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The Clackamas Times

Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, OR

Volume 45, Issue 16

ince 1966


An independent, student-run newspaper since 1966

Highway closure; CAR-POCOLYPSE By Joshua Dillen Associate News Editor

Students have a chance to get “Made” Complete transformation is possible through modern television. Thanks to MTV’s hit show, MADE, Clackamas Community College students have a chance to become the person they have always wanted to be or wished they were, but can’t. MADE makes this all possible for those selected from

among high school and college students across the country. The show is coming to the college on Thursday, March 15 on a quest to find the right person to experience a makeover and potentially be on TV. MTV staff will be here to conduct interviews to find a potential candidate to be featured

on the show. They will be in the Community Center in CC126 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and questionnaires are available at the Associated Student Government office in CC152. Applicants must be 18 to 26 years. Contact ASG at 503594-3040, for more information.

It’s hard not to notice the chunk of Cascade highway that has been under construction for more than six months. Highway 213 is going to have a full closure between March 22 and 27. Thankfully the majority of Clackamas Community College students won’t have to worry about changing their commute, as the road schedule falls on our spring break. An Oregon City contractor will use the 104-hour closure to safely install a new sixlane bridge. If the road wasn’t

By Joshua Dillen Associate News Editor

40 years later decay haunts Randall Hall In 1972, Randall Hall was officially opened on campus, giving Clackamas our gym and basketball court, as well as more classrooms and a weight room. It was new and primed for use. Now 40 years have passed and Randall Hall is looking a little worn and torn, with maintenance and upkeep striving to keep the building in the best condition it possibly can. That said Randall Hall has its problems. Randall Hall is a relatively

John Carter - he’s no Nemo Page 4

old building that was built after Clairmont (1969) and Barlow (1970). McLoughlin was built in the same year, making it and Randall the third and fourth oldest buildings on campus. “It is one of the older buildings, but it has aged well,” said Jim Martineau, athletic director at Clackamas Community College. “It really has, with many improvements throughout its history. “ Randall has a rich history of athletics, and some of which are sentimental, such as the fact that some of the benches by the baseball fields used to be the bleachers in Randall. There’s also an

Please see CLOSURE, Page 3

College considers new $20 fee

Things from 1972

By Chris Taylor Clackamas Print

fully closed, this project would take over a year to complete. Although the road closure will be a hassle for motorists who use the road daily, in the long run the project seems very beneficial. Nancy Kraushaar, Oregon City’s city engineer and public works director said, “The dates were selected based on the contractors schedule and they just happen to fall on the spring break for CCC.” Kraushaar suggested that drivers try to see the positive impacts of the closure, but to prepare an alternate route for when the time comes.

announcer’s box that is no longer in use and was deemed hazardous due to its height from the ground and its age. The past improvements to Randall include a fixed water heater for the locker room, an upgraded concessions stand in 2009 and the new lights in the gym. Its biggest set of improvements occurred during 2005, when Niemeyer Center was built. The new music and arts building meant moving all of the music classes out of Randall Hall.

This week, the Clackamas Community College Board of Education will consider a few items that may affect the wallets of students attending the college in the near future. A $2 hike per credit, a $20 service fee and elimination of the “tuition corridor” are going to be considered. The college is increasingly relying on these types of revenue to make up for dwindling state support in today’s stagnant economy. These items will be presented again during April’s board meeting for recommended approval. These are staff recommendations, according to the agenda for tonight’s meeting. The background information from the agenda states these requests will ensure instruction and student services have the resources they need. Even with these increases to students’ education here, CCC will still be among the least expensive commu-

nity colleges to attend in Oregon. If approved, the tuition here will be $79 per credit hour while Portland Community College is $82 and Mt. Hood Community College is $84. PCC also has a $19 general service fee that is the model for CCC’s proposed fee of $20. MHCC has a similar fee of $30. The fee would eliminate current service based fees that include transcript requests and graduation related costs. Currently, each copy of an official transcript is $10 plus an additional fee of $15 each for faxed copies of transcripts. The tuition corridor is the money saving fee structure that charges students a flat rate of $1,155 for 16-18 credits. The staff has recommended the elimination of the corridor. No matter how the meeting goes, students will probably end up forking over more money next school year to further their educations.

Please see RANDALL, Page 6

Graduation; money for nothing and robes for free

Page 3

Schedule of Spring Sports

Page 8

2The Clackamas Print

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Losing control — the power of being offended

