CLV Sustainability Report 2022

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Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 Contents About this Report Message from our Executives Sustainability Highlights 2022 About Campus Living Villages Our Global Footprint Our Framework Our Material Topics Where we are Headed Our Customers The Trends Shaping our Industry Environment Social Governance 25 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 3

About this Report

This report provides information on the overall sustainability and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) performance of Campus Living Villages (CLV) from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

The aim of this report is to communicate transparently about material ESG topics and provide insight on the efforts we have taken to manage them over the reporting period.

The framework is based on CLV’s sphere of influence, including the processes and management systems across Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

We have considered the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the Task Force

on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations in preparing this report.

Any enquires or feedback about this Sustainability Report should be directed to Louisa Scott, Group ESG Manager.

Contact Details

Address Triniti Tower 2, Level 6/39 Delhi Rd, North Ryde, NSW, 2113 Tel (02) 9270 1600


4 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022
Peel Park Quarter, Salford Quays United Kingdom

Message from our Executives

It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to our 2022 Sustainability Report. This report presents an overview of our approach, performance and initiatives across the key ESG matters relevant to our business and our stakeholders.

As our business recovered from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, our university partners, residents and employees resonated with the idea of building back stronger.

Our sustainability framework, operational resilience and workforceagilityhaverevitalised our business for the next phase of growth. In those extraordinary times, we remained strong in our commitment to provide a home for university students that helped them feel safe. Today, we are operating a nearly 100% occupied portfolio, supporting young people who were in school during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

During the year we set a ‘Plan to 2030’ with key goals under each of our sustainability focus areas. This year we are providing our stakeholders with a view of our progress so far, our current focus and our next steps in relation to this plan and our overall sustainability journey. We gathered feedback and insights from our key stakeholders, which has contributed directly into our materiality assessment process.

Our report reflects our continued efforts to evolve our ESG related practices and how we communicate these activities in line with the changing nature of our business.

We acknowledge the challenges that climate change is posing to the world and the potential risks and opportunities arising for CLV. As such, we have set ourselves a phased approach to implementing the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) across its pillars of governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets. We are pleased to share our TCFD roadmap, detailing our steps to comprehensively respond to the potential impacts of climate change.

As the ‘engine’ behind our sustainability efforts, supporting our teams for success is one of our top business priorities. We recognise that the passion, the expertise and the capability of our people are the key drivers of our sustainability outcomes.

We thank all our stakeholders for their support.


Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 5

Sustainability Highlights


Installed 800kW of solar across the Group

42% of the US portfolio transitioned to Green Power

Set a target to be net zero emissions by 2030

Commenced process to align with the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures


Progressed approach to sexual assault and harassment

Finalised CLV Cares mental health and wellbeing framework

84% of residents indicated feeling safe or very safe at their village


ESG framework finalised

50/50 gender split at the Board

Launched the CLV whistleblower line through Convercent

Strengthened our IT and Privacy practices

Employee engagement scores improved by 17% since 2020.

GRESB performance improved 10 points to 82/100

6 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022

About Campus Living Villages

Our success stems from having an integrated approach to student accommodation, providing a broad range of services to suit the needs of our partners.

Our flexible, full-service approach allows universities to provide much needed accommodation without being involved in the risk and complexity of managing and developing student accommodation and incurring the associated capital costs.

To help institutions develop the best on-campus living, we offer project management, design, development and management of student accommodation and related amenities, including office space, retail, supermarkets and coffee shops.

We provide unique know-how in unlocking sites as a seamless extension of the university experience and act in partnership with the university, dovetailing our services to their vision.

We deliver outstanding places and lifestyles, backed by genuine care that attracts and retains students and boosts academic performance.


Expertise in managing properties to maximise value for our superannuation fund owners

A full suite of management and operational services which can be tailored to a partner's needs

Effective marketing and sales strategies to attract and retain residents

Residential support to ensure a positive and safe community for students

Custom design and construction for a high-quality student experience

Project management to ensure timely and successful project delivery

IT systems to streamline operations and improve efficiency, with a focus on delivering phygital experiences that combine digital capabilities and physical environment in the student space

Long-term operating and management contracts

Acquiring and disposing of assets

Refurbishments and Life-Cycle Cost Planning (LCCP) management

Managing long-term ground lease arrangements

Project management including design, construction, and delivery

Fully integrated, fully serviced

Debt procurement and equity allocation

Weofferarangeofservicesuniquely tailoredtotheneedsofouruniversity partners
Wedeliverarangeofaccommodation solutionsandoperatingmodelsthatcan betailoredtomeettheuniqueneedsof eachpartnerweworkwith:
Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 7

