The Cabinet -website

Page 158

Jay Leno is an enormously successful comedian. His success is because of his great intelligence and wit (luck helps too) but it's certainly not hurt by the fact that he literally looks "funny."

His nose is too short for the length of his face. It's a bit comic. Yet even here there's a consistency: the relationship between the lengths of the eyebrow and the mouth and nose and the smaller distance of the golden mean across the face are all the same, just like Matt Damon's. And if we go back and look at Matt Damon's face and compare it to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esides being stamped on our faces, the golden ratio is also found in the relationship between the lengths some of the bones of our hands. The proximal phalanx is about .618 of the length of the metacarpal bone below it.



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