Alternative and Natural Medicine -

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Alternative and Natural Medicine -

Articles about herbal treatments, yoga, aromatherapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, homeopathy, and other natural medicines and supplements.

16 Best Homemade Remedies For Acne That Really Work! by eldawatulo (3 followers) Acne is among the most common skin problem that affect teenagers and adults.Using natural products is not only effective in getting rid of acne but also a good way to keep your skin safe.

4 DIY Hair Care: Best Hair Masks for Dry Hair by healthmunsta (122 followers) Discover 3 different hair masks for dry hair with intense action for moisturizing, hydrating and nourishing hair follicles from within, all with natural ingredients from your kitchen!

10 Stop Hair Thinning with Herbal Remedies by Om Paramapoonya (1,600 followers) Can herbal remedies really stop hair thinning? What are the proper ways to stimulate hair growth with natural herbs?

29 Natural Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis by Edward C. (28 followers) Suffering from bacterial vaginosis? You can breathe a little easier. I'm going to tell you how best to cure bacterial vaginosis yourself at home using natural herbal treatments and home remedies. This is particularly...

9 Acne Home Remedies - Baking Soda, Egg Yolk & More! by jaredbangerter (176 followers) There are literally hundreds of acne remedies out there, but as I learned back when I was still suffering from acne, not all of them work -- at all.Ă‚ In fact, a lot of them are utter scams of people just wanting to...

41 Easy Home Remedies To Treat Bronchitis by akirchner (1,475 followers) Bronchitis is an inflammatory chest congestion syndrome that is treatable with some home remedies. However, bronchitis can lead to pneumonia so always see your physician.

8 How To Make Your Own Peppermint Essential Oil by TheresaAnn (342 followers)

Peppermint Oil is extracted from the concentrated oil found in the peppermint plant. If the term is familiar, it is because peppermint essential oil has seen wide application in aromatherapy for its therapeutic...

26 How to Unleash Lymphatic Toxins Through Rebounding by CaliGirlsCorner (12 followers) I have a sister that is battling Ovarian Cancer. She has survived the last 5 years and is doing well. She has taken up several alternative health techniques to eliminate toxins and she continually works hard at...

4 DIY Hair Masks for Frizzy Hair | Homemade & Natural by healthmunsta (122 followers) Got frizzy hair and want to stay away from harsh chemical hair products? Try these DIY hair masks for frizzy hair with cheap and effective ingredients from your own kitchen/pantry! Works better!

12 Chia Seeds: Benefits and Side Effects by nimbleful (23 followers) Chia seeds are amongst the world's most ancient superfoods, having been cultivated by the Aztecs and thought to be used since roughly 3500 BC. The Aztecs called it "Running Food" because it was...


There is a Natural Cure For Eczema by macteacher (51 followers) This article covers dermatitis and eczema. It provides information about the symptoms and possible causes of eczema - it also discusses oregano oil as a natural treatment to eliminate eczema.

41 What Are the 10 Best Natural Antibiotics? by Kosmo (1,062 followers) Should you go to the doctor and purchase conventional antibiotics when effective natural remedies may be available? This list suggests the 10 best natural antiobiotics.

7 Hemorrhoid Relief Using Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) Hemorrhoids are veins located beneath the membrane that outlines the lowest part of your anus and rectum. It is characterized by an enlargement of those veins, which is either caused by pressure or strain. There are two...

15 How to make pure Aloe Vera Gel at home by Wasteless Project (45 followers) Aloe Vera Gel is one of the easiest home-made cosmetics and helps against dry skin, rashes, sunburn and acne. Find out how you can make your own pure Aloe Vera Gel in 5 simple to follow steps.

87 Home Remedies for Long and Thick Hair by Vinaya Ghimire (870 followers) Read the reasons behind sudden hair growth and hair loss, and dos and don'ts about hair care. Learn how to grow long and thick hair.

