CEF Autumn 2015 prospectus v7

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Summer Prospectus W: http://www.classicaledforum.co.uk E: classicaleducationforum@hotmail.co.uk T: 02920 734441/ 07739 251718

‘The University in the Community’ Adult Education Courses

Tutoring Services

CEF Autumn Prospectus 2015 Welcome to our new prospectus for Autumn 2015! We have increased our range of courses and now offer courses throughout the week and on some evenings. We welcome David Evans and Pietro Perazzi to our merry band of lecturers. Stella Lyons is not available this term as we have let her go off to Italy as part of a further degree course she is under-taking. She has promised to return in the New Year with some lovely new art history courses. We are now putting a cap on some courses with regard to numbers as some of them are too big and this change will enhance the enjoyment of the course. As we run courses throughout the day we are re-organising our time schedule slightly in order to make class change-overs smoother. So do please check course start and finish times. Some courses in the prospectus will be marked with a big asterisk (*) which means limited numbers due to the course being very popular.

“The University in the Community”

Liz Mayor, Director of Studies and Head of CEF

I would like to thank the marvellous team at Thornhill who prepare rooms, make coffee and provide such a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Also a very big thanks to my wonderful team of lecturers and the backroom staff: CEF’s administrator Julia Evans and our website Gadget Wheels Juliet Sidney. Happy browsing!

ALL COURSES TAKE PLACE AT THORNHILL CENTRE CF14 9GA Term - Monday 7th September – Friday 4th December Half Term Monday 26th October –Friday 30th October

CEF Courses

Origins of the British Isles* Monday 10:00-11.50 Liz Mayor 10 weeks £100 Starts 7th September The pre-history of Britain provides a starting point for the study of British History through the centuries. Starting with the arrival of humans we will move into what is called Celtic Britain (Term 1) and we will extend the study of the Celts in Term 2. In the third term we will consider the arrival of the Romans. Each term is a separate course but the three terms provides an understanding of pre-history from origins to the first century B.C.E Remember courses with an asterisk have limited places so please enrol early

Obviously buildings do not exist in isolation and they will be considered in their historical, geographical, social, political and economic context. There is also a military and religious dimension to many buildings which also has to be taken into account. Details of building techniques, materials and the craftsmen themselves will receive considerable attention throughout the ten weeks. On satisfactory completion of the course the expectation is that students should be able to assess a building in terms of an approximate date for its construction, the style or styles used, materials, present and past use, possible historic significance etc. Spanish for Beginners Monday 11.00-12.30 Lourdes Revuelta 10 weeks £75 Starts September 14th

Looking at Old Buildings Monday 12:10-14:00 David Evans £10 weeks £100 Starts 7th September

An Introduction to the History of Architecture in Britain (From the Saxons to the Gothic Revival) The fundamental aim of the course is to provide an historical framework for the study of architecture. An important element will be the gradual building of what may be called a stylistic toolbox in the mind of each student. This is designed to assist in the observation and assessment of any buildings they may encounter on their travels.

This is an ideal course for complete beginners but anyone who wishes to brush up their basic Spanish is also very welcome to join the class. The course will introduce you step-by-step to the Spanish language through a series of topics which are useful to anyone visiting Spain: introducing yourself, greetings, family, asking for directions, shopping etc. With each topic you will also learn the basic grammar and vocabulary which will help you to communicate correctly and with confidence. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to practise your Spanish in a supportive and friendly atmosphere. Each topic is supported by audio-visual and written material, and we will be using a text book “Espanol en Marcha 1” Also Wednesday Evening at 19.00 - 20.30

Intermediate Spanish* Monday 12:45 – 14:45 Lourdes Revuelta 10 weeks £100

music, defining the historical and musical background to discover the factor that contributed to the development of this key musical event.

Starts 14th September This course lasts for 10 weeks and the lessons are carried out in Spanish. It is ideal for students who already have reasonable confidence and a good knowledge of Spanish. The aim of this course is to provide you with as many opportunities as possible to practise your conversation skills through a variety of topics, improving your pronunciation and understanding while also widening your knowledge of Spanish culture. Each topic is supported by audio-visual and written material, with photocopies provided. This is a lively and warm group which always welcomes new members.

