the Echo, Mar. 14

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the Echo

March 14, 2012

Vol. 58 Number 6

California Lutheran University Student Newspaper


CLU students lobby in Sacramento A

11 Senior basketball player Aaron Van Klaveren is a Jostens Trophy finalist.

mir Ibrahim Staff Writer

CLU sent five students to the State Capitol Building to protest Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget proposal. The proposal would cut the maximum Cal Grant award nearly in half for private nonprofit universities. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for students to go in front of senate members and stand up for an issue affecting students all over California. The five students sponsored by California Lutheran University

NFL Proday 2012


included freshman Emanuel Freede, sophomore Mauricio Guzman, sophomore Jimena Jimenez-Aguilar, senior Alisha Monroe and freshman Magen Sanders. “I was very happy to go and represent my school and students like myself that rely on Cal Grants to attend college,” said Guzman. All of the students who attended are Cal Grant recipients affected by the budget proposal. Director of Student Support Services Elena Jaloma and academic counselor Liz Ochoa also attended. [See CAPITOL, Page 2]

Cal Grants: Left, students from CLU march in the capital to protest Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed cuts to Cal Grants.

Photo Courtesy of Alisha Monroe

Cabinet members search bags at Club Lu events L


acie Goff

Staff Writer

Students display their heritage during Rock Your Roots.

Opinion “Not only does Rush Limbaugh insult women by referring to them as prostitutes, but he also makes a disgusting request for women to engage in pornography.” — Krysten Jones, pg. 8

Online Read about professor Rafaela Fiore Urizar and her journey from Paraguay.

Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @CLUechoNews @CLUechoFeatures @CLUechoSports

Photos by Danika Briggs - Staff Photographer

Quick Feet: NFL scouts and CLU football coaches observe as Justin Haulcy-Bateman completes the shuttle run.

Working for the dream job S

inéad Vaughan Staff Writer

Justin Haulcy-Bateman and Luis Villavicencio showcased their abilities to NFL scouts in CLU’s first ever “Pro Day” on Tuesday. The pair of D3football. com All-Americans were put through a series of drills to test their athletic ability and football expertise. Scouts from the National Football League’s (NFL) San Diego Chargers, New York Jets, Indianapolis Colts, Miami Dolphins and Tampa Bay Buccaneers were among the teams who came out to see what Kingsmen football is all about. The scouts were complimentary on how the “Pro Day” was run and the facilities that California [See NFL, Page 10]

Photos by Danika Briggs - Staff Photographer

Going up: Left, Luis Villavicencio prepares to show his vertical leap to NFL scouts. Right, Justin Haulcy-Bateman leaps at the NFL Pro Day.

At Club Lu events, students are required to have their bags checked by either a university staff member or a student government executive cabinet member. The peer inspection of students’ bags for alcohol at events has provoked discussion on issues of authority and privacy. Amanda Whealon, senior coordinator for student involvement and wellness programs, said that allowing ASCLU cabinet members to search other students’ bags is not a policy, but students cannot bring open containers or bottles to Club Lu events, and bags must be searched. “Usually because there’s such a big crowd, we have either the programs board director, the president or someone else on exec cab help search bags so we don’t keep people waiting either outside in the cold or have it take twice as long,” said Whealon. She said students authorized to search bags are typically cabinet members, or if a situation arises and those students are needed elsewhere, a member of the committee putting on the event can help. “It’s more of an efficiency thing, but we purposefully choose students in executive leadership roles to help with it,” said Whealon. “With things like Mr. Kingsmen [See PRIVACY, Page 3]

the Echo

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March 14, 2012

NEWS Students fly to Capitol to protest Cal Grant cuts [CAPITOL, from Page 1] “I think the lobbying had a huge affect since everyone had an appointment time to meet with senators and explain why Cal Grants have helped them pursue a higher education,” said Monroe. Brown’s proposal would cut the maximum award from $9,708 to $5,472 per student per year, making it hard for students to continue their education. “Without the Cal Grant, I would not be able to go to CLU and that is why I was there. I heard a lot of students that have been through so much, students that came from foster care and need the Cal Grant,” said Freede. More than 400 students at CLU receive the Cal Grant. Out of those students, 57 percent are first generation students, according to a CLU press release. Students expressed to senators and legislators the difficulties they face already with hikes in tuition and the increased cost of living. The Cal Grant cut would make attending school almost impossible for those students.

“I heard a student speak and mention how they worked three jobs and went to school. When does that leave time for homework or even sleep?” said Guzman. In spite of the frustrations students have with the Cal Grant cut proposal, they were able to express themselves and clear up misconceptions about private school students. “When we, the students, were speaking out, it was our time, our voices. Faculty members were there supporting us, but the senators heard the students and that is why we made a difference,” said Jimenez-Aguilar. Students who attend private universities are more likely to graduate in four years or less than students in public universities, according to Guzman. “Cal Grants for students going to private universities are an investment for the state in the long run because when students are out in the work force, they will be able to start paying taxes sooner,” said Sanders. Students expressed the

Photos Courtesy of Alisha Monroe

Standing for Education: (Top) Students protested Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal to cut the funding for the Cal Grants in front of the State Capitol Building on March 7. (Bottom) Director of Student Support Services Elena Jaloma, sophomore Mauricio Guzman, senior Alisha Monroe, freshman Emanuel Freede, freshman Magen Sanders, sophomore Jimena Jimenez-Aguilar and academic counselor Liz Ochoa journeyed to Sacramento to lobby legislators. viewpoint that in the long run the Cal Grant would be a big payoff for California. “This was not just for us. It was for every student fighting hard to stay in school. We are all together saving Cal Grants one legislature at a time,” said Freede. The students were well received by the senators and legislatures and had positive feedback regarding the situation. The proposal is still under consideration, but students are feeling very optimistic about what the future holds.



Staff Report: On March 12, the Board of Regents approved the 2012-2013 fee schedule. In an email sent from President Chris Kimball, it was stated that undergraduate tuition, fees, room and board will increase by four percent next school year. According to Kimball, this is the lowest increase in 15 years

and is less than increases at other California universities. CLU will also be charging students $100 per semester to help make improvements on their wireless infrastructure. Kimball stated that the University will continue to provide a substantial amount of financial aid to students. CLU invests the equivalent of one-

third of its operating budget in scholarships and grants for students. For more information about undergraduate tuition, fees, room and board visit financial_aid/


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the Echo

March 14, 2012

NEWS – Page 3

Vegan condoms combine pro-social values with safe sex J

oe Wood Staff Writer

CLU Wellness Programs began giving away vegan condoms last semester. Sir Richard’s Condoms, now offered at California Lutheran University, adhere to stringent contraception and vegan guidelines and have replaced the mix of non-vegan alternatives offered before. Sir Richard’s Condoms cost the school less money than non-vegan condoms, according to junior Nina Kuzniak, a sexual responsibility intern at Wellness Programs. However, this wasn’t the only reason Wellness Programs bought their first shipment of 3,000 condoms in October, according to Kuzniak. The office purchased 4,000 more


condoms in January, along with dental dams and lube. Students can get the free condoms and other products at Wellness Programs and from Resident Assistants. Many students were unaware of the differences between vegan and non-vegan condoms. As reported on their website, Sir Richard’s Condoms are made in America and don’t have the animal byproduct casein, which most condoms have. Casein, a dairy derivative, was replaced with a nonorganic substance. The Food and Drug Administration test the condoms for safety and reliability and they donate a condom to developing countries for every condom bought. As part of the company’s program, Sir Richard’s Condoms made an inaugural donation of 500,000

condoms to Haiti this year. Students interviewed for this article supported the change to vegan condoms and the vegan label on the outside of

the condom caused curiosity among students. Many were interested to learn more about the donation process to other countries and supported the

social causes the Sir Richard’s company advocated. “We were able to do good while providing our campus with safe sex materials,” said Kuzniak. Have you “Liked” us on Facebook yet?