19 Natural Libido Enhancement Using Acupressure by obsexed (47 followers) combine the physical with the emotional and outline a technique to naturally enhance libido in both men and women...Modern western medicine may discount the curative abilities of acupressure, but the use of this...

18 Natural Remedies for Sinus Congestion by fitmom (80 followers) Anyone who suffers from sinus congestion knows that it can be miserable. Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies like hayfever or from the stuffiness that accompanies the common cold, the symptoms can be similar but...

15 Cure Constipation With Constipation Remedies by benliuki115 (12 followers)

This article teaches you how to overcome constipation with constipation remedies. You will learn different methods to stop yourself from being constipated anymore. Let me begin by saying that constipation is a very...

4 Essential Oils For Curing Hormonal Imbalances by TheresaAnn (342 followers) Hormones serve as chemical messengers within your body that is responsible for regulating various body functions such as growth and development, reproductive functions, metabolism, and tissue functions, among others....

43 How to protect your Beauty and Health using 50 Ayurvedic ways by viewfinders (97 followers) For a small fever, sound or stomach problems we will go and take too much medicines. Removing dark spots, pimples, etc we take creams which contains chemicals. I am explaining around 50 Ayurvedic ways to improve your...

6 What is a Lignan by reddog1027 (123 followers) Lignans are organic compounds found in the cell walls of plants. They are part of a family of compounds with estrogenic, anti-estrogenic and antioxidant activity. These phytoestrogens (estrogen like chemicals found in...

34 Cooling and Cleansing: The Benefits of Rose Water by Rehana Stormme (161 followers) Cleopatra, famous for her ancient beauty secrets, used rose water in various face masks. It also prevents aging by reducing wrinkles and tightening skin pores. Dry skin can be hydrated by using rose water as a...

1 The Side Effects of Ganoderma Lucidum Extract by Better in Violet (25 followers) Ganoderma side effects can be severe, but are often temporary. Find out more about the most common side effects and the benefits of using ganoderma extract.

1 Dandruff Treatment With Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) Dandruff is one of the nastiest hair and scalp problem that one could experience. Not only is it itchy and annoying, it is also visible on the surface of your hair such that other people can see the flakes, whether up...

0 10 Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergy Relief by healthyliving10 (13 followers)

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? You may be surprised to discover that there are many natural remedies to help you find relief from allergies. Here are 10 natural remedies that should help you.

90 Simple Kidney Cleanse With Parsley by Good Guy (425 followers) Simple kidney cleanse with parsley. Cleanse your kidneys with parsley to prevent stones from forming. This parsley cleanse can also rid kidney stones.

1 5 Home Remedies to beat recurring Yeast Infections by Wasteless Project (45 followers) Many women suffer from recurring Yeast infections that could be avoided following a few simple rules. Trying out these home remedies for Yeast infections can have amazing results.

0 Ways to Ease an Upset Stomach by Sue B. (175 followers) There are many ways people can ease a queasy stomach. Not all remedies work for all people or for all stomach aches. It is important to figure out why your stomach may be upset before deciding how best to settle your...

5 Medicinal Uses of Garlic

by Elderberry Arts (136 followers) Brief history of medicinal use of garlic and how and when to use garlic.

97 Easy To Make At Home Insect/Bug Repellent! by Zsuzsy Bee (1,951 followers) far as I'm concerned flying Sherman-tank sized mosquitoes, ticks and the rest of their biting, pinching and stinging compatriots are at the top of my list for extermination.

7 L-Arginine Benefits and Side Effects by Marye Audet (4,706 followers) L-Arginine is an amino acid that is not produced by the body. It is found in many foods but can be hard to get enough of. Is it safe for you to take? Find out more in this article

27 Tried and Tested Teeth Whitening Home Remedies by Rehana Stormme (161 followers) Why should you consider whitening your teeth naturally with home remedies? Surely it's easier to walk into your dentist's office...But these tips are cheap, easy and the ingredients can easily be found in...


