CityStudio Vancouver Society | Annual Report 2019 - 2020

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Simon Fraser University - GSWS 204 City Strategy: Healthy City for All Granville Street site visit

In This Issue Letter From the Executive Director


Vision & Mission


How We Work & Where It Started


Our Theory of Change


T H E VA N C O U V E R P R O G R A M Introduction


H i g h l i g h t s F r o m T h e Ye a r & I m p a c t M e t r i c s


Letter From The Mayor


A Vancouver Student Manifesto


City Of Vancouver


Simon Fraser University


University Of British Columbia


Langara College


B r i t s h C o l u m b i a I n s t i t u t e o f Te c h n o l o g y


Emily Carr University of Art + Design


Our HUBBUB Project Showcase






H i g h l i g h t s F r o m T h e Ye a r


Te s t i m o n i a l s


O U R C H A M P I O N S & PA R T N E R S







Simon Fraser University - Civic Innovation Change Lab City Strategy: Healthy City Strategy Project: StudyHubble


Letter from the Executive Director Duane Elverum Along with virtually every organization in Canada, our year started very differently than it ended. In September 2019, with the pandemic still 6 months away, we began to restructure our organization into two distinct programs: our local work in Vancouver partnered with the City and our post secondaries, and our Global scaling activities aiming to help cities launch a CityStudio. The COVID-19 virus struck as we were laying this foundation. On March 12th, 2020 we closed the studio and began working from home, which continues to the present time, now day 302 of the pandemic.

streamlining of our licensing product, as well as improving our network member experience to accommodate the growth we are very likely to see in the post pandemic era.

Despite this significant disruption, CityStudio Vancouver Society operations continued, largely uninterrupted during this past year. Locally in the Vancouver Program, the City of Vancouver and our post secondary partners signalled their continued support as the pandemic unfolded, providing us the time to adapt and learn how to serve them in new ways. While we know that cities will continue needing innovation and support, and that schools will continue needing relevant, high quality learning and project experiences for students, we also know that projected revenue shortfalls and adaptations in our public institutions will require us to continue adapting in the ways we collaborate in the months and years to come.

How do we implement new and significant contributions to the global movement for justice, equity, diversity, decolonization and inclusion?

How do we deliver the highest quality experience for Vancouver students and city staff collaborating on projects for civic benefit across all strategic areas, including the climate emergency and equity & inclusion?

And, how do we create a streamlined and self-sustaining business model to scale the CityStudio model, growing our 13-city network and increasing the local and collective impact of our members?

Equally, our scaling activities under the CityStudio Global Program continue to see strong and ongoing commitment from the Vancouver Foundation and the McConnell Family Foundation. We had projected adding four new CityStudios before the pandemic slowed us, so we were very pleased to see Durham Region’s eight townships and municipalities join us as CityStudio Durham. As we adjusted to this slow-down, we shifted our work in the Global Program with a unique opportunity for head-down investment and

Then on May 25, 2020, the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis sparked a global anti-racism movement that continues to grow. This monumental event in the context of the pandemic had a great impact on our mission in the closing months of this past year, and has created the context for 3 questions in the coming year and into our second decade:

This past year, fittingly, marked the end of our long-term organizational transition into a charity, made possible by an extended effort by both our staff and board. Surrounded by goodwill, strong support and expertise, we look forward to responding to the growing needs of cities and post secondaries and ensuring students have a permanent seat at the table of collaborative city building.


Our Manifesto T h e C i t y S t u d i o Wa y We don’t employ a devil’s advocate at CityStudio. We say Yes more than No. We remain curious and stay open to others’ ideas. We learn by doing. By following an idea. By experimenting with our hands. By taking risks. By trying, struggling and failing forward fast. And in the end, we have done something that is real. We find ways to tackle global issues by putting a project on the ground in a local place. We learn that good projects come from good relationships. That working together is the only way it can work. And that we can’t solve a complex problem without hearing from everyone affected by it. We sit in a circle and speak from our hearts and our minds. We learn to listen. We learn to enjoy the long pause that emerges in a rich dialogue. We learn how to design. We find better problems to solve. We learn that aesthetics matter. We work on a team and reflect on our process together. We believe that small projects can add up to big changes in our community, our city and in ourselves. And if we do it right, we will be high-fiving at the end. We’ve been to the future and it ends well. Trust the Process.

MISSION Our mission is to innovate and experiment with the ways cities are co-created, while helping students get the skills needed to succeed in today’s economy, and inspiring action in the community and government. At CityStudio, students begin their role as city builders, gaining valuable, employable skills and professional relationships. City staff receive innovative support to advance their work, and in turn our communities become better places to live.

VISION We envision a more liveable, joyful, sustainable and inclusive Vancouver where students are deeply engaged inside City Hall.

Simon Fraser University - EVSC 400 City Strategy: Climate Emergency Action Plan Project: Boardwalk and the Beast

W HAT W E D O The CityStudio Vancouver Society is an innovation hub that brings together City staff, students, faculty and community to co-create experimental projects that make the Vancouver and cities we want now and for the future. The Society exists to advance education by coordinating and facilitating academic collaboration with our local municipal government, while enabling others to connect their local institutions and municipalities throughout Canada and the world. The CityStudio model is a community service framework for municipalities and academic institutions to work together. Through this model, CityStudio Vancouver and those in the Global Network, integrate and facilitate community-based experiential learning opportunities with courses and programs that directly respond to the strategic needs of Cities.

VA N C O U V E R PROGRAM The Vancouver Program serves the City of Vancouver and partners with local postsecondaries including Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, Langara College, and British Columbia Institute of Technology, as well as Emily Carr University of Art + Design. With this program we serve the needs of our partners within the communities of Vancouver.

GLOBAL PROGRAM The CityStudio Global Program shares the CityStudio model across Canada and throughout the world. Currently our network consists of eight other municipalities across Canada and three more globally. The Global Program operations are funded through grants from organizations including the Vancouver Foundation and the McConnell Foundation, and we look to the future where our licensing operations will support the Society.


How We Work T H E ORY OF C HA NG E

CULTURE SHIFT Higher Education & Cities

Through collaborative city building we foster the next generation of leaders and change-makers that inspire action in the community and government. We also aim to shift culture at City Hall and normalize civic action as a key element of higher education. Our Theory of Change drives how we achieve this, beginning by building trust-based relationships and connecting city staff with students, faculty and community members to tackle the city’s challenges. Together, we co-create innovative solutions and launch experimental projects on the ground that advance key City goals and plans.

INSPIRE ACTION City Staff & Students & Communities

LAUNCH EXPERIMENTAL PROJECTS City Staff & Faculty & Students



Match Projects with Schools We match these projects with courses at our partner schools, ensuring a strong fit between city needs and faculty expertise.


