Clayology Interactive Media

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Clayology Interactive Media was built to help brands succeed in a

‘what’s next’ world.


About us A

world where new technology challenges convention and where customers empowered by social media, mobile and connected TV can make a difference to whether a brand lives or dies.

We’re a new kind of agency, purpose built for this social and mobile age. We use a blend of data, insight, technology and creative thinking to develop strategies and ideas that get brands talked about and shared. Our aim is to create trailblazing work that turns people into active

We’re a new kind of agency that combines an innate understanding of social media with PR, Digital and marketing skills. We are entirely focused on innovative, creative and effective social media marketing and communications and we like to think we are getting rather good at it.

brand advocates, and their conversations into real business currency. We do all this by mashing up skills sets, breaking down traditional hierarchies and by fusing creative technology with entrepreneurial thinking.

What we do

Web Design &

Develop ment

Do you want a clean, sharp, professional website design that will adapt to the future growth of your business or organization? You have found your answer with our professional web design services. We create beautiful website that are not only engaging but are easy to navigate and search engine friendly. Start selling your products and services online. With your dreams and drive and our setup and solutions, your e-commerce store will be a success in short order. We can provide solutions for your needs from simple Paypal based solutions, to Amazon Merchant Account and custom eCommerce development with Zen Cart.

What we do

Pay Per Click

Advert ising

Clayology is a leading Google Partner since 2010 and we have successfully handled more than 40 small-to-medium sized business owner with various monthly budgets. Apart from Google we also handle Likedin, Facebook, Bing & Youtube. Our deep understanding about each platform helps you to connect with right customers at a higher ratio of ROI (Return on Investment).

Are you creating the right pay-per-click ads, or are you throwing your time

and money away on ads that won’t offer you any return?

Social Media

Manage Ment

We help brands to listen, understand and engage in conversations in social media. Social might be quick to set up, but without a roadmap and the skills to read the shifting social sands, you can wander the social landscape without adding value to the business. The Clayology’s consultancy services are designed to bring best practice and social capabilities to your in-house team. For an impactful presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Linkedin; you need to have the following parameters

in place. 1) Regular and Engaging content. 2) Interactivity with the customers. Clayology understands the social media and ensures a highly effective campaign management for your brand across platforms with quantified results.

What we do The Clayology team gives you a Search digital platform that allows your whole organisation to advocate as one.


re you selling in the dark? You have invested great time, resources and cash in establishing your business, but all this can be in vain if your business stays in the dark and your customers can’t find you. Generate increased website traffic and translate that traffic into clients with a customized SEO strategy that will deliver outstanding results. Optimising a website is an art. An art of understanding the search engine algorithms and get your website on top of Google and other search engines for relevant keywords.

Search Engine Optimisation strategy

We are doing it for past 11 years and you can very much bank on our SEO capabilities.

Engine Optimi Sation

What we do


Market ing

No matter how engaging your website maybe, It is not an easy job to nail down a customer who visits your site and leave without a purchase. Remarketing allows us to continue to show ads to those unconverted leads and convince them to give your website a second visit.

Remarketing is a great way for businesses to reach users who are likely to be highly receptive to their ads and special offers. It helps advertisers and websites get higher returns.

What we do 2d, 3d Stop Motion

Animati on

You could be advertising a new brand of confectionary, or a new toy, or you may want to make a video with the intention of just conveying a message to raise your brand awareness. A stop motion animation is suited to these and many more purposes. While agreeing with all this is easy, knowing how to take those crucial first steps in using stop motion animation to help you meet your business goals can be initially baffling. This is where you would need to hire Clayology. Clayology has a winning team specialising in 2D, 3D animation with remarkable experience creating great stop-

motion animations for viral campaigns, television and now for vine / instagram applications. But it’s not just the animation that is our focus. From conception to delivery of the project, our core members are deeply involved to give you the outcome you desire at a cost that fits your budget.

If there is ever a time to incorporate stop motion animations into your business strategy, it is now.