Sugar, Acidity in the Body, and Disease by gabbyguru (1 follower) We all know that sugar is bad for us. We've been told it causes tooth decay, obesity, and diabetes among other ailments. But did you know that sugar consumption drastically alters body pH as well?

6 21 reasons to use Aloe Vera by bodybalance101 (20 followers) The benefits of aloe vera go far and beyond just wound healing and skin rejuvenation. People's stories from the past and present are confirming its amazing healing powers.

50 What are Acupressure Points by Pamela99 (1,634 followers) Tibetan Monks developed Acupressure at least 5000 thousand of years ago. This is the most popular method for treating pain and pressure in the world. Acupressure points are shown and methods explained.

24 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Vinegar by greatstuff (300 followers) Pomegranate has always been the essential ingredients in Middle Eastern as well as Mediterranean foods. Besides eating the fruit raw, you can also take pomegranate in the form of juice, molasses, paste, tea, vinegar and...

9 Cancer, Cure Naturally With Guanabana, Soursop, Graviola by csgibson (14 followers) Yes, cure cancer naturally with a fruit grown in the Amazon Rain Forest that is ten thousand times more effective than chemotherapy. Learn more about this miraculous plant that the indigenous indians of the Amazon have...

33 Liver Detox and Cleanse - Natural Options by Marye Audet (4,706 followers) Learn the natural options for a liver detox and why you should do it. List of medical conditions that make it dangerous to do a detox as well.

2 Natural Pest Control With Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) Pests are some of the biggest problems encountered in every household. Therefore, you can find a lot of chemical products sold in various hardware stores that help to address common pest problems at home. But while...

6 Wildcrafting Dandelions for Herbal Remedies and Food by MelissaBarrett (253 followers)

Most people consider dandelions to be nothing more than annoying weeds. However, this little herb is a nutritional powerhouse and a wonderful herbal remedy. Best of all, wildcrafting dandelions is free. Read on to...

21 Medicine From Tree Sap by JBSNVNY (33 followers) During the spring, when all of nature begins to wake up, it seems that our bodies are waking up too from the slower inactive days of winter. In spring, we become interested in living with nature again, we... 12 Sinus Headache - Best Natural Remedies by Cynthia Perkins (11 followers) There's a large variety of different natural remedies that are effective for the common sinus headache. Which one you choose will depend on your particular preference. You could pick from a home remedy, an herbal...

63 Old Time Remedy for Upset Stomach and Diarrhea - Coke Syrup by PegCole17 (1,112 followers) When you've got that queasy, uneasy stomach ache, chase it away with this old-time remedy available almost anywhere. Whether suffering from nausea or diarrhea or stomach distress from overeating, this is what we used...

3 Peppermint Essential Oil Recipes Including Peppermint Soap

by Willow Sidhe (99 followers) Peppermint essential oil produces a powerful, minty aroma valued in aromatherapy for its ability to revitalize and rejuvenate. The oil also stimulates circulation to the skin, reduces inflammation, normalizes oily skin...

7 The Health and Beauty Benefits of Tea by Londonlady (430 followers) The benefits of various teas are listed here! Every type of tea provides different benefits to your body and your skin. Many types of tea provide beauty benefits as well.

67 Flowers With Medicinal Properties by Vinaya Ghimire (870 followers) Flowers have medicinal properties. Learn about therapeutic values of different flowers, and how to heal with flowers.

9 How to Safely Take Herbal Supplements by ChristinS (870 followers) Are your supplements truly safe? Are you really getting what you pay for? Find out how to check your supplements for side effects and drug interactions.


Poison Ivy Remedies by Andrewskis (46 followers) I got poison ivy last week. Guess what? It's itchy. Guess what else... It's frustrating, bothersome, awful and irritating. Chaffing, chapping, blistering, boiling... oh the ivy, it leaveth me toiling. ...

