Classical Nîimismatic Group, Inc. 294. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.62 gm). Similar to previous, but monogram Κ below bow on reverse. Shore 294 (this coin); Sellwood 53.4. Toned VF, dirt in recesses. ($65)
of being consistent with the Shore reference, his coins are still given the attributions from his book. __
295. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.06 gm). Similar to Shore 293, but legend on reverse slightly blundered, monogram A below bow. Shore 295 (this coin); Sellwood 53.5. Good VF, scattered porosity. ($65) 296. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.88 gm). Similar to Shore 293, but pointed beard on obverse, legend on reverse somewhat blundered, no star behind throne, monogram Tbelow bow. Shore 296 (this coin); Sellwood 53.7. Good VF. ($75) 297. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.69 gm). Bare-headed bust left with royal wart, medium pointed beard, wearing diadem, central medallion on neck torque, star with crescent underneath before bust, eagle crowning king with wreath behind bust / Archer seated right on throne holding bow, standard legend somewhat blundered, reverse double struck, monogram זיbelow bow. Shore 297 (this coin); Sellwood 54.7. VF. ($75)
307. Tiridates. 29-27 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.69 gm). Bare-headed bust left without royal wart, with medium beard somewhat square cut at end, wearing diadem / King seated left on throne, holding Nike w h o is crowning king with diadem, and a sceptre, standard legend, date ΕΠΣ between throne legs and ΞΑΝΔΙ in exergue (Seleukid era date equivalent to March, 27 BC). Shore 307 (this coin); Sellwood 55.3. VF, few light scratches and encrustation on reverse. ($500)
298. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.69 gm). Similar to previous, but extra line of blundered legend on bottom of reverse. Shore 298 (this coin); Sellwood 54.7 variety. VF, scattered porosity. ($65) 299. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.86 gm). Similar to Shore 297, but monogram יbelow bow on reverse. Shore 299 (this coin); Sellwood 54.8. Near EF, dirt in recesses. ($75) 300. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.54 gm). Similar to Shore 298, but legend on reverse more blundered. Shore 300 (this coin); Sellwood 54.9 variety. Good VF. ($65)
308. Tiridates. 29-27 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.58 gm). Similar to previous, but ΔΑΙΣΙ in exeigue on reverse (May, 27 BC). Shore 308 (this coin); Sellwood 55.5-6. Toned, near VF. ($100)
301. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.13 gm). Similar to Shore 297, but crescent and eagle only, no star on obverse, legend severely blundered on reverse, eagle behind throne, monogram יbelow throne. Shore 301 (this ($65) coin); Sellwood 54.14. VF, light porosity. 302. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.88 gm). Similar to previous, but altar(?) or anchor(?) symbol behind throne instead of eagle on reverse. Shore 302 (this coin); Sellwood 54.14 variety. Near VF. ($65) 303. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.27 gm). Similar to Shore 297, but reverse mis-struck, monogram X? Shore 303 (this coin); Sellwood 54 type. Toned VF, scratches in fields. ($65)
309. Tiridates. 29-27 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.03 gm). Similar to Shore 307, but APTE in exergue on reverse (April, 27 BC). Shore 309 (this coin); ($100) Sellwood 55.4. VF, light grafitti in left obverse field.
304. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (2.93 gm). Similar to Shore 297, but star above eagle on obverse, completely blundered legend on reverse, monogram Tbelow bow. Shore 304 (this coin); Sellwood 54 type. Crude VF, scratches. ($50) 305. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. JE 14mm (2.07 gm). Bare-headed bust left with royal wart, medium pointed beard, wearing diadem, central medallion on neck torque (off the flan) / Head of panther right, standard legend, monogram Tbelow head. Shore 305 (this coin); Sellwood 51 type. VF, thick green patina. —. ($75) r
310. Tiridates. 29-27 BC. AR Tetradrachm (10.90 gm). Similar to 307, but king on reverse holds bow instead of Nike, monogram A between throne legs, monogram A between king's feet, monogramCTabove bow, ΤΕΩΝ in exergue. Shore 310 (this coin); Sellwood 55.10 variety. VF, original find patina, numerous scratches in fields. ($100)
306 Tiridates. 29-27 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.73 gm). Bare-headed bust left without royal wart, with medium beard, wearing diadem / King seated left on throne, Tyche standing before him holding a sceptre and giving him a diadem, standard legend, date ΔΠΣ between throne legs and ΠΑΝΗ in exergue (Seleukid era date equivalent to June, 28 BC). Shore 306 (this coin); Sellwood 55.1-2 variety. Toned, near VF, few old scratches. ($300)
311. Tiridates. 29-27 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.73 gm). Bare-headed bust left without royal wart, with medium beard somewhat square cut at end, wearing diadem / King seated right on throne, Tyche standing left before him, giving him palm branch and holding a sceptre, standard legend, monogram X between throne legs, monogram A between king's feet, monogram [ זי׳to left Recent research by François De Callatay in his study, Les Tétradrachmes D'Orodès of Tyche's head, APTEM in exergue (Seleukid month equivalent to April, no Et De Phraate IV, proves that the only correctly attributed issues of Tiridates are year present). Shore 311 (this coin); Sellwood 55.11. VF, light encrustation. Sellwood numbers 55.7-9, with the balance being coins of Phraates IV. For the sake ($100) 1 4