By James Duncan Design Editor This article may not be suited for all audiences

If you have no sense of self worth and can easily be insulted or offended please enjoy the less colorful parts of the newspaper. Once not that long ago one of the greatest saterical and observational minds of our generation, George Carlin said “Sh*t, p*ss, f*ck, c*nt, cocks*cker, motherf*cker and t*ts.” Carlin was always one of the loudest voices about not letting

people be censored. So in the spirit of Carlin; Ta da! You are letting me use magic words to make you upset or at least get your attention. Last week my column became slightly controversial when we decided to use an offensive word that, in all fairness, was not needed to bring the point across. That said, I still support the use of that language despite the things people said. “The profanity in this column was absolutely unnecessary and was only included for the sake of having profanity in print,” stated user John on The Clackamas Print forums. That might very well be true, but in this day and age, the fact that an exclamation can still cause people to get up in arms is actually really sad. People let themselves be offended. It isn’t like a gag reflex that can’t be avoided. The act of being offended is a choice. When you choose to be offended and let something ruin your day, or make your heckles rise, you are giving it power over you. If you want to willingly give over the

power to control you be my guest, feel offended and distressed, but just so you know you are letting someone you have never met control you. Think how sad that sounds. Hint: You can stop reading if you don’t like it. Ultimately it comes down to censorship, do you want to be the censor? Do you have the right? Are you so proud to feel like you are the final authority on what should and shouldn’t be seen by others? It is one thing to not want to see something for you. There are plenty of things that people do not want to see. Although to say that because you don’t approve, it shouldn’t be seen is very childish. Where is the line in the sand going to be drawn next? Will new words be invented or old ones just added to the list? I was very confused when I found out that calling someone a showersack was now offensive. We are the shapers of our world and need to do our best to make it the one we want to live in. Who are we as a people?

Do we want to be the generation that decided to bring back a more extreme form of censorship? Maybe one day in a flat gray world with flat gray people someone will look into a blank gray sky and say “Thank the gray that we will never be offended.” Without diversity of ideas and an endless barrage of color that challenge the spirit of human kind, we will never change or grow. Just lay back into our little gray box in the cold gray ground. It has often been the place of college newspapers to print stories that push the boundaries of what is okay and what isn’t. In fact you could call it a long and rich tradition. College newspapers are encouraged to talk about drugs, sex and touchy political points. Where better, right? We publish to a diverse group of adults, who we should be able to treat like adults. campuses are often the breeding ground of new ideas. In America most publications are written to be enjoyed by someone who has a sixth grade education.

On a college campus the newspaper shouldn’t have to tiptoe around the leftover’s of sixth grade attitudes about language and its use. Remember this, every time you stand up and say “This is offensive, I don’t want to see things like this anymore,” You might as well be banning a book or saying, “We only get sick because that’s what god wants. Antibiotics are work of the devil.” There is a place for every voice to be heard. If you don’t like what people say or are saying or want to change what is being said, you have to be part of the system to change it! Do you want to say something? Join The Clackamas Print. Through the power of being in the media you will suddenly get to have your own ideas heard. You will not be censored ... much. “He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.” - Edmund Wilson

Letter to the Editor with the exception of school zones and other areas where indicated. In fact it seems his whole article is based on assumptions and this is purely how Mr. Duncan’s perceptions cloud his own judgment behind the wheel and the keyboard. Certainly this could lead to a first amendment debate but really — is this how we want CCC represented in the community? It is my hope that in the future a more thoughtful, less biased and professional manner as your mission statement says will be adhered to. Best regards, Michael Modica

Brad Heineke The Clackamas Print

Dear Editor, I can certainly understand Mr. Duncan’s frustration (having learned to drive in L.A.) but found the title and the use of profanity completely unnecessary in order to get his point across. If indeed his rules were rules his point was missed by the angry tone of his article. Better time would have been spent trying to coordinate with the county on getting the road closed during spring break not to mention the fact that the closure is after finals week and the target audience of his article (CCC) won’t be on the road during this time. Perhaps Mr. Duncan didn’t follow his own advice and”Read your drivers manuals”! The proper distance between any moving vehicles is 2-4 seconds and 4 seconds for vehicles going over 30 mph, that pretty much covers almost every road in Oregon

This letter may have been edited for brevity and clarity. Branden McFarland, Kenny Hartil and Stephen Cassista appear in the one act “4 a.m. Open all night” in the student performance showcase on March 7.

KONYMANIA takes over social networking

By Patty Salazar News Editor Social media blew up last Thursday with KONY 2012; even the Clackamas Community College Facebook page posted the video and asked for our thoughts on the situation in Africa. How would any of us at the college, 10,000 miles away from Uganda,


The Clackamas Print aims to report the news in an honest, unbiased and professional manner. Content published in The Print is not screened or subject to censorship. 19600 Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR 97045

know what’s really going on after a 30 minute video? The short documentary racked up 71,242,675 views on YouTube in less than a week. Let’s face it; do you even know where Uganda is? The Invisible Children Inc. made the KONY 2012 video, which is trying to bring Joseph Kony’s war crimes to light. Now, I am not saying what Kony, leader of Lord’s Resistance in Army, has done in Uganda the last 26 years isn’t horrible. The video states that he has taken 30,000 children from their parents and turned the boys into soldiers and the girls into sex slaves. That alone is despicable, but the oversimplified video is just as bad. It leads whoever is watching to believe that simply making Kony “famous” is going

to save Africa and all will be fine and dandy. In October, America sent 100 “advisers” to Uganda to assist the military there, find Kony and arrest him. When was the last time America sent “advisers” anywhere? It seems as if America always needs an enemy. Last year it was Gaddafi, now that he is dead Kony comes into play; when the Invisible Children crew read the letter from Barack Obama saying that “advisers” were being sent out the crew cheered as if the problem is solved. As if American military is Kony’s antidote. Why is it that after 26 years of stealing children and killing an unknown amount of people now everybody is going to start buying the bracelets so that all of their peers

can know that they want Kony arrested? As of now it is said that Kony is no longer in Uganda. His army was whittled down to 100 people. The video itself states that the international criminal court has a list of “the worlds most dangerous criminals” and Kony is number 1. If he is caught this year, then there is still 26 other criminals who are going to be hunted down by the next social activist group. The group is going to “cover the night” with their “redefined propaganda” on April 20. Putting up posters and passing out flyers is not going to make Kony surrender and that is not what is going to happen. It’s as if my generation is so lazy that by buying a bracelet, we

consider ourselves social activists. It takes more than a bracelet, it takes more then one person to get arrested to fix what has happened over 26 years. Even after Kony is caught there is going to be another evil somewhere else in the world.