6 The Benefits Of Epsom Salt by Londonlady (430 followers) Epsom salt is hailed as one of the most beneficial products out on the market. Find out how to get the benefits of Epsom Salt. The benefits of Epsom salt begin with...

0 Different Types of Citrus Oils and Their Benefits by TheresaAnn (342 followers) Citrus fruits are very popular during the summer since they are common choices for preparing cold refreshments such as citrus juices. But they aren't just popular because of their rich taste but also due to their...

5 Lady's Mantle Past and present medicinal uses by D.A.L. (402 followers) Here we review this popular garden plant which has been used medicinally for centuries.Description/images. Latin names explained. Notes and observations from past herbalists and other eminent writers-

3 Coriander Past and present medicinal uses by D.A.L. (402 followers) Coriander,past and present medicinal {and culinary] uses look at this species with notes from past herbalists and other eminent writers. description/images/Latin names explained. This familiar garden

1 Anatomy for Massage by Promo Video (3 followers) This is a brief introduction to the anatomy of the human body with particular relevance to how this knowledge is used in massage, healing and alternative therapies.

92 CINNAMON & HONEY THE MAGIC MIXTURE by Sue Bailey (255 followers) Cinnamon and Honey - who would think this combination could have so many uses and health benefits? Read here to find out what they are. 7 Treating and Soothing Sunburn by aidenofthetower (647 followers) Sunburns are no fun. Most of us try to avoid them as often as possible, but every now and again one will creep up on us. There are lots of options for treatment and soothing of a sunburn. In fact you have a whole house...

0 The Old Ways of Treating Conditions/Ailments Were the Best by MsRefusenik (7 followers) Who really enjoys home remedies?Ă‚ People who like the older, simpler ways of doing things.Ă‚ People who don't much trust modern medicine, doctors and prescription drugs collect home remedies like others collect...

3 The Best Natural Sleep Remedies by Willow Sidhe (99 followers) Natural sleep remedies are typically not sedating, but they will help an insomniac fall asleep and stay that way, as well as improve the quality of sleep. Many natural remedies that are effective sleep aids also...

32 Home Remedies- A Top Ten Home Remedies Selection by rmcrayne (1,023 followers) Favorite Home Remedies from an experienced massage therapist with extensive experience in natural healing. General detox, liver detox, gall bladder cleanse, sore throat, migraines, carpal tunnel, planter fasciitis, and...

5 Home Remedies: Natural Remedy For Bruised Ribs

by The Earth Goat (4 followers) There I was, thinking I was stylish whilst zipping round Brighton town centre on my Dutch bike. So busy feeling cool, that I neglected to look where I was headed, had to swerve to avoid an elderly couple and took a...

9 Health Benefits of Apricot Seed or Kernel by greatstuff (300 followers) Alternative cancer therapy by eating raw apricot seed or kernel, is now becoming a common practice. This claim on cure of cancer is however surrounded with controversy due to its cyanide content, Laetrile - B17 Vitamin...

4 11 natural Home Remedies for Sunburn by Wasteless Project (45 followers) If you got yourself a sunburn a walk to your kitchen can already hold many natural home remedies for sunburn in stock for you! Soothe your skin with one of our natural home remedies for sunburn below.

0 Home Remedies For Acne And Acne Scarring by wadsy (14 followers) Home remedies for acne can be just as effective as store bought ones, if you know what to use. Here are some antibacterial ingredients that deal with acne bacteria that also have healing benefits.

32 My Experience with Natural Home Remedies for Acid Reflux by rmcrayne (1,023 followers) This hub is about my personal experience with reflux and home remedies. Dietary modifications, natural digestive strategies, natural products for symptom relief, sleep recommendations, and more.

14 Therapeutic Essential Oils for Colds, Flu, and Sinus Allergies by Money Glitch (1,229 followers) I decided it was time to research Therapeutic Essential Oils for Colds, Flu, and Sinus Allergies while sitting at work today listening to everyone around me cough, hack, sneeze, snort, and blow their noses. To me there...

