VirtualDJ 7 - User Guide

Page 18

COMPUTER BEAT GRID (CBG) AND MANUAL BPM CORRECTION EDIT GRID tab Alternatively, an anchor method can be used. First tap-out the beat using the "Manual Beat Tap" button while the track playing. Second, pause the track and move the track to the first downbeat (first beat), and click on "First anchor". Then advance to the upbeat (second beat), and click on "Second anchor". Check that the number of beats displayed corresponds well to the number of beats between the two anchors. Then go further in the music, and repeat the "second anchor" operation. If you notice that the beats and the CBG shift then repeat the placing of the second anchor a couple more times. Normally two or three anchors should be enough to obtain an accurate CBG.

** For more information on how the CBG is used for beat matching, sync, and Automix Tempo mixing, see the section about the Rhythm Window later in the manual.


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