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I feel like Winka Dubbeldam has read Stephen Kieran and James Timberlake’s book, Refabricating Architecture. Either that, or the authors wrote it specifically based on her process of design. Whatever the case, her practice seems to be the epitome of their thought process, elaborated in Refabricating Architecture. The book argues that Architecture today is being designed and constructed in small pieces by different entities (the architect, materials researcher, contractor, etc.), and is thus fragmenting. Designing and putting up buildings still takes years to accomplish, and Architecture, as a profession, has fallen far behind the automobile and boating industries, which streamline their product’s manufacturing process to achieve maximum efficiency. Kieran and Timberlake state that architects need to learn from these two industries and create a new process of design that puts the building together digitally off site, and engages all the aspects of building construction throughout the process of design/completion. Thus, essentially fitting together

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CAF Lecture Series



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