Student government searches bags during Club Lu events [PRIVACY, from Page 1] where people are rushing the door, and we have to physically limit the number of people in at a certain time because they’re pushing each other and we need to check bags. It would be nuts if just one person was working the door.” Whealon said it has always been this way and administration had even less of a role in searches when she was a student at CLU in 2006. Amanda Arroyo, ASCLU programs board director who often conducts the inspections, said when she does find something questionable she usually gives it to Whealon. “There are times when a ton of people are coming in so I say ‘you can’t bring that in’ and I’ll take it, but I still tell [Whealon] ‘ok, I took this bottle and I put it over there, or threw it away,’ so I tell her about it before I do anything else,” Arroyo said. She said if there is something suspicious she takes it to Whealon for further inspection. “If there’s any sort of judgment call on any policy being broken, then that’s when the administrator will stop the line they’re working and step into the other one,” Whealon said. Arroyo has only come across a few situations where there were

Photo by Melina Esparza - Staff Photographer

Staying Safe: The vegan condoms campaign, put on by CLU’s Wellness Programs, provides free condoms in the Student Union Building that range from “Classic Ribbed” to “Pleasure Dot” and “Extra Large.” For every condom CLU bought from Sir Richard’s, the company donated one to a developing country.

problems because of the policy against open bottles. “In the beginning, I was like ‘these are my peers, they might really hate me for it,’ but now it’s more for cautionary and safety reasons. I’d rather have them hate me for something that is for their safety than just let them do whatever they want and get hurt,” Arroyo said. Students have had mixed reactions to peers inspecting their bags. “It would make sense that they would have to check for alcohol because it is a schoolrelated event, but it shouldn’t be students checking other students’ bags. It should be someone in higher authority,” said freshman Chantal White. “If university staff did it then I would not have a problem with it, but if a student government official tells me they had to check my bag, they’re invading my personal space. They don’t have the right to do that.” Sophomore Jessica Infald is okay with fellow students searching her bag. “Our peers were being told to do that. I don’t care if my friends search my bag. It’s almost like respect. I respect them and they respect me so I’ll let them search my bag because I know they’re just following orders,” Infald said.

Cold and flu spread quickly on small campus I

vy Emmons Staff Writer

During the winter, the number of students coming down with an illness increases. “Whether on campus or out in the non-student community, illness tends to spike in the winter months due to the colder weather,” said Kerri Lauchner M.S. physician’s assistant and Director of Health Services in an email. Students have observed how quickly illnesses are spread. “Anytime one of my roommates comes down with something, it is almost always a guarantee I’m going to come down with the exact same thing,” said junior Dakota Fog. The symptoms of a cold can include congestion, watery eyes, itchy nose or throat, fatigue, fever, cough and headache, according to a brochure from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provided by CLU Health Services. The brochure states that living close together and constantly being around one another, sharing common areas and surfaces, all aid in the spread of germs. “When I went to Whittier College I lived on campus and I’d be sick every other week. Now that I don’t live in a dorm setting,

I don’t get sick as frequently,” said junior James Wilder. These illnesses are not out of the ordinary. This time of year the cold and flu are most common. There also has not been a noticeable increase in students coming into Health Services with colds and sore throats, according to Lauchner. “We are not seeing anything out of the ordinary for this time of year. We are seeing plenty of colds and sore throats, but only a few cases of flu and strep throat,” said Lauchner. “We are seeing about the same number of illnesses that we saw this time last year.” While flu and cold symptoms generally vary from person to person, there are a few key symptoms of each illness that one

can use to determine what kind of sickness they have. Symptoms of the flu can consist of any of the following: fever and chills, exhaustion, aches and pains, congestion, headache and coughing. A few of the flu and cold symptoms overlap one another, making it hard to determine exactly which illness one has. To avoid spreading germs and bacteria, Lauchner suggested a few precautions. “I recommend that students wash their hands frequently with either soap and water, or hand sanitizer. They should eat healthy, decrease alcohol use, avoid smoking and should aim to get 8-9 hours of sleep a night,” said Lauchner.

the Echo

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March 14, 2012

EXTRAS Senior Update Tips From the Career Service Center St. Wally’s Day, a Wellness Programs event, is Wednesday, March 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Buth Park. Comedy Night is Friday, March 16, at 9 p.m. Facilities will replace the broken laundry card machine in Grace Hall with a standard debit card machine. The senate approved the Trixx Club for the 2011-2012 academic year. The club promotes gymnastics, martial arts, acrobatics and the art of tricking. The senate allocated $2,200 to Knights lacrosse for the 2011-2012 academic year. The senate allocated $300 to the senate Outreach Committee for the purchase of giveaways.

Attend Salary Negotiations this Thursday, March 15 from 12 to 1 p.m. in the Roth Nelson Room.

Class of 2012

Monday, March 12, Meeting

ASCLU Senate Minutes

Attend Proactive Job Search workshop on Wednesday, March 21 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Roth Nelson Room.

Senior Pride Committee The last day to apply for May Commencement Ceremony is Thursday, March 15. If you’re interested in getting involved with the Senior Pride Committee, email Amanda Whealon at

Senate meetings take place Mondays at 5:20 p.m. in Nygreen 1. Programs Board meets at 7:15 p.m. in Trinity 318. Both are open to faculty, staff and students. Are you a senior? Send your thoughts about your final year at CLU to the Echo and get your photo in the EXTRAS section. E-mail your response to

Senior year is meant to be celebrated. We’ve been working hard for years. Let’s have some fun!” Sierra Ronning Class of 2012

the Echo

March 14, 2012

Page 5

FEATURES Film delights, but overdoes environmental message CRITIC’S CORNER

Taylor Lampela Dr. Seuss is a genius. I’m not one for hyperbole so I’m not saying this lightly. Theodore Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, was a brilliant man. The legacy of his books has spanned generations and I’d have to look far and wide to find a kid who didn’t at least know who The Cat in the Hat is. His children’s books were more than just popular. They were life lessons and world criticisms told allegorically to adults and children. “The Lorax” is the story of a young entrepreneur, the Onceler, who leaves home in hopes of becoming successful. When he discovers the incredible quality of the Truffula trees, he chops one down. This causes the arrival of the Lorax, a small orange creature who “speaks for the trees.” The Lorax tells the Once-ler that he is never to cut down another tree again, and the young man promises. But when his product, the Thneed (a pseudo-scarf, wrap) becomes

