Meet the Handel Group Private Coaches

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THE HANDELGROUP’S PRIVATE COACHING is an education in the authoring of your life; here you will build a muscle in designing, believing and realizing your dreams. The HandelGroup’s methodologies and coaches act as guides towards the discovery of your highest vision for yourself, assisting you in remaining true to and fulfilling this vision. Our coaching programs are customized to your individual needs and are based on the principles of The Handel Method™. You will be guided by three main areas of focus which form the foundation of our methodologies: The 18 Areas of Life™, Personal Integrity® and The Unraveling™. This is where you will begin the process of determining how to have what you really want in life. The most popular areas that people address are: Career, Body, Health, Relationships, Love, Money, Relationship to Self, Parenting, Work/Life Balance and Time Management. Through coaching, you will learn how to design and maintain each of these areas of your life beautifully and in a way that makes you proud. Private Coaching Private Coaching is for individuals who would like to design & advance any one or all aspects of their personal lives and prefer to work one on one with a coach. Sessions are held over the phone, typically for 1 hour – once a week or twice a month. $200.00/hr Staff Coach $250.00/hr Senior Coach $300.00/hr Executive Coach Group Coaching For individuals looking for an economical way to design & advance their personal lives. Group Coaching covers the basics of our three main principles. Occasionally we also offer groups with special themes. Groups consist of 6 participants and a coach. Sessions are held by conference call, once a week for 12 weeks. Calls are 1 hour long, on the same day & time every week. $200.00/Month Coach Training Program Our Coach Training Program prepares people to be outstanding examples of our work; this principle is at the core of our Coach Training Program. Each coach undergoes a rigorous 52-week training program that has two goals: to become an expert in The Handel Method and live a life characterized by deep self-respect and pride, where every area of our coaches’ lives act as inspiration to themselves and others.

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THE HANDEL METHOD™ THE 18 AREAS OF LIFETM We believe the more you address each and every area of your life, the happier you become. To be deeply happy is to have each area of your life make you proud. We have found there is often a lack of deliberate design in most people’s lives. Generally, people find a way to adapt to any situation or circumstance, and become stuck in their explanations and excuses for why their life is the way it is. Over time, we start to believe our own explanations, and it becomes more and more difficult to believe something else is possible since we've grown accustomed to the way things are. We go to work with you, piece by piece, to design your life and address your fears, thoughts, and deep beliefs that are explaining and limiting your. We get you thinking, creating, inventing and dreaming about your life. The 18 Areas of Life™ gets you taking action, feeling proud and living up to your ideals once and for all. PERSONAL INTEGRITY


A resilient and profound happiness comes from a state of deep personal integrity. Personal Integrity is the unwavering ability to know and tell your truth. The type of truth that calls you out on your own excuses, explanations, justifications and defenses that are in opposition to your highest visions and truest desires for your life. Personal Integrity is the highest vision and the ruling decree that you inherently want for yourself that, when lived by, you are unquestionably happy, proud, confident and successful. Personal Integrity is being the author of your life. Recognizing that you have the power to design your life any way you want it and living accordingly. Living with Personal Integrity is to recognize that you are also the author of how not well life is going and that you have the ability to alter the plans anytime you want to. Personal Integrity is, at its essence, simply making and accounting for promises kept and not kept and giving yourself a consequence for repeated areas of issue, in all matters big and small. Personal Integrity is the heart of our methodologies all work must start with the foundation of understanding, believing and implementing Personal Integrity. It is the access to everything you want in your life. THE UNRAVELINGTM We believe each individual has a mission to carry out in life. However, because we are often living in misunderstandings of our life’s events, we can end up on “default missions” where the potential for our lives is dramatically reduced. The uncanny surprise in The Unraveling ™, however, is that located in our memories and deep imprints of experiences are important secrets to understand. Hidden here are inaccuracies and misinterpretations, and their impact can be staggering. By going back and clearing up the misinterpretations and inaccuracies, a process we call The Unraveling™, we can lead ourselves to a truer path of fulfillment and an altogether different life. The Unraveling™ is, in essence, a systematic, action oriented, fact-finding process of going back through all your distinct memories, important moments and major players in your life, to find out what really happened. This fact finding process ultimately leads people to new truths that dramatically change the course of their life today & for the future. Through group discussion and writing, this process will revolutionize your understanding of who you really are and what you want for your life. You will gain the skills & insight to continually have access to this powerful method anytime they are feeling stuck in life. Page 2 of 13


