st r ain ints ts tto o That tight constraints

g ow up gr up with. w th wi th.. I kn know ow ttha hat because ha hat beca be caus ca use us grow that grew ew w uup p in a sstr tron tr ongl on glyy religious relilil gi re giou ouss ou I gr strongly fami fa mily mi ly iinn De Denm nmar nm ar k, k, w whe here he re yyou re o ou family Denmark, where alwa al waays had ways had to to be very vver eryy conscious er cons co nsci ns ciou ci ouss ou always abou ab outt what ou what o oth ther th er p peo eopl eo plee thought pl thou th ough ou ghtt gh about other people ou aand nd your yyou ourr actions. ou acti ac tion tion ti ons. s. Y You ou ou of yyou coul co uldn ul dn’t dn ’t do do anything a yt an ythi h ng that hi ttha hatt gave ha gave couldn’t w y to tthe wa he morals mor m oral or a s of tthe al he area aare reaa I re way grew up p in in.. It IIt’s ’s eexa x act xa ctly ct ly tthe he same ssam amee am grew exactly I’ve ve ssee eenn in JJor ee orda or dan. da n. W Wom omen om en aare re re I’ve seen Jordan. Women real re ally al ly o ly opp ppre pp ress re s ed ss ed!! That’s That Th at’s at ’s tthe ’s he o onl nly nly nl really oppressed! only waay to p put ut it. it. t O Off co our urse see, th ther eree ar er aree way course, there some me w who ho aren’t. aare ren’ re n’t. n’ t. B But u ffor ut or ttho hose ho se some those fami fa milililies mi es, wh es, es w o ha hasn sn’t sn ’t ggot o a patriarch ot pat p atri at r ar ri a ch families, who hasn’t oppr op p ess si pr sing ng them, tthe hem, he m, the the ssoc ocie oc iety ie ty aals lso ls o oppressing society also havve ha ve a m mor oral or al codex, al ccod odex od ex, wh ex w ichh me ic m ean anss have moral which means that a you, yyou ou,, as ou a a woman, wom w oman om an, ca an can’ n’tt go out n’ out u that can’t nnig ight ig ht o orr be aaro r un ro und d yo your ur m mal ae al at night around male frie fr iend ie nds, nd s, b s, bec ecau ec ecau ause se p peo eo opl plee wo woul uld ul d look look friends, because people would down on on you. you. u G Gen ener en eral er ally al ly,, it iiss the ly the down Generally, samee oppression opp o ppre pp rreess s s io ssio ionn of of w wom omen om e ttha en hatt ha same women that had in in De Denm n ar nm arkk ma m ybee fif yb fififty f ty t o orr a we had Denmark maybe h nd hu ndre red re d years y ar ye ars ago. ars ago. hundred What was was the the biggest big b igge ig gest ge st ssur ur pr ur urpr pris isee of is What surprise comi co ming mi ng to to Jo Jord rdan rd an?? an coming Jordan? w also so iinn Jo Jord rdan rd an last llas aass t su summ mm mer er,, I wa wass al Jordan summer, wher wh eree I directed er dire di r ct re cted ed the the first fifirs rstt pa rs part r t of rt of where