Convene City Staff Once a year we convene City staff to identify and develop project concepts that further the City's strategic aims.

+ Students + Universities


Share and Scale Projects The results are presented at HUBBUB, a celebratory project showcase where students, City staff, community and elected officials connect to make these solutions permanent.


Launch Projects in Public Final projects are launched by students as experiments and pilot projects in the community to test what works.


D e s i g n P r o j e c t s To g e t h e r As part of their coursework, students work together with City staff to co-create projects for the benefit of community.

W H E R E I T A L L S TA R T E D . . . In 2010 the City of Vancouver was pulsing with ambition to become the greenest city in the world. They sought big ideas and innovative thinking that could enable Vancouver to pave the way for sustainable cities. At this same moment, inside Simon Fraser University (SFU), Dr. Janet Moore and Duane Elverum were developing a way to accelerate sustainability in higher education by activating students at the centre of their city through direct opportunities to work with the City on urban challenges. When the idea was taken to the Deputy City Manager, Sadhu Johnston, CityStudio quickly became a reality. In the beginning we didn’t have a guide or handbook, but we also had no rule book. We learned what CityStudio was by doing it, and this foundation has been entrenched in our approach ever since. We created a space where City staff, students, faculty and community members could talk openly about what matters most. Nine years after launching, CityStudio Vancouver is part of a growing network of cities that continue to move this work forward and refine our approach to city-building.



The CityStudio Vancouver Program

University of British Columbia- UFOR 401 City Strategy: VanPlay Strathcona & South Vancouver site visits

CityStudio Vancouver strives to function and be known as the innovation branch for the City of Vancouver. We assist in the advancement of the City’s strategic priorities through delivering access to co-creation, collaboration and experimentation with Vancouver’s postsecondary institutions. Through strong partnerships we offer resources to support each of our stakeholders, while facilitating a greater capacity for City staff and relevant learning opportunities for students. Over the last year, the CityStudio Vancouver Program gained autonomy as one of two pillars within the Society’s activities, which included appointing Miriam Esquitín as the Vancouver Program Director. We envision the best relationship and collaboration between the City of Vancouver and our local postsecondary institutions, with creativity, trust and engagement. We are proud and honoured in CityStudio Vancouver for being part of this movement.


This past year the CityStudio Vancouver Program saw momentous change as we increased our capacity and established two Vancouver-focused leadership roles. Miriam Esquitín was appointed the Director of the Vancouver Program, through whom the organization looks to address the strategic alignment and growing potential with our local partners. Along with the role of Director, the local projects team doubled in size as Ileana Costrut moved into the newly created role of Senior Projects Coordinator. The Vancouver Program team is equipped to seek and explore the boundless ways cities and post-secondaries can work together.


In February 2020 the CityStudio Vancouver team and guest alumnus, Ryan Gander presented to the Vancouver City Council. We reported and reflected on our activities, including driving questions like: “What kind of life is possible if civic government and schools work together in the daily business of city building?” Through examples of our work from the past year, our team shared how the collaborative work filled institutional gaps for our partners. Ryan generously shared his story as a testimonial to the experience where he went from student, to CityStudio collaborator, to being hired to work on the Climate Emergency Action Plan's public engagement team.


The spring and summer brought challenges for our engagement activities due to COVID-19, which we embraced through the creation of ‘instant traditions’ and new normals. We proudly hosted our first entirely online HUBBUB Project Showcase and a virtual, interactive Project Development Workshop. As we move forward we are excited to implement our learnings and draw on this digital frontier as a space with untapped potential for the Vancouver Program.
















city staff



student hours



Letter from the Mayor Mayor Kennedy Stewart C i t y o f Va n c o u v e r Congratulations to CityStudio Vancouver on another year of successful projects and collaborations! CityStudio has become a key partner with the City of Vancouver by helping us strengthen institutional relationships with our public post-secondaries, and enabling us to work together across all of our strategic planning areas, including the Vancouver Plan and our bold new Climate Emergency Action Plan. At its heart, CityStudio Vancouver aims to match city challenges with faculty and research expertise. City staff receive support to create experiments and prototypes that move important city work forward, students and faculty gain the opportunity to join us at the table of city building, and community members participate in improvements on the ground in their neighbourhoods. As a former university professor, I know how important it is to involve students in this collaboration, creating a three-way benefit

that helps us work together to build a Vancouver that works for everyone. CityStudio has been a game­-changer for Vancouver in this respect. They bring youth into the center of city building while energizing our city and our staff by helping to support our culture shift towards working together across boundaries with creativity and enthusiasm. It’s inspiring to look at the impact this work is having on our city: 6644 students have worked with 309 city staff to co-create 1011 projects in neighbourhoods that have contributed more than 171,000 hours to our city goals and strategies. Thank you to all City of Vancouver staff, students and faculty, and especially to the CityStudio Vancouver team. Good luck as you end your first decade and I look forward to seeing your continuing work in making Vancouver more sustainable, liveable, joyful and inclusive!


CityStudio Vancouver Society staff presented to City Council in February 2020


Some Of What We Heard... Youth Engagement P l a n n i n g Va n c o u v e r To g e t h e r The Student Manifesto came to life at the request of City Manager Sadhu Johnston by the students from Simon Fraser University’s Fall 2018 Semester in Dialogue cohort. The Manifesto was projected onto the exterior walls of City Hall outlining responses to the pivotal question: “How might young people stay and thrive in Vancouver?” Over the past year CityStudio Vancouver kept this project in-house to be championed by our team, and we used it as a dialogue and engagement tool for the Planning Vancouver Together initiative. This City initiative sought the ideas and experiences of Vancouverites to inform the Vancouver Plan. Our team developed a strategy to pull questions from the Planning Vancouver Together survey and take them directly to our network of youth. Young people in Vancouver can be a challenging demographic to reach with engagement, so we embraced the opportunity to seek attendee participation at our Fall 2019 HUBBUB project showcase. We encouraged people to share their responses via an interactive, large scale post-it board with the Manifesto as a springboard for deeper responses. The project was facilitated by a CityStudio Vancouver alumna, who’s project took first place at the previous HUBBUB event. The Student Manifesto at HUBBUB garnered over 70 responses, which were combined with the outcomes from the five fall-term Vancouver Plan collaborations. We synthesized and shared these outcomes with the City of Vancouver. This project is still championed by our team and continues to evolve and inform our work around the Vancouver Plan.

