GCH Newsletter Issue 1

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GCH GCH news


Rev. Ellis & Rachel Ellis

Word of Greetings from the founders Dear friends, partners & sponsors, Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. It is our privilege to write to you through this first news letter of Grace Children’s Home. GCH was established in the year 2005 as part of the vision of Calvary Faith Ministries (www.cfmworld.org) a religious / charitable organization based in Trichy, South India. CFM was established by its founder and present Director, Rev. Ellis William and his wife Rachel Ellis. Motivated by our Christian faith, we at CFM have a vision and aim to be Jesus-like by reaching out to the poor and marginalized in society. Believing that Christ's call to look after such in society begins wherever you are. So we started in Trichy, South India: home, sweet home! We began by opening our eyes to some of the needs that surround us in Trichy and other neighboring regions; orphaned and abandoned children, widespread poverty, lack of basic eye - care for local villagers, deficient food and clothing for those suffering from leprosy...the list could go one!

We started by meeting some of these immediate needs and by establishing a variety of social action projects. As time progressed we felt increasingly called by God to address the needs of the orphaned children and thus Grace Children's Home was formed in 2005. It was started with just 10 boys, (aged 5 to 10 years old) and now has 25 children. In the next 12 months we have a vision to expand the family to be able to include 75 more children - making us a 100 strong family! If you are already a partner or a sponsor with us, we thank you so much for the time, energy and money that you have sown into this amazing ministry. We hope that you can see the blessings of your seed already in your lives. Please continue to support GCH in prayer and through your finances. We cannot do it alone. We need you. If you are not a partner with us please find more details in this newsletter and become a partner today. May God richly bless you. With Love & Prayers, Rev. Ellis William & Rachel Ellis

Sam Ellis talks about 15.50 Sponsorship scheme Sam Ellis 15.50 Project director


Insert proverbs….do it when its your power to act.

15.50 is a project which seeks to create a network of support for children who are a part of Grace Children's Home. For the average price of a can of coke (50p), we can provide each child with food, clothing, and education for a day. To support a child for a month therefore, only costs £15.50 (50p x 31 days)! That is why we have called the project 15.50. With £15.50 a month we can help give an orphaned child a fresh start. A new beginning and hope.

Hi I am Grace proud sponsor of Radha Ravi from Grace Children’s Home. I have been a 15.50 sponsor for Radha Ravi for more than a year now and it has been such a blessing and encouragement to see him grow and transformed by the power of Jesus. 15.50 is truly an amazing project to transform a child’s life in Jesus name. I am so privileged to be part of making a difference in Radha’s life and it s an amazing feeling. You don't want to miss it , so become a 15.50 sponsor today and make a difference.

NEED SPONSORS Children yet to be sponsored


grace.childrenshome@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/gchindia

Grace Children’s Home c/o Sam Ellis 16-18 Snowshill road, Manor Park, London, E12 6BB

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