MOTH MO THER TH ERSS & DA ER DAUG UGHT UG HTER HT ERS. ER S. W Wha hatt ha MOTHERS DAUGHTERS. What s rp su pri rise sed se d mee was w as hhow ow w ffas ass t th thee surprised fast Dani Da n sh d ni dra rama ra m tu ma turg rge, rg e, SSofi ofiee Le ofi Lebe bech be ch Danish dramaturge, Sofie Lebech and I, bonded bon b onnde ded d wi with th the the Jordanian JJor orda dani nian ni an and wome wo men. me n. FFro rom ro m da dayy on one, w one, wee ju just st women. From laug la ughe ug hed he d so om muc uchh wi uc with tthe with hese he se laughed much these wome wo m n. me n T Tha hatt wa ha wass the the lilibe bera be rati ra ting ti ng women. That liberating ssuurp rpri r se ri se. And And it w was as so so lovely. love lo vely ve ly.. Th ly Thee surprise. othe ot herr surprise, he surp su rpri rp rise ri se,, wh se w ichh I di ic didn dn’t dn ’t rrea ealilil zee ea other which didn’t realize fifirs rst, rs tt,, was w as their tthe heeir aatt ttit tt i ud it udee to m mee as at first, attitude lead ader ad er.. I consider er cons co nsid ns ider id e m er mys y el ys elff a le lead ader ad er a le leader. myself leader with with wi thou outt op ou oppr pres pr essi es sing si ng my my femininity. femi fe mini mi nini ni nity ni nity ty. without oppressing don’ n’tt believe n’ b liliev be evee I should ev shou sh ould ou ld be be acting acti ac t ng ti I do don’t lilike ke m man a . Bu an Butt at o one ne point, poi p oint oi nt,, I st nt sstarted arte ar ted te d like man. noti no tici ti cing ttha ci cing hatt al ha aalll th thee other othe ot herr fe he fema male ma le noticing that female lead le aderrs I me ad et in Jordan JJor orda orda or dan an wore wore re leaders met trou tr ouuse sers rs!! (l rs (lau augh au ghs) gh s) I aalw lway lw ays wo ay wore re trousers! (laughs) always dres e s. I was es w as appreciative aapp ppre pp reci re ciat ci ativ at ivee and iv aannd a dr dress. welc we lcom lc omin om ing. in g. B g. But ut I rrea ealililize ea zed ze d th that at ttha hatt ha welcoming. realized that does do esn’ es n t wo n’ work rk!! I ha rk had d to iiss ssue ss u ord ue rder rd e s! er s doesn’t work! issue orders! had d to use use some ssom ome om me sort so ort of of oldolldo I ha fash fa shio sh ione io ned ne d hi hier erar er arch ar c ych y ba base s d le se lead adin ad ingg in fashioned hierarchy-based leading styl st yle. yl e. So So I was wa s gladly glad gl adly ad ly surprised ssur u pr pris ised is ed style. that it it was wa s really r al re a ly l eeas asyy to talk as ttal a k wi al w th that easy with the wo w men me en ab abou o t th ou thee sa ssame me tthi hing hi ngss ng the women about things t at are th are important iimp m or mp orta tant ta nt to to me; me; children, chililildr ch dren dr e , en that husb hu s an sb a ds and and nd so so forth. fort fo r th. rt h. The h. The other oth o ther th er husbands s rp su rpri r ise was ri rise w as ttha hatt I had ha had to t ccha hang ha ngee ng surprise that change w ay o off le lleading. adin ad ing. in g g. my way


How Ho w do does es tthe he project pro p roje ro ject je ct progress? pro p rogr ro gres gr e s? es How Ho w do yyou ou m mak akee a theatre ak thea th eatr ea tree tr make performance perf pe rfor rf orma or manc ma n e wi nc with th real rrea eall and ea and personal p pe pers ers rson onal on al stories? ssto tori to ries ri ries es?? way I think thin th inkk I ha in have ve m myy ow ownn wa ay of doin do ingg th in thin ings in gs aass op gs oppo pose po sed se d to doing things opposed othe ot herr di he dire rect re ctor ct o s. or s I really rrea ealllll y like ea lil ke the the other directors. part pa rt of of sharing shar sh arin ar ingg your in your stories ssto tori to r es ri e with wi th each eeac achh ot ac othe her, he r w r, wit ithh all it all the the other, with part pa rtic rt icip ic ipan ip a ts in an in the the gr grou o p. I nnev ou eveer ev er participants group. never talk ta lk to to a participant part pa r ic rt icip ipan ip antt one an one on one one in the the b beg e in eg inni ning ni ng.. Th ng Ther eree is aalw er lway lw ayss ay beginning. There always selection C:NTACT a se sele lect lect le ctio ionn in a C io C:N :NTA :N TA ACT project. pro p roje ro ject je ct.. ct Youu ca Yo cann ha have ve tthi h rt hi rtyy wo w ome m n in yyou ou r ou thirty women your group begin with, grou gr oup ou p to b beg egin eg in w wit ith, it h, but but u there tthe here he re cann on ca only ly b bee fif fifte teen te enn on on the the st stag agee ag fifteen stage in the the eend nd.. In tthe nd he b beg egin eg inni in ning ning ni ng, wh what at at end. beginning, happ ha p en pp enss is i a form ffor orm or r m of witnessing. wit w itne it ness ne sss in ing. g g. happens W ssit We it in in a circle c rc ci rcle le – very vver er y hippie-like ery er hipp hi ppie pp ie-l ie -lik -l ikee ik – and and turn turn our our u backs bac b acks ac ks o onn the the wo worl r ld. rl d. world. Then Th en w en wee lillisten ist sten en tto o each eaach c o oth ther th er. It iiss er other. thea th eatr ea t e in itself, tr iits tsel ts elf, el f, when whe w henn we he we’r ’r’ree sitting s itt sitt si ttin ingg in theatre we’re ther th e e! We er We lilist sten st en tto en o Sascha, Sasc Sa scha sc ha, wh ha ho there! listen who tell te llllss us u aabo bout bo u hher er m mar a ri riag agee with ag with a tells about marriage ccomplete co mple mp lete le t maniac, te man m ania an iac, ia c who c, who saw s aw things tthi hing hi ngss ng unde un derr th de thee bed b d an be and d forced forc fo rced rc ed her her to to under w wa tch po tch tc porn rn. If SSas rn asch as chaa wa ch w sn’t sn ’t tto o be watch porn. Sascha wasn’t a pa part rt of of the the performance perf pe rfor rf orrma o r ma manc anc ncee in the the end, en d she d, s he still ssti tilllll ggot ti ot tto o share shar sh aree her ar her story s or st oryy with wi thh us. us. Sometimes, SSom omet om etim et imes im es, wo es wome m n ar me aren en’t en ’t women aren’t aallowed al llo lowe wed we d to to be be a part p rt of pa of the the pr proj ojec oj ectt ec project in the the eend nd. nd end.