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WHO WE ARE THE HANDELGROUP is an international corporate consulting and private coaching company founded by life coaching pioneer Lauren H. Zander. With over 20 years experience coaching thousands of individuals, groups, entrepreneurs, couples and families; The HandelGroup specializes in helping people take focused and powerful action in every area of life through our main principles The 18 Areas of Life™, Personal Integrity®, and The Unraveling™. Our methodologies have been implemented with executives in organizations such as BASF, bp, Sony-BMG, Diptyque, the New York Times, NYU Medical Center the executive team of Vogue’s Publishing Director, Tom Florio. The HandelGroup regularly leads group programs at the Esalen Institute, Equinox Fitness and for Natural Health Magazine as well as offering customized seminars tailored to the needs of a particular group or organization, such as the managers of Citibank Private Banking, and The World Bank. We provide live coaching & commentary on nationally syndicated radio shows including Up All Night on 5 Live-BBC, Advice for Living with Mel Robbins-Sirius, Be Happy Dammitt with Karen Salmansohn-Sirius, and the Joan Hamburg Show-WOR. The HandelGroup writes a monthly life coaching newsletter for Bottom Line Secrets and has been a featured expert in Forbes Magazine,, and The New York Times. In 2006, The HandelGroup partnered with MIT to develop and teach our groundbreaking course, Living an Extraordinary Life beginning the journey to fulfill one of our greatest missions; to revolutionize formal education to include and address how to live life powerfully & effectively. In addition, our courses have been taught to the Sloan Fellows at the MIT Sloan School of Management, the residents in the department of anesthesiology at NYU School of Medicine and to undergraduate students at Rutgers University.

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OUR COACHES Laurie Gerber President, Private Coaching Division For the last 15 years, Laurie has been teaching and coaching adults and children in a variety of settings including lectures, discussion groups, seminars, classroom teaching, tutoring and one-on-one coaching.


has also owned and operated Partners With Parents, Inc., a tutoring and educational consulting service, for the last seven years. Laurie has studied effective parenting methods extensively and gives presentations for parents and expecting parents that address how to raise happy, relaxed, self-reliant children. Laurie received her degree in Education and Political Science from Swarthmore College, along with her teaching certification. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and two daughters. Laurie enjoys coaching people who want to be proud of every aspect of life: career, love, family/parenting, spirituality and body/health issues.

MaryAnn Gonzalez President, Corporate Division / Executive Coach MaryAnn Gonzalez has been with The HandelGroup since its inception. Currently, President of the Corporate Division, she has also served as a Senior Coach and Trainer in the Private Coaching Division and a Senior Consultant in the Corporate Division. In her role as President, MaryAnn is responsible for the management and expansion of The HandelGroup Corporate Division. As a coach, MaryAnn consults to executive teams and professional individuals throughout a range of industries. A fierce believer in human progress and the ability of individuals, teams and organizations to evolve functionally and culturally, MaryAnn’s talent lies in her ability to quickly pinpoint and resolve personal development and business issues that cause the performance of management teams to stagnate. In her work with various organizations, MaryAnn guides teams to identify and resolve areas of issue whether political, professional or personal. Through a safe and confidential process, MaryAnn then works with individuals to enhance their outlook of personal responsibility and accountability. MaryAnn’s style of coaching leaves no stone unturned and addresses even the most difficult situations be they negative personality traits or corporate dysfunction in the form of damaged reputations or working relationships. Prior to joining The HandelGroup, MaryAnn worked in the insurance industry at a Fortune 10 company. Having spent some of her formative years on a commune, MaryAnn has an unusual talent for and history with human and group dynamics. She holds a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University.

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Johanna Sawalha SVP Private Coaching Division / Executive Coach In addition to 12 years of coaching experience, Jo Hook has founded and headed several companies and teaches those business strategy skills to her clients. As a speaker and writer, she has led courses at the Learning Annex in New York City and worked as a columnist for Modern Economy doing global analysis of world trends, among other forums. Jo graduated with honors from New School University, Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training, as well as from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. Her understanding of music lends creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to her coaching style. Her clients range from corporate executives to up-and-coming artists. She also has expertise in the area of health and well-being with particularly great results around weight loss. Jo produces extraordinary results for her clients by getting them highly effective and fully engaged in their own lives. As a native of Sweden fluent in several languages, Jo works with clients both domestically and internationally. Her business experience combined with her arts background provides the foundation for her remarkable client relationships.

