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all individuals licensed to provide litigation and advocacy services will be well aware of their duty owed. e. The CLC is confident that its restructuring programme of the last 3 years means it has the appropriate infrastructure in place which can developed further if required upon where needed. As set out below, the CLC has an established monitoring programme (exercising an audit function) consisting of an accounts function to ensure that the Accounts Rules are complied with and a conveyancing and probate function which ensures that practices provide a competent standard of legal service. It accepts that it will need to have access to external resources in order to develop the processes to enable it to regulate advocacy and litigation services. At least initially it anticipates that it will require additional resources to advise on continued development of those standards and to assist in the monitoring programme. The CLC has developed rules which set standards of conduct, provide for the handling of client money and for the establishment of practices. Where a client is dissatisfied with the service received rules provide for the complaint to be considered by the practice and for the client then to be signposted to the Legal Ombudsman based in Birmingham if the complaint remains unresolved. All practices are required to have professional indemnity insurance with the possibility for the client to apply for a grant out of the CLC’s Compensation Fund as a last resort. f.

The name “licensed conveyancer” is likely to be confusing to a consumer where the practitioner is providing litigation and advocacy services which are apparently not directly related to a conveyancing transaction. The CLC proposes to address this in the short term by encouraging licensed conveyancers whilst still using the title (and stating they are regulated by the CLC, as they are currently required) to adopt explanatory (non-prescriptive) working titles such as “Property Lawyer”, “Probate Practitioner”, “Litigation Lawyer” and “Advocate”.


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