the theme them th emee we worked em wor w orke or ked ke d fr from om m. the from. got a really rrea eallllllyy wi ea wide de rran ange an ge of of We got range diff di ffer ff eren er entt wo en wome menn fr me from om 1155 to 7766 different women year ye arss ol ar old d to p par arti ar tici ti cipa ci pate pa te. Last te La st s year, yyea ear, ea r, r, years participate. the oldest ollde o dest st w st was a s 46 as 46 years year ye arss old. ar old. d It It was wa s the real re ally al ly iint nter nt eres er e ti ting ng w wit ithh the it the bi b agee really interesting with bigg ag s pre sp read re ad.. An ad And d the the team team fit fi so well wel w el el spread. to oge geth ther th er!! There er Ther Th eree was er wa s also also a big big together! spre sp read re ad o onn social soci so cial ci al status. ssta t tu ta tus. s We s. We had h d two ha t o tw spread Chri Ch rist ri stia st ians ia ns and and the the rest rres e t was es wa s Muslim. Musl Mu s im sl im. Christians They d dr ress ssed ss ed d dif iffe if fere fe r nt re ntly ly;; one ly onne wore wore They dressed differently; niqa qab. qa b. It b. It was wa s a very very complex ccom ompl om plex pl ex a ni niqab. grou gr oup, ou p, aand nd tthe h y gr he grew ew tto o love love eeac achh ac group, they each othe ot herr ve he very ry m muc uch. uc h. h. other much. What challenges ccha hall ha llen ll enge en gess did ge d d you di you have? have ha ve?? ve What

I as aaskk th them em ssom om me ge ggeneral nera ne rall qu ra ques esti es tion ti onss on some questions when wh en we we fir first st m mee eet. ee t. Everybody EEve very ve ery rybo body bo dy gget etss et meet. gets to ssay ay something ssom omet omet om ethi hing hi ng tthe heyy re he reme m mb mber er o orr they remember some so meth me thin th ing th in they e w ey wan antt to ssha an hare ha re. Th re T at’s at ’s something want share. That’s thee fir th first st sses essi sion sion on.. Th Thee ne next xt ttim imee we im w session. time gett mo ge more ore thorough. ttho horo ho roug ro ugh. ug h. T h. The henn we p he pul ul ul Then pull them th em aasi side si de o one ne b byy on one, e me, e, me, e the the aside tran tr ansl an s at sl ator or aand or nd SSaw awsa aw san, sa n the n, the Jordanian JJor orda or dani da nian ni a an translator Sawsan, d di dire ire rect ctor ct orr. An o And d th then enn w wee gr grab ab a ssni nip! ni p! p! director. snip!

