October Growl

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The Bettendorf High School

Growl Vol. 49 Issue 1

Friday, October 5, 2012

3333 18th St. Bettendorf, IA 52722

Old newspapers rediscovered by students show 60 years of BHS by Callie Heiderscheit Staff Reporter

Finding the papers It was only the first week of school

when we in publications discovered the true meaning of old news. But unfortunately, before any of the

Which ones to keep

eyes began filling with former times.

Clearly the time had come to transition to stage two. One paper was to be kept to represent an entire year of events, games, and student life. Choosing just one newspaper that was to embody an entire

Memories from the past “Did you guys know we used to have a synchronized swimming team?” said one. “Yeah, and gymnastics too. They went to nationals in ‘73,” replied another.

They saw the faces of the nominees for the year’s sweetheart and wondered who was crowned victorious in the end. actual publications could progress we had some work to do around the room. . One of the jobs seemed simple: Organize the old newspapers. It most certainly was not simple. Locked within the rectangular arms of a filing cabinet slept 60 years of BHS’s documentation in black and white. “All right, well, these are the old papers. They need to be organized. Keep only one from each year. One. You can do that,” Ms. King, our advisor, said. She left them with only a parting “Good luck,” and whole bunch of neglected newspapers.

about those involved with the play and what it would be like for the class of ‘66 to have been able to see it.

Hard to choose just one The choosing of a designated newspaper of the year was not a decision easily made. It, often times, became simpler to place the burden of the choice on the opinion of others. The idea of carelessly throwing out a paper, which held such importance to those who made it, was unsettling.

The idea of carelessly throwing out a paper, which held such importance to those who made it, was unsettling.

Brianna Klablunde, Alex Connor, Sarah Dixon, Callie Heiderscheit, and Michael Conner sort through a decade of papers. 365 days of time was hard to swallow. But still, it had to be done. The kids draped their arms around the most massive pile they could handle, and began to waddle their way back into the hallway.

Organizing, organizing . . . First things first; address the question of what to do. No particular starting point seemed fitting when dealing with the organization of hundreds of papers. Eventually it was settled that the papers would first be organized by the decade. The crew spent the next three days of class camped out in the hallway. “Eighties!” one would say. The designated paper-sorter would place the document accordingly. “This one’s a nineties! Oh, and here’s another eighties!” “Fifties,” said one sorter Dana Waterman views a particularly suddenly. The well-oiled decorated paper from the year 1983-84. machine that had been arranging newspapers so seamlessly just moments before completely halted. Sixties was first. The process The group congregated around this rare was underway, beginning with the artifact and took turns revelling at the ancient separation of years within the decade. pages. That was the only fifties paper found. . “We can all just take a pile. A year, I mean. Three days later came the Then, we can all decide on our own which conclusion of mindless systemizing. paper to keep and which ones to throw Six uneven piles of the voices from out,” one student suggested tentatively. the past lay before them. The tower And so it began. Each student sifting of seventies teetered roughly two and sorting through an array of topics and a half feet off the ground while and events to choose only one final the fifties had just one lone paper. paper. Some years contained nearly 20 papers, others held far less. Their

Especially when it seemed that every paper had something spectacular to offer. Whether it was the Pepe’s Taco ads (three for $1.30), learning that Bettendorf used to have a pre-homecoming school bonfire tradition (only to be forgone because of an ecological campaign), or finding a photo of Mr. Earp laughing while leaning against a pillar outside of the pool, it seemed every single newspaper had something worthwhile. And when phase two had finally been completed, the group stood back to view their reward once again. Like the time before, the newspapers had been placed into their fitting piles. But seven piles had now turned to two, and the unevenness had become much more significant.

As the process became smoother, a mutually understood language was developed. Each paper’s temporary title was its front-page headline. In order to separate one from another, papers would be referred to as “Spring Sports State Prospects Grow” or “Synchronized Swim Show Held; a First at BHS.” Those which were rejected were placed into a forever-growing pile which was referred to as “the uglies.” The measly pile of winners was disheartening when placed The significance next to the m a m m o t h Sixty years have pile of uglies. been documented During the impressively through period spent the eyes and pens filtering through of kids like us. the papers, the These papers team felt they remind us how some Growl editor Megan Sanchez shows had achieved changes can happen how different a newspaper from 1966 a sense of the so impossibly fast, and one from 2011 look. times they and in such an obvious were reading fashion, while other about. They forms of change are saw the faces of the nominees for the so gradual that one would never notice as year’s sweetheart and wondered who it occurs throughout the accumulation of was crowned victorious in the end. years. These papers hold such significance They read the headline “New Additions in teaching us how not to make the to Be Added to BHS” and pondered mistakes of our past (we’re talking to you, which hallway, that they might be passing legwarmers and afros) and also give us an thoughtlessly every day, was a thrilling illustration as to how to move forward. addition to those living through its creation. Or maybe they’re just the best place to find They read the words: “Don’t forget your dad wearing a polyester leisure suit. to see Miss Gorgeous Gams!” Thinking



The Growl Editorial

Challenge: What will YOU do for the hunger drive?




Every year in October we hold a student hunger drive through the first week in November. However, the majority of our school takes little notice to this event. Instead, our student council goes above and beyond to provide most of the food that comes in. Throughout the six weeks of the hunger drive, students are given many opportunities to participate. There are benefits at local restaurants, Powder Buff, class competitions, and more. Yet, only a small number of students actually participate. Joy Kelly, associate principal, feels that something needs to change as far as participation goes. “Historically, much of the food gathered for the hunger drive is primarily secured by the 40 members of student council. I

would really like to see more widespread involvement by a wider segment of the student body and staff,” Kelly said. Tanner Sears, senior, has seen both sides of the spectrum. He spent two years being an active student in the hunger drive, and one year working on student council. “Student council definitely works harder than the rest of the school,” Sears said. Student council spends hours outside grocery stores asking for donations, and they are at every hunger drive event. They put in announcements, hang flyers, and do everything possible to inform everyone. Perhaps students do not realize that you don’t have to be on student council to make a huge difference in the hunger drive. You can do more than just bring cans to classes. Student council would be more than happy to have your help asking for

Advice column: Sincerely, Sarah by Sarah Dixon Staff Reporter Dear Growl, I have a lot of problems and I really need advice! I feel like I have no one to turn to. Is there any way you could help me? Of course the Growl can help! Our new advice column, Sincerely Sarah, featuring Sarah Dixon, will be a new addition to our newspaper. A mailbox outside of the J-Lab will be put up for students’ anonymous letters. Whether your problems are humorous or serious, I will be glad to help with anything you desire. Dear Sarah, I am having problems at home. My mother and I have been fighting about what I wear. For the past few years we have had a battle with the type of underwear I buy. While I would like to get bikini style and thongs to avoid panty lines, she insists on buying me granny panties. It is so embarrassing, especially when I have to change in the locker rooms. What should I do? Sincerely, Granny Panty

Dear Granny Panty, my first solution would be to not wear underwear, but that’s just me. You know what they say, girls who don’t wear underwear don’t get their panties in a bunch! Especially if you wear athletic shorts a lot, they already have built-in underwear! But if you’re thinking “omg that’s super weird,” then don’t worry because there are other solutions. Plan B: sit down and talk with your mom about how you’d like to buy the underwear you want. If you explain to her that it’s embarrassing to wear “granny panties,” and tell her why you would rather wear underwear that you like, she should be like “yo I gotchu that’s coo.” Maybe she thinks the underwear you want to buy is considered racy and inappropriate, but you can definitely find seamless underwear that is appropriate! Compromise with your mom and hope she chills out a little. And if she still won’t budge, Plan C is move out, join the circus, and then you can wear anything you want, including big shoes and a clown nose. You can also hang out with elephants and feed them peanuts, that would seriously be so much fun. I love elephants. Lolz. Besides the point, good luck with convincing your mom! Sincerely, Sarah :)

Growl Staff

Editor: Megan Sanchez Reporters and Photographers: Emma Brindle, Michael Conner, Anna Willey, Callie Heiderscheit, Brenna Bates, Brianna Klabunde, Allie Weis, Alex Connor, Sarah Dixon. Columnist: Haley Zapolski bettgrowl.com Editor: Jordan Raso. Adviser: Connie King Mascot: Newsie

The Growl is a member of the Iowa High School Press Association (IHSPA) and the Journalism Education Association. Visit us at bettgrowl.com. “Like” us on Facebook (bettmedia).