22 How to Take Coconut Oil by MsLainieP (67 followers) Many people want to incorporate coconut oil into their diets but are unsure about how to do so. This article includes tips for cooking with coconut oil as well as consuming relatively large quantities of it as a...

0 How To Beat Anxiety Naturally by Alyssa mehler

There are endless natural remedies to relieve anxiety, which can range from a nervous feeling of an upcoming event, to a panic attack that can last for hours and make you scared to leave your house.

12 Reflexology for Orthopedic Conditions by Patty Inglish, MS (6,497 followers) Reflexology, at least in its mechanics, acts as a type of deep tissue massage that includes triggerpoint therapy. It is useful in many types of muscle, nerve, and joint conditions.

1 The Many Health Benefits of Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) The numerous health benefits of essential oils have been widely touted by many cultures who have used aromatherapy for a variety of reasons, promoting healing of both the mind and the body. Each oil features its own...

4 Making Natural Air Fresheners Using Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) Vaporizing essential oils is a convenient and effective way to experience its relaxing and healing properties. Therefore, air fresheners made out of essential oil ingredients is becoming far more common than ever. If...


Natural Bug Repellents Using Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) As much as possible, you want to provide utmost protection to your family against any form of environmental elements. This includes bugs that can be harmful for their health, which is why most are willing to invest a...

8 10 Home Remedies for Awful Migraine Headaches by Chris Telden (224 followers) Here are 10 home remedies for migraine headaches that have either helped me get rid of my migraines or that I have researched. For a migraine headache, home treatment may be as simple as resting the right way instead of...

185 How To Flush Out Gallstones by Good Guy (425 followers) How to flush out gallstones. Flush out gallstones without surgery. Safe and natural method by using apple juice, lemon juice, epsom salt and olive oil. Read the success stories in the comment section.

0 Use Apple Cider Vinegar For A Healthy Digestive System by Violet Flores (22 followers) Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most useful products for treating a variety of ailments. It is not only a wonderful remedy, but will also replenish you with a lot of the vitamins and minerals missing from our diets...

20 Medicinal flowers of India - health and therapeutic benefits by dhannyya (322 followers) Saffron is considered as the beauty secret of ancient Indian women. Eating saffron flower is believed to give fairness to skin. Saffron flowers are powdered and mixed with milk for drinking. Drinking saffron added milk...

1 Natural Psoriasis Shampoo | Scalp Psoriasis Home Remedies by ICarrie (18 followers) Tired of itching your scalp psoriasis. Try this natural psoriasis shampoo with ingredients you have in your kitchen. Natural psoriasis remedies are just as effective, and in many cases more than, traditional treatments...

58 Wacky Home Remedies & Cures That Really Work by Thundermama (335 followers) I'm not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV, but I do have a collection of some pretty awesome home remedies I want to share. Ranging from the simple to the weird and icky, you'll be surprised at what you have in...

38 Video Treating Head Lice Naturally

by CarlySullens (412 followers) Effective and non-toxic household products can eradicate lice from your child's head. Learn how to use Listerine, tea tree oil, Denorex shampoo, white vinegar, and a nit comb to fight lice naturally.

57 Some Natural Home Remedies For Cough by rajan jolly (878 followers) Natural home remedies for cough are devoid of the many side effects of modern day medicines. To learn some natural home remedies for cough and allied symptoms, read on...

11 Acid Reflux Symptoms and Natural Remedies by dianew (97 followers) Acid Reflux, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition where the acids from the stomach leak (or reflux) up into the oesophagus, or gullet, burning the lining.

0 Got Gas? Things YOU Can Do to Fight Flatulence! by Cygstarz (232 followers) Hey you. YES, you! Come a little closer...I want to tell you something. I'm on to you. I know that Fido isn't the member of your family with flatulence issues. So you can stop blaming your gas problems on the poor...


