CityU Hall9 Year book 2021-2022

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HALL 9 2021 - 2022 YEARBOOK


We have been a part of Hall 9 for several years and during this period this place has become our second home. Every year, new residents join our supportive and respectful community and this place brings us all together more like a big family. Although year 2021/22 was tough and challenging, we went through this period very well and surely there are so many great moments and memories. This Yearbook has documented all these moments that we can look back and relive it. We are amazed by how our family is big and diverse as the residents came with different background and culture. All of our family members were trying to make Hall 9 a better place to live and enjoy all the moments. We want to thank all of you for your contribution to this place as organizers, helpers and participants in different activities; for your supportiveness and collaboration. In the process of making the Yearbook we felt the strong sense of belonging and saw a way we have gone through hall together. We are very honored being a part of a Media Team and production of this Yearbook 2021/22. Being core members of the team, we would like to thank all the media team members from the bottom of our hearts. Hope you will enjoy this Yearbook and many thanks again!



DENVID LAU Residence Master of Hall 9

Associate Professor Founding Member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences

It is my great honor and pleasure to serve as the Residence Master of Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Hall (Hall 9). Although I have just stayed in Hall 9 for a few months, I greatly appreciate the learning experience with all of you who constitute our hall community that features a great cultural and professional diversity. I am very pleased to be involved in the hall activities including the PEK Competition and the SIA activities with you all. I still clearly remember the moment when we got the Champion in the PEK Cup Inter-hall Table Tennis Competition 2021/22. Even though I was not the table tennis player in this competition, I believed that I shared the same happiness with all participants from Hall 9. The strong sense of belonging to Hall 9 coming from our Residents is indeed our momentum to keep improving Hall 9. In the past few months, the Hall 9 Management Team has been improving the hall facilities for our Residents including a new pool table located on the G/F. With the improved hardware, I hope that all of you will enjoy staying in Hall 9.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to emphasize the core values and vision of Hall 9, that is making our hall a loving caring and inspiring Global Village for city learners and embracing our goals of being excellent in academic and social endeavors. I strongly believe that our community remains adherent to our hall core values that regulate our behavior and fuel our actions. This Hall 9 Yearbook 2021/2022 summarizes our achievements in addressing our vision, goals and core values with actions. In particular, this Yearbook is a form of gratitude to those residents who have made substantial effort in contributing to Hall 9 community with passion.Through sharing their passion, joy and talents, we can indeed learn from each other and grow together. It is envisioned that our CityU’s future graduates will possess the social and professional quality which is necessary for the local and global development. In the coming years, I am sure that I will be very excited upon the opportunity to interact with so many of you, and learn from you. I would like to let you know that my door will always be open to provide guidance and any support I can to help you along your university journey.In particular, I hope that we can work together and can further strengthen the bonding within Hall 9.

March 31st, 2022

2021/22 Hall Management Team

Hall 9 RT Notes 1F Alisher(102A) Advocacy Tutor

Hi! I am Alisher, 3rd year student from Kazakhstan majoring in Data Science. This is my second year living in Hall 9 and first year as a RT. I am an Advocacy Tutor and am in charge of Hall 9 Media Team and Social Media. I am motivated by support that I received from residents and my fellow residence tutors. Although a lot of events were canceled due to the pandemic this academic year, I have really enjoyed the life, atmosphere and people in our hall. I want to thank all the residents, Hall Management Team and our Residence Master for a great experience and unforgettable moments. During these two years, Hall 9 has become my second home.

2&3F Katherine (202B) Discipline Tutor Hello everyone, I am Katherine! This is my second and my last year in Hall 9. It is my pleasure to be one of the hall tutors this year. Hall 9 is a place that aims to provide a joyful and respectful life to all residents, which we so called “sell warm”. I have a great time here as we have gathered and met one another in different activities. Residents in Hall 9 are kind, nice and very funny! During the year, we cooked, hanged out and had so much fun together. I am really glad to have met all of you guys and I do treasure the friendship we have made here. This year has definitely been unforgettable and has been an important part of my university life.