Photo courtesy of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment

Where the Trees Grow: The Lorax is voiced by movie veteran Danny Devito and also features Zac Efron as Ted. popular, his greed overtakes him and he chops every single tree. In the film adaptation, done by Illumination Entertainment, the company that produced one of my favorite movies “Despicable Me” the story is told as a flashback. The now old Once-ler (voiced by Ed Helms, from “The Hangover”) talks about his mistakes and about the Lorax (voiced by Danny DeVito) to a young boy named Ted (voiced by Zac Efron) who just wants to find a real tree to impress the girl

he likes. Ted lives in Thneedville, the dystopian result of the Onceler’s greed. Thneedville is a place where everything is made of plastic, the swimming pool turns kids green from radiation and the air is so bad they have to buy it in bottles from the greedy tycoon. Nobody has ever seen a real tree because all of the ones in town are fake. But the love of Ted’s life Audrey (voiced by Taylor Swift) wants to see one so Ted searches to find the answer even if it means going against the

powers of the town. If the film has any real pitfalls, it’s that the whole environmentalism issue is a bit shoved down your throat. Dr. Seuss’ morality was more subtle in his books, but in the film they hammer the issue down. I can understand why. They wanted to send a message and it came out loud and clear. It was still powerful. To see on the screen a world so ravaged by human greed and progress was a bit heart wrenching, especially when they throw in the most adorable creatures for the

audience to feel bad for. The animation was beautifully done especially since I got to see it in IMAX “Tree-D.” The detail in the hair and fur and the swaying fibers of the Truffula trees was astounding. The colors were big, bright and fun. Surprisingly, the musical numbers didn’t detract from the story, but rather helped push it along. The number in which the Once-ler succumbs to his greed called “How Bad Can I Be?” was incredibly well-placed and helped the plot move forward. As an adaptation, it stayed very close to its source material, with several quips made about so much rhyming. This is in part due to the fact that it was produced by Geisel’s widow, Audrey (have you caught on to the character’s names of Ted and Audrey yet?) If you’re looking for a movie that’s good for all ages, “The Lorax” is definitely the best thing out right now. The 3-D is fun, but if you don’t feel like spending extra for it, it’s not necessary. The story tells you everything you need to know. I’ll end with this quote from the movie, which is something we all should live by: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

One student’s take on energy drinks popular during midterms REVIEW:


ulia Kemp Staff Writer

During midterms, the stress of reading and re-reading notes for classes can be a daunting task. Sometimes students need that little pick-me-up so I tried three energy drinks to help with those all-nighters pulled by students all over campus. We see energy drinks everywhere. We all know what they are but not everyone knows which has the best reputation. 5-Hour Energy, which came out in 2004, is one of the newest, most well-known energy drinks on the market. The small two-ounce bottle is berry-flavor and, just like the name says, gives you five hours of extra energy. “I drink 5-Hour Energy because it is the smallest drink,” said sophomore Emily Riddle. While the size may be appealing to those who don’t care for energy drinks, you have to drink it like a shot. It is best done all at once because the taste is a combination of berry medicine and a funky after taste. This little shot of “energy” is the

perfect drink for those who can get past the taste, but be warned. Like with all energy drinks, 5-Hour Energy has side effects and doesn’t last forever. Monster is best known because it has been well-advertised in sports since it’s beginning in 2002. It is one of the few energy drinks that comes in a low-carb form. “Most of the people I know drink Monster because they love how it tastes,” said junior Amelia Daniels. There is a variety of can sizes you can purchase Monster in, but the most commonly sold is the 16-ounce that is meant for two people. Because of the large size, Monsters can be too big to finish. You do get a larger beverage for a cheaper price and it gets the job done. We have all seen the animated commercials where the signature tagline is “Red Bull gives you wings.” Red Bull is the original energy drink that came out in 1987. Red Bull is a favorite among all age groups and used in many different ways: as a leisurely drink, with alcohol and as a pick-me-up. It comes in various sizes and as four-packs, it is a little more expensive than Monster, but it

tastes like Sweet Tarts and the 8.4-ounce cans are the perfect amount to get you over any hump in your way. “I would take Red Bull because of the taste,” said junior Trevor Koons. Red Bull is, and has been, one of the most popular energy drink since it was first released. Most people are aware of all the sugar, artificial flavors and carbonation that almost all energy drinks contain, as well as how bad they can be for your body if consumed in large amounts. With this knowledge, there are still times when college students turn to these drinks to get them through long study sessions. “Midterms stress a lot of people out and it leads to all-nighters. While coffee is one choice, a lot of students turn to energy drinks to aid in their late night study sessions,” said Daniels. They are easier to drink than coffee or tea because all you have to do is pop the top and drink, whereas with the others you must stop studying and prepare them. With the stresses of midterms, grabbing a fast drink that gives you the quick boost of energy you need drinks is the way to go.

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the Echo


March 14, 2012


Quotes: If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it? Austin Swank

Courtney Nunez


Stephen Shay


I’d watch more Sports Center.�

I put all my time into school work so I’d probably take time for myself.�

Kelsey Barenborg



I’m a bio-chem major so I would probably study more.�

I’d probably waste it by looking up new music or something.�

If you have an idea for a Campus Quotes question, e-mail it to the Echo at

Morning Glory staff selects few out of hundreds

Photo by Adara Groves- Staff Photographer

M-G-!: Nate Maxwell-Doherty, Andrew Degoede and Judith Newlin select and edit magazine submissions.


to take high quality photos of my work, so I brought my pieces to their office,� sophomore Allison Rapp said. “They took pictures for me and returned my work.�

icole Mangona Staff Writer

Highlighted within the glossy pages of CLU’s Morning Glory magazine are the writing and art submissions of students, faculty and alumni. “Students can submit anything; like poetry, nonfiction, ceramic, digital art photography and paintings,� Judith Newlin, senior and editor-in-chief, said. In order for the pieces to be featured, they must first go through a selection process made by the magazine’s selection committee. The Morning Glory accepts everything from literature to artwork to music from summer to Feb. 10. The magazine also has its own recording equipment for artists who don’t have the tools to record their own music. Staff members also take pictures of artwork in case artists do not own a camera. “I didn’t have the proper camera


Some pieces make you smile. I saw one of a pirate hat next to a kid going on adventures. But everyone is different in what they like.� Judith Newlin Editor-in-Chief

Artwork submissions must be in the highest quality possible. It is recommended that participants submit their best work to compete with other artists. “This year we had 320 art submissions and 180 literature submissions, but we’re only choosing 40 for art and 20 for literature,� Newlin said. Art editors Andrew Degoede and Nate Maxwell-Doherty

conduct two grading sessions for the art category and one for the literature category to narrow down the submissions. Each submission is graded on a scale of one to ten. This year’s selection process took place soon after the deadline due to the large number of pieces submitted. “Staff members do all the voting,� Newlin said. “We make sure to have a bit of variation so that pieces are not all on the same subject.� Newlin said that the most common works submitted are poetry and photography. Though there are many submissions, there are ways for pieces to stand out among the rest of the competition. “Literature that is unique and well-written stands out and so does art that is high-quality and not involving too much tension,� she said. English professor and Morning Glory advisor Jacqueline Lyons also commented on how to catch the selection committee’s eye.