October 5, 2012

The Growl accepts all signed Letters to the Editor by the student body. Letters may be edited for length, grammar, and clarity. Letters may be dropped off in D100, journalism lab or emailed to bhsgrowl@gmail.com.

Use your smart phone or iPad to visit our website!

donations outside of grocery stores, or even doing something as simple as setting your Facebook status to an encouraging message about the hunger drive. Student council is an example for the rest of the school to follow. But 40 kids cannot do it alone. You CAN make a difference. Courtney Carr, senior, has worked on student council with the hunger drive for two years. “I am very passionate about the hunger drive, and I know what a difference it can make. I want to see the rest of the school on board, so we can reach our goal,” Carr said. Student council is held to a higher standard when it comes to the hunger drive because it is in charge of the event, but Growl wants to know why these 40 kids have more drive and dedication than the entire school? We may not realize it, but there are students in every one of our classes that go home hungry. We often take for granted something as simple as food, but there is a student, possibly the one sitting next to you, whose family cannot afford food. As Bettendorf students, we should feel

a duty to help these people out. We are known for coming together during hard times. “People are actually hungry and we don’t realize what they’re going through. We need to help,” Sears said. The Growl’s vision: We want to see students and staff working toward a goal of 70,000 pounds of food. The Growl is counting on you. Our staff has 12 people, who all say it is time for a change. It is time that our school starts caring a little more and becomes more aware of the problem in front of us. We have done great things as far as the hunger drive goes. We have been the most improved school out of 17 schools in the Quad Cities for the past two years. Last year we raised almost 62,000 pounds of food... but we can do better, and we will. “BHS has great pride in everything we do. I trust our school community will step up and support the hunger drive as an avenue to provide support for those who are not as fortunate as most of us are in our own lives,” Kelly said. The goal is 70,000 pounds. What will you do to help?

The Halestorm: Procrastination is an art by Haley Zapolski Columnist

It’s 11 at night, maybe 1 in the morning, maybe passing time before your next class. Either way, you know you’ve procrastinated. That paper assigned two weeks ago is due tomorrow, or today, or in ten minutes, but you didn’t do it. You’re a procrastinator. I am writing this article late Thursday night and it’s due Friday. Oh, and it was assigned almost a month ago. I suppose I’m a procrastinator too. I finally sit down to write that paper and I have absolutely no clue where to begin. First I put my name, my teacher’s name, block, date, assignment number, chapter, change date to put when assigned and when due, my middle name, and then I run out of things to put and tell myself to get to work. Next, I sit there and fondle with the font and text size for ten minutes and finally decide that, yes, Arial is the way to go. I’ve worked really hard and I deserve a break! I proceed to check my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Infinite Campus, and Gmail. In a moment of weakness, I start to create a Google+ account just to have one more thing to waste time on, but stop myself because I know that that is going too far. I start to wonder, is my teacher actually going to read all of this? They will probably only read the first paragraph and the last. Shout-out to my mom who has always supported me and although she thinks I

am weird she is glad I’m at least happy. So what if I just added that sentence to reach my 500 word limit? It added twenty three words! Is anyone really going to notice? Does anyone actually read this? I still haven’t written enough words to reach the minimum so I start adding adjectives in every single possible space that I can add the great, little, nounmodifying words. Here’s a trick I think you should use if you are extremely desperate: Just add add a word in twice and I’m almost positive no one will notice. Do it on every line if you you have to. Did you see what I did there? Read the last two sentences again slowly. Ok, another break is probably needed again. So I go through the same routine and check all of my accounts. In another moment of weakness I go to my myspace page and finally have my own mini intervention with myself that all of these social media websites are getting out of hand. I don’t feel like going back to writing my paper so I go ask my mom how her day was. Finally, two hours later, I go ask my brother how his day was, and three seconds later I return to writing my paper. Another ten minutes go by after counting cars drive past my house. (In case you were curious, there were 17). Then I bang my head on the keyboard hjvgnyuhgujhyhghswedx edfrgt bnju and give up. The end.

October 5, 2012


Students strut thrift store style


by Emma Brindle Staff Reporter

style; he can be found wearing one almost Another frequent thrift store customer is find cheap things that are high quality. I every day. Kylie Gutierrez. once found a sweater for $3 that was worth “I like shopping at thrift stores because “I would describe my style as bag lady, $150, so there are lots of great values most they have way cooler items. grandma chic,” Gutierrez said. people just don’t know The stuff is just retro, and more She prefers shopping at thrift about,” Flax said In today’s economy, beautiful,” Ryan said. stores rather than retail shops Flax typically looks it is hardly sensible Ryan has the occasional because she likes helping others and for ugly floral shirts and to spend hundreds of strange find, the planet by reusing ridiculous sweaters when dollars on clothes. Aside such as some things. he goes shopping. His allfrom the money aspect of fluffy slippers; “I can always find time favorite purchase was shopping at retail stores, however, he cheap, unique things a pair of cap-toed loafers, nobody wants to show usually tries to that nobody else has. I which he ripped the soles up at school wearing the look for unique get to save money and off because he does not like same outfit as someone crewnecks and help others at the same wearing shoes. else. Three students have anything tie time, so it makes me As far as his style, Flax a great alternative by dyed. feel good,” Gutierrez gets ideas from different shopping at local thrift Although he said. movies. His outfits are stores. Alex Flax can be found When shopping, her inspired by his favorite Junior Logan Ryan is a shopping at favorite things to find actors at the time. He frequent customer at the many local thrift are cool t-shirts and enjoys wearing outfits that local thrift stores. Ryan stores, Ryan shoes. Her favorite purchase most people would not expect and being Kylie Gutierrez described his style as old Logan Ryan credits most of is a silky scarf which she is himself school retro. his impressive wearing in her picture. A Whether the goal is to be unique and Although he has made style to the Salvation Army, where he finds lot of Gutierrez’s unique, stylish clothing stylish, or just to save money, thrift stores lots of special purchases, his favorite is some of the greatest parts of his stylish come from her thrift store of choice, offer a wide variety of merchandise for by far a Michigan Wolverines crewneck. wardrobe. Goodwill anyone’s taste. One never knows what Crewnecks are a signature part of his Sophomore Alex Flax is another kinds of treasures they will find until individual who prefers shopping at thrift stopping by to see for themselves. Many stores. He can be found wearing outfits thrift stores have great deals and give varying from a button up shirt not all the people a chance to have great style without way buttoned, to a nice suit and tie. spending much money. “Thrift stores give me an opportunity to

New teachers take school in full stride by Callie Heiderscheit Staff Reporter

years with a four year degree. I believe life is only what you make it, and I knew that my hard work and perseverance would be better for my child and myself,” said On Aug. 15, all students were, the new Business and Computer teacher, once again, prepared to sharpen all of their Angela Mojeiko. new pencils, greet all of their acquaintances, “I’m going to marry my high and possibly manage to keep track of their school sweetheart in November who I met lanyards for the year as they entered school in my Power Mechanics class,” said Joseph for the first time in two and a half months. Phillips, who is With all of the school’s new the new classes and Woods I and new students, there is II, Electronics, one thing that perhaps and Power was not as clearly Mechanics noticed: a group of teacher. new teachers. While these The school educators have has gained 14 fresh been here faculty members this only a little year. The educators over a month, joining this year are Eleven of the new teachers show their many have Angela Mojeiko, smiles. already rooted Allyson Sedlak, themselves Lauren Booten, within the school Kayla Papish, Jennifer Wikan, Laura through the managing of clubs. Among Mohs, Janice Brattvet, Jason Hamann, Joe some of the organizations that the newest Phillips, Joe Newcomb, Dan Eizyk, Justin teachers have already involved themselves Lauer and Diana Steiner with are girls basketball, boys basketball, However that is the information middle school volleyball, German club, that may already be common knowledge Asian Culture Club, GAPP, FBLA and for a student. It is what one may not know much more. that makes these newest additions so Some are even aiming to create intriguing. their own clubs within the school. For instance: “I will be helping start up SOUP “I got married on a glacier in (Students Organized To Unite People),” Alaska,” said Level 3 Special Ed teacher said Allyson Sedlak, who is the school’s Jason Hamann. newest guidance counselor. “I was an interrogator in the Army “We’re trying to start an for five years, and I worked at the US Automotive Technology Club,” said Embassy in Beijing, China as a translator Phillips. and interpreter,” said Diana Steiner, There is even talk of bringing German teacher. Chinese to the school because of Steiner‘s “I went to Greece with the employment. Augustana Women’s Basketball Team,” According to Mojeiko, what said math/geometry teacher, Kayla Papish. is different about Bettendorf is, “The Each teacher has one thing in attentiveness of the students. Almost common: each has their own unique story all students in my classes seem anxious leading up to his or her arrival. to learn. The passion of the staff and “I had my son one year from my administration, they are all not afraid to try high school graduation. Even though I new things and they all try their hardest to had the challenge of raising a child, I still give a great education to all students.” was able to graduate from college in three

