Civitan Magazine - Fall 2017

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2017 Convention


Groundbreaking Work

2017-2018 International President

Kendyl Massey Planning for the Future of Civitan

100 Years of Service!

VOL. 97, No. 4 ISSN 0914-5785

Hello Fellow Civitans, This Civitan Centennial year has sure gone by quickly. Just seems like yesterday we were gathered in Norfolk kicking it off. Now we have gathered in our hometown of Birmingham and started into our second century of service. Thanks to the Civitans of Alabama for hosting us all. Also a big thanks to our staff, especially Mary Luck for a great convention. If you missed it, you missed one of the best. It was great to see over one thousand members come together to celebrate our birthday and learn where we go from here. Fun and fellowship were present as we joined with our Junior Civitans for a few days packed full with so much. We celebrated not only 100 years but also paid tribute to our EVP John Rynearson, who retired after over 30 years of service to us. Thank you John for your leadership all these years. I pray you will enjoy the time of retirement. The leadership team for our new year is in place and with the introduction of Scarlet Thompson as our new EVP, we are ready for the future.

Duane Capps

International President 2016-17

It has truly been an honor to serve this past year as your president. Lisa and I have met so many giving Civitans as we have traveled all over the Civitan World. From hot air balloons to playgrounds to the heights of Mount Fuji, we have seen firsthand the work going on for those with needs in so many communities. No matter the culture, lanquage, or economic status, we saw the love and care Civitans bring to their community. You have encouraged my belief that we are still green and growing. Thank you for all you do to make this world a better place. As I leave this office, I look forward to the changes that will be coming, moving us into the next century. But it still is up to us to make our organization grow. No one person can change or grow our clubs. No one person can take Civitan into communities that will benefit from having a club serving them. We must all share the why for Civitan and as we do we can grow Civitan to help and serve more and more people. Share the passion I saw in my travels! The rewards of Civitan cannot be put into words. It is the smile on the faces of those we serve, or the tears from those who see someone really cares. You are doing that in your communities everyday. You are making the world a better place one person at a time. Thank you for all you do. This is the best service organization, we just need to let the world know it.

United States 1917

Canada 1925

Norway 1969

Lastly I wish to thank our International staff and the team of Centennial Governors for all the tireless hours you have given this year. I know how much time and effort each of you has given this year. Thank you for doing your best to “Leave it better than we found it” this year. You all have been such an encouragement to us all this year. But we need to not stop but continue to grow and serve our clubs, even though we do not carry a title. Serving never ends, opportunities just change. Thanks for your service this year and for years to come.

Germany 1970

Sweden 1970

Hope to see you all in Reno! Until then… Yours in Civitan, South Korea 1974



On the Cover 2017-18 International President, Kendyl Massey, and husband, Michael Morgan.


2017-18 International Officers President: Kendyl Massey, Maryville, TN President-Elect: Bob Jones, Concord, NC Immediate Past President: Duane Capps, Greensboro, NC International Directors: Barbara Holyfield, Meridian, MS; Lana Suggs, Jacksonville, FL; Tony Workman, Greensboro, NC; Patricia Jackowski, Middletown, CT; Bill Lawrence, Almonte, ON, Canada; Marta Ford, Eaton Rapids, MI; Fred Matthie, Lakewood, CO; Linda Colley, Altadena CA; Michael Koneke, Beverstedt, Germany; Sae-11 Chun M.D., Republic of Korea Junior Civitan International President: Hadden Fulgham, Adel, Georgia; Executive Vice President: Scarlet Thompson, Birmingham, AL Civitan Magazine, like the organization it represents, is dedicated to service. The magazine will, at all times, emphasize the high ideals and purposes of the organization, disseminate ideas for greater service, and carry authorized announcements and notices regarding the activities of the organization. The magazine is an official Civitan International publication. Civitan International does not endorse or imply endorsement of any product and/or company by selling advertising space in this publication. Editorial opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Civitan International, its officers, or staff.

Mission Statement The mission of Civitan worldwide is to build good citizenship by providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities.



Contributing Writers Louis Stephens Terry Schrimscher Bryan Bobo Scarlet Thompson Karim Shamsi-Basha

Telephone: (205) 591-8910 FAX: (205) 592-6307 Email: Website:

Duane Capps International President 2016-2017


PR and Communications Director Terry Schrimscher

Hungary 1991

Jordan 1992

India 1992

Civitan Countries

Russia 1992

Ukraine Romania Nepal 1992



Estonia Slovakia 1993


Sierra Leone 1994

Nigeria 1997

Ghana 1997

Pakistan Philippines Netherlands Thailand 1999




Liberia Cote d’Ivoire Taiwan 2008



United Kingdom 2008

Senegal 2009

Fall 2017



17 IN EVERY ISSUE Borderless Civitan 12


Club Showcase 25

4 From the Editor What's new in Civitan Magazine



Your International President

Introducing Kendyl Massey

New Clubs

A complete list of new charters for the centennial year


22 The Research Report The CIRC wins a special award and a research scholarship

Spotlight on Service Dogs

recipient is profiled in local media

Cameroon Mexico 2010


China 2011

Kenya 2011

Tanzania 2011

Egypt 2012

Italy 2012

Haiti 2012

Uganda 2013

Togo 2014

Moldova 2015

Switzerland Gambia 2015


Guinea 2015

Serbia 2015

France Madagascar Turkey 2016



Malta 2016

From the Editor Thank you for reading! This is a very special issue of Civitan Magazine here at International Headquarters. As we close our first century of Civitan history, we look forward to the challenges ahead with the same sense of purpose— service to others—which has been with us since the very first meeting 100 years ago. In this issue, we will cover some of the usual highlights we share each Fall such as awards, club news, and the convention recap. We are also excited to share some new features with you. On page 17, for example, we have a story written by a new Civitan—and my first sponsored member—about the grandson of one of early Civitan's biggest names. Although Stephen Black is not a club member (yet), his grandfather, Hugo Black, played a major role in Civitan and U. S. history. The Civitan International Research Center has two pieces in this issue. One is about the scholarships awarded this year and the other is personal testimony from one of our scholarship recipients who is doing amazing work at the center. On page six, we introduce the 2017-18 International President, Kendyl Massey. Many of you already know Kendyl and her passion for Civitan but we hope you will enjoy this personal moment as she shares a bit of her life with you. In one part of the interview, she talks about her father. I have known her family since we were both small children and when she talks about his generosity and compassion for helping others, I can personally attest to the role he played in her life and to so many others who knew him. People love good stories and Civitan has so many great stories to share with the world. As we move into our second century, let's honor our history by building a legacy of service that honors the stories of our founders and builds new stories for the Civitans of the future. Thanks for doing what you do, Terry

Civitan Online Magazine and You Magazine Submissions

Civitan Magazine is distributed four times a year to club members around the world. We need your news stories, events, and pictures! Is your club finishing an exciting project, organizing an event in your community, or approaching a special milestone? Just email, call us, or mail your story to the address on the right and your club could be in the next issue of Civitan Magazine! Please include as much information as you can – funds raised, how the event impacts your community and/or club, and any other important details. Pictures are always welcome, too. Please send in jpg format, sized 300 dpi or larger. We hope to hear from you soon!