Photo by Adara Groves - Staff Photographer

Highbrow: The Morning Glory features all forms of art including music. “I am attracted to a piece of writing that sees its subject in a fresh way, that newly imagines the ordinary, or finds a way to make language spark within the piece,� said Lyons. Newlin said some of the best work isn’t always the most striking. “Some pieces make you smile. I saw one of a pirate hat next to a kid going on adventures,� Newlin said. “But, everyone is different in what they like.� “I’ve submitted a couple pieces because I think it’s a great way to share my art,� Rapp said. Artists whose pieces aren’t chosen shouldn’t feel


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discouraged, said Newlin. “It doesn’t mean your piece isn’t the best because there are a lot of factors that go into the selection process,� she said. Newlin and assistant editor Akbar Abidi select pieces for the literature category. Degoede and Maxwell-Doherty decide which artwork to feature. English professor Joan Wines serves as an advisor to the magazine as well. “We work as a group a great deal because the art and literature need to work with each other in the magazine,� Newlin said. The 2012 issue of the Morning Glory comes out in May.

SPORTS EDITOR David Brown PHOTO EDITOR Allena Williamson

COPY EDITOR Chloe Vieira PROOFREADERS Jeanette Zimmerman Katherine Sullivan Cathy Howell BUSINESS MANAGER Dinah West PAGE DESIGNER David Lopez WEB EDITOR Greg Wallis FACULTY ADVISER Rachel McGrath

the Echo

March 14, 2012


A Ballet of Colors

and Culture

Photo by Laura Decorte - Staff Photographer

Whirl of Color: Student Sandra Zepeda performs a traditional dance during the ASCLU-G Rock Your Roots event. Other performances included poetry readings and original songs.

Students proudly perform ethnic customs S

amantha Dela Cruz Staff Writer

Traditional music, dance and other performances from Columbia, Italy and Mexico showcased CLU's diversity at the ASCLU-G Rock Your Roots event on March 9. The Hillel Club opened the night at the Preus-Brandt Forum with their rendition of the song, "Raise Your Glass." Following that act was freshman Abhi Sridharan Vaidehi, who turned the music up and rapped to his original songs including "Pass Me the Crown," featuring freshman Jimmy Miller. By the end of Abhi's fourth song, he had a crowd of students dancing at the bottom of the stage. “Everyone got really into it with the clapping and loud music. There was a lot of energy,” said senior Tracy Thompson. To add to the fun and culture of the night, sophomore emcee, Wayne Swinson entertained the crowd between acts and helped with raffles. Students won gift cards for Fit2BThai and Buca di Beppo. “My favorite part was having Wayne as emcee,” said ASCLU-G event chair Shakivla Todd. “He is a great spokesperson for

Photos by Laura Decorte - Staff Photographer

Staying Proud and Loud: The group H20 perform a choreographed dance during the concert. At right, Jacob Garcia does a ballet routine for the audience. multicultural programs and did a great job trying to keep the audience laughing.” The Gospel Choir then took the stage and sang "Patiently Waiting" by Hezikiah Walker. Edgar Zabaleta followed by bringing Columbian culture to life with a song and dance. “My favorite performance would definitely have to be the Columbian singer because he was very passionate,” said junior James Wilder. “His energy and passion made the performance.” The audience gave their undivided attention to

freshman George Rodriguez from the poetry club while he read his poem “My Notorious Love Story.”

It was something new and different from our usual Rock the Campus events. We reached a whole new group of people that we don’t always get involved. Shakivla Todd Event Chair Jacob




the tempo with his ballet performance. Garcia took the stage a second time later in the night to perform a collaboration of a ballet dance and light show to pump up the audience. Rafael Ingannamonte, Sandra Zepeda and Andrea Cruz then strutted down the stage in traditional Latin American clothing while dancing. More acts continued with a choreographed dance performed by H2O dance group, a song from Club Italia, a tap dance performance and other student musicians.

“It was something new and different from our usual Rock the Campus events. We reached a whole new group of people that we don't always get involved,” Todd said. “It was a great time to celebrate your culture and roots.” Rock Your Roots was one of the first events put together by ASCLU-G to capture CLU’s diverse and fun energy. For more information on future ASCLU-G events, please visit their activities calendar under the “Campus Life” tab on CLU’s main website.

The Echo is looking for editors for the 2012-2013 school year! Beginning March 19, all full-time undergraduates will be able to apply for paid editorial staff positions. Experience in journalism is required. For more information and to apply, contact Dinah West at

the Echo

Page 8

March 14, 2012


Rush Limbaugh should think before speaking Krysten Jones Rush Limbaugh continues to ask for negative attention by calling a Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, a “slut” and “prostitute” after she lobbied for birth control to be covered by insurance plans. It’s obvious that Limbaugh did not put much thought into his uneducated statement. As reported in Politico on March 1, Fluke testified in an unofficial hearing before the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee about coverage of contraceptives. Fluke expressed opposition to religious institutions and to a proposed bill to deny women the resource. The law student also said that it is unjust for universities and employers to dictate what medical needs take priority when we live in a country that is expected to allow citizens to

make decisions for themselves. Of course, Limbaugh blasted the student by ignorantly stating that Fluke is unable to afford birth control out-of-pocket because she engages in too much sex. He also commented that taxpayers are forced into paying for women to have intercourse, according to the Politico report. In addition, Limbaugh also blurted out that if taxpayers are going to cover the cost of contraceptives, women should post videos online to display their sexual intercourse. That’s nice. Not only does he insult women by referring to them as prostitutes, but he also makes a disgusting request for women to engage in pornography. Last time I checked, birth control pills do not solely prevent pregnancy. It is proven that the pill helps reduce and prevent health issues, and lowers the number of abortions. According to The National Survey of Family Growth 95 percent of women are on the pill for health-related reasons.

It’s not surprising that the findings show that more than 726,000 birth control users have never had sex.

If being in favor of coverage for contraception makes a woman a ‘slut,’ then what does coverage of Viagra for men signify about their moral characters?” Adina Nack Sociology department chair

Limbaugh clearly does not know what he’s talking about. In fact, the pill is taken every day, regardless of sexual activity. Huffington Post reporter Cara Santa Maria interviewed Dr. Shari Brasner, a New York City gynecologist and obstetrician, on how birth control is used and why Limbaugh’s comments are absurd. The contraceptive also relieves a number of problems including severe menstrual cramps and nausea to premenstrual dysphoric disorder and ovarian cancer. Even if females decide to solely use birth control pills to practice

safe sex, Limbaugh is still wrong. We are supposed to be living in a country where we have the right to make decisions for ourselves. Fluke’s intimate life is none of Limbaugh’s business or anyone else’s. Director of the CLU Center for Equality and Justice and sociology department chair Adina Nack said there is no comparison between a woman’s use of contraceptives and her sexual promiscuity. “If being in favor of coverage for contraception makes a woman a ‘slut,’ then what does coverage of Viagra for men signify about their moral characters?” said Nack. “Women who need coverage for birth control might be economically unable to afford medications, devices and procedures which could be their safest ways to prevent illness, protect their health, and empower themselves with the ability to plan their reproductive choices.” Kacy Cashatt, president of California Lutheran University’s Feminism Is… club, is as appalled as I am about Limbaugh’s

derogatory statements. “I’m very upset he would say such a thing because he is clearly not well-educated on the subject,” said Cashatt. “His sharing of ignorance is what’s causing so many people to be against taxes going towards birth control.” Cashatt acknowledges that even if sex is the sole purpose for using the pill, it does not justify Limbaugh’s reference to Fluke as being sexually promiscuous. “Just because a female wants to be on birth control, even if it is for contraceptive reasoning, does not mean she is a ‘slut’,” Cashatt said. “No one should call another person a slut, especially because they are trying to be a responsible human and take care of their health.” Because of statements like Limbaugh’s, women are forced to fight against the negative stereotype that is associated with the use of birth control pills. As a user for the past few years, I can attest to the fact that I am neither a “slut” nor “prostitute.” I’m a woman who has the right for my health to come first and I won’t have it any other way.