Asian culture club connects by Brenna Bates Staff Reporter

and continues to grow, then it is something I would like to continue with,” Skillett said. The mission of this group is similar to those of other foreign languages offered: to Many diverse people find comfort in the teach the students about the Asian culture groups and clubs that are offered to the and some of the languages that are spoken student body. An infant to the club scene, in Asian countries. Asian Culture Club, “We’re planning has recently started and to send the is run by Paisley Gale, underclassmen to president, and Sara Japan,” Longenecker Longenecker, the vice said. “We’re seniors president. this year, so obviously “We started this we won’t be able group to educate to go, but we hope people on the culture,” that we can work Longenecker said. “We something out for also wanted people them to go and learn to be able to join the about the culture in group and make new http://schools.iclipart.com person.” friends.” Gale and Before a group can Longenecker hope be started, the idea must be passed on the students participating in the club take a to Kevin Skillett, activities director, for liking to the Asian culture and continue to approval. learn about it. “Any time we can learn about other “It was Paisley’s idea, I just helped out cultures, there’s great value in that, not little,” Longenecker said. “We hope that only in school, but in our nation. There’s they enjoy learning about it as much as we something exciting and interesting about do.” different cultures,” Skillett said. Learning new cultures is important From a student standpoint, Gale believes because the nation is full of diversity. it is important to broaden the ideas of “We should all take great value in other cultures outside of American culture, the opportunity to learn about different and the few common cultures studied cultures,” Skillett said. such as Spanish, German, and French. In this group, different things are taught Longenecker believes it is important to to broaden the participants’ education on learn others’ culture and customs, so we do the Asian culture. not offend the people. “We have a word or phrase of the week,” “We’ve learned about Mexico, and a few Longenecker said. “We try to teach them countries in Europe, I thought we should things they might not know about the expand further into Asia,” Gale said. language.” There are a lot of student requests for In Asia, different holidays are celebrated, different groups and clubs to be started. In and different events are emphasized. IIn order for a club to be a permanent addition, this group, those customs are respected, and there must be a decent attendance and the even celebrated amongst the participants. club must have a meaningful mission. “If there’s a holiday they celebrate, we “If the club continues to garner interest try to celebrate it here, just to show them and sponsors, and the attendance is good what it would be like,” Gale said.



October 5, 2012

Students’ feelings differ on ACT

“I don’t think the ACT is a fair way to as people say it is,” Edmond said. Ali Grampp, senior, took the ACT three times. She was most concerned for the test students because some students get Edmond plans to attend a four year anxious for testing, and no matter how college, possibly the University of Iowa. science portion of the test. “I feel pressure from mostly colleges, much you study, you can’t do your best Dr. Robert Byram, guidance counselor, The ACT, or the American but I feel pressure from my parents and when you’re nervous,” Grampp said. has students walk into his office every day College Test, is a test that some students Grampp’s advice to students taking the with concerns, or lack thereof, about the myself too,” Grampp said. stress over, while others go in and just wing Grampp studied on her own for the first ACT is to study. ACT. it. Preparation can be an important part of “It’s no different than any other test. If time around. Before her second try at the “The ACT is very important. It is a way the test taking process, but some students you are a person who needs to study for for colleges and universities to compare ACT, she attended a ZAPS Seminar. choose to rely on their Every year, a ZAPS class tests, then you should study for this students,” Byram said. knowledge. seminar is held at the high one also,” Grampp said. Grampp and Scottie Trahan, school to teach students test Grampp’s number one choice is Trahan both senior, took the test taking techniques that will Pepperdine University. She also feel the ACT four times to get the hopefully improve their plans to apply to University is not a fair score he wanted. He of California-Santa Barbara, ACT score. test. Byram, was most concerned Liberty College, When Grampp on the other about the reading Trahan delves into an ACT C a r t h a g e was still hand, feels it section. prep book. U n i v e r s i t y, unhappy with can go either “I took thousands the University her ACT score, way. of practice tests to of Iowa and she went to “It is an prepare for the ACT,” Trahan said. Edmond relaxes before the ACT. Iowa State Sylvan Learning Center. There assessment Trahan feels the most pressure to do well University. She she went through a six week of how the on the ACT from colleges. is unsure whether to major student does on that day at that time, but program that consisted of “I think the ACT is not a good in psychology, English, or there are a lot of variables that can affect 20 hours of instruction from representation of a student’s knowledge. business. teachers who specialized in a student’s score, like not sleeping enough You don’t need to be able to read a passage Grampp takes her Unlike Trahan and the night before,” Byram said. each subject. and answer questions about it in a real life Grampp, one student found Unfortunately, Grampp was anger toward the Byram suggests preparing for the ACT situation,” Trahan said. no need to study for the ACT. as much as possible by taking practice not successful in her third ACT out on a prep Trahan’s advice to students preparing for Josh Edmond, senior, took tests, or more classes at the high school attempt. In fact, she ended up book. the ACT is to take lots of practice tests. He the exam for the first time this that could improve one’s score. going down two points from ended up with a 31, ten points above the September. Even with scarce preparation, her previous score. According to actstudent.org, 57 percent national average. “I’m really disappointed with the results he managed to score a 26, which is five of students increase their score the second “Although Cornell is my top choice, I got after taking the course at Sylvan,” points higher than the national average. time around. One may consider this when I’m applying to Illinois, Purdue, and “Even though I didn’t study, I would taking the test, and feel less stressed. Grampp said. Michigan,” Trahan said. For Grampp, her nerves are what affects still suggest studying to other students. “Students need to remember that they can Iowa State University is his back up However, I do think the ACT is not as bad always retake the ACT,” Byram said. her most during the test. option. by Megan Sanchez Editor

Powder Puff successful Building up a competition by Sarah Dixon Staff Reporter

As the football players prepared for the the homecoming game on Friday, upperclassmen girls got a chance to join in on the fun on Wednesday, Sept. 19, by participating in Powder Puff. The event was run by Jacob Hovey, Maggy Williams, Tyler Dunlavy, and Cole Jackson. To watch the game, it cost $5 to get in or three cans. The cans that are donated from admissions are given to the Bettendorf Food Pantry. The turnout of girls that signed up for the game was 80, which was 20 more than last year. Through admissions alone, $930 was raised. “A lot of preparation goes into organizing Powder Puff,” said Jacob Hovey, the chair of the event. The student council committee has to design and order the t shirts. They also look for volunteer coaches, announcers, and referees. Hovey said the committee started organizing Powder Puff the first week of school.

Junior McKay Matheson runs with the ball away from senior Melissa Welsh to score a touchdown. “Mckay scored most of our points,” said Maddy Meeker.

The girls had one mandatory practice before the game, where the coaches taught the girls some plays. The players caught on surprisingly quick, according to Drexler. “I like seeing the enthusiasm of the girls and seeing the smiles on their faces,” said Dan Drexler, teacher and volunteer Powder Puff coach of seven years. “The girls play hard, but the true meaning is to have fun,” Drexler said. The event can always improve on getting more girls to play, and also getting more students and parents to come watch. “I’d like to see more support at the game,” Drexler said. “I know everyone is busy but it’s fun to watch and it’s for a good cause.”