Writers & Photographers

Production Assistants

Contact Information

Editor-in-Chief: Brian Baldwin Copy Editor: Katherine Suydam News Editor: Patty Salazar Associate News Editor: Josh Dillen Arts&Culture Editor: Isaac Soper Sports Editor: John William Howard Photo Editor: Hillary Cole Web Editor: Anna Axelson Design Editor: James Duncan Ad Manager: Brad Heineke

Nora Goodman Hiroaki Hayashi Mark Sunderland Chris Taylor Adviser: Melissa Jones 503-594-6266

Christian Adams Mollie Berry Breanna Craine Tyler Eheler Joey Fisher Jaronte Goldsby Telicia Juliano

Hicham Kerkour Ellen Niles Darla Nguyen Emily Rask Audra Slanina Evon Trembly Sharon Wetmore

chiefed@clackamas.edu copyed@clackamas.edu newsed@clackamas.edu aced@clackamas.edu sportsed@clackamas.edu photoed@clackamas.edu admgr@clackamas.edu webeditor@clackamas.edu


The Clackamas Print

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Students, college plan for graduation By Nora Goodman The Clackamas Print Do you really want to walk the walk? Graduating from Clackamas Community College is an exciting prospect to some, but it might carry a stigma for others. When a student is ready to graduate the college offers petitions for graduation. Although some students look forward to walking with their class, other students may find it unnecessary to walk from a two-year college. Diana Shkurinsky, freshman at CCC who wants to take medical classes said, “I don’t think I would participate in the ceremony, since I just graduated from

high school a year ago. Just give me my certificate and let me go find a job.” Other students such as Natasha Coy, who began taking her GED classes at CCC in 2010, have missed out on such a ceremony in high school. Coy didn’t graduate from high school and feels like she missed out on so much as she watched her friends go through the ceremony. “I want to celebrate my success and accomplishments. This time I am walking up to get my certificate,” Coy said. Michelle Lucier is taking general courses CCC and hopes later to take the ten week Pharmacy Technician courses. “It would be fun to celebrate that I got through and to graduate with my peers.” Director of Enrollment

Management and Registrar Tara Sprehe said, “For those students who want to receive their certificate or degree, they must submit a petition for graduation form to the admissions, registration and records office.” “Our graduation ceremony is held in June before spring grades are due. So while there may be many students who have not yet officially received their certificate or degree when they walk across the stage, those students that have successfully completed their certificate and degree requirements after grades have been submitted do graduate,” Sprehe said. Graduation petitions for spring term are due May 11. If you have acquired two certificates or degree awards, separate

petitions are needed. Petitions for graduation can be obtained from the enrollment services center in Roger Rook Hall, or printed from our forms and documents page.

I want to celebrate my success and accomplishments. This time I’m walking up to get my certificate.” Natasha Coy Student

Formal graduation activities are held every year at the end of spring term. If you have completed degree or certificate requirements during preceding terms, you are eligible to join the graduation ceremony. “Our experience is that our graduation ceremony is a significant source of pride and joy for many graduates and their family, friends and support networks. This is particularly true for our Adult High School Diploma and GED students. I personally have known many students who have transferred to a four year institution that loved our ceremony and felt it represented an important recognition of their accomplishment,” said Sprehe.

All photos by Joshua Dillen The Clackamas Print

Just south of Interatate 205, Highway 213 shows the signs of road construction and traffic chaos. The road will be closed March 22-27. Alternate route is recommended during this time.

CLOSURE: Take construction in stride during spring break Continued from Page 1

Oregon City awarded the construction contract to Mowat Construction based on the company’s expertise with complex bridge projects, past success completing extensive night-work projects on time and a competitive bid price. Mowat Construction’s Jughandle Project team, based in Clackamas County, includes 34 employees and more than 10 specialty subcontractor firms. Jason Kelly, resident engineer and lead structure designer for OBEC, an engineering consulting firm, is the manager of the project. He makes sure the job is done according to

the design. “Twelve crews have been working nights for the past six months in constructing the foundation and the bridge to install on the four day closure. We have been spending $500,000 to a million dollars a month on this project. We are on task and ahead of schedule and ready to install the bridge,” said Kelly. It is recommended that travelers from communities south of Oregon City bypass the city to avoid heavy traffic congestion. The city will assign an alternate route to I-5 during the four day closure of Highway 213. Traveling to I-5 may be the fastest way for residents of Canby, Molalla and Mulino

to reach destinations north and east of Oregon City. The assigned alternate route to I-5 will begin on Highway 213 in Liberal and direct motorists along Macksburg Road and other arterial roads to reach I-5 at exit 282 in Wilsonville. A map of the signed route to I-5 is available for downloading at www.jughandleproject. com/detour.html, along with maps of two assigned alternate routes between Highway 213 and I-205. Susan Iwata, administrative assistant for the college advancement department, will be working at the college during the construction. “We’ll all take the closure in stride. It’s only a few days, after all,” said Iwata.