Natural Allergy Cure - Essential Oils For Allergies by Setab (26 followers) Are allergies ruining your life? Are you sick of being in a fog all the time from your allergy medication? You can get rid of your allergies naturally, without the harmful side effects.

41 Benefits and Dangers of Liquorice by Docmo (845 followers) Licorice ( Or Liquorice) is an extract from the roots of the plant Glycyrrhiza Glabra. The extract has been consumed by humans since ancient times and is still quite popular in candy form, as a flavoring agent and as a...

1 Natural Fungal Infection Treatment With Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) As with any type of disease, gaining proper knowledge and understanding of the condition is crucial in finding the most effective treatment. The same goes with fungal infections, which is caused by a type of fungi that...

17 Essential Oil of Pine: Uses and Benefits of Pine Oil by Plants and Oils (144 followers) Pine essential oil has a long and glorious history, and still has many medicinal, decorative and domestic cleaning uses today. Pine oil has antibacterial, energizing, antiseptic, and aromatic properties, and is a...

7 Herbals Teas to Increase Energy Levels Naturally by Marie McKeown (258 followers) Think about herbal tea if you want to increase energy levels naturally. Coffee is bad news for anyone suffering from low energy levels. Although the caffeine can temporarily relieve feelings of tiredness, it can also...

27 Cayenne Pepper Benefits by Squeesh (81 followers) Cayenne Pepper has many excellent health benefits and has always been considered a powerful and medicinal herb. This Article goes over the benefits that come with consuming Cayenne Pepper.

0 All Natural Solutions for Cellulite by Setab (26 followers) Natural cures to help fight Cellulite. Essential Oils, Dry Skin Brushing, Massage, Coffee Scrub, Supplements, Diet, Detoxing

0 Homemade Essential Oil Recipes by TheresaAnn (342 followers)

The intricacy of the process involved in making essential oils is one reason why they are priced quite expensive when you purchase bottled ones off the store. But why not make your own? The steps are quite simple once...

69 How To Reduce Cholesterol With Black Fungus by Good Guy (425 followers) How to reduce cholesterol with black fungus. Black fungus can reduce cholesterol level. Slow boil in a slow cooker with ginger and red dates.

28 Benefits and Dangers of Ginseng by Docmo (845 followers) Ginseng has been known to the Chinese since prehistoric times. It's widespread popularity is a mixture of real benefits and some tall claims. It is useful to know it's history, benefits and dangers.

5 10 Herbal and Natural Treatment for Anxiety Disorder by China Abarquez (8 followers) There are people who suffer from anxiety but refuse to take pharmaceutical drugs for treatment due to its side effects. No need to worry there are herbal remedies and natural way to treat anxiety.

42 Stomach Massage : Lose Weight

by Good Guy (425 followers) Stomach massage : Lose weight. Stomach massage for a shapely figure. Can reduce bulging tummy. Also good for blood circulation. Very easy and convenient.

27 Cod-liver Oil: What's it Good For? by Aya Katz (916 followers) Somebody in the forums recently mentioned that cod-liver oil really sells itself. People write articles about things entirely unrelated to cod-liver oil, or even to cods or to livers, and then they end up being credited...

22 Health Benefits of Cherries and Tart Cherry Juice by CMHypno (865 followers) Do you eat cherries or drink tart cherry juice? Research has shown that drinking tart cherry juice can help to protect you from developing serious health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, and gout. So what is...

16 10 Best Natural Treatments for Insomnia by Kosmo (1,062 followers) This article suggest a list of the 10 best natural treatments for insomnia. Provided with each substance or herb is a summary of its potential effectiveness as a sleep aid.