Fifty Shades of Wine Monday 14:10 – 16:00 Simone Laghi 3 weeks £33

Remember courses with an asterisk have limited places so please enrol early Music in Venice Monday 14:10 – 16:00 Simone Laghi 5 weeks £55 Course dates 14th, 21st & 28th September, 5th & 12th October Let’s jump on a gondola and cruise the canals of 18th century Venice to discover Vivaldi and the city’s musical life. The course will give an overview of the musical life in Venice during the 18th Century, with its several Ospedali (boarding schools) where the Maestri di Cappella like Vivaldi and his colleagues (Choir and Music masters) organised music for public performances and didactic purposes, and as well for the most important religious ceremonies. Beethoven and the 9th Symphony Monday 13:00 – 16:00 Simone Laghi 19th October £17 and includes afternoon tea and cake The masterpiece of the masterpieces by one of the most influential composers in the history of music, a work that set a standard and changed the future prospective in terms of complexity, number of performers and artistic skill. In this afternoon school we will go together through the

Course dates 9th, 16th & 23rd November We’ll start this time travel in Armenia, about 4000 B.C, to get to our days, following the footprints (or better, the empty glasses) left by the human beings in one of their most enduring occupations: wine-making. The trade of wine between cultures opened up channels for religious and philosophical ideas to spread across Europe. Wine is frequently mentioned in the Bible from Noah and his grape vines to Jesus. In earlier years a wine industry was the mark of a provident country as only developed societies could support a prosperous and competitive wine industry. It is often said that western society built its foundations on wine, sometimes seen as food and sometimes as a fancy leisure activity.

Italian for the Terrified Tuesday 14.10 – 16.00 Pietro Perazzi 10 weeks £100 Starts 8th September

Roman Republic? Was there ever a real-life Coriolanus in the first place? Starting with Plutarch and ending with Shakespeare, the course will explore the real character and the society of his time, as well as his evolution as a character in fiction and the way his story has influenced art – and art has influenced our perception of his story. Six Paths to Changes in Art History* Tuesday 10:00 -11:50 Roger Pinkham 4 weeks £44 Course dates 13th & 20th October, 3rd & 10th November

This course introduces this beautiful language to the complete novice and will proceed at a very gentle pace. The emphasis will be upon speaking the language as quickly as possible and theory will be introduced as the student progresses. No previous knowledge is expected and materials will be provided. Also available Wednesday evening 19.00 20.30 Coriolanus: The Man and the Myth Tuesday 10:00 – 11:50 Chiara Strazzulla 4 weeks £44 Course dates 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th September Caius Martius Coriolanus is known to most as the main character of the homonymous Shakespearian tragedy – and many of its renditions. It is, in a certain sense, a character of pop culture. But who was the man who inspired the tale, and what part did he play in the early

From Flemish realism to 20th Century German movements; also the Cubists debt to Poussin; Rembrant’s “darkening”; Goya and the art of war; Constable and the Immpressionists; and the impressive German road to Conceptualism. Remember courses with an asterisk have limited places so please enrol early

Do you need supplies for your course? If yes then why not click on the Amazon link on our website and purchase via our website.

Searching the Web – Reading Together: Connections between Short Stories and Poems. Tuesday 12:10 – 14:00 Deborah Wilson 6 weeks £66

Through Imperial Eyes* Wednesday 10:00 – 11:50 Liz Mayor 10weeks £100 Starts 9th September

Course dates 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th November,1st & 8th December

This course looks at three empires over three terms: Persian, Roman and Ottoman Empires. Each term is a separate course and the three terms cover a time span from the sixth century B.C.E to the twentieth century C.E Organisation, structure, social and religious policies, funding, language, military policy and law are some of the themes which will be covered from the perspective of those in charge. Remember courses with an asterisk have limited places so please enrol early Economical expression, intense emotions, approaching themes from a tangent – these are some of the qualities that short stories and poetry share. Together the group will look at combinations of stories and poems form different periods and in different styles that will enable us to make connections, of theme, of style, connections of cultural similarity or difference, connections with our own experience. If you have never read together with other people before, you will be amazed at how interesting and rewarding it is to discuss and respond to a text with other people as you go along. The emphasis will be on personal response and understanding. Openness, honesty and a willingness to search for a meaning will be more important than literary knowledge.