Construction equipment stands ready for the impending bridge replacement on Highway 213 near Washinton Street across from Home Depot.


Correction In last week’s issue Chuck Pierce was misidentifed on pages 1 and 5. On page 2, Scott Giltz was misidentified.

4The Clackamas Print

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Arts Culture

John Carter travels through theaters universe-wide By Isaac Soper Arts & Culture Editor

Courtesy of Disney

John Carter, played by actor Taylor Kitsch, in this actionpacked film about a soldier trying to find his way to Earth.

A lone Confederate Army captain of the Civil War is on the run from the tribes of the Apache and the Union when he enters a mysterious cave and is suddenly transported to Mars; though he claims to fight for no man, through the course of events, he will defend the freedom of the planet that the natives call “Barsoom.” “John Carter” was written and directed by Andrew Stanton, who wrote the “Toy Story” films, and wrote and directed a number of other Disney animated films, including “WALL-E,” and “Finding Nemo.” The film was his first live-action picture to date. The titular character, John Carter, is played by Taylor Kitsch, known for his roles on the television series “Friday Night Lights,” and his portrayal of Gambit/Remy LeBeau in 2009s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.” The film also features the acting talents of Willem Dafoe, Lynn Collins, Mark Strong and Ciarán Hinds.

After seeing “John Carter,” many people will say that it is a rip-off of James Cameron’s film “Avatar,” which it is most definitely not. “John Carter” was released in 3D and 2D theaters nationwide last Friday, after being formerly written 100 years prior. The original story of the character John Carter, “Under the Moons of Mars” was published in 1912 in the form of a serial. It was written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan, who continued the story of John Carter of Mars until 1941. “John Carter” is directly based off of Burroughs first novelization of the John Carter series, known as “The Princess of Mars.” The film, though presented in “Disney 3D,” was in fact a very entertaining and captivating film. Though the threedimensional effects weren’t particularly noticeable during most of the film, the special effects and story were very engaging, one in particular being the sequences of Carter learning to walk on the Mars surface.

In a recent conference call with Disney, Stanton explained why he was interested in taking on the “John Carter” story. “I’m a huge fan,” he said. “I’ve read the books my whole life. And [I] wanted to see them and I’m probably one of the more rabid fans. So I didn’t want it screwed up.” As with the slaying of orcs in the “Lord of the Rings” films, if the blue-blooded creatures from Barsoom would have been human, “John Carter” would definitely have an “R” rating, opposed to “PG-13,” due to the amount of violence presented in the film. The only drawback to “John Carter” is that it seems to be converted into 3D, which depending on one’s preference, may or may not be worth the few extra dollars.To define the film in a genre, it would have to be classified as a western sci-fi, one that is much more entertaining than last year’s “Cowboys & Aliens,” and definitely worth seeing multiple times.

Mass Effect 3 gives new experiences to all sci-fi gamers By Brian Baldwin Editor-in-Chief

It was tedious, consumed hours and the scanning had no concept of planet scale. Instead scanning has been repurposed for finding and collecting war assets that are scattered across star systems. The new “galaxy at war” system in “ME3” finally allows players to experience what they have been asking for since the launch of the first game. Based around the popular form of “defend against X number of waves,” fans can choose to play a combination of their favorite class and race that is provided. Each victory, or defeat, changes the “galaxy readiness” that will benefit the endgame result of the storyline. However this style of game play is repetitive and gets old fast. “ME3” is worth the money only if you are the type of person that loves immense game universes that have a lot of back story. The side missions, trying to explore every nook and cranny and all of the crew dialogue will easily surpass more than 20 hours

of game play. If you are new to “Mass Effect” I would strongly recommend starting with at least the second game, as the story of “ME3” is not friendly to new players. This series grabbed my heart at the first game. “Blade Runner in space meets ‘Heart of Darkness’” I believe were my words. However, the ending failed to give me a satisfactory end to the iconic story of Commander Shepard and didn’t

involve the Reapers in the final showdown as much as it did in the previous two games. It lives up to the hype that fans expected, except for the plot needed to tug on our heartstrings concerning Earth. With the promise of upcoming downloadable content it will be interesting to see how Bioware will salvage the ending.