22 Cold Sore Treatments Using Stuff You Have at Home by Cassidy Ferrar (6 followers) Today is a great day for a cold sore! NOT!! Try one or more of these tips when you feel that dreaded tingling sensation on your lip; it's late at night, the kids are asleep, your spouse is out of town and getting to a...

13 Cooking Oil Burn Home Remedies Treatment by Shivani Gala (15 followers) I want share with everyone how to immediately deal with a skin burn caused by cooking oil with quick home remedies; so that it doesn't form a dreadful boil full of puss or leave any ugly marks. If you have fatal...

6 Acne Home Remedies: Natural, Cheap, Convenient and Effective by Jamie Pelfrey (6 followers) There are many acne home remedies that are not only convenient, but also effective and supercheap. Not to mention most of these remedies are probably already in your home. Why spend money when there are great...

92 Home Remedies For Acne, Pimples, Scars, Spots, Blemishes And Face Marks

by rajan jolly (878 followers) Acne, pimples, scars, marks, spots, blemishes are very common health conditions these days. Learn about some natural home remedies for acne, pimples, acne scars, facial & skin blemishes that you can use to treat...

8 Pilonidal Cyst Home Treatment Remedies by smartknowledge (23 followers) Pilonidal cysts are undoubtedly one of the most painful and annoying afflictions ever, Trust me - I had one myself. Thankfully pilonidal cyst home treatment helped!

4 The amazing Attributes of Cold Showers by tony55 (25 followers) The amazing attributes of cold showers. Recent scientific studies on taking cold showers shows that cold shower, regulate body temp. promote weight loss

14 The 5 Best Coconut Oil Face Masks And Scrubs Ever by wadsy (14 followers) Coconut oil is ob.served an amazing natural gift from nature to our skin. It's not only moisturizing and healing but also protective and repairing. Here are some great ways to use it


Raspberry Leaf: Benefits, How to Make Tea by cclitgirl (880 followers) Raspberry bushes are part of the rose family. You may know that rose hips are high in vitamin C, but so are raspberry leaves! They are found as native plants in North America and in parts of Asia. Many Native American...

3 What are Adaptogens? Definition, Uses, and Benefits by Better in Violet (25 followers) Adaptogen supplements have potent healing properties and can treat a variety of different ailments. This article looks at some of their most popular uses and benefits.

5 Birthwort past and present medicinal uses by D.A.L. (402 followers) Birthwort past and present medicinal uses looks at the harm done by this poisonous species,which has caused many fatalities. Description,images Latin names explained. This plant and others of its genu 26 What Are The Side Effects of Fish Oil Supplements? by aidenofthetower (647 followers) Fish oil supplements have become a highly recommended supplement. It is suggested that they can help those with dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, heart disease, bipolar disorder, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma,...


Natural ways to treat migraine headaches by Healthyannie (162 followers) Migraines headaches are very difficult to cope with and there are several different kinds of migraine headaches. Why do we get, how can we treat them using natural products and ideas. How can we stop migraine headaches...

41 The Benefits of Oatmeal by LQWILLIams (100 followers) The benefits of oatmeal and oats have been widely documented. To optimize those benefits, it is important to remember that not all oatmeal and oatmeal products are created equal.

10 How to Heal Canker Sores Naturally by ChristinS (870 followers) comprehensive list of ways to avoid and treat canker sores. Dietary recommendations, supplements, herbal remedies and home remedies to heal and prevent canker sores

33 Aromatherapy Essential Oils to Spice Up a Love Life by Money Glitch (1,229 followers) Ladies did you know the simple smell of pumpkin spice might be enough to increase your man's desire for you? Men would you like to know how to get your special lady in the mood? Well let's take a look at...

2 How To Distill Essential Oils by TheresaAnn (342 followers) The idea of distilling oils and the invention of steam distillation was started by Arabian alchemist, Ibn Sina. Hence, aromatherapists are greatly indebted to him since his innovation has enabled several individuals to...