Our Global Footprint


Employees: 200

Suppliers: 1,791

Direct emissions: 9,717 tCO2-e


Employees: 291

Suppliers: 695

Direct emissions: 7,043 tCO2-e


Employees: 238

Suppliers: 793

Direct emissions: 5,587 tCO2-e

The emissions disclosures above (tCO2-e) are based on Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

8 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022

Our Environment, Social and Governance Framework

We partner with universities to support more residents to graduate and thrive through strong social programs and an affordable and safe place to live.

We strive to continually measure and improve our impact on the environment and communities, so that we can continue to provide positive experiences for our residents.

Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework is a integral part of developing and enhancing our student communities.

Health and Wellbeing

A purposeful and equitable value chain

A trusted operator

Maintain or improve resident and employee wellbeing

Modern slavery and human rights

Maintain trust among all partners

Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 9
Focus Target Climate Change Net zero emissions by no later than 2030 (operations)
less waste
water, send
Resident Life Create a connected community through a resident life program

Our Material Topics

The following are the material ESG issues, linked to our Sustainability Framework, as identified through our stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment.

Sustainability Pillar


Sustainability framework areas of focus

Climate Change

Natural Resources

Social Resident Life


Health and Wellbeing

Supply Chain

A trusted operator

Material topics


Carbon emissions

Climate risk Sustainable design and development

Waste Water Biodiversity Education

Community Affordability

Safety Accessibility Training and education Wellbeing

Modern slavery Responsible Procurement Social Procurement

Reporting Trust Workforce Partnership

10 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022

Where we are Headed

Our Durham Mount Oswald project was ranked #1 in the UK 2021 GRESB development sector, and received a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating.


GRESB performance improved by 22 points to 82/100 within 3 years

• 100% waste diverted from landfill for UK assets under operational control

• Sustainable employee engagement moved from 74% to 81% over one year

• Implemented a plan to guide CLV’s approach to managing incidents of harassment and assault at villages

• Resident survey shows favourable score of 84% for feelings of safety at their village


• Progress approach to modern slavery and responsible supply chain

• Quantify the success of CLV Cares with feelings of resident wellbeing at 75% or more


Installed over 800kW of solar panels across the Group

Partner to implement leading programs around mental health and wellbeing

• Reduce Scope 1 emissions by 2,500 tCO2-e

• Improve resident literacy around waste and water consumption

Released inaugural Group Modern Slavery Statement

Reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions when creating a new product, through partnerships, pre-fabrications and supply chain

• Operate sustainable buildings that consider people, place, quality and legacy

• Operate a contemporary portfolio in collaboration with long-term university partners

• Be Net-Zero (Scope 1 and 2) carbon emissions in operations

• Improvements in ESG disclosure and assurance, with GRESB score of 82 either maintained or improved

Transition to 100% renewable energy procurement by 2025

Generate 500MWh of solar energy across the Group


Develop a framework to quantify the positive influence of CLV on resident wellbeing and rate of graduation

2050 2030
Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 11

Our Stakeholders

Team Members

• Employee engagement

• Health and wellbeing

• Training and education

• Safety


• Accessibility

• Affordability

• Health and wellbeing

• Safety

• Energy efficiency

• Climate risk

The materiality process completed in 2022 included a review of the expectations of our residents, university partners, employees and investors. This process helped us understand which topics we should keep front and centre as part of our sustainability framework.

University Partners

• Climate change

• Trust and partnerships

• Responsible procurement

• Health and wellbeing

• Safety

• Social responsibility

JV Partners

• Reporting and transparency

• Responsible procurement Investors

• Climate change

• Responsible procurement

• Transparency

• Value creation

• Affordability


• Responsible procurement

• Supplier diversity

• Modern slavery

Regulators and Industry

• Reporting

• Transparency

12 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022
It’s important that we understand all the factors impacting our stakeholders across our entire value chain.
Stakeholder ESG impacts

The Trends Shaping our Industry

The environment we’re operating in is continuously evolving, with several key trends shaping our world and the cities we operate within.

We’re focused on monitoring these trends and understanding their potential impact to our business, our workforce, our customers, and partners, so that we can both manage the risks and embrace the opportunities they present for our resident customers.