W HAT G I V E S YO U J OY O R MAKES YOUR LIFE BET TER I N VA N C O U V E R ? Free public art and culture events, public disco, mural fest, Khatsahlano, and walk- and bike-ability Accessible, community-based grocery stores and other food assets Tr e e s o n c i t y s t r e e t s ! Biking along the ocean: free and reduces stress

W HAT M A K E S YO U R L I F E O R WO R K D I F F I C U LT O R BRINGS YOU SADNESS IN VA N C O U V E R ? Most of my friends have moved away from the city as their families have grown and they couldn’t afford to stay Rush hour transit commutes Lack of de-commodified spaces I want to be able to access recycling programs for every type of product/ material from my home



The City of Va n c o u v e r i s CityStudio's founding civic p a r t n e r.

3 0 9 C I T Y S TA F F S I N C E 2 0 1 1 Our motivation is to function as the innovation hub for the City of Vancouver, bringing youth to the centre of solving the most pressing issues our city faces. The City of Vancouver was already working on crucial planning initiatives to address affordable housing and homelesness, opioid crisis, climate emergency, resiliency, reconciliation, systemic racism and equity, complete communities, accessibility and more when these issues were exacerbated by the pandemic. The City had to respond with conviction, courage and speed to the emergency while considering and planning for recovery and rebuilding. The collaborations through CityStudio Vancouver continued, as the students adapted and showed immense resilience and pride in being part of this important moment. This year we co-created 221 projects in collaboration with 1024 students and 57 City staff to advance the goals of the Vancouver Plan, Engaged City Strategy, Climate Emergency Plan, Healthy City Plan and VanPlay. Students presented their creative outcomes at our HUBBUB showcases at City Hall and online.













3010 SFU STUDENTS SINCE 2011 After eight successful years of connecting Simon Fraser University students with the City of Vancouver, CityStudio Vancouver continues to facilitate collaborations to co-create solutions for pressing urban sustainability and social issues. These opportunities also advance SFU’s ambition of being the leading engaged university and providing an innovative student experience. This year 292 students worked on 66 projects related to resilient neighbourhoods, youth engagement, inclusive public spaces, ecological monitoring, and poverty reduction as part of the Greenest City Strategy, Healthy City Strategy and Vancouver Plan. In the Spring Semester 2020 we welcomed back the Civic Innovation Change Lab with the third cohort of 3rd- and 4th-year Simon Fraser University students and partners from the City of Vancouver and Vancity. They co-created solutions for Vancouver communities and residents around the theme of Neighbourhood Resilience. Part way through this challenge the students were faced with the disruptive effects of the pandemic which made resilience not only a theme but something the students actively displayed as they produced inspiring project outcomes.

Spring & Summer 2020 The New Commons; Boardwalk and the Beast: A Case Study in Renfrew Ravine Park EVSC 400

Tara Holland

How We Move; Climate Emergency Dialogues REM 381

Andreanne Doyon

Designing for Difference HSCI 403

COURSES Fall 2019

Guaranteed Opportunities? (Continued from Fall) PLCY 807

CA 400

Mauricio Pauly

Taste of Home; Addressing Food Waste at the Retail Level REM 363

Tammara Soma

Building Festive Engagement SA 402

Bascom Guffin

Guaranteed Opportunities? PLCY 800

Nancy Olewiler

Kora DeBeck

7 Symbols of Granville St. GSWS 204

Soundscape of a Renewable City

Meghan Winters

Tiffany Muller-Myrdahl

Vancouver Plan Data Visualization IAT 235

Andrew Hawryshkewich

Civic Innovation Change Lab: Neighbourhood Resilience Studio Course collaboration with RADIUS • BUS 453, BUS 494, and DIAL 461 Alia Sunderji, Timothy Ames, Tara Mahoney • • • •

Neighbourhood Clubhouse Climate Influx Study Hubble Cultivate Inclusivity

City Strategy : Greenest City Action Plan

Soundscape For A Renewable City


This project raises awareness about initiatives undertaken by the City of Vancouver to reach its Greenest City 2020 goals. Composition student, Daniel Blackie, explored what a renewable city sounds like, as a way to spark residents’ imagination of what a transition to renewable energy sources may mean for sound levels and livability in a neighbourhood. He collected field recordings of sounds emitted by various devices powered by renewable energy sources such as bicycles, the skytrain, a neighbourhood utility plant, an EV charging station and more, then he combined them to create Soundscape for a Renewable Future. After being awarded second place at HUBBUB 13 in Fall 2019, he moved forward with his pilot installation in McAuley Park in the spring of 2020 further informing his recommendations for projects like this.

C i t y S t r a t e g y : R e s i l i e n t Va n c o u v e r

Cultivate Inclusivity During the Spring 2020 semester, 17 students in the SFU Civic Innovation Change Lab cohort participated in a studio course supported jointly by CityStudio and RADIUS SFU. The theme of the semester was neighbourhood resilience and groups took to developing social entrepreneurship endeavours which sought to address this multifaceted issue in support of the Resilient Vancouver Strategy. One of the projects, Cultivate Inclusivity sought to support communities by connecting employment agencies with employers to uplift individuals that face unique barriers to employment such as housing instability and inconsistent labour needs. The group developed an online platform to help Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside community members reach their goals and fulfill job potential/hire-ability. The conceptual platform provides individuals facing barriers to employment with an option to gain supplementary income on their terms and fits their schedule through the work of “micro-jobs”.

2019/20 11



FA C U LT Y 66




1664 UBC STUDENTS SINCE 2011 The University of British Columbia has worked in collaboration with CityStudio for the past eight years, and we are proud to have completed our first year of a renewed four-year partnership. This new agreement reflects a mutual intention to deepen our partnership, increase our impact, improve our relationship, and to explore deeper, more ambitious collaborations between UBC, CityStudio and the City of Vancouver by aligning strategic priorities and opportunities. We are honoured to be part of UBC’s plans to provide practical, relevant, engaged and interdisciplinary learning. In this year, 236 students designed, researched, mapped and piloted in topics of biodiversity, inclusion, climate emergency, wildlife and water conservation, and sustainability education as part of the Greenest City Strategy, Healthy City Strategy and Vancouver Plan. The second cohort of Master of Education in Sustainability was hosted in the Fall 2019 at CityStudio and, though the class delivery is now remote, we continue to connect their research and projects to the Greenest City, Climate Emergency Plans, and the Engaged City Task Force.