Marnie Nir Senior Coach Humor, compassion and candor lead Marnie Nir in her work as a coach with The HandelGroup. Currently living in Jupiter, Florida, but having been around the block, from New York to California and back again, Marnie’s professional and personal life has come full-circle. Marnie graduated UCLA with a BA in Slavic Languages. For years Marnie worked in the publicity and production industry, most notably for the Moscow Circus. After getting married and giving birth to her first child, Marnie started coaching with her sister, Lauren H. Zander, creating the dream of who she wanted to be as a mother. However, her work with Lauren took everything in her life to a much deeper level. Eleven years later, she is now a mother of two, a trained coach in The Handel Method, a freelance columnist for the Palm Beach Post and the Sun Sentinel, and under management of a literary agent while working on her first book. As with every area of her life, Marnie’s coaching is characterized by joyful honesty and courageous commitment. She brings lightness and levity to her work with her clients. Having been married for 14 years, Marnie particularly enjoys working with wives and mothers, as she is wellacquainted with the challenges they face.

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Melanie Lora Senior Coach Melanie Lora’s professional life focuses on expression and human possibility, not only through her work as an HG coach, but also as an actress and yoga teacher. Having grown up performing in South Carolina, she graduated from the North Carolina School of the Arts and continued her acting studies on a full four-year scholarship at the University of Southern California, graduating with a BFA in Theatre. She has and continues to perform on stage, TV and in film, in both Los Angeles and New York. Melanie currently teaches yoga at Equinox and Yoga Works in Santa Monica, CA, where she completed her yoga teacher training. Along with Yoga Works’ founder Maty Ezraty, Melanie co-authored the Asana Column for Yoga Journal, and has appeared in both Yoga Journal and Yoga Life magazine. She is a coach on the BodySati blog and was the first IntenSati teacher, after its founder and creator Patricia Moreno. Melanie has studied many philosophies and modalities of healing and personal growth, and all of them show up in her coaching. She lives in Santa Monica, CA with her boyfriend, the love of her life. Lee Mitchell Staff Coach Originally from Santa Monica, CA, Lee Mitchell holds a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University and has counseled adults and children in a wide variety of settings and formats, including families, couples, groups, and individuals, for most of the last decade. Lee has also managed local community programs for emotionally and behaviorally disturbed youth, and has served as a mental health consultant to the Department of Social Services. Lee credits the goal-oriented, hands-on approach of The Handel Method as what led her to supplement her therapy background and train as a HandelGroup Coach. “I love how efficient The Handel Method is. The results are more tangible and come more quickly.” While she points out that the methods are quite different and she does not act as therapist in her work as an HG Coach, she does use some of the same skills. Lee brings to her work an insightful, thoughtful, straightforward and genuine approach, and facilitates remarkable and lasting change in her clients. She loves working with people and is touched and honored by those who are willing to share their lives with her. She currently resides in Charlottesville, VA with her husband and son.

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Christine Cunningham Staff Coach Christine’s career path has always focused on developing and nurturing client relationships. After completing a BA in English from Skidmore College, she worked in advertising management with several large New York based international firms as an account manager. For seven years, her role included nurturing creative teams and their clients through all stages of creative development and strategic planning. Through this experience, she developed a desire to work solely at the individual level and transitioned into recruiting, focusing on job placement and career counseling for freelance and permanent candidates in the advertising, marketing and design fields. Over the next three years, she was promoted twice to become Director of Resource Management for Paladin, a national recruitment & staffing agency focused exclusively on marketing, advertising, and creative needs. There she supervised a team of seven recruiters and held responsibility for all training and ongoing staff development.