Our cellphones are our last bastion of privacy Nikki Fay I’ll admit it, there are very few things in this world that I wouldn’t give up to keep the contents of my cell phone sacred. Like most students I have a brief moment of paralyzing terror whenever anyone gets a hold of my phone and starts rifling through its contents. It’s not because there is anything questionable in my cell

phone, but because it’s mine. It’s personal, and it happens to contain most of my life’s information. Now the contents of my phone aren’t so private and could be held against me in a court of law. As a result of a recent decision by the federal appeals court, police can now search cell phones without a warrant. If an officer feels the need to search a person’s phone, they are allowed to do so, according to an article from Reuters published on March 1. “If there is some type of evidence indicating that the cell phone is somehow linked to the

crime, for example transactions made via conversation or text, then the search is reasonable,” said Robert Meadows, CLU professor of criminal justice. Under what circumstances would an officer determine that a cell phone was somehow linked to the crime? As a result of this decision, we could be required to forfeit our cell phones if we get in a small traffic accident. A few years ago when cell phones weren’t as advanced, privacy concerns weren’t as immediate. Now cell phones are so highly advanced an officer could find out anything about a person

from them. Many smart phones make an owner’s address, finances, emails and personal conversations readily available. According to the article by Reuters, the judge deemed this a “slight” privacy invasion. It is not slight at all. Searching someone’s phone is just as personal as searching their house. A warrant should be required for officers to perform a search. The personal things in someone’s home are now also readily available on their phone and searching through its contents could go far beyond examining contacts. “I think that in order for them

to have the right to search my cell phone it would have to be a crucial circumstance, a safety issue basically,” senior Amanda Rothans said. “I definitely feel like it would be unwarranted. Otherwise, it’s the same thing as going into someone’s house. That’s someone’s privacy and unless its an impeding safety issue I think that it should require a warrant.” Citizens should be able to maintain their own privacy. The ability of officers to search something as personal as an individual’s cell phone without their permission violates that privacy.

Pornstars and condoms are just a good idea Andrew Schranze Actors in the porn industry need to use condoms when performing. On March 5, the Los Angeles City Council decided that actors filming pornographic films within city limits are now required to wear condoms, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times on March 4. This legislation is a good

idea since they will still be able to perform, but will be protected from the spread of sexually transmitted infections throughout the industry. It has been medically proven that using a condom during any form of sexual intercourse can help prevent STIs such as Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV and the herpes simplex virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Once the city of Simi Valley heard about the ruling, they acted immediately. The Simi Valley City Council also wants filming involving the act of pornography within

city limits to require the use of condoms. However, Simi Valley also requires a lot more than that. They also want medical professionals on set to make sure the actors are wearing the condoms and they are wearing them appropriately. After filming has completed, the footage will then be sent to the police department so the police can view it to ensure every rule has been followed. There are a lot of steps to this process, but the city feels that by following them, it will make it safer for everyone who participates.

There is a lot of controversy regarding whether or not residents of Simi Valley would even want the porn industry filming in town. Those who are against it must consider that this industry is also a business, too. With the proper permits from the city, they can film as long as the industry abides by the new rules. “If the porn industry has the right to be here, they are going to do it anyway. They might as well do it the safe way,” said Broc Galbreth, a junior at CLU. This sudden change of pace must really be affecting the porn

industry in a way that may make them wonder whether or not all of this is really necessary or not. “It is not really necessary because they have been doing it for so long,” said Matt Valley, a senior at CLU. The one thing the condoms will help is the prevention of both pregnancies and STIs. Any negative impact this legislation might have on the industry is worth it if it can make it safer for those involved. Although there is STI testing required prior to joining the industry, it is just a step closer to making this process as safe as it can possibly be.

the Echo

March 14, 2012

OPINION – Page 9

New bill strips away part of the First Amendment Matt Young A new bill, already passed by the House and Senate, and headed to President Barack Obama desk to be signed into law, would potentially eliminate protests anywhere where the president, or anyone protected by the Secret Service, including presidential candidates, are located. This piece of legislation, if interpreted to its full effect, would stomp on our First Amendment rights to free speech and protest. Bill H.R. 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of

2011, at its core attempts to maintain peace and security by revising the “prohibition against entering restricted federal buildings or grounds to impose criminal penalties on anyone who knowingly enters any restricted building or grounds,” according to the official summary of the bill written by the Congressional Research Service. The bill then goes on to describe “restricted buildings or grounds” as basically anywhere the Secret Service is guarding, ranging from the White House to town hall meetings where presidential candidates are speaking. It also defines the restricted grounds as any location hosting a special event of national significance. The potential implications of this bill are simple.

It would become illegal to protest at any nationally significant event, especially those involving the President. At the very least, the Secret Service would have the ability to pursue criminal charges against those considered “disruptive.” Currently, there are restrictions in place against arresting or fining peaceful protesters at nationally significant events. In some circumstances, protesters may be moved to a location farther away for security purposes, but generally no legal action can be taken. That would all change.This new bill is an absolute abomination in terms of its infringement on the First Amendment. The Bill of Rights was designed to protect our unalienable natural rights as citizens. The right that our nation’s forefather’s felt was so important

as to list first was “the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The blatant disregard for our rights and the U.S. constitution shown by this bill, in favor of security and a silencing of dissenters, is appalling. This bill crosses political lines and would have a drastic effect on both political parties. Today, it would likely be applied to prevent protests at GOP presidential candidate speeches, yet it also can be used by our current president and future presidents. The Secret Service already has the tools they require to maintain security. This bill takes away the freedoms we have as citizens. CLU Political Science Professor Herbert Gooch had experience with the Secret

Service when he set up a vicepresidential visit to California Lutheran University in the early 90s. “The Secret Service pretty much pushes everyone aside and sets the rules of access and protest as they want anyway,” Gooch said in an email. “I can see their security concerns, since their concern is protecting the dignitary, and there is always a gray area where our First Amendment interests in free assembly and free speech can overlap our interest in the security of our officials.” In a country where we pride ourselves on being able to speak our minds and criticize the way our government functions, a bill like the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 only serves to damage the way we function as a country.