Trend What we have done about it

The increasing incidents of mental health and wellbeing

Launched the CLV Cares framework to support the holistic health of resident customers

Refreshed our approach to managing sexual assault and harassment

Sustainability front and centre

Appointed a Group Manager ESG

Established a Board Committee of Audit, Tax and Sustainability

Formalised an ESG Framework that considers the needs of all of our partners

Proximity Affordability

Technology driving change

Partnering with universities to deliver new and contemporary accommodation that is on-campus and close to services

Continuously improve our service offering and value add for CLV residents

Launched a new website that is now integrated, centralised, secure and linked to our university partners. The website focuses on a positive customer experience

Implemented new security measures to maintain privacy and security, including two-factor authentication and refreshed cyber-security training

Focused on delivering ‘phygital’ initiatives to our villages to enhance the customer experience

Launched the CLV Integrity/Speak Out Helpline

Supply chain

Joined Supply Nation to begin redirecting our procurement spend to Indigenous-owned businesses where possible

Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 13


Climate Change

We focus on the risks and opportunities that climate change presents to our business through operations, design and development and aim to manage these risks and track our progress.

This year we set a decarbonisation pathway to achieve Carbon Neutral (Scopes 1 and 2) emissions in our operations by 2030, and Net Zero (Scope 3) by 2050.

We aim to do this through improving efficiency measures, generating energy through solar and procuring renewable energy. Where we design and develop, we’ll do so with sustainability front of mind and will align with frameworks such as BREAAM, LEED and Green Star.

Climate Change Targets How

Net Zero emissions 2030 (Scopes 1 and 2)

Net Zero emissions by 2050 (Scope 3)


Renewable energy

Energy efficiency

Climate risk

Sustainable building design and construction



800kWofSolarPhotovoltaic(PV)hasbeen installedatvillagesacrosstheUKandAustralia.

IntheUK,approximately600kWhavebeen installedacrossfourassets;Goldsmiths,Durham MtOswald,PrinceConsortVillageandLymeRegis, ChesilandOkefordHouses.

InAustralia200kWofsolarhasbeeninstalled atbothStudentVillageMelbourneandGriffith UniversityVillage,withthreemoresystemsto becommissionedinthenext12months.

Five villages in the US have converted to 100% renewable energy through Gexa Energy, representing 42% of the US portfolio. The Centennial Court, University Forest, University Pines, Village Oaks and Cambridge Oaks villages now use certified Green Power.

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Building Climate Resilience

In line with the recommendations set out by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), we have started to articulate the ways CLV approaches climate change and its continued threat to our assets, employees and customers.


Our Board is responsible for setting CLV’s strategic direction in relation to the management of climate related risks and opportunities. The Board bears overall responsibility for the Committee of Audit, Tax and Sustainability, as well as the risk management framework. Key operational, strategic and emerging risks and mitigation strategies, including those related to climate change, are discussed quarterly at this committee.

The Executive Committee plays a crucial role in delivering on the ESG framework, working with the Board to ensure that material sustainability risks are identified and mitigated. The Group Manager of ESG reports into the CEO and MD and updates the Executive Committee fortnightly, discussing environmental, social and governance related risks and opportunities. Where a topic requires more consideration, separate Executive Deep Dives are held to navigate the issue.

ESG is included in the annual KPIs of the Executive Committee, which includes the Group Managing Director and CEO, CFO and all Heads of Department. Inclusion means that ESG is directly linked with the Group Short Term Incentive and the Remuneration of the management team.


In 2022 CLV developed its EMP, highlighting the key risks and opportunities present in our operations. With assets in the US, UK and Australia, we operate in places exposed to various climate-related risks. Our village in New Orleans withstood the catastrophic Hurricane Katrina in 2021. Our assets in the UK have navigated the heat waves of 2022 and the east coast of Australia has withstood fire, flood and heat.

The other risks highlighted within our EMP include energy use and associated GHG emissions, waste generation, water consumption, land development and management (including impacts on biodiversity) and environmental compliance and obligations.

Where CLV designs and develops an asset it will do so with future operations at front of mind, which includes the rising costs of living for our resident customers, the heat and rain related risks involved with construction, and the way Water Sensitive Urban Design can create both resilient villages for our residents, but also contribute to the sense of place that biodiversity can bring.

There is an opportunity to partner with suppliers to deliver low-carbon purpose-built student accommodation facilities with built-in energy efficiencies, aligned to frameworks and certifications such as LEED, BREEAM and Green Star. There is also an opportunity to partner with universities and their research departments to include innovative solutions to climate risk

Climate-related risks and opportunities can have various impacts on the organisation. There are business continuity plans at every asset to minimise operational disruption that may occur due to unplanned events.