4 Civitan Magazine

Civitan Magazine P.O. Box 130744 Birmingham, AL 35213-0744 1-800-CIVITAN, ext. 134


CIVITANS in ACTION Hurricane Relief On average, a major hurricane hits the United States once every three years. After more than a decade of what would be considered a hurricane drought, two storms have already hit the coasts this storm season. Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have caused major damage which will take years to repair. Almost immediately, help began arriving from all over the country as nonprofit and faith-based organizations began to send volunteers and supplies to help fellow citizens. Among the many organizations lending a hand, Civitan members from around the world began reaching out to local clubs to offer assistance or just to check on the safety of friends. There are more than 200 clubs and thousands of Civitan members in the areas impacted by the storms but, in reality, we are all affected when a disaster strikes. Disasters are a stark reminder that we are all here to serve others. Studies have shown nonprofits often shoulder a major portion of the burden in disaster relief. Once news headlines change to the next big story, the communities impacted by the storms will not get the media attention they need to raise awareness. Local organizations will continue to work very hard to rebuild their communities. As an organization, we cannot help everyone but we can do our best to help as many as we can. Many people have reached out to Civitan International asking what they can do. We encourage fellow Civitan members, who feel inclined to offer assistance, to reach out to clubs in affected areas and donate to the cause of your choice.


Fall 2017


Meet Your 2017-18 International President,

Tell me about your Civitan experience. When did you first join, who introduced you to Civitan? I joined the Perimeter Civitan Club in Birmingham in March of 1994 at a recruitment meeting. The club was 6 months old and this was their first recruitment meeting. A friend, and co-worker at the time, Donna Harper asked me to go as her guest. She was on the district team and trying to help the club build up their membership. Donna is still an active member in Civitan and one of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders (aka Violet Volunteer).

Tell me about your childhood. What values did you learn from your family that inspire you to serve others? I grew up at home without siblings because both of them were older and out of the house before I had a "memory" of them being there. I came along 14 years after my brother so I think I was a "gift" to my parents. My dad worked many, many hours from the time I can remember but he taught me to be honest, to be humble, and work hard because things are not given to you in life. He also taught us to take pride in what we had - whether that was a mansion or a tiny house. My parents were very strict and taught me to respect people, to study hard, to do my best in everything that I did and they would love and support me no matter what! My mother cooked a home cooked meal every night and volunteered as the PTA parent for I don't know how many bake sales, room parties, chaperones, etc. She gave selflessly of herself.

What attracted you to Civitan as opposed to other volunteer opportunities? I knew that I wanted to volunteer and give back in some way. So, being the analyst and fact finder that I am, I visited Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions and Optimist clubs before Civitan to see what their primary focuses were and if they were a fit for me and how I wanted to get involved. While they all offered some great things and were making a difference, what drew me to Civitan was the variety of options and ways I could have hands on interaction via community service projects in my city. "Yes" the primary focus of Civitan is developmentally challenged individuals, but the clubs also do many other things that also interested me. My specific interests at the time were helping those with food insecurities and helping pre-school kids get all of the life basics that they needed as well.

Our family was not rich in the financial sense, but we were rich in love. My dad was ALWAYS helping someone in some way. He would fix people's cars for free if they couldn't afford it, he would help a friend landscape their entire yard, he would paint, fix electrical issues, plumbing—you name it—for someone in need.

6 Civitan Magazine

When kids are young they think their dads can do anything, but when I became an adult I "KNEW" my dad could do anything. At my dad's funeral a stranger came rushing in at the end and asked for me. He said he was at dinner at a restaurant nearby when he heard about the funeral service. He said my dad helped him 20 years earlier and that kindness stayed with him his whole life. He just wanted me to know that and asked me to continue paying it forward in memory of my dad like he was doing. Recruiting is important to you. What goals do you want to set for Civitan during your term? Recruiting is important to me for many reasons. First of all I think what if Donna Harper never asked me to visit a Civitan club? All of the experiences, joy, happiness, and new friends I have made over the last 23 years would not have happened. If all of us as members have a "FIRE" and a passion for Civitan - why wouldn't we ask others to join us?


Kendyl Massey The more members we have in Civitan across the world, the more new ideas we have, the more hands we have to actually do the work, the more resources and potential new leaders and so much more. I have not visited a club to date that said they did not need any new members.

My goal is for us to build 45 new clubs in North America and 12 clubs outside North America. This is our best hope for us to overcome the proven 17-20% of members we lose each year. I would also love to see us have 101 new club builders as we begin our second century of service. Supporting and retaining the members we have is equally important to me and our leadership team. In order to see Civitan continue to grow and thrive into our second century we need EVERYONE working toward these goals—"KINDLING THEIR FIRES for CIVITAN."

Travel gives perspective and appreciation that we all need in our lives. I read pretty much every night and let's just say I would not turn down any invitation for a shopping outing especially if shoes and handbags are purchase options.

To me, the best 12 weeks of the year are in the late summer / early fall when college football is in full swing. There is nothing like ESPN college game day, tailgating at a football game, or spending family time at a game and then talking about every detail of the game on Sundays. I am 100% a fearless and true Auburn Tiger - War Eagle! If you had to tell a stranger about Civitan in 10 words or less, what would you say? Civitan is helping, serving and giving to others of yourself.

What do we need to do to meet those goals? To reach any goal I am a firm believer in having a written, detailed plan with a timeline associated to each component or task. I am asking each Civitan leader to outline the goals you have for growth and involvement in your club or district. Assign a "due date" for each item. Many activites can sometimes seem so large they are not attainable - so break down the goals into months or quarters. For example, my overall goal is to add 12 new members to my club in the upcoming Civitan year. This goal could mean by December (which is three months into the Civitan year) you have a recruitment meeting and add three new members (this is a completely reasonable goal) or it could mean adding one new member a month. How do we reach the next generation of Civitan? We have to meet all potential new Civitans "where they are" - not have them fit into our expected mold and schedule. We will need to think about reaching these new generations and demographics in different formats (maybe more online clubs or traditional clubs that also offer a web / dial in option as well). We will have to accept the amount of time and effort that they are willing to put forth - which may or may not be at our level of commitment or involvement. What about your accomplishments in building clubs and recruiting members? Building a new club is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had during my time as a Civitan member. I have been fortunate to have helped rebuild two troubled clubs and to be a club builder on 12 new clubs—including two Young Professional (YP) clubs. I am in the process of building my first two new Junior Civitan clubs locally, which is very exciting! As far as recruitment goes, I have worked hard to share my love, passion, and enthusiasm for Civitan with everyone I have met and with many that were strangers. I believe my total number of recruits is a little over 150 new Civitans. I have set a personal goal for myself to reach 200 total new Civitan recruits by the Reno convention next summer. I would love to see a record number of Civitans earning MST (member sponsorship team) by recruiting four new members by the international convention in Reno as well. When you are not working with Civitan, what do you do? For my paying job, I work for an IT Consulting Company called CGI (consultants in government and industry) based in Montreal, Canada. I specifically work on a collections software system that we developed in house. I am on a client site typically Monday through Thursday out of state at a large financial institution. I enjoy getting to work with new fellow co-workers on every project, as well as the new client resources as well. What about family? Hobbies? Interests? All of my family still lives in Birmingham so that means regular travel to be present for the events my nieces and nephews (and surrogate ones) have going on all of the time (soccer, swim, graduations, birthdays, holidays). I am blessed to share my sometimes crazy and overflowing life with my sweet and thoughtful husband Michael Morgan. Michael is a past governor and current Civitan member and supports me in all things Civitan. I enjoy travel and want to see as much of the world as I can before I leave this earth.