Driving tired is just as bad as driving drunk Nicole Tracy Driving under the influence is dangerous and life threatening. Do not get behind the wheel if you have consumed alcohol, drugs or feel unfit to drive in any way. Alcohol and drugs are obvious influences, but sleep deprivation can also impair judgment. According to the California DMV it is illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and narcotics. Your blood alcohol concentration cannot be at or above 0.8 percent. “Going a night without sleep is equivalent to the impairment

of a BAC of about .07,” Wellness Programs intern Rachael Drew said. Wellness educates students about the dangers of driving under the influence. “Driving under the influence is irresponsible and selfish because it affects both your safety and the safety of those around you,” Drew said. I have been affected by another driver’s irresponsible decision to drive. They were driving while sleep deprived and hit me. On the evening of Feb. 3, a vehicle collided with the passenger side of my car after running a red light at the end of a freeway off-ramp. I never saw it coming. I remember the light from the other vehicle’s headlights flooding my car, shielding my face from the airbag, and reaching for one of my

Echo staff recieves The Society of Professional Journalists’ “Mark of Excellence Awards.” Current opinion writer Krysten Jones received an award for her well-researched editorial writings regarding criminal offenses, banking regulations and equal rights in the military. Maxwell Buchanan, CLU class of 2011, received recognition in the sports photography category for his entry titled “Eye on the Ball.” The Echo’s staff competed against those at four-year colleges throughout Region 11 of SPJ including Stanford University, University of Southern California and University of California, Los Angeles. This is the second time that the 51-year-old Echo has won in the competition.

passengers; but I have no recollection of pulling off to the side of the road. I was overwhelmed by confusion and fear once my car had stopped moving. I didn’t know if my three passengers were okay, how serious my injuries were or if the accident had been my fault. I had to be helped out of the car. My body ached and I could feel stabbing pain in my chest and ribs, but the guilt hurt much worse. Although I knew I was not at fault (the other driver had admitted to being exhausted after a flight) I still felt responsible for the wellbeing of my passengers. I spent that night in the hospital and I have spent many afternoons since in doctor’s offices. I continue to deal with postconcussion symptoms and

intense anxiety while driving. Making a quick decision like driving under the influence can have long lasting emotional affects. “There are mental consequences of hurting others in the process; like the driver passengers, other drivers, family and friends of everyone involved,” Drew said. Instead of putting yourself in the situation of having to make a decision between what is easy and what is right, have a plan before you start drinking. Make sure you have a designated driver. “Plan ahead, have a D.D., take breaks from the wheel if you are tired. Communicate with others and watch out and prevent others from driving under the influence,” Drew said. If you find yourself making a decision after drinking or

Editorial Matter: the Echo staff welcomes comments on its articles as well as on the newspaper itself. However, the staff acknowledges that opinions presented do not necessarily represent the views of our editing staff, ASCLU-G or that of California Lutheran University. the Echo reserves the right to edit all stories, editorials, letters to the editor and other submission for space restrictions, accuracy and style. All submissions become property of the Echo. Advertising Matter: Except as clearly implied by the advertising party or otherwise specifically stated advertisements in the Echo are inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by California Lutheran University. Advertising material printed herein is solely for informational purposes. Such printing is not to be construed as a written and implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises or ventures. Complaints concerning advertisements in the Echo should be directed to the business manger at (805) 493-3865.

the Echo

traveling a long way, remember that your life and the lives of others are worth more than the small inconvenience of going back for your car later. According to an article in the Ventura County Star on March 7, 24 percent of adults surveyed at three Ventura County community colleges admitted to riding in a car with a drunken driver in the past year. Eighteen percent said that they had driven drunk. Don’t add to this statistic. You have options. Call your friends. Good friends won’t let you doing anything to hurt yourself. Use public transportation or a taxi service. Spend the night at a friend’s house if you’re too tired or drunk to drive safely. Your life could depend on it. Countless lives could depend on it.

HOW TO RESPOND: Mail Letters to the Editor the Echo Calif. Lutheran Univ. 60 W. Olsen Rd. #3800 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Phone (805) 493-3465

E-mail (preferred) Please limit responses to 250-300 words. Letters to the editor must include your name, year/position and major/department.

the Echo

Page 10

March 14, 2012

SPORTS Haulcy-Bateman and Villavicencio show off for the NFL [NFL, from Page 1] Lutheran University has to offer, even in comparison to some of the Division I schools. Head coach Ben McEnroe was pleased with both Haulcy-Bateman and Villavicencio’s performances on the day. “I think both of them put themselves in a good position to be undrafted free agents and have an opportunity to get into a training camp,” coach McEnroe said. According to McEnroe if you compare Haulcy-Bateman’s numbers with those of the NFL combine, his numbers would have been top ten in four or five of the categories. McEnroe was not the only one who found Haulcy-Bateman’s performance impressive. Some of the scouts were excited by his performance, especially considering he has been dealing with a bad hamstring. “They told me to be ready and prepared for when that phone call comes and ready to attend camp and to compete for a job. So I found that exciting and good feedback,” Haulcy-Bateman said. They also made the two Kingsmen run into the wind after nearly cancelling the day due to poor weather conditions. Sports Illustrated’s Tony Pauline said about Haulcy-Bateman’s Pro Day, “The small-school sleeper did not disappoint, running 4.49 seconds in the 40 and 6.7 seconds in the shuttle.” The duo went through several drills for the scouts starting in the weight room with the bench press and the vertical jump. They

Photos by Danika Briggs - Staff Photographer

Two Man Show: Luis Villavicencio, left, and Justin Haulcy-Bateman, right, try to catch the scouts’ attention. then moved to William Rolland Stadium and participated in drills like the 40-yard dash, the “L” drill, and several others for them to showcase their talents to the scouts. McEnroe felt while Haulcy-Batemans numbers did shine, Villavicencio really hit his stride and was noticed out on the football field. The coaching staff heard a lot of positive comments from the scouts about his body control and overall athleticism. “I feel like I’m a lot better on the field,” Villavicencio said. “Once we got to the field I felt like this is my time to shine, and this is where I can try to impress [the scouts].” Both athletes have known about

the opportunity to participate in the “Pro Day” since mid-season. Throughout the season 29 of the 32 NFL football teams came through the football offices. The CLU athletic department put in a great deal of time and effort was put into showing the team’s film, going through interviews and opening up practices to scouts to give the top Kingsmen the opportunity to continue their football careers. “I think we’ve done everything we can to put those guys out there and made it known to the NFL that if anyone else wants to come back and work them out, that they’ve got total access and can do

that at any time,” Coach McEnroe said. Haulcy-Bateman and Villavicencio will be competing against top Division I and II athletes for a spot in training camp. McEnroe is confident that with the shrink in the NFL draft over the past couple of years, a premium has been set on undrafted free agents. That gives Division III athletes a better opportunity to get a spot in an NFL training camp and have success in the NFL. “It’s not common place, it’s not something that we want to take lightly and say we have NFL prospects every year,” McEnroe

said. “We expect to at least be a stop over and that’s something that we have tried to build so that when we do have legitimate players we know how to handle a Pro Day, we know how to accommodate the scouts, and put those guys in a position to have a shot.” The two Kingsmen know that obstacles lie ahead. HaulcyBateman knows the preparation for training camp will be hard work and if he gets the opportunity to participate in training camp, then everyone he’s competing against are great athletes. Villavicencio feels his challenge will be getting used to the speed of the game and having a coach who would take a chance on someone from a small school to compete at that level. Though it was a nerve racking experience for Haulcy-Bateman, he said it was very enjoyable and an opportunity that no one else in the SCIAC conference and many other Division III teams get to experience. “I would be grateful to any team that gives me a chance,” HaulcyBateman said. Villavicencio is happy to say that he got the opportunity to perform for NFL scouts and is grateful that CLU Football gave him this opportunity. “I am thankful to my coaches for helping us put [the Pro Day] on, and giving us the opportunity to showcase what we have to offer,” Villavicencio said. Both players will continue to train for the chance to be drafted or signed as undrafted free agents. The NFL draft will begin on Thursday, April 26.