Viaggio in Italia Wednesday 12:30 – 14:30 Simone Laghi 10 weeks £100 Starts 9th September

An imaginary trip to Italy: we will discover Italian food and wine culture, social conventions and some of the usual clichés, whether right or wrong. One country with multiple souls, from the top of Monte Blanche to Volcano Etna, from Canal Grande to small villages in the Piedmontese Langhe. During our meetings we will discuss readings and short video excerpts from movies and TV thus engaging in the idiosyncrasies of Italy and its people. At the same time we will freshen up the rules of grammar and stimulate conversations on a wide range of topics. Intermediate Greek Wednesday 12.00 - 13.50 Pietro Perazzi 10 weeks £100

Old English Thursday 10:00 – 11:50 Martha Baldon 6 weeks £66 Course dates 10th, 17th & 24th September, 1st, 8th & 15th October

This course is for those who have a reasonable grounding in this ancient language. Primary sources will be translated together and the context will be given to enhance understanding. All materials will be provided.

This course will provide an introduction to the linguistic and stylistic features of Anglo Saxon poetry. Each week we will translate a passage from one of a range of Old English poems as well as practicing reading the Old English language aloud. By the end of the six weeks participants will be able to take more of an independent role in translating. This course is suitable both for people who have no previous knowledge if Old English, as well as those who have taken previous courses.

Advanced Latin Wednesday 14:00 – 16:00 Liz Mayor 10 weeks £100

Latin for the Terrified Thursday 12:00 – 13:15 Liz Mayor 12 weeks £75

Starts 9th September

Course dates 10th & 17th September, 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd October, 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th November, 3rd & 10th December

Starts 9th September

This level is for those who are very confident with conjunctions, tenses, the active and the passive voice of verbs. Students should be prepared to grapple with fairly complicated grammar and have a sound knowledge of Latin vocabulary. Italian for the Terrified Wednesday 19.00 - 20.30 Pietro Perazzi 10 Weeks £100 Spanish for Beginners Wednesday 19.00 - 20.30 Lourdes Revuelta 10 weeks £100 Pease see main entry for these courses: Italian on Tuesday and Spanish on Monday

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A very gentle introduction to this ancient language and is suitable for those who have no knowledge but are keen to learn. All teaching materials are supplied. Post-Beginners Latin Thursday 13:30 - 15:30 Liz Mayor 10 weeks £100 Starts 10th September Students are growing in confidence with translations using different tenses in the active voice. They have a good knowledge of declensions of nouns and conjunctions of verbs. A very warm welcome is extended to new members.

At War with the Roman Army Thursday 10:00 – 11:50 Chiara Strazzulla 4 weeks £44 Course dates 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th November The Romans are famous for their military prowess, and this course takes a look at the war machine that led them to conquer the greatest part of the world as they knew it: the Roman army. The course will address military strategy, the structure and evolution through time of the legions, the auxiliaries and the navy and some famous battles; but also aspects of the daily life of the Roman soldiers, their approach to family and religion and what archaeological remains of forts, weapons and even battlefields can tell us about the Roman army and its enemies.

Starts 11th September Students have confidence in the active voice and are getting to grips with the passive voice. The length of translations is increasing and the complexity of grammar is becoming more testing. An ideal way to start the weekend with some pilates for the mind.