Fall 2017


2017 Centennial Celebration

Celebrating 100 Years of Service in


ilestones are a cause for celebration and Civitan International's 100th birthday was the main attraction in June as members from all over the world converged on Birmingham, Alabama for the 2017 International Convention. Attendees traveled from as far as Europe, Asia and Africa to train, learn, and fellowship with other Civitans at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC). The combined convention, with Junior Civitan in attendance for the first time in history, was the largest in two decades. Civitans of all ages enjoyed a homecoming celebration filled with nostalgia. The hotel and convention center is located three city blocks from the birthplace of Civitan in downtown, which is marked with a plaque in the sidewalk. The Civitan Club of Birmingham gathered onstage at the opening ceremony to welcome everyone to Birmingham. Club President Alan Hand and Presidentelect Kearney Hutsler opened the evening. Club member Lauren Simmons read a greeting from Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, who thanked members for attending and remembered fondly his own service as a Civitan.

Tours were a special feature of the convention as staff members took the opportunity to show off the city where Civitan was born. Members were treated to tours of the newly remodeled headquarters, the Civitan International Research Center (CIRC) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), and local tourist sites. Optional tours included a tour of the civil rights district, a racing tour, and a visit to the Pizitz Food Hall, which has been featured in the New York Times highlighting Birmingham’s fame as a foodie hot spot. Prior to the official opening ceremony, Civitan golfers gathered at the Renaissance Ross Bridge Golf Resort, site of many professional golf events in recent years, for the annual Civitan International Golf Benefit. The scramble tournament raises funds for the CIRC. Combined with Putt and Chip, this year’s event has raised more than $290,000. See page 26 for more details.

8 Civitan Magazine

International President Duane Capps and Junior Civitan International President Cambron Bice shared microphone duties for the opening ceremonies which included highlights of the year’s events, entertainment, video presentations and the traditional parade of flags saluting all of the nations in attendance. The welcome party following the event featured a Wizard of Oz theme filled with costumed characters, food and a variety of photo opportunities for guests. After celebrating into the night, Civitan members gathered early the next morning to attend to the business of nominating candidates for the international offices. Candidates and supporters campaigned throughout the convention in their own campaign booths. Members attended an abundance of workshops during the course of the convention with a wide variety of options designed to educate and entertain. Workshops included classes on recruiting new members, social media best practices, and attracting corporate sponsorships. Other informational classes included workshops on estate planning, legacy endowments and classes on choosing the proper beer and wine for different occasions. The Greater Titusville Civitan Club delivered a powerful presentation on the role the predominately African-American community in Birmingham played during the civil rights movement. The Titusville club has existed in Birmingham since 1998, but the community has been in existence since 1910 and has been the home of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Harold Jackson and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice among many other prominent figures. Another popular workshop was the monologue " Dr. Shropshire Tells It All." Past International President Mike Brown, MST delivered the dramatic story about the early life of Civitan in character as founder Dr. Courtney


Birmingham Shropshire. The presentation was a favorite of history buffs and is available on the Vimeo page for Civitan International. The presentation is free to all members for download or streaming online. Civitans and Junior Civitans took the festivities outside for a block party in the popular Uptown entertainment district. The event, Civitan Rocks The Block, featured cornhole competitions and a variety of carnival games. Food trucks completed the evening with a wide variety of tasty offerings to please almost anyone. Civitan added a new category in the North American Awards, which are traditionally presented each year at the convention. The new category, for best use of social media, is indicative of current trends on club communication and recruitment. Emcees for the awards were Jo West Davis and Debbie Juhlke. Past International President Jay Albertia was on hand to give everyone an update on the campaign to renovate the International Headquarters building. Albertia reminded Civitans to buy the Civitan commemorative coins which were specially minted to support the fund drive. The limited edition coins are pure silver and contain a logo on one side and artwork paying tribute to the Civitan Creed on the other. Funds from the coin sales are applied to the restoration budget to help finish the project.

delegation and Civitans from Africa. Incoming International President, Kendyl Massey was honored onstage as she was officially installed in office. Newly elected International President-Elect Bob Jones, of North Carolina, was also announced during the event. Civitan staff and volunteers from around the world enjoyed dinner together one final time to close the convention, making Civitan's first convention in our hometown in a quarter of a century one for the record books. As Civitans departed town equipped with new ideas for service to others, discussion turned to the future as new Executive Vice President Scarlet Thompson prepared to assume her official role at headquarters. The second century of Civitan has officially begun and the homecoming is over, for now. As members prepare for another year of service and look forward to the 2018 convention in Reno, Nevada, the purpose of Civitan, enshrined in the creed for nearly 100 years is as strong as ever.

The President's Council Social was held at a local venue which featured a collection of classic cars, food and drinks, and even a photo opportunity with an image of Dr. Shropshire in a convertible. The closing party featured a live band as well as entertainment from the Korean

All photos courtesy of Past International President Bill Hiscott, who generously volunteers his time as Civitan's event photographer during International Convention


Fall 2017


Thank you to the

Foundation for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities For their gracious support of the Civitan International Research Center

The FCIDD, in the Cheasapeake District, matches a significant amount of donations through Civitan International’s Civitans at the Helm program. Civitans at the Helm recognizes club and district support of Civitan International’s commitment to research. Take part in the Civitans at the Helm program today, by making a donation designated for the CIRC, participating in the coin box program, or supporting your favorite golfer in the upcoming Annual Golf Benefit. For more information, call 1-800-CIVITAN, ext 116 or email

CIRC Video Now Available The 2017 video update for the Civitan International Research Center is now available! This DVD is produced each year by the staff at our Research Center, and gives insight into several of the research programs being conducted. This year's update follows research programs that are laying the groundwork for treatment of disorders such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, and more. You can order this DVD at the Civitan Supply House ( for just $15. It's a great video to watch at your local club meeting! You can also use it to show potential donors just what our fundraising for the Civitan International Research Center is all about. Just visit, and look in the "Literature" section.

10 Civitan Magazine



SPONSORSHIP AWARDS Incentives for Civitans who Sponsor New Members

Sponsor 1st Member

Earns First Sponsorship pin. Can be received only for those who sponsor very first member into Civitan.

Sponsor Four Members

Receive 2017-18 MST recognition/pin (name also appears on the ‘Super Recruiter’ list in Civitan Magazine.)





C e lebrating 100 Years of Service


Sponsor Six Members

Receive logo name badge with the 2017-2018 presidential theme.

Founder’s Day Drawing

March 17, 2018, International President Kendyl Massey, DST will conduct a drawing where 5 members will receive round trip air fare to the 2018 International Convention in Reno, Nevada. Entries will be for each member a Civitan sponsors.

(No limit to number of entries and No double winners. Winner can transfer to another club member.)

Sponsor 10 members

Receive a Kindle Fire and an invitation to a special President's reception (along with a guest) at the 2018 International Convention in Reno, Nevada. (Receive reception invite if accomplished by July 13, 2018)

One-a-Month Level – Sponsor 12 members

$200 donation in your name to Civitans-at-the-Helm for the club of your choice or full registration to the 2018 or 2019 International Convention.

Two-a-Month Level – Sponsor 24 members

$500 donation in your name to Civitans-at-the-Helm for the club of your choice or four night lodging durint the 2018 or 2019 International Convention.


Fall 2017 11

Norway Track and Field The Civitan Clubs in Norwegian Area 50 arranged a track and field day for people with disabilities in early September. The Civitan Games took place at Borrebanen (sports arena in Horten, Norway) with about 50 participants competing in a variety of events. Athletes competed in petanque (lawn bowling), shot put with small and large ball, long jump and cycling. Club members from Civitan Club Holmestrand commented that they had much to learn from the participants who celebrated their own accomplishments and cheered for other participants equally. Club members look forward to participating in the games annually.

