The Rollamo 1990

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XQ CHI OMEGA The ladies of Chi Omega have experienced much success this past 1989-90 school year. They proudly began the year with the initiation of 15 wonderful new members. Due to their third consecutive first place in St. Pat's, Chi Omega has retired the trophy. Their experimental cudgel was impressively well done. Chi Omega also earned first place in intramural basketball and volleyball. In addition to all this, Chi Omega was first in scholarship for the tenth semester in a row. Chi Omega also had time for charity work. They participated with Kappa Alpha

CHI OMEGA: Row 1: N. Fetters, S. Yo-

she ll, S. Halpin, C. Black, S. Metzner. Row 2: D. Kolbet, D. Vale ntino, ). Jackson, M. Hoyt, B. Halpin, C. Norton, K. Sohrabi, A. )ilg, S. Connors, K. Kraft. Row 3: R. Meyer, L. Brandt, M. DePriest, ). Curry, S. Stroker, M. Carpet, D. Conner, N. Puckett, K. He inemann, K. Alle n, L. Yonker, S. Yeargain, N. Pagano.

128 living Units - Sororities

in the second annual Beach Bowl for MPA. The ladies held their annual Easter and Halloween parties for the children at B. W. Robinson state school. They also participated with Panhellenic in the Toll Road for the local Rolla charities. Many Chi Omega's worked and gave blood at the Red Cross Blood Drives. Also Wyman Elementary School was helped at their carnival by the ladies. With six pledges to be initiated, Chi Omega enthusiastically awaits the upcom• ing year.

Row 4: N. Meyer, C. lunde , T. Neudecker, ). Donovan, T. Moore, K. Niehaus, B. Dare, N. McCune, S. Burrows, E. Mulanax, S. Bruns, M. Benedick. Row 5: S. Kupferle, B. Baumbach, S. lowe, Y. Scammacca, L. Brunn er , N. George, D . Walton, D . Oehlsc hlae ger, E. Cook, C. Uzze ll , H. Cole man. Photo by M. Gawedzinski

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