Ther Th eree is a sociologist, er ssoc ocio oc iolo io logi lo g st gi st,, ca ccalled lllled lled There Baaum uman an,, wh an who o says says that ttha hatt all ha a l rebellion al rebe re bellllllio be ionn io Bauman, c me co mess fr ffrom om m tthe h bottom. he bot b otto ot tom. to m.. IInn comes Denm De n ar nm ark, k, w wee us used ed tto o be beli liliev evee th ev that at Denmark, believe ccou ould ou ld eexp xpor xp orr t democracy o demo de mocr mo c ac acyy to we could export Afgh Af ghan gh anis an ista is tan! ta n! IIff there ther th eree is no er no wi wish sh for for o Afghanistan! demo de mocr mo cr ac cr acy, y, it’s y, iit’ t’ss not t’ not po poss s ib ss ible le.. It le IIt’s ’s democracy, possible. no ot trading trad tr adin ad ingg goods! in good go ods! od s IIt’ s! t’s a wa t’ t’s wayy of llif ifee if not It’s life and a belief, belililief be ef,, in a w ef way ay.. Th ay Ther eref er efor ef o e, and way. Therefore, w a s very very conscious con onsc on scio sc i us io u not not to be be a I wa was miss mi ssio iona io nary na ary ry.. Yo Youu can’t can’ ca n’ t be, n’t n’ be, an and dI missionary. didn di dn’t dn ’t feel ffee e l like ee like being bei b e ng one ei one n at at all! all!l! But But didn’t want n to to share shar sh a e some ar some experiences eexp xper xp erie er ienc ie nces nc ces I want and I want want to to push push p peo eopl eo p e. pl e One One of of and people. the questions q es qu esti tion ti onss I asked on aske as ked ke d th thes esee women es wome wo ome menn the these waa s: ““Ho w How Ho w do you you o bring bri b r ng up ri up your you was: “How sons ns and and daughters?” dau d augh ghte ters te rs?” rs ?” The The women wom w omen om en sons ccaame tto o reflect r fle re flect c on ct on the the way waay th they ey came also contribute con ontr on t ib tr ibut utee to the ut the differences dif d iffe if f re fe renc nces nc e es also betw be twee tw e n bo ee boys ys aand ys nd girls ggir irls ir l in ls i their thei th eir eir ei between soci so ciet ci et y. On et ety. On the the other othe ot herr hand, he hand ha nd, I’ve nd I’ve also aals l o ls society. been asked: aask sked sk ed:: “Why ed “Why are are you you o here? hher e e? er e? been Have Ha ven’ ve n t you n’ yo go gott yo your ur o own wn issues wn iiss ssue ss uess ue Haven’t Den D enma enma en m rk rk?” ?” B But ut I think tthi h nk ttha hi hatt I can ha caan in Denmark?” that m ke a bigger ma big b igge ig geer difference diff di fffer e en ence ce with wit w ithh this it this make work in in Jo Jord rdan rd a ttha an hann in D ha Den enma en mark ma r k. work Jordan than Denmark.

Thee st Th stor o ie or iess ar aree written wrr it w itte tenn down te down and and stories comp co mpre mp ress re ssed ss ed,, so they ed tthe h y become he beco be come come co me compressed, thea th eatr ea tric tr ical ic al. Maybe al M yb Ma ybee they they ey turn ttur urnn into ur into theatrical. a mo m nolo no logu lo gue. gu e. O Orr th tthey eyy b bec ecom me a monologue. become poem po em. Or em Or a sson ong! T on Thi his ye hi his year ar,, th ar thee poem. song! This year, hheadline he ead adlililine ne iiss ‘m ‘mar arri ar riag ri age’ ag e’, so ttha e’ hatt was ha wa s ‘marriage’, that

cat atal at a ys al yst, t, I set sett tthi hing hi ngss in ng I am a catalyst, things mo oti tion on,, but on but the bu the stories stor st orie or iess are ie are within with wi thin th in motion, peop pe ople op le – and and n that ttha hatt is w ha whe here he re rrefl eflec efl ecti ec t on ti o people where reflection begi be gins gi ns.. And ns And then theenn it it spreads spre sp read re ad ds to begins. the audi au udi dien ence en c . Th ce That a ’s w at wha hatt ma ha m kess ke the audience. That’s what makes so ex extr trem tr emel em e y important. el impo im port port po rtan a t. It an It is it so extremely