4F Lucy (402B) Returning Tutor This is my third year in hall 9. Looking back, I have lots of good memories. Not only hall 9 gave me lots of experience as a tutor, but hall 9 was also my home and my friend. Although many events were canceled due to the pandemic and there were many changes, I believe we all went through this challenging period very well. I want to thank all the residents, my fellow tutors, and our hall master for letting me have good moments and memories in hall 9. I hope everyone stays safe and hope to see you guys someday somewhere!

5&6F Cowinna (602B) Events Tutor Hi! I am Cowinna, the events tutor managing 5/F and 6/F. This is my fourth year living in Hall 9, and it would be my great pleasure to join the hall management team as a residence tutor this year. We have a good team, which made our daily tasks completed smoothly. We installed new facilities in the year, such as new pots on each floor and the billiard table on G/F. I hope that our efforts towards the hall have built a good environment for our residents! Hall 9 was the most important thing in my university life. I met good people here and joined different exciting activities. Although the pandemic widened the distance between people, I believe we will become close again one day. I hope Hall 9 would be a good place for all of you too!

7F Rita(702A) Advocacy Tutor I’m Rita, Advocacy Tutor in charge of Hall9 Media Team and Social Media. I really enjoy the life in Hall9 and I’ve spent four years here. In this year, our Media Team members did a very good job. We worked together to promote our hall activities and record the memory into our year book and IG posts. The most memorable activity for me is Table Tennis PEK. It was my pleasure to join the Hall9 athlete team. And we won the championship. I have interest in many activities, not only ping pong, but also badminton, photography and guitar. It was a regret that many activities were cancelled because of pandemic. But I felt the warmth of Hall9 in the previous activities. We wuddies help and tolerate each other. I love Hall9, residents, RT, RA, security and Hall Master, all the ones here.

8F Leo(802B) Facilities Tutor Hello, new and old residents in Hall9, or, dear wuddies;) I am WANG Xuanshuo, facility tutor and 8th floor tutor. It is warm spring now, which means it is close to my leaving and graduation, which also means I have to say goodbye to this home-feeling hall life. I spent all my 4 year time here, in hall 9, and I have fallen in love with the atmosphere and environment here ever since I walked in here. When I was a freshman, I got a lot of help and advice from my tutor, when I am a tutor, I love the feeling of doing things, practical things for my wuddies. Sometimes, carring salt, oil or sugar to each common room, sometimes, help organizing activities, sometimes, having meetings online via zoom, alltimes, love for this hall life never fades away. I am grateful for hall 9 for giving me so much chance to do meaningful things and making me feel like being home again, and most importantly, teaching me a lot useful things. Wuddies, do feel free to enjoy a nice hall 9 life!

9F Shoaib(902A) PEK Coordinator Hi everyone! I’m Shoaib, a final year student majoring in Materials Engineering. This was my second year as an RT and 4th year staying in Hall 9. I love the energy and atmosphere that Hall 9 hosts and it was great to be a part of the welcoming environment to help you settle in. I hope you all had a great time and made wonderful memories! 😄

10&11F Stefany (1102A) Finance Tutor I am Stefany, the floor tutor on the 10th and 11th floors and the finance tutor this year. I am living in 1102A. I am a year 4 student majoring in Finance and minoring in Accounting. This is my fourth year staying in hall 9 and my second year of being RT. Hall 9 is my second home in Hong Kong and I like the hall 9 atmosphere and culture. Many hall activities are provided for the residents to meet new friends and enrich the hall life experience. Hope you can meet new friends here and wish you have an unforgettable residence life in hall 9! ;)

OUR SECURITY GUARDS 1. How long have you been working here? What is your daily duty time? I’ve been in Hall9 for over 10 years. My duty time is 7am to 7pm. 2. What do you think of the Hall9 atmosphere? How do you like Hall9? I really love and enjoy working in Hall9. And that’s the reason why I’ve been here for such a long time. I hope I can stay here until I retire. Hall 9 residents are very friendly and kind. Both residents and security guards are able to accommodate and understand each other. 3. What’s your expectation after the pandemic? I hope we could get together, interact and restart the hall activities we used to have. Now everything is online. I hope the pandemic will soon be over, so that we can communicate face to face. 4. What else you what to say to Media Team? I’ve kept all the previous yearbooks. Save one copy of yearbook for me this year. 😉