12 Civitan Magazine


New Club Charters The following clubs conducted their chartering ceremonies this year, across three continents! Please join us in welcoming them to the Civitan family. Abilities Unlimited Civitan Club Hot Springs, Arkansas September 30, 2017

Civitan Academic Club of QCPU Quezon City, Philippines May 27, 2017

YP Civitan Club of Winston-Salem Winston-Salem, North Carolina December 6, 2016

Go Getters Civitan Club Nettleton, Missisippi September 30, 2017

Kennett Civitan Club Kennett, Missouri April 29, 2017

Foothills Civitan Club Easley, South Carolina November 30, 2016

Greater Silver Spring Civitan Club Silver Spring, Maryland September 30, 2017

Masaka Civitan Club Uganda April 22, 2017

Fil-Scholars Civitan Club Quezon City, Philippines November 5, 2016

Montgomery County Civitan Club Crawfordsville, Indiana September 30, 2017

Palermo Libertรก Civitan Club Palermo, Italy April 1, 2017

Happy Hour Civitan Club Warner Robins, Georgia November 2, 2016

Kensington Valley Civitan Club South Lyon, Michigan September 29, 2017

Nature Coast Civitan Club Spring Hill, Florida March 31, 2017

Trillium Lanark County (TLC) Civitan Club Perth, Ontario October 30, 2016

Civitan Club of Lake Norman Mooresville, North Carolina August 14, 2017

Level Cross Civitan Club Level Cross, North Carolina March 31, 2017

First Coast Civitan Club Jacksonville, Florida October 26, 2016

Club Civitan Y Es Por Ti Juan Carlos Mexico City, Mexico August 9, 2017

Bon Ami Civitan Club Houma, Louisiana March 30, 2017

Civitan Club of Marion County Marion, Ohio October 1, 2016

Delaware Valley Civitan Club Springfield, Pennsylvania August 9, 2017

Southern Civitan Club Laurel, Mississippi March 21, 2017

River Time Civitan Club Bayboro, North Carolina September 30, 2016

Kanata-Stittsville Westenders Civitan Club Kanata, Ontario July 31, 2017

Roma Centenario Civitan Club Rome, Italy March 17, 2017

Northern Shenandoah Valley Civitan Club Winchester, Virginia September 30, 2016

Lancaster-Melton Peace Keepers Civitan Club Kansas City, Kansas July 27, 2017

Charles County Civitan Club Waldorf, Maryland March 17, 2017

K. C. Civitan Ex-Men Club Kansas City, Kansas September 29, 2016

Civitan Durango CECAPI Durango, Mexico July 25, 2017

White Bluff Civitan Club White Bluff, Tennessee March 17, 2017

New Centennial Civitan Club Ottawa, Ontario September 25, 2016

Tupelo Evening Civitan Club Tupelo, Mississippi July 18, 2017

Happy Trails Civitan Club Oklahoma City, Oklahoma March 17, 2017

Lawrence ACTION Civitan Club Lawrence, Kansas August 26, 2016

Impact Civitan Club Pulaski, Tennessee June 20, 2017

OncoAssist Civitan Club Budapest, Hungary March 10, 2017

Capital Region Civitan Club Harrisburg, Pennsylvania August 15, 2016

Palmetto Civitan Club Lexington, South Carolina June 20, 2017

Mt. Everest Civitan Club Kawasoti, Nepal March 2, 2017

Randleman Civitan Club Randleman, North Carolina August 8, 2016

North Grenville Civitan Club North Grenville, Ontario June 18, 2017

Montserrado County Civitan Club Montserrado, Liberia December 15, 2016

Downtown Web in ACTION Civitan Club Jacksonville, Florida July 16, 2016

Gulfport Civitan Club Gulfport, Mississippi June 15, 2017

RiverGee County Civitan Club RiverGee, Liberia December 15, 2016

Blount County Civitan Club Oneonta, Alabama June 13, 2017

Gbarpolu County Civitan Club Gbarpolu, Liberia December 15, 2016


Fall 2017 13

Second Century Kickoff at the Membership Extravaganza


his year’s Membership Extravaganza was a fabulous program packed full of excitement, honors, inspiration and laughter to kickoff the second century of Civitan. The session set a positive tone for the last day of the 2017 Centennial International Convention.

Past President Debbie Juhlke presented top growth awards to Mark Wright, Top Growth District, Canadian East, Bill Tolleson, First Runner-up, South Carolina and Tony Workman, Second Runner-up, North Carolina East

Most New Members Club Awards from Juhlke to 1st place Greater Titusville (immediate left of Juhlke); 2nd place three-way tie Hometown-The Villages, FL (sashes), Triangle YP-Durham, NC (Far Left); and Oaktoma-Collins, MS (immediate right of Juhlke)

Highest Percentage New Members Club Awards from Juhlke to 1st place Neill Sachdev, Windsor, CT; 2nd place Tony Workman, Holly Springs, NC; and 3rd place Ray Marden, Lanierland-Gainesville, GA

For the first segment, emcee Louis Stephens, VP of Membership–Leadership, introduced Immediate Past International President Debbie Juhlke, DST to present the 2015-16 Growth and Retention Awards. Canadian District East won the Top District Growth Award with three new clubs and a net gain in membership. Immediate Past Governor Mark Wright, MST, accepted this award along with “Top Growth District” banner patches for each club in the district. Next, Juhlke presented last year’s Top Recruiters Award to Wynester Sherrer, MST of Jacksonville, Florida who sponsored 39 members, and to International President-Elect Kendyl Massey, DST, of Maryville, Tennessee as the top recruiter for sponsoring 25 members into existing clubs. This was followed by awards to clubs with the most new members in 2015-16. The top three clubs received banner patches in two categories. The Greater Titusville Civitan Club in Alabama won the top honor for Most New Members with a 13 member net gain and the Windsor Civitan Club of Connecticut won Best Percentage New Members with a 100% net gain. Next, Juhlke presented the banners for last year’s Sponsor-aMember competition. Canadian District East won the Best Percentage Banner and the North Carolina District East won the Highest Numerical Banner. Juhlke finished by recognizing members of Honor Clubs and thanking everyone for their hard work. This was followed by a performance from multi-award-winning mentalist, Wayne Hoffman, who had the audience amazed with his performance of mind and magical acts which included Civitan delegates. Next, Civitan International President Duane Capps, MST, led an ovation for delegates representing our century clubs (100+ members). He then recognized all the charter members and club builders of the new Centennial Civitan Clubs that have chartered over the past year. Capps presented Master Club Builder

recognition to Past International President Horace Davis of Garner, North Carolina, and International Director of Region Six Leslie Benmark, MST of Joelton, Tennessee. Capps recognized all Civitan members who earned Membership Sponsorship Team (MST) status by sponsoring at least four or more members. He went on to recognize Civitans who have achieved Distinguished Sponsorship Team (DST) status by sponsoring 150 or more members. Next, Capps presented Patricia Koepsel, DST, of McLean, Virginia a diamond recruitment ring with two additional diamonds for sponsoring over 250 members and presented Sherry Garrett, EST, of Nettleton, Mississippi a larger center diamond for her recruitment ring for sponsoring over 450 members. Capps made a personal appeal for all clubs to strive to have 30 members or more and to earn Golden Circle status. He went on to promote this year’s Sponsorship Awards, and urged members to recruit new members, especially during the last quarter. This was followed by another entertaining segment by Mentalist Wayne Hoffman. The final segment began with the introduction of President-Elect Kendyl Massey, DST of Maryville, Tennessee. Massey expressed her excitement and commitment to growing Civitan during our 101st year. She introduced her outstanding team of GovernorsElect. Then, with the help of her governors-elect she announced the 2017-18 Presidential Theme, “Kindle Your Fire for Civitan!” Upon the announcement, the governors-elect passed out “Kindle Your Fire for Civitan” drawstring backpacks to the delegates. Everyone left the Membership Extravaganza with a renewed commitment to work together to grow Civitan in the 101st year!