With a big smile on her face, senior Katie Moore is about to throw the ball with seniors Jessica Cobb and Nikki Schneider next to her. “Powder Puff is something that we should keep around because it gives us girls a chance to participate in something we wouldn’t normally be able to do,” said junior Maddy Meeker. “This event is all about giving girls a chance to experience playing football and joining a large group of girls together,” said Katie Kinsinger, the Student Council advisor, teacher, and coach. “This event is successful every year. The girls really enjoy the experience.”

her class would tie in the homecoming theme in this year’s float. They did this with their artistic New York skyline.The freshmen’s theme was “Uncage the Rage” featuring two bulldogs surrounded by a Float building was back again this year wooden fence. Sophomores had “Towering with a fantastic turn out. Students rushed to over the MAC” represented in their complete their floats in time for the parade cardboard skyline. Juniors “Roping up the on Sept. 20. Although a tough competition Competition” was obvious in their western this year, seniors won first place followed style float. by the juniors with third, sophomores The plans started with each of the classes second, and then the freshmen in fourth. meeting to discuss their theme and the best “It’s a lot of fun, and there is a lot of way to portray it in a float. teamwork because our whole class is “My class just tries to sit down and draw working together. Plus out diagrams of our it’s a competition which plans,” Summers is cool,” said Scott said. Then they Summers, a freshman on chose which ones student council. they liked best and The hot Sunday worked from there. afternoon on Sept. 16 at “Some people the bus barn did nothing have better ideas to dull the fun of float than others,” building. Each class had Wells said about an array of materials her class’s to make every float. brainstorming This included materials Juniors work together to build a experience. such as posters, wood, barn for their float. “Sometimes paints, tarps, and other our ideas get a tools. Not to mention little unrealistic, but I just hope to have a the trailers that were the base of the whole clean and complete float. We have a lot of project. There was painting, drawing, good creativity in our class though, and building, and laughing. Students had a we’re ambitious,” Summers said. Even blast working together. though it was the freshman’s first time in “As long as people are organized and the competition it did nothing to faze their have good ideas it usually goes well,” confidence despite the senior’s four year said Katherine Kinsinger, co-adviser of winning streak. homecoming with Danielle Breier. “If our class does the best we can, we’ll “Floats are probably the least stressful kill it!” Wells said, “I just hope the school part of homecoming,“ Kinsinger said. knows that we’re going to win.” “Float building is not only fun for “Students are usually very excited about the kids involved but “for the whole building their class floats, but more would community,” said Carrie Wells, a senior on be excited about it if they knew about it. student council who has been involved in Anyone is welcome to work on their their float building since she was a freshmen. floats, not just student council,” Kinsinger Wells also said that she was hoping said. by Brianna Klabunde Staff Reporter

October 5, 2012

Student Outreach


Hunger drive hungry Living through boot camp for more pounds by Emma Brindle Staff Reporter

by Alex Connor Staff Reporter

“The hunger drive is nice. It brings people together to raise food for a good cause,”Jack Wells, a freshman, said. Wells is on student council and helps advertise the hunger drive. The hunger drive is occurring from Oct.1 - Nov. 7. All the food will be donated to 120 local food pantries, shelters, and day care centers. Student council’s goal is 70,000 pounds of food. The hunger drive has a new tactic to raise pounds this year through the “Hunger Games.” The event is a new activity to help raise more student participation in the hunger drive. “Student council collected more cans last year than the whole student body,” Penny Constantiou said. She is a senior on student council. “We hope to get the whole school involved this year.” Constantiou came up with the idea for “Hunger Games,” so that student council could collect more cans and gain more pounds. “I was driving home from work, and I just thought of it,” Constantiou said. The “Hunger Games” is an activity based on the book series by Suzanne Collins. Students bring $5 and sign up under a district on Oct. 8-11. Students then show up at the high school on Oct. 15 with five cans of food, and play a giant game of capture the flag/flag football in the school

hallways and in the courtyard. “It’ll be really fun, we just need people,” Wells said. Student council must have at least 120 participants or “tributes” or else the “Hunger Games” can not take place. “We hope to have at least eight or nine districts,” Constantinou said. There will be 30 students per district. “Anyone in school can sign up,” Wells said, “and it’s going to be really fun. If you win you get a lot of bragging rights.” The prizes are not yet determined for winning the “Hunger Games,” but student council is thinking about awarding gift cards, and of course, bragging rights. “We hope to get a lot of our pounds from the ‘Hunger Games’,” Constantiou said. “I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out, and seeing the teams interact while raising pounds of food for a good cause.” “I think it’s different, but I like the idea, it will definitely spark an interest with students,” Constantinou said. The “Hunger Games” will be one of the major fundraising events for the hunger drive but the student council also has some more ideas for raising pounds. “If you bring in five cans from Oct. 1-12 in the mornings, you’ll be put into a raffle for prizes such as VIP parking, t-shirts, and gift cards,” Constantinou said. Student council will also be hosting a silent auction and pack the bus night.

While most of last year’s seniors are simply adjusting to dorm life and cafeteria food in their first year of college, 2012 graduate Brandon Labath has much more on his plate to adjust to. Labath spent his summer attending boot camp as a part of his training for the Navy. He missed getting to watch ESPN and listen to music while at boot camp the most. On a normal day, he woke up at five in the morning for a 6:00 sharp start. The hardest part was staying awake during boring times. “If you fell asleep, you got your butt chewed out,” Labath said. Labath found boot camp to be similar to high school as far as the people he met. However, he got a chance to meet people from all over the country which was a nice change, aside from the occasional few who got on his nerves. Labath showed his strength and perseverance by never letting hardships get the best of him. Although several gave up throughout boot camp, that was never an option for him. His family and friends have been extremely supportive throughout everything. That, along with his attention to detail and hard work ethic, has kept him going strong. “Boot camp is a small milestone in my Navy career, and you have to take what you learned from there to apply it once I get to the fleet. It felt awesome by the time I was done,” Labath said. Right now, Labath is going to school in

Chicago to continue work on his operation specialist rating. Life is much more relaxed at school compared to the boot camp itself; however, there are definitely stressful aspects. The work involves doing modules on the computer, which he is only given a day or two to finish, followed by testing two to three times per week. “The work itself is pretty stressful just because we aren’t given much time to learn everything, then we get tested right away,” he said. Actually graduating from boot camp involved a final event called battle stations. This consisted of staying up for 12 hours straight while going through real life experiences that could happen at sea. This gives the enlistees a chance to see what life would be like once on the boat. After battle stations there was a ceremony for the graduates where family members finally got a chance to visit. Junior Brooke Labath was one of the proud family members to visit her brother after boot camp. “It was really sad not having my brother around. It was hard not seeing him, and I missed not having him at home to pick on me,” Brooke recalled. Labath has not yet had a chance to come home, but hopes to be back in Bettendorf soon to visit his family. He graduates from A-school on Oct. 30 after which he will be stationed either in Japan, California, Florida, Virginia, Washington, or possibly Hawaii. “Whatever you decide to do in life, work hard, it pays off!” Labath said.

FBLA encourages students to donate blood by Brenna Bates Staff Reporter

word out to pull it his third time donating off,” Roeder said. “It blood. takes a lot of people.” “It’s not a bad feeling, “We advertised the but it’s weird because Blood drives are a common event put event differently,” something is being taken on by the Student Council representatives. Peyton Tumey said. from you,” Newman However, for the first blood drive of “We talked to our said. the 2012-2013 school year, the FBLA friends to spread the Snacks and beverages students pulled together to plan their first word. And rather FBLA members Kelcie were provided in the fine ever blood drive. than having the donor Eisbrener, Michael Vigen, and arts room for the students “Miss Kinsinger was too busy with come find their time Peyton Tumey volunteered at who donated, along with student council,” Sarah Roeder said, “so cards, we passed them the blood drive. a resting area for those she asked FBLA to host it.” out ourselves to save who did not feel so well Although the host for the blood drive trouble for them.” after. was different, the goal for the outcome On Sept. 11, students filed into the Katelyn Warhurst, senior, thought that was not. fine arts room, ready FBLA did very “Our blood drive will to donate blood well organizing be very similar, we have for people in the the event. the same goals. The goal community. “FBLA did is 100 pints,” Roeder After donating, really well, I’m said. junior Amanda proud of them,” There are a few crucial Wittrock explained Warhurst said. steps in planning a her experience of “ T h e successful blood drive, giving blood for the o r g a n i z a t i o n including contacting the first time. was similar blood center, advertising “I felt a little to the normal for the event, and nauseous, but it wasn’t blood drives,” Amanda Wittrock providing necessary too bad,” Wittrock Newman said. “I snacks and comfort for said. “It sounded like wish the resting the donators. a nice thing to do, and area was a little bigger though.” “We met with the I plan on donating After all of their hard work and donor coordinator, and again.” preparation, FBLA put on a successful put a couple of kids in Aaron Newman, blood drive. Aaron Newman charge of getting the senior, celebrated “It wasn’t necessarily challenging,”

Roeder said, “But there is a lot more involved than most people realize.” This may be FBLA’s first time hosting a blood drive, but don’t expect it to be their last. “This one is just practice for the future,” Tumey said. “We’re hoping to host more blood drives in the future.”