Additionally, she was solely responsible for placement of marketing executives, project

managers, and account management professionals. She held the position of Director for two more years, before moving on to Execu-Search where, since 2003, she continues her work as a top recruiter within the advertising, design, and multimedia fields. Her work at Execu-Search includes placement of all art directors, print and interactive designers, production artists, desktop publishers, copywriters and editors, as she coaches candidates regularly, moving them through the processes of interviewing, job placement and career development. It was her work in recruiting which ultimately led Christine to coaching and her current position with The HandelGroup. After eight months of feeling the positive effects of coaching in her own life, Christine decided to take her desire to help others realize their goals beyond the recruiting arena. “I believe in it and want to share it with others.” Two years later, Christine now joins the team of coaches at The HandelGroup, bringing with her a background focused on discovering and nurturing the needs and dreams of her clients. Recently married, she lives in Manhattan with her husband.

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Kate Pfeffer Staff Coach Alchemy is the guiding principle of Kate's approach to coaching: teaching people the art and science of transforming their life experiences into gold. For more than 15 years, she has been helping people through personal transitions. Kate's passion and her ability to listen and uncover core issues enable her clients to make positive change in manageable steps. Kate grew up in Hanover, New Hampshire and graduated with honors from Connecticut College with a BA in Anthropology. She lived in New York City for 20 years before moving to the Hudson Valley in 1993. In New York City, Kate worked in advertising and marketing before switching to human services when she moved to the Hudson Valley in upstate New York. Her work in human services began as a co-facilitator of a domestic violence support group, and grew to include becoming a counselor for new mothers and a certified Pilates instructor. In 2006, she became company manager for Bard College’s renowned SummerScape Festival, responsible for the overall care of hundreds of visiting artists from around the world to ensure their physical and emotional well being, and enabling them to deliver their best possible performance. Kate counts her three children (ages 19, 18 & 16) as her greatest teachers and friends.

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CLIENTS TESTIMONIALS My frien d w as g e tting trem endou s resu lts… “I was introduced to my coach by a friend of mine, but knew little about life coaching, other than that my friend was getting tremendous results, especially around business development and personal wealth. I knew I needed to work on my relationships (husband, family) etc. but just didn't have the roadmap. The HG Coaching Methodology has taken me in so many unfamiliar, adventurous, exciting places physically, spiritually and emotionally.” -– Dara Holzman M y co a ch i s tou g h i n t h e b es t wa y pos si ble … “My coach is incredible and helps me design my life beyond what I think I can dream. She's tough in the best way possible. You are choosing to spend your money wisely if you are looking to focus on your life and well being. She will guide you and encourage you ... and kick your butt when you need it.” -- Jennifer De Christoforo I h i re d m y c o a c h to a ss i s t m e w i t h we i g ht lo ss… “I hired my coach particularly to assist me with weight loss. I have achieved results and continue to succeed in this area. I was prosperous in my profession. With my coach’s help, I continue to thrive financially but also am professionally successful, happy and pleased with my work life. My coach is astute, perceptive and her greatest strength is her ability to integrate many areas of life to help me reach my goals and dreams whatever they may be.” -- Teri Gauquie M y co a ch te a ch es m e ho w to b re a k aw a y f r o m o l d h ab i ts… … “My coach is very enthusiastic and effective. She not only helps me to become aware of limiting repetitive behavior, but with the help of a framework of exercises and practices, she teaches me how to break away from old habits that are limiting growth and happiness and make long lasting changes in life in order to also have a rewarding, happy and exciting life every day!” -- Denise Stoot D e sp i te m y ea r l y s ke p ti c i sm… “Despite my early skepticism, working with my coach has yielded incredible results for me. I thought I was doing well and just needed to tweak a few things, but my lifestyle, health, relationships, finances, and overall happiness have all taken a significant leap to levels I did not believe I could achieve. There is no magic pill to make all challenges in life disappear but I would recommend my coach wholeheartedly to anyone seeking advice and guidance on how to go about winning in any area of their life. Her coaching methodology is on the cutting edge of human development. She gets results and she walks the talk.” -- Ziad Sawalha M y co a ch is ama zin g… “My coach is amazing. She keeps our group motivated, on target with our desires/goals and has taught us to be focused. I would join another group with her as the leader and I would like to contract a one on one session very soon.” -- Mary Lynn O'Caining