By Louis Stephens, VP of Membership-Leadership

Juhlke presented Top Sponsorship Banner to Tony Workman as North Carolina East won Highest Numerical Banner and Mark Wright of Canadian East captured the Best Percentage Banner President–Elect Kendyl Massey with her Governors announce theme for next year.

14 Civitan Magazine

Mentalist Wayne Hoffman with Civitan David Ford of Michigan


Growth and Retention Awards Top Growth & Retention Districts Top District: Canadian District East Distinguished Governor: Mark Wright

Master Club Builders

(5 clubs built, all current or lasting 5+ years)

First Runner Up: South Carolina District Distinguished Governor: Bill Tolleson Second Runner Up: North Carolina District East Distinguished Governor: Tony Workman

Sponsor-a-Member Banner Winners Best Percentage Banner: Canadian District East Highest Numerical Banner: North Carolina District East

Top Recruiter Awards

Wynester Sherrer Uptown Civitan Club/Downtown Web in ACTION, Florida District Sponsored 39 new members 2015-2016

President Duane Capps presents Master Club Builder Blazers to Leslie Benmark, and Horace Davis.

Recruitment Rings

Kendyl Massey Volunteer ACTION Civitan Club, Appalachian District Sponsored 25 new members 2015-2016 (Non builder award)

Top Growth Clubs

Most New Members 1st Place: Greater Titusville-Birmingham, AL 2nd Place: Hometown-The Villages, FL 2nd Place: Okatoma-Collins, MS 2nd Place: Triangle YP-Durham, NC Highest Percentage 1st Place: Windsor, CT 2nd Place: Holly Springs, NC 3rd Place: Lanierland-Gainesville, GA

President Capps presents Patricia Koepsel (left) her 250-member diamond recruitment ring and Sherry Garrett (far left) her 450-member diamond recruitment ring.

Distinguished Governors

Mark Wright, Canadian East, Tony Workman, North Carolina East, Debbie Juhlke, Bill Tolleson, South Carolina, and Marcia E. Dechand, Heartland.


Fall 2017 15

International Honor Key Recipients The Civitan International Honor Key is the most prestigious honor given in our organization. It is only given to those who have made truly outstanding contributions to Civitan in the areas of recruitment, club building, service at the International level, and projects that increase the overall awareness of Civitan in the community. It is presented each year at the International Convention. The following Civitans were recognized with the Civitan International Honor Key in Birmingham this summer. Please join us in congratulating them for their great achievements.

Leigh Wilkinson

Joseph O'Toole

Leigh Wilkinson first joined Civitan in 1994 and is currently a member of the Tryon Civitan Club. She has served as International Director for Region 3 and has previously served as a District Governor and as club president for three clubs. She is a Master Club Builder and has previously earned honor keys at the club and district level. Leigh received the Distinguished Governor honor from her district in 2010-11. She is a Shropshire Fellow, Research Fellow, and a Junior Foundation Fellow. She has, to date, built six clubs and sponsored more than 80 members.

Joe O'Toole joined the Civitan Club of Frederick in 1999, where he remains a member. He has also been a charter member of the Waynesboro Area Civitan Club since its inception in 2010. Joe is a Certified Club Builder who has built three new clubs. He has served as Governor of the Chesapeake District, International Director for Region 4, Senior Director, and is a Research Fellow. Joe was awarded the Governor's Honor Key and the District Honor Key in Chesapeake, where he also was named Civitan of the Year. Additionally, Joe has served as Vice President, President, and Director for the Foundation for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Double Dipping on CIVITAN commitment By Nathan Higdon Governor, Appalachian District If you are reading this article, you are probably one of the committed ones. One of the most common frustrations individuals experience in volunteer organizations, from my perspective, is discovering that people are not all committed the same way. It may surprise you to learn, but that is just fine. During my Ph.D. program, I worked on research with my colleague regarding POM (perceived organizational membership) as a framework for commitment that was developed by Masterson and Stamper (2003). I discovered how we could use the pillars of POM to increase Civitan commitment. As we move forward into our second century, our new club building and our existing club growth and retention should focus on growth strategies that are proven to work. Let me introduce you to the scientific method and POM. The following will provide you a simple, yet effective way to grow your existing club or build a new one. Need Fulfillment – The relationship between the individual and Civitan MUST be perceived as rewarding in order for individuals to seek out or maintain their membership. The club MUST fulfill some need of the individual, which can develop from the following: Person-Organization Fit – The compatibility between the individual and Civitan is vital. Good fit comes from the two-way street of Civitan satisfying the needs and preferences of members, and when individuals supply ability, talents, time, and effort to Civitan. Psychological Contract – The expectations (potential) Civitan members have for the reciprocal exchange of the relationship between them and the organization. Mattering – Individuals are attracted to organizations where they feel they can 1) Make a difference, 2) Influence outcomes, 3) Experience validation. Civitans need to feel they matter! This is accomplished through the following: Perceived Organizational Support – This is the extent to which Civitans perceive the organization values their contributions AND cares about their well-being. Civitans feel valued when they feel the organization supports them. Within the

16 Civitan Magazine

club, this would include fair treatment, understood procedures, representation in decision-making, and the ability to influence procedures and outcomes. Belonging – The perception that individuals have invested part of themselves to become a member and have a right to belong in the club and organization. Civitans feel they belong to the organization when there is a personal relatedness to other members. We do this through distinguishing who belongs to our organizational culture and who does not through the boundaries of our jargon (Civi-speak), our dress/pin (artifacts), and our rituals (reciting the Creed), which allow us freedom to develop bonds of intimacy with other Civitans. Organizational Identification - People tend to classify themselves and others into social categories. Individuals who strongly identify with an organization will DEFINE themselves, at least partly, in terms of the organizational membership (Civitan become psychologically intertwined with the organization. Example: I am Civitan) Psychological Ownership - Individuals develop a sense of possessiveness toward organizations DESPITE a legal claim on it. (Examples: Sports team fans, Political parties, and Civitan). There is a sense of responsibility to protect the organization (“This is MY club/MY year as President/etc.). Civitans self-identify with clubs/the organization through feeling a sense of place, fit, and belonging. Perceived Insider Status - Individuals feel like insiders vs outsiders. Civitans may feel they have EARNED a place and acceptance inside the organization. The perceptions of insider status exist independently from ACTUAL inclusion in the organization. Investment of time is not necessary to make individuals perceive insider status. (Civitans can be made to feel like insiders immediately upon entering a club.) As clubs move forward with growth and retention, or new club development, psychological ownership will be especially important. By focusing a club’s identity alongside another organization, club builders can amplify Civitan commitment. I am helping build the Penn State Alumni Civitan Club, which will take the Nittany Lion school spirit and combine it with the good works of Civitan to foster a strong bond to the club. Regardless of what the focus of club are currently or the ones coming forward, club building and growth must capitalize on the POM strategies to be sustainable club (re)builds.