October 5, 2012

Students celebrate spirit week By Brianna Klabunde Staff Reporter

What other week can you see flappers and cowboys in the school? Or an abundance of matching pink students and people covered in black and gold paint? Only the annual spirit week in celebration

Kyle Perkins and Morgan Harksen dress up as fairies for Matching Monday. For Western Wednesday, Eric Hale and Keaton Amiot show off their western style. of homecoming could bring this kind of crazy out of Bettendorf. Some people go all out! “I just want to get everyone pumped for spirit week,” Alexa Major, senior, said. She expressed her school pride during spirit week by dressing up in the most

“I’m at Walmart a lot on that week,” Major said. Most students just wear what they own already for each of the themed days. Some of them, though, are known to stop at Goodwill or Walmart when they need to complete an outfit.

outstanding outfits she could think of. She won “Matching Monday” along with Ali

Grampp and Dylana Lockwood. The three of them dressed up as the “Three Blind Mice.” The themes on spirit week were Matching Monday, Trending Color Tuesday, Western Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and Black and Gold on Friday. Students tried their hardest to be as creative as they could be with the themes. “I try to think outside the box and not do what others would think of,” Major said.“My favorite days had to be my cactus

Madison Lower and Ashton Glause show their school spirit by dressing up for Throwback Thursday. outfit for western day and my caveman outfit for throwback.” “My dad gave me some pretty awesome ideas,” Chance Douglas, senior, said about how he thought of what to wear throughout the week, “I wore my awesome Dallas Cowboy pajama pants and shirt, tied a blanket around my neck like a cape, and carried a small pillow and a stuffed pikachu doll for Tuesday.”

Juniors Katie Walker and Austin Broyles wore pink for Trending Color Tuesday. Spirit week is a chance for the students in the school to express their pride, and to make school more enjoyable for everyone. “I want to participate with my peers and have a good time,” Kaitlyn Dvorak, senior, said.

Unique ways to get date for homecoming by Brianna Klabunde Staff Reporter “We went to her house from Pleasant Valley, to when it was pouring rain, the dance. and I stood on her car “I guess I was and started to sing,” said nervous. I didn’t know Matthew McFate about how it was going to how he asked his date to go,” McFate said. But homecoming. his worries were shortEvery year around lived. Piotter accepted homecoming, students his invitation to the are riddled with the same dance. old questions. Who to “When I had gotten ask, how, when, where!? out of practice, I spent Others in the school are my time putting white wondering if they’ll even tape on all sides of be asked. It is stressful and James Gomez thinks of a my car spelling out sometimes hopeless. But pun to ask his homecoming ‘J+A=HC?’ on both in the end, asking could date, Alaina Wallace. sides and putting ‘HC’ really be the most fun out on the hood and back. of it all. When I got to her “I was just sitting around my house with my friends trying to think of an idea. We knew we wanted to sing,” said McFate. That’s when McFate and his friends came up with the idea to write out completely different lyrics to the popular song, “Call Me Maybe”, based around asking his friend, Aaron Newman asks Jackie Blaum right before Bethany Piotter taking her out to eat.

Matt Albert spells out “HC” in candles to ask Julianne Trizzino to homecoming. [Jackie Blaum] house I called her to come outside. When she came out, I had her favorite song playing so she could hear it,” Aaron Newman said. “I thought it was sweet, especially since he stole the tape from his teacher and it was hot outside when he did the taping and it left tape goo on his car when we pulled it off. Plus people gave him weird looks when he was driving over to my house,” Jackie Blaum said. James Gomez asked Alaina Wallace at their friend’s backyard pool. “My friend told me to come up with a

water pun to fit the pool setting, so I just thought about sea-life wordplay,” Gomez said. “When I walked outside he was standing by my friend’s pool with a floaty on and was holding a sign that said, ‘We should dolphinitely go to homecoming together’,” Wallace said. “I thought it was clever.” One afternoon in Keith Bonnstetter’s Spanish classroom, Matthew Hollander planned on asking Anna Peer to homecoming. He wrote “Anna! I’d be really hoppy if some-bunny like you went to homecoming with me!” He held a stuffed bunny to complete the pun. When Peer finally came to the class, she said yes to his invitation. Whether it is funny, cute, or super creative, asking and being asked is always a key part in the homecoming fun.

Anna Peer gets suprised in her Spanish class when Matthew Hollander asks her to homecoming.

October 5, 2012



Dance decorating puts dazzle on evening By Emma Brindle Staff Reporter chaired by Cassidy the reactions,” Glynn said. Glynn, assisted by Inspiration for homecoming On the night of homecoming, everyone Alec Bridges, Emma typically comes from past walks in the school to see a beautiful array Brindle, and Abbie dances. At the beginning of of decorations and the school transformed Logan. the quarter, everyone gets From start to finish together to discuss pros and the dance is all about cons from last dances, in order little details. Much to make the dance the best it of the work involves can be. Glynn had a chance calling people to get to visit New York City itself, things approved and and used the trip for many of waiting for responses. the ideas that appeared in this Glynn designed the year’s decor. tickets this year and The majority of decorating incorporated her gets done on the morning of artistic talent into all Kylee Cangas sets up the the dance. The whole student red carpet. of the designs. council meets at the school “It’s really stressful from 8 to 12 to put together worrying about all of the decorations and set everything up lights for Jack Wells and Karly Lent g o i n g the evening. hang up lights. s m o o t h l y, Following but it is the dance, the definitely same group for a glamorous evening. What most people worth it in meets the next do not think of, is how it gets that way. the end. I day from 1 Each year, student council works love seeing to 3 to finish diligently for the whole quarter planning everything New York backdrop ties the decor together. clean up. the dance to make it a night to remember. put together This year’s homecoming committee was and all of

One of the centerpieces for the evening. Bridges was in charge of lights this year and was elated to see them on the night of the dance. “I was just excited to bust a move and admire my lights,” he said. Although decorating is a lot of work and may seem stressful at times, for the individuals planning homecoming, it is a huge part of their vision. Seeing the gym transform from its everyday plain look to a sparkly, glamorous, night makes everything worthwhile.

Homecoming king, queen all smiles for crowning By Emma Brindle Staff Reporter

All eyes were on the the 16 homecoming hopefuls sitting together on the football field as Kevin Skillett held the envelope with the news everyone was waiting to hear. “This year’s homecoming queen and king are Cassidy Glynn and Kyle Perkins,” Skillet announced. As soon as the king and queen were announced, Glynn and Perkins instantly gave each other a huge hug. The two, who

were also homecoming dates, were ecstatic and all smiles for the big news. Regarding the crowning, Perkins was most excited for his date, and to be escorting the homecoming queen herself on the special night. He was hoping she would win and the excitement was overflowing. “It’s just a really cool feeling. I’m involved in drama and show choir, so I’m not exactly the stereotypical king, which is

nice,” Perkins said. Right before the titles were announced, Glynn was nervous, but it was not the nerves that were most on her mind. “I was definitely nervous, but I was mainly thinking about how fun planning homecoming has been. I was replaying things in my mind, and reflecting on everything that had happened,” Glynn said. Overall, Glynn wants to make sure to

be herself and continue to uphold her title by smiling and staying glamorous. The emotions were high at the crowning. Although at most times Glynn was speechless, and could hardly move, she was extremely gracious for everyone that voted for her and made the event so special. “I feel like I’m in a different world. I’m so happy. Yay!” Glynn said as she smiled for pictures with her king.

Homecoming court hopefuls join hands before the crowning.

Glynn and Perkins went to the dance together. (photo from Kyle Perkins)

Glynn and Perkins smile for the crowd after hearing their names announced for homecoming king and queen.

Cassidy Glynn is crowned homecoming queen.

Glynn and Perkins address the school dressed in their spirit clothes at the Friday pep assembly.

The homecoming court watch the competition during the pep assembly.