Bringing images to life.

Instagram or

Vine Videos

Vine Videos Are A New Way of Marketing Your Business Online. Vine is an excellent advertising tool. It is powerful enough to help you gain recognition as an expert in your niche. Since its inception, the Vine application has grasped the attention of various people worldwide as this mobile application enables them to record six second videos that can be shared on different social networks like Twitter, Facebook and more. In just 6 months, this application has grown to 13 million users. Various eCommerce merchants see the value in Vine.

Seeing is believing Brands are getting busy with sixsecond clips. Clayology produces Vine / Instagram videos in stop-motion. For this we have an in-house team of stop-motion animators and story board artists who produce engaging vines for your brand / agency.

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Writing Content is King

Writing content is not about stuffing keywords into the text, it is more about placing them intelligently so they blend seamlessly with the context. While populating your content with a lot of keywords may make it easier for people to find your website, article or blog, most of them would not care to check your products or services if they aren’t impressed with the content itself. Only a seasoned content writer can accomplish both and we have a whole bunch of such writers here at Clayology! We create engaging content for your website / brochures / articles / newsletters or just anything with the right ratio of optimized keywords. Contact us for our work samples.

What we do In-House

Product ion

Clayology has an in-house production & post-production setup where we ensure hi-quality production of edutainment, documentary, advertisement, viral campaigns, vine videos or webisodes. Right from Concept, we can handle your Script, Storyboard, Casting, Location, Shoot, Edit and all pre/post production works at a cost effective price.

What we do We are the only agency in India that offers a customised solution to integrate CSR through digital promotions. For example: Usually a corporate shares its CSR budget with multiple NGO’s and ensure that the work is done. In the process the outer world is not aware of the activities done by the corporate. We offer a unique strategy where the CSR budget is not only used for a good cause with the help of reputed NGO’s but also ensures to integrate digital promotional strategies like ‘Cause marketing’, ‘Emotional Marketing’, parameters to give maximum coverage in the media space.



This eventually creates an equation where the CSR budget you spend; brings an equal amount of advertisement value making full return of the CSR budget. The process is known as ‘Earned Media’ which has more media value than traditional advertisement. * pics for reference only


Corpo rate Social Respon sibility

What we do


Design ing

First impression is a lasting impression, and therefore people across the globe look for an innovative and creative way to communicate. We love creative problem solving. That‘s why we can take an idea from concept to delivery in design, marketing and print. Everything design-related and promotional including brand identity, print, stationery, brochures, sell sheets, presentations, and displays.

Driving brand value through consolidated communication efforts.

The Team





Prabhat Kiran

Valsaraj T

Nirma Baghat

Ruchi Srivastava

Started as a web developer since 1997, Prabhat has an experience of 12+ years as a Online Media Strategist. He has served as a consultant for various multinational companies across the Globe and specialized in Viral Marketing & Earned Media Strategies.

An Adword Ceritified professional has been handling Digital Marketing campaigns in Clayology for the past 5 years. His understanding about PPC, SEO & Social Media has given immense business to our esteem clients who has invested their trust by investing more than 1 crore under his guidance.

Nirma is a sales expert who has been connecting people and products/services through technology for more than 5 years. She excels at generating and maximizing revenue, creating effective sales strategies, and delivering unparalleled customer service. Her philosophy includes understanding how each aspect of sales and marketing functions on a very deep level.

Ruchi, as our Creative Director oversees all of the design work from the design team and is the keeper of the Clayology brand. She has been with us since inception and whether it be a beautiful piece of print, or a brand new web template, she produces superb design and account manages some of our key clients.



Strategic Alliance


Contact us! We know you don’t spend every day looking for agencies to visit, but if you’re in the market now or are considering your options, why not give us a call? We’d love to hear from you. How to contact us:


Clayology Interactive Media 801, Miracle Heights Sec 2A Koperkhirne, Vashi - Navi Mumbai Tel: +91 98672 19192 | Email:

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