Stephen Black is an Alabama Bright Light

Turning Poverty into Possibility By Karim Shamsi-Basha Alabama NewsCenter

Stephen Black is convinced the best way to help others is to teach them to help themselves. Whether it is overcoming poverty or providing a new direction in life, Black founded Impact America to create possibilities.

students to prepare taxes for low-income working families across the state,” Black said. “We have a vision initiative called Focus First, where we screen low-income preschools with high-tech vision screenings and follow-up care to children 2 to 5 years old.”

Impact America includes Speak First, which brought participants to the “Above all, we seek a sense of possibility – that our young citizens believe National Speech & Debate in the efficacy of their actions Tournament in Birmingham to make a real difference, that June 18-23. they develop a keen sense of The challenges may be many, and the obstacles tremendous, empathy and responsibility “We have a debate team for but Black has found a way to do his part. for those most in need, that talented kids in the city of they strive to safeguard every Birmingham, which is part individual’s health, well-being of our college preparation and worth,” reads the statement on Impact America’s website. initiative,” Black said. “We have an Advanced Placement summer initiative for really hard-working students in the state.” It also sums up Black’s philosophy. The grandson of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black has spent decades honing that viewpoint.

“When students become more familiar with the realities of poverty and individuals struggling to break free of it, they begin to develop a greater sense of responsibility to take action to promote social change,” Black said. Black worked at Maynard Cooper & Gale law firm in Birmingham after graduating law school at Yale. Three years later he was called to public service in policy and economic development work with the state of Alabama. After speaking to thousands of students, he was encouraged by their enthusiasm and turned his focus to founding the Center for Ethics & Social Responsibility at the University of Alabama. In 2004, he founded Impact Alabama, which he later changed to Impact America, where he serves as president and chairman. “Impact Alabama started 13 years ago with four core initiatives, the two largest being the free tax preparation initiative where we train college

In 2008, Black received the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leaders Award for his work with Focus First. It was given due to his creativity and commitment in pressing health issues facing society. When asked about how all of his efforts with Impact America affect him on a personal level, Black is quick to answer. “It’s incredibly rewarding,” he said. “I think the biggest challenge our country faces, regardless of theology or politics, is what happens to a nation of over 300 million people who are statistically segregating and separating themselves from each other.” The challenges may be many, and the obstacles tremendous, but Black has found a way to do his part. For more information, visit

Service to others is one of the core values of Civitan. Stephen Black is the grandson of Hugo Black, one of many early Civitans who made an impact on the world. WWW.CIVITAN.ORG

Fall 2017 17

2015-2016 Competitive Award Winners The following awards were presented at the Centennial Convention in Birmingham for the 2015-2016 Civitan year. Congratulations - and thanks - to these amazing Civitans! Outstanding Club Newsletter 1. Uptown Civitan Club 2. Naples Civitan Club 3. Frederick Civitan Club Outstanding District Newsletter 1. North Carolina East 2. Valley 3. Heartland Outstanding Club Website 1. Salisbury Civitan Club 2. Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club 3. Twin Lakes Civitan Club Outstanding District Website 1. South Carolina 2. Alabama North 3. Heart of the West

Outstanding Service to People with Disabilities Project 1. Bannock Civitan Club 2. Naples Civitan Club 3. Lenawee Civitan Club Outstanding Community Service Project 1. Uptown Civitan Club 2. Foothill Civitan Club 3. Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club

Outstanding Social Media 1. Oceanside Civitan Club 2. Tryon Civitan Club 3. Bannock Civitan Club

Outstanding Youth Project 1. Hawfields Civitan Club 2. Uptown Civitan Club 3. Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club

Outstanding Awareness Project 1. Arab Civitan Club 2. Triangle Luncheon Civitan Club 3. Greater Charleston Civitan Club

Outstanding New Civitan Club Hilton Head Civitan Club

Candy Box - Small Clubs 1. Burlington Civitan Club 2. Forsyth Civitan Club 3. West Knox Civitan Club Candy Box - Medium Clubs 1. Roanoke Civitan Club 2. Guilford College Community Civitan Club 3. Greenville Civitan Club Candy Box - Large Clubs 1. Owensboro Civitan Club 2. Durham Civitan Club 3. Salisbury Civitan Club H.O.P.E. Award Lenawee County Civitan Club

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Coin Box Fundraising 1. Cottage Hill Civitan Club 2. Tallahassee Club 3. Wichita Civitan Club 4. Minnesota Valley Civitan Club 5. Tryon Civitan Club

Honorable Mentions Civitan Orchids Club Greenville Civitan Club Dr. Courtney W. Shropshire Outstanding Civitan Club Award Tryon Civitan Club

Would you like to see your club or district honored at the next Civitan International convention? Just enter the competition by filling out the application form and sending it to International Headquarters! Visit the International Awards page at, under "Awards," for all the information you need. Don't delay - the deadline to apply for the 2016-2017 awards is December 1st!




With Social Media

By Terry Schrimscher

Have you ever been on Facebook, or another social platform, and thought the ads appear to be targeting your interests? That's because they are! In this edition of Civitan Magazine, I am going to show you how to target your club's Facebook messages to reach potential new members in your community. First, you need to set up a page, not a group, for your club. Pages are public and will allow you to advertise your messages to people in your community. To the right, I have a message about the Tryon club. Once you have the perfect message for your club's meeting or event (always include a photo to get attention) click the blue BOOST POST button shown near the bottom right of your message. Once you click on the BOOST POST message, you will get a new window which will offer you several options to target the exact people you want to reach. You will not get the ENGAGEMENT option (top left) unless you have a link in your message. Use the Post Button option if you want readers to do a specific action, or select no button if you just want them to see your message. I selected Learn More, which allows me to direct them to more information elsewhere. Next, you decide who to target. Facebook offers you a few options, including people who already like your page. I select people you choose through targeting. This will allow you to reach out to new people. In the example to the right, I have selected ALL for gender and an age range of 25-65. Under location, I have chosen Tryon and a radius of 25 miles. You can add other criteria like "volunteers," "charity" or others but this sometimes makes your options too narrow. Once you have your target selected, and Facebook tells you your selection is great, you can set a budget and duration. Clubs should plan a small Boost Budget, if possible, to reach out to potential new members. When you do, make contact. People join people and you are reaching new people with your boosts.


Above, I have set the budget at $30 and the range for seven days. You can spend as little as $5 to reach out. Experiment with the process to see what works best for you. Email me at if I can help.

Fall 2017 19

Outstanding Club of the Year Each year, Civitan presents the Courtney Shropshire Outstanding Civitan Club Award to the club that truly excels in the areas of community service, recruitment, fellowship, member involvement, and support for International projects.

This year's winner was the Tryon Civitan Club, from North Carolina District East! They made an incredible impact on their community during the 2015-2016 Civitan year. In fact, the club had so many projects that there was an opportunity for service every week of the year. In addition to their outstanding list of service projects, Tryon Civitans sponsored a new club, worked with Junior Civitan in both fundraising and leadership, and developed relationships with other organizations in the community to spread the Civitan message of service to others as far as possible. Work with other organizations included toy collection for the Salvation Army, multiple volunteer opportunities for Special Olympics, and a safety campaign for the YMCA. The club provided dinner for a local shelter each month, collected supplies for their local food pantry and delivered more than 8,000 diapers to local charities as a result of their annual diaper drive. Congratulations to the Tryon Civitan Club for this outstanding award. We wish them continued success in making a difference in their community.

Their ongoing projects included: • Monthly bingo at the Brookstone Senior Living Center • Sponsored a Babe Ruth baseball team • Providing dinner once a month for residents of the RCS Homeless Shelter • Collecting box tops and Campbell's soup labels for the Exceptional Children's Program • Collecting soda can tabs for Ronald McDonald House • Their annual "No Child Wet Behind" diaper drive for the Coastal Women's Shelter and Religious Community Service, donating thousands of diapers for those in crisis.

