Dossier Spring 2009

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Caroline Kessler Caroline enjoys when the buses run on time. She recognizes that this is a rare phenomenon in Pittsburgh, similar to sunshine. HJ Helen KIm Helen is a junior studying flute and psychology. She feels blessed.

Chloe Perkins

Chloe is a sophomore creative writing major gifted with eerie Cassandra-esque powers of foresight and inspired by sheep. She hopes that her quest to discover the proper usage of irony will one day lead her to Steely Dan.

Laurie Shapiro Laurie Shapiro was born in the underworld and then released to the earth at the age of five. Before that time, she was captive and has no detailed memory. Instead, she remembers bits and pieces and fragments of her early life, which she tries to inscribe onto her artwork. If you’re interested in looking through some of her work, or purchasing some of it, she has work under the name of “Sax Arba” that is available through:

Jackie Sizemore

Vivian Z. Song

Jackie Sizemore is a vampire.

Vivian is all he(art). She wants to change the world, one micron pen at a time. Kristen Staab

Kristen is a sophomore Art and Creative Writing Major and a Pittsburgh Native. She believes that writing is one way to recognize what may otherwise be left unsaid.

Jordan Valley

From Pittsburgh, Sophomore BA Psychology major, hope to one day get paid hundreds of dollars an hour to listen to other people’s problems, staff member for Oakland Review, no particular talents or fun facts worth mentioning, except perhaps for double-jointed knees and thumbs. I don’t even know my blood type.”

Alex Yuschik Alex Yuschik has always been a minor character in her dreams. Her life aspirations include becoming one of the Baker Street Irregulars, earning her doctorate in physics, and owning a hot glue gun.



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