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W a s i t wo rt h i t ? You b e t… “Deciding to have a coach is always a tough decision, after all we all think we have it nailed and given time it will all come together, right? Maybe so, but this defiantly speeds up the process. Since starting work with my coach and The HandelGroup, I have taken my business from $500,000 P/A in revenue to over $3,000,000 and climbing. Was it worth it? You bet.” -- James Mansfield My co ach is professional…… “My coach is professional and provides the utmost personal attention to every client. You'll love her!!!” -- Channasa Taylor I c o u ld n o t h av e m ade i t t hro u g h … “My coach has been and continues to be instrumental in my evolution. I could not have made it through the personal challenges I've faced without her abiding dedication to restoring my faith in myself. She is a powerful force on this planet- encircled by amazing people; she delivers results at a very high level. She has my utmost endorsement.” -- Jessica Rafeld M y co a ch p r a c ti c es w ha t s he pre a ch es… “My coach is spectacular. She practices what she preaches and believes wholeheartedly in what she teaches. She has follow-through and really believes in her clients and what they are creating. It has been a brilliant partnership working with her on not only my career, but my life!” -- Lora Krulak Mo re th an an y s ing le t h ing I’v e don e so f ar… “I KNOW without any doubt that The HandelGroup has improved my life tremendously, more than any single thing I’ve done so far. Obviously working out and losing weight (33 ½ lbs so far & counting) is hugely important, but the thing about Handel is that it’s holistic. It covers all aspects of our being. That’s why I say it’s had more impact than any other thing I’ve done to improve my life. I am happier, thinner, healthier, a teeny bit more likeable, and I have an eagerness about my life that I didn’t really have before. I loved being alive, but now I’m eager to get busy with the things that are important to me, and I KNOW my work with Handel will make that happen. ‘There’s no time to waste!’ is how I view it! I’ve done enough of that already!” -- Bridget Buckley Weight and Dating "Working with my coach has been a profound experience for me. When we began our coaching relationship, I thought I wanted to start a small business. Two years later, I am 75 lbs lighter. I eat well, and jog at least 4 times a week. I quit smoking. I launched my writing career. I more than doubled my yearly income. I moved into a better apartment. I started dating. AND these are merely the results of something deeper and more important. My coach helped me to see my own worth and power. She did not merely coach me to get out of bed and run, but she showed me that I could love running, love mornings, and love life.” -- Kate Kaminski

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Sta rt Dreamin g Ag ain "I had some deep rooted family issues that were holding my life hostage. My coach helped me sort through them and brought to my awareness things I had not even considered. I have a feeling of freedom and peace that I haven't felt since childhood and my creativity has soared! All of my friends tell me that I'm glowing and I know it's because of the work I've been doing with this wonderful, sensitive angel I call my Life Coach." -- Ree Taylor B e i n g P ro u d o f M y s e lf "I started this journey because I was turning 40, had two great kids, a wonderful career, and a good marriage, but I felt like something was missing. I felt like I was a hamster in a spinning wheel and not getting anywhere. I wanted to have vision and happiness. I was very much a skeptic of coaching. My coach started with a roadmap, which identified areas I was not completely happy about, and even some areas where I really needed change. We accomplished an incredible amount in just 60 days. My 2-year-old daughter was still waking up at night (with coaching, that stopped that in 3 days). Even though I had this great life I felt like I was running the household and my husband wasn't contributing his share. We are still working on this, but he now makes breakfast for the kids every weekday morning and I get to sit down with them. Once we got through the day-to-day issues, we started to tackle the bigger issue. I was not communicating my feelings to most people and therefore, they did not know who I really was. My coach helped me define my values and then speak with inspiring words rather than victimized words. Also, within 90 days I was promoted, because I made major changes in the recruiting department. Overall, my coach's guidance has made me a better, more inspiring person. This process has been a life changing event for me that I would strongly recommend to anyone who wants more than mediocrity in their lives." -- Tracy Dickinson C rea t ing You r Lif e As You W ant It "I have been working with my coach for over 3 years now. In the past three years I have started a new company, started a website, am producing two workout videos and also in the process of writing a book. I am taking on things in my life that I have been wanting to have a breakthrough in like being in a great, loving relationship. But what has been the most valuable outcome of this work is how I really have a new relationship to myself and what I think I am capable of accomplishing. I believe that life is not about the things we accomplish but the way we are being everyday. I love who I am being these days and I am clear that it is due to the passionate and enthusiastic support I get from our weekly calls." -- Patricia Moreno S p i ri tu al Gro w th "The difference in my life since working with my coach is remarkable. I have learned to let myself dream and am learning both tactically and spiritually how to design my life and achieve my dreams.� -- Amy Harrison Fulf illment and Satisfaction "I learned that my success in business is tied together with all the aspects of my life; my marriage, my kids, my family and my friends, and that it is hard to reach true success and fulfillment when there are breaches in these areas. My coach helped me to clear my mind from senseless inner chatter. I have been able to move beyond past difficult business and financial realities." -- Nathan Swartzbaum