All photos courtesy of Bioware

In the story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” a boy calls out to villagers that he saw a wolf. They don’t believe him because he has done this before. He calls out again and yet they still don’t believe his story. Now imagine that the ending was different and that the wolf comes to eat the villagers in their sleep while the boy is forced to watch while dragged to safety. That is essentially the first ten minutes of “Mass Effect 3.” Released March 6, Bioware hopes that “ME3” will provide closure and success to the story of Commander Shepard, and finally bring multiplayer to fans that have been asking for it since the beginning. “ME3” is very enjoyable and it seems that Bioware has listened to and embraced many fan complaints, tweaking features such as planetary scanning and bringing back weapon modifications and grenades. Difficulty has been tweaked as well, ranging from “pip-squeak” to “why did you throw your controller through the TV?” At the start of the game the Reapers, the game’s main antagonist, start landing on Earth to obliterate everything in their path. You are forced to abandon Earth to fend for itself and rally other races in the galaxy to defend the planet, which is the site of the largest invasion. Depending on how many allies you gain throughout the game and the “galaxy readiness” you gain through multiplayer matches you will stand a better chance at beating the Reapers, or become a smoldering corpse. However, the first half of the story of Mass Effect fails at tugging at the heartstrings of the player. Earth has been invaded,

civilians are being butchered and harvested and yet you are rarely reminded of how bad the situation of Earth really is. All you get is “It’s going well. Hit and run tactics.” You are given military statistics but know nothing of what is happening to the population. You would think that Bioware would utilize the human factor more, especially after they had your character witness the death of a child right in front of them. The writers did show that the last few years are finally eroding Shepard’s mental health. Your character avoids sleep, has constant nightmares that flash back to the invasion of Earth and always sees the face of the child they failed to save. You would think that Shepard would have already had a mental breakdown after assimilating ancient technology, hunting down a powerful secret agent, killing a Reaper, killing off the remnants of an ancient race, charging into dozens of suicide missions and, oh yeah, dying. Your smaller choices also have a lot more impact if you are a careful observer. In one instance I came across when I reconnected with a former crew member. Traumatized by her experiences at the end of “ME2,” she is helping refugees deal with the stresses they have. You have the choice of complimenting the work she is doing or suggest that she change her name. I chose to compliment her and after a critical event on the station she was at, I overhead a background conversation that mentioned she had been singled out and executed by the enemy. Bioware changed some of the interactive features that fans had issues with. In “ME2” you had to go across the entire galaxy and scan for minerals to upgrade your weapons, armor and ship.

Female Shepard holds her weapons in front of the special effects background. In this game you battle all types of science-fiction characters to achieve the goal of beating the Reapers.


Arts Culture


Illustration by Anna Axelson The Clackamas Print

The ‘digital age’ is coming to an end

By Isaac Soper Arts & Culture Editor

Survive the aftermath of global meltdown

By Katherine Suydam & tapered design it retains more water is always a better choice Isaac Soper heat. A dark colored bag is than giardia. Copy Editor & A&C Editor preferred as it can become a With the end of the world undoubtedly coming nearer we thought we would save you the trouble of deciding what to pack. 1. Backpack, large enough to carry your gear As you wander through an apocalyptic wasteland, you are going to need something to carry your gear and scavenged supplies. A large hiking backpack would make a good choice, although a shopping cart will make do, as seen in many film incarnations, such as “The Road.” 2. Tarp Cheap and reliable, a tarp will become one of your prized possessions in the wasteland, being used for shelter in almost any climate, as a rain catcher, and a temporary backpack. Heck, you could even patch clothes with one. If you can find more than one, it’s probably a good idea to have a backup. Remember, a tarp is not fireproof.

Illustrations by Isaac Soper The Clackamas Print

mobiles), 3D films will be the standard format and the death of the Internet probably isn’t too far off, thanks in part to the new “War on Cyber Terror” (hide your Guy Fawkes masks folks, for anonymity is now a crime). On the brighter side, maybe we’ll get a new season of BBC’s “Sherlock.” Will we see the collapse of our economy? Will we see World War III? When will China cash in on our debt? There are many who believe that the end of the world as we know it is near. What do the days leading up to the end look like? Will there be widespread panic? Will we know when the end is near? Or will it be sudden? Either way, I’m sure we’ll all be caught off guard, even those who have tried to “prepare” for it (whatever that means). Our reliance on technology is ridiculous; we think we’re entitled to our discoveries and that they’ve made us the gods of civilization. Granted we may be more “intelligent” than previous generations, but this kind of intelligence only goes so far. How can we say that it is intelligent to know how to use a computer, but not intelligent to know how to search for food and identify edible plants. Wait, but I can search for food on Amazon! Hat’s off to you, you digital rainforest guide. I have nothing to complain about anymore. I’m not worried about the end of the Internet coming, nor am I worried about the end of the world. Bring on the apocalypse, it’s time for a change, I say. If we are at the end, let’s live out our lives, and let’s learn all we can. Be kind to one another, because this moment is all we have; we have no guarantee of tomorrow. This is the beginning of the end of the digital age. As the funny man said, “Catch you on the flip side.”