Student Spotlight


October 5, 2012

Young athletes shape Bulldog future By Anna Willey Staff Reporter

told myself that if I had to crawl through abilities were what we wanted. Another the finish I would, but I wasn’t going to huge factor was that the team welcomed him immediately,” said Phil Schaffer, an puke,” Blackman Said. Although cross country is ultimately an offensive coach for the football team. Because of this immediate welcome, individual sport, Blackman does not see it Cox doesn’t feel pressure from the team. as competing for spots. “It’s just fun. I can’t see myself getting Although he has had the privilege of being mad at someone for out running me,” pulled up Cox still works hard. Unlike many volleyball players, “Going the hardest Blackman said. Danielle Pennington and Megan Sharkey all the time is one Being in have never not played together. Besides of the keys to my Blackman’s YMCA volleyball, Pennington and success. I just don’t position once, Sharkey think about messing Anna Peer knows have played up or the atmosphere, how she feels, and on the same but do my best,” Cox is trying to make team, the said. her experience be Bettendorf Practices for the better than how Aces, since football team can Peer’s was as a fourth grade. often go long. Even freshman. Although in really intense “It is really spandex, practices there are awesome having socks, and plenty of times to a freshman on Cox celebrates a touchdown with his j e r s e y s laugh. Cox has even varsity, because teammate Malique Hudson. change, been the core of some I know we have Sharkey and laughs too. a future for our Pennington “I was saying my cadence in practice, team. Also Blackman is a good push to can still be other seniors or juniors who want to do ‘ready, set, go’ and on go my voice cracked. found on Everyone heard it and started laughing and well,” Peer said the court Running can be hard, chanting, ‘He’s a sophomore.’ It was so together, but Blackman trains embarrassing,” Cox said. only this time Along with having fun and being intense, hard in order to have in black and Pennington and Sharkey mistakes are going to happen in the game. success. Instead of taking are gettting ready to play gold. When they do, teammates are often the shortcuts, the easy way in seventh grade. (Photo S t e p p i n g by Vern Pennington) When Isabella out, Blackman completes ones whose response is most influential. on the varsity Blackman first Cox’s teammates are really supportive in the full workouts. court for the discovered a love for As far as college goes, these situations. first time, emotions were flying through cross country, that feeling “We just tell him that it’s fine and it’s Blackman is unsure where both of their heads. had to be put on hold. or what she wants to do. over and done. We have told him that the “I was scared, but really excited--not During the first practice Balancing student council, most important play is the next one, so get many freshmen get to play varsity. I told for cross country in the olympic development over the last one and move on. He takes myself I would do well and not be scared seventh grade everyone program for soccer, honors most of the negatives pretty well. He is of the student section,” Pennington said. had to run one mile, but classes, and cross country, pretty mature for being a sophomore,” said “I didn’t want to mess up,” Sharkey exceeding expectations, Blackman has a lot of self- Taylor Robbins, center for the team. said. Blackman loved running Not knowing where he specifically wants discipline. Throughout Even with these emotions, their hard and ran two instead. high school she is hoping to go for college, Cox’s goal is to start as a work during practices took over for them, Even though that one sport, either cross D1 quarterback eventually. But for now, he and their bodies knew what to do. Blackman wanted to run country or soccer, will has plenty of things to focus on. Not only do Shaky and Pennington cross country after that Blackman is preparing for a stand out more than the Regardless of the team, Cox always practice with varsity daily, but they both one practice, she was not race at Crow Creek. thinks of the same advice that was once other. also take able Regardless of the sport, given to him by the Saint Ambrose’s p r i v a t e to with the club soccer Blackman never forgets her dad’s advice to offensive coordinator Matt Drinkall. lessons. team she had already her about doing her best. “The most important part of the play is “I work committed to for that “You have to do your best. As long as possessing the ball at the end of the play,” hard to get year. you exceed your expectations it doesn’t Drinkall said. better and When eighth matter about anyone else’s,” Blackman’s With a few more games left in season, to improve grade rolled around dad said. regionals approaching, and hopefully state, bad habits,” Blackman managed her Sharkey said. time and commitments Contrary to make sure she would to what some be able to both run people may cross country and play think, funny Pennington and Sharkey anticipate a long soccer. Even though age is not a similarity m o m e n t s rally against the Lancers. (Photo by Vern Just as her freshman between Pennington, Sharkey, and happen all Pennington) Blackman, playing a the time. varsity sport is. Inspired by Whether the team is at team bonding, year started, cross his dad to be a quarterback, dancing embarrassingly, or in a drill, country came into full Cyle Cox, a sophomore, is laughs happen constantly. swing too. Unlike most exactly that for the varsity “Our team was in an intense drill where freshmen, Blackman football team and he loves you don’t want to let the ball drop and was given a varsity it. all of a sudden Coach Lichtenberg started jersey. She is one of “I get to touch the ball diving and rolling after balls, and the team only seven girls who every play and feel like I’m lost it!” Sharkey said. get that opportunity. a leader of the team and Being two of five freshman to ever play Lined up for the first people respect me for that,” varsity, Sharkey and Pennington both race thoughts and Cox said. consider this their biggest accomplishment stories kept popping Throughout the summer so far this season. up in her head. the big decision for coaches Cox runs the ball againist the Not only does being on varsity drive “I was so nervous. was whether or not to pull Blue Devils. them to work harder, but their varsity Mahnee Watts told Cox up. After watching status also drives other teammates. me how she literally him, they realized he had “They make everyone work a little crawled through her Cox continues to take Drinkall’s advice the qualities they needed. harder,”Shelby Brandt, one of the two first varsity race as a “His leadership, control to heart and to work hard to be the best captains of the team said. freshman and puked. I Blackman runs toward the of the game, and physical quarterback that he can be for the varsity straight away. (Photo by Carol Moving an athlete up is a hard decision, football team. Davis) but is often a good one. If a player is ready

Danielle Pennington and Megan Sharkey

not only physically, but emotionally too, then the move would be beneficial. “My job as the varsity coach is to identify the most talented players in the gym. If there is a younger player that has the physical skills, emotional maturity, and would play an important role at a higher level, then I will talk to the player and her parents about pulling them up to the next level. A lot of thought and evaluation goes into the decision to advance a player above their grade level,” said Diane Lichtenberg, head coach for the volleyball team. In the future, both Sharkey and Pennington would love a full-ride scholarship to Division I schools, but have no idea which one because like they said, “We are only freshman!” Right now both freshmen are focused on this season with goals to go above and beyond other teams, whether it be in the MAC or teams in different conferences faced in regionals. Their ultimate goal, would be to face some of the best at state.

Isabella Blackman

Cyle Cox

October 5, 2012


Through the eyes of author by Alex Connor Staff Reporter

Memories of 9/11 slowly begin to fade from the minds of students all around the country. The fateful day is captured in images, videos, and stories. Claudia Haas a play writer from Minnesota, was able to bring to life a drama about young people learning to cope with their experiences of 9/11. Haas based her play on real life experiences and was able to turn her story into an eye opening production. Bettendorf High School will be opening the curtains to this production on Nov. 1-3 at Davenport North High School. Below is a question and answer session with the author of the play By Candlelight. Q: Are you excited to come to the show? A: Of course - I love to see my work interpreted by others. I can figure out how effective my work is by seeing what others bring to it. I don’t often get to see my plays produced so it is a real treat for me. Q: What inspired you to write a play about your real life experiences? A: In truth, I lost track of my friend after I moved to MN and she went to law school.

We were so very busy and when I tried to reconnect (via the Internet), I was directed to websites about 9/11. I was in shock and had been coincidentally writing a play about high school kids in NYC dealing with 9/11. When the shock wore off, I knew I would insert her into my play. It’s amazing how a childhood friendship can impact your life is such a meaningful way. Q: Where were you when 9/11 occurred? A: I was working in an elementary school. We were not allowed to speak of it for fear of upsetting the kids. My parents were visiting relatives in NYC (in Queens, so I knew they were safe). I had friends working in the World Trade Center (just as I had done) and I had to continue my day as if nothing was amiss even though I was aching to go home and make phone calls to everyone I knew in NYC (and that’s a lot). Q: What was your inspiration for the other characters (Aaron, Ericka and Paul) (Leita and Gina)? A: My inspiration came from my friend’s children and my cousin’s children. I was on e-mail and the phone regularly in the days following 9/11 and was moved by the experiences related to me of their kids. An article appeared in the NY Times about the kids at Stuyvesant High School (right next

New nurse welcomed


to the World Trade Center) and their horror - they are not part of a number - but all and sadness at seeing both the attacks individual, vibrant lives. “Lanie’s” and then their influence helped mold me into school turned the person I am still striving to into a rescue be - truly tolerant, empathetic, center. I also and compassionate. And I hope used that for people think about - people. inspiration. Unique, wonderful people - and Q: How don’t lump people in a group. does it feel When you see an individual to have - and have a conversation Bettendorf with that person, get to know High School that person - it’s easier to be tell your story compassionate. Even if the and “Lanies”? person is of a different religion, A: It’s been race - or these days - political the loveliest affiliation! moment of Q: What do you hope the my summer students in the play take away and now my from the experience? autumn. A: That they are creating Q: What do Claudia Haas, author of something of value. Theatre you hope the production By Candlight exists in the present - it reaches audience takes Photo credit by playscripts.com and touches and the cast and away from the crew have the power to do that. show? There’s nothing like it in the world! A: I hope it puts a face on a 9/11 victim