Spring & Summer 2020

COURSES Fall 2019

Food Waste: Educate to Mitigate; How Does the Public Understand ‘Best Before’ Dates? LFS 350

Will Valley, Stephanie Lim

Continued from Fall ENVR 400

Creating a Zero Waste Vancouver; A Simple Practice, Skip the Plastic LFS 350

Will Valley, Stephanie Lim

LAP What? How? Why? Enjoy; Equity in Leisure Accessibility ECON 339

Catherine Douglas

Jericho Beach Gold Rush; Success of Pacific Herring Net Deployment in False Creek ENVR 400

Tara Ivanochko, Michael Lipsen

Waste (repair, circular economy); Food (eat less meat & dairy) Masters of Education for Sustainability • Rob Vanwynsberghe, Allison Earl, Pierre Walter, Lindsay Cole

Equity Envisioned in 2050 SOCI 361

Neil Armitage

The Lounge; Watson Alley Whatever the Weather PLAN 211

Su-Jan Yeo

Tara Ivanochko, Michael Lipsen

False Creek Community Water Quality SCIE 420

Gunilla Oberg, Jenalee Kluttz (TA)

Capra Tilapia; De-Reconstruction; Fence³ (F³); Omniate; Shared Boundaries LARC 502

Fionn Byrne, Stephanie Braconnier

Expanding Leisure ECON 364

Catherine Douglas

Victoria-Fraserview Green Engagement Initiative; Sunset Solutions UFOR 401 • Stephen Sheppard, Paul de Greeff, Andrew Almas Masters of Education for Sustainability (MEd at CityStudio) EDST 561a • Allison Earl • • • •

Roots to Resilience Reasonably Radical FridgeShare Exploring Our Roles

City Strategy : Greenest City Action Plan

Success of Pacific Herring Net Deployment in False Creek For the past 6 years, cohorts of Environmental Sciences students in the ENVR 400 Capstone have designed experiments, collected data and proposed recommendations to monitor, maintain and enhance the ecological health of False Creek. Most recently, a group of students from the Spring 2020 term collaborated on their project, “The Success of Pacific Herring Net Deployment in False Creek,” with the Squamish Streamkeepers Society, a non-profit community of volunteers passionate about restoring local fish populations in British Columbia. The goal of the project was to effectively communicate the work of the Squamish Streamkeepers to the public in order to raise awareness and to teach others about an effective method to increase Pacific herring spawning habitat.

City Strategy : Healthy City

Equity and Leisure Accessibility The Leisure Access Program (LAP) provides low-income Vancouverites with access to basic recreation programs and services at Park Board facilities at a reduced cost. This project is an investigation of the reasons why the existing Leisure Access Program users in the City of Vancouver are not fully utilizing the discounts provided by the program, and why there is a lack of new usage. The first student cohort identified gaps in knowledge about the LAP program and proposed an effective marketing strategy, as well as conducted a neighbourhood case study to identify specific barriers and attractors to the program. The City staff collaborator was impressed by the quality of the students’ work and their passion, and decided to continue the project with another cohort of students the following term. The second cohort designed a user survey and researched best practices and creative ways that the Parks Board could employ to disseminate this survey to their target audience. It proved to be a powerful example of how peer-to-peer learning can contribute to meaningful student engagement as well as richer projects for City partners.

2019/20 13



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587 LANGARA COLLEGE STUDENTS SINCE 2011 This year marked the first of a renewed three-year partnership agreement with Langara College, as we continue to bring students and faculty inside City Hall. These collaborations contribute to Langara College’s ambition of becoming one of Canada’s best colleges through innovation and providing opportunities for community service learning that prepares students for professional success. This year 154 students co-created and proposed new perspectives on topics of safe and inclusive neighbourhoods, youth engagement, public spaces and sustainability as part of the Greenest City Strategy, Healthy City Strategy and Vancouver Plan.

COURSES Fall 2019

Spring & Summer 2020

Drain Forest; CycLLIST; Charlson Bay Island

Building a City We Love Campaign

ENVS 2100

MARK 2400

Mike Smith-Cairns, Drew Egan

I Wish Vancouver


MARK 2400

GEOG 2275

Anne DeWolfe

Frederica Jensen

Colin Mills

Vancouver Underwater

False Creek Community Water Quality

MARK 4820

SCIE 420

Anne DeWolfe

Gunilla Oberg, Jenalee Kluttz (TA)

C i t y S t r a t e g y : Va n c o u v e r P l a n

I W i s h Va n c o u v e r

23 ‘I Wish Vancouver’ is a city-wide planning initiative to develop an inclusive vision of Vancouver. In an attempt to encourage the city’s youth to take an active role in the planning of the city-wide plan, the Langara students created a campaign that provides their target audience a platform to be heard about the issues in Vancouver that really matter to them. The group proposed that through paid advertising, they would direct traffic to ‘’. From there, users would have the opportunity to start a new ‘I Wish Vancouver’ campaign or vote on existing campaigns. After a campaign has been created through the website, individuals, families, neighborhoods, or entire schools would be encouraged to get creative and start driving interest to their campaign. Every user would be free to use innovative, creative, and grass-roots marketing solutions to garner votes. Each quarter, The City of Vancouver would choose the top five campaigns based on the number of votes. This project garnered a great deal of attention at our Fall 2019 project showcase, HUBBUB 13, and was awarded First Place by a panel of guest judges.

City Strategy : Greenest City Action Plan

CycLLIST Fuelled by the desire to support the Greenest City Action Plan and their interests, Langara students in Environmental Studies and Solutions (ENVS 2100) decided to focus on increasing cycling as an alternative mode of transportation among school aged youth. In their research about barriers to cycling in Vancouver, they came across the Stop! Look! Listen! CityStudio project, done by Emily Carr Animation students in support of the anti-bike theft registry program 529 Garage, an initiative created and managed by the VPD. Inspired by this, the Langara students decided to focus their efforts on promoting cycling to school by bringing awareness about bike security and what students and schools can do to reduce bike theft risk. CycLLIST is a five-point checklist and campaign that focuses on increasing registration in 529 Garage -- a registration program aimed at reducing bike theft and returning stolen bikes -- and increasing high school students’ knowledge of safe bike-locking techniques. The pointers offer a more secure locking technique and make opportunity-motivated bike theft harder to execute. They are (i) lock choice, (ii) location awareness, (iii) sense of time, (iv) identification and (v) tire, frame & rack. The students piloted the project at Eric Hamber Secondary School, and CycLLIST has shown to be an influential way to educate high school students on proper bike theft prevention techniques. This project went on to win the People’s Choice Award at HUBBUB 13, the Fall 2019 project showcase at City Hall.

2019/20 6



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883 BCIT STUDENTS SINCE 2011 Our partnership with British Columbia Institute of Technology continues to grow and show significant potential for students and our community. Together we are making significant contributions to BCIT’s Strategic Plan and Education Plan, particularly, in their commitment to innovation, interdisciplinary approach to education, integrative learning that links theory with practice, and responsiveness to the rapidly changing global landscape. This year, 333 students experimented and researched on topics of climate adaptation, access to nature, building capacity, and youth engagement as part of the Greenest City Strategy, VanPlay Strategy, and Vancouver Plan.