Regals continue to struggle away from home R

obert Ambrose Staff Writer

The Regals softball team pulled off a doubleheader sweep at home against the College of Staten Island Wednesday, March 7, outscoring Staten Island by a combined score of 17-8 in the two games to continue their Hutton Field hot streak.

The Regals have now won five of their last seven home games despite struggling on the road. The stars of the doubleheader for the Regals were Katelyn Downing and Kayla Sakamoto. Downing threw a complete game shutout in game one and then threw seven more strong innings in game two in relief. Downing finished the

doubleheader with a combined 14 innings pitched and 11 strikeouts. She gave up only 11 hits, three walks and two earned runs. “I just went out there knowing that this was our game to win,” said Downing. “I made a lot of improvements since last Saturday’s game and learned my lessons on where to pitch and

where not to pitch.” Sakamoto was 3 for 4 in the game with three singles, four stolen bases and a run scored to help give Downing just enough run support for the victory. “I just wanted to play with the things I have,” said Sakamoto. In game two, Downing started in right field and then returned to pitch in relief after starter Nicolby Atallah gave up two runs off three straight hits to start the game. “I am never out of the mindset,” said Downing. “Even when I was in the outfield at the beginning of the first inning, my mindset is that I am going to go in and close out this game if anything happens.” The Regals bats caught fire in the bottom of the first inning, scoring four runs to take the lead and they never looked back. The Regals added two runs in the second inning and four more in the third inning to put the game out of reach at 10-4. Downing, in addition to her great pitching performance,

was a major contributor to the Regals hitting as well, going 2-for-2, drawing two walks and also scored two runs. “This is a team I know we can tee off of,” said Downing. “I feel like we came off a lot stronger knowing that we are able to do that.” Brittany Labbe and Shannon Tinsley each went 3-for-4. Labbe added three runs while Tinsley scored two. Senior Sara Lichtsinn hit a solo home run for the Regals. For Staten Island, center fielder Brittany Smith went 4 for 4 and scored four runs. Following the sweep, the Regals traveled on the road to Claremont-Mudd-Scripps for a league doubleheader and got swept 6-2 and 3-1 to remain winless on the road this season. “We need a mentality change,” said sophomore Dannika Green on the team’s road struggles. “The team is full of amazing talent. We just need to put it all together. When we are all in the game, amazing things happen.”

the Echo

March 14, 2012

SPORTS – Page 11

Kingsmen lose first home game, fall out of first S

tephen Johsnon Staff Writer

The Kingsmen baseball team now trails Occidental College and La Verne University by a game in the SCIAC standings after losing two out of three games to the Redlands Bulldogs last weekend. The Kingsmen surrendered 22 runs in the three games to the Bulldogs. The Kingsmen lost the first game of the series 8-7 at home to the Bulldogs in what turned out to be an offensive shootout. The loss snapped the Kingsmen’s six-game unbeaten record at home this season. The Kingsmen battled backand-forth with the Bulldogs in the Friday matchup as the teams combined for 29 hits on the contest, 14 hits by the Kingsmen and 15 hits by the Bulldogs. CLU trailed 8-4 going into the bottom of the eighth inning, when the Kingsmen rallied back to score three runs on five hits in the frame. Juniors Trevor Koons, Nick Boggan, Elon Goldman, Kevin Eto and Garret Smith each contributed with a single in the eighth to cut the Bulldogs lead to one going into the ninth inning. Goldman and

Eto were pinch hitters. Smith finished the game going 4 for 4. Unfortunately, the heart of the Kingsmen’s offense could not put another run across the board in the bottom of the ninth inning as the Bulldogs were able to hold on and preserve the one-run victory over the Kingsmen. Garret Smith and Koons led the Kingsmen offense, combining for three RBI on six hits. Eto, Nicho DellaValle and John Leal also contributed with a RBI in the contest. The Bulldogs first baseman, Eliot Smith, who was without a hit all season, exploded going 4 for 5 with four RBI and two runs scored, and the eventual game winning solo homerun to lead Redlands to the victory. The Kingsmen were able to bounce back with a 6-5 win in Redlands in the first of two games during Saturday’s afternoon double-header. Both offenses surged as the Kingsmen and Bulldogs pounded out 11 and 12 hits respectively and traded leads several times throughout the contest. With the score tied at three apiece going into the bottom of the

Knights bring home the title J

osh Hibbert Staff Writer

The CLU Knights Rugby Club are Southern California’s National Small College Rugby Organization (NSCRO) 2012 tournament champions after Concordia University forfeited the final match of the league. The Knights finished their season in the Pacific Mountain West Conference Division III top table with an undefeated record of 9-1-0. Established in 1970, the Knights Rugby Club is one of the longest lasting clubs at California Lutheran University. Senior club president, Ryo Takahashi, feels that their success on the field is due to the relationship they have off it. “I think we have a really great group of guys with great chemistry,” Takahashi said. “We spend a lot of time together as a team and we’ve built a strong foundation in making sure we are accountable.” The championship was handed to the Knights RFC after an away game to Concordia was cancelled. The Knights now have their sights set on achieving success in playoffs. “We believe we have a great chance at winning nationals,” Takahashi said. “We have great leadership, kickers, line outs, and every player understands their role in the game which makes our game much smoother.” A big influence on the Knights RFC this season has been volunteer head coach Steven Stone. “Coach Stone spends hours

on rugby stuff every day dealing with paperwork, talking to other coaches, scouting and his passion really had a big influence on us,” Takahashi said. “He’s a player’s coach and we really want him to be a winning coach because he definitely deserves it.” Winning the championship and being a proven club, the Knights hope that one day CLU rugby will become an official NCAA sport. “We feel we have a lot of potential in our program,” Takahashi said. “It would be amazing if rugby became an NCAA sport so that we could get more financial support from the school. This would be huge for us because right now we are not able to go in the training room or see trainers, and we have to pay for traveling fees on our own.” The Knights will travel to play Cal Maritime Academy on March 25. Then the Knights are off to Nebraska for Regional’s. Nationals will be in Glendale, Colo. “We have former swimmers, basketball players, soccer players, football players, baseball players, so you really don’t need to have certain experiences to join,” Takahashi said. Coach Steve Stone is proud of his team and the growth of the Rugby squad. “It’s a magnificent effort by all of the squad to reach the California Cup. To be only 80 minutes away from playing in the NSCRO National Championship is a great achievement. they have played and have grown not only as individual players but as a whole team,” Stone said.

