The Rollamo 1922

Page 189

Missouri Mining and Metallurgical Association


:-IE Missouri t\l ining and Metallurgical Association was organized in 1895 as the Missouri Mining Club. This name was changed to Missouri Mining Association in 1910, and to the ~Iissouri ~lining and Metallurgical Association in 1919. The objects of the association are: First, to advance the knowledge of mining and metallurgy among its members. Second, to promote good fellowship among the students and alumni. Third, to bring the School of Mines and Metallurgy into closer relation with the mining and metallurgical professions at large. The association has a membership of eighty-five, which is the largest in its history. Members of the A. I. M. M. E. and alumni have given hearty co-operation and we are indebted to them for the interesting meetings held this year. The association was guest at the fall meeting of the St. Louis section of the A. I. M. M. E. which was held in Rolla during home-coming week. The following prominent men gave talks at that meeting:

T. A. R ickard, P. N. Moore, A. Thacher, A. D. Terrell, Mr. DeWolfe and Mr. Valerius. D uring the year we were fortunate in having the different aspects of mining and metallurgr explained to us br the following well known men: Dr. C. H . Fulton, Director of the Missouri School of Mines. Mr. H. A. Buehler, State Geologist. Dr. D. A. L yon, United States Bureau of Mines. Mr. Coghill, United States Bureau of Mines. Mr. D eWolfe, State Geologist for Illinois. Mr. Paul R. Cook, M. S. t\1. '07. l\Ir. R . G. Knickerbocker, t\1. S. M. 'JJ. Mr. A. 0. T errell, ~ I. S. M. '98.

Jn F ebruary we are hoping to have Mr. Arthur Thacher with us and at least two other speakers before the end of the year. 0HtCERS

President Vice-President Secrelm)• Trea.ruter

I. F. l l oDGEs PRor.

C. R.


J. H. I IosTER:>.tA:-; H. F. y



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