Day Schools All Day Schools begin at 10.30 and end at 3.30. They include lunch and cost £37.50. Climbing the Greasy Pole: The Life and Times of Benjamin Disraeli Liz Mayor Wednesday 21st October

Medieval Magic Friday 10:00 – 11:50 Martha Baldon 4 weeks £44 Course dates 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th November From popular folkloric beliefs to quasi-religious rituals, activities that would now be defined as “magical” were part of everyday life in the medieval period. But how exactly were magic and the practices associated with it defined in the Middle Ages? Each week we will examine a distinct type of magical practice, in order to examine the crossovers between magic, religion and science. Intermediate Latin Friday 13:30 – 15:30 Liz Mayor 10 weeks £100

Benjamin Disraeli is arguably the most colourful and extrovert of Prime Ministers since the middle of the 19th Century. Novelist, socialite and reformer are all appropriate labels for this larger than life character. He is often seen as the source of clichés and expressions for political speeches which have been re-used time and again. Even though Benjamin Disraeli could be described as a self-publicist he was able to draw Queen Victoria out of mourning, championing British concern over the Eastern Question and being a foil to another great nineteenth century politician William Ewert Gladstone.

Festivals and Rituals Martha Baldon Saturday 10th October

This day school looks at the relationship between the sacred and secular and whether there were boundaries drawn by Romans with regard to religious life and public life. The course will look at the structure of the Roman state during the Republic and focus upon some individuals; e.g. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Julius Caesar etc. We shall examine whether such individuals found conflict with carrying out their religious duties whilst being at the fore-front of politics. We shall also cover some of the important events of the Republic and investigate any religious bearing upon those events. This course is suitable for the student with a general interest in Roman history and society. All materials will be provided.

Discovery Courses The medieval calendar was marked by a series of religious festivals that formed the temporal framework for the year. Drawing on a range of historical and literary sources, this one day course will recreate the medieval year by looking at a range of religious festivals and focussing on celebrations of Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. Politicians and Priests Liz Mayor Saturday 21st November

Discovery Courses with CEF are online courses that can be studied and enjoyed in your own home. The courses will be conducted by email and materials will be accessed through our Study Area on the website. The cost of the courses are ÂŁ100 each. The first two courses are:

Ancient Greek for the Terrified - This is an online introduction to ancient Greek and it will help the student to begin studying this fascinating ancient language. There will be three face-to-face meetings with the tutor and students will study materials provided by CEF and have e-contact with their tutor. Ancient Armenia - This course looks at the history of Ancient Armenia from the first historical reference in the sixth century BCE to the fourth century CE. We shall examine the emergence of Armenia and track its history through the Persian, Greek, Macedonian and Roman periods to becoming the first Christian nation. This is an epic course captivating the student through primary sources, maps, course lecture notes and e-contact with your tutor.

CEF Trip Day Trip to Hughenden: The Home Of Benjamin Disraeli Thursday 29th October ÂŁ49.50

Hughenden was the country house of the most unlikely Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Benjamin Disraeli lived at Hughenden from 1848 – 1881. The formal garden has been recreated on the original designs of Mary Ann Disraeli, born Mary Ann Evans of Tongwynlais. The trip is an opportunity to have a better insight into the life of perhaps the most colourful of our Prime Ministers http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/hughenden/

OWL Tutoring

If you need help with your GCSEs, A levels or University courses, Liz Mayor has nearly 25 years of experience teaching students and members of the public. She heads a team of highly qualified tutors. Whether you are needing support for GCSEs or A-Levels, brushing up on your copywriting skills, or completing that important thesis, Liz Mayor has the expertise to help. Brief overview of tutoring services: Classical Studies and Ancient History Latin History Geography English Language and English Literature Modern Language Tutoring for Young people and Adults Post graduate thesis Support for undergraduates Courses available: GCSE, AS level, A level, University, Proof reading, Regular E-support available. Who do we help? We help anyone from any walk of life, any ethnicity and any level of learning. Overseas students are more than welcome. Tuition takes place in Cyncoed Cardiff. Services provided: One to one Tutoring/small groups Proof reading for post graduate students Complete support for overseas students Support of under graduates

W: http://www.classicaledforum.co.uk E: classicaleducationforum@hotmail.co.uk T: 02920 734441/ 07739 251718

W: http://www.classicaledforum.co.uk E: classicaleducationforum@hotmail.co.uk T: 02920 734441/ 07739 251718

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