16 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022

Understanding our Physical Risks

Physical risks Medium-high risk

Extreme temperatures

More hot days and warm spells are projected across the locations in which CLV operates. This includes an increase in days over 35 degrees Celsius and a longer duration of warm spells, leading to higher operating costs (energy consumption and maintenance costs).

Mitigation strategies include efficiency initiatives that assist in reducing energy consumption, and therefore electricity bills, for residents. High quality and efficient airconditioning units are being installed to help with thermal comfort during the hotter months of the year in Australia. Solar is being installed to offset the rise in energy consumption. Where CLV designs and develops projects, new assets will keep Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) front of mind, including thermal comfort.

Extreme weather events

Although there may be a decline in rainfall in some areas, the intensity of heavy rainfall is expected to increase.

Where appropriate, our assets include Water-Sensitive Urban Design and stormwater management strategies. Any new developments will be built with flood resilience front of mind.

Extreme wind

Severe windstorms can cause widespread damage to buildings and infrastructure. Windstorms have considerable human and economic impacts and it is expected that the frequency and severity of storms is due to increase over the next 30 years. Increasingly destructive hurricanes will put more US buildings at risk for wind damage.

Bushfires The Australian bushfires over 2019/2020 demonstrated the devastating financial and social impact harsher fire conditions can bring. The key risks are loss of life, loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, loss of animal species and damage to property.

Where CLV develops, it will do so with resilience built into the design of new assets. Climate risk, including hurricanes, is included in the insurance renewal process each year. This helps to reduce recovery costs should we be impacted by a major climate event.

The primary risk bushfires present to our portfolio is the impact of smoke to Indoor Environment Quality and health.

Low risk

Changing sea levels

The projected range of sea-level rise by 2030 is around 0.07 to 0.19 metres above the 1986–2005 level. This could lead to increased costs and delays to construction; flooding and damage to property.

In the planning and design of new developments, we currently consider stormwater as specified by the relevant authorities or experts.

Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 17
Risk Mitigation/opportunity


Climate-related risks are incorporated into the risk management processes at all levels of the business. The group-wide risk management platform Protecht issues questions to facility managers, village managers, legal, ESG and risk employees in all regions.

Our approach to risk management is guided by regulatory standards and CLV’s own Code of Conduct. Our group risk function is responsible for developing and embedding the risk management framework, advising the business on risk management plans, and consolidating risk reporting to senior executives and the Board. Our approach is also informed by Lexus Nexis from a compliance perspective, which is embedded in the business through the Protecht platform. The environment and sustainability are considered key strategic risks and are reported on to the Board quarterly


We’realsocontinuingtoworkonstandardising ourapproachtointegratingclimate-relatedriskinto ourdevelopmentandconstructionprocesses.

Environmentrelatedrisksareincludedineachasset’s capitalexpenditureandstrategicassetplans.Taking anupto50yearlong-termviewenablesmitigation workstobeplannedintothecapitalandoperational cyclesandlimitstheneedforunplannedor unbudgetedworkstobeperformed.Ifgenericrisksare identified,theywillbeconsideredacrosstheportfolio andaddedtoCLV’sMinimumDesignRequirements tofeedbackexperienceintonewdevelopments.We alsorecognisetheremaybeaneedtoadaptour operationalproceduresforunanticipatedclimate changerisks(suchastheheatwaveintheUKin2022 andAustralianbushfiresof2020/21).

In 2022 we set a target to be Net Zero in direct emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) and in all emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2050.

Our plan to be Net Zero in direct emissions involves:

1. Increasing the efficiency of the assets we control

2. Generating renewable energy through solar

3. Procuring renewable energy

4. Partnering with Industry to drive change

5. Designing and developing assets with sustainability front of mind

Group emissions and consumption summary Unit FY21 FY22 % change Emissions Scope 1 tCO2-e 5,658 5,754 Scope 2 tCO2-e 16,048 16,593 Total (Scope 1 + 2) tCO2-e 21,706 22,347 Electricity Consumption MWh 37,169 47,079 Intensity kWh/bed 6,786 5,363 -21% Emissions intensity tCO2-e/bed 3.62 2.47 -32% Gas Consumption GJ 105,897 110,418 Intensity GJ/bed 27.5 22.5 -18% Emissions intensity tCO2-e/bed 1.5 1.2 -20% 18 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022
FY22 Emissions by region Unit AU UK US Total Scope 1 tCO2-e 1,097 2,847 1,810 5,754 Scope 2 tCO2-e 4,490 4,196 7,907 16,593 Total (Scope 1+2) tCO2-e 5,587 7,043 9,717 22,347
*US emissions are higher due to building type and climate impacts on utility use *


AlivingGreenWallhasbeen installedatthePrinceConsort VillageinLondon.Livinggreen wallshavevariousbenefitswhen indoors;theyhelptopurifytheair, increasefeelingsofwellbeing, reduceambientnoiseandhelp withambienttemperature.