Courtesy of MTV Networks

Socioeconomic collapse is well on its way. In the past few months, we still have yet to see time travel. Walt Disney’s head is sitting in a freezer somewhere. At least we can look forward to robotic cars and the apocalypse. What will the future bring, besides the long-awaited mass production of electric cars, space elevators and YouTube classes? Our economy is in the toilet, and it’s not getting any better, yet we still desire to make our technological dreams a reality, no matter the cost. According to many theologists and conspiracy theorists, the world is coming to an end, and if the Mayans have anything to say about it, this year will be the last. We have no exports at all. Show me something that says it was made in the USA and I’ll show you the machine that it was manufactured with that has a “Made in China” tag on it. We think our inventions make us invincible, but if anything, they make us weaker. With so much reliance on technology and imported goods, we have made ourselves into the feeblest generation in recorded history, with the least amount of “primitive skills,” which in almost any other culture or generation would be considered necessary. The economy is failing, if you believe that it’s getting better, great job looking at the glass as being half full, but you’re wrong. Our national debt is higher than ever, according to the U.S. Treasury, approximately $15 trillion and counting. Large parts of that debt are owned by countries across the globe (I assume we give them Monopoly money to pay interest). So what will the future hold? Robotic cars (GM’s vice president Alan Taub predicts that by 2020, autonomous systems will be standard equipment in auto-

The Clackamas Print 5

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3. Sleeping bag, specifically a mummy bag Let’s take a page out of the book of a true survivor, Katniss Everdeen of “The Hunger Games” and remember that not only can the warmth of a sleeping bag keep you alive, but it can also become the sole comfort in a terrifying world. Because the mummy bag has a

better shield from unwelcome eyes at night. 4. Good, sturdy knife A knife, as with any tool, requires maintenance. You are going to have to learn how to sharpen your knife and make sure you keep it oiled, as to not let it rust. Remember, the capability to successfully throw a knife may be fun, but it’s a one way ticket into the realm of “I lost my knife.”

5. Edible plants guide The ability to forage for plants can be a very rewarding skill, especially for those who don’t get poisoned and die in the process. Find a guide and study it like your life depends upon it, because it probably does. Keep it in a plastic bag as to keep it dry. 6. Canteen There is no way around it, you need something to store water in, it is your lifeblood. Three days without water spells death for nearly any human being. Although nearly any clean container can be used for water storage, try to find something durable, it will save you a lot of stress, and your life in the long run. 7. Water purification method Boiling water works well to kill microbes, although a water purifier is sometimes a better option, because it allows you to convert some of the nastiest looking water into some of the tastiest water you’ve ever had. Sawyer makes one that you squeeze, which is supposed to last for a million gallons. Other brands include MSI and Katadyn. Purified

8. Flint and steel If your sleeping bag or water purifier fails you, you will need a way around them to get warmth and non-lethal water. Fire is a useful tool, but keep in mind that it can be dangerous. Just because the world is ending doesn’t mean that Smokey the Bear won’t come and maul you in your sleep.

9. Good sense of humor Being able to keep morale high is always a worthy skill in difficult times. Lost your car keys? That’s a good one. Out of food? Laugh it up. Your shoes have holes in them? Ha-ha. You accidentally fire a crossbow into your foot? Stop laughing, you need immediate medical treatment. 10. Companion(s) The apocalyptic lifestyle can get pretty lonely and having a friend(s) or a dog (or volleyball) with you can keep you from going insane, along with the added bonus of having others to help scavenge for food and supplies. Choose wisely though, or they can have the opposite effect.

A new possibility changes everything. WARNERPACIFIC.EDU PORTLAND, OR

6The Clackamas Print

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Destination Guide Pike Place Market: Main entrance located at First Ave. and Pike St. Seattle, Wash. MOD Pizza: 519 Broadway East Seattle, Wash. Fenix Tattoo: 106 1st Avenue South Seattle, Wash. Amtrak in Oregon City: 1757 Washington Street Oregon City, Ore.



Arts Culture

Pike Place Market It’s like an everyday version of Portland’s Saturday Market, with of course, flying fish. Pike Place Market has shared unique and exciting sights, sounds and smells with the populace since 1907. Street performers are a common sight, with many in the same spot for many days. On one corner sits a whitehaired man playing a piano, a half block away near the fish market, stands a man singing and playing an accordion. Within the main market,

which is a three-story complex that reaches nearly down to Elliot Bay, with more than 100 different vendors sell their various goods. Organic dried fruit, handmade goods and supplies, a full-scale replica of Darth Vader’s helmet, the market is a wonderful place and a location that nearly any visitor to Seattle will find spectacular. According to their website, PikePlaceMarket.org, the market is open 19.5 hours per day and 362 days per year.

Right: A variety of fish for sale at Pike Place Market in Seattle, Wash. Isaac Soper The Clackamas Print

Isaac Soper The Clackamas Print

Below: Ken Jackson Amtrak Cascades Conductor does a ticket count as the 504 leaves the Oregon City depot for Seattle. Bottom: Downtown Seattle skyline.

James Duncan shouts with excitment while visting the Space Needle in Seattle, Wash.

Hot spot for Seattle pizza mozzarella, Asiago cheese, marinated roasted red peppers, mushrooms, pesto; what could make it better than being asked if I wanted to add anything to that, which I did because spinach is the perfect counterpart to pesto. If you are looking for tasty customizable food and a friendly atmosphere, I think I’ve found your new spot. To check out the menu visit www. modpizza.com

Permanent souvenir I am now finding every reason to take my shirt off and show friends my newly decorated chest. Fenix Tattoo offers competitive prices and amazing art. The fine craftsmanship of their tattoo artists is evident. They were very patient as I designed the tattoo and when they drew it out I saw my dream realized. Fenix Tattoo is walk-in only most days of the week and open until well after midnight on the weekends. Over all Fenix Tattoo is a must see little place if you are ever in Seattle and feel like getting some ink done.