1. How long have you been working here? What is your daily duty time? I started working here in Aug 2020. My duty time is 7pm to 7am. 2. What do you think of the Hall9 atmosphere? How do you like Hall9? The students in hall9 are very youthful and active. From the aspect of discipline, the overall atmosphere is good. Only some small problems have happened, and all of involved residents would behave well after oral warning. 3. What’s your expectation after the pandemic? I hope everyone in Hall 9 could participate in the hall activities actively, and study hard. XD 4. What else you what to say to Media Team? Stay healthy, most importantly. Peace and Love.

Hall9 Provisional Hall Residents’ Association

NIGOROUS 九重霄 the 16th Executive Committee RA of Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Hall

Yootszyan - President Draco


- Internal Vice President -

- External Vice President -

Hedy - General Secretary -

Ariel - Promotion Secretary -

Elsie - External Secretary -





- Recreation Secretary -

- Financial Secretary -

- Sports Secretary -

- Welfare Secretary -

Semester A

Visit to Kam Shan Country Park Journalist: Aidana Editor: Tamerlan Designer: Cindy

November 7th, 2021

On November 7, 2021, Wuddies broke out of the bustling city and set out to conquer the hilly peaks of Hong Kong. Having gathered at exactly 10 am, our company of 16 people went on a hike in the Kam Shan country park. First we took the MTR to Prince Edward station and then got on the bus. After half an hour we were already standing at the dam. The weather was sunny, it was even hot. The sky was blue and almost cloudless. During the hike, we got acquainted with the local fauna: at the beginning of the way we met a wild boar, and later a large number of wild monkeys. At the beginning of the trip, we familiarized ourselves with the rules and tried not to provoke the little thieves with food or our valuables. The route we chose was the easiest - Family Walk. Together with the group, we mastered it in 2 hours or less. In addition, in order to admire the local landscapes at the beginning of the hike, the organizers announced a photography competition, so each participant tried to get bright and dynamic photos in order to get the opportunity to win ParknShop coupons. At the end of the hike, everyone was tired, but happy. Following the same route, everyone returned safely to the student residence. This SIA was remembered for the beauty of Hong Kong's nature and allowed students who became part of the Hall 9 recently to get to know each other and get to know the city a little better.

13 NOVEMBER 2021

PEK TABLE TENNIS Do you like to play table tennis? Your fellow friends Wuddies definitely like. On November 13, from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm, a grandiose event took place in the multifunctional hall A and C - the PEK Table Tennis competition. The team of our hall, consisting of 10 residents and a team manager, brought the first and not the last victory of this academic year. Our team was carefully selected; day and night they trained at MFH C to proudly present our name on competition. In the first round we played against hall 7 - we got to the semi-finals where we played with hall 8 and finally faced the hall 3 team to become champions. In addition to the competition participants, other wuddies were great at keeping the team spirit alive with applause, lumps and whistles. Those who could not enjoy the game offline were given an excellent opportunity to watch their friends on the zoom. Each member of our hall team showed mastery playing on individual battles, however distinguishing factor was great teamwork: respect, effective communication and speaking openly about progress or mistakes during trials helped to boost results. After the victory, our team captured joyful moment on cameras and a proceeded with hearty dinner. Journalist: Aidanva Editor: Aidanva Designer: Hester

Semester B

CHAN T ung Weixi N E H C


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eng m i h S JIA

KO Hsi n


CHEU NG C hing Y i

KIM Sichan

Felix E O I K

LAU Hiu Yin

WOEN Celin e


NG Arrigo Williams

Semester B

Floor Gatheirng


Photos from Nigorous, Hall9 Resident Association

Wuddy Floor Stories KONG KA MOON 2/F I lived in a Hall9 for a year and met my best friends here.We come from different disciplines and grade but we have many memories. For instance, we talk to each other and share our thoughts; we do stretches at midnight; we wake each other up in the morning and attend classes; we cook together and then wash together; we study together during the exam period; we take care of our hallmates when they feel sick...can't name it all! Hall life is an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, learn outside of the classroom, rehearse and prepare for the future. I believe that hall life will bring everyone an irreplaceable experience that will fill up pages of our memories.