Service dog helps new student adjust

by Brenna Bates Staff Reporter by Abbi Clevenger Staff Reporter

Fall 2012 marks the first year with new Schmertmann said. “They don’t fall down nurse, Roxanne Schmertmann, although on the playground at recess, but they have this is not her first year nursing. In fact, it’s different needs.” her 12th. “I’ve really enjoyed working here so far, “It’s my first year working with the high it’s been a lot of fun. I like getting to know school level, but I was at Hoover for the the staff and students,” Schmertmann said. past five years,” Schmertmann said. Contrary to the popular belief of the Many people have interesting stories student body, teachers and other staff behind the decision in choosing their members participate in other activities career, and Schmertmann is no exception. besides grading papers, and checking “It sounds like a cliché homework. but I enjoy working with “I love to read,” people. And I actually Schmertmann said. “My had a bad experience as Kindle app gets used a lot. I a patient, so I thought I also support a lot of the local could make it better. I athletics.” wasn’t treated very well Schmertmann also has a one time, and that pushed family with whom she enjoys me towards nursing,” spending time whenever the Schmertmann said. chance presents itself. As the years pass by, “Brennen is twenty years many things change old, and he’s in college, and technologically, which Sarah is seventeen, and she’s affect how everything currently going to Pleasant is documented. In Valley,” Schmertmann said. school nursing, the Roxanne Schmertmann With a job like nursing, and documentation used to be become a nurse after children invested in school, done by hand, and many her bad experience as a sports, and work of their own, things including the needs patient. family time can be hard to of the school families manage. have changed as well. “We try to have dinner a few “School nursing used to just be paper days a week together,” Schmertmann said. documenting; writing everything down “My daughter is a competitive dancer, so with paper and pencil, but now everything we also try to attend and support as many is done on the computer. On another note, of her events as we can.” families seem to have more needs than “I’m actually a Bettendorf graduate,” when I first started nursing,” Schmertmann Schmertmann said, “and my husband is said. coincidentally a Pleasant Valley graduate.” Spending her past five years at Hoover “I’m looking forward to getting to know Elementary school, the high school level the students,” Schmertmann said. “And has proved to be a bit of a change for I’m looking forward to a long time here at Schmertmann. Bettendorf.” “It’s fun working with older kids,”

well. The family had to show knowledge of a minimum of three tasks, ability to maintain training, and basic dog hygiene At first sight a dog in the school seems to and care. Recently Vicky Swank who works with be an illogical thing. He is not the local dog prodigy here to learn school lessons, but he Alex and Kade three blocks a day was trained as a secondary handler through is a local here for student Alex Locey. Locey and his service dog, Kade, are the CARES program. The hardest part of seen walking around school this year. The training is not petting or talking to the dog standard poodle will be three in November while he is working. “Numerous students and their and serves as a seizure alert dog for Locey. dogs went to lunch Kade is a playful recently and it was dog, but when his vest interesting to watch the is on he is working and dogs ignore the people should not be played and the food that was with. One should dropped on the floor. always ask before Kade is definitely one petting a service dog. of the most protective To become a service dogs in our district, dog, Kade went because he was skittish through an 18 month about letting others training program around Alex,” Swank called CARES. In this said. program inmates in According to two different Kansas Jennifer Locey, service prisons went through dogs may guide people, training to be able to assist with mobility train service dogs. difficulties, retrieve Training standards items, alert medical include responding to problems, and provide basic hand signals for more independence. sitting, staying, and These dogs are allowed coming to the owner anywhere in public when asked. including stores and After Kade was schools. finished with training, Alex Locey wants people to If a service dog Locey and his family know that his dog Kade is really begins barking it also had to take a week playful when the dog is not usually means there is a long training course working. crisis. One should first to learn the different ask if the handler needs commands the dog knows. The training was not only in the help. The dog can only be asked to leave a gym, but involved in the community as facility if there is no crisis.



October 5, 2012

Foreign exchange students adjust by Abbi Clevenger Staff Reporter Moving into a new country, living with a brand new family, and adjusting to a new life can be hard enough. For foreign exchange students Anne Louche and Ana Arroyo, moving to this school was made

and Arroyo of Colombia arrived within three hours of each other due to Louche’s ten hour flight problems in New York. “Anne was tired and immediately went to bed,” Arroyo said.

Anne (left) and Ana (right) at the airport with their new sister after Ana’s ten hour layover in New York.

easier by having each other. A local family, the Hubbards, took in the two senior students. Louche, from Belgium

The next day the girls were able to shop for necessities at Wal-Mart. The next two weeks were filled with bonding for the two girls and becoming more familiar with

Class grows garden

to follow America in aspects such as hamburgers and hotdogs, but rice is a special carb to them and vegetables are also very important. After a big breakfast and a big lunch, Colombians have a small dinner. To keep in contact with their families the students use Skype. A cultural difference shows when Louche Ana (left) and Anne (right) are foregin exchange communicates more students from Colombia and Belgium respectively. with her sister who relays the information American customs. to her mom; while The first days at school were a little Arroyo plans to talk to her mom every rough. After a tour with Dr. Byram, the Sunday. girls were worried about how large the Some interesting stereotypes the school was. “It was about the size of a students had on America had a lot to do college in Columbia,” Arroyo said. with the sports. Louche talked about the After the new students’ meeting, two football games and how everyone dresses girls showed the exchange students around in their sports uniforms. In Belgium, one for a week. Louche was overwhelmed by must go to a local sports complex much the idea that she never seemed to see the like the YMCA to play sports. Louche same student twice. Arroyo explained that also expressed how hugging in Belgium in Colombia a student sticks with the same is intimate, so seeing everyone hug here students for each class instead of moving took a while to get used to. Arroyo said a from class to class and having different kiss here is intimate while in Colombia it is people in each class. normal to kiss someone after meeting them Thinking back on home life, the two girls for the first time. Arroyo also explained that come from very different backgrounds. in Belgium the stereotype of huge parties Louche’s home in Belgium is in the and crazy high schools were definitely true French speaking section. Her school had when she came here. 700 students and two sections including Both students miss their friends and elementary for six years and secondaire for family, but are really enjoying this six years. When going to lunch everyone experience. This is Arroyo’s third time in must bring their own lunch, because the the United States and she plans to stay all school does not provide a lunch. year. Louche only plans on staying this On the other hand, Arroyo’s school semester for her first time here. Louche also has kindergarten through eleventh grade. plans to visit her best friend’s homecoming The students start learning English in who is currently staying in Chicago. kindergarten. In Colombia the culture tries

By Callie Heiderscheit Staff Reporter It was only the first week of school has everything that it needs, the class when Sarah Michelson’s third block uses an organized system of care. environmental biology class began “We’ve split into groups and each of us growing their knowledge of plant life has a different plant in its own row. We all and the environment. Since then, take care of different things for our row. their knowledge has only grown more. I usually weed,” said Kiera Watts, junior. The class is partaking in what The garden is filled with an assortment may be the best way to “grow” one’s of different vegetation, such as sunflowers, knowledge of the environment: creating carrots, cabbage, spinach, radishes and and caring for one’s own garden. lettuce. While each plant is growing at a The garden, which is currently maturing different rate, (Tygret claims that his plants, behind the new the sunflowers, library, is not all are growing far that noticeable quicker than yet. But with the others) the each plant students hope developing as that the plants rapidly as it is, will have fully chances are it ripened by soon will be. this winter. “I don’t With winter think people and the close have really of the project, seen the garden it is likely that Seniors Kyle Delveau, Tyler Smock, and yet. I think the students Tommy Tygret work in the garden. they’ll notice will not only it once they’re have expanded full grown,” said Tommy Tygret, their understanding of the growth senior and member of the class . of the environment, but in addition, There are numerous aspects of a a new image for the whole school. garden that must be tended to to ensure “The fact that we have a garden that the garden continues to grow as growing at our school shows that we it should. To guarantee that each plant care about the environment,” Tygret said.

Buy your yearbook NOW!!!! The cost goes up in January! Buy it now-no guarantee there will be extra books in the fall. $60 will guarantee you “Together We . . .”

