Clark Key Club May/June Newsletter

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Ed W. Clark High School 4291 Pennwood Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89102

Clark High School—Division 28 West—Region 5—Cali-Nev-Ha District—KEY Club Volume 1 l Issue 1 May—June 2012 Edition


Bulletin Editor’s Message!

In This Issue: Introduction Bulletin Editor’s Message……………1 The New Board……………………..2-3 Looking Back Blood Drive…………………………….4 Relay For Life……………………….….4 Playing Music for Senior Citizens…..5 Park Social……………………………..5 Looking Forward Upcoming Events…………………….6 Conclusion President’s Message………………...6 Contact Info…………………………..6

Hey guys! This is Megan Solomon, your bulletin editor for the 2012—2013 school year. This is my first official newsletter, and I have to thank all of you who continue to support me in Key Club. I am excited for the months to come, and I hope you are too! I hope that you all are up to sending me articles and pictures for my newsletters throughout the upcoming school year, they are always greatly appreciated! This newsletter exists for the members, so if you have any opinions on it for improvement or otherwise I would love to hear

The New Board

President Ryan Lim

Vice President Deric Pang

Secretary Natalie Zhang

Treasurer Anna Zhang


The New Board

Bulletin Editor Megan Solomon

Historian Niki Wu

Sergeant At Arms Michael Kwok


Looking Back... Clark High School Blood Drive

On May 23rd, I participated in the United Blood Services Blood Drive along with many of my friends. This event was a spectacular success! Throughout this event, many things were happening simultaneously such as making grape jelly sandwiches, gathering people from classes, or doing paperwork outside with the Blood Drive coordinator. This event was awesome because in the end, I had this satisfying feeling of helping a lot of people. People gave blood, and Clark Key Club gave their time to help both the donators and the coordinators of the event. I will continue to help the United Blood Services in the future, and possibly donate my own blood. — Ethan Nihipali

Before the blood drive, I helped sign people up in the cafeteria. It was pretty interesting to see how many students were willing to donate blood just for the BandAids that were distributed afterward. During the blood drive itself, I helped make peanut butter and jelly was pretty nice to see the donors' reactions to receiving them! When pulling the donors out of class, everyone's reactions were funny too. —Niki Wu, Historian


Looking Back...

Relay for Life

This year was my first time going to Relay for Life, and I’m so happy I went! It was held at Spring Valley High School, and I stayed overnight. This event was a great experience, and I had a lot of fun with my friends while serving the community. I spent a lot of the night selling food for our club, and I was happy to do it. We had milk tea with boba, cupcakes, and chicken bakes. The milk tea sold out before midnight, while the chicken bakes became more successful in the morning when it was cold and everyone wanted something warm to eat. For a few hours during the event I was able to take a break and have some fun, during which time I tried out the giant hamster—wheel game they had. That was a great experience. Definitely worth the extra money for an all-night pass! The performances were fun too, and it was cool seeing some talented people from Clark up on stage. The Miss Relay contest was like nothing I’d ever seen, but I say that in the most positive way possible! Ellis from our very own club did so well! Overall, everything was so much fun and so rewarding, and the event was so successful, as we ended up raising tons of money for Relay for Life through our food sales. Definitely going to this event again next year.

— Shailey Patel


Looking Back...

Spring Banquet and Induction Ceremony For this year’s Key Club banquet, there were a lof of things that were different from last year. Members were given the choice to pay five dollars to attend, rather than what we did before, which was just bring food. I brought a dessert. Everyone’s five dollars went to some pasta dishes, so that the only food there wasn’t the usual chips, candy, or snacks. The pasta was delicious! There were even vegetarian options (a nice touch). Another new thing was that because our president from the 2010— 2011 year was home from college, she was able to attend and make speeches and take part in some of our traditions. It was pretty cool seeing her again! A pretty good amount of people were inducted too, which was nice to see. The awards ceremony was fun and I got an award I liked. I hadn’t heard anything about the senior gifts beforehand, but when they were given I thought they were cute. They were all given personalized Pokemon cards, a special senior pin, and other things. The Pokemon cards were super funny and cute! — Alex Dumitru