s ch a joy su joy that ttha hatt it iiss lo ha loca c l wo ca wome menn me such local women stan st a ding an ding o di onn st stag age, ag e, ttel ellililing el ng tthe heir he ir o own w wn standing stage, telling their s or st orie ies – instead ie inst in stea st e d of us ea us coming comi co ming mi ng w wit ithh it stories with some product pro p rodu ro duct du ct and and n stuffing sstu tuffi tu ffing ffi ng iitt do down wn some some so meon me o e’ e’ss throat. thro th roat ro at . at. at someone’s What at is is it theatre tthe heat he atre at re is is capable capa ca pabl pa ble of in bl ble in What this context? ccon onte on text te xt?? xt this we take take k theatre tthe heat he atre at re as a s opposed oppo op pose po sed se d to If we visu vi sual su al aart al rt,, I think rt thin th inkk th in that at m mos ostt pe os peop ople op le visual art, most people will find find theatre tthe heat he atre at re much muc m uchh qu uc q icke ic kerr and ke and will quicker easi ea s ier to to decipher deci de ciph ci pher ph er aand nd to to mirror mirr mi rror rr or easier them th emse em selv se lves lv es iin. n. I tthi h nk ttha hi hatt yo ha youu themselves think that need e a certain ccer erta er tain ta in level llev evel ev el o off ab abst stra st ract ra c tio ct ionn io need abstraction mir m i ro ir rorr yourself your yo ursse ur self in self in art. ar t. t. When Whe W henn he to mirror it’s o onn st stag age, ag e it’s e, iit’ t’ss emotionally t’ em mot otio iona io nallllyy na it’s stage, much easier eeas asie as ierr to say: ie say ay:: “T ay “Tha hat’ ha t’s th t’ t’s thee much “That’s way I feel!” feel fe el!” el ! ” or !” or “The “The woman wom w o an on om on the the way s t ag st stag agee tells tellllllss me something te ssom omet om ethi et hing hi ng about aabo bout bo ut stage this problem pro p robl ro b em bl m that ttha hatt I have ha have as a s well.” wellllll.” we .” this The fact fact that ttha hatt sh ha shee da dare r s to stand re ssta tand ta nd The dares o tthe he stage ssta tage ta gee w wit ithh her it her own own st stor oryy or on with story can make make a big big impression. iimp mpre mp ress re ssio ss ion. io n. IItt can p ts something pu ssom omet om omet e hi hing ng in in motion moti mo t on ti o iinn the the puts audi au d en di ence ce that ttha hatt is w ha wor or th gold. ggol old. ol d. I know d. kkno now no w audience worth docu do cume cu m nt ntar aryy director, ar dire di rect re ctor ct or,, who or who cried cr ie ied d a documentary duri du r ing the the entire eent ntir nt iree performance. ir perf pe rfor rf orma or manc ma nce. nc e. e. during She is a prosperous pro p rosp ro sper sp errou erou ous us woman, woma wo maan, man, n, who who She sudd su dden dd enly en ly rrea ealililize ea zed ze d how how her he Jordanian Jord Jo rdan rd ania an iann ia suddenly realized s st si ster erss we er were re feeling. ffee e liling ee ng.. It’s ng I ’s not It not some ssom omee om sisters cond co ndit nd itio it ions io n that ns ttha hatt are ha are easy ea sy to to deal deal conditions wiith w ith th.. It really rea eallllllyy takes ea take ta kess a lot ke lot of effort eeff ffor ff ortt or with. ttel elll the el the stories stor st o ie or iess that that the the women wom w omen om e en to tell are telling. t llllin te ing. in g. But g. But they tthe heyy don’t he don’ do n’tt always n’ alwa al w ys are tell the the eent n ir nt iree truth! trut tr uth! ut h There’s h! The T here he re’s re ’s a lot lot I tell entire don’ do n t know! n’ know kn ow!! (laughs) ow (lau (l augh au ugh ghs) s) don’t What a do do you you hope hope the the project pro p roje ro ject je c ct What will ccha hang ha nge? ng e? will change? The show show o is is about abou ab o t to go ou go on a The tour to u , where wher wh eree th er they ey will wilililll start w star st a t a di ar dire rect re ct tour, direct dial di alog al ogue og ue w wit ithh the it the au aaudience. d en di e ce ce.. I kn know ow dialogue with that our our partner par p a tn ar tner e Jordanian er JJor orda or dani da nian ni an Women’s Wom W omen om e ’s en that Unio Un ionn wi io willll make mak m akee more ak more projects pro p roje ro ject je cts ct Union lil ke this tthi h s in the hi the ffut utur ut ure. T ure. The heyy ha he have ve like future. They beco be c me co m inspired iins nspi ns pire pi red re d by it. iitt. They They can can see see become t at it th it is meaningful. mea m eaani ning ngfu ng ful.l. And fu And then tthe henn our he ouur o that miss mi ssio ss ionn ha io hass been been ssuc u ce uc c ss ssfu ful!l!l fu mission successful!


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