October 5, 2012


Football preparations key to winning have a good night’s sleep for game day,” Owens-Johnson said. During the school day, OwensJohnson stays focused for the Friday night event. “Throughout the day, I stretch to The key to a great game is great get loose for the game. I also listen to good preparation. In any sport, learning one's music to pump myself up for the upcoming opponent is essential to performing at the game,” he said. highest level. Right before the big game, Every week, O w e n s the Bulldogs Johnson practice the prepares in defense and a different offense of the m a n n e r team they are than other playing that football week. Unique players to the Bulldogs, would. though, are the “ I n “rituals” that the locker players do on room before their own. the game B r y s o n Malique Hudson runs over the North Scott I talk to Owens-Johnson, defenders. myself to get senior, has his pumped up. own ways of I normally getting ready on game day. punch lockers,” said Owens-Johnson. Getting ready for the game starts Whether the player sits quiet to at team dinner. Team dinner takes place themselves on the way to the upcoming right after the pre-game practice, the day game or are loud and obnoxious during the before the football game. ride, all players prepare for the upcoming “I get a lot of nutrients at team dinner. I also eat a lot so I get tired and by Michael Conner Sports Editor

Conner Column by Michael Conner Sports Editor

Friday fall nights are good for a few things: hanging out with friends, staying up late, and football. This year, the Bulldogs aim to impress once again, but there will be many changes to this Bulldog team. Probably the number one pro to the Bulldogs football team this year would have to be their offense. It’s no question that the Bulldogs have one of the best offenses in the state. With 2,581 rushing yards last season, the Bulldogs hope to continue a dominant offense this year. Another pro to the Bulldogs is the coaching staff. These coaches know what they’re doing! Head coach Aaron Wiley was named IFCA “Class 4A Coach of the Year” and assistant coach Kevin Freking was named IFCA “Class 4A Assistant Coach of the Year”. Always a pro to any Bulldog sport is their work ethic. The Bulldogs spend more time in the weight room then North Scott spends in the cornfield. The football team lifts multiple times a week, every week, the entire year. Not the entire school year. The entire calendar year. Before the season even starts the Bulldogs have the upper-hand in strength. What could be an unexpected advantage to the Bulldogs could be last year’s playoffs. The ‘dogs have had an entire year to remember the loss they had in the state championship game last season. The Bulldogs want nothing more than to get that awful taste out of their mouth and prove to the state that they are still the most elite team in the state. Finally, another unexpected pro could be the loss to PV. It’s weird to say, but even though the Bulldogs got destroyed by the Spartans, the ‘dogs can use this as a

learning experience. It’s kind of like last year when the Bulldogs lost to Assumption, and how that shaped the rest of the season by putting a chip on their shoulder through the rest of the season. Learning from the mistakes in the PV game, and using it as motivation to go through the playoffs will make the Bulldogs a tough team to beat in the playoffs. It’s hard to say the weaknesses of the Bulldogs, because there are very few. I think one of the most challenging obstacles for the Bulldogs would be their expectations. Every year, the Bulldogs are expected to win the MAC. Every year, the Bulldogs are expected to make it to state. When the ‘dogs lose even one game during the season they are bashed because of such high expectations. Another disadvantage for the Bulldogs would be the MAC. The only good teams the MAC has to offer are PV, North Scott, and maybe Assumption. This makes it tough for the Bulldogs to experience what gameplay will be like against high-calibre teams, whereas other good teams play against playoff contending teams every week. Perhaps one of the biggest challenges for the Bulldogs this year will be bouncing back on defense. Last year, the Bulldogs had arguably the best defense in school history. With 10 defensive starters, maintaining such a defense has, and will be a challenge this year. With such a good coaching staff, the dogs should be able to get through the MAC, but it will be no cake walk when it comes time for playoffs. It’s no question that the Bulldogs are one of the best teams in the entire state. It will be interesting to see how they fare come playoff season.

game in their own way. Ian Burklund, junior, prepares for a game in a rowdy, loud way, compared to the quieter football players on the team. “In the locker room before the game, I punch lockers to get pumped and ready to roll for the upcoming game,” Burklund said. Joe McGovern, senior, prepares for game day in a more quiet, at ease way. “Team dinner gets us ready for the game because it gives us a sense of unity before the game. Plus we have an all you can eat buffet to get filled up before the big game,” McGovern said. During game day, McGovern has a different view on getting ready for the Friday night event compared to the other players on the team.. “Through the day, I drink my one gallon water jug ,and try not to think about the game. Once the school day is over, though, I get emotional and excited for the upcoming game. One thing I strive to do is to make sure that I play not for myself, but play for God,” McGovern said. If the Bulldogs are going to an away game, McGovern quietly gets ready


for the upcoming game. “For away games, I normally just put my headphones in, put my head down, and get excited about the upcoming game. I get pumped up to play thinking about how the other team thinks they have the audacity to step on the same field as we do,” McGovern said. For Cam Khoury, junior, getting ready for game day has become a weekly ritual. “At team dinner, the football players get to eat and get energy for the upcoming game. We also get to have quality time together and talk about the upcoming game game,” Khoury said. Khoury makes sure he is both physically and mentally prepared to the big game. “Throughout game day, I make sure I drink plenty of water to be hydrated for the upcoming game. I also listen to music and clear my mind for what I need to do to help my team perform the best for game day,” Khoury said. Whether it be pregame dinner, the bus ride to the game, or minutes before kickoff, a well prepared team is always tough to beat.

VB looks to future one of the reasons that they are such a tough team to beat. “I love how close our team is. We are all very different but we act like such a family. The team means the world to me It is no doubt that the Tuesday night and I love the connection we have off the commodity during the fall is volleyball. court because it helps us to be successful This year, the Bulldog volleyball team aims on the court,” Culliton said. for another astonishing season. In order to perform well against Last year, the team stunned opponents, players have to practice well Clinton and North Scott in the playoffs, for the upcoming game. and were just shy of making it to the state “We always realize at the tournament with a tough loss to Cedar beginning of preparation week what we Rapids Kennedy. need to accomplish in practice. We need to With the state tournament in sight be focused and work hard in order to win. for the 2012 season, the Bulldogs look to We also visualize successful plays and get to the tournament one game at a time. winning tactics,” Culliton said. Hannah Matt, junior, explains how the After a successful week girls prepare for of practice, each opponent the girls each week. prepare for “Our the upcoming coaches study game in tape of the a much team we are different way playing so our compared to team knows the hardcore, the weaknesses q u i e t of the other demeanor team. Then, most teams throughout do. the week, we Anna Willey sets the ball to her teammate for practice on the the spike. “Before the weaknesses of game, first, the other team we do our and learn who the good and bad players of agilities and stretch. Then, we play music the opposing team are,” Matt said. really loud, dance around, and then do After a solid week of practice, a few chants to get us all fired up for the the volleyball team goes over last minute game. After the fun, we buckle down and preparations in the locker room. talk about what we need to do to get the “Before the game, Coach gives win. We get an adrenaline rush during us the starting lineup and our warm up warm-ups and we feed off each other’s partner. Then we talk about the goals we energy. So we really take that prep time to have and the things we need to do to get the make sure everyone is focused, positive, win,” Matt said. and energized because it helps us carry out On the court, it’s all business, but though the match,” Culliton said. off the court, the girls enjoy spending a lot After getting so close to the state of time together. tournament last year, the team looks to Elizabeth Culliton, junior, thinks show the state that they are legit contenders that the family-like bond the team has is for the state championship. by Michael Conner Sports Editor



October 5, 2012

Hop on over to hunger drive events By Allie Weis Staff Reporter

October 9

Salsa Touch Benefit (Zumba) Five dollar admission, 100% of proceeds to the hunger drive.

October 5 Silent Auction

Bid on your favorite basket at the football game.

Happy Joes Lunch Benefit

10% of benefits go the the hunger drive at the Spruce hills location.

Pack the Bus

Bring five cans to the football game against Burlington to get half off of admission.

October 10

October 15 The Hunger Games

Sign up in the main entry Oct. 8-11 for $5. Bring five cans and play a giant game of capture the flag in the school. “May the odds be ever in your favor.”

Bag Hunger Bags

Look for your paper bag in the QC Times, fill it with food items and drop it off in the main office.

October 18

Buffalo Wild Wings Benefit

Utica Ridge location, 10% of proceeds to the hunger drive.

October 24

Panchero’s Benefit

All day at the Utica Ridge location, 10% of proceed go to the hunger drive.

Maggie Moo’s Celebrity Scoop

Come have your favorite teachers scoop your ice cream for you from 5-8 pm.

October 31

“Put Hunger in the Doghouse”

Harris Pizza Benefit

From 11-4pm on 18th Street, 10% of proceeds go to the hunger drive.

Throughout the month of October, look for bulldogs in the community and follow the instructions to return them “home.”

Question or ideas for the hunger drive? Contact student council at: studentcouncil@bettendorf.k12.ia.us

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