Kolbe Ultra Series Product Catalog

Page 93

Folding, Sliding, & Tilt-Turn Windows .ROEH LV ZHOO NQRZQ LQ WKH ZLQGRZ DQG GRRU LQGXVWU\ IRU RXU LQQRYDWLYH SURGXFWV :H RÎ?HU WZR SDVV WKURXJK ZLQGRZV Č‚ IROGLQJ ZLQGRZV DQG TXDG VOLGLQJ ZLQGRZV 7KHVH SURGXFWV DUH WKH perfect way to blend indoor and outdoor living spaces. Double and triple sliding windows are also available for situations when space is at a premium. Our tilt-turns put a modern twist on a classic European window, with special hardware that allows them to open as a top-venting hopper window or an inswing casement. )ROGLQJ :LQGRZV _ 6LQJOH 'RXEOH 7ULSOH 4XDG 6OLGLQJ :LQGRZV _ 7LOW 7XUQV

Ultra Series


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