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This CHA and CHIP process utilizes the Mobilizing For Action through Planning and Partnerships Process (MAPP) as a planning framework. This community-driven strategic planning process helps to apply strategic thinking to prioritize public health issues and identify resources to address them.

Through all phases of this CHIP, the West Allis Health Department and key partners are dedicated to:

Engaging community members throughout the process

Including local public health system representatives throughout the process

Addressing social determinants of health and equity

Using quality improvement or quality planning techniques

Leveraging local and state resources

The MAPP Process has six phases for the CHA/CHIP:

Organize for Success & Partnership Development

The CHA process consisted of organizing and engaging partners to collect and analyze comprehensive data about our West Allis and West Milwaukee communities.


After the organization phase is completed, a collaborative process is used to establish a shared community vision.

The Four Assessments

Following planning efforts, qualitative and quantitative data is collected and compiled from surveys, focus groups, and local/publicly available data sources. CHA assessment data was published in September 2022.

Identify Strategic Issues

Using this data, a CHIP steering committee meeting made up of key partners, stakeholders, West Allis Health Department staff, and community members was held in October 2022 to identify and prioritize the top 3 areas of focus for the 2023-2027 CHIP cycle. During this step, the issues were identified by exploring the CHA data and undergoing the MAPP Process.

Formulate Goals and Strategies

Once the areas of focus were identified by the steering committee, participants were asked to identify and formulate goals, objectives, and strategies related to those issues.

Action Cycle

This phase helps the community partners and members put strategies into action, to ensure sustainable improvement and change.