Playing Music for Senior Citizens We went to my grandmother's retirement home, the Life Care Center of Las Vegas, to play music for the senior citizens residing there. My grandmother actually attended the performance so it was really fun for her too. At the event we had six performers: Deric, Michael, and Gail were playing violin; Miriam was playing Viola; Kevin was playing bass; and Geewoo was playing cello. This was enough for a whole orchestra, and they were able to play many pieces ranging from simple Disney tunes to complete symphonies. The senior citizens were overjoyed from the performances and enjoyed them thoroughly. That was definitely the best part of the whole experience. Seeing the satisfied smiles on their faces. This is one of my favorite events that we do in Key Club as we learn to be in front of audiences as well as bring joy and entertainment to our respected elders. This event is fairly new and we haven’t done it too many times, but every time we’ve gone the seniors are happy about us being there. I hope that we will be able to do it again soon! —Anna Zhang, Treasurer


Looking Back...

Park Social

June 9th was the traditional bi-annual park social. There was a great turnout! Lots of people came. Though the event only spanned two hours, there were tons of things to do. The night before, we encouraged all of our members who planned on attending the social to make water balloons. We officers made about 1000 (some popped overnight, aw) and we put them all together to have a huge water balloon fight. Of course, as Key Club members, we made sure we cleaned up everything afterward! Members brought their own water guns too, and despite the Las Vegas heat, we were all keeping pretty cool. I In order to fundraise a bit, we gave our members the opportunity to pie the officer of their choice right in the face. It was put up to a vote which officers would be pie’d, and the top three stood in front of our crowd. Each pie cost a dollar, and our members were more than enthusiastic to buy them. The whole thing was super cute. For many of our seniors this would be their last event, and we made sure it would be a memorable one. — Ellis Johnson, Freshman Representative


Looking forward and conclusion

Upcoming Events We don’t have any definite times or dates for summer events right now, but keep an eye out for our Fireworks Booth and Summer General Meeting! They will be announced. o ys d , a a . ar al w an ng ye llowed c i you com are a orm , h g up rs sf hou r the e hou hour t r Fo id be de em ours! 5 outs outsi m Re ide h of 1 t the s u out imum rint o x p ma can bsite! You ur we o on

Contact Information Advisor MeiMei Wong Email: Co-Advisor Amy Evers Email: Ryan Lim Email: Deric Pang Email: Natalie Zhang Email:

Anna Zhang Email: Megan Solomon (send articles!) Email: Niki Wu (send pictures!) Email: Michael Kwok Email: There is also a contact page with this information and submissions enabled on our website,! 7

Looking forward and conclusion

President’s Message Happy summer everyone! I’m so excited that summer is finally here.

In a couple of weeks, the officers will be meeting up to plan the first half of next year. I am so excited to bring new events, continue the best ones, and make some money for Fall Rally and DCON! If you have any ideas, now would be a good time to get yourself heard! Just message me or any of the 2012-2013 officers. I have one new thing that I would like to share with you. For now, it’s called CKC Points. (Clark Key Club Points). The idea is simple: reward members’ good actions with points! Yes, this is a spin-off of the house points used in Harry Potter, haha. We have already begun the process. You get points for attending events. You also got points for doing stuff like bringing water balloons to the social, purchasing pies, and going above and beyond your duties at an event. At the end of each month, top-scoring members will be rewarded for their efforts. I hope this new system will encourage everyone to go out of their way for service, redefine the “service” aspect of our club, and finally get some member recognition going! Your VP Deric Pang and new class reps will be the people responsible for rewarding points, so be sure to get on their good side!

Read me!

The last couple months, the first months of my term, have been excellent! We’ve had some great events, successful fundraisers, and a couple of really fun social gatherings! I hope you all enjoyed Relay for Life! It was my favorite event as a freshman, and I had a great time again this year. (P.S. If you didn’t get to do the hamster ball this year, don’t miss out next year!) I also really enjoyed our end of the year banquet. From singing happy birthday to Shirley, to giving out senior awards, eating all of the delicious food, and hearing the inspirational words of IP President Brent Mayfield, it was a great evening! Lastly, the park social was a huge hit! I was so elated to see all of key clubbers, old and new, that came to our event! I wouldn’t have wanted to kick off my summer in any other way. Thanks guys! :]

Can’t wait to share new plans and opportunities later with you all. Hope you all continue to have a wonderful summer and don’t be shy to message us with any questions or suggestions. Take care guys!


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