sixth inning the Bulldogs regained the lead, scoring two runs on three hits to give Redlands a 5-3 advantage. Redlands maintained the tworun lead until the top of the eighth inning when the Kingsmen offense brought eight batters to the plate. The Kingsmen regained a 6-5 lead over the Bulldogs thanks to RBI from Smith, senior Iggy Wagner and Dominick Solley in the top of the frame. CLU pitchers Chris Park and Tyler Hebda combined for 3.1 scoreless innings to save the victory for the Kingsmen. The teams combined to use 11 pitchers in Saturday’s opening matchup. Wagner and junior Tyler Kem combined to go 5-8 in the contests, driving in two RBI’s and scoring three runs. In the rubber match of the series, CLU’s offense sputtered with runners in scoring position as the Kingsmen put one run across the board on nine hits giving Redlands the 9-1 victory in the final game of the weekend. The Kingsmen left six runners in scoring position on the day. The lone Kingsmen run came off the bat of designated hitter Nick DeLorenzo as he connected for

a solo home run in the top of the second inning. CLU starting pitcher John LaMoure allowed six runs on six hits in his 4.2 inning of work. The Kingsmen (12-6, 8-4 SCIAC) will take a break from division play next weekend as they host the California Invitational

and gear up to play four games in two days. The Kingsmen will kick off their tournament play on Friday, March 16 when they play Eastern Connecticut State at 10:30 a.m. and Puget Sound University at 3:00 p.m. on George “Sparky” Anderson Field.

Photo by Malina Esparza - Staff Photographer

Coach Slimak: Head coach Marty Slimak has never had a losing season as manage of the CLU Kingsmen.

Van Klaveren gets new honors L

indsay Ehlers Staff Writer

The Jostens Scholar Award is given to students who are Division III basketball players and outstanding students who help out with the community. Of the 300 Division III basketball teams in the United States and Canada, the nominations are given to hundreds of student-athletes and then narrowed down to the top 10 students. Finally a winner is selected. CLU’s Kingsmen basketball player, senior Aaron Van Klaveren, was one of the top 10 student athletes who were nominated this year. Van Klaveren was named first-team All-SCIAC for his basketball talents. The nomination goes to show he is a great student and regularly helps out with the community. Van Klaveren was raised in Madera, Calif. by his parents Mark and Kristi Van Klaveren. He started playing basketball when he was five years old. Since then, Van Klaveren has loved the game. He played basketball for Madera High School, and then went on to start for the CLU Kingsmen team for four years. “I loved playing basketball at CLU,” said Van Klaveren. “I love to compete and I love facing competitors. Our team also had a great sense of camaraderie, which was really nice. We were with each other a lot and I knew I could go to them for anything.” “It is a luxury to not only coach him but to be around him. He has so much to offer on and

off the court,” said assistant coach for the CLU Kingsmen basketball team Geoff Dains. “They should change it to the Aaron Van Klaveren award.” Dains went on to say he has enjoyed Van Klaveren for the four years he has been a part of the Kingsmen basketball team and CLU community. Van Klaveren is also a great student, and made the Dean’s List and honor roll all four years of college. He is currently studying business administration with an emphasis in finance. Van Klaveren plans on attending grad school next fall. He has also worked at local animal shelters, volunteered as a tutor and was the head of a local book drive. Along with playing basketball, studying and helping out with the community, Van Klaveren also enjoys working on vehicles or spending time outdoors. Senior Xavier Walton has been a friend and teammate of Van Klaveren for the past four years. The two of them met when they were roommates their freshman

year at CLU. They are the only two senior Kingsmen to start all four years. “Aaron is a beast on the court and a gentle giant off the court,” said Walton. “He had a great past season averaging 18 points and 13 rebounds. He is also an outstanding student and an all around great guy who has great perseverance and works hard.” The results for the Jostens Award were announced on March 7. Aris Wurtz of Ripon College won the award. Van Klaveren never had a losing SCIAC season in his four years with the Kingsmen, finishing with a combined record of 34-22. During Van Klaveren’s freshman and sophomore seasons, the Kingsmen finished second in SCIAC. Van Klaveren finished his career ranking second in school history for rebounds with 911. He had 273 rebounds this season, ranking seventh in CLU history for a season. Van Klaveren also ranks fifth all-time for career blocks with 87.

the Echo

Page 12 – SPORTS

March 14, 2012

warning: Ranked opponents proceed with caution No. 12 Pomona-Pitzer College defeated 5-4 No. 11 Trinity College defeated 5-4 No. 6 Kenyon College defeated 5-4

Photo by Adara Groves - Staff Photographer

Ballin’ Ballou: Nicholas Ballou holds down the Kingsmen’s No. 1 spot.

Cal Lu defeats three of four ranked opponents L

indsay Bowden Staff Writer

Men’s tennis ended last week with three wins in a row after a 5-4 victory over nationally ranked No. 11 Trinity University, Texas. Not only was this captain Thomas Millet’s third clinching match of the season, but also the Kingsmen’s third 5-4 victory in a row. CLU had a rough start losing to Mary Washington University on Monday but rallied to narrowly defeating No. 6 Kenyan and Christopher Newport on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. “The team does really well supporting each other, especially in high pressure situations where it comes down to a single match to determine the outcome,” said junior Cody Kowalczyk about the team’s chemistry. On Thursday they met Trinity for their fourth match of the week and won. Both the No. 1, Ray Worley and Nicholas Ballou, and No. 3, Marcelo Sousa and Millet, doubles teams for the Kingsmen won respectively, giving them a 2-1 lead going into the singles matches. However it became four-all during singles, with wins at the No. 2, Justin Wilson, and No. 3, Worley, singles; No. Millet’s singles match decided the entire match. “I came to CLU to experience moments like this. The

Photos by Adara Groves - Staff Photographer

March Madness: The CLU Kingsmen tennis team continues to dominate their opponents, even the top ranked teams. Above and far left, Cody Kowalczyk returns the ball to his opponent. Left, Marcelo Sousa prepares to serve in his clinching match.

Photo by Leanne Blackwell Staff Photographer

moment when my teammates congratulate me on the court because I’ve just won the crucial game which gives us the final victory as a team,” said Millet. The outcome of the entire match was in the hands of Millet

for the third time this season. Millet gave his team another victory. “In Tennis, you should always tell yourself that until the match point is played you still have your chance to win. That’s what I told

myself all this week,” Millet said. The Kingsmen have won all but one match so far this season and they are setting the bar high. “The team’s spirit is very good, we know what areas we need to improve, but we also know in what areas we are strong.

Our goal is to qualify for the playoff so we will do everything it takes to stay unbeaten until May,” Millet said. Other highlights included junior Worley’s 63-61 win over his singles opponent from Trinity who was ranked No. 17 in the west region. “This season my goal is to win a national title with my doubles partner Ballou. We are ranked No. 2 in the nation and No. 1 in the west region,” Worley said. The Kingsmen have set high marks for themselves and their team as their busy schedule continues. “My goal for this season is to not lose another single or doubles match, to qualify for the playoffs and to try to go as far as possible and why not win the Division III tennis national title,” said Millet about his hopes. This week the Kingsmen will face off against Emory University and Texas-Tyler University on March 14 and 15 here at home at 1:00 p.m. “I’m looking forward to play Emory University No. 2 in the nation on Wednesday because we have nothing to lose but everything to win,” said Millet. The Kingsmen’s second SCIAC match up of the season against the University of Redlands on Friday, March 16. “We are excited to host the match on our turf and hope to have a large fan base to help and cheer us on against our rivals,” said Worley.

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