COURSES Fall 2019

Spring & Summer 2020

Air Quality Conditions and Practices During Forest Fire Days

Continued from Fall

ENVH 8400

ENVH 8410

Dale Chen, Helen Heacock

Dale Chen, Helen Heacock

Engaging with Vancouver Millennials

Restoration Plan for Everett Crowley Park

MKTG 3309

EENG 8460

Tom Jopling, Max Jarrar

Olga Petrov

Restoration Plan for Everett Crowley Park

Continued from Fall

RENR 8302

RENR 8303

Eric Anderson

Plan Your Vote COMP 4976

Medhat Elmasry

Eric Anderson

C i t y S t r a t e g y : Va n P l a y

Restoration Plan for Everett Crowley Park How can we harness the expertise of multiple disciplines to contribute towards a common goal? The Restoration Plan for Everett Crowley Park, an eight-month interdisciplinary project collaboration (Fall of 2019 - Spring of 2020), is a successful example of disciplinary specialists coming together to solve a challenge. With assistance from the BCIT Sustainability Institute, CityStudio Vancouver was able to connect City of Vancouver Senior Water Resources Specialist and Environmental Stewardship Coordinator, with two capstone courses, Ecological Restoration (RENR 8302) and Environmental Engineering (EENG 8460) for an in-depth dive into the remediation of Everett Crowley Park (ECP). The restoration plan outlines the site assessments and restoration treatments proposed for two sites within Everett Crowley Park that are experiencing vegetation dieback, likely caused by legacy landfill contamination. Results from this adaptive management strategy may be applicable on a broader scale across the Lower Mainland as the need to restore areas to a climate-change compatible landscape increases.

C i t y S t r a t e g y : Va n c o u v e r P l a n

E n g a g i n g w i t h Va n c o u v e r Millennials In the fall of 2019, two hundred and seventy students in the BCIT Marketing Research (MKTG 3309) course tackled the question of “How can the City of Vancouver engage with millennials most effectively in the City-wide planning process?” The City-wide plan, as it was named in its first phase and known now as the Vancouver Plan, is a multi-year consultation and engagement process to create a long-term strategic vision and action plan for Vancouver as a thriving city in the next 30 years, and youth have been identified as key stakeholders in the consultation process. The class first performed secondary research to investigate the demographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics of millennials (19 - 34 years old) that live, work, and play in Vancouver. Then, using quantitative and qualitative research methods, such as an online survey, focus groups, and in-depth interviews, students analyzed 585 survey responses and data from 40 focus groups, summarized their findings and proposed recommendations. Their findings highlighted that students and millennials are interested in being engaged and see value and personal benefit in participating; however, they are experiencing a time deficit with academic commitments, long commutes, and part time jobs among other concerns. They also would like to see their input reflected back to them. CityStudio Vancouver shared the final project deliverables with the Vancouver Plan team and students’ reps attended the HUBBUB 13 at City Hall.

2019/20 7



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3 0 2 E M I LY C A R R S T U D E N T S S I N C E 2 0 1 1 In collaboration with Emily Carr University of Art + Design, CityStudio Vancouver brought 9 ECUAD students and 2 faculty members together with City of Vancouver staff to co-create projects that tackle on-the-ground City strategies and challenges.

COURSE Fall 2019 CrossBloc; Safe Crossing; Safe and Sound; Look Left First ANIM 332


Woonam Kim, John Li


2019/20 1

COURSE 9 City Strategy : Healthy City

Stop! Look! Listen! The project was a series of entertaining animations that educate children about road safety, specifically, how to walk across the road safely. The Vancouver Police Department requested animations to supplement and enhance the educational programming they are doing in primary and elementary schools. Since the target audience was children and students, the challenge required a balance between the entertainment and educational aspect of animation. Students not only learned how to meet the VPD needs while not losing creative integrity, but also to collaborate with other creative minds in harmony.





H U B BU B HUBBUB is our chance to celebrate and inspire as we showcase the top projects from each term. We host two project showcases each year, in April and December, where students and faculty from SFU, UBC, BCIT, Langara College and Emily Carr come together with city staff, elected officials, and community members to share their prototypes co-created to address real City challenges. The event brings together collaborators past, present, and future to experience the innovative and experimental work aimed to make Vancouver more sustainable, liveable, joyful, and inclusive. There are awards given to the top projects selected by our judges and a People’s Choice selected by you!


Thank you to our judeges and volunteers! Judges: Tiffany Muller-Myrdahl, Rene Cravioto, Christian Devas Volunteers: Rachel Tong, Derek Vandeursen, Melody Lin, Novera Sayed, Kelly Chessman, Cassidy Chow, Nuno, Zeneca Kubota


CityStudio Vancouver City of Vancouver Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, Langara College, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Emily Carr University of Art + Design CityStudio Victoria City of Victoria Royal Roads University, University of Victoria CityStudio Abbotsford City of Abbotsford University of the Fraser Valley CityStudio North Vancouver City of North Vancouver Capilano University CityStudio London City of London Brescia University College, Fanshawe College, Huron University College, King’s University College and Western University CityStudio Waterloo City of Waterloo Wilfrid Laurier University CityStudio Brantford City of Brantford Wilfrid Laurier University CityStudio Montreal City of Montreal Concordia University CityStudio Corner Brook City of Corner Brook Grenfell (Memorial University) CityStudio Oslo City of Oslo University of Oslo, The Oslo School of Architecture + Design, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo Metropolitan University, BI Norwegian Business School CityStudio Bendigo City of Greater Bendigo La Trobe University CityStudio Logan City of Logan Queensland University of Technology CityStudio Durham Region of Durham Durham College Ontario Tech University Trent University Durham GTA Durham Regional Police Service

31 13 Cities and Growing! CityStudio has shown that there is exponential opportunity when we connect two of our city’s largest public institutions, municipal governments and academic institutions. The Global operations of the CityStudio Vancouver Society look to share the model, learnings, resources and more as Vancouver becomes host to the Global Network as well as a member of it. Through the support of the Vancouver Foundation and The McConnell Foundation, we have completed our second year of ambitious growth across British Columbia and Canada. This past year, we welcomed another CityStudio to the Network, bringing our total to 13: ten in Canada (including Vancouver), two in Australia, and one in Norway. The shock of COVID-19 and the subsequent travel and conferencing restrictions had an understandable impact on our scaling work. Our two key partners - municipalities and academic institutions - each paused business-as-usual to reset approaches to budget, programming, and more. Eight months later, we can see that opportunities to scale the CityStudio model are once again opening up and we have been moving forward with renewed momentum.

The CityStudio Global Program

CityStudio Bendigo


Food For Change The 2019 Food for Change project was developed in response to City of Greater Bendigo’s higher than average rates of food insecurity and obesity, which is a major contributor to Australia’s disease burden (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2019). With a changing climate potentially affecting local food production, including which foods can be grown locally, the project aimed to address issues facing Greater Bendigo’s local food system - food security, food production and local food distribution, food waste, and healthy eating habits.