Thewallisalsostriking,andhelps toactivatethespaceasausable commonarea.


Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 19
Unit AU UK US Total Consumption kL 126,279 424,695 448,019 998,993 Intensity kL/bed 172 179 224 Emissions tCO2-e 53 58 94 575 Emissions intensity tCO2-e/bed 0.07 0.02 0.05 Groupwastemetrics* Unit FY21 FY22 %change Waste ton 274 201 Intensity ton/bed 0.66 0.46 -30% Natural Resources Targets How SDG Use less water Send less waste to landfill Waste education Water efficiency Partner for change Biodiversity
FY22 water
by region
* US waste cannot be reported
is an opportunity to improve water efficiency and waste diverted from landfill


Resident Life

We know that the transition from home and school to university is challenging, and that a major contributor to positive experiences is the opportunity to make meaningful connections.

Our resident life program ‘Live, Learn, Grow’ aims to support residents to do just that; enjoy their time living on campus, learning life skills while studying, making connections and growing into young adults.

We believe that a strong sense of belonging and community can play a major role in reducing the stress often experienced when starting university, and our approach to ‘social’ is underpinned by this.

Targets How SDG

Create a connected community through the resident life program

Live, Learn, Grow Community Affordability Accessibility


We know that it can be hard to eat a balanced diet during exam time, so we try to help by keeping food a feature of the resident life program at breakfast, lunch or dinner. We often include food as a draw card to entice residents to attend village events, but we also keep their food security and diet front of mind. This includes a variety of food, such as hot and cold breakfasts, sausage sizzles and the occasional sweet!

Wellbeing events

We often invite animals to visit and spend time with our residents, and we also host guest wellbeing speakers and events such as yoga classes.


Each year we celebrate diversity and inclusion by marking various cultural events, including Holi, St Patricks Day, Christmas, Hanukkah and the start of Ramadan.

Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 21
Resident Life

Customer satisfaction scores


Village staff are helpful and approachable


Favourable score for customer service


Our accommodation includes benefits that make it more affordable than signing a lease off-campus or with various other providers of student accommodation. We know that life can be expensive, confusing and often, dangerous. We have staff on-site 24/7 to help you if you experience a crisis or are locked out of your room. We are predominantly on-campus partnering closely with universities, which reduces the cost of living.


Kept informed about resident life activities

22 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022
sourced from CLV resident surveys in all regions in 2022


The health, safety and wellbeing of our residents is front of mind every day. Be it through our on-site staff, safe physical assets or our incident management framework, we try to be a constant support of the holistic wellbeing of our resident customers and employees.

Ourhealthandwellbeingprogram‘CLVCares’isbackedbyresearchandyearsofexperience.It’sintendedto createacultureforresidentsandourteamsthatisunderpinnedbyholistichealthandwellbeing–tokeep themsafe,connected,informedandtoequipthemwiththetoolstheyneedtostaywell.


Health and wellbeing

Targets How

Maintain or improve resident and employee wellbeing

Sexual assault and harassment mitigation framework


Awareness Safety

Employees trained on mental health first aid

84% of residents feel safe at our villages

24/7 staff on-site

Digital access cards across all common areas

Incident Management Framework embedded in all parts of the business

We work in partnership with universities to create safe campuses. This includes collaborating with the university police at our villages in the US to support the safety of residents

Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 23

CLV Cares

There are six pillars that guide our approach to resident wellbeing and safety


Raise awareness of available wellbeing services

Access Partner with organisations to support mental health and wellbeing


Create and manage a culture centred on wellbeing


Increase feelings of belonging by creating an engaged community


Continuous check-ins both online and in-person

Calm places provide spaces that encourage wellbeing


A Purposeful Value Chain

CLV will not tolerate modern slavery or human rights abuses in its supply chain.