KO HSIN-YU 3/F Staying in Hall 9 has always been a pleasant experience. This is my second year staying here, and even though we are under a pandemic, I ensured that I took part in as many activities as I could. Living on the third floor was quite lively. I enjoyed the floor gatherings we had in the beginning of the year where I got to meet some of the other residents in my floor. Also, I happened to participate in many PEK events and organized student initiated activities, which further allowed me to interact with the other residents in Hall 9. Overall, I enjoyed spending my time here and I look forward to live in Hall 9 next year!

KIM SICHAN 4/F This year was an eventful year for me in hall9. Many things have changed this year after taking a leave of absence by military duty for 2years. In the first semester, I participated in many PEK activities. I wanted to naturally melt in while participating in various activities such as running 100m, table tennis, and cheerleading. Unfortunately, I was not selected as a player, but there were valuable experiences. In addition to PEK, I was glad to have various events such as hall-returning sessions and welcome parties as well. It was a pity that we had to meet in Zoom due to the COVID-19 situation, but I received energy as we were actually meeting face-to-face. During the vacation, I enjoyed cooking various foods in the common room on the 4th floor. In the second semester, I was so sad that I could no longer participate in hall activities due to the worsening COVID-19. Lastly, I would like to say thanks to RT and Prof. Lau who worked hard to create events in difficult situations.

LAW SAU CHING 6/F We met each other in the second week of the residence period. Since then, we have always gathered at 604A to play mahjong or card games. Most of our floormates have their birthday between September and November, and we celebrate together when it is a birthday for any of us. Our floormates are kind and always willing to give us hands when facing a problem. Remember, there was a period there were many cockroaches in residence. We freaked out when we saw it. Fortunately, the floormates helped us disappear it. We’re thankful for the love I share with my friends. We’re spending less time worrying and more time recounting the love. Hope to see you again in the following residence period! Here again we gather together!

YIU HO CHI 8/F 👋 hi, I would like to share a story in hall 9 with my roommate Raymond. I met Raymond through this hall. We celebrated his birthday in this hall. Due to the covid-19, we cannot have our celebration outside. However, we have our celebration at room. I think that it is memorable for both of us although we didn’t have a lot of celebration. I just bought a cake in festival walk and celebrate with him. The reason of why I think it is memorable is because it is the first time for both of us to celebrate at hall and also in this situation. In the future, I hope that we can still be roommates and celebrate my birthday but not in this situation!

LUK, HOI LAM 9/F I am a freshman, staying in a dormitory for the first time. I think living in hall is a must for university and a very unforgettable experience. During the year I was very happy to meet my roommate Jojo. She has brought me a lot of joy and love throughout the years I have spent with her. To be honest, I really can't sleep without her cold nose now. So I really don't want to leave the dorm. Also, once I sneaked the commom room TV into the room to play switch games and was discovered by the hall tutor. After being discovered, I immediately ran to return the TV. But unfortunately, it was already too late because the hall tutor found me. It was so embarrassing!! Finally, I would like to thank all my hall mates, all of you are very friendly and kind. Nice to meet you all.


by so quickly and I l 9 even though the time goes I'm so happy to be living in hal , I got along very t my first roommate in my life met a lot of new friends. I me In hall 9, I played d different memories together. well with him, and we all create enjoyed my life at yed with my friends. I really pla and d rea , ked coo ng, hjo ma memories with l 9 next year to create more hal to k bac e com to e hop and hall 9 my friends. I love hall9



EDITORS SUBANBAYEV Tamerlan | Tim RAINA Ritvik | Vik ZHANG Xinting | Alyssa

JOURNALISTS SHIMA IYACU Nys Marlaine SHEN Xinyue | Dora SMAT Aidana LIN Yu-Chen | Daisy


QU Sirui | Louisa JIA Shimeng | Jasmin KO Hsin-Yu | Cindy LEE Sheung Yu | Hester WOEN Celine


Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Hall (Hall 9) Student Residence City University of Hong Kong 22 Cornwall Street Hong Kong SAR



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