This past year, CityStudio Global Sharing has moved forward with our efforts to build the CityStudio Network and scale the model across Canada. With a focus on business development, marketing, licensing refinements, and member engagement, we’ve developed a way for new municipalities to join the CityStudio Network using a subscription model.


In the Spring, we welcomed a new CityStudio to the growing CityStudio Network, bringing civic innovation and municipal-campus collaboration to Durham Region, ON! As the first Regional member to join the CityStudio Network, CityStudio Durham’s launch is a significant milestone for all of us.


Early in the year we welcomed Alix Linaker to the team as the Canadian Network Coordinator. This is the first position entirely dedicated to the CityStudio Network. She has worked to develop the subscription model, to engage with new municipalities interested in launching a CityStudio, and to support CityStudio Network members in the global movement of cities working with schools for civic benefit.


This past year was pivotal for laying the groundwork to catalyze collaboration, learning, and sharing between CityStudio Network members. An online platform was launched to create connections, enable discussions, and share resources, news, and events relevant to CityStudio Network members.


All CityStudios made great strides past major milestones and towards pivotal achievements. Two CityStudios completed their pilot years and have embarked on their second year of student engaged city-building with their partner institutions. In the Fall, CityStudios were running in-person HUBBUB project showcases, and pivoted to host virtual showcases in the Spring. Throughout the Network we saw members adapting their processes, systems, and project topics to align with the current global climate. Each CityStudio has taken leaps towards advancing their cities, while offering local students experiential, hands-on learning opportunities.


Our sharing can be found in the digital pages of Apolitical and Pillar Non-Profit, while Executive Director, Duane Elverum, presented at The Urban Living Lab Summit in June, hosted by the Amsterdam Urban Institute.


C i t y S t u d i o N o r t h Va n c o u v e r

Room Reader Capilano University Engineering Design students Connor Johst, Duncan Ford and Taylor Hillier were asked to address the challenge of implementing strict social distancing guidelines in public spaces. They developed RoomReader: a small device that can be placed in stairwells or doorways to track people moving past it. It uses sonar sensors to detect if someone is entering or exiting a room, and transmits that data to a central server through a wireless connection. This data can be accessed by someone sitting for example at a front desk in real time, and they can see a floor by floor, room by room breakdown of where people are in the building. Occupancy limits for each room can be set, and a staff member would be notified when these are being reached or exceeded. The project was initially conceived for implementation in the North Vancouver City Library, but RoomReader has the potential to be implemented in any public space, helping keep the people of North Vancouver safe and healthy.

CityStudio North Vancouver HUBBUB 1 - Fall 2019



The arrival of CityStudio in Montréal has amplified the collaboration between the university community and the City of Montréal. What we realized is that university students have the opportunity to have an unique insight to the City work and that helps them to better understand the realities of the work that the city employees do. At the same time, CityStudio Montréal offers the professors an occasion for a change from a more traditional pedagogy to a more experiential approach. Finally, the City employees appreciate the breeze of innovation and creativity that the students bring with their projects. We also realized that the collaborations that start from the CitéStudio frame don’t stop at the end of the session. Professors and City employees seem to keep in contact and fortify their collaboration outside the CityStudio walls and we have examples of students working on their own on projects that will help finding solutions to urban challenges and proposing them to the City.

CIT YSTUDIO NORTH VA N C O U V E R Connecting with other CityStudio facilitators has supported us in refining our initiative during its pilot year. Drawing from other network members’ examples and successes helped us to share our vision with faculty, student and municipal staff collaborators in the North Vancouver context.

CIT YSTUDIO CORNER BROOK Bringing the CityStudio model to Corner Brook has provided an opportunity to establish a mutually beneficial partnership between the City of Corner Brook and Grenfell Campus, Memorial University. This partnership has provided Grenfell Campus students with experiential learning opportunities as well as the ability to see first-hand how policies are made at the municipal government level. In addition, the partnership has provided the City of Corner Brook with innovative ideas and policies that may help shape their strategic goals.

C I T Y S T U D I O WA T E R L O O Being a part of the CityStudio Network has connected us to a broader community of practice engaged in experiential learning partnerships between universities and local governments, and provided a framework for creating meaningful civic-engaged learning opportunities for our students. Notwithstanding the challenges of a global pandemic, CityStudio Waterloo had a successful 2020 year and piloted a new virtual internship this summer. We look forward to welcoming the 2021 cohort of CityStudio students.

CIT YSTUDIO DURHAM In the short time since we joined the CityStudio network, Durham Region has seen great value in having staff working alongside the students, staff and faculty of our post-secondary institutions to pilot new ideas and create solutions to the challenges facing our community. We already had great relationships with our post-secondary institutions but CityStudio Durham has provided us with an amazing opportunity to formalize and expand on them.

CIT YSTUDIO BENDIGO The CityStudio model has deepened the connections between La Trobe University and the City of Greater Bendigo through working together on some of the most pressing issues facing our city. By mobilizing student energy and creativity, it has sparked new possibilities for our city’s assets and communities; and demonstrated the potential of students as change agents. Being part of the global CityStudio Network allows us to learn from collective experiences in dialogue, design, and prototyping and provides the opportunity to cross-pollinate current and future project ideas.

CityStudio London

Racism in London Western University students in Social Science in the Community and Performance Beyond Theatres collaborated to develop research and tools to address four forms of discrimination in London: racism, xenophobia, physical ableism, and sanims. This project was in response to London’s Community Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, with a focus on Priority 2: Have zero tolerance for oppression, discrimination, and ignorance. In Summer 2020, following the completion of the first iteration of this project and in response to ongoing activism against anti-black racism, CityStudio London hosted an Anti-Racism roundtable co-created and led by the students, City staff, and faculty who participated in this project. City staff and faculty shared their experiences working together and promoted the importance of civic participation through initiatives like the CDIS, and students shared their research findings and strategies.


CityStudio Global Testimonials

The launch of CityStudio London last year was a huge breakthrough in our community. It has brought together seven anchor institutions of our community in co-creation. CityStudio London brings together local faculty and city staff who are leaders in campus, civic, and community engagement, bolstering their leadership with a platform and container for sharing dialogue and celebrating best practices around their dedication to supporting students contributing meaningfully through their education. CityStudio Global is creating an exciting vision for what is possible through campus-city collaboration in London, cities across Canada, and the globe, as well as for what is possible through collaboration with one another across the CityStudio Network.



