Principles Of Effective Drug Addiction Treatment

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Principles Of Effective Drug Addiction Treatment As we all know, that addiction of a drug is one of the most complex kind of illness. Drug addiction illness is recognized by intense and uncontrollable drug craving. Addiction to any drug begins with the voluntary act of taking prescribed drugs and the person becomes habitual to it in the long run. However, it depends on the person's ability to choose or not to choose becoming addicted to a certain drug. Addiction is basically a psychological disease that can have severe impact on the life of a person. It affects potential and learning capability of a person that can guide him to make the right decision for him and control his habit of becoming an addict. This behavior is a result of prolonged exposure of drug on the functioning of brain. Treating a drug addiction is not at all a easy task since it has severe effects on an individual's life and other dimensions. An effective treatment is particularly programmed to dysfunctional the affected areas of an individual life and bring back his life to normalcy. It incorporates many aspects and components of illness and work towards rectifying the consequences. Basically, an overall effective drug addiction treatment must help the individual resisting the use of drugs and live a drug-free life. It must also aim at making the person aware of his forgotten responsibilities towards his family, work and society. Apparently, people do not start living a drug-free just by few sessions of rehabilitation centers. Since addiction is chronic disease many of the patients require long-term or repeated care sessions to achieve their goals. Drug addiction treatments majorly involves the psychological aspect of a person, rather than physical. Key principles of an effective drug addiction treatment programs based on various researches • Treatments need to be modified according to the need and requirement of a patient. A treatment suitable for one person may not be effective to others. • Facility of treatment must be available round the clock for every patient that steps into the rehab for cure • An effective treatment must incorporate other needs of a person, other than drug abuse. • Remains and residues must be detoxifies to prevent relapsing. • Counseling, group discussions and behavioral therapies must be practiced to boost the self confident of the patient and to increase his will of getting cured. • Medications must be combined with counseling and other behavioral therapies to get the best results. • Treatment procedures and service plans must be modified keeping in mind the requirement of an individual patient to meets his or her changing needs. • Special measures must be undertaken to treat the addicts with mental disorder. • Doses of drugs prescribed to the individual must be monitored continuously to prevent lapses during treatment. • Treatment programs must include assessments to detect infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis and provide counselling and guidelines to help patients modify or

change their behaviors to prevent spreading these diseases. Factors to decide best addiction treatment program Following are the factors that can help you decide the best drug treatment programs for yourself. • Individual counselling and group therapy sessions. • Art therapy • Special programs and discussion sessions with family members of addicts. • Psychodrama therapy • Faculty visit and regular lectures and guidance on recovery from drug addiction. seminaires incentive marrakech

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