9 The Healing Power of Herbs: Do They Really Work? by Karine Gordineer (16 followers) An overview of the efficacy of herbal medicine.Definition of what is an herb and the historical and scientific evidence of the efficacy of herbal medicine. The relevance of herbal medicine today.

2 How to Treat a Stomach Ache by TheKatsMeow (144 followers) There are a lot of easy ways to treat a stomach ache. Here are some easy solutions to help remedy your stomach pain.

60 Homeopathy Safe Natural Cure For Urethral Strictures by surf traveler (109 followers)

After years of traditional medical procedures and driven by a desire to avoid the potentially painful and risky treatments still recommended by my family doctor I decided to see what homeopathy could do for me. This...

5 Toenail Fungus Home Remedies That Really Work by Turtlewoman (635 followers) If you have a toenail foot fungus problem, try this effective home remedy! What's the easiest and most effective home remedy for toenail foot fungus?

2 Magnetic Healing - The Body Code Healing System by emotionalhealing (3 followers) Purging Trapped Emotions To Lift Your Heart-Wall I was introduced to Dr. Nelson's work through his book "The Emotion Code". I was intrigued by the concept of a "heart-wall" and wanted to...

4 Benefits Of Foot Reflexology by Good Guy (425 followers) Benefits of foot reflexology. Foot reflexology is a type of pressure massage on the feet, especially on the soles, to indirectly stimulate the vital organs and glands of the body, making them healthy.

0 Vitamins for Vitiligo

by progressivehealth (28 followers) Vitiligo generally starts to manifest itself on the hands and wrists and face of a sufferer and, over time, will spread inwards to the torso and, as the smaller white spots merge with others they start to form larger...

3 The Healing and Magical properties of Rose Quartz by CrystalStarWoman (84 followers) This beautiful pale pink quartz is a perfect symbol for love. It is said to attract love and has long been used in love rituals and spells. As a stone for healing, Rose Quartz is used to help with heart problems and...

43 11 Hangover Cures That REALLY Work! by djtphn1 (352 followers) If you have ever awakened after over-indulging in a bit of the bubbly, feeling worse than death, you are definitely not alone! Contrary to popular belief, however, the good ol' "hair of the dog" will only make...

11 Foot Pain - Natural Relief and Herbal Remedies by dianew (97 followers) For foot pain, natural relief and herbal remedies are always at hand. Foot pain can have various causes, and can affect any part of the foot; from the Achilles tendon to the tip of your toes.

19 Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) by Anaya M. Baker (460 followers) Article focuses on easy ways to treat or relieve urinary tract infection at home. Includes signs and symptoms of bladder infections as well as advice on when to see the doctor.

21 Mango peel health benefits - Why eat mango with peel? by dhannyya (322 followers) Nutritional benefits of mango, the king of fruits, is very much known to us. But what about the benefits of mango skin? Mango skin has several health benefits. Studies conducted by researchers say that certain compounds...

3 10 Ways to Cure Prickly Heat Rash with Natural Home Remedies by Neha Sadana (113 followers) Heat rash or prickly heat is one of the most common problems experienced during summer months. It builds up due to hot and humid weather. Excessive sweating in the damp weather gives rise to bacterial infection that...

12 Irony of Anemic Condition: Easy Anemia Home Remedy by purnimamoh1982 (163 followers)

The hub discusses anemic conditions, types and symptoms of anemia and some simple home remedy tips or natural treatments for overcoming anemic conditions or preventing anemia.

6 Natural Home Remedies for Diarrhea by alexandriaruthk (380 followers)  Natural Home Remedies for Diarrhea Diarrhea if untreated may cause death because ofdehydration. It is a condition where you have discomfort and at times your stomach aches. There are natural home...

6 Essential Oils for Athlete's Foot Fungus by Maddie Ruud (4,384 followers) Athlete's foot is a common affliction, especially for people with active jobs or lifestyles. Luckily, it is easy enough to cure with common essential oils.

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