Our Champions Va n c o u v e r FOUNDERS CIRCLE Duane Elverum CityStudio Janet Moore CityStudio Mark Winston SFU Sadhu Johnston City of Vancouver Moura Quayle UBC Andrea Reimer City Council Eesmyal Santos-Brault Recollective Consulting John Tylee Ron Kellett UBC Lindsay Cole City of Vancouver C I T Y O F VA N C O U V E R Kennedy Stewart Mayor of Vancouver Neil Monckton Mayor’s Chief of Staff Sadhu Johnston City Manager Doug Smith Director of Sustainability Brad Badelt Assistant Director of Sustainability City of Vancouver Council SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY Andrew Peter, President Jon Driver, Vice President Academic and Provost Elizabeth Elle, Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President Learning and Teaching Tamara Connell, Associate Director, Education & Training, RADIUS Leah Sanford, Associate Director, Education & Training, RADIUS Kate Nickelchok, Manager, Education & Training Desirae Stack, Learning Coordinator, Beedie School of Business Heather Sanders, Communications, President’s Office Timothy Ames, Term Lecturer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alia Sunderji, Term Lecturer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Tara Mahoney, Term Lecturer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Nancy Olewiler, Professor, Public Policy Bascom Guffin, Professor, Anthropology Tammara Soma, Assistant Professor, Resource and Environmental Management Mauricio Pauly, Assistant Professor, Contemporary Arts Andrew Hawryshkewich, Senior Lecturer, Interactive Arts & Technology Tiffany Muller-Myrdahl, Senior Lecturer, Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Kora DeBeck, Associate Professor, Public Policy Andréanne Doyon, Assistant Professor, Resource and Environmental Planning Tara Holland, Senior Lecturer, Geography Meghan Winters, Professor, Health Science U N I V E R SI T Y OF B R I T I SH C OLUM B IA Santa Ono, President Moura Quayle, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic Affairs David Shorthouse, Director, Academic Initiatives Susan Grossman, Director, Centre for Community Engaged Learning Kyle Nelson, Officer, Centre for Community Engaged Learning

Tara Ivanochko, Senior Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science Michael Lipsen, Lecturer, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science Will Valley, Senior Instructor, Land & Food Systems Jenalee Kluttz, Teaching Assistant Paul de Greeff, Adjunct Professor Stephen Sheppard, Professor, Forrest Resource Management Catherine Douglas, Sessional Lecturer, Economics Su-Jan Yeo, Lecturer, SCARP Neil Armitage, Professor, Sociology Rob Vanwynsberghe, Associate Professor, Educational Studies Pierre Walter, Associate Professor, Educational Studies Allison Earl, Adjunct Faculty, SALA Lindsay Cole, Adjunct Professor, Educational Studies Andrew Almas, Lecturer, Forest Resources Management Fionn Byrne, Assistant Professor, SALA Stephanie Braconnier, Adjunct Professor, SALA Gunilla Öberg, Professor, IRES Stephanie Lim, Administrative Assistant, Campus & Community Planning LANGARA COLLEGE Lane Trotter, President and CEO Margaret Heldman, Vice-President Academic Julie Longo, Dean of Arts Anne Dewolfe, Instructor, School of Management Frederica Jensen, Instructor, School of Management Mike Smith-Cairns, Instructor, Geography Drew Egan Instructor, Geography and Geology Kelly Sveinson, Chair, Applied Research Centre Colin Mills, Instructor, Geography B R I T I SH C OLUM B IA I N ST I T U T E OF TECHNOLOGY Kathy Kinloch, President Tom Roemer, Vice-President Academic Kim Dotto, Dean, Applied Research & Centre for Applied Research and Innovation Joe Boyd, Research Liaison, Applied Research Liaison Office Medhat Elmasry, Option Head, Web & Mobile Tom Jopling, Instructor, Marketing Max Jarrar, Professor, Marketing Eric Anderson, Faculty, Construction and the Environment Dale Chen, Instructor, Health Sciences Helen Heacock, Instructor, Health Sciences Olga Petrov, Faculty, Construction and the Environment E M I LY C A R R U N I V E R S I T Y O F A R T + DESIGN Gillian Siddall, President & Vice Chancellor Trish Kelly, Vice President and Provost Woonam Kim, Associate Professor, Media Arts Shiu Cheung (John) Li, Sessional Faculty, Media Arts VA N C I T Y Kira Gerwing, Senior Manager, Community Investment Emily Pearson, Community Investment Portfolio Manager Krista Loewen, Community Business Investment Specialist Morgan Beall, Environmental Sustainability Portfolio Manager

F R A S E R H E A LT H AU T H O R I T Y Ghazal Ebrahimi, Sustainability Consultant C I T Y S TA F F & PA R K B OA R D & V P D Amanda Mitchell, Sustainability Andrea Anderson, Vancouver Police Department Angela Danyluk, Sustainability Arthur Ruiz, Vancouver Plan Belinda Chan, Street Activities Chris Higgins, Sustainability Colleen Hamilton, Social Policy and Projects Division Cory Dobson, Vancouver Plan Dana McDonald, Planning, Policy & Environment Dawn Tessier, 3-1-1 Denise Gsponer, 3-1-1 Dianna Hurford, Social Policy and Projects Division Erin Nichols, Solid Waste Strategic Services Erin Embley, Planning, Policy, & Environment Heidi Horlacher, Green Infrastructure Implementation Jaclyn Jimenez, Sustainability Jason Hsieh, Vancouver Plan Jhenifer Pabillano, Engineering Strategy and Standards Jordan Magtoto, Street Activities Julie LeBlanc, Solid Waste Strategic Services Katia Tynan, Sustainability Kelvin Lau, Digital Platforms Krista Voth, Planning, Policy, & Environment Krisztina Kassay, Engineering Strategy and Standards Lara Honrado, Vancouver Plan Leila Todd, Planning, Policy, & Environment Margarita Pacis, Sustainability Megan Herod, Development Planning Mumbi Maina, Social Policy and Projects Division Neal Wells, Civic Engagement and Communications Paul Czene, Recreation Paul Gagnon, Environment Services Richard Traer, 3-1-1 Ryan Hooper, Vancouver Police Department Sahisna Chitrakar, Special Projects Security Office Selina Bull, Community Planning Stina Hanson, Vancouver Plan Tadhg Healy, Digital Platforms Tamsin Mills, Sustainability Thomas Daley, Community Planning Tobin Postma, City Manager’s Office Wendy Mendes, Business & Election Services William Dunn, Street Activities COMMUNITY Cheri Hessami, Happy City Mitchell Reardon, Happy City Stacey Forester, Good Night Out


