August 4, 2013

Page 5

Prayer of Invocation Christ, in this hour of worship lift us out of the routine of our daily lives and set us up on your holy mountain. Let our worship come from our hearts, that it may be genuine. Let our praises for you leap from our mouths, that we may be alive with faith and joy. Make us fresh again! Amen.

Come Ye Sinners

Hymn of Praise

Come Ye Sinners

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œ J

Je - sus, rea - dy, stands True be - lief and true till If you tar - ry



œ He With Not



œ œ J

a mon right

is out the


œ œ J

œ He Come Sin

œ J


is to ners

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œ œœ œ

sin - ners, nee - dy, wea - ry,

1. Come ye 2. Come ye 3. Come ye

poor and wretch - ed, wel - come; come and la - den, hea - vy

save to re - pen you're be


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ble, - ey, - eous,

œ J

pi - ty Full of eve - ry grace that you will ne - ver

you, tance, tter,


will Je Je

weak and woun-ded, sick and sore. God's free boun - ty glor - i - fy: Bruisedand bro - ken by the fall.

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œ J

Words by Joseph Hart Music by Matthew Smith

He with not



ing; sus sus

Doubt Christ came



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joined with power. brings you nigh. all. come at

œ œ œ œœ œ Œ



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ble; ey eous;




more. buy. call. Words: Joseph Hart Music: Matthew Smith


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