Our value chain is diverse across each region of the UK, US and Australia. As our approach evolves, we have separated our plan into three tiers; eradicating modern slavery, diversifying our procurement spend and purchasing responsibly.



Manage the risks of modern slavery and supporting human rights

Our risks

Our supply chain risks are predominantly in the services we procure to operate our assets, as well as the way we employ and manage our workforce. The high-risk services we procure are cleaning, landscaping and where we renovate or develop, in construction.


Social procurement

Mitigating modern slavery

Supplier diversity

Our priorities

Joinaninternationalhumanrights framework

Embedresponsibleprocurementinto developmentandconstructionprocesses

Increaseprocurementspendwithforpurpose orsocialbusinesses,suchasFirst Nations ownedbusinesses


Finaliseourengagementapproachwith high-riskandkeysuppliers

26 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022

Our Approach

There are three tiers of our approach to modern slavery. They centre on the ways we operate our business; how we spend our money, how we partner to deliver our services, and how we will manage the supply chain when we develop assets.

Managing modern slavery

Understanding our value chain

How and where do we spend our money?

Responsible investment

How do we manage our supply chain when we develop assets?

Equitable operations

How do we operate everyday?


Withinthecalendaryear,CLVbecame membersofSupplyNation,an organisationthatprovidesAustralia’s leadingdatabaseofverifiedIndigenous businesses.Thismembershipwillhelp ustodiversifyoursupplierspend.

Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 27

Our Employees


engagement score


Employees feel CLV operates with integrity in its external dealings


Employees feel CLV is doing a good job of integrating sustainable business practices into the services we provide

ThepeoplewhoworkatCLVaretheheartbeatthatkeepour villagesvibrant.Theyareonsiteconstantlystrivingtooperate ourbusinesswithexcellence,fromfacilitymanagement, customerservice,finance,communitymanagementand throughoursupportoffice.Weareproudoftheteamandthe resiliencetheyshowedthroughCOVID-19andimportantly,how theyhavecomethroughtheotherendofit.

Wehaveseencontinuedimprovementinouremployee engagementscoressince2018,achievingasustainable engagementscorein2022of81%,comparedtoa74%baseline.

While our engagement levels remained strong in FY22, our people have been undoubtedly impacted by the pandemic.

We are a long way from fully understanding the short and long-term impacts of the pandemic on our health and wellbeing. With this in mind, our 2023 employee engagement survey will include questions about health and wellbeing so that we can understand this better.

Communication and regular employee engagement surveys have kept staff informed about the operations of the business across each of our regions. We increased the visibility of our leaders and managers and encouraged employee feedback via regular check-ins and pulse surveys.

Duringtheyear,therehavebeenchangestoourorganisational structurewithaGroupExecutiveandVicePresidentofProject Management,DesignandConstructionandGroupDigitaland MarketingExecutivejoiningtheExecutiveTeam.Bothofthese ExecutiveshaveexperiencedeliveringESGandsustainability initiativesinthepropertyindustry.

CLV strives for gender equality, and has reached a 40:40:20 (40% men, 40% women and 20% open) balance across the Group and Board. We have again responded to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

We are committed to a high standard of ethics and integrity across all the villages and offices in which we operate. In 2022, we launched the CLV Integrity/Speak Out Helpline in partnership with Convercent. This system allows employees and external partners to raise concerns anonymously and confidentially about various issues; from financial and auditing concerns, harassment, theft, substance abuse and unsafe conditions while at work. The system is another milestone in our commitment to upholding our standards and values.

We also complete mandatory gender pay and equal opportunity reports in the UK and US respectively.

28 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022
At CLV, our people are our most important asset and we believe our culture is an advantage to our service offering.
^ 74% from 2018

Our Workforce at a Glance

Workforce Summary


Employees (ex RA’s) Resident Assistants Total Headcount Employees Resident Assistants Male Female Male Female Unspecified EXCO 12 0 12 7 5 – – –GROUP 8 0 8 6 2 – – –AU 117 121 238 49 68 50 69 2 US 102 98 200 52 50 41 56 1 UK 290 1 291 163 127 – 1 –Total 529 220 749 277 252 91 126 3
Female Male Non-Binary Non-Executive Directors 50% 50% 0% Executive Committee 42% 58% 0% Employee Group 48% 52% 0% Resident Assistants 57% 41% 1% People 749 Gender Split 50% 49% Non-Executive Directors 50% 50% Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022 29 (ex RA’s)
30 Campus Living Villages Sustainability Report 2022
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