Cleveland Foundation – 1964 Annual Report

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Davis, M .D ., M aier M . Driver, M .D ., Jam es C. D unbar, M .D ., N icholas E conom o, M .D ., C. C. Edm onds, R obert C. Forem an, M .D ., W illiam E. Forsythe, M .D ., S. O. Freedlander, M .D ., M iss D oro th y J. Garber, Frank S. G ibson, Jr., M iss Josephine Grasselli, T he G eorge G und F oundation, W ade N . Harris, M rs. Perry G. H arrison, Harry Hauser, M .D ., M r. and M rs. G eorge L. H aw kins, Jr., M rs. R aym ond G. H engst, D r. and M rs. M yron G. Hill, Stanley O. H oerr, M .D ., Charles A. H ubay, M .D ., W illiam L. H uffm an, M .D ., W illiam C. H um phries, M .D ., M rs. D oris M . Keesee, M rs. M . R. K ellum , M iss M ary K untz, C. G. LaRocco, M .D ., Eric Larsen, J. H. Lazzari, M .D ., D avid S. Leighninger, M .D ., Elmer R. M aurer, M .D ., Gerald R. M ayer, Harvey J. M endelsohn, M .D ., M iss Erine M ills, R o b ert E. M offatt, M .D ., M iss Aimee R. M orris, J. H ow ard M orris, Jr., M alcolm J . M oshier, M rs. Abbey N ew m an, K eith C. N oble, M .D ., M rs. W . K . N o rth ru p , M rs. Louise M . N ourse, Jo h n D . O sm ond, Jr., M .D ., Sam Packer, M .D ., Philip F. P artington, M .D ., A. Frank P ortm ann, M .D ., M iss Irm a L. Rosenfeld, Jam es W. Sampsel, M .D ., Byers W. Shaw, M .D ., M rs. M innie B. Shilling, R .N ., F. A. Simeone, M .D ., G eorge N ew ton Spears, M .D ., G eorge E. Spencer, Jr., M .D ., M iss Alice R. Spieth, M iss Carrie E. Spieth, C arlJ. Stark, M .D ., Paul J. Stueber, M .D ., M rs. K enneth Sturges, M iss Josephine M . Telliard, Jo h n K. T hom pson, V. L. Tichy, M .D ., G eorge A. Tischler, M .D ., University Anesthesia Associates Limited, M iss Clara E. Verwiebe, Jo h n R. W alsh, Elden C. W eckesser, M .D ., M rs. Shirley W eisenberg, Jacob M . Werle, M .D ., Richard S. W ilson, M .D . T h e W inifred Fryer Memorial was increased by $92.50 by gifts from J u d g e M ary B. G rossm an, M rs. J. H. A ltm an, Alfred A. Benesch, M r. and M rs. Louis M . Greene, M r. and M rs. Sidney N . W eitz, M r. and M rs. Edward Lichtig, M rs. Jean Silverman, M rs. Birdie Stotter, M rs. Francis Stotter, M rs. Sara Feder, M rs. M ae G ross and M r. and M rs. Jared Faulb. T he Rhoda L. Affelder Fund was increased by $5,225 in gifts from M rs. Affelder, th e M arjorie and Alan L. Littm an Fund o f the Jew ish C om m unity Federation and from the estate o f the late Harry F. Affelder. Assets o f the C om bined Fund at the several trustee banks had a m arket value o f $1,739,000 at year’s end. T he Fund is com posed o f 144 separate m em orial or special purpose funds which are listed under Financial S tatem ents later in this Report. Each m em orial retains its identity and p urpose, the various gifts being com m ingled for greater efficiency in the investm ent o f th e capital. T he establishm ent o f a m em orial or special pu rp o se fund is a sim ple procedure and can be accom plished w ith a m o d est gift. T he trustee banks and the staff o f the F oundation are happy to answer questions ab o u t the creation o f such funds, or in the establish­ m en t o f o th er trusts or bequests in which the F oundation can be helpful to donors in carrying o u t their philanthropic desires. 5

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