Outstanding New Club of the Year Each year, International also acknowledges a club less than two years old that already excels in representing the tenets of service, knowledge and fellowship. The Hilton Head Civitan Club, of the South Carolina District, was this year's winner!

The Hilton Head Civitan Club barely had time to celebrate its charter before it leapt into action serving the community. Three weeks after the club officially launched, the community was struck by catastrophic floods, prompting members to launch their first fundraiser for flood victims. The members of the new club developed a full calendar of service projects including participation in the Special Olympics, Junior Civitan Dance-a-thon, and several support projects for the local Child Abuse Prevention Association.

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The club also sponsored two projects of its own. The Pints n Pins blood drive offered participants a chance to bowl and donate blood. The club also took over lead sponsorship of the Ugly Christmas Sweater Bar Crawl supporting the Low Country Autism Foundation. Congratulations to these hard-working Civitans. The Hilton Head Civitan Club has certainly set a high standard for new clubs and we look forward to many years of good news from them.


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Fall 2017 21

Alan Percy, M.D., (right), a leading clinician and researcher in Rett Syndrome receives the Center of Clinical Excellence Award along with members of the clinic team and Rett The University of Alabama at Birmingham Civitan Rett Syndrome Clinic has received the Center of Excellence award from, a leading advocacy organization for patients and families affected by Rett syndrome.

CIRC at UAB named Center of Excellence by Rett syndrome advocacy group By Bob Shepard University of Alabama at Birimgham UAB’s Civitan Rett Syndrome Clinic has been named a Center of Excellence by, one of the nation’s leading advocacy groups. The award will be presented at a reception Friday, Sept. 8, at 4 p.m. at the Children’s of Alabama Performance Area on the second floor of the Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children, 1600 Seventh Ave. South. Rett syndrome is a neurological disorder seen almost exclusively in females, affecting one in every 10,000-23,000 individuals. It is found in all racial and ethnic groups worldwide. Alan Percy, M.D., director of the UAB Civitan Rett Syndrome Clinic, is an internationally renowned researcher and clinician in Rett syndrome. When at Baylor College of Medicine in the 1980s, Percy was one of the first physicians in the United States to identify the condition. In 1999, a decade long search for the genetic basis for Rett syndrome succeeded in identifying mutations in the MECP2 gene in girls fulfilling the criteria for the syndrome. This discovery allowed confirmation of clinical diagnoses and the development of genotype-phenotype correlations. Research at UAB is now examining the molecular genetics of children who do not meet all diagnostic criteria for RS, but who are near the border zones of clinical involvement. Patients with Rett syndrome tend to have small hands and feet and a deceleration of the rate of head growth. Repetitive stereotyped hand movements, such as wringing and/or repeatedly putting hands into the mouth, are common. Gastrointestinal disorders and seizures are also frequently seen. Patients typically have no verbal skills, and about 50 percent of affected individuals do not walk. Survival into adulthood is now expected barring other illnesses or serious physical complications. Girls and women with Rett syndrome can be expected to demonstrate a full range of emotions and enjoy satisfying social, recreational and educational experiences at home and in the community. is a national organization working to accelerate research to cure Rett syndrome and empower families with information, knowledge and connectivity. Since 1998, has invested more than $41 million in Rett syndrome research.

22 Civitan Magazine


Megan Rich and her ground-breaking brain research make her an Alabama Bright Light

By Karim Shamsi-Basha Alabama NewsCenter

When a leading mission-oriented service organization – Civitan International – partners with one of the best medical institutions in the world – UAB – the results could break the blood-brain barrier. Megan Rich, University of Alabama at Birmingham graduate research assistant in neuroscience, is revolutionizing curing disease and, in a larger sense, understanding how our brain works. Rich is working on penetrating the blood-brain barrier in a noninvasive way. “What we are trying to do is create a noninvasive method of neuromodulation, so the idea is that we can send drugs to specific parts of the brain that wouldn’t normally cross the blood-brain barrier,” Rich said. “The blood-brain barrier exists between general blood circulation and circulation that is allowed to enter the brain tissue. This barrier prevents most drugs from getting into the brain and can be manipulated with focused ultrasound.” Rich further explained in layman’s terms: “Our goal with humans is to have a method where we can manipulate brain activity in particular parts of the brain without taking invasive measures such as brain surgery,” she said. The work Rich and others are doing in neurobiology and radiology at UAB is groundbreaking and can lead to treating brain disorders. Many scientists across the country have arrived at varying degrees of the technique with ultrasound, but Rich and UAB are on the forefront of using the technique to manipulate brain activity and animal behavior. “We are doing this with a big picture in mind. We are still doing research on animals and have been able to open the blood-brain barrier at very particular locations,” she said. “It’s already shown to be safe and effective in humans and it’s a very promising technique for both clinical and research applications. The end goal ultimately is to target diseased tissue and, in addition, to be able to understand the fundamentals of the way the brain works, which of course translates to helping us cure disease.” Civitan International is funding Rich’s research, which is done at the Civitan International Research Center (CIRC) at UAB. The CIRC was established in 1989 with the support of Civitan International, which was founded in Birmingham in 1917. The mission of the CIRC is to improve the well-being and the quality of life of individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities. The CIRC carries that mission well with researchers like Rich and the work she is pioneering. Terry Schrimscher, director of public relations with Civitan International, explains why the organization has invested so much in brain research. “The goal is to make life better for the people around us and maybe bring a cure for one of these developmental brain disorders like autism, Down syndrome, Rett, dementia and Alzheimer’s. These disorders affect one in every 10 Americans.”

Mix philanthropy with science, add a little mind, heart and soul; you have a recipe that could heal humanity.


Fall 2017 23

Awareness Spotlight

More than JUST Dogs

By Bryan Bobo Fellow Civitans, My name is Bryan Bobo and I joined Civitan 31 years ago, and I have a hearing disability. It used to embarrass me to say that, but after 25 years of wearing hearing aids, it no longer bothers me. Also, to compensate for my disability, I learned how to read lips, as one staff member realized when I served on the International Board 17 years ago. I now have a Black English Labrador named “Bo” and he is my service dog. I brought him to the 2017 International Convention. Many of the Civitans there seemed somewhat puzzled as to dealing with a service dog. So here is some background information on service dogs and some proper etiquette when encountering a “team."

Many people with disabilities use a service animal in order to fully participate in everyday life. Dogs can be trained to perform many important tasks to assist people with disabilities, such as providing stability for a person who has difficulty walking, picking up items for a person who uses a wheelchair, preventing a child with autism from wandering away, or alerting a person who has hearing loss when someone is approaching from behind. Service dogs are also trained for medical disabilities. These include dogs for people with diabetes who can detect when their handler's blood sugar goes very high or drops very low. They alert their handler (the term service dog trainers refer to the owner or person served by the service dog.), who can then take an insulin injection and prevent themselves from going into a diabetic coma. A trained dog can detect the onset of person who has seizures and that person can take their medication to prevent it. If you distract their service dog, then the dog could miss the signals of onset of symptoms, and you are putting those people's life in danger. (You can also be held liable.) Large breed dogs, such as Labs, have a naturally protective behavior and personality. That is why they are typically used for people with blindness and hearing impairment. In their training, they are taught to stay under control, but this protectiveness is not discouraged. A blind person could easily be harmed. A person with a hearing disability doesn't know when someone comes up behind him that could harm them. Bo has my back and I'm glad he is protective. In the high frequency ranges, I have 95% hearing loss, which means I don't hear smoke detectors, fire alarms, etc. Even with hearing aids, I still have from 25% to 60% loss depending on frequency range. Dogs are not robots when working as service dogs. They are wonderful creatures with their own personalities and are subject to stress and fear and all the same emotions we experience. Don’t expect them to act perfect all the time. As Civitans, we’ve always done a great job of respecting people with developmental disabilities. Let us strive to respect all disabilities.

