Red Hot Chilli Peppers Islam – Is the Youth in Elite Universities in Pakistan Radical?

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increase societal threshold for accepting norms and values that may otherwise be rejected or challenged by those subscribing to liberal norms. It was during this period that the military establishment used the media to propagate incompetence of the political parties and actors. There was a constant reference to corruption of politicians on the basis of which four governments were sacked. The propaganda and the general inefficiency of the political system made the youth suspicious of politics to a degree that they consider it as a bad or evil activity. Such an attitude turned the youth apolitical which also meant that they were unwilling to challenge the stereotypes, be it religion, society, education or politics. Fourth Wave: 2001‐to date The tragic events of 9/11 mark another major milestone in the society’s journey towards greater religiosity and latent radicalism. A number of events such as the American bombardment of Afghanistan, Iraq’s invasion and ethnic profiling by western countries played a role in pushing the people especially youth towards subscribing to the ‘clash of civilizations’ framework. Unlike the ‘children of lesser gods’, member of the ruling elite or people from the upcoming middle class felt effected by their negative profiling outside their own country. Profiling in the West after 9/11 produced an identity crisis, especially amongst the youth. There was a growing consciousness of being ostracized and not treated as equal by the west. This sense of inequality also made the bulk of population in most Muslim states conscious of the fate of people suffering in various conflict zones, particularly in the Middle East, Russia and India. Moreover, a sense of insecurity and identity crisis was bolstered by a sense that Pakistan was being targeted. This obviously resulted in an upsurge of nationalism mired in the country’s religious identity.


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