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The Forseeers are a quite unique clique of creatures. When Planet Nerunda was created, they were the first to emerge from its surface and serve the most important purpose in this mystical piece of mineral. Each Forseeer is in charge of watching a certain area. With all the obscure activities going on, they keep things 'under control'. Some say the forseeers are the just the eyes of the planet who have managed to squeeze their ways through the crust and are waiting for the legs to do the same in order for it to just walk off into the darkness of inner space. Others say they're just trees with an immense fruit that happens to look like an eye. What are they really? No one knows for sure. The only thing that's certain is that you don't want to get caught doing some weird stuff or you can be forced to spend a night with Flinn. And trust me, that is not a pleasant experience.

He sits there. He sits there and he travels through his mind whom he calls inner space. Little does he know, he is just a character living in another being who considers his world 'inner space'. As he travels farther and farther, he ignores all that is around him and entertains himself with his infinite producer of places to explore. He gets lost in a traffic of ideas and images so vivid he can sometimes even go visit them, talk about them and depict them as accurate as he can so that others can have a slight access to this 'inner world'. He can sit there travelling for hours, even days.It's his favorite place to go but sadly he can only visit it when he is not mentally there with those he would love to bring. Bombif is very respected and is an alien living in Planet Nerunda. He ended up going against creation, said "fuck off" to his planet and just swam and swam for days through inner space until landing in Nerunda. The day he got there he went directly to the Shroom Lagun and just sat in the little island in the middle. He's been there for 397 years and has never moved. Some claim to have seen him flinch but The Forseeers have never confirmed it. For now he is just a visitor but it feels as if he was the first one there and kind of created everything in his little world. Nothing is really for sure in Nerunda so who knows if he will ever move or do something apart from traveling all day.

Slup and Clim are two very united creatures. When Slup hatched from his egg, his head adapted its form leaving no space for arms or legs. He lived most of his years sitting in the same spot seeing how all the other creatures functioned perfectly. On a day full of saliva rain, Clim, being homeless, came to Slup and after long talks about some nasty things, they became best friends. Clim helped Slup as much as he could for absolutely nothing in return, just friendship. As Slup grew older he grew a beard and never had the hands to cut it. He trained it to walk and used his beard as a way to get around. Thankful enough for Clims help during their younger years, he treated him with a space to live inside his beard. Now a day, Clim sticks his eyes out from the beard but only Slup has seen his full body. He doesn't talk much about it but some say it's as if Borge melted into a baby. Every morning Clim climbs out of his home and combs Slup's entire body leaving him with a lucious look. Since the terminal age is different for everyone in Nerunda, no one can really predict how tall Slup will grow to be.

In every world there's always that one lonely badass that nobody really knows well. That one creature who creates a mysterious vibe by just stepping in the room. Zilque is an enormous being that peacefully sits on his rock as he ponders about his revenge on the Bindeers. When no one is looking he steps out of the picture and searches for them viciously. One day as Zilque was sharpening his claws against his rock, this army of tiny creatures decided to shoot his eye down just to fuck with him s ince there were rumors that he could grow it back easily. Sadly these rumours were partly true, what creatures didn't know was that Zilque never knew where it would grow back and that his wound would never stop bleeding purple. His eye now lays next to him and is slowly growing arms and legs because of the energy Zilque sends him daily. His wish is for it to grow into its own self and live the life he deserves after suffering so much. He tried growing a new eye but it came out in his stomach. Lucky because of the height, this helps him search for the Bindeers since they are so little. Not too many people knew Zilque before the attack but some say he was a generous funny being. Today he only thinks about his revenge on this nasty army. He has gotten close to taking them down as it is easy for him to eat many of them with just one bit. He even killed on of their leaders and uses his tail down as a ring to show his anger. Oh and his scar? He is said to keep Bombif’s deepest and darkest secret under his skin. No being can ever imagine what it is and most likely will ever know.

Lily is a newborn. One day she just ‘crawled’ out of a crater and joined the Nerunda society. She was ‘born’ on a rainy afternoon but she has the sunniest personality. Don’t be scared based on her appearance as she is one of the sweetest and cutest creatures you will ever meet. Being so young, she can already outrun any other creature in nerunda and can probably kick them off the planet with ease. A thought like this would never cross her mind but personally I wouldn't test her. With her one eye she is able to look inside you, read you, and sing the exact melody you need based on your mood. Some call her the “tune boom” but never to her face, for her its just Lily. She’s usually on an up beat since she’s always singing and jumping around but the one thing that can truly piss her off is trying to get her hair in a bun every morning using only her legs.

Fiona is one of the few creatures who have lived to tell what spending a night with Flinn is like. She was punished for using her talented and elaborated body to kill everyone in order to rip Bombifs secret out of Zilque. That punishment wasn't enough for her so she was forced to be cut of her body and put inside a bottle and hid in one of Planet Nerunda’s millions of craters. She hasn’t seen the light of day in hundreds of years but has gotten used to entertain herself with her little friend Scibble. She was able to create Scibble using only her mind and after many years she let him out through one of her nostrils. Whenever she gets bored, she plans her escape with Scibble and tries to push him through the little tube at the top of her bottle. Shen never really succeeds but trust me, her body wasn't the only talented thing on her. Her mind has the power to escape that bottle while physically staying there if she really tried to. She floats in this strange green liquid that seems to keep her alive and somehow she gets aroused by it. How? Don’t ask me, I wouldn't even know how she feels those things without a body but well you know, it's a Nerunda type of mystery.

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