BroadView Issue Fifteen

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Broad’s Green Credentials - at a glance Broad encourages the adoption of green building practices and are proud members of the Green Building Council Australia.

Broad offers a team of experienced professionals who are confident in achieving and delivering Green Star Certified buildings and NABERS Ratings. Broad has demonstrated their ability in Green Star certification by successfully delivering nine Green Star certified buildings throughout Western Australia and Queensland as well as a 5 star NABERS rated building in Western Australia and a 4 ½ Star in New South Wales (NSW rating formerly ABGR - Australian Building Greenhouse Rating), with a third rating still pending in Western Australia. Broad are committed to supporting and working with the client and selected consultants in the application of these rating systems. Together, Broad will help lead all stakeholders in an item by item review to ensure the optimum rating is achieved

25 Smith Street, Parramatta, Nsw

4 Star Green Star - Office Design v2 4 ½ Star ABGR (Australian Building Greenhouse Rating)

Perth Gpo Building Refurbishment, Perth, Wa

4 Star Green Star - Office Design v2

130 Stirling Street, Perth, Wa

4 Star Green Star - Office Design v2 5 Star NABERS

Alluvion, Mounts Bay Road, Perth, Wa

4 Star Green Star - Office Design v2

Bellbird Park Primary School, Qld

4 Star Green Star - Education Design v1

(Augusta State School) Thornlands South Primary School, Qld (BayView State School)

4 Star Green Star - Education Design v1 4 Star Green Star - Education As Built v1

Bundilla State School, Qld

Registered for Green Star - Education Design v1

East Coomera Primary School, Qld

5 Star Green Star - Education Design v1

(Coomera Rivers State School) Murrumba Downs High School, Qld

Registered for Green Star - Education Design v1

Peregian Springs Primary School, Qld

4 Star Green Star - Education Design v1

(Peregian Springs State School) Collingwood Park Primary School, Qld (Woodlinks State School) 10

Broadview _ issue 15

4 Star Green Star - Education As Built v1 4 Star Green Star - Education Design v1

Perth, WA

130 Stirling Street Earlier this year, 130 Stirling Street completed its first 12 months NABERS Energy rating period. Broad was advised by Charter Hall that the building had officially achieved a 5 Star Base Building NABERS Energy rating. Broad was contracted to target a Base Building Australian Best Standard rating of 4.5 stars without using Greenpower. Broad managed to exceed this expectation by achieving a 5 star rating, the highest NABERS rating possible. NABERS is a method of rating the energy efficiency of office buildings. A new assessment is carried out every 12 months and the rating is an actual reflection of the energy used, based

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