Things to do when encountering a service dog: •Never distract a service dog. •Never attempt to pet a service dog. •You should not make eye contact with the dog. •You should make no motions or sounds to try to coax the dog to you. •Don't attempt to feed the dog. •Don’t attempt to play with the dog. •You should act as if the dog was not even there. (Speak to the person, shake hands or hug them as you normally would. Just leave the dog alone.) •If you don’t know what to do—ASK.

24 Civitan Magazine



Wilmington Beautification Begins with a Good Deed Recently, when Wilmington, NC Civitan Club member Dave Spetrino, Sr. was unable to perform his usual cleanup of Post Office Alley downtown due to illness, a small group of his fellow Civitans stepped up. Spetrino remarked: “It’s nice to know it takes four workers to replace me. Great job!” Park Avenue, now known as Post Office Alley, was created when the US Post Office was built at the corner of Front and Chestnut Streets in Wilmington in 1937. The alley runs alongside the US Post Office between the two streets. In 2005, Post Office Alley was adopted by the Wilmington Civitan Club as a downtown beautification project and dedicated by Mayor Bill Saffo. A plaque near the alley on Front Street marks the site. Civitans under Dave Spetrino, Sr. regularly keep the alley spruced up by trimming the bushes and sweeping up and removing debris.

Mexico experiencing much growth for Civitan Civitan International is growing in the country of Mexico. Two clubs, one in Durango and one in Mexico City, are chartering and will start supporting efforts in their communities that improve the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. An earthquake in Mexico City has damaged the developmental disabilities center that the new club is supporting, but fortunately no lives were lost. Several Civitan clubs in the United States have supported efforts to rebuild there. Despite the tragedy in Mexico City, that particular club plans to hold its charter ceremony soon. In Cancun, Civitans celebrated the donation of musical instruments to local children with disabilities. It’s part of the Maya World Project that’s been happening since 2010. The students will take part in music lessons, which Civitans hope will help them pick up new skills and enjoy typical experiences that aren’t usually a part of their day to day activities.

Civitans taking care of Civitan Alley , Wilmington , North Carolina George Dolan, Mike Page, Todd Toconis, John Wessell

Civitan member Robert Folsom is presented with a mayoral proclamation by Mayor Jack Draper. Folsom was honored with a Civitan International Research Fellow by members of his club in Anniston, Alabama.

Anniston Civitans surprise long-time member Robert Folsom recently celebrated his 45th year as a Civitan, but when he walked in greeting guests at a recent meeting, he had no idea what was in store for him. Members of the Civitan Club of Anniston surprised Folsom by honoring him with a Civitan International Research Fellow. In addition, the mayor of the city read a proclamation honoring his service to the community.


Fall 2017 25




Special thanks to our Corporate Sponsor for 2017:

Top 5 Fundraisers Joe O'Toole Randy Eckhoff Harold Connell Rob Bolster Allen Corley

On Friday, June 23, the annual Civitan International Golf Benefit was held at the Renaissance Ross Bridge Golf Resort in Birmingham, Alabama. Civitan golfers from around the world came together for a world-class round of gold at this incredible resort, and celebrated a year of exceptional fundraising for Civitan's flagship project. The benefit was supported by Presenting Sponsor, Fluoromed and its donation was matched by the Foundation for Children With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the Chesapeake District.

Top Putt-n-Chip Fundraiser

As of the publication of this issue of Civitan Magazine, golfers have raised a total of $291,550.15 for the golf tournament and Putt and Chip combined. That brings our Golf Benefit to a total of $5,505,481,76 since its inception!

Special thanks to our Hole Sponsors for 2017:

Congratulations to all our award winners at the Golf Benefit. Special thanks to all the golfers who participated, and every Civitan and club who sponsored this outstanding event. Remember, fundraising for this year isn't over until September 30th! Contact a golfer to find out how you can contribute, or contact the Bobby Farley at 1-800-CIVITAN.

Faye Evans

Accelerated Physical Therapy, Inc. Champion Group Claxton Bakery Civitan Club of Americus, GA Civitan Club of BĂŚrum, Norway Civitan Club of Batesville, MS Civitan Club of Capital City, NC Civitan Club of Montgomery, AL Civitan Club of Sanford, NC Divots Sportswear John A. Hand III, Wealth Advisors, LLC Regions Bank Stewart Corporation of Alabama

26 Civitan Magazine


Innovative Research with a Vision for the Future The Civitan International Research Center (CIRC) is an interdisciplinary center focusing on the development of the mind-brain through our unique mission of service, education and research. The CIRC was established in 1989 on the campus of UAB with the vital support of Civitan International. The mission of the Civitan International Research Center is to improve the well-being and the quality of life of individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities. The University of Alabama at Birmingham and the Civitan International Research Center would like to thank Civitan International for their support over the last 27 years!

Winners of the 2016 Emerging Scholar Awards, established to recognize and support outstanding research projects from budding scholars whose research focuses on developmental disabilities.

CIRC 252D • 1719 6th Avenue South • Birmingham, AL 35294 Toll free: 1-800-UAB-CIRC WWW.CIVITAN.ORG

205-934-8900 Fall 2017 27

Civitan Charitable Gifting Program Civitan International has partnered with National Guardian Life Insurance Company to establish the Civitan Charitable Gifting Program. This plan was specifically designed to enable Civitan members to easily support the goals of Civitan through the gift of Whole Life Insurance. With the designation of Civitan as the beneficiary of the Whole Life Insurance policy, the member can create a gift that will allow the work of Civitan to continue for generations to come.

Leave your lasting legacy through the Civitan Charitable Gifting Program The Civitan Charitable Gifting Program consists of policies with multiple giving options, including single payments or multiple annual payments. Both options contain growth potential depending on the type of policy chosen. Members are also able to purchase multiple polices to fit their gifting wishes. Single pay options can range from $500 – $100,000. Various payment options are available over a 3, 5 or 10 year schedule in the amounts of:

• $5,000 • $15,000 • $25,000 These amounts are designed to simplify the gifting experience, but any alternate amounts will be handled to accommodate your preferences individually. For more information regarding the Civitan Charitable Gifting Program and Legacy Safeguard, contact Scarlet Thompson at 1-800-CIVITAN LEGACY SAFEGUARD name, design and related marks are trademarks and property of Legacy Safeguard, LLC © 2015 Legacy Safeguard, LLC. All rights reserved. Legacy Safeguard Services (“Services”) are independently provided by Legacy Safeguard LLC. Legacy Safeguard Services are not insurance and may be discontinued at any time without notice. Legacy Safeguard is solely responsible for furnishing the Services. In no event will Legacy Safeguard be responsible or liable for any acts or omissions by Civitan and its agents, employees or representatives. Actual fees and charges associated with a funeral or other related services are not covered by Legacy Safeguard. This is a free benefit and provided to the recipient at no additional cost. Membership in Legacy Safeguard requires a completed Legacy Safeguard Enrollment Form that outlines terms and conditions. National Guardian Life Insurance Company is not affiliated with The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, a/k/a The Guardian or Guardian Life.

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