Amtrak rides from Oregon City to Seattle “Oregon City to Portland continuing to Seattle. All Aboard!” I imagined these words and what it might have been like here 100 years ago. I was waiting for the Amtrak 504 at the Oregon City train depot. Many people don’t realize that such a station still exists. It is located across from the Oregon Trail Visitor Center, the three huge covered wagonlike structures along I-205. When the train pulled in, the

conductor stepped from one of the cars. He actually wore a uniform and cap I envisioned as quite similar to that of a century ago. Only a few got off here and a few of us boarded. We were quickly speeding along and crossing the Clackamas River. In about 20 minutes we rolled up to Portland’s Union Station. This was the only stop along this trip when there was time to be allowed to step off the train. I took the opportunity to take in the grandeur of the station. After leaving Portland,

the train continued on to Seattle with several brief stops along the way. We spent time traveling along the Columbia River, Hoods Canal, the Puget Sound and along and across many smaller scenic rivers. I was surprised by how smooth and quiet the train was, and enjoyed the plush leather seats, free Wi-Fi and the dining car. This trip was a good value at only $31 one way. The Cascade Amtrak runs between Eugene and Vancouver British Columbia several times a day. Photo illustration by Anna Axelson The Clackamas Print

I settled into the big gray chair and arranged the plush Eeyore I was given as a pillow, “Buzzzz!” The sounds of pain emanated from the adjoining room. This was the perfect night for a tattoo. After two hours of highly detailed shading and fine lines, I was done. The price was even lower than expected, $200 for a tattoo the size of a saucer, and

Brad Heineke The Clackamas Print

Don’t you love when you find that place in a big city where you can eat delicious food and not have to worry about spending more than $10? MOD Pizza, with five locations in the Seattle area, serves up wonderful made to order personal pizzas (11”) for just $6.99. MOD Pizza is a perfect place to grab a bite if you’re craving crispy thin crust or vegetarian fair. I had the Tristan, a delicious pizza topped with


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The Clackamas Print 7

Randall: Rundown gymnasium to receive repairs Continued from Page 1

After Niemeyer was built, Randall underwent a few improvements itself. The weight room downstairs tripled in size, new classrooms were built on the second floor and the waiting area was added. These were just some of the major improvements to the building. Some

more of the minor fixes have happened over time, such as upgrading equipment in the weight room as time went on, new sports equipment and of course general upkeep and maintenance. This allows the building and the classes contained therein to be fully functional and capable. Randall will be receiving some more improvements this year as well, some of

which are in plain sight. An obvious fix would be the cracked window on one of the gym doors in Randall, which was broken during a baseball practice. “That’s definitely on our list of things to fix. We also have some new improvements to make that will definitely help the building to function better and more efficiently,” said Bob Cochran, dean of campus

services, who mentioned that automated heating and air condition was included in the projected upgrades. “It will allow for better temperature control inside the building.” This project is slated to be finished before graduation this year. Campus services also hopes to fix the water heater issues in the locker room showers, among other projects that are planned or

still in discussion. All in all, Randall is a living legacy of the college, and helps to define the history of CCC. For reasons that are sentimental, ethical and budget conscious, this building will hopefully remain on Clackamas’ campus for another 40 years, maybe even longer. Only time and a dedicated staff will tell how Randall will stand through it all.

All photos by Hillary Cole The Clackamas Print

One of the windows leading into the gym in Randall was cracked by a stray baseball during practice.

The “R” in Randall is a sign of the age and repair need of the building, which was officially opened in 1972. The college is hoping to do more repairs on the building this spring.

NWAACC basketball championships too cool for Tri-Cities

By John William Howard Sports Editor You’ve all had that experience where you go to pull into a parking spot, but a short car you hadn’t seen at first was hiding behind a bigger vehicle, forcing you to back out and find another place to park. Obnoxious, right? It’s even worse when it’s a tumbleweed. You see, several months ago, I was asked to be the official reporter for the NWAACC basketball championships. I happily accepted, and the first weekend in March, I was on my way to the Tri-Cities, Wash. for a long weekend of basketball. I picked up my press credentials, checked in to my

hotel and went to sleep; knowing that the next morning would be the beginning of perhaps the most strenuous weekend I’d ever experienced. As it turns out, I was right. Early the next morning, I made the drive to the Toyota Center, an arena of decent size that was obviously built for hockey. A few relics of the hockey roots of the arena were still visible, despite the fact that huge rubber mats had been laid over the ice, on top of which sat a pair of basketball courts with a massive curtain separating the two. The games began at 8 a.m., and after getting out of my car to drag the massive tumbleweed to the nearest island, I parked and made my way to the sideline of the women’s court, where Clackamas Community College and Bellevue College were about to square off in the first round. Reaching the press table that would be a home for my laptop and me for the next four days; I felt the cold emanating from the floor and mentally patted myself on the back for wearing my wool coat that

morning. The first game finished without much of a hitch, other than the fact that the women’s side of the arena was basically empty, as was the men’s. I chalked that up to the time of day. The only people there were the few fans that had followed the teams from their respective cities, not casual fans from the host city itself. Sure that attendance would pick up as the day continued, I dismissed the empty seats and focused on my work. The problem was, things never really got any better. There were a few exceptions, such as when host and eventual champion Columbia Basin College played that afternoon, but even then there were plenty of bright orange plastic seats still empty. The highlight of the first day was on the men’s side, when the top two teams in the coaches’ poll and the number one seeds from their respective regions lost in the first round. The defeat of Clark College by Yakima Valley Community College and the shocking victory by SW Oregon Community