Global VA N C O U V E R F O U N DAT I O N Kevin McCort, CEO David Doig, Director Grants & Community Initiatives Niveria Oliveira, Grants & Community Initiatives Mike Conroy, Grants & Community Initiatives M C C O N N E L L F O U N DAT I O N Stephen Huddart, President & CEO John Cawley, Vice President Chad Lubelsky, Associate Program Director C I T Y S T U D I O N O R T H VA N C O U V E R City of North Vancouver Capilano University Larry Orr, Community & Partner Relations Specialist, City of North Vancouver Aurelea Mahood, Director, Academic Initiatives & Planning, Capilano University Adele Therias, CityStudio Project Lead C I T Y S T U D I O VA N C O U V E R City of Vancouver Simon Fraser University University of British Columbia Langara College British Columbia Institute of Technology Emily Carr University of Art + Design Miriam Esquitín, Vancouver Program Director Doug Smith, Director of Sustainability, City of Vancouver Ileana Costrut, Senior Projects Coordinator Kelly Gardner, Projects Coordinator C I T YST U DIO V IC TOR IA City of Victoria Royal Roads University Todd Thexton Director, School of Business, Royal Roads University CIT YSTUDIO ABB OT SFORD City of Abbotsford University of the Fraser Valley Larissa Horne, Experiential Education Coordinator, UFV Alison Martens, Continuous Improvement Coordinator, City of Abbotsford Liana Thompson, Director, Centre for Experiential and Career Education, UFV Craig Toews, Vice President, External, UFV Katherine Treloar, General Manager, Innovation, Strategy and Intergovernmental Relations, City of Abbotsford Allison Pye, Business Improvement Manager, City of Abbotsford Maureen Wideman, Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning, UFV C I T YST U DIO DU R HA M Region of Durham Durham College Ontario Tech University Trent University Durham - Greater Toronto Area Durham Regional Police Service Alison Burgess, Manager, Corporate Initiatives, Region of Durham Daniel Sparks, Research Coordinator, Region of Durham

Sandra Austin, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Region of Durham CIT YSTUDIO LOND ON Hosted by Pillar Non-Profit Network City of London Brescia University College Fanshawe College Huron University College King’s University College Western University Mischa Schlemmer, Manager, CityStudio London Michelle Baldwin, Executive Director, Pillar Nonprofit Network Nikky Manfredi, Communications and Engagement Coordinator, CityStudio London Caitlin Villeneuve, Resource Development, - CityStudio London James Chan, Projects Coordinator, CityStudio London Jacob Smith, CityStudio Research Intern, CityStudio London C I T Y S T U D I O WAT E R L O O City of Waterloo Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) Ehaab Abdou, Assistant professor, Limited Term, Global Studies Department Alex Latta, Associate professor, Global Studies Department, WLU Heather Montgomery, C3 (Campus | City | Community) Innovation Labs, Practitioner-in-Residence, WLU Alicia Sliwinski, Associate professor, Global Studies Department, WLI Adam Lauder, Manager, Growth Management, City of Waterloo Sally Little, Executive Officer to the CAO, City of Waterloo CIT YSTUDIO MONTREAL Hosted by Espaces temps. City of Montreal Concordia University Maison innovation sociale Concordia University Jason Ens, Executive Director, Academic Policy, Planning and Strategic Initiatives, Concordia Maude Lecourt, Senior Lead, Cities and Partnerships, Concordia Nadia Bhuiyan, Vice-Provost, Partnerships and Experiential Learning, Concordia Vincent Chapdelaine, Executive Director, Espaces Temps Raphaëlle Bilodeau, Project Manager, Espaces Temps Samuel Rancourt, Program Manager, Espaces Temps Phédia Gottot, Innovation and Experimentation Team Leader, Ville de Montréal Marie-Andrée Rodrigue, Innovation and Experimentation Advisor, Ville de Montréal Patrick Dubé, Executive Director, Maison innovation sociale Nathalie Rodrigues, Project Manager, Maison innovation sociale CIT YSTUDIO C ORNER BRO OK City of Corner Brook Grenfell (Memorial University)

Jennifer Buxton, Regional Engagement & Experiential Learning Coordinator, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University Dr. Roza Tchoukaleyska, Assistant Professor, Program in Environment and Sustainability, School of Science and the Environment, Memorial University CIT YSTUDIO BENDIGO City of Greater Bendigo La Trobe University Melissa Kennedy, Lecturer, Community Planning and Development, La Trobe University Marcus Morse, Senior Lecturer/Program Convenor, Outdoor and Environmental Education, La Trobe University Chris Rowlands, Senior Innovation Officer, City of Greater Bendigo Julie Rudner, Program Convenor – Community Planning and Development, La Trobe University Andrew Quek, Senior Engagement Coordinator-Bendigo Campus, La Trobe University Trevor Budge, Former Manager, Regional Sustainable Development, City of Greater Bendigo Robert Stephenson, Former Head of Bendigo Campus, La Trobe University CIT YSTUDIO LO GAN City of Logan Queensland University of Technology Stacey Martin, Projects Coordinator, CityStudio Logan Paulette Oldfield, City Transformation Program Leader, Logan City Council CIT YSTUDIO OSLO City of Oslo University of Oslo The Oslo School of Architecture + Design Norwegian University of Life Sciences Oslo Metropolitan University BI Norwegian Business School Jennifer Vallee, Project Manager and Founder of CityStudio Oslo Gro Bjørnerud Mo - Pro-Rektor, UiO Solve Sæbø, Pro-Rektor of Education, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU Are Bye-Andersen, Senior Adviser, UiO Malin Gjellestad, Senior Adviser, City of Oslo Department for Business Development and Public Ownership Sebastian Peters, Head of Department of Urban and Regional Planning, NMBU Anita Schjølset, Head of the Section of Public Administration and Governance at the Oslo Business School, OsloMet Lisbet Harboe, Institute Leader, Institute for Urbanism and Landscape, AHO Jemima Garcia-Godos, Vice Head of Department, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO CIT YSTUDIO BR ANTFORD City of Brantford Wilfrid Laurier University


C I T Y S T U D I O VA N C O U V E R S O C I E T Y S T A T E M E N T O F O P E R A T I O N S F o r t h e Ye a r E n d e d A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 ( u n a u d i t e d ) GLOBAL SHARING





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Our People


DUANE ELVERUM Executive Director & Co-Founder

MIRIAM ESQUITIN General Manager & Vancouver Program Director

ILEANA COSTRUT Senior Projects Coordinator

KATIE MCDONALD Communications & Engagement Coordinator

ALIX LINAKER Canadian Network Coordinator

HAN TRAN Administrative Coordinator

KELLY GARDNER Projects Coordinator

MUMBI MAINA Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Fellow


DYLAN COHEN Board Vice Chair

BILL DOW Board Member

PAUL MOORE Board Treasurer


JANET MOORE Board Member & Co-Founder



DEREK GENT Board Member

DOUG SMITH Board Member & COV Ex-Officio

BRAD BADELT Board Member & COV Ex-Officio

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