10 Best Hair Fall Treatments Using Natural Supplements

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10 Best Hair Fall Treatments Using Natural Supplements

Hair fall is a rapidly growing concern among all age groups. And it has no single cause and also requires a huge amount of money in hair fall treatments. In today's world, where being presentable is part of most jobs, hair forms one of the key factors of your personality. It is the first thing people notice in you when they see you. In this article, you will learn about the types of hair, Causes of hair loss, effects of weather on your hair and also hair fall treatments using natural supplements. Furthermore, the following is the index of the article:


Table Of Contents

1. Table Of Contents 2. Hair Types 3. Effects Of Weather On Hair 4. Causes Of Hair Loss/Fall 5. Alopecia Areata 6. Hair Fall Treatments: Using Natural Supplements 7. Quick Tips To Prevent Hair Loss 8. Best Hair Growing Oils in the Market For Hair Fall Treatment 9. Conclusion


Hair Types Straight Hair As the name suggests, these hair have no natural curl. But these kinds of hair are prone to become oily. Hence, people with straight hair should use dry shampoo to clean their hair.


Wavy Hair Wavy hairs are neither straight nor curly. They lie in between the two. In addition to this, there lies a slight curly pattern at the lower end of the hair. This hair type is sub-divided into the following 3 types:


Curly Hair As the name implies, these hair have curls that make them stand out. And, these hair do not lose their curls even when straightened. They are further sub-divided into the following 3 types:


Coily Hair Coily hair is the softest and fragile in the list even if they look coarse and rough. Moreover, they have a high density of tight curls. They are further sub-divided into the following 3 types: Soft, Wiry, and Most Wiry.

Effects Of Weather On Hair Summer In summers, due to high moisture content in the air, hair develops fizzy locks depending upon your hairstyle. This happens because the hydrogen in your hair strands reacts with the moisture in the air. In addition to this, the direct sunlight also has ill effects on your overall health of hair.

Winter Low temperature causes your hair to lose its shine and become brittle. Besides, an increase in dandruff along with hair fall is also a common problem.


Causes Of Hair Loss/Fall

There is no single cause to point out. Hair fall can be a result of number factors such as Hereditary condition, Hormonal changes, Medicine Side effects, etc. Hereditary condition: This condition also known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair fall. Gradually, the problem surfaces with aging. Hormonal changes: Pregnancy, childbirth, thyroid, etc triggers hair loss due to hormonal changes. Medicine Side effects: Certain drugs used to cure cancer, depression, high blood pressure, etc. can give side effects leading to hair fall. Stress: Sometimes people undergoing stress experience hair fall. But these hair falls are temporary. Hair Fall Treatments: Hair Fall treatments using hot oil can lead to permanent hair loss. In addition to this, over hairstyling that causes hair loss called traction alopecia.


Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a rare autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles. Due to this, the hair comes out leaving a spot or patch behind. There is no cure for it however it is not contagious and preventive. My sole objective to mention this disease in this article was to make my readers aware. And I expect that you will not ignore any of the symptoms if you face and consult your physician.

Symptoms of Alopecia Areata 1. Small bald patches/spots 2. Pain in the area of hair loss 3. It can occur to the hair on any part of the body


Hair Fall Treatments: Using Natural Supplements Hair fall treatments using natural supplements work fine if you start using them early. The following are the 10 Natural Supplements you can try. Ensure to read all hair fall treatments listed below: 1.Protein: Protein is very essential for the growth of hair. Consider adding meat, fish, nuts, soy products, etc. to your diet. In addition to this, you can also try a protein shake. 2.Vitamin A: Cells need Vitamin A for its growth. If you do not provide enough of it, your body may face several problems including hair loss. The skin glands using vitamin A produce sebum which in turn keeps your hair healthy. Vitamin A is naturally found in meat and fish. 3.Iron: Iron helps in the production of Hemoglobin. The hemoglobin then produces red blood cells that carry oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body. If your body does not get the required amount of iron, you may face certain deficiencies including hair loss. Iron can naturally be found in pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, and other ingredients. 4.Collagen: Collagen contains amino acids which in turn produce keratin. The body uses this protein to grow hair. You can obtain collagen from shampoos, hair masks, and hair creams. 5.Folic Acid: Folic acid helps the healthy growth of fingernails, hair, and skin. It makes hair thick, strong, and soft. Rice, beans, and pasta are an excellent source of Folic acid 6.Zinc: Zinc helps by reducing dandruff and oily hair. It can be found in legumes, shellfish, and whole grains. 7.Biotin: Biotin deficiency can cause your hair to become thin. Sweet potato, spinach, and eggs are a great source of Biotin. 8.Rosemary: Rosemary helps in hair fall control by making your scalp strong. It is first mixed with coconut oil and then applied onto the scalp.


9.Gingko Biloba: Gingko Biloba increases blood circulation which in turn helps in controlling hair fall.

10.Horsetail: Often consumed in the form of a drug, Horsetail supplies nutrients to thinning hair making them strong.

Quick Tips To Prevent Hair loss

1. Wash and brush your hair gently 2. Do not consume medicines without consulting your physician 3. Protect your hair from extreme sunrays 4. Stop smoking and the use of chewing tobacco 5. Select the best hair fall treatment

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Best Hair Growing Oils in the Market For Hair Fall Treatment Choose the best hair growing oils in the market, you must not fall into the trap of marketing. Select your oil wisely and do not forget to consult your physician before trying one out.

Conclusion 1. We can classify hair into different types 2. You need to take care of your hair with the change in weather 3. There is no single cause for hair fall. It can be a result of the number

of factors such as hereditary conditions, Hormonal changes, Medicine Side effects, etc. 4. Alopecia Areata is a rare disease but remember its symptoms 5. Natural supplements can control hair fall and save you bucks required

in costly hair fall treatments 6. And you must always consult your physician before trying any hair

growing oil

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