College over Whatcom Community College had all the volunteers and many of the people who would normally have been wandering the concourses reenter to watch the finish of a pair of fantastic basketball games. What that proves is that people will watch games for the sport itself if the product is good enough, even if they aren’t supporting either of the teams. That begs the question, why have the tournament out in the middle of nowhere? Wouldn’t it make sense to move it to a more central and more accessible location? Let’s play executive director for a second here and pretend that we’re considering Portland as a new place to host the NWAACC championships. The first thing to look at is the size of the city. The Portland metro area is almost nine times the size of the Tri-Cities. That means that there are a lot more casual fans that would be willing to come out and watch the games. It’s a much more visible event when the host city is bigger, which could bring in more sponsors.

Another aspect to look at is the location. The TriCities are far away from just about everywhere with the exception of schools like Columbia Basin, Walla Walla Community College and Yakima Valley. Portland, however, is located on I-5, almost exactly in the northsouth center of the area that the NWAACC covers. Sure, teams like Spokane Community College would have a long drive, but it would be 100 miles less than the SW Oregon men had to travel to reach the tournament this year. Basically, I don’t see what the love relationship between the NWAACC and Tri-Cities is. The arena isn’t all that great (it’s far too big, and it’s extremely cold all the time), the location is far from central and the big name sponsors aren’t all that flashy. Yes, there were several steps of improvement this year with the added TV coverage at the championship games, but I would like to see a major shift in the way things work. It doesn’t have to be Portland, I just shouldn’t have to fight tumbleweeds for a parking spot.

8The Clackamas Print

s t r o p S g n e i l r u p d S e h Sc

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Baseball 2012 Season Schedule Date March 17 March 21 March 23 March 24 March 26 March 31 April 3 April 7 April 10 April 14 April 17 April 21 April 24 April 28 May 1 May 5 May 8 May 12 May 15 May 17 May 19 May 24-28

Opponent Linfield JV Olympic CC Clark College Treasure Valley CC Lower Columbia College SW Oregon CC Chemeketa CC Linn-Benton CC Lane CC Mt. Hood CC SW Oregon CC Chemeketa CC Linn-Benton CC Lane CC Mt. Hood CC SW Oregon CC Chemeketa CC Linn-Benton CC Lane CC Mt. Hood CC Playoff date TBD NWAACC Championships

Place/time McMinnville Noon Home 2 p.m. Home Noon Home Noon Longview, Wash. 5 p.m. Coos Bay, 1 p.m. Home 1 p.m. Home 1 p.m. Home 1 p.m. Gresham 1 p.m. Home 1 p.m. Salem, 1 p.m. Albany 1 p.m. Eugene 1 p.m. Home 1 p.m. Coos Bay, Noon Home 1 p.m. Home 1 p.m Home 1 p.m. Gresham 1 p.m. TBD Longview, Wash. Time TBD

Track and Field 2012 Season Schedule Date March 16-17 March 18 March 24 April 6 April 13 April 20-21 April 21 April 27-28 April 30-May 1 May 4 May 5 May 12 May 21-22

Meet Pacific Open Oregon Preview Wildcat Invitational Pacific Northwest Relays John Knight Twilight Oregon Relays Cougar Open Pacific Twilight NWAACC Multi-Event championships Mt. Hood Twilight Oregon Twilight Southern Region Championships NWAACC Championships

Location Pacific University University of Oregon Chico State Oregon City HS Stadium Western Oregon University University of Oregon Oregon City HS Stadium Pacific University Lane Community College Mt. Hood Community College University of Oregon Mt. Hood Community College Spokane Falls Community College

Softball 2012 Season Schedule Date March 15 March 16-17 March 24-25 April 4 April 7 April 10 April 14 April 18 April 21-22 April 28 May 1 May 5 May 9 May 12 May 18-21

Opponent Western Nebraska Central Arizona Tournament Inter-region Tournament SW Oregon CC Lower Columbia College Clark College Chemeketa CC Mt. Hood CC NWAACC Crossover SW Oregon CC Lower Columbia College Clark College Mt. Hood CC Chemeketa CC NWAACC Championships

Place/time Casa Grande, Ariz. 5 p.m. Casa Grande, Ariz. Time TBD Centrailia, Wash. Time TBD Coos Bay, Noon Home Noon Home 3 p.m. Salem, Time TBD Home 3 p.m. Yakima, Wash. Time TBD Home Noon Longview, Wash. 3 p.m. Vancouver, Wash. Noon Gresham, 3 p.m. Home Noon Delta Park/Portland, Time TBD

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