The Rollamo 1960

Page 38

Mechanical Engineering presents m any opportunities for the young engineer. His services are needed more every day. Many small industries that heretofore have not required the services of a professional engineer are now finding it necessary. The mechanical engineer may be employed as a plant supervisor, an engineer, either in production or research, a technical salesman, or an executive. Because of this extensive field of work activity, the student receives the fundamentals of the entire mechanical scope rather than specialized training in one phase. The Department has laboratories and shops for metal processing, welding, steam power, internal combustion engines, and refrigeration and air conditioning. It is also well equipped with laboratory apparatus to support all phases of the lectures given in the department. The equipment is designed for research and engineering laboratory instruction.

AARON }. MILES Department Chairman Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1930, 1943. B.S. 1930, M.S. 1931, Missouri School of Mines; Sc.D . 1935, Michigan.

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