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C a re e r "Working with my coach has changed my life. None of the therapists and different modalities I have tried over the years offered the power and velocity of change brought about by this coaching. Within one month, I had secured a full time job after years of working part time and being a single mother." -- Kate Pfeffer C h angin g You r Min d "I've always battled with my career. I felt like I had no purpose and I never liked what I was doing. My jobs always ended in me either being let go from downsizing or I would get fired. My coach taught me that it's not "what I do" for a living that matters it's how I am about what I am doing that does. My coach is teaching me how to break my old habits and how important it is to challenge my doubts and fears. I realize that I truly create my world by what I think. I now have practices in place that stop me from going down a path of negativity and self-doubt. As I keep up the practices, they get better and better and so does my life." -- Beth Armstrong C rea t ing Ma gi cal Momen t s “I have learned discipline, integrity, about my capacity for having, One can have a child and a great career, anything can happen inside communicating authentically - telling the truth. I have seen how afraid I am most of the time. My coach has coached me into a 50 % increase in revenue in 1 year. She has taught me the distinction between partnership and dictatorship. She coaches me, and if I just do as she says - it does turn out. She believes in me when I don't. She listens for me being amazing and having whatever I want - a home, quit smoking, and now a family, savings accounts, investments, a relationship with chuck's kids. I think the biggest lesson was – realizing that I don't dream big enough dreams, that I don't really believe I can have more that I do now - and then turning that around. Life was just fine; I was fine - Not great just fine. Life was a low grade survival, with magical moments. Now life is all magical, with moments where I am just fine.” -- Belinda Being Who I Really Am I was not living my life fully aware. I did things that I thought were the right things to do, without really examining why I did them. I had ideas of the way things should be or what I ought to do. I didn’t realize that the things that I thought I should do were based on perpetuating the things that I didn’t like about my life. I am now able to look at my life and my actions based on what I want rather than on what I thought should be. I used to feel trapped and stuck. Now I feel free to make choices, and create my life the way that I would like it to be.” --Tina Adams An ythi ng is Pos si ble “When I first started to work with my coach I was 15 and thought she was going to teach me how to pick up chicks. Which she did, but in a very different way than what I expected, we went WAY deeper. I think some of what was most compelling about my coach was her totally honesty. She was fearlessly honest with me about what she saw about my life, but at the same time it was so connected to her unconditional acceptance of who I was that I felt totally safe telling her anything and being myself around her. She promised me I could have anything I wanted in my life…that it's completely possible to go after what your heart dreams about and that indeed if your heart dreams about it, it's your purpose.” --Zach Maxwell

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Th e Answ er I’v e Been Loo king Fo r Thank you. The coaching makes such a positive difference in my life. I now have systems that keep me focused, and life no longer seems bleak every few days or so. I am looking forward to addressing all areas of my life. My reason for contacting The HandelGroup was because I truly felt I was at my wits end, spinning my wheels and going nowhere fast. You answered my cry for help and I am forever grateful. Thank you. --Diane Williams How to Get What You Wan t I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that the untapped power that lies within us is so great that we can't even fathom how great it is until we realize just that. My Mother e-mailed me the article "HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT" and like the petals opening on a new rose, life began to take on new meaning for me. The information you had provided for the article has started to manifest in such a way that I am asking myself the tough questions and really getting down to my own layer of emotional dirt that has kept me stagnant for most of my life; -I am in awe of how quick and scary and exciting this process can be, but in all of that -at the same time, wonderful. I am focusing on what I want to become, compared to what I have been and trusting that I will find myself...I want to conclude this by thanking you in making these things known and inspiring those willing to listen; and that your efforts are not in vain, people are tuning in. Thank you for sharing. -- Linda Hopman Woodlawn, ON Canada

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